HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-01, Page 4P?R>t>!~SISS19NA14 CARDS MEDICAL nE, JJ,. IigC}Ju le000, 0eyatcian and 1 ttrgeon '+Await 01 l teem Soteltal, London, England, g�pry�I attention to dleeeses 01 Eye, Ear, N00e me Throat, UHteO end re No, (8,e behind 8 CO phone Bank. Mao Phone No, le Residence phone No, los �r p, J,BURIiOW$ wroth 0face and r-6 IG Chun--QOderich. Street, eaatol ilio 11eth 0d388 Church, Coroner los County nI 0111800 Telephone No, ill. "Vie, 18cuTT St eteelteY. rhyslehtue and Ree tergeon0 (aoderteb Street opposite Mettle - Church. oseeforth, Scow. eradiate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and el earner Id Ontario College of Physician and (uogeeee, Coroner nr County of tlttren. IlAr8Av, humor graduate Tt inily UhiVerxlrv, gold me iciest ,1 rinity Medica! College !tfomlatx of Collo, .11 1'vni,olni' and , o'genun, 0ulort, �F{, twill flail. b:51t^,. ,„"stoop IncSpent:01cl in Wt men's and vitildrovv dieeasev and Rhemeetie trembles. Aunts a^, i '1000)) dermad era, Intr. 8000,. Nose nil Thrust 1,1000Mre rooves wit (, 111 .!lento!,„e,1 c on fres, iCtt00Jal n .t, . , S,i 1101,1p. ',Friday e 1 nt. A. •; pin le, iAL ', )ewnlu, Morrie a Licenses t or- th hllsurarace 11you ore, a postcard will get our rates. J. D. 1{INLa€ILEY. Gen end Agent for London Life Inawance Co,. and l In aortal Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, S'naforth, Ont. rw»,.nar.writ..rn.t�+.,ntw+t,.,,,�w.«.�.a�„w.�• CCww &NAMUR 5/IER06 iS OSSVED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAN ST, e SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 84 livening 197 SUBSCRIPTION 0110 dotter per year, strICtlr in ad V a nee i! nut pale Inn Vance. one dol\ ar and papers, lt will he extra tt`ited trtekAyattn ad weaved, till es Watson General Fire, Lite and .Aininiont Inenitu�rc ii1 Agent and dealer it dewing \ttmuee+. E DI at n barest, Seal omit. THE McKILL OP Fire Insurance Co Partin and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS Jae,. e. niol.y. brder.rb, Pre ld•ttc Jaenea tents ) enchwond, Vice-Presit •rn:?l1as Hays. Senforth.:Soe.•Treas. Directors D. F, McGregor, Senforth; John G. Grieve, , 8todsbagen• Robert Ferris, 141010ck; Malcom. Mc peon, Clown; (i McCartney Sealorth; Deme. Connolly, Goderich; Jae. Evan'. Beechwood. Agents When subscribers dustings their address nem. should be'eel oe Immediately, giving both the old and the new address. Sob of any rregteonfer a favor by lllar'ItY (de delivery. notifying us Reading Nyottoaa--NO reading notice. wh ich n oneyala to ti made by or perrson or came will be inserted in Tan Nuws without charge. The price for the laser- tIon of bustncaa announcements la TEN cents per count line earn insertion to parties having n0 contract for diapinq advertising, and FIVE cent° per Noe oarn Insertion to those having tliaplay contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. (lard of Thanks 5 to c Ines, SO cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notlooa—Tea cents per line for first insertion and five cents per line for each subscvuat inaertloa. Yearly ing one Inch, will be lin Cards, for 80.30 per Ss.00 prr r ear, navabte strictly 111 advance Display relvortiotng--Rales =tithed on application, "Advertisements ordered for lnsertlon, wUnttl forbld,"and those sent without written Inotrnct(cna will appear until ritten orders are received for their d1s. continuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, riot or publication, but n° a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no reopen• 'lblllty whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at ail except as paid advertising, plainly marked as ouch. The rate for ouch matter 1s ten cents per (Inc, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER IkIE S.EAFORTU NEWS Letters to Enemy Country Private Oorreepoudence for dest- inations in territory ocuupied by the enemy— excepting enemy occupied Belgium and the enemy oecapi011 parts of France *nay now bo addressed direot in the ordinary