HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-01, Page 5Thursday August I
0.V 0.. LLD.. D,CL, Provident
CoPITAI. PAID UP, $15,000,000
5111 BHN AiID, General Manager
H. V. P. JONES, Ani t Cen'1. Manager
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest
way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from
The Canadian ?: ank of Commerce.
The cost is moderate. Apply
for particulars. e�
Bea:for-1)M Jia: c..0
J. (a, MULLEN, Manager
Wt J. Walker
W. .1. Walker, holder of gov•
ermnent Diploma and License
Day or Night caLs receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night iii
Fel 1 Te rias from Sept, 3rd,
The call for trained help is great-
er now than ever before in the
history of Canada. Our graduate..
are securing splendid positions.
PARTMENTS, If you purpose
taking a business college course
during Fall or Winter months,
write now for our free catalogue•
Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wife
life; has an incomparable softness
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very Liffe,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; the
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the Hair falls- out fast. Surely get a
snall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
hem any drug store and just try it,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, large ve-
randah. Stable 11 i' x112' hen ;h0us0 9
7' .
Apply at the
News Office
For Sale
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egtnoudvillo. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Purcell property, Good com-
fortable house, good idled, good well
and moment /listen), All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes, This is a corner pro
psrty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a nice property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partioulars apply on the premises or to
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice -
Hair. Cut
call at.
Bolton's Barber Shop
Town Topics
The High Cast of Idling —Eoononly
ie the word te.day, Make your old
garments 110 instead of pnrehaeing new
onex, Have them dry cleaned and
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done lengthen, the life of garments,
preserves their fresh new appeerenoe
and cote as a rli8infeota)lt, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often /lenses "dullness
and death clue to germs, clothing
811et1111 be 0100110d at frequent intervals.
18y Wardrobe, Godorioh St„ Seaforth,
Opp, Qnesu'e Hotel.
Mr Piercy Little of Toronto is (pond-
ing his vacation with relatives in teen
null vieltrity,
idr. David Piululey hoe rsturuo(1 to
his home in Stratford sifter speeding a
week with hie eottsin, Mr. Geo' Pl111(ney
Dr. A. Atkinson and Mr, Casey Atk-
inson of Detrott were towel visitors.
Miss Violet Clnif and little neem(
Violet Moore of Toronto were the
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Samuel C'.lult
Mies Marion Watson had the mis-
fortune to fraotnre her wrist a few
clays ago while cranking a car,
Mr, Joh Melville of Loudesboro
was a visitor at the home of his sister,
Mrs, John Warwick.
Miss Muriel Willie of Detroit is a
visitor at the home of her parents Mr,
and Mrs. W, G, Willie,
Mr. H. W• Moyers of Stratford spent
Sunday with Mrs. Moyers who is ill at
the home of her parents Mr. and 1Ylrr.
Hugh Moa ay,
Sunday next being the Fourth an-
niversary of the War, the Lieut Gov
error has proclaimed it fitting that the
peopleshould on that day reaffirm
their belief in the righteousness of the
oause'in which we are fighting. Spec-
ie! services will be held in all the
ehurohes oil that clay,
Mrs W. Charters of Oklahoma is
visiting relatives in this vicinity,
Mrs J, E. Willis and eon Fred have
returned from spending a few days in
Goderioh •
Mrs.Finlayson sr. left last week to
visit her son in Regina,
Mrs. E. J. Trow and two children
who' have been the Fiesta of Mr, and Out. , May 6, r871, but has ,pent the
For Sale
A neat and comfortable
houseon High Street. All
Conveniences. This prop-
erty must be sold as the
owner has decided to leave
town. Here is the bar-
gain that you have been
looking fo r .
Bond and Debenture Broker 11
Main Street, i Seaforth
Phone 9l a
A Send your (.'ream to ns and receive
top prices. We arc running o ur plant
the year through add oan handle your
full supply and furnish you with onus.
We pay twice oaoh /eolith and weigh
sample and teat 00011 eau of (imaul care
fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou
Petrone" Patrons are requested to re
urn all our cane when not in nee.
3.atter an.lBnttermilk al ,C on heed
el for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat............. 52,10
Bran per ton ...................... ;6,00
Shorts per ton ,....., ......... ........41
. . ... Go
Hogs to term ors .............:...r7 00
FOR . 73dLE
A dining room table, 8 ft, long,bnlr' t
Apply k$ 0, Layton, Seaforth,
The lucky ticket in the drawing con
test for the beantlful Camisole was No.
344 and was held by Master Scott Cluff
Seaforth, Amount realized for the
80ciO3y wait $1$5.00,
Mrs, W Montgomery spent a few
days in Exeter,
Mr, A Chittenden has been in Tor-
onto visiting bis sister, Mrs, Padgett.'.
