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The Seaforth News, 1918-09-12, Page 8
NOTHING Adds mere to the ap- pearance of a mar.than a neat Hair Cut or Shave If you come to oursanit- ary, carefully conducted parlors, you are sure of every attention, Commercial BarberShop,C,Ith W, ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL Miss Annie G, Uoveulock. t1iarbiate Teacher's Course C+other tky .Methods, Canadian Academy if Music, Toronto will re -open her eleseea Irl plane, tergal, and Theory no September 3rd, Pupils will be prepartd for Celiedieli Academy red 'Toronto eemeerva tory xernmatirms etedto Neth Main St Phone 103 Help Wanted •Belp wanted in spread :lax t v the Canadian Flax :Mils, eeaferth, Geed wages will I,e ',atilt ti. wrrtaeu, girls sial boys. i auadtiw Flax Mills. :Seaforth SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES evic Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your akin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ounces of Diehard white, shake well, and you have A quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply Um ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and Stands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and. white the skin becomes. Yesl IO ie harmless. 9 Automobile Entrance .Western Fair mates Sept. 6 to 14 Per some y.',rs tl:, I,amher of people who comp to the Fair. in the cool Auto I waited of stuffy trellis have increased that taking rare of the cars forced the Directors of the western Fair to bnild a subway ander the track, and will let only cars enter at the north east corner of the ground . The drivers after un- loading their passengers, who will also have a special entrance will go through the subway and park their oars ieside the ring where they may be left as long as desired. If the auto party lunch �It CORRESPONDENCE 1 �er,•m-n�ew.�-ww...arr.�.-e ry Bayfield Bayfield Fall Fair will be held on (Amber 1 and .2. Mies Appleyerd is principal of the Public aehool hero and Mies Ferguson is the aaatataut, Miss Martha and Sarah Smith of Ireland ere visiting relatives in the village. Mr. Wright of Toronto was up and spout a few days with Mts. Wright at the home of Mrs. Baker, blrs, 'rholnpeoe and daughter of Lon- don weae guests at .thee Ferguson's Mrs, E Sturgeon spent it few days iii Toronto last week, Miss Dorothy Fowlie is teaching in S. S. No, b Hey 'Township. I Mies M, white of Louden was with friends hero last week. Varna Mr, Win, Beatty, manager of the !Union Bank, Hillsville, has been visit- ing relatives here. Mr, Weeks, Mr. George Beatty, Masters George and Robie Woods and Miss Edna Beatty metered to Listowel recently. The choir of the Methodist Church recently held a gathering to hid fare- well to live of their tnemdere, at the home of Mr. Will Foster, Parr Line, The Members were Misses Lulu and Roxy Colbert who are attending the Milton School of Commerce and Opal !F t h t o f th C Ilag tate and Eunice Reid who h88 left for "the Stratford Normal School, They 11 will be much missed in thio section. The Rev . Mr. Larkin of Seaforth preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. - Mr.J. Keys and family from Nash- ville. Tenn, have been spending their holidays in Varna, TIME Si -WORTH MIMS Dublin Mr, and Mrs, G. A, Leary at Wind- sor are at the home of Dr. itlitohell, Mr, and Mrs, Dill aro spending a few days in 'Toronto. The tra,ii° ell the railways has bean very light this year compared with other years, Miss Jay Rogere has returned and is again teeahing, Miss McConnell is teaching in Flib. bort. The Misses M, O'Connell and M, Weber spent a abort time with friends in Stratford, Miss Marie MoDonald of Ingersoll is with her aunt, Mise Hamlon, Mlss R. Croninhes gone to Piston to take 'charge of her echool. She spent a few days at Peterboro en route. Hulllett Miss Loretta Flyuu returned to Tor - after spendiug a few weeks with her parents. Mies Snell who has been speudsiug a few weeks with Mr, and Sire, D, Flynn accompanied her back. Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan return ed to their home here after speeding a few weeks in St. Thomas, I Tne Misses Minnie and Toots Rey• colds have returned home after spend. ing a few deer in Kitchener Mise Mary McIntosh of London was visiting friends in this locality during the past week. 1lKippen 09 er w 0 18 a Inc ea Ot' o — Mr, Musket of Toronto was a recent visitor with•Mr, Relit. Cooper. itis John MoMurtrie of Stanley who met with such a bad aoeideruiu break. ing his collar bone and several ribs is greatly improving, Rev, John Hart of Brucedeld visited in the village last week, Miss Gretta lemon has gone to Man.• coy where she is teaching. Mies Olive Cooper who spent the past mouth with her mutt. hire J. Puttereou "Toronto, has returned to her home, Loindesboro 1 Nord has been received that W. H. i Roes, Dabarnme, Alt.:, diad of wounds in a hospital in Boulogne, Corp. Ross attended school at No, 4, Hullett, and was a eon of J, F. Rose, who was a nutter maker in the factory before going west. Mr and Mr. Wm, Cooper and Mr and Mrs Frank Upshall attended the Toronto Exhibition and visited Niagara Falls . Mr and Mrs McPhail and daughter Mr. and Mrs' James Webster have; returned to 'Toronto after visiting friends brie. Walton Don't forget the Seaforth Full Fair katts Sept 10 ti 20, Horse Races' Foot races and Tag e1 war, Phe Women's Institute will hold their regult n meeting at the home of ts .1. 1, ticf :iiia. ''Thursday Sept, loth at 3 P. M The triple of the meet. and Airs Wm, Ivison of Porters Hill visited with friends here last week. Mr Craig Wilson of London is acting as G, T, R, Agent while Mr and Mrs are on a trip to Hamilton and other pointe, Mr ,luhu Hanna and wife and Mrs Hanna Sr. of Wingham and Mrs ::temp bell of Lapsible, Mich, were guests thio weak at the home of Mr and Mrs Alev, MacKenzie.. rtnceffield lug t. canning and drtipg vegetables. M. tubers ate requested to take part, - Miss Latera Knight trill give a paper r10 The Outlook of Oiris in the Country Now. 1ensaall The (',;ncert a' r'sirdnn's Hall Friday September 2o is of exceptional merit, Highland and Irish songs and dancing, Reserveseeete at Aberhart's Drug store, The Home Depattmaht of the Math °diet church attended in a body on last Sunday morning, lu the evening a very solemn memorial service for the late Sergt George welsh was held. Rev. A. E, Doan acid family spent a pleanant holiday at Alliston and Tor - they may do ao, returning to the ground onto, by way of the subway. The price of admission will be $l lin lot car and driver, including parking, The manage- ment feel assured this acoontidation will be appreciated by the general pub lac and that mere people than ever will attend this year's Exhibition. Proa-. petits ars very bright for the best Ex'r hitiou ever held in London, Prize Lists, entry forms and all information will be given on application to the Seo rotary, A. Id, Hunt, Loudou. Tho Man With Asthma, almost longe for death to end his suffering. He sees ahead only years of endleea torment with Intervale of test which are them• solves fraught with never ceasing fear of renewed attacks, Let him turn to Dr, J', D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and know what complete relief it can give: Let him but vee it faithfully and he will find his asthma a thing of the past. Quite a few drove toLondon to attend the Exhibition. Niter. S, Dunsdale is in Toronto re. civing treatment for rheumatism, Rev. Rural Dean Robinson of Clin- ton oonduotsd Harvest Home services itt St Paula church ou Sunday. The church was nicely decorated and the offertory large. