HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-24, Page 6'FUNNY 47OL J , CUT OUT AND FOla Oil POUfI UN1$ By Agronomist. 'ehle D,apertment le for the use of our farm aaadr readers who If want the question Lief NO -expert le onany quoInterest, nte„ regarding belanswered through this column. if E m ed and general {nevi o , *newer. and addriect envelope,Ad le enclosed iethcaYelofiWileonnPe.bf shin) imiete answer will be mailed to you, Addrasa Agranom a , Co,r l.td., 73 Adelelac St, W., Toronto, Avoiding Calf Ailmetite. 1 Darwin's theory of the survival of the Nine -tenths of the eommou allmoits' fittest, but it seldom reeults in } tie - be ire -i veloeing n good dairy env'.. vented dairy calves scours! vented by a sensible course of nstau• rvevrrtt•*��twy�H°wthe tlsar givesufegerish rse agement from the time they are re' • some rlgarg 4l milk Unfit for human moved from the cows until they are andFeed Wilk front its mother at old enough to eat dry grain and hay.' use, Some are so anxious to glean every entre other' fresh cow until then it mix it S e at cent of profit, that'they cheat thein -1 tea+t, two weeks old, grad- inganal starve their naives by save with one third of grad- ing'the cream and. then compelling the', wally reduce the quantity little calves to subsist on skim -milk', milk until the calf isG a er try onttlh or is when they are only a few days old, weeks of age. Some calves do not hem to be injured caldI calf earl U rlwmy k warns it ii two by such a diet, providing it s emelt and warm from the separator ninety-eight degrees Fahrenheit and but the calves a few days old have never scald it. if the milk Le ,terdiz- d dot s uffiuient strength of digestion to ed to destroy disease germs it shoed digest it properly, mei r canalrt pmetes be in an sal jelly orared linseed toil1etine meal, of It is bet• through the alimentary digested condition, and the so-rallell ter to feed dry grain lsaatsn mh bhe le the white scours result. The calf, un- middlingsiddlings and grounil able to digest the slcini milk, is aim- skim-rnilk. Some good feeders Pour ply starving until it ie a ho little dl meal andndrmid lirias•inksto t prop -oaten, Such'° condition ould of have been avoided by feeding the calf along with the milk more slowly than whole milk a few days longev, instead when the grain is nixed with the milk of robbing it of nature's nourishment. and settles in the bottom ai 11118 pail. Other feeders find it too much trou- ble to warns the nine for calves and as a result their stomach became chill- ed so that bheir digestion in greet- ly 'impaired, if :tot ruined. Then the owner dopes the calf until digestion to may be safely fa completely ruined. Others have pounds per day Y • failed to feed regularly and as a re -1 Equal parts of enrnmeal, wheat bran suit the calves get extremely hungry and ground al 8 crate aand haf grapart and when they are fed eat so greed- oil meal m ra- lly and eat so much that it tend; tion for the growing rowwinngtcaalof,paoWren the to upset their digestion until they' cah'&s are turned bloat and perhaps die from the ef• tinue the grain ration until they are fec'ts, Even though they survive' able to eats good digest ana1ent grass ass they grow tap weaklings and easy l to ns g prey to other serious ailments' I gooe limn uondit on, good ees the p58' Some think that any old wooden, to the pail is good enough to feed the calves; grain ration until the end of the sea - From. Such pails become breed'ng' son. It is the height develop fvf ply to F la - good As early as possible and he encouraged to eat dry grainsIn order to make a profit from pigs clover hay. A.t first light rations it to necessary to give them the pro - should be fed and gradually the per care and feed. They should be amount may be increased until at two provided with clean, comforta'b'le or three months of ago two or three quarters, exercise, and plenty of sate •slain. The sow should be given special care at farrowiig time. She should be fed lightly for a few days after farrowing, and the amount of feed gradually increased as the young. s• 1 T 15 PICTUI LOOMS L K 11:1 a1 sin/ 1I C. ReAtiX,F'0i,1(5, I'M ONLY JOKING --- -POLOroawnxO-^^-- -•-•I; MY