HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-09-05, Page 5elf 0 0 e ,t it Thursday S pteflller 5 SIR EDMUND WAG, 1R. C.V.O.. LL.D. DAI„.., Idem CAPITAL PMD UP, $15,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD,General Msnsgw h1. V. P. JQNeS, Aar'' Oen'l. Manager RESERVE FUND, $15,500,000 Careful attention is given to the bank- ing anking requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. LSeator ib. J. 0, MULLiN, Manager W, J. Walker Undertaker and • Embalmer W. J. Walker, !holder of gov- ermuent Diploma and Lioense Doty or Night oal:e reueive our prompt atteutiou' Day Phone 67 Night 18 Fall Term from Sept. Srd, kdriENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. The call for trained help is great- er now than ever before in the history of Canada, Our graduates are securing splendid positions, We have COMMERCIAL SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHY DF,- PARTMENTs . If you purpose taking a business college course during Fall or Winter months, write now for our free catalogue. W J ELLIOTT D A MCLACHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautlful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. if you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant wit" life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides ib imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; thea the hair falls out fast. Surely get ie scall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine Gam any drug store and just try it, FOR SALE ell 13TIP France House, 7 rooms and pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve• rendah. Stable 16' x112' hen :house 9 . Apply at the News Office SI For Sa.le- e House and balfaore of land 4n the village of Eginoudville. ',the property is situated ou Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and ie known as the Parnell property,.. Good uora- fortable hones; good shed, good well and cement cistern. All !sleds •of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries ai,d currant Mottos. This is a corner pro party with•no breaks on front, and the and is in a good Rtate of cultivation. This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For partioulars apply on the premises orte John. Rookie, Seaforth. For a Nice ..Nifty Hair Out Orli. at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNO'S BLOCK SEAFORTH For SaIe A neat and comfortable houseon High Street. All Conveniences. This prop- erty must be sold as the owner has decided to leave town. Here is the bar- gain that you have been looking for. APPLY TO JOHN RNKN Bond and Debenture Broker g Muir, Street, Seaforth Phone 91 ;a CREAK WANTED Send your Create to uR anti receive top primas, We aro movies o ur latent the year through and eau handle your full supply and furt,ieh yon with taus. We pay twice each month and weigh sample and teat each oan of cream oars fully. Our motto is " Honesty to oft Patrons" Petrone are requested to re. We all our cans when not in nee. 3ntter ant Buttermilk al , cu hand lied for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH .MARKET r Barley ...... ... .... ...............1 35 Bran per ton ,.............,..,3G.Oit Shorts per ton ........:........ .....•.. 41 F1 our ............... .,........5, 0u t3uttor. .. . .................... 36--33 Sggs .. ......... . ... :;0--40 Hoge 'to ftam ers •• ..... to 00 Good Milling Wheat ............... $2.10 Oats ,....,..,,.....,.. 85 Cornscripple the el and tmalr, wallring a terrors, t,.t sure ^elief in the she pa of Hollow title ('.urn retro in with. in reach of all Local Agent Wanted for the "61d Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES housands of Orchard trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc, . The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissio?s, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & W E L LI N GTO N (Established 1837) 'l'ORONTO, ON T. Mothers can easily know when their thililren are troubled with a 0rm8, arid they lead no time n, applying the beet of reteedies--M 0ther i,cavee' Worm Etter fill flitter. artw.l"NN NIIIHN41.101:r.4w.."."IIe Tows► Topics .,.., wwaw.tw�hrwtgr!�•wNl..w,..+gl t'�N�Ilito,.