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The Seaforth News, 1918-07-25, Page 4
P MEDICM B. It, Ural hose, lUtyatgqiauaAst 1tr6Cett )14ate OI Len on �eepllal, DonQOr, g1a144. 101 attention to 41000001 ot Ityte liar, Nolte Theeet, i 00 arerestdenee bolded Demiaten Sault. O o rhone No, 5, Residence Plante -N:n, lee Diee Ks8tekao0Mdwdodo hept f eth od1et nearob, Coroner for County of Huron Te1'ephone eta, 00. .. » RIO. 1301"0'1' 0 A1aQIKAY, lhyxloiens and JwSurgeOlte, SiQIiericll Street, opposite ileum. Church. 800 orth, 51010, gratitude VletOrla and an Arboarr, and Member of Outerl0 0011058 01 P101y11 ens 004 Stayers. coroner for 005511 01 Sinton. yd.oZav, Ileum graduate 'Milky OaIvero ty, gold motto 1st Trinity etodfeol College. A1embcr . of College of 1'yslrial,s and Surgeons, Ontartr, .j,,«...r,«..4r«.e.wti,w.4„o.,1.r�ItaM• g15fiu V4 uu �/�� +�plt (I ICU lllStf. tvR, 11190. HEILEMAN,0-1.1rpll, 95,011%1101 a+' In Women's and (h110reu•1 discasesand, ,Bheumatic troubles, Acute and %ratite disord ere Ror,:Eye. NOW. and those .0405014 re. moved, wltlinnl t le knife (e.e„tI uutw iron, 10301 Hetet Tuesday c (ten, e,1 5.11 , Frldety 8 ant. to O pat I Marriage Licenses Link L. neo uS JOR.t 11. DALY, Icwalul and optician, Son- i Insurance ASO fila alitatdering insurance, Life or Accident? , lion are, a postcard will get our nate. 3. D. 141NelltLEY. (Senegal Agent for London Life Insurance Co., land lmotaital Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth.. Ont. Tames Watson General Fire, Life and .cadent ins retie,' • Agent. and dealer in Sewing Mutinies. Alain Street, Scnfertle, THE McKILLOP • ha' Fire insurance Cog Faroe and isolated Town Property Only insured. ' OFFICERS • •J as. Cunt (it, (, .der{, h 1'r.'4 tout. lsale- $vaas, llteehwood, flu rre•idrnt. Thames IS 1SSU4D EVERY THURSpAY From the O0fc0 MAIN ST. . SEAFORTH•, ONT. Phone 04 .ltveaing ler SUBSCRIPTION O110 dollar perear, strictly in ed r a lice 11 not putt in advance, one defier sun a hall will be charged, Gutted States papers, ,ed ny cents extra, strickty 111 When subscribers cbannge their address notice should be'feat us immediately, atria g esccribere win old rto the by no ifyinguns of any irregularity of delivery, Reading Notfca11—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money to to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tae News without charge. The price for the inset. Von of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each Insertion to adverttling,�and FIVEncoouu(0 perrlf display Insertion to those having display contract,, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks S to 9 tines, 30 cents. Judiclnl, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices --Ton cents per line fir first insertion and ave cents per line for each substrate, insertion, Yearly Weirdo—Protesalonal Cords not exceeding one tach, will be inserted for 55.00 per year, savable strictly In advance Display ndvertIalng—Rates furnished un appllcatien. "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbid, t and those sant without written Instructions will appear until rltten orders are received for their Ms. eoetlnuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom• Ponied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no reasons ability whatever for the statements made In such communications. Letters on mit. except ss paid ;advertising, plainly marked et) such. The rate for such matter la ten cents per tine. J. F, SNOWDON EOITOR AND PUBLISHER f THE SE.AFORTH NEWS AingtoeBexofl tittle(); wittt vastly mote benev0lenee bet still eaeentielly baron. lel, With experienced help he le the finest organizer in Canada. At) knows his job and how it should be done, but labor different front what he hoe been aoouetomed to npeote hie oelgttlatione makes him peevish and loads hit tie do the work himself if he on rather than experiment with what he calls m- edicines. But in war times, when every Indus-• try is more or leas demoralized, oveu a Fenian should try to mako the beet of the worst help, He aloud appreciate the opportunity