CIGARETTE 15 CUOCOLAT CREAM WI -IAT LOOM UM 5I1OIiC IS ONLI STEAK! GOOD HEALTH QUESTI fly Andrew V Currier, M.1), Stock allowed to reoet outdoors dare pr. currier will linewer .all slgeed lettere pretal:the to llertlth, 11 rout ing the summer meet now he taught' question is of general tutet'oid it will be answered through these columns! Co go teeter rlie2 er at eight. Happily 11 not, 11 will be answered persouelly it etarnp0d, addressed .eaveloee is ea' tins rem -nee of out door rooting is elosee, Pr, Currier will not pre:melte for Individual cases or malts dtagnogte. net ao eor'ntnetr now its it was years; 4ddrese Dr. Andrew 1, Currier, care OC W,leon Pelle :Meg Co, 73 Adeledee ago, Instead, well -ventilated houseaa et. Weet, Taranto - ere Choy have net exactly ere provided, ami the fowl., have' Fasting" better protection and at the e:1me J. it.-:-" Ilow in 11 i?ocelb.e fol' fast•I been ,°Fined, but the quantity ui m• 1 time all the out dace eami'ort+, ing people to go So long without; trireme. they have `rerelvecl, is so 'Phis is a good =melt to do oat. fooit, 1f I mils only one meal, 1 • email and the quality so pear, 'that • Ar +ti . � tole lisub!'tually loco weight one door rope II. lassie, Turin are days a severe headaclro anti rt I go wi) Y in boater when it lea pleasure to do out verfooei 1 am 8tlaebad in* the same Would be phyeicwlly Mine: - to do herd hers, roil and green peppDi, ant this motoring:iruns. roofs, eo" 1e, WIY as when I eat too much, Some -i, work of :thy khtd. f r This is heht•cy,' for a centre'. 11011,1, intlty L'UIl&, l: te'., 111100,. IOC at^ banes it is inconvenient .for me to getl Questions and .: neuter i, t)ic CO fora Very 1'nrgo trib1H lir for tended lc. eotnelhing to 0a!', nlnd 11 I wcl,tt tea ilia A S ♦4v h esbo.nd le veryl t'hn ohwrolt kltuliuwii'en supper, Painters say thee October is the out g, X a r 1 1 n lou, to gang in weight flow mother plan is best month in the year for outdoor ceutiepiees Painting. Tale their advice and give the buildings a good coatof plrin1, n:lrirh will Tilt. tot only p1'e.o then but paid to bheh' aberaetivou1 s, Whitewashing tIl interior or the hen coops is an old idea, but it is a good one. It gives ar eheerfulnere to the building titin nothing Mae eeent'a to do. Dieinfeeting _the ,promises is also in order, and it•' is work that pays, low places 111 If there were any the Ileuses last winter, which caused more oe less danrpnese, remedy the trouble now so that the houses velli be perfectly dry this yerui', Dampness is the starting point of ehickenepox, distemper and roup, and a little labor wisely spent now will save much der, ing the cold months. The pullets should be placed in their winter quarters before they begin lay- ing. To move them after they have begun will give them a setback. Do not overcrowd. Not more than twenty five pullets of our Canadian breeds should be in one flock, and a smaller number is better. But in bhe case of Leghorns or any of the Moditen- ranean class, twice that number wilt do equally as well. 4— "Every show a better one" is the slogan of the Toronto Fat Stock and after a vvhie they go out entire Show, and the 1918 Show promises la'..One who is :fasting, 'like the writ. to be no exception. The sale which er of the above letter, feels keenly the follows the show is attended by buy islet of food for a day or two, end ers from all over the continent and the reaction expresser, itself in bead - each year the :)rices paid are better ache awl is dtsinclin'atlon to woxlk. If than pievions prices. There is always a person goes without food for a a demand for 10110 neat at Christ - week, the suffering is relatively Ness, mss time, •and farmers are realizing•I am Mold this is the way the Eng- lish prisoners en Germany feed as the resat of the way they have been W lO October. If You Want the Highest, Market Prices Ship all your X'OR TFIVo F F.OW1;'1•:N Pi11ETY i A novel dccoeatiols for a table 10 A seall eornstellt sboal, one about three • feet '1cbg'h with a few of the hairs attached. Take an 811LIIty peach basltot lora 'turn 11 upside dawn au tibo table, and iarouncl title tie the cornstalks so that the support is eft• Limey 