The Seaforth News, 1918-08-29, Page 4THE'• • SEAFORTH NEWS
�IR,ao'a �aRn,40A U91i11tt0RlyAIL,8ue0naltxlir,tU44 •
4prdllal l�tywnl to 919oaaee or li/Yea`E'ar, Voile
BIM Throe
01400 awl tedenee belmd PQIDinton Bank,
Opio rbono No. 11, IteI44onoo Pltono No, 106
DIt�Tar, Xr, ;i, EUUEOWS Worth 04leo andr's ,
i4engee-t10Ae4'00. Street, east of the meth
odlst Cbureb Coroner for County of Huron
Telephone Nie 40.
DNS, SCOTT S MACKAY, Plty8lclans and
linme t'te eoderleh Street, opposite Menlo.
t`hursle, iloaforth,
Soon, gradnetevietorla and Anti Arbor, and
hiemboroftietnrlo College of Physicians and
Surgeons. tlor•mer for County of Huron.
liacZAT honor graduate Trinity Uulverarts,
gold medalist Trinity Medical Oolluge. Member
of Cnlle,e of Fysbdans and aurgem,a, ()Marie.
DR, , sl. NEiLF 11Atmeopth Speeiulist
fa Rotten'? anti 1' I i.rut s df,ettees ami
Ellett -natio troubles Amite a 'd t It'aio disord
era, Eat, Lye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re•
moved whit ant 1111 liet.
a+radon free.
Tu?tatty,sAnt. to;; p,,a:Friday 85,1n, to fpm
Marriage Licenses
,:,1 y s;)elenr
Licenses F. daptl,•.0ewGIe1
rfyou tea
postcard will get our rateAccident?
5, D. 1101 NOI•ILH'tt.
uenascot Agent for London Life Inouronoe Co..
ad Int ,eria1 Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,.
Seaforth, Ont.
Fames Watson
0 enernl Fire, Lite and 1reiden1 insurance
Agsnt, and dealer in sewing Machines.
Main Street, Seaforth.
Mutual Fire Insurance Bee
(Farm and Isolated Town
Property Only insured.
.0 a4. t' m .5l5, t,rrl'r 5 Pr Llont, lame,
ltval Beechwood, Vire 1 re.,Sent, T a haus
Hays, 0„aa,rtn- So...Trees
D. F. McGregor, Soaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rina, Constance: John Bean ls, _ --- 8' Observations ry ! �t p� p �c
Brod h R b Ferris fi 1 k � General Llhser�at�ons
I C lly, G d rich j. Beane. Beechwood
Agents l , - ,D
Alex, Leitch, Hariock; E. Hinchley, Seafort4•:
William Chesney, Egmondvllle• J. w. Vac
SolmesvUIe; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodbasen: Jane
Ear and John Govenlock. Seaforth, aulttors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance or traaea ••
other business will be promptly attended to 2,
appneatlon so any of the above offices, address -
to their respective postofficee.
Front the Otrreo
Phone 84 Evening 117
One donor pecear, strlchly 111 adv a 1) ee
11 nut gold in advance, one dollar altd
a hail wilt ba charged, United States
papers, arty rents extra, striekly in
ad vuneed.
When suberrlbera chaaag0 their address
notice ehoald be lentur Immediately, glvip8
both the old and the new addtees. Sub-
scribers will confer a favor by notifying se
of any irresuarlty of delivery,
Reeding Notloos-No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which money Ia to be made by any person
or cause will be Inserted In Taa New's
without charge. The price for the Inser-
tion of buslneee announcements is TEN
cents per count line each Insertion W
parties baying no contract for display
advertising. and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to a
lines. 00 cents
Judidal, Logal, Official and Govern -
wont Notlses--Ten cents per lite Mr Bust
Insertion and five caste per Ilse for each
s,baecuet f lsertlon.
Yearly cards ---Professional Cards net
exceeding One itch, will be !needed for
55.00 per vest, naeable strictly In advance
Display advertising -Rates famished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntll forbid;" and those sent without
written Inetructicne will appear until
rltten orders are received for their des.