he has of onlployiug itiexperienoad labor oil the farm and performing a great national work in oreatiug new-eeonouti0 factors, Having been a farmer always, he lute s natur- al iuoliustiun not to wish to use any- one who is not equally experienced, Liu seetus to forget that when the war eta11011 Canada was absolutely in. experienced 311(1 unskilled in the mall. ufacture of 1tmm,itiotis, yet Canada has Dr. Harry Walker sols the late Dr Nei(igor took over the Olinton Motor Oar Co, and they go Order the nttr name of the Olirtt.on Meter Trask and Machine 0o, Both gentlemen are well known in the Qlinton locality and their Mende evish,them $[resew' Briefs for the 131 sy Last Saturday night, burglars (tracked the safe of J. B. Sperry and Co, Sarnia and ,Wade away with $2,000, They were apparently expert safe oraokere so they did the job neatly. • Otte ()ands Food Board seized and sold a oar load of melons et London this weak d000use th a oonsignoes refute. 0d to tale theta on account of their con. ditiou, 'This was done to prevent the undone becoming a totsl loss, According to the figun•os obtained from the National Registration there are e,e03 in south Essex who have done farm erotic. of whole 1600 tie willing to work If aalle(1 upon. wade recurds for the manufacture of the largest sheik down to the most 1t11n tl'e mechanical cont19valtcee 111 Iatn119e. 1 tin with fuses and time charges, This WAS not done by saying "We can't do it we 0311'1 get labor.' but it was done by labor organization mostly with the help of teen 012(1 girls who had never been itlaide a factory before, They were speedily taught their parte, and tato suoceas of the Canadian factor. Le010 now 11(20011 throughout the world A groat example of rasing wbat lob is et pandits the outstanding episode the great battle ot Picardy when Gen- eral Sir Hubert Dough's 5th army broke under the overwhelming attack of the German Emcee aid it seemed as if the Huts w0121d smash through and capture the city of Amiens; But Gen. er31 Carey tilled the breach. He got Oool<s, camp followers,railway construe, tion men, Chinese laborers and anyone he could get and what the 5th army failed to do he succeeded (11 doing and held the Huns back for Aix days with tate uoudescript troops who had no prey iuus training in trench warfare anti no organisation prior to the tints , he gath- ered them together, General Carey did not say,"1 cannot nee this class o matt" but he gut in and made the best of a critical situation to the glory o the British Army. Ha7s; Seal rth ee.-Treas. w '5• Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, I Pied:woo W. Kinn, Constance. yohn Bennewels 1, eaeralObservations j Irodghagen Robert Ferris, Harlockr Malcom I g f7 US'"'•on, Canton, b McCnttney, Seafoethr 1 (' wad Connolly, Goderlcb: Jas, Evans. Beechwood. I0. Aganta 'Ales. Leitch, Harlock; E. Hinckley. Seaforel• • 1 Mk= Chesney. Egmondvllle• J. W. Ye„ iotmeavftfer R. G. Jarmouth, Brodbegen: Jan -e i err and John Govenlock, Seaforth, strikers. Patties desirous to effnct Insurance ar cranes - her business will be promptly attended to b rpllmtlou to any of the above °Moere, address 'their respective postofllces. RAP itA 16615 els. plio6t I{til' it LINIMEtl'tp its B 0 C C RIGa4P�&C1 'rhe Original and must more manly y you will feel„ What an amount of good might be I dons by the poor harmless men gossips C if they would only quit retailing their petty, trashy stories, and get busy air - !f oulating helpful work for National good, 11 you have been handling evil try the other kind and see hcw teat (nllilie The pessimist has a grand opport- unity to get iu his good work this week but must turn his blue glasses on the Central powers ot(tloolr, His grouch will tit the Kaiser exactly this week, Beware of Imitations Sold Oil the r Merits et Minard's Farmers Opportunity That city men are of little use on a farm is the confirmed belief of the far- mers, who do not staffer helpers gladly. Walker of Ingersoll died 111 the at Kelnloopn, 13. 