HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-09-05, Page 4�w!n1'+ww,�n�M,•�,rrt+.wwtea�l�M�ttP�+Mei1N�n
From the Office
Phone 84 Evening 107
DR,1). 13Ut111 BOBO, Fhyeteianend Serena
lite O1 LOn400 AOeppltel, London, Eaglaad„
O 101 attacker to diseases of Eye, Ear; 11080
ud Throat,
QIUee 1 18000 14 0. 1, R0sidenee Plil0ne 100, joe.
Dr, F, J, AURRPWB 0e8108ih Odlce and of 0
ld0nheo_00der1Olt Btreol enat of 8110
pp4188 Cherub, ('000000 for County of Enron
Telephone No, le. .... _.
1166. $C1TT S. )R0. rh1sicioite X10 and
1.rsa0g0ou8.,elOderlch 1180008, .app'
'8800018 00080081),
80000 glad ate 1'1et0rla and Ann ArhOr, end
limber oflunatic) College 01 Physicians and
0erge008 ) . r.'eer for County of Ettr8n.
tdanICA , 8801100gradneteTrinity Ull1Ver7il?,
gold Medalist'r `\Hit n Medial College. o eomber
of t 'nf 0l, t 1;st
. g, 1P. HEILLMA1 °1stt lthi �Fe•latiet
D in \toinen'g and chic ii• rens di easesand
en, Marr. ye Nose and \Throe tAdenoid t�orc .
Oro; Far Bye
00000,8 with nit 8188l10.ilotel's til: w1 true.
TnasJity, www. t, 1..18 .Friday a nil). to 1, pin
Marriage Licenses r: e,tkii,lnU,c>w.
tart— -'--•--
Ain Vim cul 1810)888 Insurance, Life or Accident? I
Ityon are, a postcard will get our ratan. Ih
Gout 'oI Agent for London Life Insurance Co.' 1
nd lmourta1Guaracteeand Accident InotunnceCO, I
Soaforth. Ont.
to enetal Fire. Lite and t, l .•n[ insurance
Agent, and dealer io r,ewiny Machines.
Main Street. Seaterin,
.tidal Fire insurance Got
Parra and isolated 'ratan
3 es 1. l dol i -r deride, Pretdenl, James
Et ALS, lieeehwond, Vice•Prai,•,enr. roomette
Bays. $ear„ria. 0oo.-Trea0.
Directors '
D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; Jolla G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rhin, Constance; yohn Bennewels,
Bradghagen• Robert Ferris. 'Harlockl Malcom
Merlon, Clinton; t+ McCartney,Seaforth:
James Co:lnolty.Goderich: Jas, Evans. oochwaad
Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. HincAley. Seatort”
William Chesney Egmondville; J, W. Ye,.
Hpimesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhapeo: Jane
Carr and John Govealock, Seaforth, authors.
Parties desirous to eRoet Insurance or trams;
other business will be promptly attended to r
application to any of the above officers, address
to their respective postofdcea.
.tl .
Arlot 26 ens, hwke '
S LINII�:£1Itt
'"LIb11TEn. -- r
008000 C CRiC1bS,7D5&e:''
One dollar per Year, strictly 8,1011100000 1
it not paid In 0008000, one dollar and
a hall will be charged. United Statue !1
papers fifty cents extra, striokly in
on the
1 When subscribers chauuge their address
noticethould be011)1 8 us Immediately, giving 1
both the old and the new address, Sub.
of any irregularity of delivery notifying us
Reading Notices—No reading notice,
advertising mon an entertainment made by or mutter by
8A 0
any be
made Y De
¢ Is to
which money inserted In Tan NEWS coute wall bo 1
without charge. Tho price for the TEIO
clop of 0 eeo� announcements each anus h TEN
conte per cn t Una each 180081011 W
parties having no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cent; per line eac8
Insertion to those having display contracts,,
and for church, eociety and Banks to
reading notices. Card of Thanks .5 to e
lines, SO cents.
Jud8oinl, Legal, Official and Govern-
men8 Nattcoo—Ten cents per ieffreach
IInsertion and five teats Per !t
utbseeae' insertion.
Yearly cards—Professional Cards, not
exceeding one inch, will be Inserted for
65.00 per year, oavable strictly In advance
Display u.lvertloing—Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for insertion,
wUntil forbid" and those sent without
written instructions will appear until
rltte1 orders are received for their dia.