Mrs, Sinolair of Brussels won the cut
glass pitcher donated by Miss Lnkea,
Proceeds 527.50 for Rad Cross.
Mies Norma Jeffrey is home after 11
holiday in Brueefield.
Mies Lynne Gillespie left on Monday
t0 visit hoe sister In Beatnsvill0,
Mrs Snell and Mise. Marguerite have
returned from Toronto.
Mr. Lnweon tied family and Mrs
Houelon of Auburn motored over and
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W
Mrs Moon of Toronto is visiting her
sister Mrs. Peter Kerr,
Many friends will be pimond to learn
that Miss Beth Willis, daughter of Mr,
and Mee. . W. G, Willis, Godorioli St, is
r000i'oring from all operation for ap
poudieitis performed last welt by Drs
Wishart of London and 'Burrows of See.
fo •t11,
'110 Misses Borges, who have been vie
icing relatives hero have returned to
Mr, and Mu. (4.5. .Pee returned to
Luoknow after spending a torr days
With Mr, and Mrs, 3. W. Free,
Mise Marguerite Snell passed with
hellfire in History and Classier in the
first year in the university,
Mrs. B, .f, French spent the woek.end
ir1 Ailsa Craig visiting her daughter
Mies Hattie Fre/toil.
You will eee "Mae elersit" her eietoc
Marguerite and her mother, in the
Goldwyn Picture Frehis of Honor" at
the Strand, Thursday, Friday, and Sat.
The August Quarterly meeting of the
Me;tlodiet Church will be held next
Sunday • The Lords Supper will be eel-
obrated at the morning service. in the
Food Control Board Permits But
10 Per Cent. Fat.
A Recipe That Lits t't'oveeeenceessful
—Stake Vires and Treat Leaven
to Grow IJlgh=Colored Tomatoes,
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
Agriculture, Toronto,)
GREAT many inquiries have
recently come to the Dairy
Department of the Ontario
Agricultural Donee ()regarding
the new regulation from the Canada
Food' Board with rete enn0 to the
manufacture of Ice-ereaw, and also.
as to mettode of testing ice-cream
for fat.
eveniu a e leeial taizeetie service. will Cider No. 39, scet100 8, issued hy'
g 1 I tlto Canada P'oo'l lsoard reads; 'On
be hold eorernernerating the doolaraton end after May lst, 1 01 8, no person
of war between England and (lertnauy, In Canada shall use in the manufac-
ture of lee -cream more than 10 per
contain of fats, whether of an1111a1 or ,
of vegetable origin or more than
8138pounds ul (' 11' sugar, to eight
38811011.1 0Y ill, crcuut."
As a result of recent investigations
made in the Daily Department of the
0. A. College, by Messrs. McMillan,
Parfitt, and Bliss Miller, of the Dairy
liner, wo 000 recommend the follow -
ng formula or recipe, for a batch ill•
mix which will produce about eiglt
galleys of plain ire -cream of good
quality and which will come within
rho rogelat1ons as lard down by the.
Food Board:
44 i{; lbs. (41:;, gallons) cream test-
ing 13% fat.
1 % lbs. skint Intik powder,
6 lbs. ,:ane sugar ---1 ya lbs. sugar
may be replaced with. 2 lbs.
corn syrup.
4 Ounces vanilla extract.
8 0011080 gelatin dissolved in 6.1
lbs. ( 44_ gallon) skint milk.
The cost of the ingredients in this
formula will mango from 63 to 67
cents buying in small quantities, If
bought wholesale, the cost would be
Formier Resident Dies
Sa - Drowning
Mrs. John Pinkney received word
on Wednesday of last week that her
nephew, Ephriam Snell, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Geo, Snell of the 3rd Con.
cession of Bost Waivnnoob, had lust
his life while bathing with two other
young men in the Luekeew River,
The day had been very hot and the
young man, who was 22 years of age,
is supposed to have taken cramps and
sank. He had only recently been mar-
ried and t11u0h sympathy is felt in the
eommunity for the young widow and
other relatives.
The following article is oopiod from
a Seattle paper and refers to a former
Well known resident, a son of the late
Robert B. Moodie of town.. His
death was a result of a (rumor at the
base of the brai'rl,
'Chomas E. 1iXoodie, who died Tues-
day at the Mason sanitarium, 314 East
Mercer street, Seattle, was well known
in Seattle as for several years, he was
manager of the Hotel Butler Annex,
He was trafto manager for the Hoquiam
Lumhee and Shingle Company's plant
at Hoquiam at the time of death,
Mr, Moodie was born in Seaforth,
Mee. Keith McLean loft on Monday to,
visit friends in Stratford,
Mr. A. Chapman eon of Mr, and
Mrs. William Chapman has gone to
Toronto to join the Flying Corps,
Miss Irene Clarinet of Toronto le
holidaying at her home here,
Many friends will regret to learn of
the illness of Mr, W Bolster.
