HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-10-17, Page 4�>a CAE McD*CAL U(411 %088, Rh glolansad Sar,gcon 49rt tgn flog Holy Itondon,'E4g anal. 10ntten to diloa00a oC Rye, !ter, elos4 e'sidenee melded Domiaton-Ituak, e No. 6. Restdeneo Phone No, 100 • 11IU QWY8 Seaforth Oaloe and r.0 odorfoCttofun II, cooer CounyBr Nn, de. '• Pr sit- HAI:EAY, rhys101008 lad ti a, 000 Gail11 Street, opposite Nebo. .'raduateTiptoe a and Ann Arbor, and, Outgrip Dollop of Physicians and Coroner for County 01 Heron, honor 'graduate Trinity University, ,lin tTrinityMedlea10ol1ega,'Member t I 1'50101011s and 8urgen110, Slitter's. S. 111+I1,13M,1A, 0ateopthie Specialist men's nn4 Ch110401.1e (lineages and Pe troubles. Acute aid chronic disord e Eye, Nose And Throat Adenoid re- lhoutheitulte. t'nnsnllntion 1006. Royal hotel o n•la, rod 5.141„ Friday 914,04 t0 liput t LicensesIssued b7 JOklb 1)D pEt')8"tet use once coaoldertna Insurance, Lire or Accident? 'its, a postcard will get our rates. 4I. ID. 141r11eBLEY. Anent for London Llfe InsuranceCo,. 'tat Guruantee and Accident In.ursnce Co, Seaforth. Ont. es Watson Fire, Idle and Accident insurance and dealer in dewing Machines, -root, Seaforth, ntlE McKILLOP i Fire Insurance Co. sena and isolated Town ' perty Only insured. l., •OFFICERS inlrahy, Goderieh, President, James 1;l5eecbwood, Vle6•Pres[dent, Thorn t %forth. Sec.-Treas. Directors McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, 1W. Rion, Constance; John Bennewele, q1)• -Robert Ferris, ifarlock; Malcom ZCllnton; o McCartney, Seaforth; uolty; Goderlchl Jae. Evans, Beechwood. J'. Agents '�ttt��itch, itarlock; E. HinSeaforth aforth • :Cheney, EgmondvlAe; J. W. Von le; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhasen: Jane, 'John Govenlock, Seaforth, anaitors. , desirous to effect inn/lance re trauma^• ',oeas gill be pnmpfly Qttrndedb. i 40 any of the above ,facers, address t.pecttve poetofficea. GA o1465110 ff. Rr-� Il. ;'125 ots.putotlt, uknvorr co OrIMITED—r ' o a0R1cIIAROsoOt 0 S. The • Otiginai and Only Genuine 11Ut>a +�"Uti';/ U UU DECO IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office AIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 84 Exciting 127 SUBSCRIPTION one dollar per Year, etrlctly 111 tidy aim of not pais! Ie &enlace, one Millar and a hall will be charged. united States meets, fifty cents extra. strlekly 10 When subscribers elmauge tselr address notice should be lent us Immediately, giving both lael0 address. scribers willdconferandthe a favor by notifying Snb. us of any Irregularity of delivery. Rending Notices—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or ;natter by which moue Is to be made by any person or chargee The price! for the neer- Inser- tion of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties having no contract for dlaplay advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to chose having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment rending notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 0 slues, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices --Ten cents per line for first Insertion and five cents per Ane for each aubseguet insertion. Yearly card,—Professional Cards no* exceeding one Inch, will be inserted tot 55,00 per year, payable strictly In advance Dinging advertising—Rates furnished on application, "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid," and those sent without Written Instructions will appear until' ritten orders are received for their sits. conttouanee. Letter* to the Editor must be accom- Denied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith The publisher accepts no re0pon• slblllty whatever for the statements made In such communications. Lettere on reli- gious topics paid advertising, :Antall, ed at all except as, marked as such. The rate for such matter Is tee cents per line, J, F, SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER General Observations e � "Gasless" Sundays Ottawa' Oet 6th—Fuel Controller Magarth reports that inquiry at Wash- ington elicits information to the effect that "gasolene Sundays" will be con - tinned in the United for another two or three weeks. The same policy will be followed in Canada, Mr Magrath announces that regula- tions have not been approved by the governor general in -council to control the wholesale and retail sale of gaso- line in Canada. The regulations pro- vide for the licensing of all persons who deal In gasoline in Canada and certain fees are prescribed, based on Beware the volume of gasoline sold during the of previous year. Iwilaitois May Cancel Licenses Said 114 cases where dealers fait to boy Oa fie 1 the provisions of the law. the fuel con- Merlts it 'oiler has ahsoiutc lower to eailgel 0 of suspend Iicenees with1Qi1 n0liee. Millard'$ All pram s who deal ju g144o.i1,,0 with Liniment out obtaining; 1 0et:ees to do so will be subjected to a pet:sit) .1f $50 for each duy u; lac}; 1,t41rrss ie contruv,•ution of tie 01;10.4. or S;1 e a' • ANTOY COAL f L. KEY, Seaforth. ,0 Phone 140 tr. - it jj` t�� %'v"! B U s i n ew.!' 11• _ i1 11 'iforth News Without a proper systm of adver• thin Is like a motor without the power tRlD i1RtISl.t1CN S Oil supply the h required energy tr , phhne . 84 tkening$127 1-'404'1,".1'5 :' t ti",[sad,• 101 1141 haepit g of .;,11, .alts rocorde, and It 1140114 r:f 4)140441111' upon to 11."hr up 1. i t. r •:1L'ar,f 1)u+in0ss the c08t of l 110 a 1 rt thea tine im: (!!" tr.!1 I 1 0 t or the I £I ' alts!, le [11 :t 1 '1,.. de ,t,, eafl.tot vat' tho e t :- ( 145 1 17:,.•01tuag:11 ,;1)511148 .1: h.(srlJI• .,i • I. 44•:<' 1r_. ,.•! 'incl il, i,',u r.i . 10,11 1 p,.1,1:8 a m't,r! t 1)51 ,,sst(+ is 10 peri enl1.0 ail 11.,:• 40114, 2,4 41.41,1 cost d+!iv,.r, d i'1:. 1,;•ti'. .l:.ru ere the d'At stepa stepton al.,e Fringing the control i of the eale of geloline it. tiler the 8•nnt0 sort of 41114)08101-11 as hi now extended to the vale of coal and other fuels, r • Thank you very much for the we,- Dorno oallect c tl[r1h my good friend Ail r, Child has brut 1)r, to rhe, for our work nraoul;st the sailors I assure you we appreciate this kindly evidence of your sympathy and approval of our work, and the amount is 8 great help to us et this time when otic oppoetnntfea THE, E.A1+O1 TH. NEN' $ lar eerviee to 801!01* are e0 greet, With sincere theliI4I 1 am your* very truly Wnv Edwards, Asst, bee The following. are the contributions Jolelt Rankin $2 00 Beattie Brus. 2 00 *1, Edge 2 00 Stewart Bros. 2 00 T Kerslake 1 00 F, S Savauge 1 (i0 U, A, Sills r 00 W. Sommerville J 00 Mies 1'', Frlayiet' 1 00 J t (ircig W 11, Smith J W, 1100tH. Dr, Oooper W. A, NY, 00war1 J. A. 4elak .1. t', Stiles 11 H, Stiles 1, F, Duly Total Dublin Requiem Masa, donated by the Pat- riotic Society foe the late Michael Walait, killed in lotion was celebrated in St. Patrick ('introit on Saturday morning last, '!'here was a large num, her of the Society present. 'T1s Ch,i*limas boxes for the boys oversea* were peeked at ,tile 11011)0 of Mrs, P, 'Evans 041'lhursday last, '011000 boxes were 011041:ot only with good things to eat but many kindly thought* 1 (10 end reinembrallnes of the dear boys Olt I wont in also. 101ay they bring then! 0O l good spirit and bright days for the 0 0 1 00 r OO 1 (10 1 00 1 (11) Mr. Lou Evans bite returned from a r 60 trip to Montreal 511 cunning year. Mrs. Moore and daughter of Stint ford aro visiting the mother of the former, Mrs, McDermott. $24 00 Annual Report Huron Branch Belguim Belief Fund For the year ending Sept. 30 1918 RECEIPTS Balance from11,'17 Seaforth Private donations. Dom . Bank Box Corn. Bank Bos Post office Public Donations Bayfield Patriotic Society Brussels Women's Institute G0derioh Township South End Y, C. Ladies 19 443 70 46 33 4 96 183 28 It lo 6 00 22 20 Total $117.1 19 PAYMENTS Remitted A. Do Jaidin Montreal 9 00 1, George Toronto 666 00 Paid printing & postage 7 95 Balance on hand Sept 3o, 1918 1 24 The following are the contributions received since the last report and are shown in the year's total, Mrs J. ManTevish Mrs, C. Stewart Mrs, DeLacey Mrs, 0. Neil Mr. W. R. Arohibald Mrs.rs, Twiss Mr. Jae, Robb Rayfield Patriotic Sooiety Dom. Bank and Post offioe Ladies's Aid Methodist Church D1 rs 5 00 6 00 7 40 2 JO 2 00 1 00 r00 7 40 r 28 6 00 J. B. 