0, on July 1J th. Flo had Jived in Alberta for t6 years. Flex Cosanoritoh, a Ruee oit,wae fin- ed $3(10 in Brantford for distributing literature tending to injure the preset) talion of the war. He called for 0111 worktlg mea to refuse to 0oil< for more than four hours per day, Oue1p11 Connell will open an office to disrbute coal and Cuutrolier H eyrie or has Warmed the dealers that their 'icon. of sex would lie eauoelled for ono These are times of emergency, and if the Oanadian farmer makes up his mind he can utilize to tremendous advantage the men and the women of the towns who are only too willing to go to his assistance. He must not ex- pect them to be experienced and to know as much of the intricacies of farm work as he does, because it has taken him a life time to aoguire his ereQ,eletion. But having the know- ledge of farming, and of the intimate details of farming at his command, he should have the ability and the pat looms to organize this unskilled help, show each of them hie special job 0nd how beat to do it. A few hours pat- ient teaching in cue particular line of 1 work will soon get the "green horn" into line and by patience and consider. ou, there is uo question about it, the mere of Canada can exhibit an or- uizing capacity that will not only prise themselves but will also be of eurpaseed benefit to the British Em- 1<ilrimnnt They want men who can dos good days at( work without faltering and without the far award lnaniptllation of faint tools. gn kr the m tone of an experienced hired man, even alt tf h0 can't d( . appreeiated by the farmer than the "green horn", HURON NEWS The psychology of the farmer is as ill if the city man can go throu For Safe SCRANTON COAL V. 1. Seaforth. Phone 13© got sur work, Ile 13 more , pire in increasing the harvests. , terestillg as the psychology of the city Geo Ilanau n patriotic citizen of farmer u_r I n tIIIIAN emputintence with , Vo ,. other bonds and .1 d had nisi who 85112111 go on a form to help' Wlllgharu, purchased 31100 worth of eoth rare! 311.1 ,trbsi, life enable me to them out to .lip off the iutereetcoupon see. th!it 111!1 farmer 1$ 9'lspieiene of the left then{ on the tabl(•. Mrs. Mason' i Choked for Air,—Some little irritant beeolllea lodged in the bronchial tubes, others gather, and the awful choking of asthma reeulta. Nothing offers quite such quick and positive relief as Dr J. D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. The healing, soothing smoke or vapor pe110 testes, clears the passages and gives un told relief. Usually it completely cu;•os. It has behind it years of suc- oess. It is the sure remedy for every sufferer, Bayfield Special anniversary servioes will held in the Methodist Church 011 Sal day next when the sermon will preached by the Rev, Mr, Anders() father of the pastor, Special nuts will be furnished by the choir, Thur { ortune Is Built On Saving If you have to work hard for your money make You r money work hard for you. Our Savings Department pays 3X per annum and this interest is added to your principal twice a year. 456 SIiAFOR'rH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, Managetp, 11.101111119 iliatilasnOMMIMMEMONIMMINIMMIltiSS011,11•1•Mwe iXIOlfNI RXXXWR XPRIMMOIMSAWY1611 WMPAPIMINMIX*00,0 0A111RMAfNt6 VIA 1Afinth-op Presbyterian Sunday set vice 2.311 pm, Sunday School 1 13p to Prayer meeting Tnosdoy 8 p, til. le 0 eat Wed. eonstanee Methodist Rev, 'P. E. Sawyer, pastor, Sunday service 2.30 pen. Young People's Loa - g 1x2, 30 p ni Sunday women's .auxin ary first Tuesday of every month it 30 p.10, r0811(35' ,rid 1101 l'hnr0tlay of nob month 2.30 p.m First.Presbyterian Rev, F. 13, Larkin,, Felder. Huntley services 1 L n,10, and 7 p in, Sunday school 2,30 p,tn. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7, 45 p.m. Wouteu's Miee- ionary Society"the first Tumidity in each month at ,; p tit, Barbara Kirkman Mie• cion Band 3rd Tusadayt h1 the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 211(1 Monday at 4.15 p.m, McKillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday 50rvioes Duffs' olul1ch 11 a 01 Sunday school 10 a m Prayer meeting Wed- needay 8 p,m. women's Missionary Society last Friday in each mouth at 2 o'olock. Normal Examinations CHURCH NEWS hent, X11 ter this He ad are ebl5I10.1 fres of oharge, ex - opt ulnae re'ardtngmeetings whore an a !mission fee le charged. '1.11 + rate for such being tiro cent pct count line S1E7J11FORTH elk LllReKES St, James' St James' Unroll, Rev. Father P., F. (Goetz P, P, ' Early idtiss 8,311, High Maes 10,30, Sunday School :3 p. m. Vespers and Benodietiuu of the Bleee• ed Saorument,7 p. til. St. Thomas' Rev, T. H, Brown, Rector, Sunday ser0ces 11 x.111 and 7 p.m. Sunday schoo 1 2.30 p, m, Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.m. Children'sbrsnoh Saturday 2 p.m. ntorcession serviette every ;Thursday, .0 p.m. Methodist Rev, 13. D. Moyer, pastor —SUNDAY—Glass at 14:00 a.m, Public service 11 a•m. and 7p,m. Sun day salmi and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.nl. Prayer Meeting Thurstla y 8, p.m. be The record of this year's class at the 1- Stratford Normal School is an excel). be tionally good one, Out of 232 cAudi- n, dates writing 8 failed and 18 were un- it able to make Second plass and are awarded Third class certificates, Mise Ada Dewar of Kincardine ie tt gueat'of her brother, Mr, David Dew Clarence Polliok and Frank King a spending their holidays at their home James Campbell and sister spent few days in Toronto, (e Dr, b, Silcox and hie staff are to be ar congratulated on the splendid showing made rt)by the class. One of the Thirds e Elgin L, Schatz, of Dashwood, did not try his examinations tie he waft drafted a andanfssed the Third group of the studies, Miss Nora Beattie is a guest of her HURON COUNTY sister, Mrs, A, E. Erwin, Mr, and Mra, Andrew Robinson ar guests of their son, Wm, Robinson, a his summer cottage, The Patriotic Society held a home made cooking sale on Saturday and realized a good sum as people were glad to get their Sunday rooks'without fire and fuss. 6 Sarah 0, Armstrong, Goderich Seeond Class Certificates The Rev, Ashe-Everest had for his sermon on Sunday evening the problem of suffering and gave a very interest ing disourse, The annual garden party will be held on the rectory lawn on Friday evening, This is oua of the events of the season which is always enjoyed, Kippen Mrs, Crawford was in Ripley attend• ng the funeral of her son•in.law, Mr, he has etrenge ways, leo /lees in a the stove as they looked like old paper hu even dleasi•e st city man. 1it, man0 (..man1s n str:ulger' cleatnng up, the bonds wetl1 into , S i •ttrsukb place, — ...`.— ss(.*e- and were burned tip, b lv. Hs( is d1d'eralit 1s( -.40-•'t 012,8 from the roan on the farts(, beat difference Bruese."a will have s large tire prat- action cement tank built near the Atn- A Witt f ' ; The city 1514111 15 more affected thant it Edi i oh r water em their pump. the man oil the farm, ut:d aff00101)oti ,s i in B�4.. N sines u Without a proper whit of adver- tlsin Is ili'fe a motol'without the power ala News IDVERTISE`iENTS Wirt supply the 'required energy phone - 34 cv0n1t1p5127 does net re ceeseeity signify sttperority atI ry and the factory will keep am Jackson. w'l.o will be remembered. s a former merchant of 'instill a num er of years ago. Rev, D, ,Johnston preached in St. ndrews Church oe Sunday night, Dr, Mary Johnston has been visit. g Mr., Robt, Munn in Hay Towr- ip. re Miss Elsie Whitmore was hefora w days. a bane, L15105 close to nature with 31r. Alexander Dyer passed away at;sh simple tastes keeps the farmer nati.Ira1 his home in Exeter on Friday, July 12, iand that is a blessing, Both are, at the(. of 33 yevrs. He had been; fe pretty good fellows but they vend to. ailing for.1 nearly a year Daeeased was slough cif their snsl'ui t and get to I born in Devonshire, Etlglaud and came ' tie is as (0(111) to know each other U to Canada as a youug y man, B trade an blame 110 the other forhe was a carpenter' later he W30 ansae - l A ' 11(4 81hy, De any mental at'- fated with the late N. Howard of Ex - Mr, and hire, Richards of Brussolls d their son were the guest of Mre McKenzie on their way home fem.! troit to whioli they had motori(l. Knowledge