HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-25, Page 8The SilAPOR'TM N VMS
Tnuribiy July z5
That you keep your head
coo). Come to our Bar-
ber Shop and talk it ov-
er with us. You will en-
joy it.
Commercial Barber Shop,C4th
In E.. sCEPHEN � 4�
For Tickets. F,•.=ertailoue,titer-
ane :Information, apply to
A. Aberhart, :Druggist. Sea-
forth. or write 01 L. Fatrbalrn.
ea King St. E., Toronto
ilio,.ms«a.un,.,wamarespaa1/4 ,....,q
Tho Junior Girls Red Cross will bold
n lawn souial on Tuesday night on Mr,
(leo, Wilson's ground, They have a
progratulne prepared,
Miss L, Sarara8 and Miss Parks of
Howell spent a few days at the home
of the former,
Sirs J. Laing and familToi Seaforth
are with relatives here,
Mrs, and Miss Morriss of Winnipeg
are visiting Mrs, H. Currie,
B rueefieid
taking fright bolted throwing him off
and injuring hie opine. Be lived until
Sunday evening, The funeral waw
held un Tueedey afternoon when a
large number teetited their empathy
with the bereaved family by attending
the funeral,
Mise Elva Little had the tni8fartnue
to slip 011e day 1881 week and sprain
her ankle.
A number of the young boyo around
here motored to Ilaplelrl and spent the
Miss Jessie Scott and Miss Ellie Ross
visited friends in McKillop last week,
lilies Mabel Bullnrd spent Sunday in
Miss ,Jennie Roes spent Sunday in
Rev, 1), Melutoeh leaves this week
ter his vacation of a month, - jt
Rain is 010011 needed as there has
been only one shower in a lung time it 1,
would be very. welcome.
Three soldier boys from Stanley left
stere last weep to join the colors,
Miss Aikeuhead has returned to
London, I.
It„v, t H, Ketohenl of Hamilton is
visiting 111s old hems in Stanley,
Mr' Chas, MoLegan and wife who
left here many years ago for Colorado
has been here renewiugohl ftieadehips
He had been at Stratford attendieg
the funeral of a brother.
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
,to clear and whiten your skin. I
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best fiieekle and
Jan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at'
eery, very email cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and env
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three 01.1110e4 of orchard white for a few j
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck,` arms and I
hands each day and see how freckles and j
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft ,
and white the *kin becomes, _ Yes! . It
is harmie88.
Sheriff's Sala of Lands
eonnnly €4 Huron
T_) Wil': jeered out of His Maieety's
Second Division .'0urt of the '_'o,ulty
of H:1tor, and to me directedanddel-
ivered against thh Lands and 71'eue•
menta of I), D. Wil+on. D,:fel,hilt
at elle s,1it of N'ranois Hollueted, P1aiu•
tiff, I have seized and taken in one.
cation all the the Right, Title, Inter.
081, and Eq_uty of Redemptio,l, of the
above named defendant, D. la.-Wtleor,
in, to, and out of the following lands
and tenements, situate, lying and
being in the Town of Seaforth, Caunty
of Huron, and Province of Ontario,
Viz., Lots 22, 23, 24, N. Pt. 31. 32,
38, 34, 35, 44, 41, 46, and 47, in D.
D, W118011'8 8urvep 113 the said Town
of Seaforth,
Which Lanae and Tenements I shall
offer for gale at my off1o, In the Court
House, in the Town of Goderieh, on
l'hureday, the eight day of August
1918 at the hour of twelve of the clock
Sherif, Huron,
Sheriff's Office, 0odorioh
April 29th, 1918
Sirs, ;Ins. Patterson of Toronto is
visiting her parents Mr. n11d Mrs,
t,)rtwell .
Mr..1. D. Reid and hies lteicl spent
a pleasant visit hi Godericl: with
The Rev. A. E Doan preached on
the "ill arks of Religion" in the morn.
ing and 'Misconception" in the even.
ing, The sermons were interesting.
ii1r. and SIre, Troyer from Comoro,
Sask. are here with old friends and
needless to say they are welcomed
1Ir. and Mrs. Logan returned with
Mirs' .Jae. Hudson from Detroit,
Pte, K. Pope is home from Loudon
with his mother,
The Methodist pareou8ge is being
re•shiugled and sign* of improvement
is to be. seen 0u other buildings in
Seaforth Lodge of Rebekah* came
over and installed the local eflicers last
week and those who know say the Sea -
forth ladies were very capable in their
work and showed they were adapts in
Lodge work,
g1a1o1,ey et Toronto epee.
-n• day tit ire twine,
)tarry 1,.,,,t:.ic are sectoring to brand
1h:ii for a i.oliday,
Miss Wiutermute is spending a few
days at the parsonage.
