HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-25, Page 2;PICARDY VILLAGES TAKENRY" FRENCH ALONG THREE MILE FRONT Strong Gorman Positions Captured and 500 Prisoners -Advanced One • Mile Mile Into Bnemy's Lines. deapateh from London seYSt-1 a Castel and the Anehin Fnrm, about Striking the Germans on a front that! a mile to the south, and cleared Out a been Viet for the Past six weeks uumbeF of strong enemy positiona. the French heve once AlOre hrekell'' lines to a depth of more than a mile. I The k reach enetrated the German through the enemy defences and ed- Mor than 500 Germaue were taken Yaneed their lines. This new blow prisoner, at the enemy was launched between The American attack on CantignY, Geste) and Mailly-Itaineval, on the sometime ago, advanced the line =- Picardy front, fioath-east of Amiens, terially at that point, while the Aug.. where there has been but little light - mg .since the French, by a local at- tack, pushed the Germane out of Sene- eat Wood late in Mav The attack was along a front of ap-1 was launched at a point between p081 - proximately three miles. It swept; tions of the Americans, at Cantigny, the Germans back out of the village! and the Austrians, further north. trawls and Americans on July 4 and 6, cut deeply into the German lines at Mamel, and Villers-Bretonneux, south of the Somme, The French attack NO $2.40 WHEAT ATTACK ON GERMAN IN UNITED STATES EMBASSY, VIENNA Bill Increasing Price Vetoed by Breakdown of Austria's Offen. sive Led to Riots. President Wilson. A. despatc'jt fr lig on says. A despatch from London says: - In vetoing the $28,000,000 annual ag- Rioting which occurred in Vier= and, $11,25; clo„ medium, 58.50 to 59.25; I Markets ®� the World; do., common, 57.00 to 58.50; stockers, I ricultural appropriation bill because other places in Austria following the rs,I50 BELGIAN GIRLS of its amendment fixing the Govern- breakdown of the Austria offensive! $10 .50; feeders, 510 . 50 to , with an estimated yield of 75 bushels DI iir y to tity acres each, meat guaranteed minimum wheat culminated in a vicious attack on the I Breadstufl's Morstreal, July 16 -Choice steers the average condition is extra good,: $11.00, ' ! per acre. These aro exceptional, but' informed Congress on Friday that he ing to the most recent reports re-.; -ssre„ 1 , .Wom.en labor on the farms is proving I did not believe the farmers of Amara- cowed from a reliable neutral source.; Northern, $2.20%; No. 3 Northern, o 59.00;. canners, 56.00 to $6.00; were making Bandages in Hos- I in turying. II 'Northern, 52.23%; isle. 2 $10.00 to $7.00; butchers' cows $7 00, - effective and acceptable, particularly. ca "depend upon a stimulation or Before the military and police could! choice milk -fed calves, $12.00 to, ----- a • 11GOOD CEREAL 1 CROPS IN ENGLAND Optimistic Report of Food Situa- tion in Great Britain Received. A despatch from Ottawa says: --A optimistic view of the food situati in Great Britain is taken in n cab} grant received by the Minister Agriculture from W. Robertso who is representing the Departmet of Agriculture on a special missio overseas. The improvements in tunl conditions and in the outlook ar Dr. Robertson cables, attributed large ly to the American and Canadia campaigna for conservation and in creased ItOoduetion: the availability o additional shipping; the Britiah Foo Controller's regulations• Mere:Ise yields of cereals end potatoes in tit United Kingdom; rigorous aeon= In Frame and Italy, and inerea.se the English potato crop foo 1917 o ; . . 117,000;000 bushels over 1916. Dr. Robertson finds that tile cora FROM OLD SCOTLAND NOTES OF panns,wr FROM nor BANNS AND, BRAES, What is Going OP In the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld on! Seetia. e•i Sir John Watson, third baronet of of; Ninewelt, Ilamillon, line been killed in la action while serving with the Latimer% 11'1 Mr. and Mrs, Allan Steveasou of lialieraig St Airdrie recently celo. 0.1 " ' I heated the (16th annivorsar3' a their murriage, 11 I! Tbc pooh efts of Athol men tly ,! opened the Victoria Lanigue Club Mr overseas mime, at 8 Itiniant Square, a; Edinburgh. 