HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-29, Page 1New Serie5WVol. 31 No,34 MARBLEino6RANrEE MONUMENTS. The Seaforth News SFA1FORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, August 29 1018 $1,00peryear Canadian Granite Since the Inportatioil of Eur- opean granite has been re- stricted, our CANADIAN GRANITES are being devel- oped at an amazing rate, and t are equal in color and texture to any imported granite. The Seaforth Monumental Works handles the best grades W .E. ehapma><:.,rP 9 ' Seaforth 1,elonumentVi'olrs0 1ympia' RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY IT'S A. TREAT Everybody, young and old peoplele appreciatd the delightful, unuan Al flavoring. The rich quality and absolute purity of OUR CONFECTIONERY are reasons why you should pat- ronize us. When yon want ice cream we serve the beat in town under the food board order, Our Coe Crean is made from Pure Rich Country,Cream and Beet Fruits eaf rth 11 abt Set 19 20 1918 Huron County = Popular Fair SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Henderson's Highland Band will be in attendance all day. Highland Dancing and Irish Reels on the stand. Seaforth Brass Band will be present both Thursday `and Friday - HORSE RACES $75.00 $100.00 2.30 Pace 2J8 Pace FOOT RACES 1st 100 yard open to all $3 100 " open to men over 50 5 14 yds open to all 3 2nd 2 2.50 2 Ad riission - Adults 25c - Autos and Carriages 25c a Children 15c Remenber•th-e Crand. Concert in Cardno's Hall on Friday Sept,zoth at 8 p. m. by The Highland Band and Alice Danbar Concert Company. D. Fotheringham, President R M. Jones, Treasurer Mb Broderick, Secretary Seatorth Poet Mies Griesbaok of Oollingweod, sec- retary of the United Farm Women's Club was in Seaforth recently and gives experience in the Weekly her expo t Y Sun as follows,— Indeed, to take the mind away from the'hum•drum of daily tasks, to cul- tivate testa and appreciation for music, poetry and the finer things of life, are surely among the legitimate aims of rural clubs-. And along this line orig- inal work is always interesting. For instance, at the Seaforth meeting, on August 7, at which the matter of the women's admission into the U. F, 0. was the principal matter under ooneid- ation, the secretary evoked much amuse meat and "continued applause," from both the men and the women present by the recitation of some of his own composition which I give below, And I want to say that if any of the breth- ren think they have more laudable sen. timents tucked away •in their bosoms than those expressed in Mr, Scott's verses, I challenge them and adjure them to bring forth the same, Indeed 1 think it is t'istinctly "up to" the brethren to give the sisters to under- stand beyond any doubt or questiou that the presence of the latter in the clubs ie desired and will be appreciat- ed. 11 they cannot do this in poetry, shay surely can in prose. Here are Mr, Scott's lines: 'ln this dark age of strife and snub, Though men we aro of many parts, The success of our Farmers' Cluba Is the great object of our hearts. But while we put forth all our powers, And do our level best to win it,, No great suocess can e'er be onrs Unless we have the ladies in it, They'll do business without our fuse, By the exerois, of common sense, great benefit they can be to us, - With their well-known noble in- fluence." Mrs, Archie Scott of this town and a grandson of the late Mr, Robert Gov- eulock, That Surplus in response to the call for increased production the people of the cities, towns and villages of Canada have vast ly inoreaeed the garden acreage in this country, Last year it was 'estimated by the Agricultural Gazettethat the value of the war gardens' produoe • a- mounted to eomewhere between $20 000,000 and $30,000,000. This year Mr, Frederick Abraham, Hon. Chair- man of the War Garden and Vacant Lot Section of the Canada Food Board after a survey of Canada's war garden reports from coast to °oast estimates that this year's production will be two or three times greater than last-, On this baste the war gardens of Canada this year have produced anywhere from $40,000,00 to $90,000,000 worth of fruit and vegetables. Tailing a con- servative view of these figures, the war garden production in Canada should be for 19i S. h bout $50,000,000 w0[t K Coaeris•Brown It would be a positive shame, if, after all the work, time money and ma- terial spent upon these gardens, a large proportion of the grope were allowed to go to waste for lack of distribution to coneumere, 11 is impossible for the family of the war gardener to coneurne, in many