HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-31, Page 1Seafort
The ews
SEAFO RTH1 ONTARIO TH131- 7 ,Y, 0e'I eBER .911 1) R 3
New Series Vol, 3I No.42
Canadian Granite
Since the importation of Eur-
opean granite has been re-
stricted, our CANADIAN
GRANITES are being devel-
oped at an amazing rate, and
are equal in color and texture
to any imported granite,
The Seaforth Monumental
Works handles the best grades
9Al.E. ehapanlla',Prop ,
Seaforth Monument Works
1T'b e. TREAT
Everybody, young and old people
appreoiatd the delightful, uineu-
el Havering, " The rich quality
and abaohtte parity of
are reasons why you should pat-
ronize us. When you want ice
cream we serve the best in town
under the food hoard order,
Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Country Cream aid Beer bruits.
Mrs. Goo. Gook Dead
After an .11lueee of four weeks of
typhoid fever followed by pneumonia,
Laura Hobbs, wife of George L. Cook,
aon of Fred Cook of Clinton, pawed
away in the Mmint Hamilton Hospital
on Friday last, The body was brought
to Clinton and the funeral was held
from the home of Mr, Fred Cook on
Tuesday afternoon, interment being
made in the Clinton cemetery. The
late Mrs, Cook was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Hobbs of St Marys,
formerly of Londeaboro, She ware
married 12 years ago and for over a
year conducted a store in Clinton, lat-
er residtug in Seaforth and for the
past year have reeided M Dundee.
Marie Martin
Influenza claimed Miss Marie Martin
adopted daughter _ of Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Martin on Saturday last at the
age of 22 years. She was night oper-
ator m the telephone office and was ill
only a short time. The funeral was
held on Sunday.
As an instance of how science and industry have co-operated in helping to win
the war, it is interesting to note that Sir Thomas White, K.C,M.C,,, Minister of
Finance, has made a special "Hie Muster's Voice" Record for tate purpose of
actually informing the Canadian Public 10 his Dietl voice concerning the need of
the second Victory Loan,
J Science has thus made it possible for the voice of the Finance Minister to be
heard in thousands of places in every part of the Country at the same time.
The s ecial
recording latstl ettlaborator es ofon shows Sir lthe aBerliner hGram o --ph ne Compeny,t in the act " as he made ttLimited,
Montreal. a
Miller'e Worm Powdere attack worms
in the stomach and intestineu at once,
and no worm 0011 come 10 contact with
them end live, They also comsat the
unhealthy conditions in the digestive
organs that invite and encourage worme
setting tip reactions that are moat be.
nefiofsl to the growth of the child.
They boa attested their power in
hundreds of eases and at all times ere
thoroughly truetworthy. .
John Eldon Bullard
Christmas Boxes
So many have asked me for sugges-
tions along the line of boxes, for the
boye, so to save time 1 will write a few
lines for publication. You have not the
slightest oonoeption how your boxes
are appreciated in ,the hospital's. Fol
the last two years I Neve had the euvi.
able pleasure at the Ohrietmes sea -
sone of distributing gifts among the
boye in the wards, The eager eyee
and outstretched hands make you re.
joioe to think you have something to
Of course, arnica are a welcome sight,
and if the women hero could sae just
what I have seen, they would never
grow weary of knitting, There is one
drawback just here: The distribution
is not equalized sufhioiently, The
socks should be more equally divided,
ae some of the sturdier hoepitale do not
receive sufficient to go around. by any
means, I have sometimes had about
a dozen pairs to hand out to nearly
eiirty men in my hut, and that is a
greatetraiu on the sister as on the
boys who have to go on their bare feet
until their worn socks are dry again
after they have been washed. In some
of the larger hoepitale the supply ex-
ceeds the need, and that is why the
smaller ones should be more partionarly
looked after, Soap is scarce; the boyo
are always asking for soap. Tooth
brushes are badly needed also tooth
paste and shaving soap are always wel-
comed with a cheer.
A pipe and tobacco will lighten the
heaviest heart, and gives hone of com-
fort to our boye, When packing your
boxes do not hesitate to send ciga-
rettes. Those scruples which Boise ad-
here to Bo rigidly would be quickly over
ridden if they could once see the de-
jection and disappointment on some of
those poor tortured faces when there
are no cigarettes forthooming. One
could write at length on• the occasions
when those same cigarettes have
brought a moment of solace) in a time
of torture and diatreea. "Give me a
fag" Sieter, and you would give worlds
Another 161st boy makes the su-
preme sacrifice, Mr. John Bullard re
eeived the sad message on Monday,
that hie eon john Eldon Bullard had
died of his wounds in 18 General Hos-
pital Dames Cameriue France on Oct.
