The Seaforth News, 1918-07-04, Page 4PROFESSIONAL , 1k1ROSs • MEDIOAI. B, Fl, HgIIOg{ 8o88, Pheateleeeed sur moa tete o! -Louden urea . i4011490,1:ng1004., SOppUig attootiof 10 disoaoee of ityo. Ear, No00 rCg o t p ea O R Nlbehind Priedoitee !ank,hene No. ne Residence Ph000 No, We Dr, N, J. BURROWS Seatorth 02100 and .r 0 ldenee0-eoderich Street, cant 01 the Moth 00431 ()hard), Coroner tor Canny of Huron Tel'ophone No, te. RH, SOM.'.54 SUM:NAY, .Saysietane and Sttrgeona,tloderieliStreet, opposite Metb0• Chinch...3041orth, Econ. graduate S'ictarla and Anti Arbor, and ttemberofOntario College 01 Physicians and Surgeons. coroner for County of Huron, It s.cieee, hours gradilate Trinity trniverslty, of Cones.. • r P38,10 na8and Surgeons, tOn aims yeR.1)NIf.liM)1 . Osteopthlc sp001ahat 9/ in 11 c in:u 0 *ltd t: hlldreu a dlsensee and Sheamltti,. troubles, Acute and t ltronio disord ers, Far, Eye, Nose and Throat Adenoid re. Moved without tilt iiat liete. Consultation free, Tuesday, s a-iu, tot p.m :Friday 80,111, 10 81 pin �F UdLY, lewglel Marr�a�e L�eens s and optician, See• 1)rt:1 Insur nee ]71you am, yap 'a poatmrd will get our rtes.r dents 3. 9, HINeI4LEY, per, General Agent for Loddon Life Insurance Co.. and , wpexial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. •. WHlN1 .. t�(nemiAli.{,+alo�1 eeserrese r�,tyt/o (wes 1`'11UU tiUU 105E �'a� � � jj IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY ! Freya the Oilleu T i ON's. S 9EAIFOR i r MAIN T. Fv 1 in it . q1 0 04 g Phone d�rmvasl.7 Watson General Fire, Life and Aecid,mt Agent, and dealer in +swing \133 I Manu Street, Seatorth, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Cot Patten and Isolated Teske! Property i`0' ..eFF•.?R3 J 3 Hai. .. D3 -re: x-9 D. F. Seafort. " Wlathrop W. Rio oar -race :13 re5ea_•a: u. Srodghage Rob Ferris, :tis, Mc*ren 1 ye 3 SeLovat Agents Asea. Leitch. "_A.f,ach:- '•,�,. WilliamChearey. £,r= ±..'4h tie- Rolmecvinet R. G. Ja. _� nth. itrod4re' • 'a- - Sar and John Gore_'o$.Seafarth. Parties desirous to s..ect tes--a-,o3 et =st other business will be pro=;:i a:traded .- application to any of the shove ; ks,., adsr.ire to their resoect...re poetoE_eo. ani ODly taenia? Beware of Imitations Sold on the Merits of 0 SUBSCRIPTION Due dollar per year, 9(0110) in advance If not paid, 10 ear twee, ono, dol\ar and a half will be charged, moiled States papers, err,towfifty coats extra. strlckly In When subscribers chaauge their addrete notice should be '/cot us Immedlntely, ylvtna emiborl willdconfer a favor 4y notlifyinguus of any irregularity of del1vcry. Reeding Notices—No reading notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which mono Is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted la Tao Naw3 without charge, The price for the Inser- tion of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display centractl, and for church, sodety and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 line, S.0 cents, Judlelal Legal, Offish! and Govern- ment Notices—Tea cents per line to first Insertion and are cents per doe for each sub.euuel insertion. Yearly cards --Professional Cards. not exceeding One inch, will be Inserted for 95.00 per y'ar, na..able strictly In advance Display Advertising—Rates furnished on appltandon, "Advertisements prdered for Insertion, wUnt11 forbid." and those sent without written lastrneticne will appear until rltten orders are received for their d19• rontln005)1 Letters to the Editor se accom- a..02 by the 7111:3 ow- a>0at3tt, not • t a, a r4a,a..tee of good 4. 