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith, The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on refl.
gioue topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for ouch matter le ten
cents per line,
e dgen• o ert ?roc • Macon
Me-'-oo , Clinton; G McCart ",_y , Cm, I]
James onto o e as v
0 RERNA p 1
MAN 8c1BDAst
sattptirto ,
est:END/ailt p,
e+ll11oaoLr° C.CRICtARD58.t4,
an the
Mlnard 3 buys, and girls too, will return to
LiIII316111 s'hool feeling that they have clone real
work for Canada,
• Labor Day tames on Monday next,
What better use could be made of it
thou helping some farmer friend who is
altars handed? 1u this way some real
help would be done for the nation and
have u good holiday,
Whether it was the season or the
new Margn!s seed introduced by the
government, it is a fact that the spring
wheat crop is a bumper one in Ontario.
It appears to equal the clays when the
streets of Seaforth were lined with
teams hauling wheat to market. 10
.s Raid that some spring wheat will rim
40 bushels per acre,
Holidays are nearly over again and
children will return to school on Tues-
day next, Many of the youngsters
have not spent all the time, as in the
old days, playing, but have done real
good work in the garden, in the harvest
fields or perhaps in pulling flax, These
For Sa e
W. L. KEY, Seaforth.
Phone 1 30
Hoar To can Tomatoes
Select fresh, r,ps, firm tatn%toes'
Geode fur size, ripeness and q+latity,
They wilt cook better if the same de
. groe of ripeness and quality. and will
lock better, Wash. scald one half min-
utea or 11.,til the ekin8 1005(5, but do
n t l,reatt Scald 551'aile to immerse
irutlri.l water. Cold dip. but do Lot
• allow them co remain in the cold water
cut ulat the stern curl, taking mare not
t0 tett Ito the seed colla or tilt+ se 54:1
11101 will 1.1:•1 t skitterod
the ,ugh the 0i 1 :11. Rertrove the skins
Peck the tomatoes whole in the jars,
dulrg one jar heritnir.g to pisc'h g in
sterilizer, before starting on another.
Shako down well, hitting the Lase of
j +r with palm of hand, and also press
with a tablespoon, but avoid crushing.
Without a proper
systm ofadver-
tisin is like aB
motor without the
d• power. , , . .
Seaforth News
will supply the
jre'guired energy
phone » 84
evenings 127
D0 not add water, Hut tomato pulp
r;nay be added, otherwise add no liquid
whatever. Tomatoes au exceptit s to
t',e genera' rule of hot water for voget
able and hot water add hot water
fur fruits • A large part of the toms to
is water, It is not necessary to add
anything but one level teaspoonful of
salt to each ' quart, and if liked,
0 :e -half tablespoonful of stirrer, The
totoatoe pulp for home eauulug, made
from large and broken tomatoes, cook-
ed and strained, with one teaspoon-
ful of salt to each quart, and should
be poured hot into the filled jars' allow
ing it to enter the sperms,
Put 011 rubber and top, adjust top
bail or serewtop en with the thumb iced
little finger. Sterilize 22 minutes lu
bot water bath, or 16 minutes under
five or ten pounds' steam pressure.
Remove, tighten, goal and pool,
Since the Are dustt'uyed the etatfon
48 Kitchell the station agent used the
gera'ge ea an officio, but a eiding hoe
been put down where the old platform
wan and a passenger coach je being put
in shape for a temporary station,
Dr. Demeter of Exeter was called to
Minneapolis by the death of bis bro.
they et that playa,
Mr. Robert Croery, a former resp
tient of Deborne, died in London hos-
pital. 'fire remains were taken for
burial ro 3 irkton,
Fires in the swamp its Stanley tette:-
Township nluug the Town line between
Hay and Stanley have destroyed hen.
tireds of dollars worth of of wood and
at times threatened the farm buildings,
Mr Ed Wurnt of Zurich threshed
'7)0 hushols of oats fruit: 31 auras, or.
dearly 75 bushels prr sore, Thia is
fide yield.
Word has Leen received in Wingicanl
of the death of Flight Lieut. 0, M.
Lean who was trilled in an airplane ac-
cident He was a former student,
Dr, Campbell coroner of eiurieh woa
called to the farm of F, Fitzgerald in
Tuokeremith to investigate the death
of Jemima Couper who died in a tent
iu a dux field. Dr. Peck of Honsall
bad previously removed the tonsils, the
next time 110 55155 called the child was
dead, After viewing the body the jury
xdjournet! to Sept 4th for further evi-
Beatot people complain of noise
and disorderly conduct 011 the streets
late oti Sunday nights, that disturb the
whole town. 1n sumo cases propos ty
was deotroved,
Cehts and Assessments
in Huron
The bulletin on municepal statist cs
just received from the Provincial Sec.
