HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-29, Page 8NOT WEATHER DENIMS That you keep your head cool. Come to our Bar- ber Shop and talk it ov- er with us. You will en - Joy its r.�Y e CORRESPONDENCE 1. R M.�.��a.w••nr�••••M11�etri�rr.+�M�,( Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Prop MUSICAL Miss Annie G, Uovenlock, Graduate Teacher's Course Gcdowtky Methods, Canadian Academy of Monte, Toronto will re -open her classes in piano, Organ and Theory on September 3rd. Pupils will be prepared for Canadian Aoademy and Toronto Conserr.ttory xaminatioue Studio North Main St. Phone 103 Auburn Mra, Robt. Asquith died last week after a long and painful illness, Sho wee an old resident and a good neigh. bor of a very retiring nature, Ae long as she was able she regularly attended Chnrob, She loaves her bereaved hus- band and one daughter Vera. Burial took place in Mullett. Tk1 SEAFORTl1 NEWS Ward for the last three month has returned to her home in North Dekots, we wish Mre. Arris trent e eafejourney, Mist Annie r'jligrizrt it riaiking et her home here Mies Margaret J ohnsen hes returned home from her vilat, Misses Lulu and Kepis, Colelough and Alioo Austin are taking a course at the school of Commoros+, the wee them susses. Mr- Jail Keyes and Charles of Nashville Tematee aro visitiuget hie father Mr, Thomas Keyes, Rev, James .Foote visited here dur. ing the latter part of the week et kis fathers and taking the Brueefield Presbyterian seiviee, Mr. Foote is moving to Exeter from Thedford Don't forget the Hard Time Social ,Thursday evening. Threshing has started and the sound of the whistle eau be heard again. Mr. Chris Ward was in Loudon last week visiting. Mrs, Riddel has gone to Saskatoho- wan te visit her mother who is very i11. Mr. Wm. Wallace of Montana spent a few days herewith old neighbors. Mr. Jae, Howatt a1 the gravel road Hallett, had the misfortune to fall from a toad of grain when his horses started, being badly hurt' Mr, Asquith has started an evaporat or in Alvins`,on which be will run this Beason. eonstance Harvest is finished here. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer of Lon- deeboro were visiting here last week, The Adult Bible class met Inst week Help Wanted a Bert Irwin's home, Help wanted to spread fax by the Canadian Flax Mills, Seaforth, Good 'wages will be paid to women, girls and boyo. Canadian Flax Mills, Seaforth SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLE$. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your akin. Squeeze the juice of two Iemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the beat ffeckle and fan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at eery, very small cost. Your grocer has the Iemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few Bents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin. beeomes. Yesl _ It is harmless. The threshing machine makes good music as it grinds out the grain, It is better than some phonographs we hear Kippen Exior Nigh, who was sick for Bev. eral days with blood poisoning is now better. Dr. Mary Johnston le with relatives in Stratford, Mrs. Johnston ar, is also in Stratford. Mr. A. McKenzie spent a couple of days with friends in the north of the county, H. White and wife of Stratford visited at the home of Mr. W. H' Joba• sten. Miss Godkin of Walton and Miss Alva Bolton of Hensen are the guests of Miss Grace Ross, rucefield Miss Elooat who has been ill with typhoid is recovering. Mr. 11, Beatty of Viotoria B,. C. ie here with his sisters Mrs Scott and Dangies, Miss &tatty is visiting relatives in Loudon. Harvest ie over and threshing and fall wheat is now the hurry, Miss Margaret Aikenhead is in Lor.- dwl. S,rgt, Jackson a veteran of London Its at the home of Mr, Welsh, His 'faautiiy have done their share as three itroth•ris are at the trent and another in training, Rev James Foote preached preached rt ceutly here and spent a week with • frietele. Rev. 14r, ItiOIutosh who spent a mouth at Bruce Beach ie home again. 