The Seaforth News, 1918-07-04, Page 8TILE SEAPORTH NEWS
dr�mslts"®'°e �
That you keep your head
`Phe Rev, H. L, 'helmet)a returned
cool. Come to our liar -
talk it oP• missionary to theWest Indies, who hoe
ber Shop and been visiting Res, and Airs, Mho -
es With us. Von Will en- levereot at the rectory preached to
Privity Church on Sunday. Air Dick -
joy it,
Comrrferei.:l Barber Shop,C4th
Winnipeg Travellers
get Chance to Study
Now Ontario's
seeen andFoProinci1
Colonization Scheme of
Great Interest
The traveller nowadays wants same
thing more than formal scat space,
and the well established service of the
Canadian Northern toWestern Canada
affords ample opportunity fer thought.
The immense ntold wds eamerchantable
th in rw ter
and the great commercial and
Ontario s of should
be possibilities tfi Northern
Ontario sbeuld be matters Of common
knowledge to Canadians. Modern
trains of standard and tourist sleep•
ing, cars mad coaches leave Toronto
Cason Station et 10 00 p 1t• Monday-.
Wednesdays and Friday's, connecting
at Winnipeg fur all pointe in Western
For Tickets, Reservations, Liter-
ature and Information apply to
C. A. Aherhlart Druggist Sea -
forth or writer L. Fan—bairn.
GPA., 00 'Ring St. E. Toronto,
son and ;tiro, Everest's brother went to
the Indies together. Mr. Everest
brother returned to Eng
Ilisted and has been reported missing.
Mies Geddes was presented by the
pupils with a eifk umbrella and an
1 address,
lana and en -
Quite a few from here went for a
pianio to Constance,
Mr, Mitt MI's Paeaum have been
visiting in the village.
Mr and Mrs Ernest Adams have
spent a clay in Bayfield.
Mr, and Mrs Janos MeddandMr and
Mrs (!gorge Carter are away on motor
trip to Niagara, Toronto, Oshawa, and
else. where,
Special services of intercession were
held in the Presbyterian Church ou
1Sunday. Ian attack of rheumatism.
Mrs, -Lorne of Nautot., Alta, andMr Hy. Richer and daughter left for
two children are visitfup her mother' a trip to Detroit tact week,
etre. WI/1' Sterling, I Mr.Thomme Edgar of Petarboro
Mies Coleman of Varna, Freebie(' at I ,aived Etat w t ek to spend a few duty
the school exanlfuatious here and Telles i awith sisters Mr lvisuu and Mr
Geddes did the seine at Varna. Whiteman. Fourteen years ago he
Layfield as usual had the biggest : wee here Last. He 00001118 his youth
ii•iy on the First, More people like 01011.
to 011110 to this quietcannier resort
every year to enjoy tl;emselvee. 1
Mrs, sod Mrs, Jatnee, Campbell,
Misses 'Ester Lyon and Laving Brig•.
ham leftlaet week on a trip to the West
Mrs, Lobie it hero to spend the cum
mor at the home of Mrs, and Mas,Jas.
Campbell during their absene0 i n the'
Mies Clara Young hes been visiting
her sister in Brantford for some weeks.
A most enjoyable Garden Party was
hold on the 1110(100 grounds on 'Thur s
day night rot patriotic purposes,
Mrs Thomas Workman is ill with
hire. ;tiov Te Julie of SW'indeer and
her daughter. aro 1:0101 en e•fng the
healthy breeees at their aunon er cot -
age .
Miss Bronson et,L)etroit is here for ,
the summer.
Mr. Fred Heath and family of St. '
Catharines has tak.n l osseeeitn of the
Cedars" on the terrace for the slim-
Mr. and :Ire, Parker of POIltiac
Mich. are guests of Mr, and :etre.
„to clear and whiten your skin. I
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
!lies H Simpson of London spent
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake 'well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
;tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the fate, neck, arms and
hands each day and see how freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes._ Yesl �)t
is harmlese.
