HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-11, Page 4E SEAFORTH NEW
Thursday July
pRor SSSONa MOS,,,
DR. U IiUtil1 1tq�H, Paystalaoaud urit on
I,s49oflwadon vapilal, London, England.,
lel a tentton to diseases of Eye, iter,
Threat,eO adance behind
0 Aanlluioa Vault.
0 o phone N0. '+, Realdcnee phone No, 108
pr, I, J, liVitE0VV$ doff/ nil 011100 and r a
ldonee0--BOderlo Street, Leet of th0 Meth
Obit Ohureb, Coroner for 0ouaty of Buren
Telephone No. 40,
X1�118 800T'r Or MAVKAY, Physiel900 and
1V Surgeons, Ooderielt Street, opposlate Menlo.
,. Church, 890104th,
84040. grndaate VIctoria and Arm rkbur, end
/feather of0uterfo College 01 Pil)•siclans and
811400ons. Coroner for 0101Iatx 01 H1ren,
At scRav, honor graduala Trinity 01010948104,
gold m9 ! Trion 0nau,Q,
of aolle0e Fysil1s adSrgeon 110110,
lZ ow. HEILEMAN, Oatwythic Seeciallet
D in Women's and t'101dreu 9 diseases and
,Rhaumatic edtiEtt4def leset
art, Ear, ,Kyr, Nose and T140l(honk
Incited without IhiknilO. CM,tsniniiton free.
I cy 441 Hotel
Tus8Ssy.. nett. I 0 p.10 FridsY 8 0.40 (0 5011
8 e1
Marriage licenses 9udopticlan,500
'alla 'WVEl DE
lllyon ue, n postcaxi. rd will set our ratcaocldoott
General Agent for London Life Insurance Co.,
and impaledGuaranteeand Accident insurance Co,
Seaforth, Ont.
tames Watson
General Fire. Life and Accident luaiir:ume
Agent, and dealer in Sewing 1iaohbres.
ldaln btreet,
Mutual Fire Insurance Cot
Parra anti Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
J as. ,.i., bc, t „ten, 11 Fr :dun Jam.:
Evan:. l,ee,!mood , Vire-Prodder:.r :may
Race. hoatortn. Bot: Treas.
Frost the Office
Phone 84 Evening 127
000 dollar per yyear, strictly la adv 8 nee
If not paid in ammo, One neon\fir and.
a hell will be charged. Vatted States
papers, arty rents extra, otrlekly in
When subscribers citnange their address
notice should be 'cot es immediately, stylus
both the old and the new address, Sab•
of any Irregularity of delivery notifying us
Reading NYottoeo—No reading notice,
which (moue any
to 410 made by any (persor n
chosbe e, Therp+ce for the Int neer-
tloa of bualness announcements a TEN
9 tnolncontrract Ifo 'tiou to
advertising. and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 0
(Ines, 50 cents,
Judicial, Logon, Offdol and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten cents per line for first
insertion nod five cents per linc for each
sub/a:met insertion,
Yearly cards—Professlon0l Cards,not
► t
exceeding one inch, will be lnaerte
85.00 per year, na able strictly In advance
Display adrortiaing—Rate' furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntll forbid; 1 and those sent without
written instructions will appear nail
rltten orders are received for their dis-
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
or p publ• ed ithe cation, but as a guarar's own nteeuof gnt
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
In such communications. _Letters on relt-
exc• epttas paid will not plainly arked
as such. The rate for such matter Is ten
cents per (Inc.
D, F. f lrGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, i;1
Winthrop W. Rina, Constance,. John Bennewele,
Stodglutgeu' Robert Ferro, HarlOcki Malcom T General Observations
Menton, Clinton;i, Wean ,eY Seaforth•
A quiet wedding took place in Triv-
ia Memorial 01111rolt Exeter, June 2gtli
when Mies Mary Aohe0on wee united
to Mr, Joseph Laundry of Pe4'erboro
tiro ceremony being preformed by
the ltov. A'A, Trumpet., The groom
is a returned aoldior having served
with a battery and being wounded at
Yprea. Al veleta he is travelling for
a Loddon firm.
Dieten0e Levy, aged 24 years, 10m-
nlittetl 811101010 at all early hour at hie
home on \Vednosday morning last 1
week. Mr, Levy was apparently in
good health on that morning and noth-
ing' multiunit had occurred to explain
his act. He had gone to the barn
about six o'clock and 491044 h0 did'ltot
return at the usual holt', hie wife went
to look fur him, but wee unable to find
hien, 'Upon oiling for 59019(3400 of a
neighbor, his body woe found in the
silo, with a revolver lying beside Hitt
He leaves a wife and one daughter'.