1drs, J. itennett hae recovered after an Operatic*, The Red Cress work began again on Tuesday when the outline of the win- ter'e work was given, Tiaatol,iaobile Entranc Westerns Fair Date Sept. to RI Ter some yeare the number of people who come to the Fairs in the cool Auto nstoad of stuffy trains have increased that taking oars of the cats forced the Directors of the western Fair to build a eubway under the track, and will let only ears enter at the north east corner of the ground . The drivers after un- loading their paseengers, who will also have a special entrance will go through the eubway and park their care inside the ring whore they may he left as long as desired. 11 the auto party Lunch they may do so, returning to the ground by way of the subway. The prise of admission will be $1.00 fol car and driver, inolnding parking. The manage• intent feel assured this a000midation. will be appreciated by the general pub' lie and that more people than ever will attend this year's Exhibition. Pros - i peots are very bright for the beet Ex.;,, hition ever held in London, Prize Leets, entry forms and all information will be given 011. application te the Ste retary, A. M, Hunt, Loddon. - Asthma is Torture, No oneelhasn't gasped for breath in the power of as- hma know, what such seffering is, Thousands do know however, from ex- perience 'how isenseasurable is the re- lief provided by Kelloggs Aethrae Rem. edy, L'or,, yoere have been relieving and curing the most severe claws• I you are a eufforer do not delay a day' in securing this reaaody front year drug A number of soldiers from London , are borne un hart 9t lr^,ve, A McKenzie is slowly improving fatter his illness, Wm' Dickson, who formerly lived here but now of Exeter was renewing old friendships. He is always welcome 4111.4* Walton 'fhresbiug 18 new the order of the day and fide returns are being report- ed in nearly every farm. John McQnaig and Mrs. D, F'ergn Marson have been visiting old blonde and neighbors here. They oame to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. N, W. Sholdioe. lossoossosolOssommosovozo (Too late for last week) Dr. (Rev) J, Aiken of I{ipperi preached in the Presphyteriau ohurph Sunday evening , Rev. Mr, Johnson is taking his holidays, Mies Copeland is the guest of Mrs. (Rev„ Johnson at th a mese' Rev, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson have re- turned after spending their two week holiday and is taking charge of hie own ahuroh Sunday, Fir, and Mrs Austin and family were visiting Mr., Auetins sister and brother at Blyth last Week, Mrs Pilgrim to visiting friends at Ingersoll ItIr, M, J Naughton who was laid up with blood poisoning a ' improving again h9iss B'lorsnoe Clark whe has been ender the dooters ears is aisle to be out again ]lire Armstrong who has been visiting her brother and sister Mr, and Mise Brom ilrt y Mr, Jas. Howe jr: hae returned from Stratford after an operation, we are glad to know its is musk improved, Rev. Dr, Mitchell preached here on Sunday, Mrs, Aikens of A1Iendele is a guest of Mrs, D. Peck. Mr. an Mre, Gray of Dunnville are ealliug on friends in Cromarty, Staffa Bulleet „ Mrs. Adams jr, llas been 111 for sets e. el weeks with pneumonia, We hope to bear she is recovering, Ernie Reuyelde manager of the Bell Telephone et St, Catharines has been ependiug a holiday ether home, Tighe of Toronto Seminary hae been home for a ehort time. - Miss Oliver is visiting relativea in Mitchell. Miss Elwood a returned missionary from China, is visiting at the Metho- dist parsonage and gave an address on her work in that .country. Mrs -G, Dalton and family are re- movieg to Galt where testy will live in future. Mr. and Mrs, Gray of Dunnville have been visiting friends here. Miss Gertie Greenwood of Mitchell is visiting Mrs. A. Small. 