HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-17, Page 5Toursday O000:er 1 1 0 CNK tea, t WAu "1 C 11.8) ILD. D.C.L, President CAPITAL PAiD UP,$15,890,00O $W JOHN A1RD, General Manager H. V. r. JONES, Asti Oen`( Manager RESERVE FUND, . $I3,500,Oo 00 Open a Savings account with this Bank and deposit money which would otherwise be kept at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis- faction of knowing that your money is secure. Sea,,Csax°t:b.. J3nr°a, or J. G, MULLEN, Manager W. J. Walker Undertaker and embalmer W. J, Wither, ;iolder of gov. ernenent Dipl� and License Day or Night oaks receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night 18 �% CENTRAL 9iHL �Z/ s STRATFORD, ONT, Lady graduates of last term are now earning as high a. $18 and even $20 a week, while young men are earn- ing still better salaries. We can not meet the demand for trained help, Write us at once for partioul ars regarding our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Depart- ment, 4 Students may enter at any time, W J ELLIOTT D A MCLACHA2 PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL • • GIVE "SYRUP Of FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD 1, ' Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't herrn tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Look at the tongue, iuot eir1 If coated, your little one's etomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once, When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of `California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipabee!.w ate, Undigested food and sour bile gerly ineeteeteeet, of 4 s little bowels without ggr hg, and yoti have a well, playful child? again. Ask your •1ruggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, children of all ages end for grown-ups. r FOR SALE el -MAP Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry I summer kitchen and cellar, Bard and !soft water, Electric lights, large ve randah. Stable 1.6' x11z' hen :house 0 7', Apply at the News Oliice t CREAM WANTED •a •Saud your Cream to us and reoeive top prieee. We are ennuingo In' plant .eie year through and can handle you 'ffulleempplypnd furnish you with oats • We pay twine eaoh month and weigh sample rind test each eau of cream oar fully. Our motto is " Honesty to o Patrons" Patrons are requested to rets tern all our cane when not in nee, . 3 it ter an 1 Buttermilk ale. en hand n{ for at market pricee, �., The Seaforth Creamery Co. HEA FORTH MARK ET Good Milling Wheat............... $2.10 Oats .................... 85 Barley....,..,, ....., ......... l 85 Shorts per tun ....... 41 (loge to farmers ,,.......,..0 00 Work Wanted Woman will go out to do bight house work by the day. Hopes 8 to 6 o'olock Apply to Mini Pngh • Box 478, Seaforth For Sale House and half arse of land in the village of Egntonclvillo The property Is situated on Ccutre Street, close to the Presbyterian Churoh and is known as the Purcell property, Good com- fortable hones, good shed, good well and cement eistero. All kinds of fruit triune strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes. This is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of onitivation. This is a nice properti for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to john Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nirty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH JOHN RTNKIIN Bonds for sale bearing• interest from 6 to 7 p. c. — half yearly If you have any unemploy- ed funis novo is the time to buy some of these. Ghoice securities: Iw o ex- pense to investor. All information cheerfully given. JOHN RA Bond and Debenture Broker Mein Street, Seaforth Phone 91 a Local 'Agent Wanted for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES `. housands of Orchard trees need replacing. War . Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large.. Secure et paying Agency with liberal commissio :is, Exper. fence not necessary. STONE &WELLINGTON (T;stablished r8.;) TORONTO, ONT. As a vermicide these ie no preparat- ion that equals Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, It bas saved the livoe •f o ,untleee children, • K...