HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-11, Page 5Thursday )illy tI
3111 sDNIUND WALKER,' c;("'. r" 9114 JOHN M D, General Manager
MVO., LLD., 0.0.4., President ' it HC V. P, JONA , AW6 Gea'L Manager
!sok s
CAPiTAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 Rustetive FUND, . $13,500,000
Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest
way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from
The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The cost is moderate. Apply
for particulars. e6
Sea ort ci. J3ra .o..t
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W, J. Walker
W. .1, Walker, holder of gov-
ormuent Diploma and License
Day or Night otitis receive our
prompt attention
Day Plume 67
Night " t8
Fall Terme from Sept, 3rd,
The call for trained help is great-
er now than Over before in the
history of Canada, Our graduate+
are securing splendid positions,
PARTMENTS, If you purpose
taking a business college course
during Fal] or Winter months,
write now for our free catalogue.
Girls! Try al Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wit' -
life; has an incomparable softness ....nal
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff, Thie
destruotive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; the
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair fells out fast. Surely get a
arnall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
from any drug store and just try it,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry
au'umer kitchen and °eller, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, Targe ve
randah. Stable 16' ills' hen :house 9
Apply at the
News Office
For Sale
House and half tore of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Ctnhe Street, ()lose to
the Presbyterian Church and is known
as the Ptst'cell property, Good com-
fortable horse, good shed, good well
and cement cistern, A11 kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes. This is a corner pro
party with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a Moe property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partioulars apply on the promises or t.,
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
it Cut
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
For Sale
A neat and comfortable
house on High Street. All
Conveniences. This prop-
erty must be sold as the
owner has deckled to leave
town. Here is the bar-
gainthat you have been
looking for.
Bond and Debeninre Broker
:Main Street, Seaforth
Phone g a
1.g, Send your cream to ue ar tt reveive
top priests, We are rul:nieg one plant
the year through a,'d can handle you;
full supply and furnish you with cane.
We pay twice each 'eolith and weigh
elmple,and test each can of cream caro
frilly. Our -motto is " Honesty to our
Patrons" Patrons aro requested to re
.urn all our sans when not in use,
3 -iter sn.lBnttermilk alae cu hand
n d for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Good Milling Wheat $2,10
Oats ................................ Bg
Barley,.:,., ......................130
Bran per ton...... ........ ,„,..,...36,00
Shorts per ton ............... ,..,.......„41
A slining'toont table, 8 Pt, long, intim
new Apply to 0, Layton, Seaforth,
Countless have been the cures work
ed by Holloway's Corn Cure. It has a
power of its own not found in other
Mfrs, C, Baughmann of Wallaoeburg
in vieoting her brother Mr. F, Raid,
Itev, (Iso, McKiniey who has remov-
ad to London to assume his new charge
in Hyatt Avenue Church was waited
upon at the parsonage fast Thursday
by members on behalf of the oongreg
ation and presented with a cheque for
$100 as a parting gift, Mr' McKinley
was invited to remain a fourth year
but yielded to the city on account of
ednoational advantages for the family,
Mrs. R, Mlurloss-Jonas has returned
from a visit to friends in Toronto.
Mr, Ears Stephoneou who has been
spending a few days with friends h,
town lett on Saturday for Winnipeg,
Mrs,J as Stewart and her grandson,
Gerald, left last week to visit relatives
in Moosejaw,
81," and &Its, Moll of Auburn, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mre, 11 Mole,
.James St.
81,' and Mrs, Wm. Gtllospla of
llrnesols were visitor's at the parental
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie,
Janes St,
A. silk sweater ()oat for the Navy fund
and a out glass pitcher for the Red
Cross donated by Mies Lukes are in the
window of MOTavish'sstore. •
Town Topics
e.,w,..,..,....,....,..,,.,.4„bt, ,�,..r 11
as.�•wa---eu.. , ts..�mllp.....sC
The High Goat of Living—Economy
le the word to•day, Make your old
garments do instead of puroltasing new
ones. Have them dry °leaned and
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done Iengthene the fife of garments,
preserves their fresh new appearance
and note au a disinfoutant, ransauitary
wearing apparel often eaueea sielatess
and death due to germs, olothing
(Mould bo °leaned at frequent Intervale,
My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel.