'Thompson. Treasure!', Mensal! The Sunday School Convention for the township will be held in Chisel - burst on Wednesday. Ann' tversary services will be held in i the Dlothodist Church on Sunday, Oct, 2utl, and tea meeting on :Monday I evening, A good programme hos been prerdrd. Dl1Ewall;las rented the dwelling ,wiled by Mr, Neclumds and is leaving into it. - :t great amount of grain is being 1 '.'t;gbt in by the farmers, Mime (' Iiarl'7 of Wrcxt•t,r le here, !II her relali110. Mil. 0, Cook, L' tt moll of lirannard, Minnesota Missions To Seaman Mr U. H. Stiles of London has sent !'.e following letter of thanks from the headquarters of the Mi801Jn4 to Seaman and thanking him for sending contri- butions tl.1Ot.6 which he wt*its* published, The Miseiees for Seamen, II Buckingham St, Shand, London. Dear Chaplain Stiles — 0s ,ti relatives hero, 1138 Mary Flog:nth of 1 rotrtarty bee 4141 blether, Jas. FEFLA. 31;t1 f.tu0iy', Pet , 4r. Gamut leas had 'Hai Sail m q:4,1,0 teat his brother, 1)0. Garret ban leen killed in Frames 'Phi8 is the X0 a 0 ,1 brother killed. Mr,, (1:trrot himself was wounded at the front and d''echarged, Surely they, hive dobe their part in the war. The iniiuenaa has closed all 4nlblie erttertuinntent until the and of the miii,th tJ` faffa 'Dm Ladies' Aid has completed ser• rongom'nts for a pie social in Nuven- bar, - Mr, and etre, Henry Holding have moved into hiss Herron's h00ae, Miss Vora Hamtl4y is on the ohm list, 10lrs, I, M, Heinilton, District Pres- ident of the Women's Institute attend- ed a meeting in k ebriugviiie last week arid gavo an address Mt, .Jae Doreoy of Duluth hes berm caking on friends. Mr, Geo Howard 80. is ill. The eugogemeuts are anuouiced of Mise Mary Dillon to NIr, Campbell of Parkhill and also Miss Hannah Dillon to Mr, Jae, Uivliu of MoKillop. Corns and warts disappear w11011 treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a sear. DEATHS. WALKER—In New London, Conn, on Ootelier 12th Mrs, Vernon 14, Walker, aged 27 years ANDREWS—In Seaforth on Ootoher loth Agnes Andrews abed 27 Stevenson as an Engineer. Robert Louis Steveuson's old friend, the Rev. Archibald Bisset, was minis- ter of Ratho for over forty years. Mr. Bisset's Intimacy with Stevenson be- longed to his early "Edinburgh days," when be was trying to become an au. tier despite paternal opposition, and Dir. Bisset used to tell how the elder Stevenson, having got his reluctant son safely anchored in his office one. day, gave hlm a problem to solve regarding bridge pressure and went off to a meet- ing. Louis east his eyes over the task, pulled Lewes' "Life of Goethe" out of his pocket and applied himself to that. "Well, Louis," said the father on his return, "have you worked out that cal- culation?" "No," was the bored reply. "I knew that nothing depended on my doing it; I haven't the slightest curiosity as to what the pressure would be; tell me, and 1 will take it on your authority." The lighthouse engineer looked at his On and then remarked slowly, "I think you'd. better go home:"—Manchester Guardian. Nicely Trapped. The sexton of a certain church the other afternoon had conducted a party round the ancient edifice, and, despite dropping more than one "gentle hint," it appeared'as if the sexton was to ge unrewarded. In the porch the leader of the party paused a moment. "I suppose," he said, "you've been here many years?" "Forty," replied the old man, "an' it's a werry strange thing as when- ever I'm a -showing a party out o' the Porch they aline