Joslee Connolly, Goderlcht Jas. Evans, Beechwood
Acer, Leitch, Harloek; E. Hlnehiey, Seafort"
William Chesney, Egmondvllle; J. 0/, Yc„
Holmeovinet R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhasnn: Jar.
Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, aalftors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transit
other business will be promptly attended to r
application to any of the above officers, address,
to their respective posto8lcea.
The Bolshevik Government has failed
completely in their ideals and promises
Tney professed a horror otsecret treat-
ies by others but they had no horror of
making a secret treaty with Germany
to betray and et191ar9 the people of
Poland . The Cracow papers describe
the treaty as most treacherous and base
Socks For Soldiers
Owing to change in address, the
socks and parcels of soldiers comforts
sent by the Women's War Auxiliary,
Beware and other, kindred sooietie9 are not
Of being received by the Boys at the front
Imitalione and in England. These socks cost
money and hard work and are sent free
Mrs. Wm. iVestoott of Exeter died
on the gratis to every boy from Seaforth and at that
apt on June 261h, She was
vicinity whose correct address is on
Merits 74 years of age' Born in England, she
of elle with the Seaforth Branch, Soldier's Commission, Friends and relat- f Sill the I Dame to Canada when 6 years old.
e Over fifty years ago she wall married to
Minard's I1'89 of 11boys are requested to hand her now bereaved husband • She spent
Liniment A. D. Sutherland, or semi the Secret moat of her life in IIsbourne towuehip,
alp the latest addresses as soon as
moving to r .eter three years ago,
The services in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday evening were taken
by itev, 11. Biekles of Chatham, who
preached a very ,able gunmen,
Miss Ida Neftel of Toronto is visiting
her brother in Goderiuh township,
Miss Ebllol D' ralrntan is upending a
week with Mr's, McGee of Stanley,
401r, Robert Bailey of Dungannon
was here recently.
Mr, and hire, 'Phos, Brandon of
W'ingham have been visiting Mr, 'Bran-
ou's mother here,
Rev. E. 0, Jennings antifamily are
here for the summer.
Mro. Erwood and children, of Tor-
onto, have taken a 1,0(1se for the 811144•
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of 111r, and Mrs. Soandrett,
Bolgravo, when their only daughter,
Miss Edea May was milted in marriage
to Mr, Cecil Wheeler, a proeperons
yang farmer in Morrie township. The
0eremony was performed iu the pres-
ence of a large number of guests by the
Ray. S, Davidson, The young couple
left for Toronto and other points, fol-
lowed by the best mallets of host of
Mr. Jas Henderson has taken over
the driving business in Brussels of his
late brother, who was killed in an
auto accident 000011tly. Mrs, Hender-
son and family expect to move to 130140
eels in the fall after disposing of their
The Registrar of North Huron has
reported over 20,000 registrations in
that riding at the reoont registration.
The wedding took place iu Toronto
last week of Dr. F.'1', Bryant', of Brus-
sels to bliss Barbara hloKelvey, 13' A.
and the ceremony was preformed at the
home of the bride's brother, Dr, Alex.
McKelvey . Dr, Bryan: is in the
31061061 t'orea at Carling Heights pre-
partory to going overseas iu the near
After being 43 years Superintendent
of the Presbyterian 0hurch Sunday
School, Luoknow, Mr, George Mathew•
son tendered his resignation in June.
He is now past 83 years of age and
will leave Lucknow for Brantford
where he will make his home in the
The death took place in Mitehel•I-on
.June zoth of Mrs, Patrick Judge at
the age of 85 years She spent moat
of her life in Ei,ce township near Kin -
kora, moving to Mitchell three years
ago. The burial took place in Kits
k09s eemetry the following Tuesday.
Besides her husband she leaves three
daughters and five softs.
For Sale
W. L. ISE'. Scaforth.
Rhone 150
A Business
Without a proper
systnc of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
+ power
Seaforth News
will suppt9/ the
required energy
pkooe - 84
evenings f27
- 1I
possible and report Immediately
• further change, as the next Mailing will ;
be made an July 2o, Ally person wish.' W, Morley White of the river Road'
144 • to write 3 letter or send s' parcel to B'.auchard, was killed one day last
al y of the boys should calLom the Set week by having his foot caught in the
tura and get the correct address driving belt of the gasoline engine
with which to lie wag sawing wood ou
Eats, smokes. ?afters, gum, etc. are g
'•.tt,?•1'ir rea..'v.ol 4,y the Boys at any.: the farts of Frank McKenzie.
