HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-31, Page 4THES'1;,AFC?% 1 kl NEWS MEDiCAL DIt g, 4 ylpndQ*06 04e14 QtLctiannte t lRetsaphasyesAl[ootlofxnEp4eatsp, , Star, NolAo IMO Threat, Oifiee and eeHdeuoe behind Demtuioa Sault, rhQne No, 1. Reeidenlle ?Ilene No, 100 Dr, FI 3, BURROWS Seatertb Cutts and tea ldensee•-Goderioh Btreet, east of the Vette oritat Church Coroner for County of Noon Telephone N1. •W. RS, $COT1 .4 N KAYI Rltysiel3ne 311d Llsur00e0e Goderto1106r001 opposite Meths• Church. Sealorth, Oco'n. grndnate Vietarla end Auu Arbor, tud Member of coterie College of Pbyal0lena and Surgeons, Cortuler for county of Huron. ec&ee,honor graduateTrinity Uulverslty, ofilPseeaa0100,tmbcr collegeot yiiuind 108Co lt, OEO. tI0iLN:t1AN, c)stea�lthle Speoiaitst in latios end Children s 11000800 od �rs, Ear.ye,N troubles. Mute �et chronic Mord era, Ear, Eye, Naso and Throat Adenoid r0• moved withstitt 011(00.1 Consultation tree. NoeTo 90107. a-111. 000 That ;Friday 83,10, to spm Marriage licenses n1aoF;itl forth Insurance I OtAOlitnii it trg3 Are yme considering insurance, Life or Accident? Them are, a postcard will get our taboo. .i. D. HINGIlILISY, Gen erel Agent for London Life Inauaence Co,. nd smear al Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. Fames Watson Bell!, and 'dealerite ala Sewiingtinsurance Machines. Agent, Main Street, fleaforth, 'TIIE McKILLOP Mutual Pira Insurance Co Perm and isolated Town 'property Only insured. OFFICERS 1 ha. t'ovanl.y. t,ederich, President, .10010v Evans, lteeehwnod, Vice•Prasident,'rnomas Hays, Seaforth. Hae: Tress Directors D. F. McGregor. Seatortht John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rinn, Constance' John Benneweio, Brodghegen• Robert Ferric, Constance; Malcom Mc'wo, Clinton; ti McCartney Seaferehl 30®es Connolly, Goderlch l les. Evans. Seechwood Agents Alex. Leitch, I'Iarlack; E. Hcar4ley. Seafotth' ?Mem Chesney, Egmondvfle• 1. W. You golimesvUle; R. G. Jermouth, BiodhageoI Jame IKar and John Govenlack, Seaforth, written. Parties desirous to effect Insunmse er tram's - other business 01111 be promptlyttended co Y application to any of the above o�cen. address Ile their respective posto9lces. f ElaGei2 011014 W8DAST'll ,lilC®23 ot$,ffigtwn' '1111th'S LLNIMEldTVDt+ –'LIIJ,TED-- IS% it:assent-a C CRIc1ite i0,, e The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold 1S ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN 9T. SEAFORTH, ONT• Phone es Evening 127 10,1 SUBSCRIPTION 1) 01 dollar per year. etrtctly to *ere nee t! not paid In adwa1100, ono d911.0.0 and a hall will be ohergeCL United Staten pepers, fifty cents extra, wieldy in ad vented, , When subscribers chaauge their address notice should be 'lent w Immed1ate1y, 01•111111 both the old and the aero address. Sub, scribers will confer a favor by notifying us of any trregulatlty of delivery, Rending I'0otioes—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money Is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tux NAws without charge, The price for the loser. tion of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties having 110 contract for display advertising, and FIVE teats per line each Insertion to those having display contracts, rending notices. Card o! Tan1entertainment lines, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, official and Govern. went Noticoa—Ten cents per line for Bret Insertion end five cents per line for each sub0eeue. insertion. Yearly curds—Professional Cards, not exceeding one Inch, tvUl be Inserted for SS .ed ler Year, savable strictly In advance Display Ldvertleing—Rates furnished un application, "Advertisements ordered for insertion, wUntU forbid," and those sent without written instructions wUl appear until risen orders ere received for their dis- continuance. Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied ccom- orm bliby ccation, writer's t ae s guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no re1pon• Ability whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on re11- ercepttae'paid adveerttleing. plainly mark d as such. The rate for such matter is ten cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HURON .NLWS The Crenbrook Post Office will be closed on October stet and all its pat- roue will be served by the r0ral mail delivery, It is over 00 years since this Post Office was established, Alex Fraser of Ilenfoyn was struck by the I000motivo of the 0 T, 12, train at the miming in lienfryn and instantly killed on Monday afternoon of last weokr Mr, Fraser had evident- ly misjudged the speed of the express and was almost olear of the track when the engine oaught hint, Death wag h . stantaneeus as his skull wag badly 0r11siled, I GeneralOhserdations _ 1 A Chance For Canadian Consumers Consumers cf Canada have now an opportunity of ascertaining v,holber the prices they pay for foodtu8'e are reasonable and fair or possible extor- tions by alleged profiteers. All they have to do in each municipality In Canada is to ask their municipal coun- cil to appoint a Fair Prise Committee to investigate the prices asked by re- tailers and to draw conolueioue as to wLether these prices are fair and rea- sonable These Fair Prise Committees will then publish their findings in the forst of lists. In tide , ay the eousllmel'e will make ems whether they are payitlg p1100s which are unreasonable and unfair or not. It may be that the prices whioh Committee considers to be fair and 00 All teaset.abte will not 1:e to 7.1nwer t11an Merits f the present prices charged by retailers. 01 Ln some cases they may be higher, JfiOartl sn But that d' es nor rerd bather tho con Liniment an '.''-r 0 t ..g ne 1,e is satisfied t* rough t., 11.{ !ig'tire r. tit. imla 1x1: Fair ;Hoe .. it .e;t!' ten ere f.s real: 111101.1• For Sale r n t i "� r j �h c� Y f W. L. ri V. tip . Se ci f 'art e • P'i1F(15 I sU 11;. •, ttl"y: 'h.i t. tl'' ••ne,a letll'iat:e:l lit L1 . 1 1ee e, rees, ;11ti. e ',41111 Ltl- ,,r1 at,: .et:yiltl 1(1 >, .115 e' ., 1 1• i nr , f t " ,,i ..0 !, 114. il- t., io by • 1 ,.1 or_n cipa 1'11on (,loin. i., . .. y ;, , .: it , nit111 ,.hat 1 , p,:�,r,..,(jj , , p' 10, Price- 1111:::lee .til 1'x2 11111 .glomi t tS 010 171 food L tittle ' r 2:t Jr: most In l 1 'a:' i• ..:1v t lrtirlet.t to c lettest ,t p i' . , ,•i it Fair Price Llrrutnti.:e, s tLlt;nul. i .r. n C r 3 i; i,. Il. t0 55. i .,twat Without €li props It firs- . ., synth of sdvera ti ,ilh i5 like a i motor without the . power. . . . . tit.; that inti find 0. suttltiou bufu"a Se- north News I NlW tTISI*i tNTS win supply the reiuired energy 0)0ye111 114 eveninge12./ the pro,' r of tn'11' 5.x1. Fit:.r' 1 rrre UV111rt. .'8 i± vomit Jnl,ed out of hand. It s: ,1 r„le to 01,111 t rt 111.11 S„e-r'r 2 V ' "1,,.i ler (111, riil;t dir.•etlia. 1 similar pru;;lei1 11.4* been 1tfeotetl11 me 1'rited 0,1.004. na iu } 9111101 of Whiskey deity for 22 days, whilst those of the other equitd.