HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-09-05, Page 8NOTHING Adds more to the a- ppearance of a man than a neat Hair Cut or Shave If you come to oursanit- ary,carefully conducted parlors, you are sure Of every attention. Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL Miss Annie 0. Uorenloek, ltraduato Teacher's Course Gudovsky Methods, Canadian Academy of Music, Toronto will re -open her clashes in piano, Organ and Theory on September 3rd Pupils will be prepared fur Canadian Academy and Toronto Conservatory aamillatielie Studio North Maio St. Phew. 103 Help Wanted waaiwns Help wanted to spread flax ny the Canadian Flax Mills, Seaforth, Gond wages will be paid to wcnlett, girl& anti boys. Canadian Flax Mills, Seaforth SAYS LEMMA JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES airie!' Make this 'cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. (Squeeze the juice of two lemons into at bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at +cry, very small coat. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply hree ounces of orchard white for a few ents. Massage tide sweetly fragrant otion into the face, neck, arms and ands each day and see how freckles and lemishea disappear and how clear, soft nd white the skin becomes. Yeel .It e. harmless, 8 '•A utorrtobnl'e Entrance .rs�a Western Fair Dates Sept. to i4 tw� 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 play illiwNlre.+MessseeA0.!rN111"Ni! Kippen ,Mrs McKibben is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. iveson. Jtev, and Mrs Gimlet have gone to R'egirla to visit their eiater, Mrs Balfour The Welshes have been down to Hayfield and spent a pleasant picnic recently. "` Margaret Molli 1 has been spending a couple of weeks in Toronto with role. Mims. The Lords Supper was dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, Rev. Mr Mr McLean of Egmond vine preached ou Friday a sermor, in prepnratiou for it. Mise Ethel Adams of London is the guest of Mrs, J. Detweller, School will reopen again this week, Mrs, Adams of Landon in at the home of Mrs, Detwier, Dr Mary Johnston is home again, Mies Margaret Mollie is in Toronto With Hoods. Sam Cudmore, and Wm Moog of Ohio are busy buying hay and are pay- ing good ptieee. Alien Elva Bolton and Miss Hester Godkin of Walton have been at the home of Miss Grace Rose. Brrleefnelcl Mrs, Fred Tomlinson was in Toledo last week attending the funeral of her nephew. J. Payne and wife are toe guests of their sister, Mrs, John Kaiser, Nettie Fraser has returned from De- troit to her home in Stanley. Mrs, Addison and family are home again after a pleasant visit 10 Londes- boro, Cattle are being shipped very fast as it is expexted there will be a shortage of ears later in the amnion. John Mustard and family are home after spending the summer on the shore of Lakr Huron; Londesboro A barn belouging to John Anderson in Hnllett Township was struck by lightning and burned despite ell efforts to save it, John Hutton had a pig killed by lightning during -ate same storm, Mrs, F. Gibbs of Clinton is visiting her sister, Mrs, Lee• Misses M. and F. Routledge of Hol mesville ate visiting the Aliases Robert soon. Mesdames Ruddeil and Rosa are in lowanstownvisiting the father of the former. Much sympathy is expressed for the relatives of Pte. J, H. Riley who has been killed in France, .Mian Hazel aohaefer who has been with bar aunt, Mrs, Rudder], has re- turned to her home in Gowoustown, Bayfield Mrs. Parkinson and family of De- lrersome years the number of people trete are with h+r hrot!ier, win, o .Come to the Fairs in the cool Auto. Demand, Dad of stuffy trains hays il,ereasrd Afro, Hodgeue end family of Sirat- taking care of the ears forced the ford are at their cottage. Mrs. Benne• store of the Wetitern Fair to build 'iy of .rhamesford is with them, tbway niider the track, and will let ears enter at the north east corner Mr. D. M6IJotiald and family have the.ground . The drivers after 1111-i had the sad 0085 that their son, 21 ding their peeeengere, why will ale, ryears of age hail been killed in France. Ve a epeeist entrance will go through Ptes. G, Castle and j. Lindsay