HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-29, Page 5rineesS Thursday Friday & Triangle Preselits atarday The Ship of Doom A Dig Vital Story of the Jack London type With Tremendous Marine S1ioreihe rLocatons Beautifully photographed Keystone double length comedies provide the spice for the I i ( 1 6 11 Moeda ,, erl esdg Tuesday Wednesday 11 w P !1NTNfj If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Order; Leave us your orders when in need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing Come In And See Us About Sale Bilis THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAFORTI-1 — ONT. A Our Uttk Wife lil R MINIAM li Mlri Wri Azni2ni ill EM Ct oTRA Opposite Daly's Garai Thursday Friday & Saturday Made Kennedy :and her eyes :and h e r smile hi the story of the girl who cheered her rejected lovers by taking them ori her honeymoon] A cF lemmismAA h`deiCt4J1 MAM9 fif5J11 W from Avery Hopwood's stage ,nec.,aa by the lame tame "it's a iltedwy s Picture". Two Show's on 181,11 1 telt. 8 So and 9 40 Mon. Tues, & Wed. Arni Ieithitto In Tie Antics € n 11 "A Paratuo,urt Picture" Haran, $careen Ann Pennington will keep Sen chuckling for many, n flay at her antics in that bot bed of cenveetien, a girl's it mil sty • 'Poo good to /nits. Price se_..Childt tt 111,1 Opposite baits' Garage Thursdaty /1 IguSt "9 Silt EDMUND WALILR, Preriisnt CAPITAL PAID UP, is,eoa,oao AI ' RESERVE FUND. • $13,500,000 BANK $IR JOHN r IiRD, General Manager H, V. F, JONES, As4't• Gen'l, Mimegcr 60 Open a Savings account with this Bank and deposit money which would otherwise be kept at home idle and exposed to Loss by fire or theft. Interest is (earned and you have the satis- faction of knowing that your money is secure. Seafortka. 33nca,xc..t J. G, MULLEN, Manager Wt J. Walker Undertaker Embalmer W, .1, Walker, holder of gov- ermuont Diploma and License Day or Night oars receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " t8 Fall Terni from Sept, 3rd. �1��91t��tt1� %Ci�i ei'/L�C'XJ STRATFORD,, ONT, The call for trained help is great- er now than ever before in the history of Canada. Our gea(luatea are securing splendid positions. We have GOy1MEROIAL SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHY DE- PARTMENTS, If you, purpose taking a business college course during Fall or Winter months, write now for our free catalogue. W J ELLIoTT D A MCLAGHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine, If you ears for heavy hair that glis tens with beauty and is radiant wit'' life; has an incomparable softness is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever- iehaess and itching of the scalp; the ` hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a 'mia11 bottle of J nowlton's Danderine iron any drug store and just try it. FOR SALE JI-1EPIP . Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Bard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve- randah, Stable 16' x112' hen :house 9 7' . Apply at the News Office cwus.wm For Sale House and half acre of land in the ,village of Egtnoudville. The property to situated ou C'entre Street, close to the Presbyterian Oharah and is known as the Ptvrcell property, Good com- fortable house, good shed, good well and oement atetern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes. This is a corner pro party with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation, This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or t.0 John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Ni fly Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNe'S BLOCK SEAFORTH For Sale A neat and comfortable bouseon High Street. All Conveniences. This prop- erty must be sold as the owner has decided to leave town. Here is the bar- gain that you have been 1 ooking for. APPLY TO JOHN ANKN Bond and Debenture Broker Maim Street, ... Seaforth Phone 91 a CREAM WANTED Send your {rearm to us and receive top prioes, We are running o w' plant the year through and eau bundle your -frill supply and furnish yon with saris, We pay twine each rvonth and weigh sample and teat each eau of Dream care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons" Patrons are requested to re inn all otir cans when not in neo. 3ztter an.lBu:ttermilk al - co hand nd for at market prioes, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH NLARICI1T Mood Milling Wheat,....,,......., $2,10 Barley: .......1 35 Bran per tan...............„,....„36.00 Shorts par ton ................. ........ 41 Butter. .............„...... 36-38 Hogs to faimers ..........:......r9 00 Corse orlpple the fart and snake wanting a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway's horn Ours is with- in .reach ,of all Local Agent Wanted for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Z housatids of Orchard trees need replacing. —.— War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in town, and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissio :s, Exper- ience ilOt necessary. STONE &WELLINGTON (Established 1837) TORONTO, ONT, lvrothers oan easily know when their children are troubled with a ot'ule, and they lose no tune in applying the best of • remedies—Mother Graves' Worm Excerrntnator. i„,..„„“, .,,,,,... .Ny ....0 r%,�rglf a.rT+w ,„„.,.�...w tns..