The Seaforth News, 1918-07-18, Page 4Itlt1,OURSSaKNAL CMOS,. 7'fTt,11,liUf111 130SS, PlxyaloliUaud BprlgQou +**i3Me.Q! LQudou 7io plkat, J,oad0u,1 og orad,! Y ia1 attention to d�Qeases of kye, Eat, NOat+ ° e and XOeidenne behind Domiateu Bank Q3fio Phone No. 0, Residence Phone No, foe 77Y�r, U', J, 3UR1t0WS Seaforth Olkott and rug 4!ideneee-QQderh%tt-Street, east of the !Seth odist Olitirob, Coroner for County of Buren Telephone No 40.. _. Tg'1+eRB, t300'rT & MAC1tAY, Physteldas and uSurgQeas, ROderlah Street, opposite Metho- Church, Seawall, Serril.graduate Viral ria and Ana Arbor, and Bomber of Ontario College 01 Pttyysleidhs and Surgeons,. Coronet' for Count,' o4ll4ro1, U.t01CdY, honor graduate Trinity University, go14 medalist Trinity 1YiedlOal 0011oge, Member of College nl Pysielaus and Surgeons untarte, DR; alto. 1IEILEMAb, Osteopthle Specialist ht Women's and ()Microns diseases and ., orpr,ttroubles.duAer on, Ear, and dnoiide moved without thaknife. Consultation tree. 1 Rotel a 1I stay TuasJay,xn•tu, to p.m.; Friday aa,lu, to Spm ,t. Mrs, u�,,mw,,,rMiw,,,asrl e�w,..aRg4NrfnMl!ww++ ACTIN Marriage Licenses D LY jeweler and optician, ass. forth ... insurance Ars pail considering Insurauct, Life or Accident? IIYoa are, a postcard will get out rafts. .1. D. HlNeHLBY, Senegal Agent for London Life Insurance Co. and tmpstial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co Seaforth, Ont. Carnes Watson General Piro, Life and Accident Insurance Agent, set, dealer in dewing 0iachiues. Mai THE lVIcILLOP Mutual Fire insurance Cog Rain and isolated Town Property Only insured. OFFICERS J aa, Connolly. Goderlch, President, James Evan:, 13eeehwood, 'Vice-Proid ant, Tamils; Hoyt, Seaforth, Soc.-Treas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; Iohn G, Grieve Winthrop W. Rion, Constance` Jbba Beanewels, Brodghagen; Robert Ferris, Constance; Malec Mc'000, Clinton; 0 McCartney swarth James Connolly, Godedcht Jap. Evans, Beechwood Agents Alex. Leitch, Harlock; E. Punchier, swarth WUllnm. Chesney, Egmondvt le• J. W, Yeo ' Hplmeswlile; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhaaoa; Jame Kar and John Goveolock, Seaforth, aailtore. Forties desirous to effect Insurance or traoea• other business will be promptly attended to b application to any of the above officers, address to their respective poatofcea. Malcom iS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the OtEee MAIN NT, SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 84 livening 147 MOM SUBSCRIPTION 000 dollar per ear, '1010410 %avenue it nut paid In advance, one Sober sue a halt will be Charged, United Stales papers, tilty cents extra, Wieldy in When subscribers cheauga their address notice should bolas, uslmmedlately, giving both will coand ofeer�a favor by w oo111140s. 000 e of any Irregularity of delivery. Rending Notices• -No mediae aotice, advertising any entertatement or matter by which mouey.le to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tun News without charge. The price for the Inset - don of business announcements is TEN cents per count tine each Insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks S to 9 !Ines. 00 cents. Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notien—Ten cents per line 10r first insertion and five cents Per flee for each subseauet insertion, Yearly Dards—Professional Cards not exceeding one inch, will be !alerted for $5.00 Per year, parable strictly In advance Display advertising—Rates furnished on application, "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntil forbid,": and those sent without written instructions will appear until ritten orders are received for their dta. continuance. $ Lotter. to the Editor must. be accom- panied by the writer's Own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no resPoa• slbility whatever for the statements made In. such communications. Lettere on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as aid advertising, lalnl marked P P a t B Y p as such, The rate for such mailer Is ten canto per Ilne, J. F. SNOWDON I EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Tiullutt Sionley Hay Stephen 2'uokorstuitit McKillop Uaborne j' General Observations tr The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold en the in their anger against the property Merits holding class of the late aristocrat re - of gime, destroying not only the personal effects of the nobility and owning class Mind:8 but the very crops they themselves had Liniment, under the former social organization Bolsheviki doctrines have brought Pussin down