111 The St. Andrews bakers will not o dieplay cakes and small bread in their y ; windows, at the request of the Minis - n try of Food. f 1 An anonymous donor, interested In, the work done for soldiers, has sent -1 it handsome Ameeleau organ to the „Ayr Y.M,C,A. Soma James Gentleman, Svafoeths, Elgin, who has been awarded the Military Medal, is a well-known Elgin football player. The daily firing of tho one &clock gun in Edinburgh has been discantlie • tied, ov,•ing to the effect it has upou invalid soldiers. Rev, George MacauleY, minister of Pllrig Church, has been notified that tls only son, Lieut. 0. R. J. MaciiitleY, at.F.A., is adesing, t', Robertson has been elected to 11 the vacancy in the Edinburgh lagistrams, caused by the resignation Bailie White, Sergt. James McTurk, youngest son ---------,--a.....,- -----.'____ _Americans Clean out German Dugouts at Cantigny.$ Modities eearee are sugar, butter and This photograph was taken by French photogettpliers in the village of Cantigny, which was captured in' a v 1 area," Dr. Robertson acids, "England's fre"iWt.ith a considerably increased the villa brilliant attack by Americans. The photo shows the Yankees engaged in cleaning out'the German dugouts in ge. A German is"shown rushing out of a shell-wreckecl, gas-filled underground hidin - lace while- ' --------- eral of his countrymen who have already surrendered, watch his flight to the openair. cereal crops are in excellent condition, , _se ; Farmers expect uncommonly largo I nyields per acre., I have seen wheat Price at 52.40 a bushel, the President German Embassy in Vienna, Record- Toronto, July 16.-Manasaaa wheat $12.00; poorer, $10.00; choice bulls' KILLED BY BOMBS nation and the world at this time of ture is said to have been done. price to do their utmost to serve the intervene much damage to the strue..! store Fort William, including 2%c tax f13.00; poorer grades, $7,00; sheep,I pita! Raided by Foe Aircraft. ALLIES CAPTURE I Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 88%c; '12.00 per 100 lbs; Spring lambs 18 crisis." Every effort has been made to keep No. 8 C.W., 85%c; extra No. 1 feed, per per lb; choice select hogs, $19.00; A despatch from London sayso-In . c. The President said the patriotic the fact secret, but gTadually the in-185%ei No. 1 feed82c----------------- pigs and heavies $15 00 a rec t spirit of the farmers has been "Worthy • formation about this prophetic episode American corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln I bombs launched upon an ambulance of all praise and has shown them play- is leaking out. TJndoubteclly it is dtied, nominal; No. 4 yellow, kiiniFIRST ROYAL they have raised this year have, re-; added that the bumper crops !important bearing on the rioting. nozoninalt according to freights outskle. , teem dropped in the immediate neigh- A despatch from Paris says•-Aus- b AIR VOYAGE! 'rayed against Cermany with regard to BY B I ' Peas -No 2 n minal a oordi to; ALBANIAN TOWNS °bfeeltilra.waLddedMtbe IvIllitars' Medal and , . . en German raid on the B • elgiana,' sources of the country." part in the full mobilization of the re- , give more than the meagre supplies, Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 83 to 1 ing a most admirable 'and gratifying ' true that the refusal of Germany to I ; which she advanced to Austria had an 84c, nominal; No. 3 white, 82 to 83c,I dried, nominal. ' front. According to a special de- spatch from The Hague, 60 bombs Signs of Austria's Panic in Des- John Jamieson, ex -Provost, and for truction of Own Depots. twenty-one years park at La Panne, behind the Yser a member of the Rattray Town Council. William.rs. MeTurk, Ayr, has more than 50 girls were killed by air li • d ntari h . the nations ar-1 RHINE CITIES AGAIN RAIDED lux lot, $2,22, basis in seore Montrel, King and Queen of Belgium Winter, per their food supplies. ! A fixed minimum price of $2.40 a ' - Crossed Channel IR Barley -Malting, 51.24 to 51,26, bushel( the President said, would In- ' A despatch ere= Lonriun says:- nominal. 