retary's Department gives the folloeiug
figures as to the debenture debt of the
various minor municipalities tit Huron
County, the figures being as at Dec 31,
16,6: Aahheld, $x15;000; Colbourne
$4,863;Goderioh, 5991; Grey, $to1,100
and $3,334 for schools; Hay, $19,477
and 56,088 for sehoo's; Howiok, $1868
and 1,162 for schools; Bullet, $2,849
and 6,66E fur oohools; MoKillop,
$55,921 and $2,319 for schools; Morrie
576,169, and $2,637 for sohoole; Stan
ley, $6,465; Stephen $3,1oi and $5,330
for schools; Pnokerernitb, 547,186 and
$278 for sohoole; Turuberry $14,661
Usborno, nil; East W enanosh, $13,075
and $1790 West Wananosh, $1739, and
53,782 for soltoo's; Bayfield, nil; Blyth.
546,146, and 2,626 for schools; Bros.
eels, $62,612, and $7,500 for schools;
Exeter, $64,709, and $6676 for schools
Hensen, $10,633; Wroxeter, 52,865 and
$3 589 tor schools; Clinton, $181,427,
and 5838 for eohools; Goderich town,
$543,561, and $22,247 for schools;
Soaforth $219,934, and $4,000 for
:wheels; Wingham, 5200,660, ant
516,918 for schools, The following
municipalities have sinking funds:
Brussels, 527,80; Clinton, 549,935,
(loderich town, $66,481; Seaforth, $79,-
073; Wingham,- 539,661, The assess-
ments of the various municipalities on
real property was as follows:
On Lauda On Bldg;
Ashfield $1 9111, 575......$530,625
Colbourn: 999 937 ....... 37 8,57 6
t udericb Tp . 1,181, 470 .....311.05n
Grey ... „ . ,,.. 1,y"o,S50,....,808,1! )
Hawick .....-. ,,. 1, 39 669 .. 910$87
Hullett........ ..,1461890 497,3:00
lIcKillup .,.......1.712 4,0
559 930
Stanley ..........1.5!!, 741 .. 443,; 90
Stephen.. ..... .02,011,970 737,500
'luckersmith .„...1,0305,666,49l330
luu'uhury..... .,,.,..883 621 ...•..422,840
0580,0 ne ...........1,6g5,6,0 423,0t0
East Wawauosh 1,127,704 429i571
West Wawanosh,..1,120,23; 409,535
Saylield 44 361 ..- 74,300
Rly'th ...... 64,081 182,106
Bruseels... 53,390 282 055
Exeter 161,230 577,060
Hensen ... 78,946 .. 221,910
Wroxeter......., ,.31,020102,200
Clinton . '59,690 516,9115
Goderich'1'own . 435 630..-- 1,487 360
Seaforth 159,364 , 0118,820
Wingham .. 228,3.10,..-„51)1,533
It F,ases Pahl.- Aak nuy druggist
or dealer in medicines what le the most
popular of the medicinal oils for reins
in the joints, is the musoles or nerves
or for neuralgia and rheumatism, and
he will tell yon that Ds, Thomas' Is'clee-
trfo Oil ie in greater demand than any
other, The reason for this is that it
pessesees greater healing qualities than
any oche• sill.
TheirsdnY . August 2
Clerk's Notice of First
Posting of Voters' List
(.Section 18)
Votoro' lust, 1908, Munioipality of the.
Tow of Soaforth County of Huron,
Aiotise is hereby given that I hays
tranemitted or delivered to theporsone
mentioned in Seotion 9 of the Ontario
Yatars Liet Aot the copies required
by said sections to be so transmitted
or delivered of the Lost, made portico.
ant of the said, Aolt of all persons
appearing by the last Aesesement Roll
0! the said Mnnioipnlity to be entitled
ti vote in the said Mturicipsltty at
e'ections for memhere to the Legislat-
ive Assembly and at hinnioipal Elect-
ions; and that the said List was first
p stud up at my ollioe at Seaforth on
the 24th day day of Au,;ttst r 918, and
remains there for Inspection,
Aed I r ereby oall upon all voters to
t,k + immediate proceedings to have
a y errors or omis5loio oorr'ected
n000rdin};'to law,
Dated this 26th tiny of August 1918,
Clerlt of the Town of Ssnferth
In The Contest
0 51. Elliott Co0uty Secretary for
T is Uhildren'e A'd Society, has been
Nonni:cuetl nuc anuepted by tire- -Lon
tl,tt Free Press as a (candidate 111 the
big autornobi'6 wettest, and will appreo
fate the support of hie friends in and
tu'onnd Seaford:. A year's subscript-
ion counts for 30,000 votes, Save your
coupons from The Free Press each day
each coupon counts 25 votes if sent in
in time,
For convenience coupons may be
loft at Beattio'a Fancy Good Store
Seaforth, Mr Beattie is also authoriz
ed to receive renewals, or new subeorip
Hous for the paper and the same will
be increasing Mr, Elliott's chances of
sneering one of the automobiles offered
to those receiving the largest number
of votes.
