HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-01, Page 8IiDTAlEATH D DEMANDS
That you keep your head
cool, Come to our Bar-
ber Shop and talk it ov-
er with us, You will en -
Joy it,
Commercial Barber Shop,C4th
C,Nrllr Tourist Sleeping
Cars mean Comfort
to the Traveller
The interior is somewhat more modest
hi appointment than the standard or
first-class sleeping car. Of solid steel
uaderframe and ,shit highly polktied
dark green finish, the Canadian N rth-
ern's tourist cars present a very plea::.
ing appearance. Thein r,rior,s finished
in ;Mahogany, with :'plc Carpel: to
match and cork composition aoering
to deaden sound and h wen vibration.
Commodious smoking roost and tai.
lets; kitchenette with appliance, for
light cooking, running water. ticare
greatly appreciated Roomy berth,.
accommodating two persons 0 desired.
are just one-half the , r t t t.
Second -cls ticket h het may
• 1..,
occupy these cars, and t finny,.la
is always I\1- k a.
Trains leave Toronto 1 n, n . ;,.0--,r
10 p m. Munda',. A'.du,,,L,c, .ul
Pridays for Winnipeg „ad
For Tickets, reservations, Liter-
ature and Information, apply to
C. A. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea -
forth, or write R. L. Fairbairn,
G.P.A„ 68 King St. E., Toronto.
Shirai Make this cheap beauty lotion
r ,to clear and whiten your skin.
a. bottle containing of 1 into
ningthree ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
'very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, arms and
bands each day and see how freekklea and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes. Yes:. 3d
3a harmless, -
Sheriff's Sale of Lands
Bounty of ll -intron
Tt) WIT: issued out of His Majesty's
Seoonc Division Curt of the Comity
of Hilton and to me directed and del-
ivered against thh Lauds and Tene•
menta of 1), D, Wilson, Defendant
at the suit of Francle Hoimsted, Plain-
tiff, I have seized and taken In eye.
etitiOtl all the the [light. 'Title. Inter-
est, and Equity of Redemption, of the
above named defendant, 11. D. Wilson
in, to, and out of the following lands
and tenements, situate, lying and
being in the Town of Seaforth, County
of Huron, and Province of Ontario,
Viz., Lots 22, 23, 24, N, Pt, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 40, and 47, in D.
D. Wilson's survey to the said Town
of deaforth,
Some of our young men Have attract.
ed the attentiou of the authorities by
a noisy demonstration on Sunday,
;letter stop boys while the fun is good.
Soldiers porno home on Sunday from
the oamp in London in ears to _ visit
their friends. They are welcome'
Miss Oster'hont is home from Oudot'.
Miss Young is in Brantford visiting
her sister,
Mrs, D, Geddes and Mrs. Sturdy
were in Auburn last week.
Mr. Sampson has returned from
Tthg $ Ali. *ni NO WS
Miss Drake and We. Malloy of
Stratford were guests of Mrs. Bothell
last week,
Pte. Batson wee lime last week
from London
Berries aro plontffel and the piokers
are also out in good numbers,
Mr. end Mrs. J , Harburn and fam-
ily spent a few days in Clinton,
Mies G, Peirce of Detroit who spent
her holidays with her grandmother, llaa
1011 for Home.
Mise Clara Dill is at Beechwood the
guest of Leotht Holland,
,hilts L O'Donnell and Mre, James
Redmond are home after spending a
pleasant holiday at Ripley and Point
The Patriotic Society has received
several letters gratefully aoknowledg-
tung the boxes sent every month to the
boys ever'8ea8. It enoourges our faith,
Mies Goveulock of Seafortn spent 11ful workers to know they are able to
hriug joy to the boye far from home
by their efforts.
day with her (terrain. M1818 Hail,
The Methodist Church will have ser.
vices at 1.30 in future.
Mr, 5', Wakefield is new happy, it's
a daughter.
Mrs, McLean of Detroit is visiting
her brother, ZD. Milson and her many
friends here
Mrs, Attwood is visiting her parents
Mr. and Sirs. B. Riley, Her children
stet with bet',
Pte, Riley spent a few days at his
at cKillop
( Too late for last week,,
The first flax sown is now being har-
vested. We counted ten pullers in a
field on one of the farms of Mr. J. J.
lrwine which ie leased by his son. All
the workers were residents of the im-
mediate vicinity.