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Fee are home after a trip to Buffalo. .1, D, Reid is in Regina do a bsiness trip. Mrs, Kennedy from the weet le at her home here, Much sympathy is felt for Mr, and Mrs, S, Dilling in the lois of their son Cecil, in Franoe, Miss Galbraith of Seaforth spent last week with Mrs. T. Swan. Hetdernen a Highland band and Sea forth Citizens hand will provide• tunsie for Seaforth Fall Fair, Sept all, Miss .fes to Aikonhead and Miss For- rest are home again after a trip by boat to Trowbridge near the Soo, Labor Day was quietly observed, some going to Clinton or Goderioh. School is agait going with a large atteudanoe. Mise 'Vieille and Miss Elliott are also teaching near hero. Misses Craig and McCully of Hen - sail are with friends here, Mr, Thos. Fraser who hue had two sons wounded in Franke this year, re- ceived word that a third was wounded this week. Staffa Don't forget the Seaforth Fall Fair dates, Sept t9 Rt a0. Horse Races, Foot Races and Tug of war, J. Sadler, jr. and 0, Templeman spent a days in Toronto last week, Mrs, Bailey and Mrs. Edmunds of Seaforth visited at the home of Mr, M. Davis, Dr. W. R, Bell and wife of Toronto are with relatives in this vicinity, We.tegret to say that Rev. Mr, Love has not been in good health for some time' He purposes' going to St. Thom- as for a few weeks' rest hoping to re. cover, Mrs, 1, M, Miller received word that her nepbew, Pte. Barr, son of Mr. Robert Barr of Algoma, a former resid- ent, was severer wounded, Men and Money Men and Money will win the War, if you can't fight, save, for it is essential in your Country's interest that every possible dollar be saved. Savings Accounts are a National safe- guard. Open one to -day with THE DOMINION a9a SEAFORTTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managtit chains RR11Wtoart amtamai i110WEtmaiosaiasunt atintimaKtit'iaiN1YWvtian.m hint Stalra has leniently had the pleasure of a visit, in the person of Pte, Ifrat.1 Mellwrantll of Durham, of meeting a soldier who wee wcuuded at Virny Midge, He war visiting hie cumin, T. M. Hamilton, The threshing matilt iltell are new busy in this part and the yields of grain are very good. Mrs Hithau is visiting friends in Clinton, Kinburn and Seaforth, Cromarty Henderson's Higblai d auutl and Sea forth Citiveu's band will provide music for Seaforth Fair, Sep', aht h, ,lits. J. A. Norris and tlanghter who were visiting friehds here have re turned to Winnipeg. $1590 0 in • Mise Mary hleKell,n• left last week to take charge of a school neat' Bras— eels, Mrs, Duuoau',of Exeter has boon with friends here, Mrs, Gillespie of Seaforth has been a guest of her stater, Mrs, H. Canto. bir, and Mee, WVtn. heading of Tor- onto aro visiting Mr, G. Nilson, Certain Morbid conditions must ex - let in the stomach and intestines to en courage worms, and they will exist as long as thast Morbid cuutlttiolts permit thorn to, To ba rind of them and spare the child sufferlrg use Miller's Worm Powders. They will correct the diges- tive irregularities by destroying the womb; conditions favorable to worms will tlisappear, antd' the child will have Ito Inure sufreiiug from that cause. - [biz s Fre THE LONDON FREE PRESS offers a pleasant. and profitable diversion.. to the residents of ' Western Ontario, AUTOMOBILES. PIANOS, BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE SETS, FURS. GRAPHOPHONES, •CABINETS OF SILVER, SCHOLARSHIPS, KITCHEN CABINETS, CASH COMMISSION PRIZES, ETC., TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE TO ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE. FIRST PRIZE - Value $2,345.00 60 H. P. First prize in The Free Press Automobile Contest is a 7-Passen- t;er 00 h, ii. McLaughlin "Six Six." with a cash value of $8,346, The McLaughlin "Big Six" holds some of the most coveted automobile records of the day. Its 60 horsepower develops the utmost in power and speed. Purchased from and ort exhibition at the McLaughlin Carriage Company, Richmond street, 'London, Ont. • THE FREE PRIZE LIST 52,345.00 McLAUGHLIN "BIG SIX" TOURING OARt. 51.415,00 GRAY DORT "SPECIAL.' TOURING CAR. 51.,326.00 OVERLAND TOURING CAR. $700.00 FORD TOURING OAR. $500,00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO." 5450.00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. 