•N p.re.pN�,it{L1 e Phe High poet of Living—AJeonomy is the word today. Make your old garments do instead of purohaeing new ones, Have them dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of -garments, preserves theirfroob new appearance curl acts as a dleinfeotant, Uissenitary wearing apparel often cement siokneee and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals. My Wardrobe, Goderieh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Miss Nina Robb has returned to Tor. onto, Mims Gladys Thompson left on Mon- day for her school at 2b srriton. Mr. and Mre, George Hills and daughter Maria are 111 Toronto this Week, Miss Florence Thompson has return- ed to Toronto, Miss Thompson of Listowel has re. sumed her position in the J. Mac. Tavish store Miss Margaret Ohittenden bus ro- turned from Toronto' Mr. Karl Sheehan had the rnisfort. one to break his wrist while cranking his oar last week. The public school opened on 'Tuesday and after the odassee formed the pupils were dismissed for the day, The only change on the staff is iu the first oleos where Miss Rose takes the place of Miss Hartry, who has resigned and well enter the Bank of Commerce. Leiut.3tose of Moutroal who has just returned from France is the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. H, Reid, Miss May MoOlinohley left on Mon. day for Odeesa where she has taken a sobool: 1viator Jack Hinehley of Toronto is hone on leave. Mr, Robinson of Wittgham bee purchased the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Shade, Mrs, Sclater and Miss Vera Soleter of St. Marys were here attending the funeral of the late Mr. Wm, Solater Mrs. A. Forbes of Clinton was here fora few days renewing old acquaint- ances. Mrs Hall of Platteville is a guest at the home of NIL. and Mre John A, Wil- son, Rev, Mr, Hart of Brucefield presoh- ed in the Methodist Church last Sab• bath, Miss Verna Graves is visiting friends in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr, and Mrs, W. McLeod of London are visiting relatives here. Miss Phemia Cowan has returned to Dundee, Mrs, D. Farquaherson of Provost Alberta is visiting tier brother, Mr Amens McQuaig, Victoria St, The Misses Florence and Minnie Laidlaw have returned to Toronto. Many friends will regret to learn that Mr. A. Curtis who had a otase for in- struction in the violin here two years had the misfortune to gat his right arm caught iu some machinery in a factory', where he was employed in Blain Wash, with the result that amputation was'. found necessary, Mrs. Wm, Southgate sr, is in Lon don with friends, The Misses Dorothy Wilson and Nor man ,Jeffrey spent a few days in Inger- soll last week, Mr, Archie Hays was in Stratford on Friday. Mise Dorothy Morson has returue&}. to 'l'orouta, Mr, 0, Phillips intends removing his family to Dunnville. Herold Coates is visiting friends in Guelph, Mr, and Mra W Watt of Chatham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, T. Stephens at the Queen's. Miss Kato Cowan has returned from Rhineland,' lilies Ella Smith whoezernt several weeks with friends in torn has rebuilt - ed to Toronto. Gordon Hays is avoiding hi heli- daye in Baden. Misses done and Janet Hays have returned from a visit to friends in Bar. vie Miss Nettle Pothiolc has returned to Burlington. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Brownell of Winnipeg are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. S, boobs, SEAFQR H iiiEWS Mr, Walter S1.nith who hoe been a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mre, Adam Hays, returned on Saturday 00 Jackson, Mich. Mise Jennie Qovenleok left on Mon, day for Celdetreatu, MIss Atobb of 'Toronto spent the boli, day with. her brother+ill law, Mr, 0, L Wllltaarne. Mre, Ir, H, 'Larkin and Miss Beatrice Larkin have returned from spending a month in Toronso, Mr. and Mrs R. MOGee sea 80D, Jack have returned from spending sev- eral weeks with faiends in East Wawa' nosh, Mr, and Mrs, Murray who have been visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs J. Ir, Ross during the past t o eh have returned to Toronto, Mrs W, Pearson visiting trieuds in Brampton, Mia, Paul of Winglrain is the 'guest of tiara Full, Market :it, Dr and Mrs. F. W. Gunn of Clinton were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs J. F. hoes, Mr and Mrs Moffat and family mot orad up from Hatnlltou on Friday last and spent a night in