'hidden and the stalk's form u pyramid, Aroulid the hale pittele email pumpkinw, apple.;, pear% ggahp0a,. gem)*ds 111ted wlbli mita, yellow Cocom, pigs develop. The ration for the sow at this time should be one whish will produce a heavy flow of milk. A good ration for this purpose is one composed of corn, aborts, bran, a small amount of tankage, and a good quality of alfalfa fed from a rack, Bran may ne up 10 'per cent. of the ration, places for millions of germ life and, tempt to grow and a as it has a beneficial effect on the ptomaines and the calves are literally'; heifers on scant rations of inferior) asg11 has a be eand tends 11 increase poisoned and become victims of + feed stuffs. There is little danger of dg milk Production. an. gastric fever er dysentery, Some; getting calves too fat so long as Pro the The odu io feed given a sow think that sour milk is all the mill per feed staffs are used. In fact' a lit- maybe governed of largely el her sp• le fat is not at all objectionable, More petite Tankage should not be fed to exceed more than five per cent. Corn may make up half the ration, as it tends to prevent the sow franc be- coming thin. The little pigs should be watched closely for sore mouths, especially in large litters. It is sometimes ad- visable to clip the tusks from the pigs, time preventing them from scratching each other. In case of sore mouth, wash the part frequently with a disinfectant._�_— needs and by the time the calf is one month old any old kind of milk they m'ay have or get from the creamery vats is fed in any quantity. Then when digestion becomes fru-pairedthey crowd rinds of cheese, egg s hells charcoal down the calf's throat. Such kind of treatment may be in line with harm comes from feeding an excess of concentrates and not enough milk, grass and bulky feeds which promote digestion and furnish bone and mus- cle -building nutrients in the right pro- portions to maintain the `health of the animal.. horse. A few minutes spent daily in ja` Icurrying and brushing a horse is time ���,.✓@'reo+ �• �`- �� I well spent, Aside from giving the animal a clean, glossy appearance , Frequent currying and brushing this daily brushing stimulateseircul- wi11 insure a healthy condition of the ; °tion, The skin is an important see 1 eretory organ, and must be kept clean and free to do its work. M TE POULTRY, EGGS and FEATHERS Highest Prices Paid Prompt Returns -No Commission P. POULIN & CO. 9 Eonsoconrs MnsEat - Montreal "SIG" . iss� 3}tD of all kind's, Better quality prefer'r'ed. Write for prices. STANFORD'S, Limited 128 Mansfield 81. - - Montreal -(es'�.,3----''M f 1551 : SLATTEK( e10,1181.1 %,Sool 1,119 / 9 F-, , ,1'''.. c ~� !' Ontddo S.S. Association 5314., CONVENTION OCTOBER ?d'�j to Gn`•i t�0i0Ilib, o Excellent Programs IV3i>rhty inspiration DecideWTo-day to ap n✓3 '9,011 Dorton. nit.. Mororrt to torr. EA Hoe. E�.aPidgian. Tmen,e Ma h1 1 a&WAn. Ch,rnoe Mr Pr.nen ,1 0,',,. Plined,le1a And MOW c11.n srccretppals)a PPM' egaLL N•rROr MnIIR Don't tlti a /a Every Hour aiiiumm -Got eProgram Caloric 3.3. II w eeodatiwa 1 f: mppe, It is especially Important to give the legs daily care. If it is neees- eery to was11 them in cold weather,, they should be thoroughly dried b•e'' handshperake, everyres his left hand and i' int ustLai • laic! up the w 10 e following day, Why 1, this': Alllewer--.Gating and digestion, as well as other func^tians of the body, are more or leas governed by habit. People usu•e'ly eat three mealy as day; a w cnn ^ 1 to use a huge, ) He does 11°t care Carl lowed -out pumpkin fee a sn do this . milk, � an+l fill it wiblt whining red epi>les ztn� xl.ltawer -1 do not know o'f uutry bet•1 o,t}iel, :ft'trits or, better yet, if you ha ter w^ay to gain in wei lit than to an alio black tree Ic+tblo piare it lniiha3 take an abend�anue of easily assi'mi• !middle of the table, hanging it from a tripod, and fill it to overflowing with •fr111113 rand autumn vegetables. Reside it, ,band tt witch, either a droll dressel v and three't}mcs a clay the stiniultc5 of ls11 111,•.fatts••-eurh try ol'ivc oil or nod food aierites the glands of the stoln. liver obi,, or to drink •plenty of riell emit, pancreas