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The Seaforth News, 1918-07-11, Page 8
RUT WEIMER DEMOS That you keep your head cool, Game to our Bar - her Shop and talk it stir- er with us. Sou will en- joy it, Commercial Barber Shop,C4th W: ROBINSON Prop NAV' iS T69E 1LOWUT ER* THS 7NvC SUM: ROTE For Tlekete, Peaervations i. iter- atnr•e and infurnrmtlon, a y,pip a C. A. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea - forth, or write B. L. F,aIrnairn. a Mag. St. I,, Teronro. i+ Aa life NUJfl a ± rR SAYS LEMON JUiCE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Oirla! Make this cheap beauty lotion ,to clear and whiten your skin, Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the beat Heckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at 'eery, very small cost. 'Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this eweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and bands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes, Yes!, It to harmless, Sheriff's Sale of lands © 11,1uron BY VIRTUE OF A W'RI'T' r)F FIERI FACIA) TO 'WIT: issued out of His Majesty's Seoonr Division Court of the County of Beton and to me directed and del-, leered against thh Lands and 'Tone. merits of D, D. Wilson, Defendant at the suit of Francis Holtnsted, Plain- tiff, I have seized and taken in olio. ' cation all the the Right, 'Title, Inter- est, and Equity of Redemption, of the above named defendant, D. D. Wilson in, to, and out of the following lands anti tenements, situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth, Cnnniy of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Viet,, Lots 22, 23, 24, N, Pt, 31, 33, 83, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, and 47, iu D. D, Wilson', survey in the said 'Down of Seaforth, Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer tot sale at my eines, in the Court House, in the Town of Goderioh, o11 Thursday, the eight day of August 1918 at the hour of twelve of the olook noon, R. G, REYNOLDS, Sheriff, Huron, Sheriff's Office, Goderloh April29th, 1918 t'a 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Yt aWew,�..na•—,.,ps--.maw.+m.aror.o--qp St. eolurnban A very pretty wedding took plana in St, Columban Cburets Tuesday morning, iwhen Mies Alice Dalton, daughter of Mr. John Dalton, Hibbert, wee united in marri- age to Mr, Premeds lope, Peterboro, Tho bride, who wee given away by her father, looked very pretty in a dress of white Crepe-de-Chene add Georgette Crape, wearing also a wreath and veil and carrying white bridal ruses. The bridesmaids .Hiss Resents Cronin and Miss Minnie Dalton pre- sented a pleasing contrast in armies of pato green and leek, and carried beautiful hoqueta of sweet peas, The groom wee auppurt.d by hie cousin, Mr H. Young, Tillsonburg, 'Ihu nuptial ,once was celebrated by Rev, Father Burke, St. Columban, After the care• mouy tho bridal party and relatives partook of a dainty wedding breakfast at the residence of the bride's parasite. Among the guests were: --Brother Francis Dalton, Montreal; Mr. and Miss Pope, Peterboro: Mr, H, Young, Tillsoeburg; Mise Anna Dalton, Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. Dalton, Code• rich and Mrs Austin. rho bride received teeny beautiful and useful preeents The happy couple left orthe afternoon train for Toronto and points east; and later will reside in their new home at Peterboro, !.'�taffal :Mea Rhea Sadler has gone to Strat- ford where ehe has accepted a position Mrs. Durant of Salford is the guest of Mrs, .J Harburn. Her husband has been itt the trenches for fourteen months and has come through safety so far, Mise Ferguson, who has had charge of the school here has resigned her position. Her work here has been much appreciated by all, Mr, R, Dalton of MoKillep was visiting friends here recently. Mr, W,W,Sadler was here last week visiting hie brother, John, who recent- ly suffered a stroke. Londesboro J.u, Lonusberry was in .Delhi on the First. Rev. C.C, Kane and family left here fast week for their new home. Mise Lillie Brunedon visited friends in Blyth one day last week, Suss Mabel Fletcher of Granton event iast• week at the manse, ;Mss M, Caldwell is visiting Mrs, !Dr:) Young, Miss Edna Lynn teacher at Don Mille is spouting her -holidays at her 31m, A, Kerslake of Exeter is visit - mg her pivot ti, liaise Woolman of New York State- is visiting friends h:oi•C', Dublin The foilowleg are the result& of the .