Miss Cora Forbes has resigned as
teacher at Leadbury and left for wast-
eru Oanada,We are informed that au
important event in her life will take
plane out there goon. Cora is an excel-
lent young lady.
Mr. Charles Stitnore has returned
from Stratford and is doing work at
A, J. Lydialt has been helping
Frank Wood with his haying and has
gone hack to his home in Walton,
Stephen Mathers spent a week at
at. Thomas attending the *summer
Pte McNeal spent a few days at the
home of Win, (ire.', He will go over-
seas shortly.
Miss Mary Me0ounell Itas her friend
Miss Page of Toronto visitiug her.
We regret to report the illness of
Mrs, W A. Neveu,
1)r, and Mrs. H, (d, Malloy motored
front Stratford to visit friends here,
The sura of $733 has been realized
the Red Cross by the hard work of our
indnctruals people in Hensall,
Mr. (1, Roes of London is visiting
his sous on the London Road south.
Miss Blanahe,Buek of London,, tree• ,
visiting sr.tne of her former friends
here recently,
Mrs T. Eyre of Detroit was visiting
her sister, hire. Hugh McDonald last
Miss v'el'a Walsh of Toronto who
has been visiting relatives herereturned
last week.
The fine new brick house which Mr.
James Johnston is erectiug is fast
'warble completion and will make
quite an appearance in Housall,
Friends here have received word
that hliss 0, Lillian, second daughter
of bir, and Mrs, Itobt, Blair of Dine
;nor Sash-, , of Walton, was married on
July 10 th. to. Adam Jos. Stauble of
Loverna, Sask. Their Walton friends
wish theyoutg bride many happy days,
Rev Dr McCrae. of London preaoh-
ed in Dnff ALureh on Sunday last, He
also took the eervices ail Bi'ussells the
same day,
1'te. Min ray of Winnipeg is visiting
his e<.:nein. Mi, A, Gardener,
bliss Minnie McN:ath who Itas been : (fen. Jackson Lae bit home ready for
1tislting her aunt. Mrs W. I„ou. tial the brick words.
returned Home,
Miss Mart Doli ;'siting her
aunt, airs..iao,e,, 1iu'r.ertaon at Walker I
During the Leavy rain storm of 1
Wednesday !reit the lightening was very
se-vere , .lir, '':,nit boli had his barn
struck hut not set on fire, and Mr.
1Doirnage had a horse 'tilled itt the
I Several of our farmers have started
!slitting their wheat and barley. harvest!
will soon be „ser.
Which Lands and Tenements I shall
offer for gale at my ofloe, in the Court
House, in the Town of Goderioh, on
Chureday, the eight day of August
1918 at the hour of twelve of the cloak
Sheriff, Huron,
heriff's Office, Goderloh
April 29th, 3918
Mr. Harold Spring IS t;ow the
happy owner of a ear.
Mr, Jacob Wagner. of Tavistock, is
visiting Mrs.,1oin, Wegner,
Ptes,'.Elmer Roberton and Walter
Wagner of London Camp visited their
'vire Rice of Detroit is at the home
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, George
Auburn has Civic Holiday on Wed-
nesday of this week. The gardens
will get their final trimmings that
Mr, Fell and ohild of Goderloh have
been visiting here'
Miss Hazel Ray of Stratford will be
the teacher in Staffs next year,
Thursday August
Goderioh baseball term ran into a
Heifer near this plane The oar lvas
hurt worse than the Heifer,
The Sunday ethool held their picnic
on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Munro of Loddon are
visiting Mrs, 11. Smith, sister of the
The services on Sundae were very
H W Erwin, villa Mork, is holidaying
in Kitohonee,
Mr' Whitaker is a guest of Mrs,
Mr. and hire F. Haatli °coup y their
cottage again,
Miss Kate Eakert who Balled on
friends here during the past week re-
turned to a'oroeto last Monday to re-
sume her duties.