and intestines to pour t milk daily; however, if your husband out their digestive JLII e. If ttle'1d0es not like milk, he might drink up or 0111) niece of Iraper, ltnd p111' -stimulus of food were 'lacking, the I hubteatene_whiolt ContlLlna the rat lel airound It a lot of little papicrmaalie jarieea would stili be poured out tat mak, 1 °tubs, that cost five cones 011011 in thus a while, but in smaller quantity, irnd 1 miss I, 0, B, -Ain sixteen and have ten cent sbur0s, byand by 'tine secretion would cease, long bean 'troubled w.th .kidney 1118• From 111laok paper cut cat farms, 'aryl eat me? Hike senile eihLeler of them, and nee 1 a As the time for. ease. Can -alt help m or nearly o ing recurs, there is first a kind of chis- Answer -I van afraid I °annaC• yhem for dao>catiltg bio tette n any appointment if food is net 0111 hand lei Your question is altogether too inde• way you can, Small wibch•es, 'hide leatisfy the expeebetion; but, little '-' ln,ay be owed for favors or bo scold ti}xe. finite peg kidney disease envois 1 tl c mss less teen a Furthermore, you neo a. y 1 pans an paper. petite -that is, the flesh for food detstand that this department is net pin .l,id arnd than mark a wi!tch's k or pafrcrt lltbhe, as I am told, the dipnppolnt- vent be o 1 7 nd the ap- a greet multitude of conditional pbaoe card:,, are e11siiy made of b lel do not un ,l Paint the head of the e less urgent. This is particularly the to furnish individ'us! a•tbention to faro on it with Maul: in case when the person who -is tasting the sidle; they must go to their pl1y' Dress the wiboh in the usual costume is not working, and he may get along simians 188 that assistance, ss the of red slid black and white, using hwe hout great deal of hick ifoL'b !f A. E. F• -There is a glarel o crepe paper, and cut out a small veing he has 'plenty of water which is more aide of nay face 'as large a•e a bean• cap of either black or white paper and essential than food. It does not bother me, nor does it paste on the head, Make h'en• of l' e When food is •watluheld-, the ea- seem to be enlarging, Is there ausy1 tie bream of ss few bibs of whoa te coinery must w, bili be kept going and danger from it? corn -stalk, and if you Dare to go to consequently there is gradual lis- Answer -There is alway'1 a rlanger i 111e expense you Dan ebaud 1a tiny integlatlan of the tissues, first the fat that such glands will enlarge and cougihtal blank cat of p°a erm'aohe by and then the muscles. 01 oonrse 'bhe ulcerate, and become running sores• her s�ido. person who is fasting is constant Frobably it 'would be a simple matter It is also a novel idea to place bo, ly losing strength -for, without fuel, to take it out; and X think that would side each Plato, a 'blank yard on wlriclx the fires are constatrttly gebbing lower be bore best pllur1 you heave previously written the manta of your guest in a weals solus}0n Our TbaukS. 1 su1phalte of copper and then rubbed Doer Lord, Whine we would'thank Thee; over with a little ammonia. This, later, For all our worldly wealth, 1811011 flame or heat conies near it, We thank Thee more for loving' melees bio name appear in beautiful ixiende- ' hues, On the other side of the card For 'h'app'iness and 'inelble write a silly prophesy or a verse you w we humbly pray Thee I think suitable to the guest -a sort of Ansi new, To guide us on our way {fortune verse --using a mixture of sue - Untie. we raise our tdsanke, and praise' phuric acid, one part to twenty drops On next Thanksgiving Day. of water, being sure to write wibb a quill pen. When dry, this writing is ireeisibl'e, but when exposed to heat it appearsearivldly. Have one of year household gowned as a witch, p'ho the - pears in time to answer your an- nouncement that you have engaged a .te, witch to read, through her magic the • Iblank cards, and tell to each person I present their fortune. The witch appears with her magic lamp, and us- 1 ing all sorts of funny; muttered i•IV oanbations, proceeds to hold the caul 1 near the lamp. Much to the amaze- ' meat of the guests, the writing ap- ' pears visible, When the card is hand - 1 ed back to the owner, it is again blenk. This is very amusing