HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-25, Page 5hursday July *5
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN AMD, Caws] Manatee
H. V. P. JONES, Are'. Don'I. Menage,
RESERVE Ftm., . $13a50o,o00
Careful attention is given to the bank-
anking requirements of farmers, with whom an
important part of the business of this Bank
is transacted. Farmers may rely upon
prompt and courteous service.
Seater b . .Bx`a x:Lo.t
J, t:, MULLEN, Manager
Wr Jr
Walker, holder of gov.
ernment Diploma and Licenee
Day or Night cafe receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night " 118
Fal I Terse from Sept. 3rd, i
The call for trained help is great-
er now than ever before in the
history of Canada. Our graduates
are securing splendid positions.
PARTMENTS. If you purpose
taking a business college course
(luring Fall or Winter months,
write now for our free catalogue.
Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wit' -
life; has an incomparable softness
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beanty of your ]fair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; the
Lair roots famish, loosen and die; them
hitt)) lir falls out fast. Surely get a
)mall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
-Isom any drug store and just try 1t,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry
rummer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Eleotric lights, large ve-
randah. Stable 16' :elle' hen :house 9
7' .
Apply at the
News Office
For Sale
House and half 00re of hied in the
village of Egret:m(11 le. The property
ie situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian Ohuroh and is known
as the P1000011 property, Good com-
fortable lionise, good shod, good well
and cement eietern, All kiude of fruit.
trees, strewberl•ios, raspberries 011(1
currant bushes. This is a 001.1100 pro
perty with no heealrs on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a nice property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are Tight. For
partiunlars apply on the premises or to
.John Rankle, Seaforth,
For a Nice
Hair Cut
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
For Sale
A neat and comfortable
house on High Street. All
Conveniences. This prop-
erty must be sold as the
owner has decided to leave
town. Here is the bar-
gain that you have been
looking for.
Bond and Debenture Broker
- Main Street, Seaforth
Phone yl a
Send 3000 Cream tonus and receive
top prices. We are running our plant
VW year through am! can handle your
f111?Oupply and furnish you with cats.
We pay twice eaoh Ivonth and weigh
earn ple a11(1 teat each nal) of cream care
fully, Our motto is " Honesty to 0u
Patrons" Patrons are requested to re
Orn all 0(11 00116 wlien IIOt Ill nee,
3111100 anlButtermilk al on hand
lid for at market prices,
The Seaford) Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat. .. .... . $2.10
Barley .... .............................1 35
Bran per ten ..................36.00
Shorts per ton......... ................. 41
Flour... ..... ,60
Bn1100.. 36-38
Eggs......,....... 30-40
flogs to femora"—, ..... 7.00
:FOR .1:41.01U
A dining room table, 8 ft, long, buffet
Apply to 0, 1,0.yt(11, 30010111,
Conservatory of Music
St, Joseph Convent
Grade 3—Piano—Joseph Andrew 72,
Grade I--Piano—Mat'garet McQuaid
82, Genevieve JAM 08 67, Loretta bane
67, 6100100 Reynolds 72.
Jr —Violin—Paas, -Beatrice Sete 67
Sr,—Violin Frank Malady 84,
Gerald Stewart 71,
Jr,—Singing—Isabel Woods 85,
Mr. and ',Mre, .foe Mnllrath, Mr,
and Mrs, Chas. McDaid and •Mr, E, J,
Murphy motored to Hauhlton?ou Sat-
Miss A. Clarke has gone to Toronto
Mre, John Weber and Mi00'1', Weber
are visiting friends in Toronto,
Mr, J. Kenney of Ottawa is visiting
his parents here.
hire. Maytvell and Mrs, Dalby of
St, Thotnae have returned house after
visiting friends Mora'
Warte are dienguremenes that die.
appear when treater] with Hollowey'tr
Corn Ciere,
Town Topics
gls°�••�srlia�.att�r u
Tho High Cost of Living.--l!Joenomy
is the word today. Make your old
garments do instead of purahasittg new
ones. Have them dry oleaned and
pressed, Dry cleating when properly
done lengthens the life of garments,
preserves their fresh now appearance
and aote ae a dieinfeetant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often osueoa sickness
and death dne to germs, clothing
should be Moaned at frequent Intervale,
My Wardrobe, Goderieh St„ Seaforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel.
Mrs Barton Sr, and Mre, H, R. Soot)
and son are visiting friends in 'Pillson-
Miss )Florence Deem k visiting friends
ju Mitchell,
Rev, 1), Johnston of Varna is u
Guelph visitor this week,
Miss Mary McGregor of Michigan ie
the guest of Mre, T, Patton'
Mise Gertrude 13, held arrived home
Saturday accompanied by her friend
Mrs. Effie 11, Rose of Elena,
The beautiful Camisole so kindly do.
tutted by hire, Whitely, John St, to the
"War Auxiliary" will be drawn for, Fri-
day, July 26 th at 7.30 Y, 11. in the
Armories, (Tickets sold at Beattie's
Miss Florence Laidlaw has returned
from epending a few weeks fu Muskoka
Miss Sadie Campbell, of Hamilton is
visiting herconein, Mra. 13. Coats.