Miss Agnes ltfoKay of Auburn is
spending the holidays at her home here
Mrs, L. L, MoFaui has returned
from visiting her son Dr. J. D. Me -
Foul in Toronto,
Nlre. McKenzie and Mie
a Gertrude
MuLenzie of Brussels are visitors at
the home of Mr and Mre John Rank-
Mesa Erma Freeman, daughter of
Mr. W. Freeman has accepted n pos-
ition as stenographer with a promin-
ent legiil firm in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs, James Kerr announoe
the engagement of their only daughter
Ethel Gertrude to James Arthur Part-
ridge of Warkworth, Out. Marriage
I oe quietlyAugust,
to take plaoe
Mr, Goo, Pocock of Huntsville has
has joined the stall' of the Dominion
Bank. •
Mee, S. McLean and Miss Marion
McLean are visiting relatives in Ber-
Mrs. H, Beattie and sons have re-
turned from a visit to friends in Har-
Mr, and Mrs, J, G. Mullen intend
leaving this week on a motor trip to
Owen Sound and other places.
Mr, DoLaeey of Toronto is visiting
Ilia son Mr, I.' Do Laoey
Mrs, Glow of Clinton is viaitiug her
sister Mrs Wm. Smithers, Goderich St
Mr, 0 W. Scott left on Monday fel
his home in Edmonton He was ac-
companied by his cousin Miss Isabel
Scott of Roxburgh,
Mian Harriet Murray is spending her
vacation with friends in Brussels.
Mr, Newton McTavish Editor of the
Canadian Mngaelue, Toronto spent a
few days with his brother, Mr. 3. Me-,
Mies 'Emma Hammett, Saguia ie visit..
ing friends in town,
Mr, Low. Chesney of the Bank of
Commerce loft on Tuseday for Sarrsia
where he has been transferee',
greater portion of his life in the rail•
road business in Amerioa. Be began
hisoareer• iu this line with the M. K.
& T. roads in Texas and later was
made assistant general manager of the
Texas divi,iou of the Santa Fe hues.
Mr. Moodie was en expert traffic
accountant and left this position to
accept that of chief clerk to Joseph
Blabou, vice•presidentand traffic man-
ager of the Chicago and Alton road
with oaloes in Chicago, Before taking
the Hoquiam position, Mr. Moodie
was traflie manager for the Vance Lnm
ber Company at Elms, Wash.
Mr. Moodie leas 011e of the victims
in the Galveatou flood and had a num-
ber of thrillingexperienoes, Hie home
was destroyed, and his wife and child
drowned, he drifting all night in the
flood waters washing ashore the next
morning in au unconscious condition
Burial will be held in Seattle next
Friday at 10 o'olook from the Online
Brothers undertaking parlors
No one need endure the agony of
corns with Holloways Corn Core at
Land to remove them,
Miller's Worm Powder, will drive
worms from the system without injury
to the child. The powders are so easy
to take that the most delicate stomach
can assimilate them and welcome them
as speedy easels of pain, because they
promptly kill the worms relieving
the pain, thud the suffering of the ohild
is relieved. Wfo11 so sterling s remedy
at hand no child ahonld suffer aeholtr
from worms,
A Newspaper Bargain
Midsummer Special
The News is in a position to offer
residents in this sootion areal bargain
in the way 'of newspapers, We have
concluded an arrangement with The
Fancily Herald and Vteekly Star of
Munteeai by which tee oan offer that
great Weekly end the News until
Jettnary let, It) 19 for the small sunt of
aeveuty omits to new subsor•Ibsrs, Ela
The Family Herald publishers are
offering one hundred dollars in prizes
for the beet suggestions to improve
1 that paper and the offer fa open to all
'its readers. Orders for the two gapers
maybe left at thieofice.
If whole milk and cream are used,
mixing equal quantities of these will
produce an ice-cream testing not over
ten per cent, fat, assuming that the
milk 'and cream are of average fat
content -3,5 and 18 to' 20 ;o fat
'Three Methods' of Testing Ice -Cream
for Eat.
1t is necessary for tate ice-oi'eam
matter to test hie ice-cream occasion-
ally, and the following methods
will give satisfactory results if care-
ffully carried out:
1. 'rhe. Glacial Acetic and Hydro-
chlorio Aoid Test.