-Aw f/rt..,M iii4" a w: ei Town oplcs ng( i �. Ii t•...1114 t I tYq The High Coat of Giving—Economy is the word today. Make your old garments do instead of purchasing new °nee, itavii them dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly done longthens the. life of garments, preserventheir fresh new appearance and note as u ,1Wefeotait, Urleanitnl•y wearing appetel often causes Mantles and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals. My Wardrobe, Godoriah St„ feeaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel, Dorenweud'e of Toronto, the emine'.t hair Specialists will lie at the Cermet. oiol Hotel on Thursday October 24th with a grand (Replay of the latest e••ettttioua in hair goods including ladies trausformntiohs, switches, pompadours, waved etc• and toupees and wigs for men who are bald, A11 those afflicted with loss of hair are Invited, to this display when a free demoeetration will be given, Col: and Mrs, Alex, Wilson are visit. ing their daughter, Mrs. Holt in New York• Mise Ethel Grieve of Toronto It a visitor at her hone here, Mr, Thomas Jaiman has purchased the residence of Mr, W, Smith on North Main St. and intends 000upying it. Mies Agnes McKay of Walton is a visitor at the home of her parents Mr, and Mre H, McKay. Miss Gertrude Reid has returupd from Welland, Miss Carpenter who hes been visit- ing the Aiisses Dorsey hue returned to her home in New Orleans. Mr. Jarrot of Egmondville has mov- ed Into the rooms above Mr, Broderioke herness shop. l Mise Bertha Robb daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Robb has returned from overseas where she has been nursing in the hospitals for the pant two years. Pte Earl eohnetou of London spent a few days iii town, Mrs. Foster aid children. of Galt were at her home here. Mre, James Gillespie spent Thanks- giving with her daughter, Mary, in St, Thomas„ 1VIr, and Mre, McKean and daughter of Galt, also Mr, and Mrs. Walker of New London; Oon,; attended the funer. al of the late Mrs. Vernon Walker, Mise Sparks has returned from a vis- it to Stratford. Mr, and Mrs, J. O. Greig spent Monday in Toronto, Mise Rena McKenzie of Stratford is at her home, Lieut. Stewart Soott and wife aro vleiting Mrs. J. P. Brine, Mr, William MacKay, barrister of Toronto spent the week end at hie home here Mr, Lon Chesney of Sarnia is spend ing the holiday with his parents Mise'Thompeon and bliss Pearl Pat. tereon ate in Listowel, Miss Bertha Robb leaves on Friday to report at the Base hospital, Hitt Agnes Campbell is visiting in Loudon. Mid Helen Fitzgerald of Toronto is at the home of her sister, Mrs 11 Ste- wart, 11r, 11, Myere of Stretford was a week end visitor. Mr. W, Charlesworth and ubildrei' of Petrulia are vinitors.at the home of Mr, and Iles. W. (lovenlook, Egmont. vilfo, Mise (testis Grieve of Pore ie spend- ing the holidays at the home of her parent Mr, and Mre, T• Grieve. t4liee lrlotenco ,McKay of Toronto ie viniting Mr, and Mrs, James MoKey hginotidvil!n. Mr, Harry Cresswell returned on Saturday from overtone Ile coldnei.t• ed rheumatism in the trenches which incapacitated him from further stir - vete. Mise Verna Jarrett 1e hrete from Hnmil ton . Mr. 1 Hent•t left last Friday 00 a trip to the West, Mrs, William W'esteott received the sad news that het son Pie, Clarence Westoott hail u(ede the supreme sac. riliee on Sept, 27th in Franco. Ho was a fine young inan end wont oyer. float with 161st, His twits brother was wonuded a Elliott t.imn ago The heart felt eorrow of Idi are with then( in their .grief. ' THE SE >{ORTJ rII IcyLi ra re f (kf 1pleslRail it 'I Iii . tt 11, i1 Wh"; y v,Cana.i:a must rf 3 oney to carry Because Canada has put her hand to the plow and will not turn back:- -our ack:—our country is in the war on the side of liberty and justice and will stay in it till complete victory is won and the unspeakable Hun is smashed and beaten to the ground; —a nation at war must make tre- mendous expenditures in cash to keep up her armies and supply