The Seaforth News, 1918-10-24, Page 8NOTHING Adds more to the ap- pearance of a man than a neat Hair Cut or Shave If you come to oursanit• ary, carefully conducted parlors, you are sure of every attention. Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Prop MUs1 AL Mies Annie (1, Goveuieck. 'tradaau. 'Csachu•r'e Course t. lulrs:;y ':anadia:, Academy el '11se:, Te rem re -open her classes it, mom. tog:1,. d Theory on September 'tui Pupita will be prep u••.! f.,a l.'s :71111311 ., sdemy and Toronto c tsetwatory X8[11111 at1G1:A Stadia No.+h Male ^.. Help Wanted Help wanted le rdsis -a Ca:radian Flax \r" ;;t wages will be p..f,: ,+' 1F3' lays. (t arIsor f :I lis .fru 1 CORRESPONDENCE Henson Mr, A, S, Case, station agent, has had word that his cousin, Joseph Pase. is dead at Ingersoll. Alr. John Craig is home again from n trip to the west, He reports the props good near his old hamo at Moosejaw, Ptes. Sheppard, Barber and Preat. Dell of this place have been wounded at the front treoe.boa. Sugar beets are now going forward to the factories from thia station. 'The' 03 still prevalaut in this part of the country. Mr, Allam ItAiehert hashed the pain fol news that his seceud sot., George ilio, bse:n killed in France, :teach sym. paths fa felt for the family, Ttle sa~rim NI generously to the call for help and e number of extra boxes were sent to the boys overseas to be given to some who tuight receive no boxes at Christ. Mas time, The Spanish "Flit" is visiting Dublin, Mts. Garrett of London and her sig. ter anent part of last week with her sun at the rectory. Mrs, .1 t', Moore ie here ramuvirg her frirliture to Lotetn where elm will • anti& n future. Mrssnag. Troyer has returned f spending a month in Guelph. Miss Gladys Hardie assisted in an entertaiutuenn iia Botklany and her selections were well rm ceived. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. I Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best flteekle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug etore or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orohard white for a fow eente, Maseage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each clay and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes._ Yeel%4 Is harmlees. e TOM LondesbOro eromarty Alta, D Hay of Stratford was visiting at the home of her nelotives this week. Thanlcagivittg services wore held by the pastor, Mr, John McLachlin has purohased a farm in Tuolteasmith having sold his own here, The family will be greatly missed. Pts Ernie Neal grand sun Alr, W, Dineen is reported Milled in action' Mr, Seim Fingland received weld last week that his Nett Pte, Frank Fiug Land who was reported wounded and dangerously ill, is much improved in health and oral is et present in the Manley Alt. Fred Eckert is instating the Delco syetem withal] the latest light equipment, Ho will no longer be in the dark and will have all his machin- ery run by the power plant, On Saturday mormiug a gloom was cast over the community when it be- came known that another pioneer had passed away Ill the person of the late .Iol'u Manley at the age of 81. H6 was never sick but three years ago be fell ou the ion, breaking las leg and he never repaired the use. Death calve from a wets; eat system. Ho immigra- ted from Ireland with his parents 66 years ago and settled in Waterloo Co, In 1802 the family moved to tMoKillop which then was a dense wilderness and they hewed out a home for themselves on which he continued to live until the end came. He is survived by six bro- thers and one sister, Pat in Iowa, Wm Middlesex ltcsl•ital it Simiand. Esoeloba, Mich, Tom, Minneapolis, Y.ev, and Arra, Reid of Luoknow Mich; ivlartirt, Mein; James, Sea- w•ere