Mr. anti Mrs, Thomas Murray, Mr
and Mrs Thomas MaoKay and Mr and
Mrs Win Manley were visitors at the
home of Mr and Mrs J F McMann of
Seaforth last Sunday
Mise Lucy Eckert is et present a
visitor in our burg
Mr Thos MoKay had the misfortune
of having one of his eteare killed by
lightning last Friday
The late rains were greatly needed
and freshened up vegetation to a great
While coming to Seefor',h the latter
part of last week, Mr T MoKay and
family had a narrow escape of 'being
injured Ill crossing a culvert of a nar-
row part of the road one of the back
wheels dropped into ft hole throwing
bins McKay aid baby out hut fortunate
ly none were hurt
Farmers' club
A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers'
Club will be held in the Separate
School Hall, Seaforth, ou Wednesday
everting August 7th at 9,30 o'clock,
Mise Emma Griesback of Oollingwood
lot. , Secretary of the 'United Farm
Women of Ontario” will be present and
address the meeting. A good attend.
mice of the ladies of the oommuuity is
specially desired. Mr. Wm, Shortreed
Saoretary of the Walton Farmers' Club
and Mr. Jae, MoPadzean of the town-
ship of Grey will also be preeent and
give addressee, All farmers non-
members as well as members, and re-
tired farmers, are cordially invited to
attend, Bring the ladies with you.
Geo, D. 0, Barn, Jno H Scott
McKillop, Hullett
President Secretary
The Public Library will be closed
from Aug. 6, to Ang. 20.
Reliable us,rise1
(Du Ls all Q1 .e; do s
WI -Oho -sat Cost
"The nilol'tgage on my
farm expired some time
ago. Now 1 wish to
sell the property. Must
1 have the mortgage
renewed before 1 can
snake a sale? Or can
I leave it to the pur-
chaser to snake what-
ever arrangements he
can with the mort-
Knotty legal points such as this are answered free of charge in
"Legal Opinions and Advice," which appears every Saturday in
It is safe to say that many hundreds of dollarshavebeen saved
to our readers in law costs by the sound and timely advice of
Edward Meek, K.C,, by whom the department is conducted. The
fact that Mr. Meek is a lawyer of long experience, standing high
in his profession, unquestionably assures that all questions sub-
mitted to his judgment will be interpreted in strictest accordance
with the law,
$4.00 per gamma by Mail, $5,00 Delivered-.
Order through dealer, local paper, or direct,
PRE MAIL AND EMPIRE Circulation Dept., '1'oi-onto.
Wth the Fingers
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
Sore corns, haled corns, sett corns or
any kind of a cont gait shortly be
lifted tight out with the fingers If you
will apply directly upon the corn a few
drops of freeeoue, nays a Cincinnati
It is claimed that at small cost one
can get a quarter of an ounce of freeze
one at any drug store, which is sum.
client to rid) one's feet of every corn
or callus without pain or soreness or
the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether compound
and while sticky, dries the moment it
is applied and does not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding tissue, g'
()This announcement will interest
many women here, for it is said that
the present high -heel footwear is put•
unit corns on practicaliy every
woman's feet, u'
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan,' freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put
in the orchard white and shake welL
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier known. Massae this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear the skin beoomes, Yes!
It is harmless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you,
Woiiieties Patent
Low Shoes
A number of broken
Lines at Reduced
. R. see -1T
"The J—lome of Good Shoes"
Phone 51
{1 w 1;
of the
d , y
st y d '!
eg:e� t#
Morning Program
Firemen's Demonstration,
ater Fight etc.
Afternoon = Nionster.Parade to Park, Opening of
the Midway, Wonderland, War Souve=
fairs, Base :dal➢ ° atch, Baby Show, Box=
ing Exhibition, Piping and Dancing
boys` and Girls` Games, ling of War
etc. etc.
Evening = Illuminations of the Park, Band Concert, Vocal and
Instrumental Music, Moving Pictures, Special films.
usic by Citizens' and afternoon
Henderson Highlanders Pipe and of London
See Bills for full program
F. Holmested K. C. ,
Committee - A. At McLennan, M
Mrs, A. A. McLennan, A. A. Naylor,
Treasurer Secretary
Broderick, A. D. Sutherland