HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-08-01, Page 1New $erlesYol, 31 No.5O l MAR8Lh DORANR'E hors. The Seaforth News Canadian Granite Since the importation of Eur- opean granite has been re- stricted, our CANADIAN GRANITES are being devel'- opecl at an amazing rate, and are equal in color and texture to any imported granite. The Seaforth Monumental Works handles the best grades W .lE. ehapinan,r'Prop Seaforth MonumentWoks lympia " RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY Of course you want candy. How could any party be a success with- out ROUR CONFECTIONERY You will thud in the varied as- eortment we carry your favorite kind. Materials we use' are the best audlour Candies are always fresh. Our. Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Country Cream and,liesc[Frudts aaveaciairaisaarmamerameer 1611111111111111111111111fIl11I11 Telephone Economy, e 11111111111111111111:11111111$1,1 Ito yo0 practice ir? The Prompt Answer! F the habit of answering promptly when the telephone bell rings were universal, the saving of time would be enormous. j Few things are more pleasing to telephone users than a prompt and courteous response , to a telephone call. In business, the practice of prompt answering has been a money maker, for customers appreciate it. Q1! Practice prompt answering yourself and make it a rule in your business. The Bell Telephone C of Camil a IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[1111hGiIli111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Grass to Rent thirty-five acree of good pasture to rent, apply to Oon Eckert Nights of Agony oomein the train of asthma, The victim cannot lie down and sleep is driven from the brain What grateful relief is the immediate of Note of Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma, Remedy, It banishes the frightful condition, clears passages, and en abler the afflicted one to again sleep al,- soundly as a child, Insist on the genuine at your nearby druggist, Keep Watch Celebration Benefit Dance Cardno's Opera Hall August 5th at the close of the Evening Entertain,' rnent at Victoria Park Orchestra Music You are cordially invit- ed Gentleman 5o cents SE UFORTH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, August 1 [Oil The British Navy To the Editor of Tlt.a Nhswe Sir;. -- But for the British Navy, ere now, we might have been feeling the full weight of the German Arm, our (meet eitiea bombarded, and laid in ruins and our fairoountry invaded by a ruthleee foe, We are leading such a quiet peeoeful and prosperous life here in Canada. 1 fear there are very few who stop to think what might have been our fate if here were a weak British Navy. There is the main fleet silently wetching and guarding us in the North bee, There are the submarines, des- troyers, mine sweepers and patrols by the thousande constantly guarding the coasts of the British Isles which are over 3,000 miles in extent. and outhe look out for enemy oraft, Whilst the German submarines have undoubtedly caused a great deal of damage to the mercantile marine, the Germane have not by this means of warfare brought Britain to her knees and she never will, for Britain has now successfully overcome the Ger- man aubmarine menace and is now building more vessels than she loses, while she ie downing enemy submar- ines faster then they can be built. . Then look at the wonderful work per formed by the Navy, With ite help the British Government hos been able to laud millions of men on the French shore, gene of all sorts, millions of tone of munitions, provisions and equipment of all kinds, railway construction and other material in enormous quantities, all sorts of hospitable supplies, and horses and mules by the thousands, and sofar• without any material loss. Think of the wonderful work done by the Navy in blocking the ports of Zee- brugge and Ostend, it was really mar- vellous, and must certainly have been an "eye opener" for the Germans. Notwithstanding the many British boate lost the business seems to be n1 no way interfered with for there are al most as many as ever going in out of of Liverpool and other British ports and the British sailor although his boat may have been torpedoed and sunk, if he gets safely to shore, is al- ways ready to sail again a8 soon as lie gets a ship We have every reason to thank the British Navy for the safe conduct of our men from Canada, who have gone in thonsande with little or uo loss, When we think of the British Navy we must not forget the the boys, I would like the boys from 12 or 13 up to see what the British boys are doing, They are with and under the coast gnard men keeping a ooustant watch on the coast. over the adjoining sea for ships and wreckage, reporting the salve receiving andsouding messages, salving wreckage and doing all kinds of other useful and important work, We have formed a branch of