HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-09-12, Page 5C10,1.41111I+'
-rhorooloy Sf)to bet' t
C.V 0.. LLD., President
CAPITAL PAID Up, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN AIRD,OenersiMenatter
11. V. P. JONES, Aset, Gen% Manager
RESERVe FUND, 4t3,600,000
Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest
way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from
The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The cost is moderate. Apply
for particulars. 65
Seafox-t3a. E3x.ana_o_t
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W. J. Walker
W. J. Walker, holder of gov•
ermnent Diploma and Lieenee
Day or Night calls receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
.Fal 1 Term from Sept. 3rd.
The call for trained help is great-
er now than ever before in the-
- history of Canada. Cur graduates
are, securing splendid poeitions.
PARTMENTS. ff you purpose
taking a business college course
during Fall or Winter months,
write now for our free catalogue -.
Ciris! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you ears for heavy hair that glis•
tens with beauty and is radiant wit*
life; has an incomparable softness
is fluffy and, lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
tr... and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; the
lair rootsfamish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast. Surely get a
nail bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
from any drug stere and just try it,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, large ve•
randah. Stable le' xl la' hen :lionse 9
7' .
Apply at the
News Unice
For Sale -
House and half acre of land in the
village of hIgniondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close bo
the Presbyterian Church aud ie known
as the Puroell property, Good com-
fortable hones, good shed, good well
and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes. This ie a corner pro
perty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of oultivation.
Title is a nice property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
particulars apply on the premises or 13
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
Hair Cut
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
For Sale
A neat and comfortable
bo,useon High Street. All
Conveniences. This prop-
erty must be sold as the
owner has decided to leave
town, Here is the bar-
gain that you have been
looking ft [
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, 80afortil
Phone o I ;,a
Local Agent Wanted
8.11.1 bill 1.0 ami rear ire
tap P' 01''., IA 1. are ton -ming our plant
th 3 thteeigh !rod eau hendle your for the ''Old Reliable"
full supply and furnish you %V I til cane. FONTHILL N U1(SERIES
We any twice each wrmth and weigh
sample end test each can of cream care housands of Orchard trees
fully , Our tnotto je " Honesty to ee
PiltrOUS " Patrons are roqueated to re need rePlacinfl •
tun all our cans when not in nee,
3 atter en nrittermilk al le on hand War Gardens call for small
lid for at market prices, fruit trees, Asparagus, h -
The Seaforth Creamery Co, b„rb /))„lits et"
1111 ,1 FOR't'H M ARK ET
Good Milling 0,1.1
Bran nor ton..........., ......
-Shorts per ton .......... ...... „....,...41
Flonr ......................5,00
Eggs , 39-4o
Hogs to farmers ..... on
, .
Costiveness and ibe Cure ,—Witeit
the excretory organs refuse to perform
their functions properly the intesiiees
Leconte (dogged, Tilts ie kIlDWII as
enstiveneet and if not eorreeted gives
rise to., dangerous complies teals ,
Parmoloe'e Vegetable Pills will ein•ot tt
speedy cure,. To the first intimations
ailment the sufferer slimild procure
packet of the pills and put himeeif nti-
der a course of treatment. The good
effeete of the pills will [be falMost itn-
reediately evident'.
The demiand for Ornamental
stock in towns and villages is
Secure a paying Agency with
liberal cornmissioas, Exper-
ience not necessary.
(Established 183)
. . . _
Mothers min easily know when their
children are trembled with it mans, end
they love up tune in applying the hest
oi remedies—Muther Waves' Worm
1 /
_s.... ,..... ................
The High Cost of Living—EoonOtny
is the word to.day, Make ,your old
garments do instead of purchasing new
01108. Have them dry gleaned and
pressed, Dry Meaning when properlY
done longtime the life of garment.,
preserves their fresh new appearance
and Sots as 8 disinfootant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often eausee dolmens
and death due to germs, clothing
should be cleaned at frequent intervaiR,
My Wardrobe, Goderich St„ bleafortli,
Opp, Queen's Hotel.
Mr. Harry Meyers of Stratford spent
Sunday in town
and Mrs, J. T, Fell of Goderioli
were week end vieitors,
Mr, and Ure, R. Harris of Stratford
were town visitors.
The winsome little Paramount star,
"Vivian Martin" will he at the Strand
on Moo' Tries and Wed,
Mise Mary T. Dorsey had word on
Friday that Pte. Pat joseph Dorsey
was in the hospital with a .wound 131
the knee.
Mr, and Mrs. Little and daughter
of G'oderich were week end visitors at
the home of Mr. George Brownlee,
Mrs A, Young has been presented
with a life membership in the Wonsans
Missionary Society,
Mrs Sloan of Toronto is at the
home of her brothisy, 11, Jones,
Airs, (Rev.) James Hamilton of God•
each was a gnest at the flange;
Be sure you ese "Mary Piokford" in
"The Poor Little Rich Girl" at the
Strand, Thurs. Fri, or Sat , 19111, soth.