A Newspaper Bargain
Midsummer Special
'ma News is in a position to offer
residents iu this section areal bargain
in the way of newspapers, We have
concluded an arrangement with The
Fancily Herald and 00 eekly Star of
Moutrea: by which WG can offer shut
great Weekly and the News until
January lst, 1919 for the small suis of
seventy cents to new subscribers,
The Family Herald publishers are
offering one hundred dollars in prizes
for the best suggestions to improve
that paper and the offer is open to all
ire readers. Orders for the two papers
maybe left at ill is office.
Canadian National
Aug. 26 TORONTO Sept. 7
300,000 admissions sold first
day of advance sale. Come
with the crowds to thegreat-
est Exposition in the 40 years'
history of the C. N. E.
"The�Heroes 1
of 1Rt r .A t 6.t; .d -1111 9
A production of tremen-
dous force and tieattty,
with 1200 participants.
All the colorful parapher-
nalia of romance and lila-
tory in the making. In -
spit g, dramatic --- a
epm:Sacle eVety C;unailian
should see.
A Patriotic Thrill in every scene
Giant livestock and agricultural display -
Government exhibits -demonstrations of voca.
Ifonal training by 50 crippled heroes -farming
on factory lines: colossal exhibits of labor.
saving devices Government patriode food
show - Creatore's world -famed band - Allies'
exhibits of fuse arts -AND A WORLD OF
Price of adrniaeton fs cents
Consult your Iota! agent regarding
b railroad fares
Gan by Saving
Save every dollar you can 1 Each dotJar
saved strengthens the Nation's power to
resist our enemies.
By saving, both you andy ourCountr ain
y y�
Open a Savings Account and makeour
dollars y
Olin kis ammasvalwlolotesi atioaar antro imis r auttaxionnilWbiiatiol eisrrtamiRw
Winch^op (Presbyterian
Sunday .sotvice 2.30 pm, Sunday
School I 15p to Prayer meeting
Toastlay 8 p, m, L C 1, st Wed,
ti00s twice Met'lodl80
Rev. T.E. Sawyer, pastor, Sunday
service 2 30 p,tn, Venlig 1'eop' 'e Lea-
r, i9 3) pniSnndty ).-11 1108 Auxil
ary first 'i'uesday of every month a
30 p.m. Lllios' Aid lost Thursday
of eaoh mouth 2.30 p.m
Rev, F. H. Larkiu„ Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a,m. and 7 p m, 800(15y
school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 45 p.10. Women's Miss-
lottery Sooiety`the first Tuesday iu`eaoh
month at 3 h m. Barbara Kirkman Siis
eon Band 3rd Tuesday. in the month at
7 30 p.m. Sunshine Mission. Band
every 2nd Monday at 4,15 p;n.
McKillop (Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor Snuda-y
services Duffs' ohnroh I1 a m Sunday
school Uta.rn Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m. women's Missionary
Society last Friday in each mouth at
2 o'clock,
18.5+ 111or, his tis,ad ore
1,0 shod 1r ee of charge, ex -
opt Elwin regarding meetings
whore an ndmle-len fee 'ii
charged. The rete for aneh
being ave rent per count line
St. James'
St James Uhsrolt, Rov, Father 111,
F, Goetz P. 1'. Erti•ly Masa 8,00, Htgh
Mass 10,30, Sunday School p, in,
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
od Saorement,7 p. co,
St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H. Brown, Rostov, Sunday
ser0oss 1I a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday
school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican
Missionary Association Tuesday 2.80
p.m. Childrou'sbranoh Saturday 2 p.m,
utercession services every '1'l1lat'sday,
Rev, 111. D, Moyer, pastor
-SUNDAY School at 10;00 a,m.