Mrs, W, Pearson sod children spent
the svoek and with friends in Olinton.
Mrs, ,1 . 0. Leary and little daughter
are visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs
David Donovan.
Mr, and Mrs. McLennan who spent
the week end with Mr. R, Boyd have
returned to their horse in Brantford,
Mrs Fisher and baby from the Peace
River District are visiting Mre, Joseph
Mr. F. •Palmer and family have re•
moved to Ford,
Miss Nettie Pethiok of Burlington is
spending the vacation at her home
Mr, and Ale, I', Hollnated have
gone to Toronto to apend their vacation
Miss Esther Purcell and Miss Agnes
Hewes have returned from a trip to
Miss Edith Mci.Kay has accepted a
position in Mr. 0, D. Haigh's store,
Miss Beta Young has returned from
Mifs Grotto Watson of Regina is
spending the holidays at the hone of
her parents Mr. and Mre Jas. Watson
Mrs, t,, E, Henderson has returned
from spending a month with her (laugh
ter, Mrs, Hodgins in Whitby,
Mir- John Rollick] is having a hand-
some veranda erected in front of his
.Mre, L, L. MloFaul is visiting hereon
Dr. J. H. MoFaul in Toronto,
Mrs. N. A, Willoughby and Howard
are spending a few weeks with relatives
in Ingersoll.
The many friends of Mr, John Scar-
lett of MoKillop were pleased to see
him able to be in town again looking
quite strong after his accident of a
couple of mouths ago,
Captain Hodgins of Whitby was a
week end visitor in town,
Mies Bessie Grieve of Tara is home
for the holidays.
Mr and lairs. William James have
returned from a trip in Toronto'
A knitting contest in aid of the Red
Cross was held in Victoria Parle last
Wednesday afternoon when prizes ware
given as follows:—Fastest knitters,
Id prize Mrs, Wm, Hartry, second Mre
George, for oldest knitter Mrs, Camp-
bell, for youngest knitter Mies Jamie
Chesney, Entrance fees $13.38, The
tickets sold for a jewel case adding 14
Mrs. Torrance and daughter who
have bean visiting Mrs, 8. Neely have
returned to their in London,
Rev. Dr Larkin and Eev._S. MoLesn
of Egmondville exchanged pulpits hat
Sabbath evening,
Mr and Mre, John McNay have re-
turned from spending the holiday at
Mre. McNa3's home in Hamilton,
Mrs, MI, Williams is visiting her
daughter, Mts. Dorsey of Ishpening.
Miss Gertrude Boehler, Toronto and
Miss Marie Jordan of Ogdenebnrg are
visiting at the home of Mrs, M, Will-
Ensign Whitfield of Woodstock
arrived last week as a new officer of the
Salvation Army,
Mrs. McQuaid and Russel left on
Saturday to Visit relatives in SI Marys
and Loudon.
The Huron Old Boys' Assoeiatiou of
Toronto will hold their Mutual exoure-
lou to Niagara Falls and Queeneton
Heights on Wednesday July 24th, in.
steed of to Huron County, There will
be addresses of a patriotic nature and
puns in the afternoon. Boats will
Leave ut 7,30 n. m, , 9 30 n, 5, , nnd2
p, m,
' Mr, Win, Harlcnnas who was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. l'roet has
returned to his home in Sonih .Porcu-
Miss Ethel Kerr of Erin is spending
the holidays at the home of her par.
ants Mr, and Mrs James Kerr,
Mies Grieve of Goderioh St, has
gone to live with her Itehie Mre, J.
Reinke of Tuokorstnith.
ea era tobbrook of Londe/here
is visiting her aunt Mre Montgomery,
Mies 'Thelma Jokneott is visiting her
sant, Mre, Chissllrurst in Herpiiton,
Mrs Bidden Of Toronto was the win,
nor of the knitted oret donated by
Mise Lukes,
Mrs, Lawson and Bernice of Auburn
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Slater
Mr's, .1, Patterson is visiting friends
in Hensall.
A alight runaway aooident occurred
on Main Street on Monday when Mr,
W,n Turners' horse whioh was left on
the street at Haigh' store ran away
and streak a buggy in which Pte, Nigh
was and damaged it but the 000npant
escaped. The Dot's was captured at
the corner.