50 Minutes. The Air Ministry has issued the fol- uc vheat-51.80, nominal. •e wounded, 80 were South of tho 'Devon River our iu C° crease the price of ficur from $10.60 to • 1 I A despatch front London ea s• A instantly killed or died f ' ' i t • d- ckburn Street. Edinburgb, bas ditional burden of $387,000,000 this aur 512.50 a barrel and would put an ad. lowing statement as to recent opera- tion*: "During the night of July 11 $10,95, Too nt Manitoba flour - War quality, • Rye -No, 2, $1.90, nominal, Royal ., Y--- 1 . . . . tom insui es • loops, continuing their successful a _ within a few minutes 40 m been of great service to American 501 - an escort of three Belgian sea Year on the coasumers. Such an in - hive enemy airdromes, at two of Ontario 'e flour. -War quality, machines successfully bombed crease in price, he said, would force t 10.65, in bag, Montreal and Toren' a similar increase in Canada, thus, en.; which fires broke out. Many rounds 00, prompt shipment, larging the whole scale of financial of machine-gun bullets were fired at Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mon- operatIons in this country by the Al- trains, searchlights and other military treal freights, bags included: Bran, lied Governments and affecting prac- , objects. On .1121y 12 the railway sid- 535 per ton; shorts, 540 per ton. Scatty the entire world, 1 ings at Saarbrucken were attacked, Hay --No. 1, $13 to $14 per ton, h HSI IR SQUADRONS freights out'side. a e ng e moat, and several Miens are retiring before the allied Provost Thomsen, mon t ros e , has struck a large villa about 100 yards advance in -Albania, arid are destroy -1 liag their depots, according to the War! w"" been p,I..esented by a number of friends from the hospital, portrait in, oils, painted by Of the many girls in the villa en- Office announcement on Thursda ing gaged in making bandages and repair- night, which says: •. 1 Since its opening the- Wecome Club David Alison, A.R.,S,A, the Croix de Guerre. The death took place recently et WISH GAIN NEAR MERRIS All our machines returned safely." :orancIttrTacoirco flt,toba.;oriirtioixed, $11 to 512 per GERMAN PEACE COSTS Straw -Car lots, $8 to $8.50 per ton, track Toronto. RUSSIA $3,605,000,000 - Country Produce -Wholesale A despatch from Paris says: -Ger- Butter -Creamery, solids, per lb., many's claim for indemnity from 4230 to 43c; prints, per lb., 43 to Rus*iti. amounts to the round sum of 48*.c; dairy, per lb., 35 to 36c. Are Within Quarter Mile of That 7,000,000,000 rubles, according to a/ ggis-Ne; laid, s41to43 Important Hamlet, report printed in the Berlin Vossischei a 20c; f es.v1 21 t Zeitung of the work done by the mix-126P•criduterZlingse,elb.e,r30c; turkeys,e'27 to o, in France saa,ma-British operations in A despatch from the British Army 1 ed commission named to take up con- 30c. sideration of claims growing out of Wholesalers are selling to the re - the Merris sector since Tuesday have I tail trade at the following prices:- ' the conclusion of the Brest-Litovsh ' liteught the line forward to within twins, 23% to 24%c; old, large, 25% Oheese-New, large, 23% to 24c; , etc me, was selling his 1000111a quarter of a mile west of that ; mportant hamlet and secured for the ' BELGIUM TO BECOME jJeace ----_.:.-._- to 26c- twin 26 to 2639c. London, and virtually the *first time . began that King Albert has visited lands there. latish. complete observation of Ger- utter -Fresh, dairy choice, 40 to since August, 1014, that he has been I There will be 1:111.