A representative sample of the ice-
cream is talteu and melted and thor-
otightly mixed; a 9 -gramme sample
is weighed into an 18 -gramme Bab-
cock cream test bottle. A mixture
is prepared using equal parts of
glacial acetic acid and concentrated
Hydrochloric acid. Twenty cubic cen-
timeters of this acid mixture is added
to the 9 -gramme sample of ice-cream
in the test bottle, and is then all
well shaken. The bottle is placed
in a water bath of 120 to 130 deg. F.,
and shaken at intervals until a brown
color appears. It is then placed in
the Babcock centrifuge and the test
completed in .the same way as for
testing cream and the reading multi-
plied by two.
2.—The Sulphuric Acid Test.
To make the test with sulphuric
acid, a 9 -gramme sample is weighed
into an 18 -gramme test bottle. About
9 cubic centimeters of lake -warm
water is then added to dilute the
sample, in order to have about 18
cubic centimeters of mixture in the
bottle. Tile sulphuric acid is then
added slowly, a little at a time, at
minute intervals, shaking well after
each addition until a chocolate brown
color appears in the bottle, No defi-
nite amount of acid can be stated, as
the quantity will vary with different
ice -creams. As soon as the chocolate
brown color appears in the ice -creast
a little cold water may be added to
check the action of the acid. The
bottle is then placed in the centrifuge
and the test completed in the usual
way. The reading is multiplied by
3.—Acetic and Sulphuric Acids.
Weigh a 9 -gramme sample of ice-
cream that has been thoroughly mix.
ed. About 9 cubic centimeters of
water is then added to dilute the
sample. Add 5 cubic centimeters of
acetic acid and then add carefully 6
to 8 cubic centimeters sulphuric
acid. Centrifuge,and then add water
the same as in other tests, 1f using
an 18 -gramme bottle multiply the
reading by two, to obtain the per
cent. fat in the ice-cream. A
9 -gramme bottle which is raduated
to give the percentage of fat direct-
ly needs no correction when reading.
—Prof, H. H. Dean, Ontario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph.
To Grow Tomatoes Most 4trcessfttlly.
If you are growing tomatoes to a
single stent, be sure to remove all
side shoots before they become of
any size. All tui. extra food which
is used in their growth is wasted
and the breaking orf of large shoots
injures the plants. When August
10th comes it is well to nip off all
growing ends so that the fruit will
finish ripening, also open out the
plant, if very thick, to allow the sun-
light in.
When Drat fruits begin to ripen,
apply nitrate of soda,—a teaspoonful
in a watering can, full of water,—to
the ' plants twice a week to make a
liquid Manure and use It instead,
These are more especially valuable
after the growth has been stopped.
Keep 1r dust mulch around the
plants, If the weather is very dry,
soak the ground around them thor-
oughly in the evening, then make a
new mulch in the morning.
When the first fruits in staked Fpd
tomatoes are beginning to color, re -
(110v0 one-half of each leaf. This will
hasten the ripening. Sunlight is ue- 2nl
id i Y tug
Thursday Friday & Saturday
Triangle Plays present
Constance Taimadge
famous as the we'd, =niacin girl in "Intolerant-'
Be .
"ts 's .Burglar
A t.`'nntecly•dremit with n new tivist, ul 011i011 the 11000 (1:11(1, 01,141t the intlmata
life of all entire ninety 4s anuleiugty and o,nnlnciugly p,=/tInt Fd
'1'rtanglo Keystone
The Dog Catcher's Lov
with' 11 -Teddy' the (;re.at Dune alai Ktystrn. 3183311- 11, Cr! r1 1 ,: lir laugh
Monday Tuesday - edn esday
Franklyn Farni.ir
The ;lien with the pleasant ,.un!,
The Car of Charge
A motor comedy 071 ]high ,tear
1\71 NO
If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are ii
a better position than ever to supply your needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Order,,
Leave us your orders where in need of
Or anthing else in printing
eome In And See Us About Sale Bills
03308 try for rap r pen .
Leave only growth enough en your
plants to marry what fruit will ripen
before frost, There is no use in al-
lowing more to set than ,vile bo of
use to you and the fruits you leave
wi11 be larger. -- A. li. MacLennan, Pn, ! ,
Ontario Vegetable Specialist, K"t,
Opposite Daly's Garage
Thursday Friday & Saturday
Another Good One
Goldwyn presents
The Whim Gill of the Screen
in Dramak a
MacMarsh'in"Fields of
rife storyol a �.aniefight thatone
TiMon. es, & Wed,
Dorothy DaltonLove Letters
o par,rtnonlrt Picture di,rced by Thomas H t Woo
`LlOpposite Days' ari:lge
EErtMnW Bflltnl2f11?Ill lUE