Miss Olive Rankin has taken a pos-
ition iu Stewarts.
Mrs, and Miss Graham of Uleveland
are guests of Mrs. Grahaln's daughter,
Mrs .J, J. Merner,
Mr, and Mrs, Barnes and family
of Liman spent a few . sys at the borne
of Mr, and Mrs, A, Modeland,
Miss Sadie Holman of Goderioh
visited friends here,
A report of the International Sunday
School convention held recently in
Buffalo will be read at evening service
next Sunday iu the Presbyterian church
by the delegate Mise 1-1,1 Graham,
Reeve Harburn was 10 Goderioh die
Tuesday attending a meeting of the
Childreus Shelter Dorumitte°, A build
ing belonging to the Ryan property
was bought fora shelter at 82400, It
ie a very good property for the purpose
Don't forget the Flax Pulling Meet-
ing on Thursday night in the Park,
Mr,Henry Howes has returned after
a visit to Hamilton
-Dimensions For Soldier's Socks—The
Women's War Anxiliary ask that the
women who are knitting socks for the
Auxiliary will make them according to
the following dimensions; 2 inches for
heel; Rib, 4 taches; 7 inohes plain to
heel. Feet of socks, 91 to 11 inches
The scarcity and omit of yarn makes it
imperative that the oinks be not any
longer than is absolutely necessary for
the comfort of the soldiers,
— S. 1. McLean, Secretary.
Mr, Jae. Raid hasmade good progress
and is now out of danger,
Rev Father Eckert of Minneapolis
is visiting relatives here.
The Committee in charge of the
'Keep Watch" Celebration have been
successful in booking a large number of
veinal attractions and hope to close
contracts for others before the end of
the week —the beet in each line has
been secured and the celebration pro-
misee to be the finest in years. See
bills for complete program and realm.-
ealetn=her the day —Civic Holiday, Monday
August, 5th.
Mrs Allen of Detroit and Mra Roas
Kirkton are vteitore at the home of Mrs
Robb, James,
Mr, John Eckert wears a smile sines
the 30th when his wife presented him
with a baby girl.
Mr, Joe Murray spent Sunday under
the parental roof getting leave of
absence for the day. Joe looks well in
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Flattery and
Mr. and Mts. Con, Eckert and Mrs. J,
Mohlann and family were visitors iu
our berg last Sunday
Notice To Bathers
Complaint has been made to the
McKillop Council, that parties have
been bathing in the Maitland River,
opposite the Cemetery, wit out pro-
per clothing, As this is contrary to
the Ontario Statutes and bylaws of
the muuioipality of the township of
McKillop, any further violation of the
Act will be punished as the law dir-
ects, By Order of Council
MI, Murdie
A Pill That Lightens Life —To the
matt who is 8victim of indigestion the
transaction of business becomes an
added misery He cannot conoentrato
his mind upon his techs and loss and
vexation attend Trim. To snob a man
l'arntelee's Vegetable Pills ofer relief.
A course of treatment, according to
diroctimle, will convince him of their
Igreat oxoollence, They are confident-
y recotntnenled because they will de
all tI'at ie claimed for them,
Briefs for the 1311sy
U. Wm. Macdonald, wife of the
M.P.P, of North Same was badly
burned bn the right side, right arm,and
bands when her clothing ()aught fire
while she was cleaning a dress with
gasoline. Mra. MaoDonald tragi alone
in the hoose at the time and with
great pr.oaenoo of mind wrapped a rug
around her boiy, thus extinguieliing
the flames. Her medical attott dents
have great hopes of saving her life.
A 2,090,000 Viotory Loan whioh New-
foundland was sexed to veils iu six
weeks was obtained by popular eubearip
-tion in six days, and it was announced
receettJy that the amount would prob
ably be doubled,
A large number of 0ivio employees
went on strike for higher wages, tear.
bags oolleotors and street domicils are
the chief strikers, The citizens are in.
convenience(' by the garbage nut being
eolleoted. Over one thousand mon are
011 strike and pu0eibly all employees
will be on strike.