oases, more than a fraction of the vegetables and fruits kis garden has produced. The Canada Food Board has urged war gardeners to oan perishable fruits and vegetables in the greatest possible quantity, but many Iota have grown more than one family can use, even taking into account the interval between now and next harvest either fresh, canned, dried or stored. Amateur gardeners, in numerous oases expressed themselves as unwilling to sell their surplus vegetables and fruits, not oaring to talre . the position of growing gardeners out for money, 11 such gardeners would forswear their delicacy in this matter, recognizing that these are war times, and the shortage of foods is well nigh world wide, it would avoid a serious danger of waste. Where they can dispose of their shrpine, either by sale or by gifts to their less well situated neighbors, they should take pleasure in doing so. The community is being closely knit by the necessities of war. Food product-, ion, food storing, food ooeservatitn and food distribution are all patriotic services of utmost importance to the whole community. A very pretty wedding was solemniz• ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs E Brown, Fourth Street East, Cornwall Ontario at high n0ou Saturday August 7th 1918 when their only daughter alias Lillian Ray bowline the bride of Rev, 0, W. De Witt `eosens M. A. of Bryanston Out, eon of Rev T. Wesley and Mrs. Cozens of Cornwall, CASUALTIES KILLED—Lieut, W. Wilson, Hen eel.); L, 8, Robinson, Alfred Osrnand, Goderioh; R. H, Passmore, Exeter; A MoGuin, Brussels, DIED OF WOU TDE--H, P, Mac. ' Clunky,flodeuoh. ILL—T. Lang, Oromarty, GASSED—Capt. H. A. McBurney, v � Ingham. WOUNDED—J. E. McDonald, Ex• eter; H. W. Glen,Hensall; A. H, James W, B, MoGratten, A. Bradley, A, H McDonald, Goderioh; R, Bing, W MoNiel, Auburn; W. Sleeman, Clinton; W. MoNaughton, Varna; W. 3, Simond W. Bell, Wingham; G, D. Lietoh, Blyth 3, 'Boyd, Listowel, • FARMERS' CLUB A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers Club will' be held in the Separate School Hall, Seaforth on Wedneeday evening, September the 4th atl 9 o'clook, As matters of importance to f farmers are coming u of ourg P 'es the ladies for consideration, a good attendance of the ladies of the community is espec- ially desired. All farmers non mem. bars as well as members and retired farmers are cordially invited to attend. Bring the ladies with yon, Geo, D, 0. Hann, John H. Scott, MoKillop, Hullett President Seoretary The ceremony was performed by the ether of the groom. Blanche Shook of Seeley's Bay was bridesmaid and Pte 1.1. Stanley Brown of the 0, A. M.'C, of Valcartier was groomsman, Only the mmediate relatives were present. The bride, who was given away by her father, was gowned in white silk °rope de chine trimmed with georgette orepo and seed pearls; bridal veil of hand made lace; bouquet of roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaid's dress was of pink silly marquisette with overblouse of velvet. The bridal party stood amid a bower of green with festoons of rib- oon and orange blossoms, the house be- ing decked with forne and cut flowers. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold pendant set with pearls and aqua marine; to the bridesmaid s brooch set with pearls and sapphires. to the beet - man tie pin set with an opal, and t0 MissLeara Gills, who played the Lo- hengriu wedding merch a brooch set with. pearls and an emerald, Mr. and Mrs, Cozens left on a wedding trip to Montreal, Toronto, Trowbridge, Dur- ham, Seaforth and London before 'go- ing to' their home in Bryanston, Among friends present at the Dart- mony were' Mr, and Mrs, M. H, Kueche tel of Durham; Misses A, acd E. H. Goveulook of Ottawa; Pts, H, Stanley Brown of Veloertier; R, Brown of De- troit; Mr, and Mre. T, 8. Gillis and Miss Learn Gillis of Luneuburg, Miss Gillis and Mies McRae sang beautiful Bolos during the signing of the register, The popularity of the bride wile manifested in the largo number of pro. Bente she received, among them being silver tea service from the Epworth League of the Methodist Church of she was Pros]dent and a silver pudding dish from the choir of the Church of tvhieh she was a member. use, De Witt cozens is a nephew of Salvage of Waste P. W. Vanier Killed Word has been received that Pte P, W, Vannor, who was raised by the late R, Adams of MoKillop, has been killed in action, He enlfated and went over - vets with the 33rd from London after training for a time at Bermuda, After going to France he was shell shocked and was in the hospital for months, He returned