24th, Pte. Bullard was only a boy
and when the urgent appeal was made
for recruits, he volunteered his servioee
and signed up in the least Huron .Bat-
talion. Ho crossed to England with
the Battalion and remained there train.
ing for some time, He was finally
transferred to the 43rd Cameron High-
landers and went to France where he
took part in the heaviest fighting dur-
ing September and on Oct. 3rd was
reported wounded and admitted to 18
Goueral Hospital France, Later he
was reported dangerously i11 from
wounds and a last cable saying he had
died on Oct, 24th,
James F. Reid
bravely aid with trusting hearts till
wo too are called to that happy home
for which, God grant, we may be pre
pared, We commend you to the love
of that God in whom we believe, even
our Father in Heaven. May He oom-
fort yon in your sorrow end give you
His overtaking peace,
"When there was no eye to pity and
no arm to save, Thine eye pltieth and
Thine arm brought salvation,
' Neil A Taylor, '"''''""
W. B. Hawkins,
H. Gidley,
,I. A. B, Elliott,
Blyth,Oct. stet, 1918.
Robert Stead's New Novel
Robert J. C. Stead, in hie new novel,
"The Cow Puncher," (Toronto the
Mueeon Book Co'. Ltd, , cloth $1 60
hes written a notable book with a
Weetern Canada setting. David F.I.
den, the cow puncher of the story
grows to young manhood on a ranch in
the foothills, outeide the infinence of
olturch or school. • At eighteen he is
accidentally thrown into the company
of a young Eastern girl, who eukindlee
in him the ambition to be sorcebody in
the world,
With this purpose in view, young
llilden leaves the ranch and goes to
make his fortune in a young Western
city. The first night he is swindled
out of all his ready cash by a gang of
card.eharpors, and he takes a job next
Matey in Seaforth were surprised on
Tuesday morning when it beoame
known that James F. Reid had passed
away on Monday evening, for, although
Mr, Reid lied been couftned to the
house Educe he was operated on last
July, his many Mende hoped that his
fine physique might pull him through,
or at least prolong his life. However,
hie malady, a malignant growth on the
lower bowel, sapped his strength and
after four months of intense suffering,
he passed peacefully away surrounded
by ae many of his family, sisters aid
brother as could ranch him. Deceased
was the third son of the late Mr, and
Mrs. James Reid and was born in All-
iston, Ontario, fifty three years ago.
When quite a lad he came to t�',oafortlt
and learned his trade with hie brother
John in Ogilvie's Flour Mill, becoming
their head Miller, whieh position he
held for over thirty years till ho was
compelled to take to his bed' last July,
Ile was a great athlete and held the
championship in putting the shot,
quoits, running long jump, etc, for
Ile married Mies Annie Dawson,
daughter of the late Mr and Mrs, Ed.
Dawson, who with els obildren mourn
the loss of a faithful husband good
father. rhe children are Misses Hazel
and Martha, Dalton and Reginald, at
home, Lieut. W, R. Reid and Bands-
man Dawson Reid overseas, He was
a oonsetvative in polities and a Pres
byterian, also a member, of the Mason-
ic Order and of the Sons of Scotland,
"Jim" as he was known by all was
held in high esteem by Itis friendr•who
knew him for a mall whose word w ae
as good as his bond,
The funeral which .was private was
held from his late residence an Orem
bie Street on Wednesday afternoon
Rev, Dr, Larkin conducting the service
Interment teas in the lideitlandbatr
maruiig as a coal heaver, For a time .ill=e4
it Tooke as though Dave's course would
be downward instead of up, but he fore
tuuately comes under iuflueucee whieh
revive his ambition for self betterment,
About tide time the big western real
estate booms brooks out, and Dave's
coulee is meteoric. His wealth comes
quiokly and goes as quickly, Follow-
fug the collapse of the boom a tragedy
in hid love affairs Bends him Bs an enlist
ed roan to France, In the closing
chapters is found one of the higheet
patriotic notes etruok by any author
during the war.