Built like raft with paeeeuger com-
partments err butn top and bottum,ao
that the draft is always right side up
and equipped with a movable ueutre
weight for stability with a self-bsihug
device, n "non sinkable" lifeboat in.
vented by Captain Wm. Jacobs, Sum
Leaudo, Ual,was tried out by the Feder.
al inspectors at Oakland with good re -
suite. It is claimed that it cannot sink.
According to Provincial legislation
iu Prinoe Edward Island motorists may
not use the roads Tuesday or Friday
these being market days, An exception
is made for doctors and ministers.
Owetl Sound hail its third drowning
accident for the season when a 16 -year
old boy, Leonard Powtl was drowued
'11 the river. It is supposed he tools
A limb falling on a high-tension h3-
ro wire in St. Thomas, seveloly fnjur-
d and shocked two men by causing a
tort ()Troon,
heaccidsnt caused over $3,000 damage
the station and left a considerable
rtfon of the oity,ii darkness for sev-
al days,
In an effort to quell rebellion in
ungary, 2,000 mutineers have been
udemned to death iu that unhappy
The Drop prospects have been
early improved in the West by the
Leavy rains of the past week,
Magistrate Watt has revived the
od old fashioned spanking of juvenile
(fenders instead of fines or jail. The
est subject of the new treatment was
rt Andrews, of Drayton, who took a
tor oar without asking the permie-
u of the owner and was handed over
the official spanker for correction,A young lady in Kingston has a keen
nee of humor. She was accosted on
street by a masher who forced his
cuneus on her, but was assured by
young lady that she "really had to
go now" but told him to phone No. 464.
He got only far enough to learn her
tante. Accordingly, he called the
lumber and asked for the young lady
as he supposed, only to discover he had
oalled up the police headquarters.
The picnic hek, in Mr, Leetnings
grove was a pleasant affair and the at-
teudanoe was large and orderly.
Mrs, '1', 11, Irvine has been away at-
tending the wedding of her sister at
Mrs. and Miss Wassel of London are
visiting relatives in this section,
Mfrs. Good and fancily of Termite ac-
companied by little Miss Ross, whose
ether made the supremesacrifice ill
Fromm, are visiting friends here,
Mrs. Underwood has been visiting
friends at Stratford for a few days.
The wet weather of the past few dais
las held up the haying.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr, and
Mrs, Byron McGill, who lost thole only
little boy, aged 11 months, ou Sunday
from pneumonia. The funeral was
held on Tuesday afternoon and four
mainline rioted as pall hearers, The
interment was in Maitlansbanlr cemet-
Reilnced by Asthma The ooustant
strain of asthma brings the patient to
a dreadful state of hopeless exhausti.•
on Early tree should by all insane be
made of the famous Dr, J. D Kellog-
g's Asthma Remedy, which snore than
any other acts 1111101113' and . tn'eby 1111
the air passages and brings blessed
help and comfort, No home where ae•-
tbma is present in the least degrro
Triangle Plays
Set the Pace
Thursday Friday & Saturday
Mae Marsh
appears in
The WiJd (ir1
of the Sierras
staged by the company that produced "The Mirth of a Nation„
Keystone offers
"Maggie's First Fate° Step"
See what Keystone does with the country girl --big city problem
Monday Tuesday Wetlnesday
Franklyn Farunnj
The far of Ch
A Typical Farmum I'hotopiny
The Voice on the Wire
if you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in
a better position than ever to supply your needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders,
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or anthing else in printing
Come In 1tnel See CJs About Sale Bills
Opposite Daly's 6aragfe
pp�,ilvoslte Dalys' Garage
'L'lte Big gest Comedy o1 the Seat -os
Douglas Fairbanks
In Agate' Oiit Again
The dist arteraft L'ieture over shown in Seaforth. It's :ane big
long Laugh for young and Uhl, nu,! a story of extraordinary charnt
for those who love line photoplav,.
Mon. Tues. , RSC v..red s
Look Who's Hen?
Billie Burke
—in --
Arms and the Girl
• A Paramount Picture)
Don't under any,cirentnvtances miss captivating Millie Burke in
this story of love and thrills enriched by a smack of military life
anion g the Huns,
Price 15c vtitlidren foe
should be without this groat remedy. Rf�R211I26.rCi1 U2llZa21tl 2tLCn2il2mm!t12flJllliliCmem