Mr, 0 M. Scott of Edmonton
family are at the home of A, Soott,
Miss Clara Mason has returned from
visiting relatives in Listowel and Bel -
Mies P. Ball is spending the vacation
at her home near Clinton.
b4r, Palmer Whitely of Remit
spent the week -end at his home
John St.
Mr, and )lire, W, Plant and son also
Mre. D, Stewart and daughter motored
to Brantford on Friday to visit rela-
tives there for a few days.
Mre, Harold Deem and sort of Brus-
sels are visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mre. W. Deem.
Miss Mary Cousins of Wingbam se -
oared 595 marks out of a possible 650
the higheet at Entrance in East Huron
Mieeee Kate Illokart and Irene Oe,.
boot are home (rota Toronto spending
4 few days with their parents,
Lieut, Smillie of London was a week.,
end Miter at the )tie parertto Mr. and
Mrs, O. IC, Smillie,
Air. and Mrs. Ralph White end Wally
left on Tuesday for Olareeholni,Alber'te,
Mr, and Mre. W. McQueen from the
West are visiting her permits, Mr, and
Mre, John Powell.
Mr, Sidunius, Y, M, 0. A, eeeretary
of Oollingwood was here on Monday,
The monthly bueineee meeting of the
Red Cross Society will bo held in the
Carnigie Library on Thursday after-
noon, Aug, tet, at 4 P. 51.
Sf. James' Entrance
Tho St. James Separate school en
)rano pipits have made a most erodible
showing again this year, 14110 onto) to
passing. alias Lucy Eckert with hon
ours. We have every reason to be proud
of our school and of our very 0ffloiett
staff of teeuhere, '1'111 Town scholarship
watt won by hiss Mary O'Leary, a pupil
of this school, she obtaining the high
est marks for Seaforth
Flies, Drought and Heat Cause
o1 Trouble,
9nggeselons for Most Profitable Csu'e
of Dairy Cows and-Oalves--
August Ploughing and September
°roes Ploughing Kills Grubs and
Worms in Old Sod,
(Contributed by Ontario D0pertment 1,i:
Agrlouiture, Toronto,)
URUNG the extremely hot
weather, cows and calves fre-
quently suffer, sometimes
needlessly, from three things
—effects of high temperature, lack
of water, and 0(on1 torment by files.
A great ml1take was made 111 the
older parts of Ontario, when Nadi. -
catty all the 1.1,15 w500 cut down,
thus leaving no shade for cattle and
ve stogie, when the late P •
other !1 tot.
Brown was in charge 05 the 071-
I tarso Agcieultural college farm and I
live stook, lie plumed email gloves
1 of trees on various purls of the Cet-
i lege farm, and no more pleasant sight
I)nay be seen Than LI U ul:the Cullegu
herd lying fn the shade 00101)5 tilmso
trees on it. hot day. These groves
make the inside wheru located rather
aw'd wa'k, u ae e
tawklilyalenjtooy tllvms.,lvbuteths aluoncttlg mthr-
trees, Ou a live stuck and dairy
farm, while
to plant trees in the middle of a
w ll a 1t Lltay' nut be advisabl.
1 -una u,wuy purees as possible,
Keep Watch Celebration wheru they du lteL interfere with the
Working of the 1011,1,
Nothing short of a record breaking
attendanoe can only justify the time
and trouble spent in making the Keep
Watch Celebration the biggest affair i
of the season in Western Ontario with 1
the latestattraotioue, the eetves1novel-
and flee and specialties, a Midway that'
would do credit to many a nity,the c
finest music both hand and pipe, au'
immense program of ev011te for old I,
and young and beeps of pure (nladult-i
erated enjoyment, the dae will be one I t
to be remembered. An army of men b
will commeuoe work at the Pari: next w
ton week and by Saturday night all will be I t•
on in readiness. Donations of farm and' w
garden produce, butter, eggs etc. will',
be gladly received and may be left at
the home of Mrs Everett at any time!
and at the booth on the fifth, Apious o
and other useful and fanny articles may "
be left with dies Everett or Mra L, G•
VanEgmond. Cut Flowers and Pot
Plants with Mre .James Graves or Mise
Hartry and articles such ee Handker
chiefs, Packagegoods, canned fruit, etc
with Mra H J Gibson.
Tickets for the Gold Watch and
Chevrolet Motor Oar may be had at
any time and a special sale of Chevrol-
et tickets will be made at Stewart
MoIntoehes Garage on Saturday night,
The entire proceeds are for. a worthy
cause and the bumper program war
rants an enormous attendance.