---arnple stift/y of an positions in the village. A FEDERAL STATE' 42c; creamery prints, iresh made, 45 outside his native land. The only Holland bulbs in the autumn', but to 47c; solids, 44 to 45e. On Tuesday Australian units push- - - Margarine --28 to 83e lb. time that King Albert has been out-lorders should be placed early. forward north-west of Morris along; A despatch front Amsterdam says: Eggs -.-1o. 1's, 48c; in cartons, 51 side of Belgium has been during one front of 1,200 yards to a depath of • -General Baron Friedrich von Falk -i to 53e. or two ' informal trips into France. 0 yards and drove the enemy froml-a. t enhausen, the German Governor -Gen- I Dressed it p a chickens, . e high ground overlooking' Merris.leral of Belgium, has decided, says the' 65 to 6001 roosters, 25c; fowl, 85 to OVERFLOWING OF DANUBE n Thursday the British infantry; ' Hamburger Nachriehtin, that Belgium 1380; I CAUSES DAMAGE IN AUSTRIA turkeys, 40 to 45c. gain reached °Lit and claimed an -:i hall be'tu ed into a Federal State! Live poultry -Spring chickens, 50c; thee strip of hos.tile ground west of .1 on • e lines S -,h rnof Austria. Flandeiris lie* to 82c. A despatch front Zurich, Switzer - roosters, 22c: turkeys, 30c; hens 80 es guarded King Albert and removed front the villa, of whom 24 Queen Elizabeth of Belgium on their died later. flight over the Channel from Belgium I which rnarked the first time in history!TheyRevolution neocb--___Aluessese;_.,Ftacs to England Saturday morning', a aalp1Teuton N Estates that any ruler has ever made a flight I .....-___ front one country to another. j A despatch from Italian Army The royal couple travelled in sep- ! Headquarters says:-A,ustrian prison- arate seaplanes, each operated by al ors confirm the reports that a large Belgian army aviator. On the Brit- 1 number of noblemen are selling' off ish side of the Channel the King land-1their estates in Bohemia and Moravia ed first near a British warship off j because they fear a revolution, It is Dover. The Queen descended soonsaid that Count Czernin, former Aus- afterwards, her seaplane also landing tro-Hungerian Foreign Minister, has near a warship. They started from I sold for 3,000,000 crowns all his lands the Belgian coast and made the trip' in Bohemia., and that the purchaser to England in about 50 minutes. The : was a bank with agricultural inter - purpose of their visit to England was ests. It is also stated that Count GrBeaetcause of the shortage of shipping to attend the silver wedding anniver-;11enry Clam-Martinic, former Premier, Britain has already fallen be- The Glasgow Rotary Club has pre- en Saturday, sary of King George and Queen Mary, expressed the opinion in Vienna that 1 hincl 25,000 tons in her schedule of ' clety for service in the MIS', ssecnotteudsb abramaGethoToramthbeulRaneaceertooss tslioe. ' a revolttlon was probable in Moravia meat shipments to France, compared , Lieut. William Morton Smith M.0 This is the first time since the • r and ranee, have occupied Kosnitza 'cresC diem and sailors. in all its extent, as well as all the' Corporal Harry Dunlop, Royal Scots, villages in the Tomorica valley up to:son of jamas Dunlop, Penicuilt, and Dobreny. On the left the Italians' a noted football player, is reported killed in action. captured the heights of Cafe Glumaka, taking 250 prisoners, including four been appointed. an assistant control. G. W. Currie, M.P., Edinburgh, has officers. The Austrians suffered ler in the Department of Minietry of severe loses, and in retiring burned their depots and engaged in pillage.1Munitions of War. On the Macedonian front the enemy! A free gift sale in aid of the Red artillery displayed great activity, es-, Cross, was apened by Lady Giveueth !Baring, at Linlithgow, at which the PeciallY west of the Vardar and north of Monastir. British aviators suc- cessfully bombarded numerous enemy sum of £172 was realized. The Military Cross has been award depots in the Struma valley. Behind In Meat schedule. ed to Captain W. B. Watson, R.A.