The Seaforth News, 1918-07-04, Page 7• RAILROADING TO fP e VICTOR' •Sf1ciG14ncrnsUtbPGG g� oho ate,.( tat 2311 ho, Pntt — It ropah lint et mettles Penalises, Cy, renevlo, . -... ,to s int' v Rubber.26anBeets. Cermet t.00'l. "`.^` •� - to uotiel'-r 2fi ane wfi4 dams--1'alstltaid.. ,tell your order to day. E. soneasee, BrOGEST FACTOR IN le'AI ARF,, Oae Posniaton leaulc Mesa, aoromo. IS TRANSPORTATION. �-- A. Vast Work is Being Accomplished FROM OLD SCOTLAND by American Engineers la France, The American railroad engineers in Trance are doing a year's work in four mouths. line of the ways they are going about it Ir by working day and night, r;+ys n London weekly, The h"udt ,ups end difficulties are hinu- ,,.,;,I:gr They are 3,000 miles away from home, their supply base, to be- gin with, Uncle Sam on the job.. They are building everything. connected with transportation and supply, from sleeks for ships to the smallest kind of re- ceiving station on a siding close to the Front: Their railroad men have done everything•—earpentry and quar- ry work, warehouse building and con- crete mixing; they have broken stones on the roadway, and they have pot to- of Rev. Dr.. Scott, South Parish gather locomotives; they have handled Church, Aberdeen, has been awarded - structural steel cranes. They are the Military Cross, laying lines in vital pieces, building, It is intended to break up the Ethic terminals end railroad• yards—soma bigger than any in the world in area, if not in rail --and the rails laid will equal a four -track trunk line from the seacoast t0 the Front, They -are con- centrating on yards and terminals, be- ort to Driver Peter Wishart, A.S.C„ crouse the French railroads are good, son of Mrs. David Wishart, Dundee. capable of bearing all the traffic, but Over eight thousand articles have We lack of facilities for handling and been sent to the Red Cross hospitals storing the tonnage the Americans re-. by the Logia Ladies' War Work Party, Bridge of Annan. The Royal Red Cross has been awarded to Sister Mary 1r. Smith, Dundee, Queen Alexandra's Imperial Nursing Reserve, Ton lege—ships. (4) Truck shortage Major G. J. Wilsoni, son of tine head - in America, master of ,'1•illicoultry Public School, It is a general, but none the less who was awarded the M.C. some time mistaken, view that ship tonnage is ago, has also been awarded the D,S:O. the greatest necessity for the support The War Savings Association of of the American Army to -day, But Bhnclloey are raising £`2,000 to pro- videerst thele must be places to house the an aeroplane. rnniagc, and truck, to move it and the The Belgian Croix de Guerre has i inals. Without these it would be beets conferred on John W. Ronald, for America to send well-filled ALM., of Armadale, hips to France in great numbers. Private W. Wilson, R.A.M.C., .who Ela could not handle the eargoe-e. .ihelongs to Dundee, has won the D.C. Everything for S11eed. M. for bravery on the field, The Military Cross has been award - NOTES OF 1NT1flli:ii'1' FROM (hill RANKS ANI) RUNES. Whet is Going On In the Ilighiends and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. The Military Cross has been award- ed to Lieut, tan, F. Macdonald, R.F.A., son of. Mrs. Macdonald, the Manse, Swinton. Dunblane Hydropathic Hospital has been purchased by the Government and is being converted into a nlildtury hospital, The Duchess of Montrose during the past winter provided supplies of Oxo to the children of Buchanan Parish, Loch Lemondsido, Lieutenant James Scott, R.F.A., son Estates, Porfarsllire, into farm lots and offer them for sale. The roll of honor of Holburn parish clhurch, Aberdeen, contains 806 name. The Military Medal has been award - quire is critical. The four problems in transportation the United States must meet are: (1) Truck shortage in France. (2) Lack of terminal facilities in France. (3) To solve problem No. 1, the Antal- ed to Rev. William White Anderson, tau engineers have taken over all ee Hogness, an army chaplain. broken and unfit British, French. and The Military Cross has been•award- Belgian trucks, and remade them. At ed to Lieut. D. A. R. Cuthbert, son of the same time they began building a ex -Provost Cuthbert, of Pert plaFreigz -acard assembling ngcland er ctingome , The Bathgate War Savings Com- plant, the United a trucks ine - mittee have undertaken to_raise 1:50,- { .. _ 4, box- 000 to purchase a new torpedo boat. ed and ready, will be eon^' • acted as Eight thousand five hundred more fast as the materials can ie made in acres have been put under cultivation the United States and shipped. in the Perth district than last year. Locomotives are being