Public earlier: J 1 am. and 7 p.nt.
Prayer Meeting 'I'hnratia y 8, p.m .
Cent' petioles For
Boys and Girls
' Arrangements have hoot 111410 to
Ilavo rho UulratUan Baulcers deeooiatibn
00-opernt0 with the Department- of
Agl'toniture in providing a liberal anus
of honey to be offered all prizes for
calves and plge exhibited 1l, boys at3ttl
girls under 17 years of age at one hair
In each clieiriot, Boy% and gide should
lose notime in finding Ont all about
those 0omllet!tioes as the calves and
pigs laltat he tett at leash six weeks by
the boys or girls who exhibit theist and
it is very important to act promptly in
eoenriug copies of tite rules There are
110 entry fees. Full information regard
ing the competition oast be obtained
from the manager of any hank in the
locality shore n fair is hold.
salvation army
Lieut, Doherty and Envoy Whitfield
Holiness mooting 11 a.m. Praise
80rv10e 3 p.m. (doapel service 7 p.m.
Ohildrens Service -Directory plass 10
8.m, Bible classes 4 p tis, Week night 'or
Meetings -Wednesday Prior meeting
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. S McLean pastor, Sunday ser-
vices 11 a,m, sod 7 p m. Bible class
3 pan Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. 111, Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday
in the month8 Women'sMiesion-
ary Society 3rd Weduosday in the month
at 2.30 p,m Ladies' Aid mimes im-
mediately after.
II !
at 1� ° ilk Yo
o��{g�+y�� � it ar��r 'O' R9
JL . •". e } I,fd•-
ARM help is scarce, but this condition can be relieved
to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish
more -work in a given time with less man power.
Why should the farmer .cling to horses -a slow, expensive
means of power -when every other business is adopting
the truck and thereby reducing the cost of hauling, speeding
up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that
the horses would otherwise consume`?
The motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum
load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather.
Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working, it eats only
while in actual use, and whenhe day's work is done it
requires very little attention, and leaves you free kr other
"Chores" about the place. Then, it can be housed in one-
giiarter the space of the h"rses, wagon and harness it replaces.
It is a mistaken idea that a truck is l:r:eful only for driving
upon paved roads. The Ford can be tlrh en all of er the fat'rn;
and used for hauling gran, potatoes, fl :lit, roots, fertilizer,
wood, stock, milk or any other product. The speed it
travels, the time it saves, and its low upkeep cost appeal
very strongly to all users of the Ford Ti'w' , If you need
help, order your Ford One Ton Truck today,
Ari prices subject to scar fax charm, ,:cat pt t, ucka and ckasaf,
One -Ton Truck $750
Runabout - - 6130
Touring - - - 690
Coupe - ,. - 875
Sedan . - - 1,075
Chassis . - 625
F. 0. 73. Ford, Opt'.
J. F. Daly,
Dal y , ealetSeaforth
0 ook Aos8, D aC1e s, Eiensai l
Muuh sympathy isfelt for those who
have received the cad news of the
wounding of rolarivcs, Among those
are the names of Ptee, G. Harbors,
Simmons, Ray AloArthur--.and Shaddook
ae Well ns Lieut, W, W, Wilson who
luta paid the supremo gift.
Mrs. 'il Campbell and daughter left
Ise, w,•c'k to spend the winter in Cal -
Mrs. 3. Sutherland and daughter
Spent a week with friends in London,
Woodetoek and other places,
folies Inez 13ndsor, who was to
Guelph fora couple of weeks is ,tome
Rev. Mr, bWointosh of Brucefied
held the service in Carmel Chnrrh on
The fragrant onion which ham been
growing plentifully all summer has
now been gathered.
Mr's G Anderson of Peeves, Mich,
who has been visiting her eieter AIva,
A Moss has return:30 to h, -r home,
Mies D Carlin who spent a couple
of weeks in Hamilton has returned
Mrs Jos, Spark and (laughter have
been specirling some time in Pert e'en
Tho Mau With Asthma; almost longe
for (lentil to and his suffering, Ge goes
ahead only years of maltose Vermont
with iutorvole of rt•et which ata thorn
selves, fraught with never ceasing fear at.,
of renewed ntleclls, Let Mtn tent to
Dr 3 D. IKellogg'e Asthma Remedy
and k50W what eonlpette relief it can
give Lot Icint but use it fsithr fly
a11a1 he will find hit selhtna a 0014,g of
th pest.