in town lett week attending the forth; Dan on the homestead and Mrs .John Lynch of McKillop. funeral the fusers' of the late .Mss Sarah Caldwell. Sir. Joseph Stalker of Ingersoll was speeding a few days in the village vie• msut. iting 11r. 0, Geddes. Aitken of iii lett Mr. Fred Wilson caught the Flu for • Hes. W. E,M, l'1 he was a fast runner, but we hope he lived the servicer in the. Presbyierian will get away from it in the near future Church here on Sunday, 'rho death occurred on October the 9th of Miss Sarah Caldwell who died of a severe shock, She attended Church on Sunday and ou Tuesday eight when she retired was in the hest f health. Miss Caldwell was a dough ter tate late James Caldwell and was • living with her brother on the old home stead, The deceased was a faithful member of Knox Church Londesboro, The funeral was held the following Friday afternoon and was largely et- ud,id by ler many friends of this vie. Uo ai , a l lig which iva• to lie es Fr.das evesit.g los been l:oor- n: l t , int_ to i., Fine. ; . elnle.t,nr, l:n. The funeral took plane on Monday to St Patr'iclts church, Dublin thence to St, ('olumbans cemetery for intet'- LEMON !:1"tC' Alias: 0 beauty. IcSdort for a Sew cent`.:; sena:., tan, 'i. .l.l.a, aellotvneWs. you [Derr 1 taupe and any , Am!. ..toro toil,t, eeatoter t' 11 _nppl' u m leu flc4 0,1 cite rd t_ foil' L let:,,prieiie the j'.ill. of t::rloi 1 07030 1 to _. ottl el.i- 1 put In the 1117.71: uai.e L» '_thio 0111 to a quarter ptlit of the very beet lemon Akin v,l! iicttvr Lind complenlou beautifier known. Massage this fro, grant, creamy lotion daily into the lata, neck, of ma :tut hands and just Neu how ' 1r.el ie _ t la, oillowiatos4 redness and ruugitue,l disappear and bow mouth, /loft and 'dear the rluu Lueemes, Yeaf It is harmless, and the beautiful resu101 s ill eurpriee you. 19 i�p. -- OFF P.��_ p' At.ES OFF d'yD dtF I iii.UR STOPS Fn'. . 5.'.t your HHtaim net a small „ I.• - of Danderine right most• -•Aute stops itc:hiucl scalp. Sloe The . ii I. 1,:. McKillop Save and Economize At no time in the world's history has there been such an incentive to save. By economy in all things those at home can serve their Country. Economize by not spending on non -.essentials or luxuries. Every dollar saved helps. A savings account is the first Step toward real economy. 'bur day Octt)be)' 34 THE °�vt 1 WIG PAN/4;s 491 SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manager, Itirearomit emwatmusataHa searLfreeterrigenr r>natawarri earKaraiett,xlsuir Auction Sale Thomae (lundry has been instt'nnt- ed to Bell by public tuition for Mr I.l, A, Roberton, ml lot 45, Bayfield road, one half -utile below (Milton un Thursday, October, 31st, at 1 o'cloelt sharp, the following; HORSES—Ono good work horse, 6 years old; t good driving horse. (TATTLE --One caw, 6 years cell, with calf at foot; 1 OOW, 9 yeti's old, doe in March; t cow, 8 years old, doe to May; 1 cow, 6 years old. good milker; t onw, 11) years old, clue in April; t two. year-old heifer, with calf at feed 2 blank heifers, to aalvq in February; 2 Durham heifers. to salve in February; 2 grey heifers, to calve in February; 1 Holsteia heifer, to calve in February; Hereford heifers, to calve 1n Murch; 5 steers, 2 years old, good teething{ year lings, 3 good spring calves. One brood sow, 7 young pigs, 6 weeks old. 'i'he above is a choice lot and in prime condition, Guaranteed—Any cow or heifer proving not to he in oalf within thirty days from time of axle. irate or money will be returned, Tories --All sums of $5 and under case; over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes; 3 per cent off for trash on credit amounts. 