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wnt, Watson, Or- well, Taddingston. the schedule for 1917. 10,05000 U10 totat itt tons shortage in Canadians, is the eldest son of ex - Many a man owes his success in life'Provost Smith, Armadale. to the advice he didn't take from Berwick school, has retired after Eta, Henry W. Willits, headmaster of a others. , ty-two years of service, Red Cross and to purchase soldiers' A sale at Chirnside, in aid of the --," comforts, realized the sum of £123. The death has been announced of Mrs. Robert Lamont, of Kiliellen Farm, Toward, in her ninety-first year. Ierris. This advance reached a : . [Walloon, the newspaper adds, w 1 I Beans - Canadian, hand-picked, land says: -The Vienna newspapers aximum depth of about half a mile i , i ent under German ,control. s,ejnaately under one King or a pre- i _bushel, $8.00; imp„ . hand-picked, report a heavy and continuous rain - 4 extended along a front of 2,200 s a_ issurma or Indian, $6.75, Japan $8 501fall as having caused floods in many rds. parts of Austria and Southern Ger- many, resulting in immense damage to the crops. The rain zone ex- tends front Vorarlberg, Northern Ty- rol, across the Salzkarnmergut, Upper Austria, and through Bavaria to , as egun to yield results which Saxony. The floods were especially1 are appreciable when viewed on the portanc. -0-__. ve calmed out assumed kn.; failtrY. heavy in the Salzkarnmergut, where MaP. The town of Corey, east of the South of Corey the Germans line houses and bridges were swept away. I Re•tz forest, has been taken from the extends slightly to the westward, but: Sunk in the vastness overhead, Song of Airmen Befoke Battle C ans and strong positions in the 1 it curves sharply eastward just be- Risen to where dim whispers stir, vicinity have been captured by the , fore it reaches the Clignon River, , methodical advance that has been the /earth -west of Chateau Thierry. From • source of much annoyance to the the Clignon southward to the Marne Of lonely paths that God might tread And Christ their wanderer. enemy for several days despatch from London says:- As a result of the assaults made by their positions in recent days, and Turn earthward thence our eyes and American forces have been improving Oh, may we soar to such a height, a, The Bolshevik Government of Russia • the French from Arnbleny, south of ; now have a strong line of positions • view has agreed to enter into peace negotia- the Aisne, to the hills south of C,orcy4 running northward front Hill 204, With new intensity of sight tons with Finland, which had ex-: their line has-been straightened and i west of Chateau 'Merry, to the vil- The silent souls of you; pressed, through the German Govern. !advanced to high ground which lends 11'0 of In ment, a desire to arrange a peace . As a result, the British positions ve been greatly improved and a all salient which had been left in e line after Tuesday's attack has en eliminated. Friday morning the operations were 1 being continued at various points, d one strong position was captured . , Limas, 18 to 19c. 150 ENEMY PLANES DOWNED Maple syrup -8% -lb. tins, 10 to a 181 OTHERS DAMAGED1 - tin, 52,.25; imperial five -gallon cans, case, 514.50; imperial gallon tins, per A daspatch from Paris says: -It is i ga ., per can, $10.50; 15 -gallon kegs, per 1 $9.00.maplesugar 1-1b. box ., , officially announced that during the; pure, per lb., 24 to 26c. , month of June aerial squadrons brought down 150 enemy airplanes, . Mo t , .-- sly amaged 181, and set on fire Montreal, July 16 -Oats, Canadian s th-west of IVierris. For some time 31 captive balloons. Our bombing, western, No. 2, 9934c; extra No. 1 British in this sector have had 1 planes dropped more than 600 tons of feed, 96% c. Flour, new standard piete control of No Man's Land, Projectiles. 