of eubwey and park..their vans inside 167th Battalion are hone on leave. ring where they may he left as long esired. If the auto party lunch ty may do so, returning to the ground way of the sunway, The price of mesion will he iii 00 fon car and veil including parking. The mauege- nt feel assured this avoomidation be appreoiated by the general pub, and that more people than ever will enol this year's Exhibition. Pros- ts are very bright for the host EX on over held iu London, Prize ts, entry forma and all information I be given on application to the Sec try, A. M, Hunt, Londou. ob athma is Torture, No one hasn't ped for breath in the power of (is- le know what such suffering is. mantis do know however, from ex - once how immeasurable is tho re - provided by Kelloggs Asthma Rein - Vet Years .have been relieving oaring the meet severe mow I. Are a sufferer do not delay a day eetir ng this remedy from yonrdrag Well. Mr. Editor. this hot summer is over and Bayfield will now return to 'lomat as the touriste are all going home agent. It has been a busy eeae- on this year. Mrs. J. F, MoGeer of Owen Sound who hair been visiting in Goderich township for some time, reoeived word that her hnsbend has been wounded in France, Mrs. Brydgee of Belgrave is at the bome of her daughter Mrs. Brandon, Miner.'s Worm Powders work so effectively that no trace of worms can be found, The posts are maturnd the stomach and pass away in the stool Without being perceptible, They make an entire and elean sweep of the Intestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when the powders are in operation, Nothing, could be more thorough or desirable than their aotion. THE SEAPORTti NEWS Western Crop Damage Reports Greatly Magnified Manley Mr. W. Manley motored to Bayfield on Sunday with a or of young people, Mr. and Mrs• Fred Eckert and daughter 'Vera accompanied by Mrs, Joe Nagel visited friends fn Kinkora last Sunday. Harvesting is completed and the re. snits are good. The bean harvest is jest beginning and the crop promises to be a good one, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Johnson are tak- ing in the Toronto exhibition, Dublin Airs Le Pain of Saginaw Mieh,spent a few days with friends here, . r'`x*�,i Miss B Jordan is visiting friends iu Toronto Mr and Mrs L J Lardy aril family motored tb Luoau on Sunday Misses Al Weber and M O'Connell spent -Monday in Stratford "Mrs. "M Williams and daughters of Seaforth called on frietdehere on Mon. day, Mx curl Mrs John Weber have re- turned from Hamilton Mrs J Nagel spent a few days in Logan since our last issue SiGissiro Want 10,000 Harvesters at.onoe ossesuou lteports previously.publiehed regatta. Mg the damage by the fist to the crops fu Saskatchewan were unduly pessimistic, Frequent shower's atld favorable weather have changed the outlook and it is apparent that the great Provinve of Saskatchewan will have a name! crop, This is evidono- ed by Western detnauds for Farm Laborers as not less than 10,000 are re. quired immediately for harvesting, Every young man and those more mature; in every uontmuaity in Ontario including our owl), should got away and 0017 brake this a great opportunity to servo the country i1111 practical way and at the saute time of iuvaluable be- nefit be hiineolf, It maims an interest. long-distance jonrttey at low fares, and a chance to see and study the immense mew Country served by Canadian Northern, the People's Road Final excursions, 13y Canadian Nor- thern trains leaving Toronto et 10,00 I', M, , August 28th, 30th, September 4th and lith. Harvester's from out- side points to nae oomtecting trains to Toronto, ~,Hall bot i'oteut.