11. A. Roberton T. Grundy Proprietor Auctioneer We believe the schools are all closed cwiug to the epidemic. A. number of the members of the family of George Bantleiies have beau suffering from influenza. Wo regret to say that Mr. James Martin has been in pour health for some time, ,lames Coots of the Grey boundary had a well attended auction sale, nn Thursday Iasi, Sir Iticolni, Fish( -r 18 on thn sick list from i1i11317.0. We are glad to :.'.l"'•+ -1'e 1:315 1('3 n ne alr.a3hs so far in *ruinthis dioeose, i;e .1:.,iuea u'Lr.lighlin still continua • 1 .,:+.3 1 h,-:.. 31 3.3 1,131 1 ,.'111,33 00,01413 :1,0" 181301 9177': 711' , lop is a .300(10n7, f':, 1171: 1.-r. url,alter, 11is 1 311,1L 111y ires1,11 for brave ul1ltOri aersrAt on the fold, Auction Sale MANUFACTURE OF CIDER 'Winter Rhubarb Can be Produced Cheaply and Conveniently. Tutmips Grou•n on Daily Farm Best Fed to Dry tows, Young Stock and figs. (Contribuutged bytO telorDep rtment of Of Farm Stock and Implements,— Mr. T. Gundry has been iustruoted to sell by public auotiotion lot 41, (mucosa ion 1, London Road Survey, Tucker. smith on Uutobor 24th, 1918, at one o'clock sharp, the following. horses - 1 mare 10 years old, mare 0 yoarc old, r aged horse, Cattle Cow r0 years old to freshen in April, Jersey Cow 9 years old to freshets in -October, cow 5 years old supposed to be in calf, cow 4 years old to freshen in April, one heifer 2 yeate old to freshen in December, 3 'steers a yearn old, 2 steers 1 year old, 11 heifer 1 vtarr old. 3 spring calves, 2 1 stere hogs, number of hens, ler pie, m+11th-11 asses Harris ntower.ilise her. r;lw, . r ,lianl0 13 barrows, hay rake, n" u 1:, 11 iumbrr wagelee. ileiito. 11x1. 1...'. •.top : hp ft, .1 dingle bu.a;ies ,3,,•r. 1110877 power ,rnshm' root pia - per, ialp •• f;ull•n e Drill. 11011tfll•I'. tvegctI 80.31'' .2.,'17173717, 00i•1uit}, nay hair bob- s .'igha. w ;rel bat t'00, 2 sugar kettles, t‘, Lin 0AI..atater, marl}' 111:773, a(1.61.137, ee,t team harness, 2 sets On. gee 1.ai I. oe, crass -tart se,v, wood cook - stove mud 31 rptautity of honseho:ci fur. toe 1111011e13110 to mentio0. Terme— All seine of 'Fre and under casks, over that anlolmt $11111l011the credit on fur llie ling approved joint notes, A 01.4 per tient straight off for oaelf on credit .amounts, No reserve as the proprietor has sold Inc farm, UHAS, W, t'I'IIVENS, 7, GIINDItY Proprietor, .. Anatioueer. \WET cider is unfermented cy apple juice, and hard cider is 'fermented apple juice. To get the juice the apples are either crushed or ground in a cider mill and the juice expressed from the pulp, The fermentation of apple juice, or any other fruit juice, is brought about by the development in it of yeast, Yeast cells are microscopic plants invisible to the naked eye and are always present on the surface of fruit. When the fruit is crushed to get the juice many of these yeast cells get into the juice and if these are not destroyed they will induce ferme)ttation, Consequently, in the manufacture of sweet cider we must destroy the yeast cells -that are present and pre- vent others frons -getting in. The sur- est way of doing this is to pasteurize the juice immediately after it is ob- tained from the fruit and store away in well -sealed containers. In the case of cider the pasteurization pro- cess means heating the juice to 170F. for ten minutes and then filling into containers that have been scalded and can be tightly corked. Care should be taken not to let the tem- perature get above 170F. during pas- teurization or the character of the juice will be injured. The juice Is then stored away at a low tempera- ture to allow it to clear. Bard cider is produced by allow- ing the fresh apple juice to ferment in the