HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-04, Page 54
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN AIRD,ccioenJMauser
H, V. F, JONES, Ass's, Gen% Meaner
RESERYE FUND, • $13,500,000
Careful attention is 8iven to the bank-
ing requirements of farmers, with whom an
important part of the business of this Bank
is transacted, Farmers may rely upon
prompt and courteous service. el
Seafox -bla. x:`ax=k.o&
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W, J, Walker
W. ,f, Walker, holder of gov-
ermnent Diploma and License
Day or Night oal:s receive our
prompt attention
Day Phouo 67
Night 'i r8
Ontario's Leading Commercial
School makes euccele easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy, We
give individual 1n8truotious audetn-
dente may enter at any time, Gra
dilates are placed in positions, This
is your opportunity as there is a
great call upon ns for trained help.
Write at once for partionlars,
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry,
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, large ve
randah. Stable 16' rile' hen ;house 9
Apply at the
News Office
Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant tvitt•
life; has an incomparable softness
is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandeuff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff'. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
and if not overcome. it producea a fever-
isheess and itching of the scalp; the
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast. Surely get a
snail bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
rem any drug store and just try it.
For Sale
House and half gore of laird in the
village of Egmoudville. 'rho property.
18 situated 0n Ctet,e Street, close to
the Presbyterian 011010h and is known
as the Pieroell property, Good com-
fortable home, good shed, good well
and cement eietern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
Currant bushes, This is a corner pro
porty with no breaks on front, and the
and is in a good state of oultivation.
This is a nice property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partioelai's apply on the premises or to
John Rankin, Seaforth.
For a Nice
Hair Out
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
For Sale
A neat and comfortable
house on High Street. All
Conveniences. This prop-
erty must be sold as the
owner has decided to leave
town. Here is the bar-
gain that you have been
looking for.
Bond and Debenture Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone p1 a
s' Send your creme to us sod revolve
top prioes. We are rimming our plant
the year through and can handle yooi
full supply and furnish you with cans.
We pay twice each month and weigh
eample,and test each can of cream care
fully. Our motto is " Honesty to our
Patrons a Patrons are requested to re
urn all our mane when not in nee.
3 titer ani Buttermilk alae en hand
n.d for at market primes,
The •Seaforth Creanury Co.
Hood Milling Wheat,,,,,,,,,,,„,, $2,10
Oats ... ................. ,,,,,,.., ... 115
Bran per ton ,....,.,,36 00
Shorts per ton .................. ........ 41
Hogs to, farmers...„. ....... 7,00
In view of the partial failure of the
Fall wheat Drop in this province this
year it will be necessary for farmers to
;hake early arrangements for the sup-
ply of seed which they will need for
fall growing. Under those eiroumsten-
oea farmers who have on hand quail.
titissol wheat suitable for fall seeding.
should conserve them for this purpose.
If there is no demand looally, the in.
formation should be supplied to this
Depart,neut or to the Looal. Office of
this Deparhineut in your County so
that every olfort,may be made to have
an equitable and eatisfaotory diatribe
ton, The need for foodstuffs justifies
a large acreage of Fall Wheat in tide
province again this year, and the oo•
operation of the farmers in the mobiliz
and distribution of the available seed
supplies is invited.
Ontario Department Agriculture,
S, 13, S'POTf3ERS, Agri. Representat-
ive Clinton, Ont,
Geo, S. floury, Minister Agrioelture
Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Miss Madge ,Stewart of Aurora ie
here spending the holidays at the home
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. 3, A
A dining room table, 8 Ir, long, buffet
t,o 0, Layton, Seaforth, Stewart, High St.
reMmeMreeetteeteo !reeee.a. +pneiiarpl. llTown Topics
we stateeiveee„a,mw
The High Cost of Living ---Economy
is the WOO to -day. Hake your old
gartneuts do instead of purehaeing new
ones, Have diem dry cleaned anti
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done leugthene the life of garments,
preserves their fraeh new appeer'an0e
and acts as a riiainfeetant, Unsanitary
wearing apparel often causal sioltnese
and death due to germs, clothing
should be cleaned et frequent Intervale,
My Wardrobe, Godorioh St., Seaforth,
Opp, Queou's Hotel..
was 0
a vise,
et' to
Tor -
Mr W. H, Willis of Wingltam
Seaforth visitor,
Dr, end We. Donald Meth
daughter Edith of Shanghai,
who are at present au furlough
the guests of Dr, and Mrs, 11' H.
kin at the ;muse,
Mrs, 13, Meyere of Stratford is
itor at her home here,
Mrs, R, A. Wiles has return
her home in New York,
Mrs. ,I, Harvey and son of Lo
are the guests of Mrs, 11', J. Burro
Mies H.1 Graham has returned
Buffalo, where she was attending
International Sunday School Cony
Mrs, Percy Little and ohlidren
Toronto are visaing her parents,
and Mrs Wm Davidson, Goderioh
Miss Etta Box has returned to
Mr, Earl Stephenson of Winnipeg is
a visitor at the home of Mrs, John
1VIurray Goderioll St.