nsks me that question or (with emphasis, the other,"- "Judeed!" smiled the visitor, "And what may the other be?" "What I calls question number two," replied the sexton calmly, "is jest this —'Sarniwell, is tips allowed?' And Samiwell allus atiewers, 'Tips is al- lowed!"' The hint was t11kee, no-: west the tip. —London Globe. - Fans of France. At the time that Len!Lenie SV,'Was king d Frames fan malting had reached per haps its highest point. I1 has not gone backward since, but surely no fans cuultl he made smolt exquisite than '.vera those of the flay e of the glory of Versatile,: Du Parry and aline. de Pompadour, the two up:et pttsistorlt favorites of Louts \V, were 1,04)1 very- fond of flats, and many are thestoriesfold of their extravagance iu buying them or at least ordering them, for the king had to pay for theta, 011e Met NAA chosen by lime, de Pomplldour took nine years in the making, It was made of paper cut like Ane point lace, and the stdeks bore medallions so tiny but withal perfect that they could only he made out by the ald of a very power- ful microscope,—Washington Star, -...., --•t H10 Wealth. - e publi te—You were be¢o u A t1�0 pubiia streets, and yei _gou_h flings Syn your pocket, ser --Yes, your worship. I a ind strioue in ay as re root, but r p 1)0 >ld spendthrift. Wouldn't Be Low. "I understand that Mrs. De RAO a great stickler for having a ery W mod the moexclusive kind." es; she fleher tht hdischarged doctor e h 'told her ha two into ieoo lows Berlin's Customs Recelpte Grow. BERLIN, Ont„ March 3.—The 0418• torus returns for February show a gratifying increase. The figures were ;638,622.42 as compared with $39,663:15 is the aorreapouding month lest -year, Thursd i y 0 t',lRtr i With Acknowledgments to Luke Fildos, R.A. tr 0 every home there comes a time when every thought, every hope, every prayer for the future centres on the recovery of one loved one. In that hour of anguish, every 'means to recovery is sought—the highest medical skill, trained nurses, costly treatment. Does the price matter? It may be so great as to stagger the imagination—a sum beyond the possible. But does anyone ask, "Cart we do it?" Money or no money, they do it. And somehow they pay. It may mean doing without things they think they need. It may mean privations, sacrifices, hardships. They make unbeliev- able savings, they achieve the impossible, but they get the money to pay. To -day in this critical period of our nationhood, there is impera- tive need for MONEY—vast sums o£. money. Only one way now remains to obtain it. The nation must save, every community, every family, every individual Canadian must save. If anyone says "I cannot save" let him consider to what extent he would pinch himself to relieve the sufferings of a loved one at home; and surely he would not pinch less for our fighting brothers in France. Without suffering actual priva- tions, nearly every family in Can- ada can reduce its standard of living, can practice reasonable thrift, can make cheerful sacrifice to enrich the life -blood of the nation. You who read this, get out pencil and paper NOW. Set down the items of your living expense. Surely you will find some items there you can do with- out. Determine to do without them.' Start TO -DAY. Save your money so that you may be in a position to lend it to your country in its time of need, Published under the authority of the Minister of Finance of Canada. 29 ealetelleeleiMUIS Briefs for the Busy The farmers near Wandainelc are busy cutting wood and will tier use mach coal this winter. They have learned Hxper1e1100 that coal is hard to got and they will ,deliver wood to the city in- stead of baying ectal, No .1ohu Boleswortli of Vandt•oar has been killed is action, .He \Vita 28 yours of age and use, when he "4 14sted looking for means of increasing the sup- ply of labor for factories, Engi sear J. Willis Chapman of Tor- onto says the typhoid 0Jntantel it, Chatham demands the placing of a competent pian in I:hare•- of the filter- ing plant while thi+ epid(l(l(! routitnu s see have entered rl1H hunpitn!,. 