of self is the beginnieg of all real wisdom. Your city note i outoide of his environment ie as nar- row as the farmer ontsido of lie, He 'should get to know hitneelf, and know. ledge comps through re -actions setup by ('0(Ita01 with oondi31101,0'and remora outeids of one's ordinary reettni, life. If the man on the farm will take stock of himself he will tied that he 10 slow eke, to adopt inn r;+•. tions. He won't relinquish the ancient 13ndmarl(e, Line• fet,ee litigatinn Ilse ever been a fruitful source of i100nt0 to lawyers, The fanner is a feudal baron, in the dircot line of succession from earliest eter in a planir:g mill, He is serviced by six children, Mr Ed, Jones recently delivered to '1 r, 1 .t200110015' Exeter, a hog which tipped the scales at 700 pounds and for shiert he received the sum of $102,:15, Rev Frneet nil Mrs. -Grigg, who have heel, missionaries in Indra for many years. returned to Exeter last week, to spend part ..rf their two years furlough, They left India over a year ago but spent g p t tan months in Franco) !with the Y. 51 o, A, It i0 te,u years 1since they had their last reek sell, Leet week Meners, Steveus0n and Dadra M. Asquith, Althorn. Fleenor) Barber, Wingham, Edna I Carr, Ethel, Annie 0. Clow, Wingham, teiunie H. Draper, °linter,. Graoe J, Dyer, Goderich, Mina Ehlers, Dashwoed, Ella 13., Elder, Seaforth, Almeda Finkbeiuer, Crediton Elizabeth L, Ford, Clinton. Dorothy Fowlies, Bayfield,. Ada I. Fulton, Brussels. Ella J' Granger, Auburn, Julia 11J, Hauch, Crediton, Laura [,fan 1 Holmes, Bluevale, Lila 111, Hewett, Anbnrn, Margaret 1(1, Lansing, Loudesboro, Elva 11. [Jan.] Little, Seaforth Anita I. McDonald, 131uevale, Rebecca D, McGowan, Blyth, Marie G. Meagher], Dublue, Agnes Mttt•phy, deaforth: Olive i11, P.intcnl, Wil,ghein Elsie 0, Robertson, RVitlghatn; Helen Rollaway, Clinton I Metiers, (palace Bros, of Delhi wrote A. V. Shanahan, Olitttoi I the Food Board of Ottawa to get a Violet Sharpe, I1ashiecotf ruling upon the yarn (11 circulation to Lavine Smith, Crediton the effect that it was illegal to save Ruth E, Sothern; Fordwich wheat for seed, The answer they re. Rae Stothere, Dungannon calved was a follows,— "Replying ollows,"Replying to your letter of June ►dy July' 5 cornpetions Roar Boys and Cling Arret,goments !rave hen made to have the Oattadian Bankers Association me -operate with the Department of Agriculture ill prokiding a liberal sine of money to be ofterod in prizes( for oalves and page exhibited b; boys and girls under 17 years of age at one hair in each disirlot, Boys and gih'le should lose no time in finding out all about these ao(npotitlnus tie the calves and pigs must be led at least six weeks by the boys or girle who exhibit them and it is very important to not promptly in smearing copies of the rules There are no entry fens. Full informetio„ regard Mg the competition cum be obtaitled from the manager of any bash in the looatity where a fair is held. Salvation Plrnny Mont, Doherty and Envoy Whittiold Holinees meeting 11 a,m. Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7' p.m. Childrene Service—Directory olass 10 0,10. Bible chows 4 p no Week night Meetings—Wednesday Freer meeting 8 P.m Egrnondville, Presbyterian Rev. 5 MuLtau pastor. Sunday 001' vices 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible alarm 3 p.m, Prayer meeting Weduesday 8p, m. 'Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p. in. Womeu'e Mieoion- ary Society 31d Wodneeday in the month at 2.30 p.m Ladtee' Aid mea 0 im- mediately after. New Books Fiction—Oh! Mousy Money, Porter; French Windows, Aysoougl(, Poster John, Buchan; Fore, Van Loan; Two faced Man, Vauaudy; His Last Bow; Doyle: ; White morning, Atherton, Amazing Interlude, Rinehart; Pawns Count, Oppenheim; Soniee, McKenna Ninety six Hours Leave, McKenna; Invisible Enemy, Shedd; Treasure Val- ley, Keith, Lizbetl( of the Dale; Keith End of the Rainbow, Keith; Duncan Polite; —Non Fiction— Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, Service; Minstrel in France, Lauder; Front Lines Cable Serbia Oruoified, Krunich; Face