15,IkO in Prizes Free THE LONDON FREE PRESS offers a pleasant and profitable diversion to the residents of Western Ontario AUTOMOBILES, PIANOS, BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE SETS, FURS. CRAPHOPHONES, BABINETS QF SILVER, SCHOLARSHIPS, KITCHEN CABINETS, CASH COMMISSION PRIZES, ETC., TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE TO ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE. FIRST PRIZE - Value $2,345.00 60 H, P. First prize in The Free Press Automobile Contest is a 7 -Passen- ger 60 h. p. McLaughlin "Bis Six," with a cash value of $3,340. The McLaughlin "Big Six" holds some ofthe most coveted automobile records of tete day. Its 60 horsepower develops the utmost in power sad speed. Purchased Iron, and on exh'bitien at the McLaughlin Carriage Company, Richmond street, London, Ont. THE FREE PRIZE LIST $2,845.00 McLAUGHLIN "BIG SIX" TOURING CAR. $1,435,00 GRAY DORT "SPECIAL" TOURING CAR. $1,225.00 OVERLAND TOURING CAR. $700.00 FORD TOURING CAR. $500.00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. 1460.00 SHERLOCK-MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. $400,00 SHERLOCK.MANNING UPRIGHT PIANO. And numerals other articles, among which will he three $300.00 Sherlock -Blanking 'Baby Grand" Phonographs, -three $107:00 Rayolas, three $150.00 Furniture Suites, three $60.00 Rayolas, six 050.00 Satin -rimed Cabinets of Rogers' 1847 Sliver, three .045.00 Kitchen Cah nets, three $25.00 Sets el Rogers' 1847 Silver, three $20,00 Rayolas, cash commission chocks and other pr'aes, which will be announced later. It will take votes to win the tree prizes. Secure the votes by slipping them from The Fres Press or by securing Free Press subscriptions and renewals. PRIZES FOR ALL. One of the unique features of The Free Press Contest 'e that subscribers who assist candidates to the contest will also have an opportunity to win an automobile, THERE WILL -BE NO LOSERS, Everyone who makes an ear- nest effort in the contest will re- ceive something for his or her ef- forts. Cash commission prizes are provided for non -winners, ENTRY COUPON GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES. (Enter your own name or that of a friend.) Prize Contest Dept. of The London Free Press, Oentiemen,—I hereby nominate as a candidate In your Automobile Prize Contest; NAME ADDRESS NOMINATED BT NOTE.—Only the first entry coupon resolved for each.oandi- date will entitle tlf6 candidate to the 0,000 votes. OBEY THAT IMPULSE $ond to your Entry Coupon TODAY. Receipt books are ready at the Contest Department of The Free Press, London, and there le nothing to prevent you from getting a runaway start whine others are slaking on their minds as to whether they will enter or not, Ae soon as you have sent in year Eatry Coupon see all your friends, Tell them you are gains to enter the competition and that yen would ayptmciate their support, Phone or write all of those whaler yon carnet personally see, ".JV®T LUCKI NOT CHANCE' EFFORT ALONE WILL WIN THE PRIZES'= - ADDRESS ALL OOMMUNIGATSONS TO Prize Contest Department of The Free Press LONDON, ONTAdiIO. PHONE—LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE, tet. Dublin Post Sept, 5th, on your looking glees - to remind yon of the Lawn Soo- ial at St. Patrick cherofl. There is a good programme and n pleasant oven- ing awaiteyoe. Every one will betimes, Mr, Jake Weber ofTillsonbnrg is spending Ida t'noation at hie home, Miss Mathetrs and her brother of De. troit are here at present. Mr, Geo, Mtte11e11 of .Hamilton is visiting his home. Thwsm1Ay August 9 We. regret to report that Mr. Joe, Dautur and Mrs, 0, Rich are i11 in the hospital in London, GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has tho lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It le harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you. I With the Fingers ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain S Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of n corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you twill apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of freez- one at any drug store, which is suffi- cient to