Mr: Jaw Hart is at present building
agement foundation under P, Eekart's
barn, Jim is a hustler.
Quite a number from here took in
the sports at Goderich on Monday.
itis, Pete Gardener's men are at pre-
sent Pressing hay for Thos Brown a-
round Seaforth
The late rains have helped veget-
ation considerably but has put a dame
per on clay making
Miss Powell of Whitby, the summer
delegate ei the Women's Institute
addressed the gtaffa brench'ast week
Her talk dealt principally with every-
day needs and saerifiees on the part of
the people anti was earnest in her ap-
peal to all to do their duty in order to
hasten the cud of the war.
etre, -lieutleraon of Port Elgin is
here vieitiug at the home of sir, H.
• Norrie.
MrtoWallnee Brown and two children
and Miss Jean Berbaur are holidaying
at the home of their parents, Mr, and
Mr.. R. Barbour.
, Rev, and Mrs, Darling of E3ayfieltl
were renewing old acquaintances here
t 1 k
f L t
I Mr, ,0.... Day had a barn raising Mr. Charlie 'Tulfin, jr. and bir. Geo
1 Mics Elva Little. who has been at- Mrs. J,E, Drake visited relatives
one day last week. Tulfin each sport a car. •
tending Normal School in Stratford
has returned home for the holidays.
Mise Edith illoMicltael who has been
teaclliug school in Belgrave is spend-
ing the vacation at her home,
Mies Margaret Johnston won the
• prize and certificate at the Grand
Lodge meeting at Hamilton for good
work in the eecret recitation of the
Dr. and Mrs, Mitchell motored to
Hamilton on Satnrdey,
Mr. and tire, Joint Boehle and fam-
ily motored from Hamilton on Satur-
Miss E, bialouey of 13uf1'„lo is visit-
ing at her home south of the village,
Mies K. Hickey has gone to Hamil-
ton where she line Bemired a position as
music teacher.
The Garden party held here uu Mon•
day wait a great success, People from
the surrounding country and from
numerous oatside pointe attended.
Mr, ,John Woodman and Miss Nettie
Woudmau from the state of New
York were vieitiug fronds in Luaknow,
With the Fingers
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
Sore corns hard corns, soft corns or
am- kind of a earn can shortly be i:.
!lied right out with the fingers if you
will apply directly upon the cora*. few '
tlrops of freezone, says a Cinotnnattt
It is claimed that ,,t small cont one
can get a quarter of an ounce of 11600•
one at any drug stire, which to stiffi-
-elont to rid one's feet of every corn
or callus without pain or sorenefie or
the danger of infeectiio otk0r compound,
This new drug
and while sticky, dries the moment it
is applied and does not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding tissue. 010
*This announcement will theterost
many women hero, for it la said that
the present high -hell footwear is put-
ting corns on practically ever'
woman's teeb,
"M remove tan, ffreeklon es, or sallowness to
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orebard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, than put
in the orchard white and shake welL
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best xion
beautifiern known: skin itaMassagener and a this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
peek, arms and halide and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear the skin becomes. Yea!
It is harmless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you.
Watch for Them
Farmers should be un the watch for
these slick gentlemen, It may repay
them. In the country near Liman a
couple of men representing themselves
as government officials, visited homes
in 13idilnlph end searched the premises.
In one ease they found and took away
six hundred pounds of flour and a large
Clog that had just been killed. It was
nut nuts! tater the; farmer discovered
his mistake and informed the county
polies who are searching for the pair,
itis also reported a couple of mon
were operating among the farmers near
St Coni! !ban last week,
Farmers acid others should eerefully
50amilte tie credentials of any parties
enquiring into their affairs and if they
are not honest, should Hand them over
to the authorities et once, A farmer
is allowed to have more than the regul-
ation amount of flour if he has reported
it as instructed,
Order. SiiesV,'oodnit tt iospeudingher holidays
SIr, Frank Rood of Brandon is visit- n [.andesbm'o.