''The Cow Puncher' is decidedly
worth while, 11 is interesting and re.
freshing, and at timee inspiring, writ-
ten with all Mr. Stead's intimate know
ledge of the Weeb and chit] of delhne.
atton, Through the book runs a happy
cern of humor and philosophy which
is not the last of its oharme, It is
illustrated by Arthur lietnieg, ex -lum-
ber man and North-West Mounted
policeman, and is announced by the
publishers as au ell Canadian
written by by a Canadian, illustrated by
a Cauadiau, and printed and bound in
Canada, It should receive a warm wel-
come from the Canadian reading public
The United States edition is issued by
Warta on the haude is a disfigure-
ment that troubles many ladies, Hol-
loway's Corn Cure will remove the
blemishes without pain.
to have one at hand to place in the
poor trembling fingers, Oftentimes
when the anaesthetic is not to be had,
a cigarette between the quivering lips
helps the patient to endure the exorn
dating pain of an operation.
Oan you pioture the boys grouped b e
fore the oheery fireplaces in the wards
on Christmas night singing songs and
telling stoeiee of home? They all feel
partiotl]arly near the "folks at home"
that night. What could add more to
the enjoyment than the popping of
corn and roasting of apples- Do not
forget to put iu a few cups of popcorn
and some apples. The ohestnut roasts
around the old English grates would be
greatly improved if they had some Can
adieu chestuute to roast. The English
nuts are dry and mealy, end leek the
floret of our Canadian chestnuts,
By this time your boxes are full, I
think, If there are a few speck left,
however, do not forgot to add some
stager and tea, bend boxes often with
many messages of love and cheer to our
heroes, who count not their lives dear
unto themselves,
Mothers Value This 011. Mothere
who know how suddenly oronp may
seize their children nod how necessary
prompt action is in applying relief,
always keep at hand a supply of Dr.
Thomas' Ecleetrio Oil, beennse expel
ienoe has taught them that there is etc
better preparation to he had for the
treatment of this ailment. And they
are wise, for its various 11Bea render it
a rainablemedicine,
Mra. E, Robinson has received the
following sympathetio letter from the
people of Blyth their former home
Te Mrs'. Jessie Robinson, Seaforth'
We, the citizens of Blyth,
wish to extend to you and your child-
ren our heartfelt sympathy in your
very sad bereavement, 11 was a great
disappointment to us that we were not
able to go and express to you in a more
tangible form our sympathy with you
in your sorrow;
During the years you dwelt in our
village, Ernie wee ever ready and will-
ing to help along every good eauee and
in his quiet and unsasumiug way he
won his way into our lasting regard.
Ill mugfoal eirolee especially he always
took a prominent part and we recall
with pleasant niemoriee the many times
be helped with song and iti the band
and orchestra. He hag gone to join
the °boil invisible and we who are left
must just carry 011 and do our par
of rare
quality and
Trimmed with
beautiful Sable
This is a
Coat worth while
$1.50 per year
When You
have to get alp in the
morning, and are not used to
it you need a geed alarm We
hove in stock a fine variety
from $2.00 up, including Big
Ben at $4.00•0 If; you prefer
an alarm that you wind only
once a week, we have the
Columbia 8 -day Marna,
Drop in and see them.
Ifirril Otto ugr
Jour Bilatrllataher & Antrim;
3Janttrr eflurrioge Mrrostee?e,
Business 194
Evenings 10
iThe Store you will always like 11
IB Et a
La= .a..els==eleoneemmeji
Silk and Wool
This is one of
the handsomest
Black dress
materials made
It is very hard
to procure, but
we have it.
$3.50 a yard
.TI Very important Collection of the
New Fall Boats at $10 to $ t0
Realizing there was possibility of a ,curtailment of the
manufacture of women's coats, as well ae a possible
curtaillnent in the use of fur, we placed orders unusttl1y
early, and so are able to offer to our euetomere one of
the most comprehensive collections of Fall garments
this store has ever had the pleasure of showing.
Every desirable wanted etyle of the season is repre-
"Smart simplicity" but describee the character of the
styles, and yet the styles are so developed as to pro-
vide beautiful, distinctive and individual effects that
will appeal to every woman desiring a root of beauty
and practicability,
The coats are made of Broadcloth, Velours and Plush
and are trimmed with plush and fur.
to IA ear with
the New Suits
$14 to $7.50
$15 to $45
These are
conbined with
This model made of a fancy style
contil, has a hygienic support
2 to 53.50
of crepe de chene; flesh, pink, In lace
trimmed styles, Some have ribbon,
$2 to $3
J. J , A CTA VIS .
- SSa/orfl1