'grade, $10.95 to $11.05. Rolled oats, the Germans hardly have dared ---sa--- bags, 90 lbs, 56.50. Bran, $35. show their, heads. MUST MEET THE DRAFT I r paretrs,:to5n4,0.cal?if:tin1170 t!Ilgti No, DESPITE THE HARVEST IOMANS CAPTURE SQUADRON OF AMERICAN AIRPLANES despatch frorn Berlin eaysi-Five erican airplanes out of a squa- of six, which started out to raid lenz, fell into the hands of the ans, aecording to the announce - from general headquarters 00 Live Stock Markets A despatch from Washington says: Toronto, July 16 -Choice heavy -In response to a request for post- steers, $1.4.00 to $14 50. butch ' ponement of the July draft call inth cattle, choice, $13.56 to 514,00; do„ north-west, where wheat is ready for; geed, 513,00 to 513.25; do. medium, harvest, Provost Marshal-Genera11$12.00 to $12.50; do. common, $10.00 Crowder has informed the Depart- to 511.00; butchers' bulls, choice, ment af Agriculture that the m'I't $11.50 to $11.75; do. good hulls, sii.on to $11.25; do. medium bulls, $10.25 to $10.50; do, rough bulls 57.50 to 58.50; butchers' cows, choice: 511.60 to $11.75; do, good $11.00 to FRENCH TAKE TOWN OF CORCY AND STRONG POSITIONS IN VICINITY The sum deposited in the Dumfries I Savings Bank last Year was the larg I est or any year in the history of the Australians Again Attack on Somme Front, Bringing Back I ba I Cnakp.tain the Rev, James Scott, PLC., Prisoners -Americans Improve Position,s. 1killed in action, was a son of the late A despatch from London says: - French pressure along the line from the Ilfarne to the Aisne, which began two weeks ago as a series of local at - Rev. Dr Scott, Craig Manse, Mont- fronta they will attempt to break rose. through between the Marne and Aisne The death in action is announced of ' private In the Highland Light In - F . FINLAND WILL NEGOTIATE PEACE TREATY WITH RUSSIA A '015,40 00 ensive operations and gives, On the British front the Austra- treaty with Russia. It was recently; the French good observation points I Hans have been in action once more, announced that Russia was preparing from which they can see what is go- penetrating German position d to cede Finland a strip of land along' ing on behind the Gerinan lines. the IVIumnansk coast, by which thel There has been seine reason for be - Finns would be provided with an ice- lieving that when the German--------5,1141free port on the Arctic Oe . And see 5011 fight beneath war's* gloom ners. 'day. The crews were take/11in filling the monthly demand fur drafted men. , programme will not permit of delay sumo t eir offensive on- the western I aiidpabtroi eitilgleagueisnueanl trtillery duels Fight till the world be one vast torah , Q,f risco life to be; capturing priaoners. On the rest of loward a. new nobility - the lines held by the British there So; woatemawaeomorrewataesomicomemr.....n..,wsr.m. s•Aa•nracxnottaeretmmcm............"..r.........K•ano.raegvteqaaoocecatmn..........opqem_r•m•_ 114,,mseemlen.....mmazaancserverttvarammealessonuasmearmartosteasmanerobrix•sn.FroMMENowaswee......00.1•Mis.....W.W.Mee.Moz.......ts DON'T NIT '25 so 1116H1 ara :I art FA. ms ibi13 liTa5 WAY i1 -o' Now TM AND KeeP 'eat DOWN A 1..Prve. IT5 RIGHT OVER IN 'meet aortas/It else . H Y01/9 PAY . ArrtNytoN To WHAT I TELL YoU., •ThEse TH1Nos woOLDN'T HAPPH14 soNgYou TOL tr. aze.estemealeseeasemene;;;;Z:seeta"... eaa•ata APnd see the battle Rate anew, And know this thing a certainty: 'No one may slay your dead but you - By lack of memoey; And know that always at the end, Though winged death we deem so fair - Death face to face like a dear friend - We prophets of the air, We shall come to you from above, Olt, brothers of a common Must - We shall share with you in new love Your victory of dust, ; Oh, ntight we then bring to the sod Pint whispers that are yet astir, Of lonely paths that Gocl has trod And Christ their Wanderer, • 1, 1, "The profiteer is a man who is more laterested in getting his bite than itt giving his bit," . Three times a day at the table You, can fight the submarine by helping be : defeat its object, • .. '