Mies Iietelake of Seaforth le staying
at the home of her uncle Mfr, Fred
Rev, D. Mediae of God:, 1ch has hem:
:,ere : ;liiing e1, ;rleuds,
Mrs, lelyuee+lx who was with friends
at L,niganner;is nonce again'
Mia 1,)ry Met:traiell t:ntertalted
her f i i,s to a marshmallow roast and
'spent a plcs?:+nt F•;euiug.
ilrs, inh', eee'de0 an11 daughter and
Mies Teresa 14010) 3T,' 111 '1'Oro11to anti}
Mrs, las, Resinoid and Miss Lizzie
O'Cont:ell are visiting friends in Rip.
M4• and Mie. W, S. Porbe* announce
the engagement of their daughter Cora
to It. C. (:owland of Alberts, The
marriage take place in July in Porto-
; bee Alta,
Peter Barrow claims to own a hen
interested in greater production. She
lays eggs 7 by 9 inches•
The Walton orangelnen did not go
as a Lodge to any one place but went
where lam led them,
Baying is nearly all over and a fair
average crop is reported.
We notice in the re8ult8 of the re-
cent examinations held at the London
Conservatory of Mueio, the name of
Mies Tillie -'Archibald of McKillop as
stmeesefully passing her Primary Exam
ination with honors,
A painful accident happened on the
farm of Mr, Wm. Shortroed on Satur.
day night, 7318 eldest eon, John, was
sitting on the hay rack and the home
Mre, Wm .Jeffrey ie Norrie after .a
prolonged 61187 for her health in Buffalo
N. Y, We are pleaded to report much
The Ron. Mr. hove, pastor of the
Metbotliet Cherub has returned and
took his serviced o11 111711/1ay, Mr, F,
S. Savauge took them the previous
Mrs. Selene of Mitchell hes spent a
week here with her sister Mrd. J . Har-
Mr, and Mrs. P, J, Lawrence spent
the week anti with the formor'o mother
Kenneth McIntosh is spending lila
holidays with hie friend Clifford Col-
Clifford Britton ie being ooegratulet.
0c1 on passing the entrance. •
Edith Riley is staying with her sis-
ter, Mrs, Stephenson of Brliesells.
Pte John Armstrong spent a few
days with his parents anti other friends
Mr. and S'Ire, 1; Clark have been
visiting their cousin, Ilii. Cameron, in
"-MEL€7TLE i€31iR1CAHs
at the
Strand Thetre
Thursday Friday & Saturday
Price 15c = Children 10c
Il �. h. X43) : e
On Le ai Question
Without Cc,st
"The mortgage on Jay
farm expired some time
ago. Now I wish to
sell the property. Must
I have the mortgage
renewed before I can
make a tale? Or can
1 leave it to the pur-
chaser to make what-
ever arrangements he
can with the mort-
Knotty legal points such as this are answered free of charge in
"Legal Opinions and Advice," which appears every Saturday in
It is safe to say that many hundreds of dollars have been saved
to our readers in )aa, costs by the sound and timely advice of
Edward Meek, K.C., by whom the department is conducted. The
fact that Mr. Meek is a lawyer of long experience, standing high
in his profession, unquestionably assures that all questions sub-
mitted to his judgment will be interpreted in strictest accordance
with the law,
$4.Utr per lthtluin by Matt, $5.00 Delivered.
Order through dealer, local paper, or direct.
1'01 MAIL AND EMPIRIII Circulation Dept., Toronto.
With the Fingers
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pail
Soro corns, Hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a earn can shortly be
lifted right out with the fingers if you
will apply directly upon the Corn a few
drops of freezone, says a Oinebnn.wtl
It Is claimed that at small cost one
can get a quarter of an ounce of frees,
one at any drug store, which is elllfi•
dent to Dide one's feet of every Corn
or callus without pain or soreness or
the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether compound
and while sticky, dries the momenb it
is applied and does not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding tissue, tm
r This announcement will interest
many women here, for It is said that
the present hlgh•heel footwear is put,
ting corns on practically every
woman'@ teat, '
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put
in the orchard white and shake well.
This makes a quarter pint of the very
beat lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier known. Massage thea"fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and bow smooth,
soItis harmless, and the beautid clear the skin ful re ul$$9
will surprise you,
Saturday Special
Women's Patent
Low Shoes
A number of broken
Lines at Reduced
° seo n
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 5J Seaforth
ices I of t
Morning Program - Firemen's )emonstration,
Water Fight etc,
Afternoon _ Monster Parade to Park, Opening of
the Midway, Wonderland, War Souve=
nirs, Base Ball Match, Baby Show, ox=
ing Exhibition, Piping and Dancing
Boys' and Girls' Games, Tug of War
etc. etc,
Evening = Illuminations of the Park, Band Concert, Vocal and
Instrumental Music, Moving Pictures, Special films.
1 osao by Ctens' and afternoon evening
Henderson Highlanders Pipe Band of London
See j'ills for full program
F. ll"olmest.ed K. C. , Mrs. A. A. McLennan, A. A. Naylor,
Chairman Treasurer Secretary
Committee e A. A. McLennan, M. Broderick, A. D. Sutherland