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or ublicatlon, butes a guarantee of good
sibili The whatever for acceate no s0080011.e
elblUty for the statements made
In such communications. Lettere on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
advertising, as Paid ad
1 as ouch. The rale for such
plainly ch mnttet Is ten
rents per line,
Mayor Binkeloy, wlto hale been 000118
agar of the 13011 telephone Vo. in Wing
loam hes been appointed Oommercial
Manager for the di0triots Of Harriston
and Wingham.
Mr John Well of Otlroaa met with a
r018100 miens aoeident onhie farm roe.
eutly when drawing a large load. of
grain into the barn. The wagon str'uol0
the door jamb causing tate load to
bonn00 up and etieke his head on the
beam with such forgo 111181 lti0 scalp 50881
torn off, With medical aid he halt
been improving 0114 1t is hoped he will
soon be 10011114 again,
The anneal meeting of the ,Jackson
Mnunfaoturhig Ca. was 11014 in Winton
loot week when the following officers
were elected for the coming year. W.
Jaeltoon, President and managing dir-
ector; H, T, Rance, Vice Pres ; Mies
telrk'.s Notice . of first
Posting of Voters' List
(Section 13)
Vetere' List, 1908, M anioipality of the
Town of Seaforth County of Hero!!,
1Totioe ie hereby given that 1 have
transmitted or delivered. to 1110 persons
mentioned in Sootion 9 of the Ontario
Voters List Act the copies required
by Bahl seotlone to be 90 transmitted
or delivered of the Luta made parse.-
ant of the said Act, of all persons
appearing by the last Assossment Roll
of the ;aid 13nuioipality to bo entitled
Ito vote in the said Municipality at
eleetious for members to the Legislate,
ive Assembly and et Municipal Elect-
ions; said Liet was first
n that 11 0
'0110 and t
t u
T,a t
n' area a
, � t 1
p stud up a }
the 24th day day of Auenst Nig, and
re1111110 0 there for inspection,
Joel; Witte, Secretary treasnrer; advd8. 1 And X11 orr+hy call upon 011 voters to
cry direotoi'e. It W Roed, 000 Yhalon take immediate fatteeedingo to have
A R. Mitchell, W, Hamblyn and G'50. a..y errors or omissions corrected
Davis, I according to law, '
IGeneral Observations.
- RP
The death enured. at her house 111 D
Ceborne of airs !Ballard Ballautyuo at
the age of 36 years, on Thursday Aug.
2211d. She had not been well for 001110
tune arid woe rapidly growing worse,
when an 0per0t.o11 111 an attempt to
save her life, proved fatal, The f11u
oral took plaoe on Saturday aftern0ou
to Elfmville oometery.
Damage to the extent of $1000 done
sheds and Doher-
G 1 R freight s! d
to t g
ty Piano warehouse in Clinton on Fri_
day afternoon of last week by a fire
caused by a spark from an engine, The
lire had made great headway when \lis
0000004 audit was only by the speedy
work of the firemen that much greater
damage was not dons, .
A new General Inas token oharg
of the German army. Not only in
the field does he have 'leutrol but
throughout the civilian population he
seems to dominate. Everyone appears
to be subject to General Complaint
shwa the army has begun to retreat.
The last session of Parliament rati-
fied a bird treaty between the United
States and Canada by whiah 8022
species of birds come under the Gov-
ermeuts of both countries, People
should make themsevles familiar with
the fact as the penalty ds severe for
breaking these laws.
Lloyd George recently stated that
peace, unprepared for, might be w000e
than war. He said the world will be
Minard'S very molten when peace comes and will
Linlm6nt cool quickly mud 1f 10 sets in a wrong
mold it might cartes a world revolution,
._......___ the vastness and eumplexity of the
I task of prevautiug this disaster is very
great and will demand the most careful
handling, Chaos will exist 111 Eur-
ror S e
W. L. tin', Senforth.
Phone 150
Bert Leaoh, a (lodorieh young0tler
had an ,experience that he will not soon
forget. While playing near his home
ou the street ho climbed a telep1l0 .e
pole until he remelted the height of ttls
electric light line when ho-r000hed Cut
to one of the wires to steady himself,
The result was an electric shock chid
be could not draw his hand away, Pass-
ers on the street tried to rescue him
but could not, Finally word was sent
to the power house and the power was
shot off. The boy was fouled to have
suffered little from his oxpersence,
Bis ss
Without a proper
systin of adver-
ttstn is like a
motor without the
,o power
Seaforth News
A -3V+: Tl tMENTS
wilt siippiv the
required energy
pltaer - 84
eted this 26th day of August 1918
JO1-1N A,
Clerk of the Town of Soofrsrth
In The Contest
Save and Economize
At no time in the world's history has
there been such incentive o save.y econ <nall thngs those at
can serve their Country.
