HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-11, Page 1New P erles„Vol. 30 No.28
tompli eRANITE
The Seaforth News
Something New
In Grave Decorations
A wire arch, with a wire flow-
er -basket hanging from the
Come in and see it
W. E. Chapman, Prop.
Seaforth Monument Works
Of course you want candy, How
could any party be a rummies with-
You will find in the varied as-
sortment we carry your favorite
kind, Materials we use are the
best enddonr Candice are always
Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Oountry,Cream and Best bruits
Do ecu
practice 07
.¢,THEN you answer the telephone by
saying "Hello," a whole curies of
Smg questions must ensue!
" ,10?" "Heilot ' "is that you jack?
"Yes, who is that speaking?" "This is Bill!"
"Olt, hello Bill"—and so it goes.
Why not: (,: Go'n'er at once by saying
"Mr. N '<xtson speaking,„ or
"Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking.”
Save time by answering at once
name. Don't say 'Hello.'
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
with your
To Our American Friends
The following poem•Irom the pen of
Mies I, 0, Graham of tont is copied
from the Buffalo News, Miss Graham
was delegate to the recent Intornation.
al Convention in Buffalo.
Onr cordial oousitle o'er the lino,
You bring to us a touch divine,
Of helpful fellowahip;
The Stars and Stripes so wall agree
With Britain's ancient heraldry
By freedom's conflict knit.
The bunds of friendship, firm and sure,
So 1ong.existing, shall endure
Through oenturies of peace,
And allie' we meet ever be
For righteousness and liberty,
Till sin and war shall pease.
One race, one language, we should
Each other as the saint above
And evermore agree
To usher in the glorious birth
Of God'e good kingdom on
Thelma/ democracy.
li' ',01 Ull!anuum!mu!!!1!mm! 1!!FUN!mnmm11mmollmimi!i1in11nuull!illuti!mmluumnm!ulllll1111!uulllllmll!muml!1!ioluu!n1Ni!mim
Red Cross Report
Financial Statement for June
Balance from old fashioned tea
at the home of Mrs,•A. D,
Mrs, James Hinchlay
Miss M. Cuthill
Mrs, F. Case
Mre. Robt. Willis
Heater George Parke
John Rankin
Winthrop Branch
Proceeds from Play
"Mohawk Crossing"
Proceeds from Roxboro Garden
Party at the home of Mr,
Monthly Contributions
Mr, F, Gordon Osier
(Prisoner of War)
The Colonial Moving Co,
Mrs, Jane Lougworth
Stewart Bros,
J. Mactavish
Franc&s ay
July 14th
France's National Holiday
,A Flag Day, under the auspices of the Canadian
Red Cross Society will be held on Saturday July
13th for the sick and wounded soldiers in the
French Hospitals, as well as the French Prison-
ers of War. We hope for a generous response to
this appeal. Captains and their assistants will
canvas the town and suburbs.
Balance due Bauk—May—
Balance on hand—Juue—
Grace Mullen,
Trees -
July 11 1018
Mrs. Fred Davis
Dies Suddenly
2 06
5 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
15 00
33 10
The people of Mitchell were shocked
on Thursday morning on learning that
the wife of Mr, Fred Davis, M- P. P,.
for Gleiolen district had died during
the eight, Mr. and Mrs, Davis had
visited relatives at Seaforth, Goderioh
and Mitchell for some weeks and had
returned from a trip to Philadelphia
and had been visiting MrDavis parents
since their return. Mrs, Davis was
taken ill the day she returned to Mit.
obeli and had been nudes the dootor,s
care being treateed for heart trouble,
While her couclition was serious it was
not thought dangerous, On Wednesday
she appeared no worse and about the
middle or the night as ehe waerestiug
the family retired, On, entering her
roomin at 6a,m,they found her dead.