« I Town Top'cls ,..,«.a...i,� ....prhw,........,.. The !Ugh Oost of Living—Economy is the word today, Make your old garments do instead of purchasing new ones, Have them dry cleaned end pressed., Dry cleaning when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh new appearance and sots as a'lielnfeotant, Ilusanitary wearing apparel often causes sickness and death due to germs, olotlhing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, Goderich St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel, Master Fred Jaolteou to attending 'retinae Exhibition this week, Mr. Wm. Hartry left 'Tuesday for Toronto. Mrs, Robt. Armstrong left on Thurs. day to meet Mr. Armstrong in Winui. peg, Among those who left for the West last Thureday were Messrs, 11, Jones, .lamas Armstrong, Mrs. Duvts, and (Geo, Straclton, of Tualrerennitb, Mies Clara Pinkney went to Tomtit) on Saturday. Miss Mamie Murray of Hamilton spent a few days with friends in town. Mrs. (DrOR P. Hartry Nobel], Ont, is visiting at Dr, Hartry's home at pres ant. Mise Millie Mason is visiting friends in I3slgrave, Mies Clara McKinley left on Monday for Edmonton where she has accepted a position in the Collegiate staff, Mies Clara Dobie left on Monday for Lethbridge, Alberta, NIr. -John Hinahley of Stratford is re Crewing acquaintances 18 town Mies McTaggart is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs Geo. Weir James St„ has re turned after spending two weeks at Bayfield, The Voters List of Seaforth has been printed attd is now in the hands of the Clerk. It contains a list 794 names of whom 945 are eligible to serve on the jury, Mr, Rad Mrs, Peter Kerr are spend ing a few days iri,Toronto, Mise Maud Eartry left on Tuesday for 'Edmonton to resume her duties as teacher in that city, Miss Margaret Ohitenden is visiting her sister Kra, Padgett in Toronto Mr and Mrs, D. McGregor, Goderioh St: and Mrs, Farnham are Toronto visitors this week, Mise Madge Stewart is attending the millinery openings in Torouto M r, David Wile 3i1 left on Saturday io visit his uncle in Platteville, Mrs, John Tbompsou, Brussels, ie renewing old acquaintances in town". The amount of coal allotted to Sea - forth is 4171 tons. The usual oonsump- tion is 6 400. lvlr. and Mrs, Bergen of Moncton and Mre John Henderson of Detroit motor ed over and spout Monday in town, Mees Margaret Cowan has returned from a pleasant holiday it. Killarney Algoma Mise S, 1, McLean has returned from Goderioh, Mr. Robert Archibald has sold his farm in McKillop to Mr, Tomlinson of Sh Priarys, Sir. and Mrs Murray of Toronto aro spending a few days with their dough - et', Mrs F, .1, ]toss, Mra H W Ellison and sou Jaolc who have been spending weeks at tho home of Mr and Mrs J 0 Mullen returned last 'Thursday to Toronto. Mr W Brine of Toronto urea a week• end visitor et the home of his mother, 3 11 Brine. Mr and Mrs D Donovan acoompan ied their daughter Mrs James O'Leary, who bas been hero on a visit. to her home in Winnipeg, MissHeael Morrow has returned front spending her holidays in at. Marys kir, W. Sclater and daughter re;nrni, ed to Regina laet Thura..,.y, Many friends will be pleased to le... Til SI,A ORTLi NE Mrs, and Mims (Gillespie have retnyn• ed from a visit to friends in London Miss Gaiter of Detroit spent a few days with Mrs, L. L, Molt'au!.. Mee, George Murtilo is visiting her sister in London, Mr, T. Daley has purchased the re- eidence of Miss 0, 13, McKinley, Mr, John Soott left last Thureciay to visit bit daughter in Snowflake Man, Mr, F, S. Savauge preaohod in the Methodist Ohurolt last Sunday morn' ing and Mr, J Button in the evening, Miss Jean Govenlook who has beim spending the holiday(' at the home of her brother Mr, R. Goverrloolc North Main St, loaves on Tharoday for Cal- gary, ltev, A. MoFarlane of hayfield oocup ied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Ohurch last Sunday rimming and even- ing and preached two able seances. Mr. Milton Cheeuay of the Domin- ion Bank Stair has returned from 'Tor- onto. Mistdlara Piultueyie visiting friends in Termite, Miss Mary Gillespie has returned from a visit. to Toronto. Mrs, Fowler of Galt, who has i; the guest of Mise Fowler, James Str for a month left Wednesday to v friends in Wiugham, The Gold Witch donated by M Lnkee was won by Mr, Gannet kirk of MoKiliop, The amount reeli from the sale of the Helots was $, Manley PAies Maybes fro* Logan and .'Miss Shanahan of Bullet are engaged as teaoherelu our school for the opining year, MrJoe Murray has got his discharge from the snip in Loudon. Mr and Mre W Manley and family and Mr and Mre Thos. MoKay were visitors at St Colnmbau on Sunday, The many friends of Mrs, Thee, Welsh are sorry to learn that she is not im- ing in health, • Mr, Eli Repeie bas purchased n tier/ Me0ertniok Binder for next seasons crop and thinks it a good investment according to the increasing prides and avoiding tate rush SIRTHbit, 000K—le ('Tinton, Aug, 9t1, to Mr. anti Mrs. C, Cools, a daughter, H 64111) - Iu Clinton, Aug 11, to Sprgt Corp], 1, L, and ,lire, Heard, 0 chug Iter, A Standard Medicine,—Parmelee'( Vegetable Pills, compounded of entire - ly vegetable substances known to have ern in revivifying and salutary r' eot upon est I the digestive organs, .Lave through tsit years of 11ae. attained Pt, "n,ltent a pee- ition that they rank as a standard tnedioiue. The ailing should ram em- ias bel' this, Simple in their composition, zed stomach and are certain to have a Hal- I they can be ae'milatecl by the weak - IS, Mrs, MoQaade of Eginondvillo h returned from a visit to friends in D troit: Miss Bell Ballautyne intends lea ing on Thursday for her school in Vs' erloo, Miss Thompson who has beetespen dug several weeks at the home of 111 hart Bell has returned to Bradfor Penn, as e- heatbful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. A Staudard Medicine.