• rove were given none, The latter sgltedrone had from 22 to 44 oasee eaoh of induct/se, whilst the squadron treat. Sit with quinine developed only 4 cases Inhalations of oil of euoalyptue, thyme' oil of mountain pine and the tike aro ales valuable as preventives, To survive the dangers of the battle front, to rotaru to civilian life and then to Succumb to iniluenea Nae the peon]. Mr fate of a Goderioh young than, Geo 1'llonlpeou, whose death occurred loot week Be 0100 one of tho first to enlist from Ooderinh and was wounded at the second battle of Ypres, He returned to Canada in November 1915, Anoth or cireomstanoe whioh adds to the sad - nese of the event was that he was about to bo married and Saturday of last week had been the date set for the wedding. Mr, Onslow Crich of Clinton reoeived word that his youngest eon, Victor Crich, had won the Miltary Medal d111•• ins the big drive about the beginning of September, Be only reached his 20111 birthday in October. He enlist- ed as a private in the 061st Hurons He was also promoted to the posit- ion of Lauoe Corp. while in tis trenches. Word came by telephone from Col. born** Township into Goderioh last week that two men had entered a house near Nile, demanding food and acting in a lough manner. Chief Postlewaite went out in an automobile to appre• bend them, he came across them 0: a side road and ordered them to get Ln the car. In reply each of the pair pulled a revolver and the Chief was told to get In the oar himself and get away. As the pair had the better of the argllmellt the chief returned to Goderioh for help but when he return- ed they were nowhere 111 sight and up to the present have evaded all search- ers. INFLUENZA Some Interesting Facts about Its History, Prevention and Treatment Iufluonze, whioh is now sweeping over Canada, from one end to the other, ie a very old disease. It was known in the ancient times, aid as early as I510 it over -ran the whole civilized world, For centuries it has periodically swept over 1arion5 parts of the world, The last world epidemic wits in 7889.1590 when it was general ly known.by the French name of la grippe, The disease has always travel• led (runt 0038 to wee`,. How To Treat It When a person is struck by illtiuenzn only one 0011050 lies open. That la to take to bed with the levet possible de - ley, and call a doctor, Refer, warmth and quiet are three sovereign remedies of the primary disease, and the hest preventive of its more deadly 0000- (145103 ti 0fl8 of which pneumonia ie the most frequent While there is GO apes. ilio for influenza, yes there are limey druge whioh play a useful part in re- lieving it, 81105 as quiuitle, aspirin and various tonics, anti neuralgia, auti00p- tia and heart medicines, to be proscrib- ed by the physician in charge, What To Eat The dietetic rules which apply to guy fever apply equally to iuflneuza. Li- quid foods at first, Bolide a little later on in a gradually ascending scale from lightly boiled fresh eggs to chicken, roast joints, oto. Water, sold or hot may be sipped or"egg water" may be given, Thia excellent dish is prepared by blending with a pint of sold water, the whipped whites front 2 to 4 eggs, flavored with salt or 011 11omon, Then the animal- broths may bo given. There are many cages 111 whioh oven the ligheet foods are spurned with loathing and 0011.1111011 881150 !mist be used in adapting diet to the particular case iu hand, Precautions