1,4 dHatl;e, pt'imclpal of a Brim 0lnrti Sell, 01, MUSIC The 1,0114011 Board 4,1 Pratte is 11711(4) Gladys 001101n0, teacher of !!lane a»ti to secure contracts for tnneitiona from theory. Apply at Reaidotce, corner of the United States. '1141p' 11813 also Jarvis and Market Streets, 4t Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday saivice 2,3o pin. Sunday School I 18p 11) Prayer ineetine, Tuesday- $ p. 1)i, L (.i 1.,er Wed. (:onstalice Methodist Rev,'11.E. Sawyer, p ostor. Sunday service 2.30 pan, Young People's Lea, ;no2.30 p.m Sunday woln0n'e Anxi1 my first 'Tuesday of every month a 30 pe m Gult.s' 3. i,l'l 040 '1'h'tt's11ay r.f malt month 3.30 p.nr ,RirstPresbyterian ' hate, 1"", 14, Lltrkin,. Pastor. Sunday ;ureides 11 a,m, and 7 p in, Sunday school 2,30 pan. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.46 p.m. Womeu'a Mies- ionsry Sociotytbe first Tuesday in each month at 3 p.m. Barbara Kirlcnlail Min. sion Band 3r4 Tuesday, 7e the month st 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band "very 2nd Monday at 4.16 pin. McI4iliop Presbyterian ;Rev, D Carswell pastor Sunday services Duffs' (March Il a in Sunday school 10 a.m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. women's Missirrtlnry Society last Friday in each month at 1)'cloak. CHINCH NEWS 1 to 1 • I ltI lined ern phst 1 tree of charge tx- pttll+a, rv•,,,rt ltl4, n Its, s where tut dl 11I a hr In •harmed "Ilin rate for snob bring Alt.• •..1)t p,0 lnunt'hue SRA FOR TIra t✓H111RetaitS St. James' St, James' Ohnroh, Rev. Father 1 tioetg ZIP, Early Mass 8,00, 1-1.101 Huss 111,311, Sunday School .3 p, 1m Vespers and Ilenn(1Jotioe el the Bless• Hli Sa0t•alnel,t,7. p, 111. St. Thomas' leer. 1. H. Brown, It,•etttr Ntoitin3 000Uves 11 a in, and i p to Sunday schuu I 2,31! p, 1)e. 11'unutu'e englu.nt Mi siunary A,t•,utu,ttin)(. '1'm'sday '2 3t p.m. Childro(sin'aucn 8,131;11as 911 m. n t.troesai„tt 50t'v4,0,5 twos)* •rllnrad:ly, ,0p.ut, Methodjst Rev, H. 17, Moyer,' plater --SUNDAY School At 10:011 a.m. Public service 11. a.m, and 7 p,m. Flinger Moeting l 14ureda y 8, pan.. "Por the Blood Is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE 4 SUFFERING thi1, any disease due to impure blood ouch as Eczema, Scrofula, Sou ivy, Bad Legs, Abeaossee, Ulcer', Glandular Swellings, Boils, Plmplee,Soree of any kind, Pilos,Blood Poisen,Rhaumatiam, Gout, etc., don't w,mta your time and money n lotions and .dne tunt, which cannot get Lcluav the surface of the skin. Khat you want i. a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood or the poisonous natter which alone is the tette cm se of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood lurelsjust such a medicine. It is composed of iugredlants which quickly expel from the bt,nd all impurities, from whatever cause urising, and by reudaeing it clean and 41001,° can ha relied on to effect - l771.0u".6 ,y ternm01,ak. pow se:eman resp ,phle ,o xnr bottle). Over 0v e 50 yearn' 00040(5. 54855.51 to take, I S- d by all! ;Num s s,ur,..., l CURES ALL Jl SKIN & 21000 DISEASES, Clerke98 'Mixture Salvation Lieut, Doherty al d Holiness Int -piing I1 cervico 3 p.m. fi"Hlt 0hildruus v vee -1 a.m. Bible 0rasee•s 4 DI Datings—W'oduesdr ly 4l',m• Briny Er vet Gthilli id a. 1)1. Prni•a service 7 p'tu, t rrctmy ,. non 10 p In, tt e,-1 night . Pram. meeting Rgmondville, Preltbyierlan ltev. 03 11cl,':n pt.tnr 81,1•rtny err visna 1 11).m and 7 p 11 l',1 le t•':,^s 3 pin 1?rsv"; nle,..i,'') 1f ••d"•••'Aly 81.1, m. Y,1' M.8 30(1 Friday in the month 8 p m. Woineti's 4l ierten. ary Society. 3rd 1Vedneedet hi the month at 2.30 pm Lediere Ai•1 ,naeri. ire- ntedietely after. ' t ?D 8 t 11 W O.] De 0041 are aWI Ptah bhr tea Fig 0011 0011 bon }vel 9ru &yl 8ir4 fund t• i0um 16oft rant I 7 i-` (I c 0' 134 131 311 FI 114 E IV wort AI