for ' a part of the supper, and creates all sorbs of fen. the big advantage of marketing their stock this way October is a jolly fellow, And in his yellow sack He brings a host ole merrie days And sunshine, on his back; Grapes and.,puni.pkins, apples, nuts, And lightly doth he tread Upon 'the gold -leafed carpet That 6111 Mother Earth has spread! And how shall •we use his merrie days? And all the joy that's in them? Outdoors, outdoors, right after a hool,l Heigh ho, now let's begin them! I Wedding haste sometimes leads to household \tas•te. "Hallowe'en Hilarities. This is a spacial program for our young folks. Costumes allowed, but 110 masks: 1, The initiation: When getting he fore being exposed to the open air. Mud should not be allowed to collect on the fetlocks, as it causes scratches and sores on the heels and about the, feet, Sores, scratches, and un-' sightly spots are often caused by mud and manure setting in the hair. When the mud dries it causes the skin to crack open. In the spring the horses should be kept especially clean, as the long hours o work, dust, see Pa elrake hands with a'1'1 prDsent. 2. Grand march: All must march in couples, "follow the leader" plan. W reeever dose first two do the rest must immediately imitate. Have piano accomplishment. 3. Rod of destiny; Two long rods, wilt various toys suggesting the oa Dupabion of a future husband or wile, must be suspended on opposite sides of room. Girls line offer 0718 side, f ] d t 'eat all. hes l all combine to make proper care of boys the other. Blindfold one at a etre ,kin a necessity. Sore shouldersre time outlfor one objeeach ctorward and Some ob- jects that may be used are as follovvl: Suitable for mems rod; 1, Clothes- pin (washerwoman); 2. yellow pen- nant (suffragist); 8. spool (seam stress) 4, feather (high flyer); 5 doll's hat (m.iihiner), Suitable foe girls' rod: 1, Bottle of water (sailor); 2, flag (•soldie'r) ; 3, toy bank (banker) ; 4, Did scissoft (scissor grinder); 6, pea box (doctor). 4, Cracker and water contest: A and other afflictions, due to lack of care on the part of the owner, have often caused great loss of time and money. 5elr�f".� A ram is half the flock. A good ram will impress his desirable qualities on h1s offspring. The ram must be strong in the paints in which the ewes are man and'a giel stand together. The deficient. It is a wen -known fact i man eats egg biscuit or some 'large that like begets like, and if both the l dry cracker while the girl drinks a lass of water, -ming •a small souvenir sem and the ewe are weak 1 1 same points these weaknesses will be intensified in the offspring, If the flock is mill, a ram lamb vvilh be all right, If there are more ,than 80 ewes the ram should 'be two • years old. The ram selected will de - 1 pend upon tine type of ewes in the I flock, If the ewes are small andl ligienboned, a heavyweight and' "Our minis east shadows just as heavy -boned ram •'will be neeele(l, A, Orn bodies do," -Dr. A, T Schofield, ram i f with more refinement moa s se to Orbe used !f the ewes are coarse -betted and I g spoon. They mast watch each other as bhey do it. Fleet one to finish wins. 5, Mess call whistled or played on piano. Refreshments, consisting of op - Pie, lollypop, knickknacks, lemonade and false -face eoololes• iso motthsds0rfel whn b 1101ok h9twcottpd to vice, how prepaioLi eines, 111 tt,, mly, th g iperease yopr D[aflk putlled F F Also im•'nar,n rr0.e10 La0 lel b1¢[ 801 151 '1. UU¢Di11ll1ll0o05108* oro, er tie. 1ue9.1Y1n 5550,.! 5801 era, Bal , ot0. ( vaor of xaoorrn foo Tr,ppGen Iwo un1511 to imam 09.99 Own. 41 1t. thio eopeo1,euo btna,r Opium fV6 ,5,1,' qnd r1! p,r 1. �550p¢N n 11•+91. ;. t ea rouWallgeWvvn booAald Ssrp000 gtotoS12l 131308. ib 0.01 °°E;,11112,-, Pase is f'unsteaBleW u Laos poaki balls h ld be rangy. In selecting the ram, special atten- tion should be paid to type, mutton qualities, and denseness of fleece. Quality of mutton 1s the ]prime factor in the farm flock, and should receive the met attention The fleece should tot ire forgotten, for not only will the fleece be a Rowree of income, but a good fleece will give a higher mar- ket value to the sheep. The rani should be