from eve of the greatest Lod producing countries on the globe W a coudition of starvation, Drunk with a liberty, which they did not au- deretand,filled with idealistic notions about the egdality of man, and lacking iudividual initiative, production in Russia has practically ceased. Trans-. portation and distrioution is so die - organized that even were the peasants of the laud producing their usual amount of foodstuffs, the people in the manufacturing population would still be without the necessary food supplies to sustain them in. Uuleee the people of Russia steady down and organize themselves, there is the possibilty of the most stupendous disaster to a nation and a great people that ever oo• purred in history, We read of peasants for Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. fitY, Seaforth. Phone 130 ti 9 0 n A Business j Without a proper systln of adver- tisill is like a motor without the ar• power Sed'fo t News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the (-required elle ran 1Ahrpne 64 evenings127 THE $ly 755 640 632 1,013 505 539 366 Total 7483 8425 Grand Total 15007 744 682 651 1077 528 507 375 NOR'T'H HURON Ashfield W- Wawatlosh B. Wawanaslt Colborne Grey Morris Howick Turuberry Brussels Wroxeter Corrie Fontwich Blyth 1)nugauuon Wingham Goderioh 737 741 307 ,;06 469 545 490 456 775 789 597 640 749 542 260 133 135 130 221 147 b58 1530 733 270 365 180 180 153 276 169 954 2630 Total 7440 8627 Grand Total 16067 In North Huron 1300 men also said they were willing to assist the farmers if required, This means 70 per cent of total male urban population. This retleote credit ou the patriotism of the people of Huron County. This infor- mation will be aoted upon at ouoe to secure help for the fanners who can get all information from the Agrioul- tural Representative at Clinton, L 'ORTH NEWS Tj&iitradaY Juiy 18 The Need of Thrift Edward Spalding A pioneer of MQKillop pa0s0d away in his 81 year on Friday in the person of Edward Sperling. He was born 111 Ireland and came with the family to Oauada when tett guars old, settling on the farm now owned by Mre Jos. Dor- ranee. In early life he was a oarpou- tet', In politics a etauneh conservative in religion, a 'Presbyterian, He early joined the Orange order and the Soc- iety allowed their appreoiation b'y turn. ing out in large numbers to the funeral in Maitlaudbank cemetery, He leaves to mourn his lose all aged widow and nitre ohildren, Robert of Vanoouver, Albert at home; Mrs Hargett Muskoka Arthur, Edmonton! Howard, Cleveland William, Egmoudville; Eliza, Winthrop Mre, W. Kinonsou, Manitoba, '1'lte family have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. HURON NEWS Thedeath ocourred ou Thames Road of 141r. Thos. Yellow, ou Sunday morn- ing last, at the age of 72 years, Heart ttouble was the cause. The deceased was born in Yorkshire, England, com- tog to Canada about 46 years ago, Be was residing 00 a farm of about 200 acres adjoiniug Exeter, but had retired front active life 18 years ago, Besides the bereaved widow, three children sur. viva, all of Exeter locality. At a Garden party held at Holmes• ville last week, two persona presented a 510 bill at the gate to pay the 30 omits admision The gatekeeper refus• ed to change it and the other paid the price but soon disappeared. 'the money was a little phoney, bergt. J. A, Allen of Wingham re- turned home last week from overseas. He was invalided hoiue from France en account of bloodpoisoning setting in from a cut in his hand. He stands 6ft 5 inches, A windstorm on the night of June 30 th' blew down a large part of the old tannery at Wingham, near the C. P,R tracks. Last week a bad accident was narrow- ly averted near Zurich when Mr, Steel of Brodhagen turning the corner going South at a fair rate of speed when in attempting to avoid another oar de- scending the hill be smashed into a tree. The occupants escaped without injury, but the car was badly damaged, produced. In their re action against Mrs, A, Kerr, in Brussels received last the owning, they have destroyed the week the word of the death of her son !gouge that laid the golden eggs, We Angus Kerr. Angue was well-known road of peasants in certain villages !:n 13ruesels locality, He was 39 years having gore to ouch extremes as to seize the csctle of the local Laud owner now deposed, flay them alive and turn of age and was born in Brussels. He enlisted with the 165 st Hurons, going overseas in 1916, Deep sympathy is t.ru1 luoee. Without the old motive expressed for his mother in her ber. f compulsion to cultivate the land for eavement, the land -owner, now that the land has M,' Ja< Botaman M Y for North reverted to the peasants and they ' themselves are the owners, they have Huron hos moved to Toronto doting negleeted to work and to produce the past week wham r e intoucie to ro- the tlaadaaaries of life, To such aide in future. For malty years they t =lass is the statin!; drifting that re. have been residents of Brussels, eta dispatches have reported that the Mr, T. A. Russel, of Toronto fs pros so-called Government of present-day ident of the new company organized to' Russia are sending pleuop,.