Economize by not spending on nonessentials or
luxuries, Every dollar saved helps. A savings
account is the first Step toward real economy.
Thur sda]7
Septc ubcr
9itinnemitnulIMM113)9NielIM 111a11UN leisil5lRelsemerfeil P1hiffIH61Pa ':ftiill
Winth°op Presbyterian
Sunday einvice 2,31) pin, Sunday
School 1 15p in Prayer Meeting
Tuesday 8 p. m, L 0 last Weil.
M. Elliott County Senretery for
T'.o Ohildroo's A°tl Society, - has been
Noliunated 01111 accepted by tile I.011.
don Free Press as a Candidate in the
big itutonobi'c contest, and will spprro
Tato the support of his friends 'in and
around Senforth,. A year's subscript-
ion counts for 30,000 00108, Save your
coupons from The Free Press eao18 day
each cemp011 0181088 25 votes if soot in
in time,
The steeple of Exetter Method-
ist Church was destroyed by fire caraed
by lightning. 11 was only with great
effort that the whole building was saved
Ott Saturday afternoon last after a
severe illness (Marlette Watson relict
of the late Robert Dater, passed away
at ber home in 0lfaton at the age of
87 years, The funeral was held on
Monday and internment was made in
Lotdesboro cemetery,
(90nstanea Methodist
Rev. T P. Sawyer, pr atm. Sunday
service230pan. Young Peop'e'e Lea•
1'02 11 e m^inn,l'ty lv ()mail's. Auxil
ary first '1'neaday of every month a
30'p.m, L•t,liee Aid last Thursday
of oath month 2.30 p
First Presbyterian
Rev, F. H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
errviceo 11 a.m. and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2.30 p,nl. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 40 p.m. Women's Miss-
ionary Sncioty•the first Tuesday in each
month at 3 p m. Barbara Kirkman OIis
810t1 Band.'Bn1 0880'0t
40}- iu the month at
7 30 p.tn, Sunshine Mission Band
every Sud Monday at 4.15 p 181,
For 001venie000 o0Upone may 11e
left at Beattie's Faneyl. Good Store
Seaforth, lelr'3eattie is also authoriz
ed to re00i0e 0enewale, or new oubaorip
thane for the paper and the same Will
be inoreasing Mr. Elliott's ohancea of
securing one of the automobiles offered
to those receiving the largest number
of vute0,
Briefs for the Busy
A, G. Crane of Revo, Nev. has 001181d
a neat coal substitute in the form of
briquettes made from shale—an oil
bearing rook found throughout the
United States, The shale will be
eombiued with asbestos, compressed
into blocks interspersed with tubes
through which the air passes. The
price will be $1 per ton plus transport -
tion charges.
Hon, Dr. Boland a1 1' who recent
ly returned to Canada after three years
ups +hon tots war is aver, Slant' Ilnpriaoun1ent in Germany, addressed a
different iutereeta, both of individuals! large, intensely 1I1terested, 0ndieu08' at
'ea nati„n0 will demand attention. the Toronto Exhibition last week. The
freedom of the city was conferred up.m
Dr. Bslond by Mayor Church 118 res-
ponse Dr. Boland said he --wished the
people of Berlin had given had given
him the same freodym and the keys of
the 75 ft, stone wall behind which he
was imprisoned,_
The mayor of Scranton, Pen, has
been touted to prohibit the young lad-
ies kisting the eeldier8 en route to
- . France, through the oily, 00 they pre.
The September issue of anti! tout the soldiers from getting their
Gott fe fell of good things. stories. and I monis,
articles inetructive to the eportsmon i \lr• ales. 3lre. Fred Parsons, of Lou-
. whether he be fisherman, punier, dog. don, 50000 doubly bereaved last weal:
roan, or just plain out of doors man. 1 5011011 the sad news mune to them that
Being th,+ September number, "Wild' their two soda had both been Idled to
Dueie Shooting'eylby Bonea iastle Dula; I France on the enure day in the same
vary properly hue the beading place in
this 15,1',0, followed by a fishing stet v. • battle
"Belle of the Big Brute,- by Gel." .1 A new tribe of Indiana have' beet,
Gi bert:another thick artiele ''1 u1eri:- found in the notontaias between Col.