Mrs. Arthur Poi bee of Clinton spout
a few days with friends in town,
Mre. W. E, "Holt wile has been
ependinga few weeks with her -parents
Ool. and Mrs. A, Wilson retuned on
Monday to her Hoare in New York
Miss Grace Walker of Rochester
Hospital ie spending her vacation with
her parents, Mr, and Mre. W. J, Walk
Mies Johnston of Quebec was t
guest of Mies Anus Beli,
Mise Mary Gillespie of the Windsor
Collegiate Staff is spending the holiday
her hone here,
Mre. F. MoGavin has returned from
visiting relatives in Brantford,
Mise Grace Weir of NewYork hos-
pital is spending the holidays at her
home here,
Messrs. Cyril and Oswald Snowdon
spent the holiday at Kincardine,
Mies McConnell left on Monday for
her home in Collingwood,
Mies Thompson is spending her vac.
ation at her home in Listowel
Mise Nellie McMichael of Toronto
was a week -end visitor at the home of
hor parents Mr, and Mrs, James Mc-
Mr, and Mrs, Padgeatt and son of
Toronto are visiting blr, and Mrs, E,
Mr. George Smithers and Mies
Mabel of Toronto spent the week -end
with relatives in town,
Major H. Crawford of Buffalo and
Major J, Crawford of Georgia were the
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
John McLennan.
Mr, and Mrs, I'', .1 Lawrence of Van-
couver arrived on Wednesday to spend
a couple of months with bLe, Lawrence
parents, Mr, and Mrs. J' Pinkney.
Mr. Lawrence is a teaoher in Venom: -
Principal J. <lr, Ross 18 in Toronto
this week examining Departmental
examination papers,
Miss Annie Stewart was a Stratford
Miss 6Helstrip itof bleaford is the
guest of Rev, T. 86' and Mrs, Brown at
the rectory.
Sacrament will be dispensed in the
Presbyterian Churoli on Sunday next.
Rev, Mr Molntosh of Bruoefiel( will
preach the preparatory services,
Dr. Mackay assisted by Dr. Burrows
and Dr, Wishart of London performed
a euooessful operation on Mr, J. F.
Reid on Tuesaay evening, The pat-
ient is doing well at present.
Miss Annie Downey of Arento was
visiting Mre. Win Devereaux this week
Mr, ,cud Mrs. Jas, MoGee and Jauk
spent the holiday In East Wawanosh,
Mre, A, vVeetooit left on Thursday'
for Winnipeg,
Miss Robinson of Last Wawanoelt is
a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mi'a
A A Naylor, John St,
Rev, flee, MorCielet .preached
farewell eermon ill the Method
(Thumb. on Stmday evening. 'rho en
jout was Faith anti a oleo; and torsi
expoeiOion war given, urging the ne
sssioh n row
of grtyass0f a lT
, heving mernborfaitaiof Ohothe ngils;
were thanked for their klndneae a
eupport and they were requested
give a cordial welcome to Mr. Moye
who eueeeede,
Inter0Oasion Was the subject at St.
Thomas Church en Smithy in aooerd-.
auoe with the ealional request, 'Tile
Euohariet was celebrated at 5.30 and
11 a, re, and intersessiott at 3 P. in,
and et 7 O'oloolt in the evening,
Mr, and Mrs, P, Box and Mrs. N,
McLeod and two children motored to
Detroit and spent Dominion Day with
friends there,
Dr. and Mrs. J, 1-1, MoFttu] awl D.'.
McKee of Toronto are the gnome of
Mr. and Mrs, J. (1, Muliou.
Ml's, A. D, Sutherland and two
children left this week to visit relatives
in Fort Sasltatehewan, Alta,
Mrs, EL Ellison auil Mies Mabel
McFau! of Toronto are visitors at the
home of Mr and Mrs, J. (y, McNair,
Mies Nina Robb of Toronto is vend -
lug her vacation at the parental „hose
of Mr. and :vire, Johu Robb.