In the meantime, on ;!airy farmswhere no shade is available in the
regular pasture belie, sometimes a
wood -lot can be utilized for the
stook during the heat of the day,
damage they may daage the Young
trees to some extent. Another plan
is to keep the cattle in a darkened
stable fur part of the clay. This means
a good deal of eu
x,l la,or cleaning
the stable, and keeping the owe
lean, and under present labor con-
ditions may not be practicable on
malty farms. However, where there
s the necessary liber available and
articularly where.cows are receiving
oiling or silage feed to supplement
he pasture, the feeding in the sta-
le may well, take place during the
ay and the cows be kept inside
bile 1t is very hot. This plan also
educes worry from tires, when the
indows are covered to make the
able dark.
ator Necessary for Comfort and
MMC Production,
Cows frequently suffer from lack
1 sufficient water. As a boy, the
writer remembers driving cattle to
Big Crick," in Brant County, during
ry spells. lhe cows were nearly
famished when they reached the
"Crick" and would drink until they
looked like bursting. 13y the time
they reach home, alter walking for
ever,a mile -and -a -half over a dusty road,
the cattle were nearly as thirsty as
The only safe source of a sure
water supply is a deep well, driven
or bored, and having the water pump-
ed by windmill or other sources of
power, with a storage tank for emer-
gencies. There is no part of Ontario
in which an abundance of water can- ,
not be obtained, if we go deep
enough to tap the hidden sources of
No matter how It is obtained, the
owner of dairy stock, more especial-
ly of cows milking, must supply a
large amount of water, else the stock
will suffer, which means lessened
milk supply, and small cheques from
the creamery, cheesery, oondensery,
or city dealer. Milk consists of about
871 per cent. water, and this water
must come from the drink and feed
of the cow, A cow giving 100 lbs.
(10 over 1lbs. 20gallons) o i1ois) I off drink
ve •200water
in a day. Cows giving less milk will
drink in proportion. Give the cows
plenty of water. Young cattle, calves,
and hogs also need plenty of clean
in hot weather.
Fly Remedies.
here are several good fly reme-
on the market. Where there is
ime to stake one, the pul•chase
patent fly -killer or repellent, is
sable. These are usually applied
sprayer.orr twice a day with a small
home-made remedy may consist
ne-hall gallon fish oil, or any old
se, one-half pint coal ell, and
tablespoonfuls of crude car-
aeid, cresol, ate. Mix thor-
Iy. This tvi11 be sufficient for
ty-five cows and may be applied
a brush or cloth, if there le
in it will keep the tries off for
al days. Milkers trust bo care -
not to get this on the heads,
tror allow hairs to drop into the milk
pail, as it will taint the milk. It is
safer to apply after milking,—Prof,
H. H, Dean, Ontario Agricultural.
COlLege, Guelph.
Winn About Seed Wheat This Year.
' The Salvatien Army brass baud was
In town over Sunday and gave a con-
eert on Saturday night to a fair sized
audience. Bandmaster and Mrs Wilder
gave a duet and solos were given by
others, Services were held in the park
on Sunday and addresses given by com-
mander O'ercer.
The rain on Tuesday forenoon was
very welo0me.
Mrs. -arab Webb has returned from
a visit to her son in Toronto,
A number from town attended the
wedding reception tendered Mr, and
Mre J, Stewart (nee May Carmichael)
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Elder of
Hensel) on Friday evening.
Mr, and Mrs, F, Twee and children
have returned to their home in 'Toronto
after vieltiug Mrs, F, McGaviu.
Miss E. Lockhart of of Stratford is
visiting relatives here,
Mr. Adam Dickson has bought the
110081 on North Main Street, ocenpied
by Mrs, Troyer,
Mrs. Huston and daughters leave
this week on extended visit to frieude
We notion the 11110)0 of Hiss Minnie
G, Mentor among those who passed
their examination on the pinto before
the 00neervatory of Meeie at Exeter.
Miss ?darner is a dacghtel' of Mr, J.J,
Mentor ll, p,
Mr, and Mrs. L. Robbins (1)10 have
been visiting with Mrs, P, M. absently
1111(0 returned to Rochester.
Mr. and Mrs W, .J0m10 and (laugh
ter have returned after spending a few
days in Stratford,
Miss Babe Sproat is in Detroit with
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and two
children of Toronto are guests of Mre.
D. Clark,
Mrs, (Rev,j 11 McPherson of Toronto
is the guest of Mrs. J. K. Goveu)oolr,
George and Dorothy Rogessel London
are spending their holidays with their
graudparente, at the Royal Hotel.
Mise 13roedloot of Hamilton is with
her )pother, Mrs, J, H .Broadfoot.