Against Influenza (1) The seek should be separated from the healthy, This is espeoially impor tent in the ease of first attacks in the household, ,2) Discharges from the nose and month should not be allowed to get dry on a pocket handkerchief or inside the house, office or factory, They should at once bo collected in paper or clean rage and burned, if this cannot be done, they should be dropped into a vessel containing water. (3) Infected articles and rooms should be cleansed and disinfected, Use disinfectants everywhere, Wash the hands frequently. (4) Those attaoked should not, on any account, mingle with other people for at least a period of ten days from the commencement of the attack, In severe oases, they ehonld remain away from work for a longer period, (o) Special attention should be given to cleanliness and ventilation. Warm clothing should be worn, the feet should bo kept dry and all 1111100 cessary exposure avoided, SYMPT OMS Yl a g4t11pt"me ase similar to diose o, a to—,a07 01)lrl; I11Vt8 111' ICFs - severe I', cold it, 111 1tead and throat, titer of ^nelzing, 1111810/1 face. e11i11o, eel i•c 1141.1 Mattis 31.1 the back and limbs mc' in the c3 ,-hs111 'Old bettit tl the ,.1 ;tl 111 a'cal d.'pr0ssion, anti tum r:. tor, milts- tolo'tnreen1111 1.111: 1'4 {:gfroe, Bow to Prevent it.. As it 10:aurlr 311 alc1 ilki.31.1, doctors has atnlallt h•arnott v. great ileal anon ns urevenii. n and treatment. ptit tl,,l" of I' e1rulirn is to itnei. aw+y front thea' it,lreted, anti tt'' 1.0crllt•reslet- i+i;; to cf, tin, I city by eating mound) dr:Bele 1cmtortably, gets- ,_ t:. .'1 11i1?t•p, end by living in the at: and iu 11 iiht, well-ven• 1:,^.','t ,,,stun ns 11111104 1,8 posdihl0, , tnon11,, throat and 1.0'O 5110111(1 b0 i evet 018ltiealty and fregn,'l,tiy disfu- zed 1... eelileptie t13,;th,tiutn8, aprayg t1,'.ti elle us m1d o;t>it15, Such 1 11u , ehlor('tu110 and Listerine are well adaht- .11 for (11)0 pup's,- . 111 fighting previous Y.pidtuning, doe- ' tuts found Tanjne it 1100In0 preventive. In. grunt ,:r sulphate of quinine mixed 1.1,11 (hut not cdiesoiwed in) a wineglass- ' 1ui of cold water makes an excellent 37/Literate gargle. The anti•nlicrohie 11.1 ernes of quinine aro well known 1r,e to us•• as decanted above at once . relieves e the Spurtor18 of gore throat, wl.loh 1,14111 frim the strain of 111e tight between the white blood corpuscles and the invading genus in the tensile -- Vo 0,1 n ensile-- 0,0,1' of title Urtir r-,n-Co1,nwi, mn i i;'i'ttlrs t appon;t b'a'r I'toe'' 1'010,1 1118) s 11 1 — v.'sTlgAta thF 1.rt1, 11 ('fll,a1r111e14 hnv,! to pay, 1;e0 (1. 0111 1 1 L_.17 that 0:11 },0 peen to the li.,dinga, In this way 1.414) li0 opinions may be trusted to e0.0per• Rio in ail t,atiunal foul efforts if it kliowa the facts. 40., 000 always give anything a thorough trial once, A safe and sure medicine for a aril troetbled with worms is Mother Graeae %Vertu Exterminator, 1 the body's first lint' of defence, (gni• nine is also 511811 internally with 0110- 1 thea es a preventive. in one of the more recent 0urhrea10 fn Europe, all expeljlnent {VAN tried in which the mon d 2,1 0u1 eguadrnu of a regiment of t:ay. airy ne1H their ;peen 71 5101110 of (lain. Auction Sale of Farm lands in the Township of McKillop There will bo offered for sale by pub - lir. l.uotiol, at the Queen's Hotel in the 'l'oo'n of 5eaforth on Saturday the 16;5 day of `ovouth,ar 1018 et 2 P. 1t1, by Mr, Thomas .iolnas llro{cn. ttnetinnrer the following lands, namely - 1 The east hkif of Luc 17 In the :3r ii , :r.;;e ion of the Toonshil, of 1Io. lit•i''p, 2ttd—The south half of Lot 17 isl the 2nd i 1l1. 