the Navy Leagne of Canada in Seaforth whose object is to look after and assist our eaflore in their perilous work and to provide in many ways for their oumfort' The membership fee is very low and we hope and we expect that everyone who knows and appreciates what the sailors have done for us will join the League We are going to have a fete day in Seaforth on the 6th of August and we hope that all our citizens and the far leers and their families will Dome out and partioipate and enjoy the treat prepared for them, While yon aro enjoying yourselves you will at the same time be doing something to help our brave sailors, F, HOLMSTED Chairman Seaforth Brunch of the Navy League of Canada, • A Sure Corrective of Flatulency,- When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region, The bslohing or eruotation of these gases is offensive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will do this. Simple directions ge with oaoh paokot and a course of them taken systematically is certain to effect a 011r0, Seaforth Collegiate Leads Seaforth Collegiate again leads in passing students for the Normal En- trance, in the Middle School Out of forty who passed this examination there were ten froze Seaforth, six of whom secured honors. There were only seven honors in the whole county Every student who wrote passed, This is a high standing for the school and one of which the Principal Rose, hie efficient staff, as well as Seaforth, may be proud, Sucoesaful candidates who desire to attend the coming 6eee10n of the Nor- mal Schools are advised that their applications for admission must be made to the Deputy Minister of Educ- ation not later than Tuesday August 20; application should be made at an early date, If applicants will state clearly on the forms when and whore they passed the lower and middle school examinations for entrance into the Normal Schools, they need not de- lay mailing such applications on account of not having received their certificates, rhe Normal Schools will open on Tuesday, September I7, at g a, m, at which time all candidates must pre- sent themselves, Applicants ere re. quired to be eighteen years of age be- fore. October L. .,Further particulars as regarding .the conditions for ad- mission may be 'obtained from the syllabus and the application forms, copies of which may be obtained on application to the Deputy Minister of Education. No candidates will be ad witted who do not comply fully with the:conditions prescribed therein, In addition to those listed below many candidates are qualifying for certificates under the farm employment regulations. All such passed local examinations at Easter and are now employed on farms. 011 the submise on, to the Deputy Minister of satis- factory evidence of three months' con- tinuous work on farms the certificates to which they are entitled will be issu- ed. HURON H, v. Armstrong, L, E. Adams, J, S. Bogie, (with L. S. Art) , M. E. Baeohler, L. Chesney (honors) , G. F. Coatoe, 0, M. Crich, (honors), I. 111. Crozier, G. 0. Duncan, F. Deem, G. A C. Frahok' E. Goldthorpe, 11, M God. will (honors) , J, A. Hume, M, G. Har- vey, E. P, Hume (with L. S, Arith,), M, A. Hayes (hon.) ,M. NI, Harsleon 0 M, Jarvis, G. E, Kaeroher, D, E. Kuntz, V. Kilpatrick [honors] , E. S. Livermore (honors] , A. H. MaoQuarr- 10, C. 0, McGill, G. 0. MacKay, 141, I McQuaid, J. M,iMillau, G. E. Pocock, D, E, Ross, (honors) , M. T, Ross [with L, 8, Art] , 0, (4, Ross, J, F. Rae, [with L, S. Goog.] , H• M, Stewart with L S. Art] , 0. I Shelley, V, J. 'nyder, V, Stewart, 1'1. Wallace, 5, M, Weigher!). [honors] , 11', J, Walker. Upper School En- trance To University In this Examination 9 from Seaforth Collegiate wrote all passing and four got honours, HURON W, W, Ament, Part 11; W, H, Arm- stroug, Part 11; H. Oantelon, Part 1. E. Churchill, Part I ; D, 0. Donglae, Part 11; M F. Edge Pari 11 (honors) M. M. Edmunds, Part I.; J. P. S, Fere guson, Part 11; J . H. Goddee, Part 11 110110rs); N A, Graosy, Part 11, C. F Johnston, Part I1; L. E. Johnston Part 1 (honors); B, 4, Larkin, Part 1I; A. B MacEwen, Part 1; J M MacEwen, part I, (honors); C. E. McKinley, part II, (honors); L A McKay part II; E 0, Miller, part I (honors); M A Nioholsou part I, 0, M Pinder, part 1: A. 0, Rankin, part II; E. P. Scott, part II' honors; E. W. Turnbull, part II with part 1 English Literature; M E Turn. boll, part II, [honors]: J. R Taylor, part 1 honors; M. D, Ullush, part 1, B 0 Veller, part 11, BIRTHS. WALSH-In McKillop July 58th to Mr, and Mrs. Jno Walsh a daughter M0M10HAEL-In MoKillop July 25th to Mr and Mrs Garfield MoMiohael a daughter . iroplanes for the Army Flax Pulling Help Wanted The Seaforth Food Production Assocation is desir- ous of pressing upon public attention the urgent need for the proper harvesting of the F1'x Crop and also the further desirability of securing labor on farms this season, The