+tontarioe to manufacture automatic revolvers for China, the formerly despised and so- the Cuited States army, Tile mann. called decadent neighbour to the east, to make arrangements for provisions to tide them over next winter, It ie f ficult to imagine China, one of the most 1 denely populated areas in the world, , living largely 00 rice and very meagre fare, having sufficient surplus to feed 1150,000,OU0 people in starving Russia, South Huron Registration in this Riding there are 1300 men who aro available for work ou in the he.vest ftelda, if needed. The following are the fiigures for the total registration: Towns Males Females Seaforth 815 1000 Clinton 014 951 Hensall 314 381 Exeter 644 870 Bayfiehl 133 160 Townehipe Goderiolt 452 492 faetnring will be carried on in the old I Ross rifle plant at Quebec, which has been secured by the Dom,on Govern ment for the purpose, Mr, Russel is an old Huron boy, having been raised near Exeter, .s Card of Thanks Mr. and bars, Byron McGill of Mo- liillop wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their raoent bereave- ment, No better proteotion against wo,mg alt, he got than Miller's Worm Powders They consume worms and render the stomach and inteatinee untenable to theta. They heal the eurfaoes that have beoonte inflamed by the attacks of the parasites and serve to restore the. strength of the child that has been un- dermined by the draughts that the worms have made upon it, and that their operation is altogether health - giving. Silver Thimble and Trinket Fund Mrs J, A, Stewart has received word word from G. H, Leos & Co„ Hamil- ton that they have r'eosived a paroel of Trinkets which they valued at $26 80; also 2 barrels of silver plated ware, &o, which amounted to 518 72, Remit tanooe have been sent to Mrs Boyle, the Provincial Treasurer, The following is the statement of money received by the local treasurer which has been sent to Mrs Dottier, North Bay, Receipts from tea room 40 60,money donated 10 20, Winthrop ladies 30 70, Goods sold private 14 25, Leaded paper .20, Total 123 00. Ex- penditure, Expositor 5 00, T. Daley 1 00 Wm Somerville .26, War Auxil- iary .25, W, A, Crich .22, express ,36 Total 3 18, Sent to Mre Dottier 119 82 —Effie McLennan, treasurer The oominittee desire to thank all who contributed to this fund, oopooially the ladies of Winthrop for their fine donation, It will enable the boys in the trenches to receive free, hot drinks to the value of the money sent, It was never as necessary at any stage of the 1Na�ic for Canadians to eliminate extravagance and acquire habits of thrift as it is today, Thrift once started soon becomes a habit. Opening a savings account is the first step in the right direction. Start a thrift campaign to -day. We allow interest on savings accounts at the rate of S% per annum added to principal half yearly, 458 SEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Managgo iiM1ARlIEIflrglARirMIA Al1gAR1711gItl9:pN9Ipi1MWEIRR![MIIBUgitlAfAt���tM�l-1' Winth^op Presbyterian Sunday eetvioe 2.311 pm. Sunday Scheel 1 lop w Prayer mooting Tueoday 8 p. tn, L 0 let Wed. eeonstaaeo Methodist Rev, TX, Sawyer, pastor. Sunday service 2,30 p.m, Young People's Lea- gue2.30 p to Sunday women's Auxil ary Bret Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. Lilies' Aid last Tiluraday of eaoh oiontlt 2,30 p.m f=irst Presbyterian Rev, B', H, Larkin„Pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p in, Sunday school 2.30 p.m, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Societyothe Bret Tuesday in each month at , ,m. Barbara Kirkman ,, p Mfe• cion Band 3rd Tuesday; in the month at 7,30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2n0 Monday at 4,15 p,m. MeltIliop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday services Duffs' church 11 a m Sunday school 10 a m Prayer meeting Wed- neaday 8 pint. women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. Avia r • ,rh 7114 v L CHURCH NEWS It0t05 1 tiler this He ad ore pb,sltad free of