8•'101, of '1111i.'5'ow11511ip of hli- ha!1 p 3:d —'the sonthtn'I0 twenty acres of the west heli of L, t 01, in tint '81,11 (, mc.s01,,n of ti,''1'nw,,olulr lop 4111 - The northerly ii acres of Loi 1e in thio let (orrc: ao•t of th(' Towns1il,of McKillop, iLR11YW1t 5ALE The puri h t1[.1 nt the time of sale will lie required to )ay to the Vendor pay Vendor or his 5uh0itnr n (1epoidt, equal to tan per i1111t of his puroba89 mousy and a Notelet. stint to melte up eu', ha:f of his 5(1105000 money within thirty tiers thereafter, end to exectltc a mortgage Upon the land 01(1 chased for the }etl- nnr0 of his pnrchneo money payable in five years with i11terei(t'at six p r 0111,[ per annum. The purchaser will Alan be 1'0lnil'od at the tuna of sole to 84511 11' agreeitim(t for the completion of his purchase. Further par'iculars anti conditions of sale will be made known en the Clay t'f -ale, =tad in the meantime may he oh- 0%it "'1 11111,01 application to tl,e 1111,1or• LIt 1d At. 5,ntferth this 2Gth clay of Or•toher 1918. H01. MlesT1le, NolIcltol for the Vendor, Tit srl'4 aY' °mo11cr Build up the Mihty National Ford VOR fifty years the Teuton d' peoples have been trained, disciplined, whipped, into servile cogs of' an implacable military' machine, by which is maintained the Prussian doctrine of might, drftd the $raiser's autocracy. The Teutons 'deny themselves, they make sacrifices, because they are trained or forced to do so, but they do it. The peoples of the Allied nations must make great sacrifices and tremendous efforts in order to defeat the enemies of freedom, but because they are free peoples it is left largely to the individual to say what or how much self-denial each will practice. So if freedom is to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be greater than the forced sacrifices of the enemies of free- dom. rr HE measure of your love of freedom is your willingness to deny yourself so that the strength of the nation for war effort will be increased. This self-denial must take the form of money-saving—thrift. Each person knows in what way he or she may save. The national need says you must save, but free Canada leaves it to you to say by what means and to what extent you will save. ',it is for you, each of us, everyone of us to say how much patriotic endeavor, how much loyal sacrifice we will make by saving our money, by [`doing without” so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nation's strength. No matter how small the surplus it is important because each saving is an effort made, and many small individual efforts make the mighty national force. Published under the authority of the Minister of Finance of Canada. 19 Fiefs for the Busy Mee, Yolk .if I u I,rid;•r tvtn is 1 0 Maurice Ch0{'r*aUx the real inventor 51ars of 11qt 19 1111iS !CIS' ring n oks fur of the dirigible for 16411 Count '/.cp- the soldiers n„lac of wlr,•,r nvo grand- ilin took world credit b1,e jest died in .no- of thi' line w•,1111n, 1!'e' Neely Paris. ' now lig.. six ?•v,erti,itr, e Ifni! Iliooitrille makes tt:,. 5,,,,l boast that she has not a sing! cum-, , f 't1'1 Phis is a 0080 r,here itis .well tint iu tho fashion. Five 7einlg ladies whose average t. one h01)1e 111 1'-'N Yl''t at (5tl L age 83 3 f• Lietewcl Mat 010111 anti had ten tngtetl! 