Tne late Mrs. Davie was 56 years of
age and was born in Seaforth being
the daughter of Mr. AlexanderDav-
idson, Mrs. Davis was of a very kind
spirit and reipeoted by all, The fam-
ily lived in Goderich before going out
to Alberta, Besides her hueoand four
daughter's survive, Mrs, Murray of
Philadeldhia, Olive and Bernice at
home in the west and Dorothy with
her parents. Her father in Seaforth
and five sietare and two brothers aur-
viva and to them goes out the sincere
sympathy of all I
43 40
266 01
1 25
146 06
5505 21
10 00
16 76
1 75
160 44
5189 70
28 53
286 98
$605 a,'
New Pastor
Womens War Auxiliary
Treasurer's Report for May and ,lune,
Reoeipts---Balanoo on hand May 1st
334 94: collection of paper's, 20 20;
Intolerance, 18 20; A D Sutherland,
Yonng peoplea Dance 24 45; Mrs 01h-
sons S. Sohoot Class, 2 10; Waist, don-
ated by Mrs Joint, 26 05; interest, 6 46
a friend, no 00; a friend, 26; a friend
,25' Kra Troyer, .60; Kindergarten
class 1 10; Miss Wood's room, Puhlio
School, .72; primary olass Presbyterian
Sunday Sc000l, 1 00; Mrs Robt. Hand -
arson, .75; Mrs Andrew Archibald 1 00
Loss of Irimerick, 116 96; Total 564 42,
Expenditure—Stewart Bros, 6 96; J
Maotavish, 1 61; C'L Williams, 2 15;
O Aberhart, r 15, Seaforth News .50;
W A (Mob, 1 20, Telephones, 80, Ptge
ou sociis, 14 16, Beattie Bros 1 00,
Sundries, 12 80, Total, 41 33, Balance,
623 09,
During May and June 18: pairs of
socks were received by the Auxiliary,
81 pairs wore sent overseas and 9 par-
cels given to recruits. The Auxiliary
wish to thank Mrs Vim, Gorenlook tor
eeveral donations of socks.
Salvation Services
The Stratford Salvation Army Band
will be in Seaforth on Saturday and
Sunday July 20th and 21st. This is
one of the finest bands in this part
of the country and will be a treat.
$3,000,000 Subsidy to
Irish Flax Growers
London, July 3rd. -- The House of
Commons to night passed the second
reading of the bill providing for a
Government subsidy of 5600,000 to
promote flax growing in Ireland, to
replace the lost Belgian and Russian
crops and to provide material for the
army, navy and air forces.
It is quite evident, according to the
above Associated Press despatch, that
the Allies are in dire need of the nec-
essary oloth for the making of aero—
plane wings. The Cauadiauflux grow -
era aro not snhaidfaed and they are
willing to pay good wages for the nee-
essary help to save the flax fibre crop,
It is again predicted by the English
papers to hand that the final decision
of the war will come in the air As a
patriotic duty every possible aesistartoe
should be gievn to have the flax pulled
at the right time. Read the adver-
ment in another column of this paper
and offer your services to help win the
Gra s to Rent
Thirty-five scree of good pasture
apply to
Con Eoltart
$1.00per year
Rev, H. D. Moyer, the new pastor
of the Methodist Church arrived in
town ou Saturday last and took charge
of the services on Sunday. He is a
mau, still in the prime of life, and
gave` the appearance of much energy
and driving fore), and will be an ac-
quisition to the spiritual force of Sea -
forth, He has already received a
warm reception and no doubt his stay
in Seaforth will be'•a-pleasant one. He
preached two able sermons on Sunday.
His test in the evening was II Cor. IV
1&2, After a brief description of the
pleasures and the tribulations of
a Methodist minister in moving he gave
a stirring appeal to the young men of
the congregation to give tbemsclvea to
the work of the ministry. It was a
work that demanded more than any
other profession from one, It was a
main's work, It might not bring so
much money, but it gave more sincere
and real pleasure.
Secretary's Report for June
132 suits of pyjamas, 30 flannel
shirts, 126 pairs of flocks, 174 Towels,
3o Personal Property Bags
Edua De Lacey,
Belgian Relies Report
For June
Balance from May
Mrs Huffman
Mrs, George Black
Mre, Wm Black
Mise Leckie
Mrs, Jnor Mactavish
Mra, Chas, Stewart
Mrs, De Lacey
Mre, Oscar Neil
Mre, J, 33,'I'hompeou
Mrs, Wm Goveulook
33, 0, R
Post OfTioe
Dominion Bank
Dap and
Wet -
We have a partioularly nice
hue of these watches.