Mies ielMeGregot' Inas returned from
Ortolrvrlle whore she spent the winter
With her aunt Mra (Dr,) Acheson.
A Newspaper Bargain
Midsummer Special
The News is in a position to offer
residoute in this section areal bargain
in the way of newspapers, We have
ooncluded an arrangement with The
Family Herald and 11eekly Star of
Montreal by which we can offer that
great Weekly and the News until.
January 1st, 1919 for the small Bum Of IT
seventy cents to new subscribers, MI110
of at
The Family Herald publishers are
offering one hundred dollars in •prizes; daily
for the best suggestions to improve! heed
that paper and tate offer is open to all, of 0
its readers. Orders for the two pa ere 1 goer
may be left at this office, belie
Now the Maori 11(1)110 with lie, and with
he has exchanged Ills old Tower nuts• no ra
ket for. the Mark II. Star L. E., with `ever
which he is a phenomenal shot. The
Maorta started to tag themselves in,
and made their bivouacs in all old
watercourse 011 the left Rank. Then
the Paksha (white marl) General
Dame ai'ong and addressed then), a1(1
afterwards occurred a scene thet ilea
no counterpart 11, 1.11e weird and
varied mutate of the Dardanelles. The
Maoris, privates and officers, lined up,
With protruding tongues and a rllyth.
mtoal slapping of hands on thighs and
&meta, with a deep concerted "a•a-ail,"
ending abruptly, they began the
Maori haka—tete war dance. Shrill
and high the leader intones) the solo
parts, and the chorus crashed out.
As the dancers became more animated
the beat of their feet echoed through
While Moslems Shivered
Good seed of the most desirable
varieties of fall wheat is sure to be
this autumn. The most of the
r wheat in Canada is grown in
to, and the acreage sown In this
c0 last autumn was less than
Over lefty per cent. of the
was winter killed. In numerous
019 the wheat Which was 1105
0d was re -sown with other
either over the whole areas
etches. Owing to the scarcity
or it may be difficult to thresh
rain from the good fields be -
the dates of harvesting and
5. Those growers who have old
of good quallty should save ft
ly for seed purposes. Special
should be made to thresh as
1 the good wheat of this year's
g at as early a date as pos-
Fal'nle's having more seed
required for home use 01' for
neighbors would Undoubtedly
receive a good demand by advertis-
ing in either the local or the agri-
cultural papers, Tests should be
outdo of the germination of both tlto
old and the new Wheat. Strict econ-
omy of winter wheat for seed pur-
poses this autumn is essential.—Dr.
C, A. Zavitz, Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph.
gullies el Gallipoli. The Wades grains
now declaimed fiercely, new 1119 voice or in p
sank to an eerie whisper, still peth )alt
featly audible, and as he crouched low the g
to the ground so the men tlltind hi ee
w e wheat posed, Suddenly, after a concerted wheat
crash of vol,mes, the chant ended with „)worn)
a sibilant 11159, a stamp of the right efforts
foot, and the detonation of palms much o
slapping the hard ground. growin
A hundred yards away in the Turk. siblo,
ish trenches perplexed Moslems 115. than la
tend to this biood.eurdling serenade, sale to
and one of them 111 explanation pro
dneed his r_,py of the Koran. Omiu,
mus nods and ',.•a.inilak!nge followed
its reading. "1000 the first thee in
history 1110 1traite have had to en,
dura atta,lt by rannibuls" And the
leader of the !take, a fall -blooded
Maori, wrote M.A., LL. D., after his
name, and spoke bettor lenietteth than
many a while 111ta11,
Triangle Plays present
Enid Bennett
The Princess
of the Dar,
Enid Bennett's last appearance was in the
drama "They're Off" , probably the most
that ever 31a d 1 •
You Remember lief-
.t1so showing anotht,r
Keystone Comedy
Monday 1•
y Wednesday
Southern racing
popular picture
Morothy. Phillips
Tr umph
A story of the stage from "Colliers Weekly"
If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in
a better position than ever to supply your needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Order%
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or anthing else in printing
Come In And See Us About Sale Sills
Opposite Daly's Garage
Thursday Friday & Saturday
lir Here is the oneyou have been waiting for
Mary Pickford
in a thrilling picture of particular timtly interest
The Little A:ercai
An Artcraft Production rrLL.
Pronounced by the critics
Little Mary's Best Picture
We would urge the town folk to corn e Ito Thursday
or Friday, if possible
—No Advance in Prices ---
Adults 1sc Chi,dr:n Inc
Mon, Tues, & Weeds
The Judgement Holt se
A Paramount Picture
• From the famous novel ,
ap t y Sir Gilbert Parker
'lam A gi(81 Spectacular flout of a wem0n's part in the fate of nation
SI y'1
Opposite E alt's' Garage
Kn1 J'UaJIkJ�- llMME6 NS