--.Parmelee's Veg- etable Pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles aro known to thousands and they are in a�'tit'aa, XRESSOMOMStanalenleallXrata4Seriaatfo i3OOt t'`'rues roe THE LONDON FREE PRESS offers a pleasant and profitable diversion to the residents of Western Ontario AUTOMOBILES, PIANOS, BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE SETS, FURS, GRAPHOPHONES.. CABINETS OF SILVER, SCHOLARSHIPS. KITCHEN CABINETS, CASH COMMISSION PRIZES, ETC,, TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE TO ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE. FIRST PRIZE - Value $2,345.00 60 H, P. First' prize in 'lie Free Press Automobile Contest is a 7-Passen- 6er 60 h. p• McLaughlin "Rix Six," with a cash value of $2,846, The MoLaughlin "Big Six" holds some of the most coveted automobile records of the day. Its 80 horsepower develops the utmost in power and speed. Purchased from and on exh'bition at the McLaughlin Carriage Company. Richmond street, London, Ont, THE FREE 1PRIZE LIST $2846,00 MaLAUGHLIN "BIG SIX" TOURING OAR. $1,485.00 GRAY DORT "SPECIAL" TOURING CAR. 51,800,00 OVERLAND TOURING CAR. .$700.00 FORD TOURING OAR. $600.00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. $460,00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. $400.00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. And numerous other articles, among which will be three $300.00 Sherlock -Manning "Baby Grand" Phonographs, three $166:00 Rayolas, throe $160.00 Furniture Suttee, three $60.00 Rayolas, six $60.00 Satin -Lined Cabinets of Rogers' 1347 Suver, three 646.00 Kitchen Cab'nets, tbree $25.00 Sete of Rogers' 1847 Slhrer, three 126.00 Rayolasrash commission cheeks and other prlaes, which will he announced later. It will take votes to win the free prizes. Secure the votes by clipping them from The Free Press or by securing Free Prase subscriptions and renewals. . PRIZES FOR ALL. One of the unique features of The Free Press Contest is that subscribers who assist candidates In the contest will also have an opportunity to win an automobile. THERE WILL BE NO LOSERS. Everyone who makes an ear- nest effort In the contest will re- volve something for his or her ef- forts, Cash commission prizes axe provided for non -winners, ENTRY COUPON GOOD FOR 6,000 VOTES. (Enter your own name or that of a friend.) Prize Contest Dept, of The London Free Prose, Gentlemen, -I hereby nominate as a candidate in your Automobile Prize Contest: NAME ADDRESS NOMINATED BY NOTE—Only the first entry coupon received for each candi- date will entitle the candidate to the 6,000 votes. OBEY THAT IMPULSE Send In your Entry Coupon TO -DAY. Receipt books are ready at the Contest Department of The Free Press, LondOu, and there is nothing to prevent you from getting a runaway start While others are making tip their mindsas to whether they will enter or not, As aeon as you have sent lit your Entry Coupon sop all your Mende, Tell them you are going to enter the competition and that you would appsoclste their support. Picone or write ah of those whusnt you cannot personally see, NOT LUCK! NOT OHANCEI EFFORT ALONE WILL WIN THE PRIZES! ADDRESS ALL OOMMUNICATIONS TO Prize Contest Department of The Free Press LONDON, ONTARIO, PHONE—LOCAL- AND LONG DISTANOE, 100. Thtersdny` September 5 conetuub demand everywhere t0 those 1IIMMINIWNINIMMOSimmaisiminimionimmaiiiimusimmiss who know what a sate anti simple re- medy they are, They used no intro duotton to those who are aoquitintod with them, but to those who lust' not know them they are presented• as the heafJ preparation on the market fur disorders of the stomach, Bard ofThanks. Mrs, A'l13, Sclater and family wish to thank neighbors attd friends and the fraternal (moieties for Mtdlnese end sympathy shown bo them in their ^ rec- ent bereavement. Tne Dairyman's Vadexmecum A book bas just been issued by the Live Stoulc Branch of the Department of Agrioultnre at Ottavio that should be in the possession of every dairyman, It ie a oomprohnsive reoord of progress niade, and include' a deal of valuable iuformation, The rules and regulations of the Record of Performance are given as well the standards for registration; the records of performance of every dairy bread; a list of the bulls qualified for registration; summaries of perform mote with exact details and names and addresses of owner& and is list of cows which have produced sufldsieut milk and fat to qualify but which have fail. od to freshet within fifteen menthe after the commencement of the test, The book is, Report No. 111, comprises 88 pages, end call be had free On application to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, Good-bye to