The Seaforth News, 1918-10-24, Page 7ION A BL? ,e, BERER WHEN CORNERED ',AIS A WRITER IN 'I'HE LONDON DAILY IIIAII, Due We Must Be Careful Not To Allow their Capacity for Weep- ing to Excite Our Sympathy. Under the heading t "The Hun its a Bluhberee," R. E. I., writes in the London Daily Blast "Thr intimeer which, in the end, makes a melon great or small is its t! neve, meet, Either it can bear it- s 1. t eudly--its spirit unconquered— Ili a -period of adversity or it cannot, "How will the German tempere- mc:nt disclose itself when the pinch (eines? Never yet hats it boon seri- ously reeled, In previous wers it has lnohvn only success' in trade' it has been flattered by constant prosperity, and in the present war it has had the heap' to soothe it. "So far, then, the inwardness of the Germain temperament in an unknown quantity, But I have come into con- tact with a good deal of it as z result of having to call upon, and put some pertinent questions tn, an interesting variety of uninterned Buns in our midst, and this much I ani prepared to Fay: Just as the Iiun is the worst • teraeget, bully. and ravisher in the well' when he has the power to ex- ertise his instinct, so is he the most ',ringing coward known to humanity when he is rorrtered. Some Specific Ex ameles. oily experience with our Buns that they always begin to weep when the inquiries become searching. At i;rst it is rather embarrassing lo see a bite, tat, healthy German blubbering like a baby. "There was the rich German whom 1 visited at his luxurious house in the South of London to ask how he came'. to get petrol every moreth fee his lecher car at a time of acute shortage. \Vhen he was pressed for an answer tears r,f extraor•tlinary size and nunh- ler---like great raindrops—coursed dorm his cheeks. Somehow they ere- ated the iaipresnicn,that he could pro- deee theta t" order•.- When he could, c•ry no more he said that he 'only got' two gallons a month to give the. car , ' a run and keep it in order.' 'With a sub, he added the justification: 'It's 4,.1 very beautiful car.' 'After a while you realize that this capacity to cry is part of the nature clf the German. There was hath manufacturer who had contracts with the War Office early in the war and who, when I asked him a fr • points about his business, wept so 1 ,.iousla• as to suggest that he woe' : never be able to answer. And German householder who, having given per- emptory notice to a British family to clear out of a house, cried like child on being asked about it. "The German women ery Less than the men. "A woman 1 sew at Highbury rep resented her cult. What right has •anybody in England to say a word against our own dear Kaiser?' ebe demanded fiercely. "But when the Buns have been tenwred we shall have to be careful of trek capacity to weep. They will use it for all thee', are worth to excite sympathy." 4 ii tt MOMPOOISImisaitirs /7 �r Ex -hi 0 f,W_ iz Airs r? at MAN may well feel proud to have raised stock, grain, fruit or vegetables that will stand . e comparison with the best his neighbour can produce. The exhibitionan ives g youopportunity lee to show your best work, and to see what others have been producing. It is natural to want to win a prize or a ribbon. The desire puts you on your mettle, and even though you may not win the coveted prize, the effort you make will mean an improvement in your whole year's production. it is this constant striving that keeps all live people up to the mark. We, as manufacturers, have a tremendous responsibility to spur us on. We know our success depends on the perfect satis- faction of the millions of Gillette Razor users who daily enjoy the real luxury of a faultless shave. The every -day shaver has put the "blue ribbon" on the Gillette Razor. His hearty commendation makes his friends want to buy the famous safety razor. It would do you good to hear him. At the Exhibition, you will see thousands of men who owe their dean, fresh appearance largely to the Gillette. Suppose you step into a jewelry, drug, or ,hardware store, and look over the assort ment of Gillette sets. di Your year's work has entitled you to "treat" yourself to a Gillette, and you will say, as the years go by, that it was the bent five dollars you ever invested. t e 1 GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO., of Canada, Limited, Office and Factory: 65-73 St. Alexander St., Montreal. 380 a 'Those who bring sunshine to the Britain's Power Output. lives of others cannot keep it from The coal used in Great Britain themselves. --J. 11. Barrie. could be made to do three times it ffiieard'a Liniment for Gale everywhere. present work if converted into elec tricity at largo central power plants according to the report of the Bri tish Coal Conservation Sub -committee to the Mintstry of Reconstruction There are now about six' hundred power stations, generating an aver age of 5,000 h.p. each, ' scattered throughout Great Britain, and it is recommended that these be replaced by sixteen "super -power's Stations from which transmission lines would radiate to all parts of the country. The generators in thea', would pro- duce from 20,000 to 50,000 here power each. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY .THE SKIN Make thls beauty lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can predate a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener ' m B1 Qlld complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into it bottle contain- ing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes es frecicies, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. • USING PALACE OF KAISER Australian Soldier Tells of Life in the Holy Land. Description of Palestine, and par- ticularly of Jerusalem, is contained in a letter sent by W. A. 'Talker, of the Australian Light Horse, to a relative m Toronto. Trooper Walker has been in Palestine for the past 12 months, having previously gone through the Gallipoli campaign. He says: "Jerusalem is in no way a modern city. It is aboiet the dirtiest -place I have v everre been in. Its st, its are e narrO V � ,especially in the old city, which is built within the walls. You know Jerusalem is divided into two parts, eThat which is outside the kyalls lir built more or less on tihe European style, but with very narrow streets. Some of the streets in the old part are not more than six feet wide, and there are thousands of steps, as the ground is so rugged, and I tell you that by the time you have climbed these steps for a while you want to rest, "The population of the city is corn- posed,rnostly of Jews, but there are Greeks, Armenians, Bedouins, Arabs, French, Russians, Assyrians and Turks, of which last there is It good number. "I do not know how many gates there are in the wall, b it'they are all very narrow, so narrow, indeed, that the Kaiser, when he visited Jerusalem had 22.feet cut away near the Jaffa gate so that he could get his proces- sion through, The castle the Kaiser had built for himself is at present being used by one of the units here for quarters." Keep stile garden dean from end to end. "A elan may, if he knows not how to cave as Ile gets, keep his nose to the grindstone and die nor worth a grit at last."• --,B amvin Franklin. In using cern p as a subeltifiutre for sugar in j'etUlymtakin•g use three, quartets of at cupful of frult juice. In ipa+eserving use equal +weight of syrup iuid i?aiit, DONT'S FOR GUNNERS s Words of Wisdom for the Guidance of Hunters. LIQUIDS PASTES I POL1Sig,ES for 01J1CS,WHITE,TAN, DARKil201NN OR OX -51.000 511OES PRESERVEtheLEATHER TIEr1AAUR CORPORATIONS OP .11.111/1 CANADA STOPS ii,AMUMS. from a Sone Spnvin, Ring Sone: Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar. troubles and gets horse going sound., It acts mildly butquickly and good re- sults are lasting. Does not blister 00 r remove the hair and horse can � are worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.50 a bottle' delivered. Horse Book 9I3. free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, En- larg�ed Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veinaki heals Sores. Allays Pain, ,iV l tell you more if you write. $1.25 a bottle at dealer; or deavered. Mend trlel boade for lee rnmrr. W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F.,613,i mans Olds Montreal, Can;, etaiwrmuo 004 Ansorblea Jr.: are inado la Canada., t�e¢3nA dG td.6aee estaetteeesM t�S OW to Cure Biliousness V Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known Si Mother Sepal's Curative Syrup, hes no dope or strong Ingredients; it cures indigestion, biliousness and onstipation. Can bo had at any rug store." Got the genuine. (keeled $1.00 Bottles. 0 fro 411riirgiViiVirWitir Every year the hunting season brings with it its spoils in the form • of human sacrifices. For the benefit of gunners who are going after game - this fall the following list of don'ts is given: Don't take any chances, The func- tion of a shotgun is to scatter shot, but be careful where you scatter it. Don't blaze away in haste and don't get excited. Many a shooter has filled his favorite dog full of lead just be- cause he was over-anxious, Don't point a gun at any person in jest. It is always the gun that "we didn't know was loaded" that goes off and does the damage. The only time to point a gun is when you intend to kill. Don't take every rustle of a bash or a bough as a sure indication of game. Remember sometimes an in- quisitive person has a penchant for being in strange places, ,,, Dont carry rY a loaded gun through the street or on cars, trains, automo- biles or any other kind bf vehicle. Don't get excited and shoot, without malting sure your object is gerne. Don't shoot until you see the rabbit, and then be sure that he is clear of both man and dog. Don't drag a gun under a fence with the muzzle pointed toward you. Dont climb over fences with your gun or lean it against a tree until you get over. Put it through the feeAoe and on the ground, business end before, Dont hunt with anyone you know to be careless. Carelesenese with three and a quarter drams of powder behind and one and one-eighth ounces of shot is inviting "sure death," Don't load your guns until you are actually ready for business. At all other times it should be empty. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are looking down the barrel at your game. Don't rest on the muzzle of your gun. Don't violate the game laws. It is not criminal, but sometimes very costly. Don't "hog" all the game. Leave some for the next fellow.' Don't rest the muzzle of your gun on the ground. A gun nuzzle clog- ged with dirt or mud is a dangerous proposition. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at a.ny drug store and Lave lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly frig. rant lepton lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands, The flag of Serbia oonsiets of hori- zontal stripes of red, blue and white, Coolking,sehool Tearer: "Did your husband hike the doughnuts you made him?" Mrs, Newed: "Yes, lie was delighted. He said that if I could only make them barge enough lee could save on his zmator-ti+•e blebs." t s.,nu Psi 1 ? Hirst's will stop it 1 ' lJied for 40 years to relieve rheumatism, lumbago,neuralgia, sprains, lamo back toothache, earache, swollen joints, core troat and other pain. fel complaletr. Have ebottle In the house. 1811 dealers 01 wslte De, \ tq' 1111t8Tt RUMMY COMPANYIdomllton Canada rd �qi1il •v ` l,�,q koztoa'C`+Dr..z`r'r; lr When a man wanks your best waives or lambs, and you need them at home, do not heats and ban* about it. Just say, "No 'thank you.l Those are just about tight for mel" And stieije to it. It is the wo y to toll -notch farminlg, The Weekly Fashions A. one-sided effect of satin and a contrasting material. The tunic is cat circular and is not straight at 'the lower edge. McCall Pattern, No. 8306, Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents, a Featuring the soft vest with the s'1Lp-over panels of the dress forming deep bosom. McOali Pattern 8572, Ladies' Dress. In 5 sizes, 34 to 44 bunt. Price, 25 cents. Transfer Design No. 922. Price, 15 cents, These patterns may be obtained froom your local McCall deeeer or from the McCaul] Co., 70 Bond St. Tor- onto, Dept. W. The war gardens of Canada this year have produced anywhere from $40,000,000 to $00,000,000 worth of fruit and vegetables. This produc- tion should be worth about $50,000,- 000. It aright bother the man who piles barnyard manure a foot deep diose up to the trunk of his apple trees, to tell just why he does it. But 11 he will spread it around as far out as the roots grow, he will soon have a rea- son for the faith that is in hien. Y hen the morninA cup is unsatlSa otos" y` suppose you make a chMnc4e from the old-tirne bevera a to the sn appV' cereus drink You'll be surprised a* its cheeriNs, sdatis. fying qualities and deli.sll-Hui flavor. Its all caffeine. Try a Tin _Distillation of Wood: The destructive distillation al' hard - weeds is the only important distilla- tion industry In Canada where wood is used ns raw material, !'here are rem' 11 plants in Ontario and Quebec, and the industry is well organized. It is gratifying to note that manufae- tere is carried beyond the stage of the crude products, where so many of Canedu'e industrial activities eerie, and thtN the specially refined and der- ived products aro praduced in Canada for level and export trade. In the limited list of ebemieale which aro regularly exported from Canada there are only throe of much importance, namely, caleium carbide, acetate of lime and methyl alcohol, the last two of which are entirely produced by hardwood distillation. Ie is import- ant to remember that practically all the wood alcohol and acetic acid which are so essential to modern civilization are produced by the des- tructive distillation of. hardwoods.. The plants in Canada consume, in the aggregate, over 500 cordsof wood per day. Maple, beech and birdh are the principal species used, although oalc, hickory and other hard- woods are suitable if. obtvinable. 0-'-0-0—•0—o--0—e---o—o-0 0 6 co 0 0 YESI LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so It lifts off with fingers. ca—o-'-O—a 0-0 0 0"O 0 0 0 You corn -pestered men and wome need suffer no longer. Wear the shoe OW nearly killed you beffore, says'tltf Cincinnati authority, because a fe drops of freezone applied diroetly on tender, aching corn or callus, stop soreness at once and soon the corn o hardened callus loosens so it can bo 11 a s Minard's Linimentn Cures nandrn. A Modern Sisyphus. Emetine, who was watching some men working a pile driver, came to her mother with this complaint. "I'm so sorry for those men, mamma. They've been trying and trying to lift out that big weight, and every time they get it. most to the top it: falls beck again. " tv Pansies covered with straw or s leaves will go through