charge, ex - Opt thole reettni eineettaaxe where an admission fee is albeinngflvo centrpor ce ount line sF,AFORTH enuneHI S , St. James' St. James' Ghurolt, Rev, Father E. F, Goetz P, P, Early Mase 9, 30, High Mass 10.30, Sunday School p, m• Vespers and Benediction of the Bless. ed Saoramont,7” p. m, St. Thomas'' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday serOces 11 ami, and 7 p,m. Sunday schoo 1 2,30 p, m. Wolneu's Anglioan Missionary Association, Tuesday 2,30 p.m. Ch•ldreu' sbrauah Saturday 2 p,m. ntereesalon services every Thursday, .0 p.m, Methodist Rev. 15. D, Moyer, pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10;00 a.m. Public service -11 a.m. and 7p,m, Sun. day school and Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting 'Thnrsda y 8. p.m. '::::;,,, eo*npetions For Boys and Girls Arreugeweuto have been made to hays the Canadian Bankers Aesooiat on oo-operate with the Department of Agriculture in providing a liberal sum of money tribe offered in prizes for calves and pigs exhibited b, boys end girls under 17 years of age at enc Fair in each dieiriot, Boyo and gide should Ion no time in finding 001 all about these competitions se the ualvss and' pigs roust be fed at Juliet six weeks by the boys or gide who exhibit them and it is very important to not promptly in securing copies of the rnlea 'I'ltere are no entry fees, Dull information regard ing the competition can be obtained front the manager of any bank in tho locality where a fair is held. Salvation army Lieut. Doherty and Envoy Whitfield. Holineee meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 .p•in. Ohildrona Servloe—Direotory oboe 10 a.m, Bible classes 4 p in, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Freer meeting 8 p,n1, Egnoondville, Presbyterian Rev. 8 McLean pastor, Sunday ser- vices 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible class 3 pan Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y.P 142.5 Union 3rd Friday in the mouth 8 p.m, Women's Mission- ary Sooiety 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p,m Ladies' Aid meas ha - mediately after. please help the oyal Air Fore by going ut co WI Flax. You rn;.:y work in the fields right near your h >me town. The local Flax Mill will take y©u to work and bring you home each day without cost to you. In no branch of active service is heroic sacrifice so marked as among our aviators. Their splendid spirit is well revealed in a letter to his parents written by an aviator five days before he made the supreme sacrifice. It says in part: • "If the news ever reaches you, which sooner or later reaches every flyer's parents — don't mourn. We R. F. C. men never think of death; the only thing we think of is the effect our passing may have on our dear ones. So if 1 go the usual way, don't let dear mulnsy cry, wear black, and all that sort of nonsense. Dad, don't you get all up'set. Keep the show going, smile and carry on — "Keep the show going, smile and carry en," that's the spirit. Many boys and girls are WOMEN GIRLS and Men, you can earn $1.00 or more a day pulling flax. eks too young to enlist to "keep the show go- ing" but an opportunity is offering to be of service now: the flax -growers want help, and the Organization of Resources Com- mittee are behind a movement to save the fibre for making the ,loth for aeroplane wings, of-whlcfi the allied armies are in very urgent need. Boys and girls, young men and women, and even old men, may enlist their services for this work. For the converlt;nce of the workers, automobiles will be provided to take them to the fields and back. Six strong boys giving attention to the work should be capable of pulling an acre of fax a day, and as the offered wage is $15.0O an acre (which is the recog- nized rate of the Flax -growers' Associa- tion) this means an average of $2.50 a day to the lads. over 15, you can earn from $1.50 to $300 a day pulling flax. BOYS over 15, you can earn from $1.50 to $3,00 a day pulling fax. You can work for the Local Flax Mill, the address of which is given below. HeIp h for these reasons Flax is used to make, the wings of aero- planes. The grade of flax depends upon t ce its being pulled at the right time. If the flax is over ripe its quality deteriorates. ORGANIZATION 08' RESOURCES COMMITTEE, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO Apply, at once, for employment in this neighborhood to Seaforth, Ti laxmili Zurich, F. Kalb(leich Crediton, Nicholson & Hodgins Hensall, 0, Geiger Exeter, Flaxmill Zurich, A, Heider ni'' Dashwood, Flax ( Stiip.ka, Flaxmill `LS 4