Messrs Dayid and Arohie
Hays returned on Saturday from Tor-
Mr, G. A. Sills received word Mon-
day that Raymond Murtel Carpenter,
his nephew had been wounded in the
leg and wae in the hospital,
Mre, R, Devereanx and Mise Lena
Getetneyer were Toronto visitors dar-
ing last week,
Mr, Noble 1. Oluff received word on
Friday that his son Pte. Earl Cluff was
gassed and in the hospital.
Ask for a new Programme at the Box
Office --Strand,
Mr. .1, Twiss has returned :from
spending the summer with her son in
the West,
'Mr. aild Mre. E, Webb of Toronto
are visiting his mother Mrs, Webb in
town for a few clays.
Mrs, E, Lawson and Bernice left
this week for their home in Aliburn.
and Kra, Oscar Neil Are 'attend-
ing the London exhibition.
Mr, and Mre. E, Ff Mobley have re -
touted from Toronto,
Mrs D. Stewart spent Sunday with
her sister it Gorierich,
Mr, and Mrs. -Ashby P. Twidale of
Niagara 1?aIie wet e visitors 61 1118 home
of the sister of the littea, Mrs. J. 11'
Aare, W. D. Ilright is spending a few
days in Toronto,
Mt and Mrs. Coleman of Tucker
smith have returned from a trip to
Burks Falls and Magnetawan,
Mrs. A, 8tewart and 311 'l'ovehave
gone to Michigan to vita relatives. -
Rev. F. If, Larkin 1), 1), l(soh)0d
the unniveresty eetviees in Varna In
piatat of Rev. 5, McLean woo was coil:
11 i'd to hod through illness, Rev. 1),
Johnstone occupied 11r, Larkin's 4,01
pit, His serniMut were very helpful
mi-ssages; -
Aliso Olive Rankin and Miss Marg-
aret Edge have returned from a visit
to Witighera.
Mrs, 18100860 of Detroit is visiting
mother Mrs. Hannah Laidlaw, John
Miss Ethel Grieve of Toronto is
spending a week at her lIctou
The servioes in the Egmondville
Church last Sunday 1.0111: liy 11,1r
If 5 Savatige and Mr, J AleNay.
Mr. Williams of Toronto 19 visiting
his son Mr 0, L Mims,
Mrs, Forbes of Clinton spent a few
days with friends hero.
Mre, Bateman Into niovea into the
house 01 Goderieh St, orempied by 11,11
Into Mise Geieve,
Mrs Thompson of Brussels is visit-
ing Mrs. T, G, Thommon,
Mrs West of Cleveland is visiting her
brothers MessrsJohn and Prod Card
• TF( [A1 PTF N
The Kaiser, The Beast of Berlin
Rupert Julian's Merciless
expose of the Kaiser's intimate life
endorsed by the American Defence Society
and no sweeping the country on a wave
of Tremendous enthusiasm
As the Kaiser himself keeps clear
of the actual fighting
this is
Not a Battle Picture
Shows German Kultur
all its hideousness but
Constructed to Entertain
Shows the buoyant Belgian spitit, shows the Kaiser from the inside, shows the Kaiser punched on ;he
jaw (from fact) , shsws the end of the Kaiser (from fancy) , shows Kaiserism stripped of its camolliage
Brilliant in Photography, Magnificient setting, Elaborate Costumes,
Strong Cast, Wonderful Acting
The ine
, •
r flour
that has been receiving so much attention from the press. See it,
Wednesday ant Thursday
September 18 Ak: 19
Matinees 3 P. M. -- Admission — Afternoons 10c & 15c
Mrs, W. Watts and Mrs, Turner of
°leathern were week -end visitors at the
Lieut. Currie of Deseronto was a
visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs P.
M, Chesney, Tuckerinnith,
Mrs R. H. Goldhawk ie visiting
friends in Toronto.
Mrs, (Dankly of Ayr is 0 visitor at
the lions of Dr. and Mrs. It. i. Ross,
Goderioli lit.
Mrs. P, 181, Oheeney has returned
from a visit to Galt,
Mr, John McNay, North Main St,
St, have returned from Luoknow,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Murray of
Hamilton were gueete at the home of
Mr. mai Mrs J. Muff,
Mre' Wm. Deem has rotturied from
Mise Wallace is spendiog a few
weeks in Roeheater.