r'id, one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and dons not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. q. *This announcement will interest many wemen here, for it fa said that the present high -heel footwear is put' ting corns on practically; every woman's feet, Ls-�- "For the Blood is the Life.: EN YOU ARE SUFFERHIG YAM any dloeaoo duo to Impure blond such as Eozoma, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad logs, Abocosscs, Gloom, Glandular . Swellings, Boils, Pimples, sore. 00 any kind, Piloe,Blood Peleon,Rhoumatlom, Gout, ote, don't uaste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want L a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cal of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. Itis composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood 6 all impurities, from whatever cause arising, and' by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting ear;, t7Aens.v,dr jenti. chafe, Arse/talon 8 �n sulta Over 50 years' slums, Pleasant le tale. Fsold 5r a4 OhomisU and Stnreheopers, artusa all CURES '.„,.. ALt- SuSatlhrtra, SKIN &, 81_000 DISEASES, ��okrfS3�'as14a ..Y We're Experts at Shoeing Children Our lines of Fall Shoes for the Children were se. lected with the greatest care iron.) the productions of the Country's best Makers of Children's Footwear, The leathers are Calf, Gun Metal Calf, Patent and Colt. The lasts are formed to fit Children's' feet correct— ly and to guide them along natural lines. The Shoes are Masterpieces of Children's Shoe making, There are no Shoe troubles in the families, where we Shoe the Children. die Re seer" "The Home of School Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth ,u e. �7 e.Rs A`S t'v � retv2 20,000 Farm Laborers Wanted to 'Winnipeg PIus half a cent per mile beyyond. Returning, half a cent ptr mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.06. Comfortable Through Trains. Lunt% Service at moderate prices, Special Accommodation for Women and a Scenic Routs) by C.N..l;;.. Excurelon Dates from Seaforth Aug. 30, Sept: 4 & r I special Train Servide; from Toronto ro.00 p. m. For information see: Chas. A. Aberhart, C N R Agent_ or write General Passenger Dept., 68 Xing Si. E., Toronto, Ont. - Ask for "Harvesters' Work end Waves" Leaflet. 1234 4Tit xi= 4: , 4 s Art " t�p4 Plan to attend Wester; .. Ontario's Popular Exhibition $30,000 -IN PRIZES Full Programme of Attrattawe twine daily Two Speed Events dail Fireworks each night Great Pure Food ,^bow in Ervocess Building Plenty of Music, Bsnrarttoes, Enteetainmene and Midway Merriment LOND'O'N CANADA Sept. iia to 14'h Iola Kn.—Now automobile eoatraneo re Dundee and Egerton Sts. Mnnla- sleet _severe lams and rivsae, litclutling parking of car. Prize 1450, Entry Forms, ifgetf yO ger *pace, and all istnfgsspatiop m tine Secretary 1.4. -Col. W. M. Olortekore, Pr eesslrmd v A. M. Hunt, 3eaofary y ,1 t ti 'e ' 'h{ usan Far Laorers Wnted for . rvestind in esters Ca ada "Going Trip 6'est"—$12 to. WINNIPEG. '`Return Trip East"—$l8 from WINNIPEG. GOING BATES TERRITORY From stations In Ontario West of Smith's Falls to and Including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line an Svc oc - e er era Line. From stations Kit sigh to Renfrew ,function, inclusive, Thom sin lYns o T lir M�., e fury direct line , Front si!fIRUrtB an Sault rr'tc, Marls branch, August 20, and August' 29;' dH I kPt b ' 1' t' dig asst s dl d' Ii 'From gallons .on Main Line, eoneagr to 1-rnns, Inclusive, _ _ From station BetttlenyJunction to Port MrNicoll and Burketon-Iiobcn0gcorf. AtagLst 22, From notions In Ontario West and South of Toronto Wand including Hamilton end Windsor OnL and From Mations on Owen Sone,1 Walkerton, TeesW,, cr, W(neham, Elora, Listowel, Materiels, St. Iviary'e, Pott Berwcli and St. 'Phomas branches, August 29, From stations Toronto and North to Bolton, locluslve. 141, Akwitl atri , 14811 nucleators from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W '., ll.k; ASO, Act Passenger Aaent, Toronto