R 1l C f w' tlr t
Sores Heal Quickly,—Have you a
persistent sure that refuses to heal ?
Then ,try Dt.Thomts'Eleetrie Oil i:,
the dressing .1t will stop sloughtfg,ca•
try away the proud flesh,draw out the
lug Larne in Heusail. He was
a del- uv, r stews„ u ur r ° 11118 end prepare a clean way for the
naw ekin.It 38 the recognized healer
rg to the Gruel Lode of Foresters pr.a»shed here the Sunday before last sus a oils and my Hada of people can
'ti Toronto, anti everyone was gently pleased with i g
Fns et•r,nee both a horns told Knox 1 tartify that it healed where other Dile
A new bnoka'et air ahoy has started fails a u terl}',
jj cl nch 0. 1
.ilio Kiley of finely!, ie vioitii.g firs,
Mr P,1 Dat ,r e m.18 in London 0ieft-
,,,t: who ha in the military en 1-11
L ' ,'let L''Iaity i#rand Master Porter.
-teed of Mitchell ,weempsnied by the
1 ,taiiiug team froic that place wee
Sheriff's dale of Lands here last wee!, ieetaliing the officials of
the Order. It wag r great treat
r the mal 1,0111 lie t,. Foe the erfec-
'tier of Mumu(: the were,
Bounty of !tiroffd
Sirs, Cheter of Vlilebein a is
azozczsm vieitirig relatives.
BY VIRTUE OF A Witt f' ttF F el
TO WIT; issued out of His 3I joaty e
Semen(' Division Court of the County 1
of Huron and to me directed and del-
ivered against thll Lands and Tene•
menta of D. D. Wilson, Defend,cut
at the suit of Francis Helmeted. Plain-
tiff, I have seized and taken in exe.
eution all the the Right, 'Title, Inter-
est, and E:imty of Redemption. of the
above named defendant, D. D. Rileon •
in, to, and out of the following lands
anti tenernont0, situate, lying and
being in the Town of Seaforth, Cnnnty
of Huron, and Province of Ontario,
Via., Lots 22, 23, 24, N, Pt. 3'I. 32,
33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 40, and 47, in D.
D, Wilson's enrvey in the said Town
of £leaforth,
Which Laude and Tenements I ehall
offer tor Bale et my offioa, in the Court
House, in the Town of Goderieb, on
Thursday, the eight day of August
1.918 at the hour of twoive of the cloak
Sheriff, Huron,
The Welton Red Cross 1'ntee tale
their annual meeting Jane 4 th, all
officers and committee!' were elected
with exceptiot, of the Secretary, who -
resigned, The new Secretary appoint• 1
ed —Mrs, Roy Iienuett.
The Walton ]ted Cross Inion hell
their monthly tea on Tuesday July
2 cid,
The following is report of goods
shipped from June I st, 1817 to May
8180,1918. By Walton Red °roes
Union, Flannel 346 soaks 1124 pairs,
pyjama snits 366, towels 778,caps 214
pore property bags 427,pillowe 11161
p'llow covers 118, mufflers 3, padel7,
hospital aushiona 3, value of above
articles $2.930,45, number o,f shirts
stfint to our boys 26, number of pairs of
socks sent to otic boys 8, number pairs
of woke sent in Xmas and Easter
boxes 02, number of towele sent in
Xmae and Easter boxes 29, entitle of
above articles $123.45. Total veins of
work done 33,053.90, number of Xmas
boxes sent to boys 30 value $75,00„
There are many things that serve to give CLASS to
ij I{;: til;
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Its war news is graphic, vitalizing, and authoritative.
The Associated Press Service is augmented by four of the
outstanding cable agencies of the world,
In addition to the several masterful war correspondents,
who visualize the battle -fields for The Mail and Empire
readers, the views of COL. REPINGTON, dean of war
critics, and the critics of the leading French newspapers.
are featured.
All the important news of the Dominion of Canada is
covered by the CanadianPress and Mail and Empire
special correspondents.