Mr. Welker Hart snug a sato in the
Presbyterian Chervil lest Sabbath
Miss Sparks reamed lier posit
ion with Stewart Bros
Ala and Mrs, E. Whittaker of
Cttawa are guests at the home of Mis
Mr. and Mrs. 1 rwieg
who liave been spending bone weeks
with Mr. 11,11d 1.i J M. Wilson hail
returned to their Inane in 18301.11
Mr. Keith McLean of Toronto is a
visitor et tho Mono of grandmother
-Mrs. Al, Y McLean,
Mrs Agnes McDiatniiid of McKillop
visiting her daughter Mrs, • (Dr,)
Briggs in Cleveland.
Miss Brown of the Toronto Hospital
is spending a month with her parents
Rev, T. H. aud Mre, Brown at the
Miss Annie Oarnochau graduate
num who has been spending her holi•
days at the home of her parents Mr,
and Mre, ,rAMelE4 00,r11001111,11, Tucker -
smith has returned to 13oston,
Rev. De Witt and Mrs, Costme of
Brynnetown paid a short visit to Mr,
and Mrs, A, Soott, doderich St,
The Huron Proebyt.try met in Ng-
mondville en Tuesday',
ltev. F, 11, Laticlu will havo for his
subject next Sunday evening "What
wiil bo the Future Religion?"
Tito Woreen's War Auxiliary will
meet on Fdday at p. m, at the 81.
Mr, and Mrs. if, 111, Best reueived a
cable from thea eon Jaok on Sunday
saying that be was in the hospital at.
Hera Bay, England but was not serious
ly wounded.
Mise Hurdle os. Winthrop is visiting
at the home of Afr. Robert Govenlock
North Main St.
Mr and Mrs, Harry Tew and Mrs,
Hall who were the guests of Mre. A,
Young for a few days have returned to
Mise Mary Gillespie leaves this week
for 01, Thomas as teaoher in the Alma
The youngest son of Ala and Mrs.
Jarrot of Egmontiville had the mishit,
tune to fall and fracture alituh,
Mies Florence Fowler loft on Mon.
day to visit relatives in Londoti,
Alr, and Mrs. John Bora)" and clang
liter Marion of Vatteouver visited at
the parental hoine- of Mr and Mrs.
John 11.1011 river mulay.
Mrs. Loo rt 11180 m111 sou telt on
Monday for their home' iu Galt
Miss Retie Pringle of Keene .11 t)'
spent Sunday with Mrs. John AleNsh
Li Col and Adj. Itiebie of
stolvst.en army will heel spectal 8.1
.11, 1)1
1', I!, 11,
MI A Mu! 16/11111:f 61,, ,.t
10111thly. 10111, 111, ,,) An 8", 18,
A 1.3, btu, .-.1116.0c11111,.
1,op(1011 i'vegs Autvinobile C.11
tr,t anti woltill 111.m..11 upprociatt, 3otit
fml,petil,ttob our r r'11/ if yen ROT
now a 8111,801 11,11,
'rim Silver Tea Pet donated by- Miss
Lithos in aid ef the Red Cross, now on
vxhibitiet, iu 111acteriell's window will
bo 100%1711 for et the 000811 Fair
night—altse Loirea has also donated
a handaome Silver alounted cut glass
toilet bottle in aid of the Sailors' Fund
11 18 now in the window of F, 8, Say.
auge and will be drawn for Fair night,
Miss Norine Hartry is 11, Toronto
The following aro the prise win-
Tiers 61 1111' lawn social drawing tst
John Eckert, St, Oolurnbalq
McIntosh, Setifortip li—A Datdeet.
rnildin; 4 olm 181 elotie, Beachwood;
5 .Miss Clara Dill, Dublin; 7—Alive
Al ray Nary, kitrat10111, Bean Contest—
Mr, 139611 Barns, gg
0AdE—On Sept. 8, in Seaforth to Al
— Evenings 15c & 25c
Opposite Daly's Garage
Thursday Friday & Saturday
The 6111 you can't
"Mae Marsh"
The Beloved
The stiiry of a g.,Md girl
who outwitted a vampire
Thos. Wd
•,a,!.,.4. :
AA; -
T* 1)1
ViViall Martin
.. •
. .
'iv 6 •.,-,A
..4.1Th z• Sonise/ Trall4,,,..„.,,,,.;„...., „I. -r18.„,,,i;. ,i..1.„,
I soeciod 0
i '6 Next
Thursday Friday & Saturday '' ...
Mary Piekford
The Poor Little Rich Girl
ivl A E iviAl2,ST4
[A "3,.L.Sv° TA -Te
A i'aramkb
ietrit \ IN TI -IE
.\ nevelt Frorincli.m
Always the Best at the Strand
Adults — Children 1 tto.
A4 to, a New Programme at the
# '4 6.',1 'tikAl
Opposite '341ys'
and Mrs, Illdward 0 toe, a daughter, „_n 5-rosmomitsATEgmes„,i