way instead of being forwarded through 1111 authorized intermediary. Rush eorresponde0re, however, must only deal with private vows and will be enbjeot to oensor0hip items which contain any information whatever in regard to military, come- is or political conditions obtaining in Canada or lu any allied eotintriea or which contain undesirable in formation of %fly kind will he detained. Winthrop W Rinn Constance; john Bennewetta ID Ales. Leitch, Matlock; E. Hlnchley. Seafortb • 4viiiiem Chesney, EgmondvLlle; J. W. Yea BplmosvWe; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodheaeo: Jaa.e Ram and John Govenlock, Searorth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trnnsa • Other buslnrae will be geompt,y attended to 1. application to any of the above officer*. addrea0 • to their respective 000(0 ice°. The rings besides cash. It is thought other goods 36080 taken, Wee John NItIOMN) of Goderiolt township had his barn (listroyedwith the eon. tante by hay over heating in 0810 of OW MOWS, 1 t was insured in the Mc 1{tliop Mutual and the loss wag adjust• ed tile same day by tate President of the company. Mr. W, .1 . Powell of Godoritlt was taking a few of the offioere of the ligh• house supply steamer on Sunday after - omen for a trip np the Saugeeutoad and as a result the sailors think laud travel is more dangerous than water, In passing another oar Pow ell's 0,10 went toe, close to the ditoh and toppled over , The oar was badly broken but the occupants, while phvsieally nu(1 mentally pretty gore, escaped serion0 heftier, 61r, Wea. Leake, of Logan, passed Otte. a 2110'1 illness previews 'Thursday He said not rally, d aughtee, 41rs, Wee mourn the lose, of Stratford is urg- subetitute ne 11111011 He has appointed Bouinon (10101101111)0 %tione from Can - ;oda to deotirntion8 in territory whish lute been certified enemy territory tut. der the 'Fretting with the Enemy Pro. clannati 011 001111 re a license from the the Secretary of State for Canada. I Oorreepondonmo intended for thef- t titrations in enemy countries (as tinet from enemy ocuupied territory) `.to to those destinations in enemy oc-I i e 'iPil France 10 whish 00rreepOnd01100 I may ho forwarded, may still be sent' I through themodinm of Thos. Cook & Son, 1130, St. Octherin0 St. , West Montreal, for information in this con- 110etia11, away on the 21st 1 aged of 62, The (le had a stroke. Hiswillow aid cue Isenberg, are left to Mayor Monteith ing the Citizens to 811 possible for coal, u fue 10ontruller an(1 a Committee to 8e• cure 1000 cords of hard wood to be soul at reasonable prices. Six hundred delegates attended the Masonic Grand Lodge in Windsor last weak. The 0(1(0141 report gives more than 68,000 members in the proviuc0 with reoeipts of $92,000, showing the Order is in Benumbing uuuditlou. While at his work at Preston 61r R. A, Dunsly of Winghalu suffered n lead shaking up and a number of bruis- es. When oiling a utaelline hie cloth, es caught in a belt and he was hurled to the ceiling striking a beano. He has been laid up for a few days es a eesult. A disease knownas black leg is wort(• ing havoc among the cattle of Carg- ill dietriot, A peu1liar germ on the the grass thio season is said to be the direct clause of it. One drover in that vicinity lost no lass than 28 fine grass cattle as a result of this new die. 0300. Market olerk, Wm, Leokie, Goderich hood x leg amputated lost week in Tor- onto The operation eves made neces- sary by cancer developing from a kick from a horse years ago, __ 1 Briefs FoR° The Busy \Voile's Comet which every few I years takes fresh close-up view o Mother Earth, while whirling around I the solar system, is again in the view of the astronomers, having beet] wel- 4, corned back by Professor Barnard o Yerlree observatory, The Wolfe Comet 3684 originally discovered in 1884. General Observations j e_ e e*se Four years of war' What docs it mean 1' There are not words enough in the human language to tell all that those four years have meant. To some It heti meant the