town, Mr David Wilson oante home on Fri day from Platteville. Gunner Beeholey of Petawawa camp was here for a few days this week , The semi-annual conference of the Huron Presbyterial society will be held in the Egmondvillo church on Tuesday. Sept, ICIth. There will be a morning and an evening session, De Elizabeth McMaster of Indere, India, and Mise Fingland of Londesboro, missionary designate to Corea, will be the princip- al speakers, Mrs. D. P, Harrigan of Minneapolis was the guest of Mrs, NI. Williams, Mies Clara Phil/nay has returned rom visiting relatives in Toronto, Mise Greta Watson who has been spending the vacation at the home of„ her parents Mr. and Mr,, James Wat- son left on Friday for Regina. Mr, John Bitten of Detroit paid a visit to •relatives in Seaforth and liain. itv • Mr Robert Jaokson of Calgary and NIr, B, M, Jackson of Toronto are visitors at the home of their father Mr George Jackson, Miss Hilda Golahawk has returned from a visit to friends in Hamilton Mr, Arthur Woodley was called home from Rideway owing to the serious ill- ness of his mother. Mr, Charles Stewart, Mr. Fred Mc- Pherson -and two daughters motored up from Flesherton and called on air and Mrs, R. H. Goldhawk, Mr. and Mrs. A, Partridge of Tor. onto were week -end visitors et the home of Mr_and Mre James Kerr Mrs, Heterman of Blyth is visiting her daughter Mrs Carbert. NIr, Peter Kerr has leased a house in Toronto and intends moving his Fant ily there in the near future- We re- gret to lose Ruch good citizens as Mr, and Mrs Kerr. Mre, D. Shanahan has retained from a pleasaut holiday in Bayfield Mr. and Mrs. Pepper ,.f Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W..1 Beattie, Mrs Aseeltine who spent a few days at the home of her aunt Nlre, John Beattie Main St, has returned to her home in Copper Ultii. Monday was very quietly observed as Labor Day in town. The factories and stores were closed and fete people were on the streets. MOO Jean hose of MelCillop return- ed to'ForonteTuesday, Mrs, George Mnrdiolies returned from visiting her either in Landon. Pte. Walter Bayne of Galt spent a few drys with friends here. • The Collegiate opened on Tuesday with 180 pupils and more are entering oauh day, Miss McPherson takes Olas sloe, Miss'1'raver's, Moderns; Mies Prid- 1,anr, Art and Commercial; Mise Allison is substitute for Miss Redeem while Mr Hagen has Science and Plinoipal Ros8 teaches Mathematics, Barber Apprentice Wanted—Boy about 14 years, 'Wages while learning, 1'? W Robinson, Cent Hotel, J3arbor Shop. Rev Mr and Mrs. Moyer are llr,nlo from Kingsville after a pleasant holi- day. Mr, Meyer's onbjeut Sunday nlssruing will be 'Men Oley in the Potte's Hand" in the evening "Man the Molder of flie Fato Helping to Relieve The Coal Situation Peter to the war, cued produutiou ne. ually exceeded consumption. C'ouae- quentl'y considerable reserves wets built up at strategic ehrppil,g points to meet local, ourreut demands. But the more or less acute fuel situation of the past two wafters has wituessod the ouusumptioe of these reserves. No one speaks of building them up again until after the war is over, when trans• portation, industrial andlabo'r condi Huns will have rsturtted to normal. All that the fuel authorities expect of the rubies is to produce a years supply in twelve months, 'It, therefore, fol - ow s that all orders for even 70 per cent of each consumers supply cannot be filled at once, so early in the season Early orders will naturally receive orecedeace however, as well as tending to prevent congestion in trunaporta- tiou. Durfug the spring, the output of the mines in the United States was not reaesuting. This has been steadily ituprovitlg ho,vever, and their is reason• able grounds for hoping that the sup ply, for household purposes at any rate may be eutlieient for tite demand, Of course in war time things, may happen over wince. Governments have no con- trol, which may at least calm a partial. Falling off in production, or dlffonities in getting coal distributed. Prices, too maybe reasonably expected to be high- er than in former years, as in the case of all indispensable oommodities. For these reasons, therefore, if for no other, consumers should obtain substit- utes such as soft coal, wood, peat, etc. to as great an extent ae possible. At the earns time efforts should be 'nada to out down requirements of fuel to a minimum, It ie quite needless iu many oases for whole houses to be heated throughout the winter. 