strong, active, and show strong masculine character. These points are important, lot on them will depend to a large extent the number of Lambs produced, elect their health and vigor. The ram .should stand up well en 11113 feet, end his pasterns should be strong. The back should he strong and the riles well senmeg to give plenty of room for the heart and lunge. TORONTO atStock Show The Show that -produces the good butcher stock and breaks the sale price records. UNION STOCK YARDS December tih & 6t 9• to 115-13,0 matter what quantity We guarantee eatisfaetton and pay all 'express Aar1VOVtiaH ges ABBEY FUR COMPANY LOUIS (In buslnass for 80 yeas'al MONTREAL, P.Q. 310 8T. PAUL ST. W. - Retereace, hank of Fioohelaga, St. Henry, Montreal. mon irt all edium arrow stylevows low heel -wads welt ld. et Web, (011 or Patent ea f, Price, VY ©` it s i,00. Good 'value and How to Get it OUR interest, as a member of the consuming public, and ours as cai ada's largest manufacturers o shoes,, are really Identical. Ilex ay be summed up hi a single phrase: tQ,tiallty Shoes at ra'si P>rices,F': because the f it price today is a higher pAce than usual, cost' of e' ety items o Platcrifti ant labgr which goes into a pair: of shoes has increased grimy au is stall increasing. ncinlle to get quality' at fair prices, xnha ifo that you flay �o we hall feat re in, adverttae}ne :s c ` ala our c st e s' a 1h we know wilt give you good value d experience, we will suggest to you t 1e ies't met}lods of buying, whether you select shoes of our manufacture or not. We ask yol,} lo bury for serjce ratifier than merely for style; to go to a reliable dealer, r't11c1 to look for the manufacturer' trade -mark on the shoes. )3y so doing you may be assured of good value for your money. AMES HOLDEN McCREADY ffshoemalcers to the NAtiorrr•! JGI:N MONTREAL TORONTO 51DbtONTON VANCOUVER When yea bay Shoes loots ,for--, is 2rado^mark on ovary a010 - At the end of the supper, which should he simple, and in keeping with the informality of Hallowe'en, a good menu consisting of white and brown bread, sandwiches, chicken salad, pumpkin pie, ginger bread, doughnuts, apples, nuts, cider, coffee, and if you like, olives and pickles, let all the guests stand and drink of"lsaegb wool, en 'ancient ceremony which well insure to each one, leak for 'bhe com- ing year. This beverage is made by braising roasted apples and mixing with milk. Then cat the soul cake with much oereeony, and give each guest a piece. This is the cake in Which has been baked a ring to de- note marriage for the one who gabs 1t --this marriage to take place within the year -'l!. 00111, to denote riches, a button for bad 'buck, and a thimble fur bachelor or spinsterhood. Before you part, dance to slow rets- s''lq, the magic 012,010 to determine none luck. The 'dancers forst a solemn Miele, no one daring to 'laugh, and the =sic must be appropriate. Slowly olres with hands clasped in hands around one Who stands ln the middle, blindffolded. Each one in the circle wears a string around his neck, same having on their strung Eng+1,51i wal- nuts, sailed denote good i elk, ateat other Brasil, which denotes very ire different luck. As the circle moves seemed the one in ,the Centre gropas about and tilers -to ,touoli a player. If the one he touches wears pan English walnut then gooti luck will be hos, if a Brazil nut, indifferent 'luck, and 'if 110 touches mow than one player in his grou'pin'g he wile have bed bloke Each '1layer ,;s in earn blindfolded and tries his luck ere the eleole breaks ftp. Front a War Gardener. Frost, tarry just a while- For a little keep away! Marcy, for the cosmos svvlt,' Marigolds so bravely gay, Respite 101 any cabbages, Beans and peppers still, 1 pray! See, '1160 clematis yet frames Fragrantly the groat house door! Thfore's a white rise coming out--- dltay your Doming, I implore! Lot my squash vines, full of buds, Grow unscatihod, a few ilia morel If you must have work to do, Paint more brilliantly the trees -- Make the forests glow and flame With their autumn tapestries. But my garden still reprieve- leeve a heart, dear T. Frost, please! A bright plowshare ie the sign mrnuah of at good farmer, ,1