deetruotion and ruin of their hopes and happiness of Original What language can depict what Original it means to many women who have and seen their loved go from them and nee. er return? Words are idle things in such cases, They are meaningless to Genuine 08 unless we have also suffered and even then the suffering is mute. There is nothing but silence patient numb• Only Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of Mimard's 0089 of thinking how different it might have been, but for this terrible war. *** Four years of war has however, done much for the world. It has shown that Germany was a danger to the rest of the world, but she has gone too far and the rest of the world has unit- ed to check her iuoroiivate greed for L111111l$flt I woad power, Slowly batt e11rely she is I being hroight to realize her mistake. _ ,'Phe allies, can, throngh all, feel that I t hey are right. end the right must win Hi the end, For Sale SCRANTON COAL W. 1. I!SEY, Sedfforth. Phone 160 Be.11silYfiess Without a proper systml of adver- tisiol is like a (motor without the (power Se forth News f)Vl l TISI.1iCNTS will supply the required energy phone - 84 evenings 127 yewµ After the war bas 018(888(1 and peace 1115 rer0rneci the 36,16111 will be a bet- ter peace to live it,, Before it, 00(88018- 8(4003 was 6anii.ant, bur people are leateiug from the sacrifices of the war that service brings more happiness then a0ltishr,ass If the world greets that great fact, then the terrlhie price we hale paid in burnout 1110 will not have hens pail in vain No grander thing 0111 he enol 1)1 any 1/1311 than that the world wag better because he lived May this thought bring comfort to those whose dear once have paid the price. In spite of the cost Canada is in this war to 8110 end. Our fair land can never draw back while the nation that despoiled the women of Belgium, is still ready to deeps;! Canada. if per- mitted, Canada believes her amiss 1.0 righterme and she will protect it at 840008)8. She longs for peace, but she longs more for liberty. For Frost Bites end Chilhluins.— Chiblains eons 14041 nesse expoouro ale slosh and cold aid frost -bite from the icy winds of *inter, In the treat- ment of either there is no bettor pre- paration than Dr, Thomas' l.olootric 011, arc it oountereets the inflammation and relieves the pain, The action of the oil is instent8ne0ue and its applie- ationis extremely eireple: Catching his foot in the coils of a hawser, John Gardner of Goderich, a lookout on the steamer Nemeses, sev- erely strained his right leg as the steamer wee leaving Hamilton on Thursday. In the Provincial Department of Agriculture the announcement has been made that the supply of two hun deed tractors seoured for resale to farmers at coat has now beau exhaust- ed with the exception of half a dozen or so, City Collector Kylie of North Van- couver has received a letter containing ten cents from someone who declares that they once stole a ride on the mum. ioipal ferries and wished to make re- stitution for the offence, Allen G. Ingalls of L8prelrie, Que. is said to be the inventor of a new furnace which ooasmues only half the fuel of the old style furnace and de. livers as much heat. A scuttle full of coal will keep in fpr a day and four scuttles for three days without any attention. Charles Beck, a well known resident of Sebriugville becoming despondent because of ill -health drowned himself on Saturday evening in an old well at the chopping mill owned by his fattier, Mr, Fred Beek. He wee 41 years o age. The funeral took place from the family residence on Tuesday afternoon to the Evangelical cemetery there, HURON NEWS 1Ir,S. D. Stothers, Huron's Agrioul tnral Representative, was in Guelpl II lent week attending a convention of county representatives from all over the province. They discussed the work in the different cooties and 0x0hatlg- ed ideas and methods, etc. Some of the counties have been organized for ton y08re or more (11(41 consequently their representatives have their work well in