erected in Captain and Adjutant W. W. Mur - just the salve manner. American en- ray, son of James Murray, Hawick, gineors at one shop are putting to- has been awarded the Military Cross. gether and sending out on the main Major-General Robert Hutchison, lwine nd theyou or five locomotives every day C,B. Braehead, Kirkcaldy, has had the biggest and best lo- Belgian Croix de Guerre conferred on eotnotives in France to -day. him The tonnage crisis is being met by Mrs. Lumsden, of Tarvit, has been the preparation of railroading facili- appointed a member' of the Parish ties, port improvements, such as docks Council, and is the first lady member and wharves, gas and oil plants and o£ that board, tanks, refrigerators, and the erection Fifeshire has undertaken to raise in of loading and unloading machinery, one week £400,000 for the provision deo as to release the ship in the fastest of a light cruiser, to be named the time and make the hours lost between Fife trips to the U.S.A. a minimum. Private William Shand, Gordons, who has been a prisoner in Germany American war cargoes are more since the battle of Mons, has returned various than any known in the history to his home in Buntly. of modern shipping. They do not Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes, Peter - trust all their eggs in one basket head, have had at one time seven nowadays. They send mixed cargoes sons and one daughter on active ser- -locomotives' wheels, and tinned vice with the forces, beans, ammunition wagons and type- writers and cigarettes all in the same Poor,l2ooking creates waste because boat. Similar cargoes in the next the food will not be eaten. boats. If the enemy gets one, the others bring a supply that keeps the engineers going. America needs men to build and to fight, and machinery releases men. That is why the American railway en- gineers are doing so much construc- tion, because it means speed, certain- ty of supply, and release of men. Every hour's labor put in now means many times that number of hours sav- ♦ eel later on. eet ISLE OF MAN PATRIOTIC. Judicious Mixing. Asks Conscription and Voluntarily In- creases Taxes. The Isle of Man has self-govern- ment in regard to all taxation, and in a number of other ways is self-gov- erning, says a London despatch. The residents are patriotic and the Legislature has carried a resolution requesting the Imperial Government to extend t d the Military Service Ant to the island. The Legislature has in- creased the tobacco duties and those on imported spirits and beer to the British scale and the home browing rates pro rata. Employment Offices Essential. There should be a farmers' employ- ment office in each town and village so farmers could put in their applica- tions for men and men could pot in their applications for work, and the two parties could thus sort themselves out and get together with some sys- tem and some satisfaction. Live may- ors and reeves in Canada are taking fletkinitiative in this matter and not a bit too soon. Australia's first extensive deposit of slate has been discovered in New South Wales, Conservation means the use of foods re- quiring less sqar, less fuel, and the lninimunl of wheat, l u rdpe:tiits requires NO SUGAR, No FUEL, less milk or cream than i other Cereals, and is part BARLEY.' It's a concentrated, nourishing, eco- nomical and deli cious food.TRY1T! �tY �„�1'�La�.r�.aNF1w\TH,142NF•�M1YS'1.�rr8u0+, aY'1 l„ for'go aiid Satin This smart little model shows serge and satin charmingly combined. 11Ic- Call Pattern No. 7720, Misses' Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 to `20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your- local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St•, Toronto, Dept. W. • GIRLS! LEMON JUICE - IS SKIN \WHITENER. t How to ntalce a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. hese The juice of two fresh lemons d strained into a bottle containing three 1 ounces of --orchard white makes a e whole quarter pint of the most re- w markable lepton skin beautifier at p about the cost one must pay for a t small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the t lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- c tion will keep fresh for months. Every h woman knows that lemon juice is used s to bleach and remove such blemishes p as freckles, sallowness and tan and is sh the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. le Just try it! Get three ounces of Q orchard white at any chug store and re two leptons from the grocer and make 11 up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- in grant lemon lotion and massage it Q daily into the