13y comparat- ively inexpensive ohauges in plumbing during the summer, rooms that are tit - tie used during the winter mouths, could have their heating appliances 80 arranged 60 1,58 to be turned on or off at will. " Or if this be not feasible radiators u, sun rooms and mused at ties could be carefully wrapped so as to uuuservu heat while preventifig frees ing of the radiators. by sash roaeou able preeau.iut,s the &.,situ to criticize the heads et the Fuel Boards may targe ly vanish. In ac0ordauce with hie progressive polioy of presenting"the biggest and best" in:motion pictures Malinger Wil. lie of the Strand Theatre is in Toronto 'hie week arranging his prograninee 105 the fall season. It be reported that J..1, Monier Al P, has purchased the old Van Egmetel woollen mill, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McLean of Toronto'spent a few days at the flume of Mr, ane Mrs P M Chesney, 'emitter. smith. Mr W Cameron and Mr fl. Calm eh an tiro attending rho Toronto Exhibit• loll Alias Jessie Chesney has accepted a position as toaeher iu the Iidlegr,el, school. Mrs Beek has returned from visiting hut parents in Mitchell. Clrrnner Joe Muklillan of P"rawee . spent a few dave at Itis home here Mr, Wnt. Hays hos a00eptod a Dos. i iot, in a bank iu l''sl'otite. Fiaaflciai Statement KEE1 «'A'I'CH l ELiti1RA'1'lON 1.16.'1111' 1:i -trate Receipts, $1100,e0 Luuei> oh Tee Booths, $27,1 n7', itefrceh tient Booths. $600,68; Naval Parcel Post, $t71,23; Flower Booth till 00; Dell Booth, r tale; Produce BOotb, 21 .80 Apron Booth, 83,110; Selvage sale 42,94; Babied of Prize (heat decorated oar,) 8.00, Cromarty Little Girls Red' °roes, g nu Priuoosm 'Theatre, 10,20 Dance, 73 25; Hugmetite, 10 65; Gold watch, 118 00; Chevroiet, 870 00; Mid- way, $50 22; Total Receipt —0709 7S; E\PENDI'TURII --fruits, peanuts, rite, ti>3 19; Meats 5.4 13, uig,u•s, soft drinks etc, lee Oreetn, Comes, straws 325 05; Mantle; music, etc 89 50; Al ovit,g ala' rune, 14 ; T,.-lephullo .G express, I t 73 Pommes., P.u,tal cattle, tr11t' 1,., etemps 7 e;t; Decorations, 1.80 21 44; Booths etc, 62,64; Midway 174 Ltd; El. metric wiring +Lao. 18.911; • Printing etc 84 85; Flowers 17.77, I.4.1> i . ,• 16.50, Breakage 1 60; rwtel exiondlture 0057. s 82; Ilalauee on baud 1:741 06, lief 1'ertifie)1 owl (tot, A A N1aL ,mita' Brodeticlr, A D Suthet isms, Mlaua;, to J { t rfY (��L� ��yt!� tr Oommittee. 5- l gr.^!1�•.,rt�elI?ler!1il:,a% 5.1t5Nr�4:J.a Rrincess Thursday Friday 8 Satbrddt Triangle Presents Enid Bennett` 10 Little Brother A New York Fast Sitio kid sister who tights for a living by maegneraillug newsboy and whose puiok wit fin ally secures for an aduratfelt and n c1 etin the big, free, honest West, Keystone Dangers of a r de A head on °alltenu of two loeomutivrs ie only nu incident in ibis iel,iriwircl edy, Monday Tuesday &adliasde coining The ,Kaiser The Beast of Bertin The moving picture etupendun. rmces a I N'6'Y V If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are- a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS'. BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing come In rind See Us About Sale Bill THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTH — ONT. iii Jl� TEESFISN5MMTDME N Opposite Daly's Garage Thursday Friday & Saturda. A Round=up of Thrills and Laughter Douglas Fairbanks in Wild and Wooi y Au Artoraft Picture By Anile Loos front (ho Story by 14, I3. Carpenter A typival Feirhaltks play of rapid file theme stint offers the et getio Douglas tl scope of the west piail•s us hie Etar;e. neer fora has athletic idol of the screen had Buell opportunities to '51180 a woatth ofsrib tickling iurfdeute es hell as dere devil feats that tieaw the breath of the moat placid audience, Bubbling over the Feirbauks (spirit, namely,. -life, ecghter and thrills— 'nye shows hrills-'i'weShows on S•,t• eight -8,30 and 0,VI Mone `'vies, & Wei Jack Pickford 0 e 11, Sawyer 13y (Matic 'Ponce "Toni" was great in the book. He is oven better on the es Yon will osrtaicly Iflce ibis one. Prioo [j0-Chfidren, 1o,, OppoMte D,llays° Oa>t<<it;e