Lithe Day Time of course the
dial is clearly aeon and likewise
the tiine,
In the Night Time, in the dark
when you want the time se badly
this watch shows the time clearer
than ever.
A reliable, dependable, servioe•
able watoh, with Radium Dial,
and 15 Jewelled movement,
$10.00 (in Nickle Case)
516.00 (in Gold Filled Case)
We would like to show them to
Yon will enjoy !seeing then,.
Drop in,
3firrb . t atittbji?
Veer Watchmaker & (Optician
lleaurr #aarriagt; 11irrsare ,
Business 194
Evenings 10
The Store you will always like
1 00
6 00
5 00
1 00
2 60
2 50
8 70
Will War Be Won
In The Air
English papers to hand by mail are
again predicting that the final deoision
will come in the air, In eupport of
this position reference is made to what
aerial supremacy has already dons for
tate Allies, At Kernmel Hill it is
stated that that the Germane were
held back for several hours by aircraft
alone, and at Ham a great gap of the
Allied line, when the late German
offensive was at its height, was blotted
in the same way, It is even consider-
ed possible that aerial superiority will
make new tactics possible, that munit-
ion centres back of the Gorman lines
can be destroyed and that whole Ger-
man divisious eau be cot off from their
communications and surrender forced.
1 00
1 ou
3 00
I 00
Total 28
Remitted to Miss I George 23
Advertising 3
Poet Otlioe Order
Total $26
Balance on hand $1
Mrs, 3, 13, Thompson
County Treasure
Then take our advise—Don't
leave everytniug for the last
moment. Start planning to-
meantime the civilian population of
Germany is being terrorized by aerial
raids. Deepatehee published in Can-
adian dailies last week stated that
three eleotric railway oars in Cologne
were "absolutely pulverized" by bombe
dropped by Allied aviators. It was
further reported that I40 houses "were
either destroyed or seriously damegeti"
in the acme city, and that 298 people
were killed and 464 wounded.
One Paris paper doelaree that we
are about t0 witness one of those
transformations which come only once
in centuries when a new ordor of weap-
on conclusively proves Re power; the
96 power in this case being aerial war
fleets and the overwhelming supremacy
r in these fleets being with the Allies,
d full
doz. women's Bungalow
(overalls) Aprons, ma e u
large size from splendid qual-
-ity percale, in medium colors
Just the thing. for general
house work.
Special sec each.
J. Mactavish
Something NeW for the Sport and
Bathing — Sport Model Corsets
!75c to $2
If you want your waist line to look trim
and neat even during strenuous exercise, or
even in your bathing•suit, you will find this
elastic sport model corset splendidly adapted,
and, what is more; extremely comfortable,
They fit snug over the abdomen and over the.
hips and also have hose supporters. Ask to
!see them at our corset counter.
1 New Shipments offer Women
Sr.lendid choice to Buy Under
Whether it is because we have specialized
on under muslins that has brought to us
such a substantial volume of business, or
whether increased sales has compelled us to
give particular attention to this department—
It is never the less a fact that women give
this store first preference. These inlcude
;under -skirts, corset -covers, drawers, gowns
Iau d comisoles. Price range from 20C to 5.00
coal White Skirts linade of Exeellg
ent Materials at $2,00 to $3.50.
They launder beautifully. Materials are
rep, gebardine and pique others of a new
{cotton material that is also washable, Made
with a new panel front and attractively trim-
med with pear] buttons and attractive pock-
ets, If you want to be truly ecnomical you
Ican find t]0 better way than to have two or
more of these skirts in your summer. ward -
Summer 'Dresses at $11.25 and u]pa
This manufacturer, by the way has the re
potation for being the most particular in hi
field. , So this carefulness finds clear reflec
tion in the garments themselves. Prepar
to buy liberally and be on hand soon.
The styles are those you will find in mo
els at twice the prices,
Splendid quality ginghams used in ti
makings, trimmed in white and vario
rrangements of materials.