114 fustonot" by Edward T, Martin; =bin and Venezuela, not hitholtu
't1'ht,n the Goose Honks High'. 1,3 known to exist. They ars apparently
George 1t. 13elt1.ti; "Moonlight cudof the Itlecoa fetidly and live amui.g
Blue;; Pucks,' 'oy F, C, William; "The the mists of the mountains 0114 are
'Niel rileavatnt ole'Sr0ticeuxr,r 1081181,18''coustentiy at war among.1lwmselvoe,.
,.Three important Wild Duck O'ocrds' The 101110 tw,, year ofd daughter 1'f
'•Bil13 '.link') 1(1.003," continued, etc,' liel,jamin P:3.1ro of ,3100o, !fold
Tole + lh.otratious throngltout are har.i?od d,y l.Nci nnink ttclsted in tf,e r.,
1 { ..
good and 1 , a, -oe full page 1100.1005 � of „r•
at the. r ,rent 8,8 1(114 luternoivuai trip
Chanting ° otrceme ' : ; l,t at St Thomas oon, P ries of Hillet8Vlr80' da tllr, o8,d
Rod and 0311', 'Magazine is l published d1 ' yst 118, u,b:-8 '4 tit• Of ;'ge Or+lr,i' it:
W, J Tngler, Litniteil.Woodstock,¥lie ms,mhersllfp Glatto hack
Ontario j ld; },.ars.
T. e s
•plete the speaker again, "Out
of the agony of She wink' let its see
that 111 4'oformity bo born, neither from
1'tatitiet1iirl (1 front tir:trctlt•,
ROO arid GUN
A Newspaper Bargain
Midsummer Special
1Fi P Presbyterian
cI£ilio Psb Y
Rey. 1) airman pastor 811n day
ser51oee Duffs' (Meech 11 a to Sunday
school l') am Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p,m. women's Missionary
Society last Friday in each mouth at
2 o'clock,
The 1 ewe 80 in a position to offer
residents in this sootion areal bargain
in the way of newspapers. We have
concluded an arrangement with The
Family Herald and IN eekly Star of
Moutree:by which the -can offer that
great Weekly and the News until
January 1st, 1919 for the small sum of
seventy cents to new subscribers,
The Family Herald publishers are
offering one hundred dollars in prizes
for the best suggestions to improve
that paper and the offer is open to all
its readers. Orders for the two papers
maybe left at th !001!X8,
Canadian National
Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7
300,000 admissions sold first
day of advance sale. Come
with the crowds to thegreat-
estExposition in the 40 years'
history of the C. N. E.
The Heroes
of Britain!'
A production of tretuon-
dous force and beauty,
with 1200 participants.
All the colorful pgrspher-
nelia of romance and his-
tory in the -making. In-
spiting, dramatic --- a
spectacle every Canadian
should see.
A Patriotic Thrill in every scene
Giant fivostoek and agricultural display—
Government exhibits—demonstrations of voca-
tional training by 50 crippled heroes—farming
on factory lines; colossal exhibits of labor-
saving devises — Government patriotic food
show — Creators s world -famed band — Allied`
exhibit- of fine arta—AND A WORLD OF
Price of admitsion Is
unchanged cents
Consult your local agent regarding
railroad Tures
1v18 n , t,1' t his 110 adore
p halted Ir ee of charge, ex-
eptthosn rogardln0tsme001uge-
where an. admission lee is
clueing live The rate
018 1111or 111110
S14,7u114eRTi eklUlitelh n3S
St. ,lames'
St James' Church, Rov,OPatller E,
F, Goetz P, 1', Eerly class 8,00, High
Mass 10,30, Sunday Sohool'1) p, 01.
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
ed Sacrament:7' p. in.
eons etions For
13oys and %iris;
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector. Sunday
sor0oeo 1I a.m, 811(1 7 tam, Sunday
school 2.30 p. m, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30
p,m, C1lildren'ebranoh Saturday 2 p.m.
11teP0ett81011 services every Y Thnrsda 9'
Rev, H. D. Moyer, pastor
—SUNDAY School at 10:00 a.m.
Pub110 service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Thur0da y 8. p.m .