to the front and was there until killed, Dublin Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Shea and family Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Molyneanx and family motored to Goderioh an Sunday to visit the latter's father Mr, Griffin, §iMise A, Hodgson of Mitchell is visit ing her friend Mrs, A, Darling here. The Misses O'Connell of Seaforth are visiting their graudparents here, Pts, P, F, Benxi of London is spend• ing a vacation with his wife here. Mrs' Wm. Fortune called on friends here last week, To safegnard the child from dam e Miller' worms cause . e age that , us Worm Powders, the medicine par ex- cellenee for children, These powders will clear the system entirely of worms will regulate and stimulate the organs injuriously affected by the worms, and will encourage healthful operation of the digestive processes, Ae a vermi- fuge 11 cannot be surpaesed in effective S." nese. Don't Overlook Community Silver, when make ing your silverware purchases. Vire are Stocking complete the "Adam" and "Patrician" de- signs of Community Silver, In the silverware world Comm- unity is the "classic" both in quality and design, The ''Adam" and "Patrician" designs are occupying a most inviable popularity in the homes of the hest people in the United States and Canada Let us show the beautiful de- signs to you .:Frill . 'aliauge & Vont 13ruittllualtrr GD Ptirieii 3loeurr Marriage l iesu.ere Phones Businese 194 Evenings 10 The Store you will always liko �f memasAsLezecejeesesermencezemesmoseersidi c� eziognammesmas amesommassmemszemenosmumpassuoeseenow Applied science is capable of pro- ducing tete most diverse results, As a factor in war it has devised sod de- veloped all manner of engines ,uf de- struotion to such an extent that war and applied•scienoe new seem almost synonomons, Co.ieciilOnt with that phase of its aotivies, it has led the way in oonsorving-vast quantities of pre. ducts formerly looked upon as refuse. In all the warring oouutries, strong organizations have grown o', eaoh with a view to saving and utilising to the best advantage, practically everything that formerly found its way to the in. osnator or rubbish heap, Seisms and four years of war have rendered obsol ate the advice to "burn all refuse", Waste paper, wood waste, tin cane, kit- chen grease of all kinds, meat and fish bones, aehpit refuse, clinkers, etc, are all being ueed at a profit over the coat of transmuting them into useful mat. The result has been the oonserviug of basic materials as well as marked env• ing in ehipplug tonnage, Experience ie constantly perfecting processes for the more economical handling of all such waste materials, so that in time the incinerator and town dump willbe' viewed ae relics of a pre war prodigal- ity. Oil for Toothache,—There is no pain 80 aorto olid distressing as toothache. When yeti have eounwelcome a visitor apply Dr, Thomas' Ealotrio Oil accord,- ing to directions and you will find im• mediate relief, It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain de. parte at ones. That it will ease tooth• &she is another fine quality of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. Style Store Quality Store AN ADVANCE DISPLAY OF FALL STYLES NEW COAT FASIIIIONS NOW ON VIEW In this announcement of New Fall Styles we do not claim that stocks are complete. but every Visa itor will get from the displays a true idea of the latest fashions for Fall and Winter THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF COATS DEMANDS ATTENTION And why not? Is not every woman interested in what she is going to wear? This is an exact likeness of one of our moderately Priced New Fall Coats WHAT SHALL WE SAY �- 'AB0uT THE NE,W COATS ? We are so enthusiastic about the new styles that we'd could fill fully two or three columns telling about the displays,s+ but there is one thing in particular that stands out above the rest The whole secret of the beauty of these garments lies in their simplicity. Freakish styles are taboo --and you will not find a single one in this collection We have exerted unusual efforts to have each coat represent a special style feature. The use of plush by the designers is very important and just enough of it is used to reduce the cost and to give the coat a touch of becomingness. Here we must limit ourselves to the description and if you are to choose the best style from among these, it is only nat— ural that you be urged to make immediate selection. Prices in a broad range; these Coats may be had as low as and rise step step to $20.00 by $50e00 J. MACAVtSll SETIFE?RTi i -ll