•xai.tim:tious held is, St. Patrick school tat, Fourth— Veronica McConnell, honours; Mary Writers, Mary McGrath, Lynll Jordon, Jo,' Fraeny, Mary Kenny Jr, IV—Mary Haetinge, Mary Craw- ford, L. Krattskoff,El, Cronin, C, fiorm- ly, H, Hills, John Ryer,. 11. Dill, 13, Feeney, Sr, II1--E, Delaney, }immure; T•Car. pouter, A. McGrath, M, Crawford, i', Dill, L, Ryan. Jr, 11I— L, 'Waters, }immure: H,Roach F, Hills, lI, Enright, Al, Kra skoif,Jas Nagle, V. Feeney, Jae, Carpenter, L. Hastings, J, DiI1,M. O'Conner, A. Del. army, H. Kranakoff, II— M, McGrath, honoere; M, Bills, honours; Jos. Looby, 11, Dillion, C,Dor- resdyn, T. Gormolly, A, Moliynaux, P. Kenuy, A. Enright L. Era uskoff, F Dillion, L, Crawford. Mr, and Mrs, W. Evans and daughte visited friends here. Mr. Jno, Beane spent the holiday in Toronto and Hamilton Mr, F, Cronin of Montreal ie with his uncle, Mr. Jas. Cronin, Ppe, Jos, Weber has gone back to Loddon after three weeks furlough, Mr' Baker was in Princeton attend- ing the funeral of his sister. Mrs, Bloodeworth and children are visiting her paroste, L SIMPQ*TH NOVI'S Mies K, L. Hickey hap gone to Hem* ilton as a teacher in a sohoo1 of music. Her Weed, wish her eueeese, eromarty Tho presentation Of the tablet given Cromarty amide by Major General 1'otherington, of Toronto in memory of his father, Usa lata Rev, John Father- inton, first pastor of Cromarty and Roya oongregations took piece on Sun- days morning and will not soon be forgotten by the large audience whioh packed the buildiug. The service was unique to that it was the first of ite kind to take plsoe here, and sorrowful because of the sad memories revived and yet plessing because of the recog- nition of the pioneers who laid the fouudetioii of the church of Christ it this place, Rey. Mr, Bell of Avonton preached an able andappropriato ser- mon:for the 000aalou and. Rev. Dr Mit- shell of Mitchell, a ooutempory of the late Rev, 3. Fotheringtou, also addres, sed the congregation and told of the troubles and trials which met these sturdy pioneers most of whom are sleep -lug around the ahru•oh and who noth- ing daunted went to'ivork with a will and with great cheerfulness, that would put marry of us to shame iu these days, Rear the close of the service the oldest member of the congregation and cue who helped build the church and who always was held in the highest esteem, Mr Duncan McKellar Sr., unveiled the tablet. Rev. Mr, Ritohie read n letter. from Major General Fotheriughaul re- gretting ',ie abseroe owing to Military duties. the service in the evening wee also very impressive. The choir at both errvices rendered splendid mueie,whieh was greatly to their credit and much en joyed by the largo congregation, Among the those present who came from is distance to celebrate with us, we noticed: Mr. and Mrs, D. Pother - Ingham (nephew of the late Rev,J, Fotheringharn) of Tuokeremith, lir, James Scott and daughter of Exeter, Mr. and Dire, N. Gillespie of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. N. Carrie of St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs, A, Watson of Avoubanks Mr, and Mrs, G,Stewart of Springfield, Mrs, Scott of Barrie, Mise L. Dow of Mitchell, Mrs W. \Norden of Stratford, and many others we did not know. Walton Mr, F. Savage took the services in. the Methodist church on Sunday and preached a very able sermon, Mr. Geo, Jackson, is building a new house. Mrs, Riddell is gaining health after an operation, Rev, Mr, Bentley is expected this week to take charge of this circuit Mr Bentley is a young man. He and his ,,ride will receive a hearty welcome from their people, Mr• W,A, Hialoo of Seek, has been visiting old Montle in this locality. He oarno East epa delegate to the Preebyterian Assembly, 11 is 30 years Pince he left here and has done well. He formerly lived in Grey township. The reeent raffle have done rnueh for the farmers and production, aper'"'Ft' Hay tutting le starting and a farm trop is being harvested, The Women's institute wlii hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs, Qliv er Harris ou Thursday, July 18 at 3 p.m. Mrs, John McDonald will give a paper on How to hake our Meetings Attractive and ;'Miss Iva Harris will give one on Table Decoration. auburn Mise Mabel !dills of titia plane was married on June 28111 to Norman Thom - on of Do nnybrook, The Rev. Mr• Hawkins is away for his vacation and there is no service in the Anglican Church, New teachers will take charge of all the schools in this locality after the holidays as the