Arrangements have been mode 'to.
have the tlatladien Bankers Association
eo-operate with the Department of
80grioniture fu providing a liberal gala
of money to be offered to pri1,00 foo'
calves and pigs exhibited bi buys Gntt
girls under 17 J'enl's of age at one Fair
in smell dieiriot, Boys and girls should
lotto no time in finding ant, all about
these competitions ns the pelves anti
pigs must be ted at lease els. \cooks by
the boys ur gide Who exhibit thong *0114
it is very important to not promptly in
the securing copies of tl rules There at are
no 00(11y fees, 1,'nll iuformatio„ regard
lug the uonipetbtion sen be obtained
from the manager of any bank in the
looaiily 1111141'1 a fair hi hold,
Salvation ltrmy
Lieut, Duliorty 0114 Envoy Whitfield
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praiae
service 3 p.m: Gospel service 7 pen.
Chifdrono Service—Dlreotory olasa 10
a.m. Bible classes 4 p m, Woelc nigl1'
Meetings—Wodnoeday Pester meeting
Pan •
Remondviiie, Presbyterian
Rev. S M0Lean pastor. Sunday Ser.
vines 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible class
3 p,m Prayer meeting Wednesday
Bp. in. 1',P WS Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.m. Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 pan Ladies' Aid meow im-
mediately after.
�/f `���'a hwl
"it . ,
ror,i'i fit El
ht :xi
For Hyl
FARM help is scarce, but this condition can be relieved
to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish
more work in a given time with less man power. •
Why should the farmer cling to horses—a slow, expensive
means of power --when every other business is adopting
the truck' and thereby reducing the cost of hauling, speeding
up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that
the horses would otherwise consume?
The motor -driven truck can work constantly at maximum
load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather.
Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working, it eats only
while in actual use, and when the day's work is clone it
requires very little attention, and leaves 3'c ll free for -other
"Chores" about the place., Then, it can be housed in One-
quarter the space 0f the horses, wagon and htirness It replaces.
It is a mistaken idea- that a truck is u.ieful only for driving
upon paved roads. The r'ord can L driven all over the farm,
and used for hauling grain; potatoes, fruit, root;, fertilizer,
wood, stock, milk of ...ay Other pl'oduet. The speed it
travels, the time it saved, and its low upkeep cost appeal
Very strongly to all users of the.Fo d Truck, 10 you need
help, order your Ford One Ton Track today.
Ail ewicao 81803..4 re mar fax o11m•gue, ra'Crpt trttrab and rhaneie
One -Ton Truck $750
Runabout - - 680
Touring - - - 690
Coupe - 875
Sedan - - - 1,075
Chassis - - - 625
l+: D. B. Porti, Ont.
J. F. Da y, De..ler Seaforth
ook Bros., Dealers, Rensa11
After visiting relatives here, Rev. E,
H nitnu'u and wife, ac0empauied by
Miss Sadie H1u'.hnrn left for Pickering,
meg, 81, Drysdale, and ales, Ortwein
sp, rot last tt eelc in ')'w'all to.
Mrs. Marla Blatchford, who has been
livfug with hot son for six years died et
the age of 80 years, She was the loot
member of the Dna mita family of Co.
I i
airs. 11. Jarrett and Mrs; Sproat of
of Seaforth have been visiting relatives
Bev, Mr, Garrett has touted 0 house
fans airs; I)rakt, and is gettilig i01 1110
tlr,' end Mrs, SInlpoon have moved
into the dwelling lottnrrly oe.upiod by
0, 13 MoDt eidd,
• Ml's, it, A;,blatl'k,,8,1enforth recut a
few tlaye Lore,
borne tewnellill and a i'.e11010 en9 Hien. The weioome .rain of last 10t.t411 11810
ber of the Anglican Church. improved both the reels and pa0t+rrt' thu wegta,ill ivurlJ.
Grain is already arriving at the
mills and the report says that quality
is first plass,
Miss King of 13rucefield is taking the
work of Mies Graham in the Bank hero
P.,ia T 1(48 Before it,-7'htu•o is mare
virtue in a btrttle of Dr, Thon,oe' Helve
trio Gil' nil n 0etbdunr of pain than in
(,illona of other medicine, The pulite
know title arid there Aro few houxeholda
throughput the country where tt cannot
h0 found, 'Thirty yo aro of use h•' -s tam.
11110iz,.11 the panpl1 wit it, and Made it
it a 1(01)0,8h0ld lnetlioino then, itiicilt