the winter in r good shape and bloom early in the spring, lifted off, root and all, without pain, AGENTS WANTED A small bottle Of freezone costs very p p,.T R A I T ALi0 TS nuns Q little at any drug store, but will poai- road Prints. Ftufshing a 0peelalty. lively take off every Bard Or sett Cern TJniteds Arta (o, 4ngu'runosnluic r3rriii 6s. ve or callus. This should be tried, as it Toronto. is inexpensive and is said not to irri- tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone ,i AL1JD- 14.t,Y, QUOTE DffeP1RL•'D, 'Yew 11 o tarso. Reid Bros., tell him to get a small bottle for you WAIPTED from his wholesale drug house. It is line stuff and acts like a charm every time. Patriotic Jack. "Dear me," sighed Jack Pumpkin, "I wish I were red, White and blue, 'stead of harrowing yellow! Why, with colors like these They will think I'mn Chinese, ' Or some sort of a queer foreign fel- low!" That night as a lantern Jack Pumpkin hung high And grinned at each person who came, For a candle of white Haled his heao't with delight And the red and blue danced in the flame. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs, -1 can recommend 0485- NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used It for both with excellent results. Yours truly, '1'. R. LAVERS, St. John. • Navy Blue. The blue color so prominent in the uniforms of almost all marines is of hoary origin. Vegetins, in his fifth book on the military affairs of the Romans, traces the origin of this color to the Veneti, an ancient people dwelling near the coast of Biscay, and well versed in seamanship. It was customary among them to paint their outgoing ships, as well as their masts and sails with a blue color; also their soldiers and n sailors wore blue uniforms, According to our author, the Latin word "Venetus," which was both the name of the color and that of the people, points to its origin. From the Veneti the custom was adopted by the Romana. Thus the son of Pompeius, after defeating Caesar's fleet in a naval battle, wore the navy blue, although entitled to the purple. Tho eneti were subdued by Caesar after a severe maritime war in 56 B. C. Minard'a Linlmon$ Cures 811rn0. Eta Sacking Hlm. There was a wordy altercation on the doorstep, and then the postman turned away muttering; "Well, if that ain't fhe ]knit!" "What's the trouble?" queried a passer-by sympathetically. "Why," exclaimed the man "the wo- man in that house says that if I don't come earlier she'll get her letters from another postman!" MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. rive Dollars costs three cents. Gaither squashes before killing frost. Brush the dirt from the un- derside and turn them bottom side up to airy thoroughly, Store en a dry, frost -proof place, Rhubarb beds Should have a heavy coat of manure through dile winter. Asparagus, too, deer the frest•kiiled tops have been snowed off and burn- ed. Seinard'a kiniment Reltevea /tonra1gbe o 1, O n Bothwell, Ontario: ro$, SALE SATiLL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER VV and ,lob Printlnl; plant in eastern Ontario. insurance carried 81,800, Will go for 5)200 on quick sale. Box 85. Wilson Publishing Co„ Ltd.. Toronto. WEICIPP''�r LLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE? 111 New Ontario, Owner going to T'ranee. Will sell $":000. Worth double that amount. Firmly X. 13'., c'o Wilson Publishing Cie, Limited, Toronto. a2IsOELLANxOUS er't.uiCL•^R, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., 4QJJ Internal and external, cured with- out pain by our hone treatment. write us before too late, Dr, 13elhnan Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. GET L A 'S FOR YOUR PAN 2ELIEF sant don't have to rub it In to Bret quick, comfort- ing relief Once Prowse teicd it en a'::,: stir£ joint, sore muscle, eciat:,: pain. rhea- uratic twinge, lame bac!', 0;'11 find • a warts. soothing relics stem ;tcvcr drought a liniment cies l produce. Won't stain she ,i:' . leaves 100 mess, w:ab1CS „o One in ;.prA-o irg, sure to give quick rr>.u1ts. \ large bottle Means e•,"onoa;_v, 1 oe" CPA 1 rr a, -y other ciruggi: a Lc,^ %ted is r;ae- adhe eke it today. MIRA HEALS lace IG ECZEMA So Bad Could Not Sleep. Red With Water Blisters and Burning. "'I had eczema so had I could not sleep. It first started on my arm, then f had it on my body so that I could hardly wear my clothes, and I had to stay in bed. My flesh was dark red with water blisters, and burning and itching. "Everything I tried seemed to make me worse, and I had the trouble for nearly two years. I road about Cute, cera Soap and Ointment, and I got them. They did , me good right away, and now I am entirely healed." (Signed) Mrs. Peter Mclntosh,French River, Ont., April 10, 1917. How often such distressing, dlsSge wring skin troubles night be prevented by every -day use of Cutleura Soap and Ointment for all toilet purposes. I For A retetilample Each by Mail ade dress t-dApoloBo,USA"d Dept. Ae ISSUE No, 42-n'lle 0