0400,00 SHERLOCK,MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. And numerous other articles, among which will be three $800.00 Sherlock -Manning "Baby Grand" Phonographs, three $166.00 Rayolas, three 1160.00 Furniture Suites, three 160.00 Rayolas, six 150.00 Satin -Lined Cabinets of Rogers' 1847 Silver, three $45.00 Kitchen Cab'nets, three 186.00 Sets of Rogers' 1847 Silver. three $26.00 Rayolas, cash commission checks and other pr'zes, which w111 be announced Later. It will take votes to win the free prizes. Secure the votes by cupping thane from The Free Press or by securing Free Prean subscriptions and renewals. PRIZES FOR ALL. One of the unique features of The Free Press Contest is that subscribers who assist candidate. In the contest will also have an opportunity to win an automobile. THERE WILL BE NO LOSERS. Everyone who makes an ear- nest effort In the contest will re- ceive something for his or her ef- forts. Cash commission prizes are provided for non -whiners. ENTRY COUPON GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES. (Enter your own name or that of a friend.) Prise Contest Dept, of The London Free Press, Gentlemen,—I hereby nominate as a candidate in your Automobile Prise Contest: NAME ADDRESS NOMINATED BY _ NOTE—Only the Bret entry coupon received for each candi- date will entitle the candidate to the 6,000 votes. OBEY THAT IMPULSE Send in your Entry Coupon TO -DAY. Reoelpt books are ready at the contest, Department of The Free Press, London, and there le' nothing to prevent you from getting a runaway start while ethers are making up their minds as to whether they will enter or not, As soon as you have sent in your Entry Couponessee all your friends. Tell them you are going to enter the competition and that you would appreciate their support. Phone or 'write all of those whom you cannot personally see. NOT LUCK! NOT .CHANCE! EFFORT ALONE WILL WIN THE.. PRIZESI ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO' Prize Contest Department of The Free Press LONDON, ONTARIO. PHONE --LOCAL AND LONG DNTANAe, Ida. Thursday :Septs:lnliei'. We're Experts at Shoeing Children Our lines of Fall Shoes for the Chilciren were se. lected with the greatest care Iron.' the productions of the Country's best Makers of Children's Footwear, The leathers are Calf, Gun Metal Calf, Patent and Colt, The lasts are formed to lit Children's feet correct— ly and to guide them along natural lines. rhe Shoes are Masterpieces of Children's Shoe making, There are no Shoe troubles in the families, where we Shoe the Children. 6 - a "The Home of '1-7.5chool Shoes" Phone 5J Seaforth mar Plan to attend Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition $30,000 IN PRIZES 2111 $ thiis years' d Fan Pirogramme of Attraodgno twice daily Taro Speed Event, dally Fireworive each night Great Pure Food Show n Proct:sn Building Plenty of Music, Education, EntertLAnment and Midway Merriment LON;1=Ohl CANADA Sept. 6th to 141° 1918 N.B.—New automobile antrum* sor. Dundee and Egerton Ste. ALiatis. nn $# covore auto and shiver, including parking of car. Prize Liar, Entry Forme, Application for Space, and all Information from the Secretary LL..Col. W. M. earteliore, Pre:tlent ; A. M. Hunt, Secretory NTNO If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in -need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INViTATIONS CALLING CARD POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing , else in printing . cosine In And See [Js About Sale Bills THE SEAFORT11 NEWS SE?FH1Ci'rTH -- ©NT. A Powerful Medioine,—The healing properties in six essential oils is oou- centrated in every bottle of Dr. Thom- as' Eoleotrio Oil, forming one of the most beneficial ailments ever offered to the use of man. Thousands min testify as to its power to allaying pain, and many thousands more can testify that they owe their health to it, Its won- derful power is not expressed by ire cheapness, 'IIN1Y30 MOORE—At tlgmondvillo, September 7th, Davi& Maexe, aged 71 years, GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness, Your grocer hoe the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you 'with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then pub in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just sec how freckles, tan, callowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth. soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes!. It is harmless, and the beautiful resting lallt arrprias yaw