former ones have re- signed, A traveller at the station who had gone 13 miles without his ticket had to return for it before ne could get a .tick• et. Mrs, John Moles is still very poorly, Her friends would bo glad to hear of her restoration to good health. Mrs, Frazer and children of Port Ar- thur are spending a month here, D EATHB. DAVIS—In Blyth, ou June 28t1, Jas, Davie aged 58 years. TANNER -1n Blyth on June 27th Mrs, John Termer aged 67 years. HICKS—In Egmondville, July 3rd. Richard Hicks, aged 78 years, NIGH—In Seaforth, July 7th, Louis Nigh aged 22 years, McGILL In MoKillop on Sunday Jitly 7th, William Robt. McGill, aged 11 mouths. Notice The Girle' Club, of the Curtis Pub- lishing Co, are oontributing their com- mission for new subscribers, to procure an ambulance for Red Croce work in France, I trust the people of Sea - forth will assist in making a good sum available for this purpose, by taking either the Duffles' Home Journal or Saturday evening Post, Ladies' Home journal 52,00. Satur- day Evening Post 52,50,Country.Gen- tlettlatr 51.75,. Mrs, D. H. McLeod, Guderich St. East, Agent, Thursday July 1 With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore Corns, bard corns, soft corns or ,iy kind .of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the Angers if you will apply directly upon the coma few drops of freezone, say* a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of as ounce of treez- one at any drug store, whlcit is Soffl- Clent to rid ;one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. - This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding time. Gs • This announcement will %tereet many women hero, for it is said that the present high -heel footwear is pet- ting corns on practically; every, woman's feat GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter piut of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just sea how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yee! It is harmless, and the beautiful resuli!g will surprise you. Cleariiig We are placing on our sale counter a number of odd sizes on Wednesday morning and Sattrday Come in and see them and make your selections, Saturday July lath Women's Canvas White Pumps $1.50 White canvas high shoes, buttoned $1,69 e Hh s 'tom e ® T "The Nome of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth ,- ems. •.E,....: ic us . ices of the afirth Na 18 ri r x c ue k rrg Plain to attend Western ( ntt;«u. ri 's P pular Exhibition g $30,000 IN PRIZES 4n\ IL,, �+.pllhllllllll 4111 51,160 added -- this year Full Programme of Attractions twice daily Two Speed Event° daily Fireworks each night Great Pure Food Show in Process Building Plenty of Music, Education, iatot•tainment and Midway Merriment LON DON CANAllA, Sept. to 14' 191 1.'].13.—New automobile entrance car. Dundee and Egerton Sta. Admis- sion 51 covers auto and driver, including parking of car. Prize List, Entry Forma, Application for Space, and all information from the Secretary Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, Prealdent A. M. Hunt, Secretary stSI Mor i Program = Firemen's 5%emonstratkrn, Water Fight etc. Afternoon = Monster Parade to Park, Opening of the Midway, Wonderland, War Souve= ilrs, 3ase Bail Match, Baby Show, Box= ing Exhibition, Piping loud I`a.ucing Boys' ;,ud Gids' Games, Tug of War etc. etc. Evening = Illuminations of the Park, Band Concert, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Hanging of the Kaiser, Moving Pictures, Special films. by Citizens' Band afternoon & evening ere_}ver the d to See Bills for full program Certain morbid conditions most exist Ir the stomach and intestines to en- courage worms, and they will exist as long as these morbid conditions permit them to. To he rid of them and spare the child eutfering, use Miller's Worm Powders. They will correct the dig ratite) irregularities by destroying the worms, conditions favorable to worm* will diaappoar, and the ohiid will have no more auffering from that onnao, For Sprains and Bruises,—Theta is nothing better for sprains and contus- ions than Dr, Thomas' .Eolectrie Cil, It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the aohe out of a bruise and prevent the flesh from discoloring. It seems as if there was magic in it, eo speedily does the injury disappear under treatment, ill be here F. Holmested K. C. , Mrs, A. A. McLennan, A, A. Naylor, Secretary Chairman Treasurer Committee - A. A. McLennan, M. Broderick, A. D. Sutherland