Mr. W. J. Hales Weston !spent
Dominion Day with Mre; Hales,,
Mr and Mrs A McNabb of Toronto
spent the holiday with fairs, John Me..
Nab b.
Mr Taman and Miss Doreen Tetuan
Toronto were visiting friends Monday
Miss Bessie McMichael spent Sun.
day in London,
Mrs. E. Kelly of Minneapolis aad
Mise Margaret Pinkney of Stattford
are visiting at the home of iMr, John
Mrs. Ada Merdith of Wallaoeburg
is in town visiting ber brother, Mr, J.
Reid who underwent an operation on f
Mrs, F. H. Larkin spent a few days
with friends in Goderrclh.
bir, and Mrs, '1'. b'. R; Case of Tor-
onto spent a few days at Maple Hall
with Mrs. Crank Case,
Mrs, M. Y, McLean has returned
from a visit to friends in Toronto.
Mr. Robert Gemmell left last week
on a trip to Edmonton,
Mr. and Mrs, A. Scott spent a few
days with friends in Stratford,
Miss Towell of Guelph is a visitor
at the home of Major and Mrs. 13. .S,
Mr, T. S. Smith has returned from a
business trip to Montreal.
Mr. and dire. J. Orman and daugh-
ters of Sarnia motored over and spent
the week end tvith bir, and Mrs. Jae.
Rev. F. H. Larkin D. D, Viae in
Westtninster last Sabbath preaching at
the anu,versary services in the Presby.
Ohurch there. Rev. Mr. Crawford of
Westminster aocupied the pulpit of
First Presbyterian Church
Mrs, Donald McLean who was a
visitor at the home 'of Col, and Mre.
Wilson returned to London last Fri-
Mrs. Cowan and son of Detroit are
visiting Mrs. Cowan's mother Mrs. J.
Mrs, F. Casa has been very ill this
The Seaforth Branch of the Navy
League will bold a "Keep %Vete),”
celebration in Victoria Pari: on Alon-
day, August 5th,—the day will be pro-
claimed Civic Holiday -the Committee
in charge have a number of scouts out
savoring the latest attraetioue—pro•
grout includes a monster parade, spurts
or all hinds, a tank arc,—watch for
bills with full particulars and remem-
ber date...Ctvio Holiday, Monday,
August Stir.
Notice To Bathers
'Complaint has been made to tlio
bloKiLlop Couno11, that parties have
beeu bathing in the Maitland Inver,
oppesite the Cemetery, wit out pro -
per clothing. As this is contrary to
the Ulttario Statutes
soI by -!
awe of
the nuuticipality of the township of
bloKillop, any further violation of the
Act will be punished as the flaw dir-
ects. Hy Order of Council
M. Moydie
Demand for Aeroplane Wings
Stimulates Production.
Seasonable Hints for tire Fruit -grower
and Agriculturalist—information
About the Work '17ntt figs Been
Dome to Secure Lads to Aid
(Qontribetre by ontarlo 14. par I, went of
Agc'tcu!ture, Toronto,)
LAX fibre is absolutely rl0ees-
sary for the oonatruetlon of
aeroplane wln;s. Yet because
of ltussltt's defection, Great
Britain has not 110W more fibre on
hand than is sufficient to keep the
mills running one anti a half days a
week. To further complicate matters
the flax seed crop :n Ireland was
perilously neat' a failure last year.
These vital facts were disclosed re-
cently at a meeting In Toronto, of
the Agricultural Section of the Or-
ganization of Resources Committee
of Ontario, culled to discuss the flax
'situation. 13vldeuce was also given re-
garding what Ontario already had
done rge. 9
thirty-three(oellove fluxrho millsshortawere operIena1ted17,
6,000 acres were planted and 2,600,-
000 pounds of fibre and 45,000
1 bushels of sed were produced. Our
.ilax business last year had a total
value of he
seed produced wi0
llaccomplish ar vital
mission abroad, as a large part of 11
has been shipped to Ireland t0 meet
the great seed deficiency there,
8,000 :Acres at Leant This Year,
Already flax growers are planning
an 3,000 -acre production, at least,
for this year. Each of the mills are
in the, market for all the straw and
seed that can be secured and good
Prices aro asnured the grower. The
rrangewents made inthe past
ave, for the most part, provided for
the leasing of flax laud by the mills
at a rental et from $10 to $15 an
acre. The grower ploughed the land,
prepared the ;reed bed and hauled
the crop to the mill --except whore
the crop was carried on the railroad.