cask. The fermentation is nat- urally induced by the activties of the yeast cells that get into the juice from the surface of the apples. As, however, there are various kinds of yeast cells, and also many mold spores liable to be on the fruit which may injure the quality of the cider, spoiling the flavor, it is a good plan to control the fermentation either by that pasteurizing the juice and then adding a good yeast or simply by adding a good yeast to the raw juice as soon as obtained from the apples. —Prof. D. 11. JonesG, C. A. College, Guelph. END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA Ls .3 .1 V. lett is fn liridgehutg With rei.,.trsees of nes 'ua: ! 134111. H ,r .:.t t: t imt1 ,!' lo `- 301 ,,:4t 1' 11/,w j7 ,3,.111 tits, 011,, Bier of 1i130utu has been ar. al t .reit r.r0* gl sd•r g. i 610 the guest of }Tics Margaret Menlo, aro r (,:. d 03, (•'e07t t. If po:•. G esin i1 large ,iitarittltiea continues 311,30, it e3.1(7I1117 g, 1 to l o,, abipp",l from here, Thin, hriiflc olorie-: avid ' t1 Hair 3b suns 1vitleu,Y of a rat „ct,d eo'idpp; of daull•ndi Hutt awful .rutf. There is nothing- se destructive to the hair as daub iii', It. rola the hair of its lustre, it itett t1 and its very life; eventually 1 rorlt 1 ,t fe ce t t: noss and itching of tie: , a'p, which if not remedied u16(a 'i hair r'obta tO drink, loosrn and +'bis iu.11 tier hair. falls out fast, p little bo,rd(rrine to- night---new—env o- alighb—now at v tithe•- fill surely save your hair, 1 „ Get a small ftl T of ttowlt0n's OSander;atul fro. = nt t 80rc. You surely torn Ittlt i l.lt n nl ir' and lets +01 it if you ,ill 1 rt , , .1. little Dun• serine. nsr vl .i Try 311 Air- John `teat t(att has beeiCapi,oint-.I ed- nus of the cll00a71,0r9 for Victory Loan in the to;.nsbip of McKillop. N.1 better 13111111 he 11110131 as he hoe the contid,-ace elf c:vlay 111', Mr. and Mrs, A, lilertiener arm *0334' ag(ait :,i1: ' 11 trip 3.:''hiatlgu and otl,el' MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Postmaster General, will be roceiv- pibl6lR61 I ed at Ottawa until norm, on Friday, "' the 2211,1 (lay of November, 1918, for Mrs, Jame, .*hen 0387 rioting 1,101,tlo tho cunveyattoe of His Majesty's Mails, ill `itratforl ;brief 11,. L•:ant we(,1t. 1,011 11 prupused Contract for four years, Fi s times per week, Over tieaforth No.. "JIFF;9;' n 8l1'17,1;,-711;:;',s:d Mice Alta' I 1 Iln:al I(nn'57 11.001. the 1st of April, Shea, l isitalg ir110131 iu rho vil- rte:e t: during 111:• pad week. Printed notlaes tonntalniing further The Misses 11)1,11 el Stratford have i infotmatiou as to conditions of pro/wis- h-wait visiting Ila:it p' 1,mt1 for a few• rd Contract may hp 31001 and blank days,- 1 fertile of 'render may be 0btaiued at the Post (piers of Soafortlt, and at the fho sur, of fifty dullat•s hue been handed over to the eathulie Army Hnte in France. aura t, letter from Ottawa aelrnuwledges r esipt of the slime' The W. P, S. paeksdChristmas boxes to send to tete boy's overseas last Thurs- day at the home of airs, P. Evans. :The people of Dublin responded very office of the Post Office Inspector. FO:i'r OFFICE INSPECTOR'S UFII'ICt„ London I1tit, October, 1918, CHAS. T, 14, FISHER, Post Office inspector, Ruction Sale Air, 7 (lrnndy will sell by public: auction on lot 38 (ton 7, Hallett, bear Sntnmorhill, on'Tneaday Oat, 29, at 1 sharp, Horses—intuit, 4 years old sup- posed in foal, mare 3 years old, driving mare. colt. Cettlo—bow 6 y'ear's will frcalun• in .January ,cow. 9 years freshen in Starch, heifer freshen in Febrnary, cow 7 years freshens in April, cow 4 yr freshen in March, farrow heifer, 7 steers 2 years old, r, calves, Sheep -16 ewes, 1 rain, is young pigs, 1 sow, 511 hens, Torras—All sums $10 and under cash; neer that amount 0 months cred- it oe approved joint dotes or 3 per cent off for cash. U. L. Tyner Proprietor, "Rape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. 