them with munitions, food and clothing; —Canada must finance many mil- lions of dollars of export trade in food, munitions and supplies which Britain and our allies must have on credit; -for these purposes Canada must o row borrow hundreds of millions of dollars— And, this money must be borrowed from the people of Canada:– Therefore, Canada will presently come to her people for a new Victory Loan to carry on.. + + $ Canadians will loan the money by again buying Victory Bonds. The national safety, the national honor and the national w ell -being require that each and every Canadian shall do his duty by lending to the nation every cent he can spare for thiti purpose. ready when the l4i& l come: to see your comnary tin°codh its great war work Mrs Lucee Rase of McKillop has been notified that lien son Earl toss, who won the military medal and bar las been womuled in the aim, He 100 been overseas neatly four years and has oeceped until new, Mrs, ,lobo. Sclater and Helen are visiting hi Toronto. Mr, and Mre, Andrew Scott are on a toneymoon trip to Toledo, Miss McIver spent Theekegivii,g et ler hone in Ripley. Mr, Adam Mol(ay had word on Sat- urday that his son Kenneth was in the hospital with a woofed 111 the ankle The Thanksgiving Danoe was post poued to a later date. The Anniversary Services in oonneet ion with Duffe-Olnlrc1, 112uICillop, an. nottneed for Oot, 20th have been post potted, Mr, Andrew Archibald has (Repeat(' of hie fine farm in Tuekersrni(h to Mr. Oliver of Hibbert. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in cel-oi,cr(t"'•:1 kith _lie Minister of Finance of the Dominion c,f Canada • r, The local 'telephone service has been reee- good 11111.1ng the epidemic in spite of the sickness on the stall', Mr, Robert Steele was notified Mon- day that hie SOU John Alexander was in the hospital with a gun shot wotnld. 111 F, Savauge was the 111c1cy winner of the beautiful silver teapot donated by Miss Dikes to the lied (h'oae. Pro- ceeds amounting ro $107,76 Mr. Archie Hays of Brampton was home for Monday. Woid was received net Wednesday that ,lclin Eidrnt Bullard and George Allan Hablcirk were iii n French Hos- p1tn1 with gun shot w•ouu(1e, Overseas tehriettnee Boxes—As the Christmas Boxes for soldiers evorseoe nntat leave Canada before November loth the Women's War Auxiliary would ask flint the cake for the Sea- forth moil's boxes be reedy for packing early' in November, The exact date for receiving the cake and packing the boxes will bo announced as soon as possible. There will be no tiuion Prayer Meet ing in Egutnn,lville ('hurch. 111r. 41, Brine of 'Toronto WWI a week end visitor, Mr. Milton teheeney accountant of the Dominion hank is ill with pneum- onia, neunt- onin, Miss A, Andrews ie suffering from a serious attack of itdluenza Word was received on Thursday that George Weiland, son of Mr, and Mrs. Weilnud of F,gmendvilis was killed in France on Sept .27th Ito worked t(. Walter Robiuso'ue bntbor shop before enlisting. He weld, overeeae last win. ter and was only a short time in the trenches, 141r, Holbein is the possessor of a rarity in the shape of a raspberry in fruit in Ootobet'. The branoh he show od the News bad twelve berries beside a blossom. Me, Den McCormack, wife and child are visiting his grandparents, 101o, and Airs, Holboin. Word arrived front Winrhaln t u Thu redo. feet that Harold Dovtu,- son of Mr, Win Doom of tnwu; was wounded in the thigh. He wets overseas with tate llilat Battalion. His wife lives in Wii gliem. • Mrs I', 41, C'hos+,ey uas calied to New 1,u doe, h, 1. m1 Friday owing to the Critical ilhiess cf her e'dest dauglw_ tor, Mia, V, {Walker, i{ev A, W, Moletosll of Pert 4rtbur vas a tt risiler at the h.•n(c of hie runt her 41rs, (oorgr Mninte 1. Mise P'llo iialln0tpH, of Wetorloo is ep.•nding the holidays at the hems, of her father Mr. W. Ballantyne, Mies Mary Smillie is home from Etrattord Normal, Mrs, and Miss F.nrtnn of Galt are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. E 4, Dox. Mr David Pinkney of Stratford is visiting his cmtsin Mr, George Pinkney Goderieli St,