3, 1 t (0110 au unigne gathering. lee eineer .1 , i{ 11 1 1`. 111 ' f 4', r - n eaye rh ,rl ,,,10 4: r, 1, -:1Lh tnl 111 ,'; of n 1. 1190 -lit to -'.t , :.. t1 I 10 r'+. m-Aeo.'.'=sa-sr.:>nvm Win. 11:x.tier-s=au.rpt'»via++'",.m me a^...stesmm-,neust=>z witer'r.ma V'lilith`o Presbyterian Sunday 8nt;'ee '..;q pm, bnnrlav 5,,hool L 15p In Pray'' r mnatinti. 10 811ay 8 p, 11. 14 C lr,st Wed. • as 1340 nsta nee !i5 Itltodast !t»v, 'L'. E, Sawyer, palter. timidity weenie 2 31) p.m. Young POuple'n Lea- t'1.s.3.130 pan 511111a7 'v I=ee11's 4-rxil 9ry first Ces t dsy ofevery 111011th Ly :30 p.m, Undine' Aid last'Cl'u'+,lap of aooioh month 2.30 p,m First Presbyterian lt0t•, L', H, Larkin „Pastor, Sunday eervieee 11 a.m. and 7 p n1, 5nn1ley. school 2.30 pan. Prayer meeting. 'fhnradey, 7, 43 p.m. Wnmeu's 15111=8- 10ilury Society`the first l'ueeday in each month at 3 p.m. Barbara I+irlctnan i11i 011,1 Sand 3rc1'r11osllay'lit the month nt 7.30 p,m, Sunshine Mission Banti every 21c1 Monday at 4.15. p.m. "•.-'.TMs_.".'_ McI'1flop Presbyterian Rev. 1) Oarawell pester :'ilutday. services Duffs' ohnroh 11 a m Pl 1111104 school 10 a,m Prayer meeting Wed - nestle)/ '. l..nestiny 8 p.m. women's Missiotler0 Society last Fritlny in 00011 1)1111101, at o'uloisk, I t to t , f.,.i.h �I'''n, • it+” .' ':' 1... d '•Jan'(ty$' Ji C'. 4. 1t*0itRe;s1'iES St, James' Church, 11)11, Father 11, F, Goetz L Y. • 1 rl ,i"N n 1 a i fit„b Mass 10,110, Smi ,. 511;1 ,, 3• p. m. Vespers and ll,•m,'du'rne, ,.1 an L'Ieee. ed Saornmont5T p, nl. St. Thomas' Rev. T, H. Brown, Rector, Sunday sor0Oes 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Huuday eehoo 1 2,30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association,, '.Tuesday 2.3(1 t, m. Ohildre11'sbr'aneh Saturday 2 p.m. nteroeseioll se1'viees every Phitreday, .0 p,n1, Methodist Rev, 11. D, AI n3e,'. pastor SUNDAY : 0110.,1 at 111:nfl a. 111, Public 511819„ 1 I a 181 :':',1 7 1, rn Prayur Aii:et(1-41 1' uOda g ,1111 "For the Blood 1s the Life.” WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any dlaawse due to impure, blood ouch 3.8 Eoxema, 80r00M1a, 804100 Bad Lags, Abacoosos, Ulcers, Glandular Swol Il ago, Bolla, Pimples, Sores of any kind, Piloe,Bioad Poicon,Ithoumatlam, Gout, ate., don't wa.te your than and money en lotions and .mnneut, x'hich ennot get below the atufaco of the ,kin. What you want a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood ,e ,f the inhuman. matter which' alone is the true r „ e of all your suffering. Clarke. Blood t \lioture l.jus, such a Medicine. It is composed f ingredients which quickly expel from the Li•. ,d 111 impurities, from whatever cave* arieing, 1111 by r ulering it clean anti Pure, CU) 011 relied on to ettett a lasting w1 , xm,o„lair, P t >I rm,rot d.rtrd, �; 010101 rcnre' i� a,ricsa. Pietake.aannt le by ell cond I'(.1 G 11 w-:.�,+w°”" >1 S, ,t'w{..a 011.tes��w ALL _1 SKIN 6 61000 DISEASES. • x.x utas _'r'sse.nyt:.. ,esaLs :: emer.,sa!evntoioni Clarke 1( e ood ildtai Salvation Army Lieut, Uoherty and Vevey V, bitfirld Holiness meeting 11 a,m. Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 pen. Childrene Servute—Directory el mei 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p m. Week night Meetings—Wednesday Prier meeting 3 1\m . eglnondville, 1lre,,byterlo Rev. el 11(:11":1„ t1 nen•or 1 , •n•', • 41'''" 11.11 ,,,., t 11r n , ,1 -, i• . ,.,' u, 't „1••,., 11 .,,,,., •,. r j 1 n „1 : , 1 r" ' 1111 1;, r,