" l Five children survive
nil •+.
The total receipts of the int of
July celebration in Goderioh, amount-
ed to $t 1511, This was 0ousider36 very
satisfactory, especially in the face of
the very unfavorable weather.
041r zeal lir-'tlaxwett 14i3t.r,e.l from
The death took place in Godericli,on
Friday, June '2811;, after au illness of
six weeks, of :clary .Margaret hloure.bn•
loved wife of 041r. Jas. Merrick, (totter.
. ick, The deceased was born at Dublin
horny acre,
out., over 6,44 years ago, but moved to .
Mr. Frank Jordan of the Standard, Gvderioh at the ago of 2.1. •zheis sur0iv-
Bunk hot,, has been transferred to ed by her husband' a daughter and two
4 Maidstone. Salk, Ha left on Monday. '• sons,
Mee. Shea watt in Seaforth attending At a meeting of the representatives
the funeral of Louis Jiigh, of the municipalities col.cerned in the
affairs of the Ontario West Shote Rail -
On Sunday evening July 7th the way at Coderich last week it was de.
death of Elizabeth Burnes occurred at tided to give the trustee, her, Tlios.,
the age of 31 years, daughter of hire. Stothors, Diluugannon, power to sell i
Patrick III"of Logan, Docaased had the ties, buildings and wooden bridges
been in poor health for the past couple at Port Albert, and all other movable'
Of months. She leaves to mourn her luattrfal iu connection with the rail.
loss. her widowed mother. three sisters w,y
and one brother, Her funeral mass
tool( pinna on Tues,lav morning fu St 111'. L, 0. Paisley, of Clinton, met
Patrick's (•birch i+ate•, frula where, she with an accident last Friday which laid'
WAS laid to rest in i t Patrick's i'atne. hint 0p for covoral days, He was 0n
tors hoaida herfstlie,• who prsdeteao t1 his cel tack /teat Seatorth, when some -
bar two months fig., thing went wrong with the harness, be
stopped mid went out on the tongue to
..-- fix it, The h010ee started, oattshig him
worms in children, 11 they 60 4404 at to lose his balance and fall, the wagon
tended 10,00nse eouvul8ion0, and often passing over his foot and Ono • hated' !
d,+nth, Mother Graves' Worm Extermi- He reached home and refilled his tank
ator will protect the children from the- before having o doctor examine his foot i
se distressing afflictions
S0 Thomas o't 01.0„'ay, ;1:.d visited Mr
Frank Sic”„1:44'.11 ail family hero,
Miss 'ti, is,, of')9Jrl"Lobutg New
York fe spending her vacation. at her
but he has been laid up for some days.I
To provide meals for those who conte
here on the 12th, it has been arranged
that the three local Chnrahes will
aerr0 4410319, the proceeds to be given
to patriotic funds,
Miss Ola Ward, milliner for E, Ren•
tie has left for her home.
3Ir, W, Dougall of Hamilton Bank
Staff spent a week at hie hoine with
his mother.
Mr. and Mrs, 'horauglen of Californ-
ia are visiting the latter': parents Mr,
and Mrs. Duisdale,
Card of Thanks
Mrs, W, E, Southgate sr, , and fern-
ily wish to thank the many friends in
Seaforth for their kindness and sym-
pathy during their recent bereave-
1lwri1nlil riwwtnwfrMllwwn 1It1
MM1n ionnimminssimis MM11MMpMtMMMMMMMMi
M Established 1871
w Capital sled Reserve 513,000,000
Savings Department
Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received.
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year,
Efficient service). fps.
Winch*op Presbyterian
Sunday setviee 2.30 pm, Sunday
Saltool 1 15p tn, Prayer meeting
Tueadoty 8 p. m, L C 1.,0t Wed,
Oonstanee Methodist
Rev, T,E. Sawyer, pastor, Sunday
service 2.30 p,m, Young People's Lea -
5012.30 p In Sunday women's Auxil
ary first Tuesday of every month a
30 p.m, Ladies' Aid last Thurodoy
of oaoh month 2.30 p.m
First Presbyterian
Rev, f!', 13, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
services 11 a.m. and 7 p 1n, Sunday
salmi 2.30 pin. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7.43 p,m, Women's Miss-
ionary Society'the first Tuesday in oath
month at 3 p in. Barbara Kirkman alis.
sign Band 3rd Tuesday” in the month at
7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m.
McKillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday
services Duffs' (March 11 a m Sunday
school 10 a.m Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m. women's Missionary
Sooiety last Friday in eaoh month at
2 o'clock.