Asthma' Porsous stiffer ing froru the extremely trying trouble known as asthma know what it is to long with ori their hearts for escape as froth a tyrant, Never do they know when an attack may Borne and they know that to struggle unaided is vein, With Dr. J,.D, Kellog's Asthma Rem- edy at hand' however, they eau say good-bye to their enemy and enjoy life again, It helps at once, FARMERS' CUB A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers Glob will be hold in the Separate School Hall, Seaforth on Wednesday evening, September the 4th at 9 o'clock, As matters of importance to the ladies of our farmers are coming up for consideration, a good attendance of the ladies of the community is espec- ially desired. All farmers 0011 mem- bars as well as members and ,retired farmers are cordially invited to attend, Bring the ladies with you, Geo, D, 0, Elarn, John H Scott McKillop, Hallett President - Secretary With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore cords, hard corns, soft corns or ley kind ,. e cunt can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you 17111 apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freeeone, says a. Cincinnati authority: 1t is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of frees - ono at any drug store, which is suffi- cient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. e *This announcement *ill interest many women here, for, it is said that the• present high-heei footwear 1s put- ting coma on practically every woman's feet, ' "For the Blood is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING 1rAth any diooaoo duo to Impure blood ouch aa Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Sad Logo, Ab000saoe, uloorn, Glandular Swetlinge, Bolls, Pim plots, Bores of any kind, Plloe,Blood Poieon,Rhoumntiom, Gout, o4c., don't waste your time and money on lotions and ointments whiei, cannot got below the surface of thesidt, What you want is a mcdioioo that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true muse of all your suffering, Clarke's Blood Mixture isJust such a medicine, It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arisings end by rendering it cleanand pure, can be relied on to effect u lasting cur;, ITtlekatndt of fetttntomalte /0,e/railcar limon jvHfe! 411110 bottle). Over 50. rears. 6001065• Pleasant to take. Sold- 55 all Ohaml,ta and 8t'nht,p,r,. aelv,a all S0&,tlfn tea. Clarke's Blood Mixture CURES ALL SKIN & 51000 DISEASES, We're Experts at Shoeing Children Our lines of Fall. Shoes for the Children ,were _se. lected with the greatest cllre 110111 the productions of the Country's best Makers of Children's Footwear, The leathers are Calf, Gun Metal Calf, Patent aild ' Colt. The lasts are formed to fit Children's feet correct— ly and to guide them along natural lines. rhe Shoes are Masterpieces of Children's Shoe making, There are no, Shoe troubles in the families, where we Shoe the Children. R. se TT "The Home of School Shoes" Phone 50 Seaforth !ri km.e V"ga it r. 20,000 Farm Lab rens Wanted $12 to ape Plus half a cent per mile beyond. Returning. half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, -plus 818.00. Comfortable Through Trains, Lunch Service at moderate prices, Special Acconunodatloa for Women and a Scenic Routo by C.N.E.. Excurelon Dates from Seaforth Sept. I i - ' from Toronto 10,00 p. m, Chas. A."Aberhart, C N R Agent, or write General Passenger Dept., 68 Icing St. IO., Toronto, Ont. - Ask for "Harvesters' Work and Wates" Leaflet, 1234 Special Train Service: For information see: e S'. Yt i +I 14-44,1. Plan to attend Western Ontario's it lar Exhibition $30,000 IN PRIZES =�" ull4i 11 this yeadrod Full Programme of Attractione twlco daily Two Speed Evcntn daily Fireworks each night Groat Pure Food ,Allow in Process Building Plenty of'-Muoic, Education, Entertlfinment and Midway Merriment LON t1i.,ON CANADA Sept. 61' to 14" i 0l J N.B.—New antomobno entrance cor. Dundee end Egerton Stn AdmL- nioa $d covora auto and driver, incinding parking of car. Prize List, Entry Forma, Appllr6atfon for Space, and all information from Bio Secretary Lt.-CoL W. M. eartahore, Pre-aldent A. M. Hunt, Secretary