to Face with Kaieeriem, Gerard; Deduotione from the World War, Louuhevei•; First Oall, Empey Non-Fiction—Little Grandmother t f the Russian Revolution, Blackwell; Winged Warfare, Bishop; Private Peale Peat; Poems, Brooke; Sea Doge and Mea at Arms, Middleton; Life of J, J, Hill, Pyle; Wonders of War in the Ale, Wheeler; Familiar Ways. Sherwood; Local Agent Wanted for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of Orchard trees need replacing` War Gardens call for small fruit trees, Asparagus, Rhu- barb plants etc. The demand for Ornamental stock in towns and villages is targe. Secure a paying Agency with liberal commissiods, Exper- ience not necessary. STONE & WELLINGTON n the Edge of the War Znne, Aldrich I (Established 1837) e - Trench Pictures from France, Redwardi Juvenile—Trueheart Margery, Carson;! Tt7RON TO, ONT.. Young Loggers, Pendexter; Don Strong', Hayliger; Howard Chase, Sheldon; Peewies of Pentane D1lumook; Corse-.! e 1 by Soarts, Harborough; Bobby Coon' Burgess; Jimmy : kunk, Burettes; I Friends in Feathers, Porter; Seaga &t Sealed Tenders addressed to the utdersiened, and eud018od, ' Tender fur Renewal of South Pier at Bayfield, 1 tt torhes f.,r I.,ttle ()yes; Browne, i May Save Soo • Wheat Ont," , will be received at this office 1 , nutil 12 o'clock twee. on Wednesday August 7, 1918, foe the completion of 1 Simeoe RefortngIrent wal of South Pier at Bayfield, Ht.. Beatrice. S. Wade, Fordwiol, 0, A. Bethnal], 'Zurich 18th, there is no regulation either en the part of the Canada Food Boar(1 or a the Board of Genie Supervisors to pre. Mit Oe 111300nl'age anyone front retain. fug necessary adeg11510 5npplies of seed wheat. Special regulations of the Board of Grain Supervisors lamed from their office, Grain Exchange Winnipeg, Man, , stipulalee that anyone may sell wheat for any price which the purchas- er 15 willing to pay for it for use for seed purposes!' Tilled Class Standing Irene J• Allan, Wingham Jessie Chesney, Seaforth Zerelda Churchill, Clinton Mary 13' Gibson, Wroxeter ManleyMao McClinobey, Seaforth Elgin L Schatz, Dashwood Rev. J. M Eelcart left last Friday for his home in 13awthrone, N. Y. 'I'he hay harvest of late has ben good owing to that dry weather the crops aro maturing toe rapii0y which will retina the yield expe0ted. Mrs, Fred Eckert is spending her holiday 's in Logan with her sister Mims Maggie Doherty who is home from Chicago, The Foe of Indigestion,-.._Tudigestion is a nommen ailment and fewaro free from it, 1t is a moat distressing 0Om. plaint and often the suffering attend- ing it is moat severe, The very beet remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken aceordieg to diteotione. They reotify the irregular action of the stomach and, restore healthy action. Fur many years they have been a stand aril remedy for dyspepsia and indigente on and are highly eateonted for their qualities, BEATH*. ton County, Chi, Plana and forms of 'ontrspt call he 'seen and apeciticetiou and forme of Louder obtained at this Department and at the otliee of the District Engine. ler, Equity Building, Toronto, fent, , and lee0 made 00 printed forms supplied by tit the Post Office, Hayfield Ont, 'Ponders will not be considered un - the Department audits accordance with oeedntious uon1alued teeroin, Rath tender trust be anc0tnpauio-d l,y nn aeo0ptetl ohegnn on 50 chartered honk, payable to rho order 01 the Min - litter of Public Werke, equal to (0 p, o, of the ;(mount of the lander. Note—lime pr1ute 0011 1,0 obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted batik 0(0que for the sutra of $10 payable to the ardor of the Muds. ter of Public Wo•rlts, wbi:b will be r<'. tined it the ieteidiog bidder submit regular bid, By order, 11, 0, DESROCIi'k;RS, Secretary Depertntent of Plante Wuvlrs, Ottawa, July 16, 1918 H;( LJf'l"r—le Seaforth oil .lu Ed, F. Hallett:{ e 1 y tech a '1'housende of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Graves' Worn( Exterminator, because they know from exper10n1'1 Chow useful it is ai} '1 15', 4 n B O r0 toe tom: We 3011 frill Pat urn i nd :1 A