hand. Most of the larger counties have a ropresontive anti u11 as seism, During the weep the agricultural men visited the experim- ental station at Vineland and there studied at first hand methods of dealoug with some of the pests and 1(1808800 which attaok the field, 0reh8rd and vine It cannot be but an advantage to Boron county to have a man whose time is devoted to the furthering of the ag- IIeioultral interests of the county and tide advantage will become more and more apparent as time goes on. "This coon• ty,” remarked Mr, Stothers the other day on looking over a map the Govern. hent had just sent him, "ie seo0ud to none, I've always heard that but as 1 travel over it I'm 00184111004 of it Must limonites will wullesitatingly ug - roe, Huron elmnld hold a first place among the counties of Ontario,— The Clinton News iteoord, An unknown party took advntltoge of the Wodflosbay half holiday in Beet er last weak to break into burs, Yoo's store and sehl0 a number of signet Keep Watch Celebration ThIANdsY August I REPAREDNESS Money in the Bank means preparedness to meet income taxes and make contri- butions to patriotic funds and purchase of war bonds. We recommend an account in OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT where interest is added to principal twice a year at the rate of 3% per annum. INION� BA 484 SEAFQRTF9 BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manag4s3 pa1NF1insf 91sissinS P11i1111A Use tisinntanntim iY11nnanIdf46egts Fl(iktti mai eon ..maxausawarmsonnacromun .— .........or Winth"op Presbyterian Sunday setv100 2 30 pin, Sunday School 1 flip ml Prayer meeting Tneedny 8 p, rite L 0 lest Wed, The hearty response of the citizens hag assured the success of the celebra- tion and a staff of carpenters and build ere are already at work and will have everything completed by Saturday night, Several additions have been made to the prize list, prizes being giv- ven for the Oldest Man at the Park, the Oldest Woman, the largest load from the country, the best decorated oar in the parade, and the Towuehip of Logan will enter a team iu the Tug -of War. The parade will be a gorgeous spectacle and the best over seen in ithis part of the country will leave the Pub- lic School at 1.30 p. no, sharp and pro- ceed North to oentre St thence East to Main St, Sotith to Orombie St, East to Victoria Street 011(1 North to the Park: autos may parer on Victoria Street or proceed through to Main Street, Ad. ditional attractions have been secured (Jr the Midway, the committee sparing no Paine to get the beet in every line. The special films for the moving picture (lave arrived and are entirely new and guarnteod to please. At the OM of the evening program a dunce will be held in Oardnos Opera Hall, lttessrs Cimino Bros !laving kindly donated the nail. Aoordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend. Orchestra 111000• Donations of all kinds will be receiv- ed at any of the booths on the grounds Butter, egg's, mum, ate will be grate- fully received at the lunch room on the. Convent grounds, dinner will be served from 11 00 to 1 00. Tickets for the Gold Watch and Ohov role car man be had any time, a special sale of Chevrolet tiokots will be masts at the Commercial Hotel 011 Saturday evening Do not miss this opportunity of sho36i11g your apprectation of the noble work of our navy, the entire pro, oeed0 less legitimate expenses going to the sailors in the Nevy and Merchant Marine Oonstauce Methodist Rev. 'r 14. Sawyer, pr rotor. Sunday service 2.30 pail. Young Oeople'e Lea - n"2.30 pin8rood (y w1nrein Aoel1 art' first Tnesdny of every month a 30 p.tn. !fertile' Aitl 1,851 l'hnraday of each month 2.80 port Pirst Presbyterian Rev, F. H, Larkin,, Pastor, Snnd8y services 11 8.01. and 7 p In, Sunday school 2,30 pen. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7, 45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Society the first Tueedey in each month at 3 p on. Barbara Kirkman Alia• sion haus 3rd Tuesday in the month at 7.3() p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4•.16 p.nr. Me11lllop Presbyterian Ron. D C,trewell paster Sunday servioem Dnffe' church 11 a m Sunday school 10 a m Prayer meeting Wed - timidity 8 pas, women's Miesiuu8ry Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'olock. C HICMCFI NEWS It ni,1' l u•t 1114 Ile ad are pblone' free el charge, ex - opt theme re gars Leh meetings where an admission lee is being Ilse ed rentut rp r for li n]0 a,.iIP,A9-'103RTi13 enIa1'8eileill::S St. James' St ,lames' thumb. Rev. Father E. b', (Metz 1', P, Nutty dose 8,30, High Mafia 10,30, Sunday School 3 p, m. Vespers and 13Pnedietiou of the Bless. ed Saoramoutt7p. m, St. Thomas' Rev. T. H . Brolvu, Reuter. Sunday ael'O0e0 11 a.m. and 7 pen. einiday Bohoo 1 2,3)1 p. tn. IVemou's etugliean Missionary Association 'Tuesday 2 311 p.m, elhildron'sbratch Satnrdny 2 p.m. nterlpasial services every 'I'llllreday, .0 p.m, Methodist Rev, H. 0, leloyer, pastor —SUNDAY School at .1)1:1111 a.m. Public service 11 a in, and 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting C Wide 8, p.m . eomnpetions iFor Boys and Ctiirrs Arrangements have been made to have the Canadian Hankers Ase08fation 0o -operate with the Department of Agriculture in providing a liberal stain of money to be ()tiered 111 prisma for calves aid pigs exhibited b, boys and ging udder 17 years of age at one Pair in e8Uh district, Boys and gills eltotld lose no time in thisliug uut all about these competitions as the oalv05 'and pigs utast be ted at least six weeks by the boys or girls who exhibit thous and itis very in,plrtnrlt to nut promptly in securing copies of the tittles .There aro no entry fete, .Full info•m8tiorl regard ing the competition earl he obtained front the manager of any batik • in the locality where a fair is iloid. Salvation army Limit, Doherty and Envoy Whitfield Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 pen. Gospel service 7 p.m. Ohildrens Service—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p in, Week night Meetings --Wednesday Praer meeting 8 p,tn . SgmondVitle, Presbyterian Rev. S (8101,3111 pastor, Sunday sec• vices 11 arm. and 7 p m, Bible Masa 3 p.m Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y.P 141.5 Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 pan. Woreen's Miasiou. tory Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2,30 p.m Ladies' Aid m00.s im- mediately after. FLAX PUL LING Flax pulling is in full awing sow. ft is estimated that 190 men,) women and girls sre busy at preparing;,wiug for the 8irplauee, On Mr, 'le Hays' ram there are about 15 girls and wo- men; Andrew Scotts', 15 boys and men L. Dovereanx's about 26 girls; John Klein's, 20 boys and then; Robt, Beat• tie's, 50 Chinamen; and Routledgss, 10 men and children, There are 25 Ind- ians polling at Kinburn and the same nnmber at Godkin'e. Rev. J. W. Hodgins had Rev, .1. W. Ilorlgins, formerly Rooter of St'l'homao church, Searorth, died in Stratford on 1410tiday Ile )las Immo in poor health foe seine years and wag forced to give up his work over a year ago, He was an able preacher end left Soaforth for Stratford, Tenders Wanted Tenders for oonetrncting the P1780 Drain in the Township of MoKillop will be received by the9 undersigned until August the gth 1918, or at ;the Council meeting in Searorth (Com. Hotel) on August 10th at 2m o'clock p, m, , a cheque for 5 of Coutraot price to accompany each Tender, The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted, Plans and Deain eau: be seen at Clerk's office on Lot 2.4 ;Con. 7 McKillop, bl. Murdfe Clerk MoKillop, S08forth, P, 0. clerk's Notice of First 'osting of Voters' List Notion is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per0ove mentioned in Samtien 0 of the Ontario Vetere List Act tate topples regnired by 8aiti Hootio11 matte puren3nt to said Act, of all persons appeariugby the lest Assessment Roll of said Municipality to be entitled to vote in said Municip- ality at Elections for the Members of the Legislative A80embly and at