— Parmelee'( y, .Vegetable Pills, compounded of enttre- nl.I ly vegetable snbstanoes known to have a revivifying and salutary result upon the digestive organs„ have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as standard d• rs, d, medicine, The ailing should remember 1 this. Simple in their composition o- they can be nesimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have e healful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive crgans. Mr, and Mrs. Veale of Ingersoll in tored over to visit friends in tower, Mr. and Mrs. Irving S uthorlard of Owen Sound aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Wilson, Miss Eva Brown spent a few days visiting at her sister and mother in Hallett. Mr, Robert Brown jr,, of Bullet left last week for the West to help with the harvest and will also visit his brother' at Edmonton. Mrs, Jae, Beattie and Mies Ella Smith spent the week end to Goderioh, A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers' Club will be held in the Separate School Hall on Wednesday evening next at t3 o'clock. Me KilLop Harvesting was practically finished last week. Itis apparent that there are firebugs still at large, Mysterious fires have been started in wood ends in the east. ern part of the township. A uurnberefrom here intend going to the Toronto Exhibition. Only that rail way fares are so high the number would be greater, A young team owned by Mr, Solomon Bell which were hitched to the hayfork rope. ran through his barn and leap ei out the back door One of there was killed and the other escaped unhurt. A umber of Indians are finishing up lits pulling in these parts, Winthrop Mrs Richard i'ethicic is very ill at present, and at time of writing, hot slight mopes are held out for her re. oovary. Miss Gerty Oampbeii, daughter of Mr James Campbell, who has been re• siding in London, for the past couple of years visited friends in this locality during the past week, Mrs George MoKee is in Tuckersntitli this week, waiting ou her cousin, Mr, Jas, Finlayson who is very sick at pres est, Mr Paul Kenny of this village who is over 80 years of age, helped to stack all the grain grown un his farni ftom this year. We ]tope that he may live Viet tetra, Ma: vin be rt'rovering her recent accident, Alfa. _,gnes McKay has aeoepted a position in the Lendbary school, Mrs Fitzgerald of Toronto ie visite ing her daughter Mrs, Harry Stewart, Adios play Livens of Iiarniltoti is a visitor at the home of her parents Me, and Mrs i4, Livens, to hole at many harvests yet, On Saturday evening Inst, Mr W. T Grieve was going to town and when going down the hill opposite Mr ions, in some way lost control of hit car with the result that it crashed into the iron bridge, completely amnshing one front wheel and otherwise wreck- ing the oar. Getting Around It. "What 'would bullpen if an irresistible force should meet an immovable bodyr "It is not necessary for anything to happen. I maintain that arbitration Its always feasible."—Louisville Courier - Journal, Tried It. Gadby—I am satisfied of one thins. Our forbears certainly did pass theft time at home most -uncomfortably. Snappertite—Row do you know? Dad- by—I've been buying a lot 01 antique furniture.—Browntug's Magazine, Some Resemblance. "Lightning rods in one respect aryl. bike waiter's." "What's that?" "They won't give good service Dales* they are well tipped." —Baltimore; American. Would Be a Help. "Every cloud has a silver lining," "It would be nice if they also had arsenic deposits," said the farmer. "Then the rain would spray our crone as well as moisten them."—Louisville Courier -Journal. Modern Version. The Amazon forces were about to charge. t "Wait until you can see the powder on their noses," directed the lady mili- tary genius who commanded the other feminine troops.—Kansas Oity Journal. Burying the Hatchet. This expression, meaning "let by- gones be bygones," is derived from a custom once in vogue among the North American Indians. According to a command of the "great spirit," they were obliged, when they smoked the pipe of peace, to bury in the ground their tomahawks, scalping knives and war clubs in token that all enmity MS at an end. And So 1t Goes. "How is it you are always snort - handed at your place?" "Well, somebody is generally sick or something. We seldom have all the clerks report." "Go on," "And when they do happen to all re- poft everybody thinks that's a good excuse to get a day off,"—Louisville Courier -Journal. RECIPROCITY, There is one weed whisk may nerve as a rote of prutkill far all one's life-t/,et woroi to ro.iprto• Ity. What you ado hot wish den* to ysureelf de not do to'*there,— Confusiaas•