Retic wider this Head aro
pblalled free of barge, ex-
x-u t those regardintgtmeetinga
Where an ndml0aion tee la
charged. The
fire 0001 per 010001 line
$14,11PORTBB enunenidaa-
St. James'
St, James' Church, Rev. Father E,
F, (loots P,IP, Early Mass 0,30, High
Maes 10.30, Sunday School 3 p. in.
Vespers and Benodiotion of the Bless.
ed Sacramenti7'' 5. in,
St, Thomas'
Rev. T, H. Brown, Rooter. Sunday
sorOoes lI a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday
8011001 2,30 p. M, Women's Anglican
Missionary A0sociatiol, Tuesday 2.30
p.m. Cltildren'abranoh Saturday 2 p.m.
ntereession services every Thursday,
.0 p.10,
Rev, H. D, Moyer, 569100
—SUNDAY—(Hasa at 10:00 a.m.
Public sorriest 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school and Bible study olase 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p, tn. Prayer
Meeting Thureda y 8. p,m.
eoinpetions For
Boys and Giris
Arrengeolonte have been made to
have tete Canadian Bankers Aasoofation
00 Operate with 1,110 Department of
Agrioniture in providing a liberal sum
of money to be offered in prizoa for
ealve9 and pigs exhibited b, boys and
girls ender t7 y'0ar0 of ago at 0110 7314
fn eaah lliairiat, Boys and girls should
love no time in finding on4 all about
these competitiolis as the 0nlres and
pigs must be fed at least six weeks by
the boys or girls who exhibit them and
it la very important to sot promptly in
aeourfng copies of the titles There aro
no entry foes, Full information regard
ing the competition can be obtained
from the manpgor of any bank in the
locality whore a fair in held.
Salvation Army
Lien(, Doherty and Envoy Whitfield
Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 p'm.
Children: Service—Directory class 10
a.m. Bible classes 4 p.m, Week night
Meetings—Wedeeeday Freer meeting
8 p,m
Egmondville, Presbyterian
Rev. S MaLtan pastor, Sunday see -
14000 11 a.m. and 7 p m, Bible class
3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
Sp. ln. Y.P MS Union 3rd Friday
in the month 8 p.in. Women's Mission-
ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month
at 2.30 p,m Ladies' Aid 11100 0 fm -
mediately after.
So please help the Roy s 1 r Force
by going o t to pull flax.
You may work in the fields right near your home
town. The local Flax Mill will take you to work
and bring you home each day without cost to you.
In no branch of active service is heroic
sacrifice so marked as among our aviators.
Their splendid spirit is well revealed in a
letter to his parents written by an aviator
five days before he made the supreme
sacrifice. It says in part:
"If the news ever reaches you,
which sooner or later reaches
every flyer's parents — don't
mourn. We R. F. C. men never
think of death; the only thing we
think of is the effect our passing
may have on our dear ones. So if
I go the usual way, don't let dear
mumsy cry, wear black, and all
that sort of nonsense. Dad, don't
you get all upset. Keep the show
going, smile and carry on . . , "
"Keep the show going, smile and carry on,"
that's the spirit. Many boys and girls are
too young to enlist to "keep the show g-
ing" but an opportunity is offering to be
of service now: the flax -growers want help,
and the Organization of Resources Com-
mittee are behind a movement to save the
fibre for making the cloth for aeroplane
wings, of which the allied armies are in
very urgent need. Boys and girls, young
men and women, and even old men, may
enlist their services for this work. For the
convenience of the workers, automobiles
'r,;,:'. Le provided to take them to the fields
and Lack. Six strong boys giving attention
to the wcrk should be capable of pulling
an acre of .'lax a day, and as the offered
wage is $15.00 an acre (which is the recog-
nized rate" of the ?"lax -growers' Associa-
tion) this means an average of $2.50 a day
to 01' lads.
and Men, you can earn $4.00 or over 15, you can earn from $1.50
more a day pulling flax. to $3.00 a day pulling flax.
over 15, you can earn from $L50
to $3.00 a day pulling flax.
You can work for the Local Flax Mill, the address of which is given below,
for these reasons:
Flax is used to make the wings of aero-
planes. The grade of flax depends upon
Seaforth, F taxrnili
Zurich, F Kalbileich
Crediton, Nicholson & Hodgins
its being pulled at the right time. If the
flax is over ripe its quality deteriorates.
Apply, at once, for employment in this neighborhood to
0, Geiger
Zurich, A, T leiderfnan
Dashwood, Fiax Co.
Shiplra, Flaxmill