The grill operator supplied the seed,
often did the seeding, and harvested
the crop, The flax was pulled by haud
and the workers were housed in the
fields in tents. Their transportation
was paid by the mill company and
they received $15 an acre for pull-
ing. It took a first-class puller three
days to finish an acre, As the work-
ers prepared their own meals, the
growers were In no way intones.
fenced by having them on their
Flax tc Highly Profitable Crop.
While this system is still followed
almost entirely, farmers may very
profitably grow flax, doing all the
work and selling the crop outright to
the mills. An acre of good flax will
produce some nine bushels of seed
and two tons of straw. The seed sells
now for from $7 to 99 a bushel, while
the price of straw will be dependent
upon quality. In case labor condi-
tions prevent the pulling of flax the
crop may be harvested with a binder,
the seed sold at a remunerative price,
and the straw at about $15 a ton,
Old sod land is: preferred for flax
and any soil which will produce a
good crop of oats will be suitable.
Wireworms and white grubs, so de-
structive to other crops, will not at-
tack flax, The seed should be plant-
ed not later than May 10th and the
crop is harvested during the middle
of July; Was the soil is left in excel-
lent condition for winter wheat. A
thorough discing, without ploughing,
is sufficient preparation for the
wheat crop. The fear that flax 1s
particularly hard on. the land is un-
founded, as it does not take more
from It than any ordinary field crop.
Fifteen Thousand Boyd for Ontario
In 1916 and 3.517 the Department
of .Education made regulations which
permitted students to leave school iu
April, provided that their term's
work was satisfactory, for the pur-
pose of engaging in farm work, it
they spent three months or more se
a term, they were given their school
standing without passing the custom-
ary promotion examinations,
When the students bad responded
to the Government's appeal and _had
volunteered in thousands for the
work which they realized to be of
such importance, there remained the
problem of putting each individual
applicant for -work iu touch with a
farmer who desired assistance. This
was uccomplished though the On-
tario Government System of Public
Employment Bureau in cases where
the students were unable to mak,:
their own arrangements. A minimum
wage of 915 per month was set, but
the farmers soon realized the value nL
the students' labor, and offered 'w
high as 935. per mouth, The average
wage paid was $18.
it Is expected that 15,000 boys be-
tween tine ages of 14 and 19 will be
available ibis spring for farm wont
lu the province, Tbe minimum wage
this year w:11 be 915 per month, with
ooard. It Is hoped that every farmer
who can snake use of the services of a
High School boy will make early
application through the District
itepreseutative in order that ho may
not he disappointed. There are over
150,000 farmers in Ontario, and only
15,000 boys to go round, so the wise
armee will be the one who speaks
10ickly,—Dr. W. A. Riddell, Ontario
,abor Bureau.
Get a spray Calendar.
'his i the time of year when
spraying nwist command the atten-
tion of the fruit grower. Everyone
should procure from the Department
of Agriculture, a spray calendar 111
which directions are given for the
spraying, of all kinds of fruit trees
and the preparation of the various
ia.serticldes and fuegicidea--Ontarlo
Al rl attltural •Oollege Notes.,
Triangle Plays
Set the Pace
William Colliers'
amusing Comedy
the No-good Guy
II,rs heen characterized by the critic's asi",ur immediate ucce,+s that will
popular fora !wig time to come". also "in this exquisitely hunt
nornedy 0o111er has not made a hit by at•oident hitt tl,r•ou„ h the uee
high intelligence and time seneibiiitius".
Yon can see it
Thursday Friday &
Crunplete program always $shown twice Saturday night
If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are it
a better position than ever to supply your needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Order,
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or anthing
Borne In And See Us About Sale
Opposite Daly's Garage
Thursday Friday & Saturday
"Mae Marsh-
The Cinderella Mars
Pronounced Miss Marsh's best picture
It's a Goldwyn
Mon, Tees. & Weds
"Jack Pckford"
"Louise lluff9'
"The Yamint"
a Paramount Picture
also the final episode of
"The Fighting 'frail"
Price 13e --- Children 100
Ask for programme at the Box Odllea,
��n�� u� 2O�ppposite Daly�,jss'' Garage
+ �(�
6N2N�fll�!V 11!Z AEAMjE�� I�fit lUR?NAM AMES