1f what Tee just ate is soaring on your =tonmeh or lira like a It1mp of lrnd. 'or you beleh gal, and eructate scar, undigested fond, "0 have a feeling drat i -: ho,mltlutn, fullu, ss. nausea, bat taste in mouth end etemach-hettd nelu, seu Iii, set 031111 in five minutee by tl uu t4 u,-• a idity. Put au card to oath hio0lach distress now by getting a larse iiftv'rent 00,1, of i'spe'A hiaprp=in from airy drug More."4 Von realize in 131 3 t'lhlll', c 110017 11,,,,,1••,s. 1t is 1., `(73101• from 11 310301 rap (1y .pop'in 01 any ot'.m- uc11 dLs ,t,l. i (111104' by feed fermentation du„ to execsiiive acid in ,40111acb. Wise mothers who know rho virtues of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator always have it at hand, because It prevea it rattle, k Pd6'lllN( MALL Handsome Fall Models In o e s Sioes Every Woman with a Liking -for good footwear, will enjoy seeing our new Fall Shoes, We've the best to be had from the hest Makers, We've made a record foo' being the best store for Women's Shoes and we're. going to sustain it. Street and Dress Boots, in the Season's new models. Slams for style, Shoes far durability, Shoes for com- fort, Shoes for all three features conbined. Give us a call, 11tl 'o r a F�AJ "The Home o4' School Shoes" :7@lltfortll Phone. 51 We will start out 1'hoppire3 again nu 1Ptidav Oc' . 41 h. We it'll chap 'Tuesdays 111111 li'ri,laya tlorio pr 11,1, moat' of October, `itart.,ttg- N, v, r,n we will run feta 41.4s our week l'ne•5dla and \Ved uusjt sly and Pridny and Sat us. day deri',g 311,4 in lot 1110111118 K1(II4E 111,3OS, ' FhWrY,lllt•ilb•, P1)6110 2 on tc,3). . 5,831117 "`a^S'9Eg42t8=8111BY.•: +ffi51 1?11 IF YOUR CHILD �9ISCROOS s, FEVERISH, CONSeIP1'n' Look, Mother! if tongue Is roes cleanse little bowels with "Cull' fornla Syrup of Figs." Ic Mothers can rest easy 9ftte 7373171, "California Syrup of Figs," beeen it few horn's all the clogged -up w i TIM' bile and fermenting food /•;cl1!,. stoves out of the bowels, and you,,,Its.es s well, playful child again. Sick 431111(1re11 needn't be (infixed. take this harmless "fruit letxative. ilillions of mothers keep it handy 1 '• muse (they know its ae,tion'on the stole "eh, liver and bowels is prompt :did Ask your druggist for a bottle California Syrup of Figs," w'iic a • 'tins directions for bellies, cj31(('(1 :11 ages and for grown-ups. PRINTING °minter Cheek Rooke Letter Head s, Posters Envelopes ;41.ettu Cartes Loose Leaf Ledger Florets rte. Statements Pt (g3ammr; Dodgers Ceiling Cards Mellilu•ia1 Cards • I1111 Heads Wedding Cartes Note Heads Neatly and promptly .1 -...trims_,. :1 tisin The biggest mien in 1 the country have ground that the easiest way to spell success is to 2DVIE,RTISE. Supe' pose the newspaper did .not i:, ublish the news. how would the people know what is happening ? If you don't puhli2' h your Store News how will the people kitow about your goods? You can never sell the yl;3ods people do not know you have. Advertising is tellingl about your stock. Tht.4 firm 8lalt advertises gets ahead, 4.71vdlry tiilSlev iPf the... iiif'lfa3 eilted toes not acivcrtil1b. 1 hop0 ..“..a °.ori is tloti T1'YCiid i ty m . r c a A a evil t :,, 1yl' V2 Y fate Il o 4t6 €t .dor"vt''511;'ti9-ea,,. t? ti er ',N. i)A'`, '',()It Phis cti.l,e• n, .,, lr,l sel,t(1 It, 1 *' 11:(I , ..} 11 Gov- ('rll(it' trt•n, la l4,,,ve• y (It\', t,iwri 0111!. tCanada that mu hi s ii 11 :,11.: in the' Vi, tore 1,,7tttl (' ,hflpaign and is exp'•cted t:, b,' lens•n within flits(' c'rrnntnnities,