Local and sporting news form outstanding features of
The Mail and Empire.
On. lilt, Drama and Musk, Literary News and Views.
Woman's kingdom. Flaneur, Legal Opinions and Advice,
Farm and Suburban Home, Instructions for Gardening by
Henry J, Moore, Rural Chronicles by Nina Moore Jamie-
son, Educational Lnk, Fragments of
tions for the Quiet rPhilosophy,
Hou , Field and Wood Wh he�Birls,
The Fourth Column.
r annlurna11nr $5,ddelivered.
+r Q9 nom tis ,
Thursday July 4
means comfortable shoes for evert' ooeoaioti—low hooted sport styles
for tennis and morning walks,
Dressy pumpsfor afternoon, dainty elippers for evening wear.
We can supply the seannl'a newaet its
Conte in and fill your needs in seasonable shoos nem.
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 51 Seaforth
M i mar
Men /9 and 20 ¥eai° • of Age.
^t;`antest (sags.
Leave of AkTscnce on Grentnd of Extreme Hardship.
T 'E rocediiire to obtain Leave ave of Absence.
Men Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age.
It has conte to the attention of the Government that there is a widespread
impression that young men of nineteen years, and those who became twenty
since October 13, 1917, as well as those who may become nineteen from time to
time and who have been or will he called upon to register under the Military
Service Act, are to be immediately culled to the colours.
This impression is quite incorrect. No date has yet been fixed for calling
upon such men to so report for duty, nor has the question been brought before
the Cabinet for decision. In view of the need of labour on the farm, it is most
unlikely that consideration will be given to the matter until after the harvest is
over, although,of course the Government's action must be determined primarily
by the military situation.
There is, no further obligation incumbent upon young men of the ages
above mentioned who have registered or who do so hereafter, until they receive
notice from the Registrars.
Harvest Leave.
Some enquiries have been received as to the possibility of granting harvest
leave to such troops as may be in the country at that time. No definite assur-
ance can be given on this point as advantage must be taken of ships as they
become available. On the other hand, harvest leave will be given if at all
Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship.
It is desired that the Regulations respecting leave of absence in cases of hard -
shit') should be widely known and fully understood. Such leave will be granted
in two c ase s --- (a) where extreme hardship arises by reason of the fact that the
plan coact /nct.i is either the only seen ca.pttble of earning a livelihood, of a father
killed or disabled on service, er presently in service overseas, or in training for
e, or under treatment after returning from overseas; or the only
reniainiret Of two or neer , brothers capable of earning a livelihood (the other
1trut,1)0 , to r.nnr , ht1 itis bit n killed or disabled on service, or being presently
in service t„ el t ,1,., or in training for overseas or under treatment after his or
heir return from overseas); brothers married before 4th August, 1914, living in
'.tl, 1'ntt. e teblisi:1 t'ilt0 and having a child or children not to be counted,
tieio i i, Ii,tp, the fact that the man is thcl,ttonlyi" remaining son or brother;
) t WI1L_c' extreme hardship arises by reason of exceptional circumstances such as
'cite fat't t] 1t the man concerned is the sole support of a widowed mother, an
iltva,:'3 f,t:..,'r or other 1::'lpless dependents.
it is to be aortad that in all these eases the governing factor is not hardship,
loss of suft'('rin, to the individual concerned, but to others, that is. members of
his family or those depending upon him.
Procedure to obtain leave of absence.•
A supple system for dealing with these cases has been adopted: Forms of
application have been supplied to every Depot Battalion and an officer of each
battalion has been detailed whose duty it is to give them immediate attention.
The man concerned rned should on reporting to his unit state that he desires to apply
for leave or absence on one or more of the grounds.mentioned and hisapplieation
form will then be filled ou,t.aud forwarded too Militia Hea l'quartel;s, Ottawa. In
the meantime, if the ease appears meritorious, ,the an. will be given previsional
leave of absence for thirty days so that he may, return home and continue his
civil occupation while his case is being finally disposed of.