Mnll- ioipai Ihileotiots; aid that the said list was posted up at my office et Moltil- lop (Lot 24 0011 7 ) 011 the 20th, clay of July 1918 and utuaies there int. inspe- tion, And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or 0111401010 uorreetod ac- cording to law, Dated this 25 th. day of .111110 1918 M, 11U11Dili1 Olerk of MoKillop "Trench" Back The latest complaint to get a name 0f its own in this war of surgical our. prises is "trench back." Many eases aro under treatment at Brighton, Bug. They come almost invariably from the trenches. tJsually the injury is cams. ed by sandbags or masses of earth burled on the men's backs by burst. Ing shells, Some patients have been so seriously injured that they have to be carried on stretchers, Teortun- ately, a rapid and effective cure has been found, and quite helpless men have recovered after a short Course of treatment. "For the Blood Is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING With any disease due to Impure blood ouch ao Bosema, Borofula, Bcurvy, Bad Logo, Abeoeoaoe, Moore, Glandular Swellings, Boils, Pimples, Boren of any kind, Plloo,Blood Poleen,Rheu,natiom, Gout, sec., don't, waste your time and money on 80)0)' the surface of the skin. which cannhat you twaet nt is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is Pest such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, from whatever cause arisingcan be rel ed oand n teffect rendering and pure, lasting cur selsel a&niprraphid lr, rowed 1.411e). Over 50 years' 01860(1. Pleaaaat to *815. Sold by all Ch01emists and '?,hasps.. 8 ees -- . �s11a abet," t,(rs- SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES. Canadian Natioe . Exhibition Aug. 26 '1 ORON ro Sept. 7 300,000 admissions sold first day of advance sale. Come with the crowds to thegreat'. est Exposition in the 40 years' ,history of the C. N. E. "The Heroes of Britain 97 A production of tremen- dous force and beauty, with 1200 participants. All All the colorful paraphor- nalia of romance and his- tory in the making. In- spiring, dramatic --- a spectacle every Canadian should see. MOVEMENT - LIFE SPLENDOR A Pa t ri o t f o T to rf ll in every scene Giant livestock and agricultural display— Government exhibits --demonstrations et vacs: tinnal training by 50 crippled heroes -farming on factory linen colossal exhibit, of labor. saving devices -- C',avcrnment patriotic food show Creatore'a wnrldeamed ban 1 e- Allies' exndbfts of line arta—ANL" A WORLD OF OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Price of adrnlat.:on Is •••tr Cents unchanged, Consult your local agent re4ardittg .�. railroad !'ares Local Agent Wanted for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES i housands of Orchard trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissions, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE &WELLINGTON (Established 1837) TORONTO, ONT, Steeled Tenders addressed to the ttutler8itned, and endorsed Tondos: for Renewal of South Pier at Hayfield, Out," , will be received at this oflite until 12 'o'clock noon, on Wednesday, August 7, 1918, for the completion of renewal of South Pier at 13aytiold, llu- ruu ('unnly, Out, Plane and forme of contract can bd seen and '3peeilicaten end forma of tender obraieed at this Department and at the chine of the District Eigitt0- ter, Equity Bniiding,Toronto, Ont, , and at the Post Office, Hayfield Ont, Teudat'e will not be oon8lalered un - lege made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. (48ch tender. must bo aocnmpaniod by an aoueptod 0110gtte on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Werke, egnnl to Ill p. 0. of the 8motnit of the tender. Note --limo pietas can be obteiue(1 at this .Department by depositing an acoepted batik alleges) for the sums of $till psyeble to the order if the Minim. tor of Public Works, which will he re. turned if the iutetiding b`dder submit a regular hid, By order, 11, 0, D I'1S I4OC Fl B1t(d, Remotely 0epurtMen t of Pubtio 1Vorlcs, Ottawa, July 15, 1018,