Flax Crop will be ready to pull about the 25 inst. Flax is used for the manufacturing of airplanes on the fighting lines, Save our splendid men by giving them the best fighting wings. Women and Men can earn $4 . oo per day Girls and Boys can earn $3.00 per day If you wish to pull by the acre you can get $15 0o up You can work right at home. There will be Camp:'! Borden Army Truck to take you to work and bring you home each day free of charge. In order to save time and secure favorable lu.ations make early application, Farm Labor Our Slogau-"Farm Labor the keystone of greater Production" Don't say you oan't get help until you have given the S. F. P A. the '1 opportunity of aesieting in securing it. Applications for experienced Farm Help, Men, Boysand Women supplied by the Organizations of Resourees Committee of the Outeri° Government should be filed with the Secretary at once. snick action is necessary. ''Smile and carry on," JOHN A, STEWART, W, HARTY, G, F. NEELIN, Mayor President S. F. P, A. Secretary MilaSSilanaiSaaaar 1111161,661 2.1126112.11311.1110.6..691116.011010.111. Store of Plenty $1.0Oper yea Dap and Night Watches We have a particularly nice line of these w81011e8. futile Day Time of coulee the dial is clearly seen and likewise the time, 111 the Night Time, in the dark when you want the time se badly this watch shows the time cfoarer than ever, A reliable, dependable, service• able watoh, with Radium Dial, and 15 Jewelled movement, $10.00 (in Nickle Case) $15,00 (in Gold Filled Caee) We would like to ehow them to you. You will „enjoy [seeing them. Drop in. . rg'b . »anal gi Veer trestrl;u.after & (Optician 3lsaurr iBiarrtime 31iercary Phones ' SBusiuees 194 Evenings 10 The Store you will always like ostagle paid by ens White Waists Ladies' Waists in White Voile, Organdie and Lawn, beautifully made and trimmed, showing all the newest collars and sleeves, sizes 34 to 44, at, each $1,25 to 55,50 Newest Neckwear Ladles' Neckwear in latest New York styles, also collar and cuff sets, Ladies' Collars, at, each 5(Ic, 59e, 75c, $1,00 Cotton and Lisle ,Underwear Ladies' Fine Ribbed Lisle and Cotton Vests, in :long sleeve, short sleeve or sleeveless styles• plait, or trimmed with Ince yoke, at each I5c, 25o, 35o, 5, e, 65c, 76c, $1,00 Ladiea' Combinations in Fine Ribbed Lisle and Cotton, short elsevrs or sleeveless, loos trimmed. at, per suit 71e. 850, $1.00, $1,25, $1 50 Girls' Dresses Girls' and Children's Stylish wash dresses of plaid Zephyrs, (linghams and plain Chambrays, beautifully made and trimmed, sizes for ages '2 to 1.1 years; Price each 51.00 (and upwards) A Message To Housekeepers The first time you are down town °ohne hi and bey all the fIannette blankets you will need for at 11 set a year from now, We are selling 12/4 Ibex Blankets the large eizs and best 'blankets in white and Orey, with pink or blue borders at 54.00 a pair, These blankets are worth $6.0 a pair to.day and are boiug sold at that pribe in some stores, Smaller sized blankets priced pro- portionally, Storc Editorial The other day a woman came into the store to make several purchases, one who has boon a frequent visitor for the past several years In ccuversat ion with one salesperson, she remarked, •'I don't know why It is; but 1 don't believe 1 ever accustom myself shopping at another store and feel so tuuch at home," I always read your ads, and consider them truthful espreaslole of the merchandise and besides reflect your store's character to a T`. WH shall try male heat to continue reflecting the in dtvidttality of this store in sur advertisements sr'd as time wears on, we know they will prove a most important factor 111 your buying schedule, ,1. 41aeTavish ut^r;llnl :a,11hul tma,•a::t(t.� Ladies' and Child, ren Gloves Children's Washable Chamolsette Gloves, in white only, one dome, all sizes, at pair .86 Ladies' Washable Chamoteette Gloves, in white and white, with biack points, grey, sand and black, sizes 5I, to 8, at, pair $1.00 and 51,26 11 Ladiee' Pure Silk Gloves, two domes,double finger tips, colors grey champagne. cream, navy, black and white, with or without contracting points, sizes 51 to 8„ a pair 75c, 85c, $1,01', 51,25,51.6n Ladies' French Kid Gloves, Tot fonese tuake, 2 dcrosl colors tan, brown' incde, chanipagna, grey, navy g1c1u, hia(h. 1.!1(1: n.1. a112i 1110 and,,,wleite aid, black pointe, sizes 5i;,t" 1%. at, pair 52,28 to 52.76 Hosiery Special to Note Ladies' Silk Boc.t Hose, with deep ]isle garter top tep, lisle heels and toes in black, and colors, at so( , Doc, 85c a pair Ladies' fine Lyle Hose, ex- tra special heels and toes, garter top, colors white, tan aaey, pink, mustard, nigger brown, sky, bieq, suede and palm beech, sizes 8ii to to at per pr qoc, 50c, hoc, 75c Fin black cotton Hose 1.1 Rib for boys or -girls, seam- less, splica'd heels and toes, sizes 5 to 9 per pair 15c and 20C J. AC ',WISH