face, neck, arms and po hands. ot th st n • - ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A WTI No foolishness: Lift your corns and catlttaes •off -with -414m_' —It's Pke magic( Vlore corns, hard corps, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the (ingots if you apply upon the cora a Pew drops of freeeone, says a Cbnrinacal authority, For little cost ono can get a small bottle of freeeone at any drug store, which will peeitively rid uue's feet of every corn or sallw; without pain. Me simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does not even irid. tate the surrounding skin while ap. plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. if your drug- gist hasn't any fr•eezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house, QUEEN WIELDED A HAMMER. To Satisfy Herself Munition Work Wasn't Too Hard for Girl. How thoroughly the royal family is at one with the people in the present situation has been shown both by the King's informal visit to the battle front and by the Prince of Wales' re- turn to duty before the expiration of his leave, Since his return his Ma- jesty and the Queen have been busy visiting munition factories and equip - meat works, At a factory at Walthamstow the Queen, as ever, was chiefly interest- ed In the girl and women workers, among whom she mingled with her usual cheery smile, chatting most of the time—when not passing a few words with the girls—with Mrs.. Phipps, the organizer. The Queen, impressed by the ape pearance of the girls, remarked to Mrs. Phipps they seemed to be girls of a very superior type, when one of he conducting party remarked, "Yes, your Majesty, we are some stunt on hese girls." Tho Queen looked puzzled, not un- erstanding the slang, but quietly auglhed with pleasure when it was xplained that what the official meant as that their experience in the em- loyment of female labor had been al- ogether satisfactory. Queen Alexandra has been busy, oo, visiting factories with Princess Victoria, throwing out a useful woad r two of advice as it occurred„ to er practical mind. In one shop she aw a girl wielding a hammer and unching identification marks on a ell. She thought this must be very eavy wort-' for a girl, but to the neon's inquiry the girl smilingly plied it was quite simple now she ad grown accustomed to it. Accept - g an invitation to try for herself, ween Alexandra held the putsch in sition with one hand, and with the ther hitea series of hard blows; but examination of the marking feared at they came far short of the andard. It is false economy to use cheap, LIVE STOCK LOSSES. How the Warring and Neutral Cou tries of Europe Have Suffered. The comparative losses of live sto y the warring and neutral nations urope and the general effect on the eat supply may be judged from fi ores announced by the United Stet ood Administration. As regards meal;, the Central Pow rs were much better prepared for th ar than the Allies. Although t Utes possessed a greater' total nem er of meat animals, the Central Po ,e had forty-two per cent, more pe apita. This advantage .amounted to irty-three animals of all classes per le hundred population. Due apparently to acquisition of nimals by conquest, Germany has not aughtered her home supply of live ock as rapidly as otherwise would ve been necessary. There is now a actical exhaustion of animals in elgiur , Serbia and Rumania as a re - It of invasion, according to inform - ion from very reliable sources. In tal animals the Allies have decrease their herds and flocks 45,787,000 ad, while Germany has decreased rs about 18,000,000—only slightly ore than a third as many. The fig - es include cattle, sheep and bogs. tidal nations show a total net re- ction amounting to 1,412,000 of se animals, The European loss thus ceeds 65,000,000 head without talo - into consideration Austria, Tur- and Russia which would, undoubt- y, bring the total to over 100,000,- A somewhat clearer view of the Eu- ean meat situation at present is Bee by reducing the number of mals to the actual amount of dress - meat they will yield, Rating cattle equivalent to 500 pounds of dress - meat apiece; sheep forty pounds, Hogs 150 pounds, it appears that various countries have suffered es in their total meat assets to following extent: er Cent. of Loss on Meat Basis, es as a group land , glum nee . b E m r e w A b e c th 01 sf st ha pr I3 su at to ed he he m 111' Net du the ex ing key edl 000 rop Be sol ed LIS ed and the loss the P Alii Eng 13e1 Pre Ital Ger Eur C the ed r Bible obvi way etc inferior tea, for it yields so poorly in of the teapot. Use only the genuine it Salada to secure the maximum num- g_ ber of cups to the pound and, in ad - es clition, you will enjoy the unique flavor. e A Glass House to Live 111. he A Japanese bacteriologist has built; - a dustproof, airpeoof, germproof Pow house of glass, the air tilat is needed r being pumped through a pipe and fil- 28.7 le 0 82,0 21,4 Y • 17,8 many ' 86, 8 opean neutrals •... 0,0 onsidering the poor condition of animals still alive and the report - eduction in live weight, the pos- meat resources of Europe are ously still further reduced, eet greens Mt be used the same as spinach. 'Fhe Xhtdreee. The fairies follow after Their fairy queen and guide; Like music is their laughter, We wonder where they 'bide. 'I'•Jley:: llk-e-to. -go a=str-aying • On starry nights in dune .Among the maples swaying Beneath the silver moon, We often hear them dancing The waltzes all they know; Sometimes the moon -beams glancing The fairies to us show. In rainbow tints and shiny Aro clad the merry elves, Save that they're very tiny, They look just like ourselves. On Land er Sea The AutoStrap an - ewers the call efiici- ently' -it is the only razor in the world that automatically sharpens its own blades, therefore, it is the only razor that is always ready for service. The Aut0Strop will give your soldier or sailor lad the same olean,comfort. able shave he enjoyed at home, no matter where he Is or under what condition he uses it, Give him an AutOStrop —it's the gift he needs. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co. Limited FI -87 Dake St. Tomas. Dat. Some Cow. "She's an awf'ly good cow. Our children think the world of her, You'll like her immensely." "And how much milk does she give?" "Don't know exactly, but she's a nice cow—first class." "Well, you must have some idea— does she give a gallon at a mincing?" "Never kept very much track." "But you have a rough notion about it. Does site give as much as half a gallon a day?" "Couldn't say definitely, She's an awf'ly good, kind old cow, though, If , she's got any milk she'll give it to you." 2Rinard'e Liniment Cures Garget 1n Cows At the Cross Roads. He was a little Belgian lad Whoin war had somehow failed to mar. Almost a baby face he had, Bewildered now and. vaguely sad. "Where are you going in the wind And rain? And must you travel far?" He said, "I've started out to find tered. The country where the mothers are." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sire,—This fall i got thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I couldnot work and it hurt me to breathe. T tried all kinds of Liniments and they did me no good. One bottle of MINARD'S LINI- MENT, warmed on flannels and ap- plied on my breast, cured me com- pletely. C. H. COSSAB0011I. Rossway, Digby Co., N.S. Cosmos can be made to flower early by root pruning with a spade. Run a spade down ten inches from the stem, half way around the plant, A week later prune the other half of the cir- cle in the same way. Minaret's Liniment Cares Diphtheria. Plants that need it should be pinch- ed back to steep them in shape. Chrys- anthemum's for late autumn or winter blooming must be topped and turned, Bouvardias and other plants far win- ter blooming should be pinched back. / dyPYl dr. PAIN entimator 'The Good Old ieatli!ly Friend 3or over 40 imam IiiryCa Pain 8mo/initiator hat beep taking the gainout of ,heimthm lumbago, lame book, neuralgia, situate., tootbeehe and dells: tamptaintl,'- sur a boule, rand 110 dt,tedanf an the amino In the pag40gey Ilt dialer!, or write be. '`111110 lI ehts01'•toitPA u Y iisylltoh,Csfsde v Hl411'8 -Pauly sats; Rosecn . 111122 3 Pectoral Syrup o1110i ,..,-.... hound end riecamnane (31,1 g0 -Y'1 -L Ie lit "We view the world with our own eyes, each of us, and we make front• within us the world which we see." —Thackel•ay. 'hey only speak in whispers Of things that they will do— hose merry elfish lispers That filt the woodlands through. Get Out On the Farm. mieletereee Every man is wanted on the farm this year who ever handled a hoe or drove a team. Get in touch with the situation. find out who is handling the employment agency in your town. Sign up for service where you will count most during this harvest. Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Wire Hungers. Instead of cord for hanging up brushes, brooms and dustpans, try using a small wire, which will not soil or wear out so quickly. MONEY ORDERS. ' Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. No garden is complete without a rhubarb bed. Rhubarb is first in the field and last to leave it—coming in before the strawberry in spring and outlasting the latest plum in fall. msinard'a Linmen,t Cures Distemper. Active demand for farm lands has led to the formation of six 'new land companies in Alberta this spring, In Ohio only about 4 per cent. of the wheat sown last fall will not he harvested and the condition of the erop is four points higher than a year ago. Imanavogoreaamonuatenestramtwannemeleseas Keep your shoes new' SHOE POLISHES iKtuIDISand PASTF5 i gaft,WHITE,TAN,DARKBROWN OR 0)0.51009 SHOES PRESERVE the LEATHEh na. Frasier conroMngw, w-,I141e1ae,0Aa,A PENAALE IXELP WANTED WANTED 100 GIRLS to work in knitting lulls. All kinds of operations on Underwear and Hosiery. Good wages paid while learning. Write or 'phone !Amami. PARIS, ONTARIO Fill up your'pipe with T & B—rich, mellowed, sun -ripened Virginia. This genuine Southern -grown leaf has a flavor and aroma all its own. Full bodied, yet soothing, Mother Nature's best. No ppe smoker should go through "T & B. Week" without a package. No word is necessary to old T & 13 smokers. They smoke it always. But you—if you have never tried it, smoke T & B this week and realize the satisfaction of using a genuine Virginia tobacco. Fill up your pipe with "T & B." ytr4iNS Pod Al't) fl -- t MADE (P4 , CANADA E .W/, G B USTI' CO. LTD. Wn1NIp&o POCONTD' CANADA ,•.,. _. ....... MGii7nEAt Thunder Bay district has been, by many experiments, proved to be high- ly suitable for the growing of flak both for fibre and fur° seed. Trial ' acres of flax have been sown by many farmers and it has been universally successful and, despite the short sea- son, ripens to perfection, 8'020 NALI9 N. NE LIti10 •r1 Iiuf 121 l.C)liipe:, Bailer, with ;100' ft, of 2311, pipe; stilt -leg Aerrle5; 5,50,15. band b5', - Massey Traet,,v Engine, Orgy Tr•on pasting" mase t0 order. The Domini,.n Youndra•, 7.weg5, ant. ' ' EEI0LT NEWri'APJOR FOIL 9ALId In New Ontario, Owner going to France, Rrill sell 52,000, Worth double that amount. Apple' 3. H. 5;0 'Wilson Publishing Co„ T:Smlied, 'Toronto, 1 URT ao n EQtrIPPIOO NEiySPAI.Oft W and ,tab prlating plant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance nng ca..rrLietdd ., 51,o6r00on,Walt 1 woho,, 51,200 nCuolcaleTBo89.- C5NCEn. TUMORS, I,1300P9. 10y01.,, lJ internal and external, cured wlta- ro t train by our home treatment,. Write an before too late. 1)r. Aenmas Medical f•.+ . 1.I mt t„N. 001111arwood. 1,02 Reduces Bursal Enlargements Thickened, Swollen . Tisseesa.-„ Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore., nese from Bruises or Strains;, stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. $2,50 a bottle st druggists or delivered. Book I- R free. ABSORBING, Sit., for mankind—art antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains, painful, swollen veins or .glands. Et heals and soothes. -$1.ee a boule at drug. gists or postpaid. 'Win telt you more 10 yaw write, ea.F.YOUiIG, P.O. lea 1111teem Sidg., Montreal, Cane, sorelue and Ab-orb,na ie. are mzda to Curia Fleas ;Pimples. With One Cake Soap and One Box Ointments Face never free from them for two or three year's. Were sore and often became large and hard. Left dark, red blotches that disfigured face. Nothing did much good till tried Cuticura. Helped from first application and now• face is healed. From signed statement of Mtse Lorena Kennedy, Ye. R. I, Williams- town, Ont., March 7, 1917. Use Cuticura Soap for toilet pur- poses, assisted by touches of Cuticura. Ointment to soothe and heal any ten- dency to irritation of the skin and scalp. By using these fragrant, super - creamy emollients for all toilet pur- poses you may prevent many skin and scalp troubles becoming serious, For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A. Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. HOW HIS NERVOUS: IAN GOT ELL Told by Herself. Her Si. cerity Should Con- vince Others. Christopher, 11:—"For four years I suffered from irregularities, weakness, nervousness, 31.11 d was in a run down condition. Two of our best doctors failed to do me any good. T heard so much about what LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound had done for others, I tried it and was cured. I am no longer nor-, vows, am regular,. a n d in excellent hes th. I believe the Compound will euro any female troubl@,1i—Mrs, Azlcia lIau egg, Christopher, 111. Nervousness is often a symptom of weakness or some functional derange- ment, which may be overcome by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Plnkhamle Vegetable Compound, as thousands of wemen have found by experience, If complications exist, Write Lydia la: Pinkhaln Medicine Co.,ynn, Masa., for suggestions in regard to your ailment. The result of its long experience is) at your service, I.D. 7, - ISSUE 26—'9.80