0 The V*: shoe 30.33',,t7 3o resppa. r 0 u a 1 41310373003 made 1 ti. 1 «41 13.33 oa reit. 0 .:we r he bashed at alt r . 48 10. 181,7'.4713.e2.8 a. .r marked is , :_, ';'_- S, ',1 3 ....&81X'9 ten S Doer :.. 110: o.@- S.sEti •.e....-4 General Obseryations 1 D r 1 C3: 1-i3 13 a: wa: w:I be . _:: s...cma 0•D every :esu. woman r:.1 a_:.:i tine moutie whet. all bread 0010-10 frrnt 3:31:d3rd 0.he3t 11301 must .eeeied Vt:tory Bread' :Ind mixed 1,3reen:age of 3'lbetitlites for sat ' ?..: 171313 :3 the effect of a 1e - •le..: ::der 101001 by the Canada Food Begird i1: a 0•g0r0Ua effort to save the ex:sting reamer anpplles so es to make them Iast out until wheat of the com• ing hat vest reaches the deur mills and tLe new flour is distributed tor coln- 0amptlou, The new Order defines sub ecitutes for w'3est as corn, oats, barley, rice, rye. buckwheat. tapioca and any mixture of same; potato floor, bran Shorts, oatmes:, rolled oats, eon,. meal, corn starch. hominy, corn grits, rice meal inn potato midi, Minard's 3, .3 l.intneet on and after Ju'y Ist one pound cf wheat 8 .batl•eta must be used by a I bokere. eoufectloeera ar.d public eatil.g pie, es with every Liile i D::Lds of Steed era wheat eeur i:t lnaki0g guy baker!! prodI:eta. 01.11 the same rn:o ehafl apply t- ovary i e lee i:, +'ai:ada who bakes bt9Ad. 1'D..:a ,.:t' 03817.) for ;'r1vate 1011.1 8lwp:1.,1., '1__ 3:.! after Jltly 15th ,n 8',8.:3r..31,4 3341,i Pert 1 t tis p o part, 311 .3 0 1.8 /181.r:403 1 1J 1!.3 113,118d 8 with 3-:•_r fans. It. Pest Arti.'ir we' the 1%30 tete 18,:r,33310 W181/1 a bey-' a0c''. ptec drt., the : bort on the ...jean i tl t_es of 0)08010.1)1,0 01131 130,30. For Sale SCRANTON COAL W. 1.1SECY, Sedforth. Phfi'i:e 13Q1 ■ \ Buskiess Without a proper systm of adver- tisin is like a motor without the 4. power 4+ Sea forth News It10VeRr1Srj1eNTS will supply the 1'eflutred energy phrone cvenings127 HURON NEWS Mi' tiichoits teumi•tg 911,.1 Mr . Tay'ler in Morris township had six sheep kii:ed in the early ]leers One ulernittg by doge, Mr, Cum'a,ge four in number, were in a field and Mfr, Taylor's were 011 the road, 1 On Wedneseday evening last weep Lindsay .1, Butson' was fatally injured in a slide which 000urred in the gravel pit where he was workieg, He was caught betweee the gravel sad tie wagon, receiving severe i0ljllrie8 iutr»r- natty, ill spite of medical aid render. ed him, hs passed away the following Setlttlay. The corder stoke of James Ballantyne in Brussels has been sold to tale ;lova eicetia Bank which will renovate the building for the use of the 13auk. Last Tlleeday two Ford tractors arrived in Clinton, consigned to Mr. b B, 8tothors Agricultural representat- ive for Huron, These tractors were purohaeed by the Ontario 0ovornmetlt to aid in farm work, but were delayed some weeks in shipping, 'These two are to bo delivered at Wingham uad aeeforih, While out eauoeing on Snuday after. noon at Goderieh, Mike Bowler, the le year-old wort of Mike Nowlor, ar, ,was o wa drowned, Ho stn the wafer for t o over all hour end Shore was no ollaeroe of bringleg hint to oone0iouaner0.''lieo, Bullard a had a narrow escape, He wee with young Bowler, but clung to the (mime hall rescued by a motor boat He let go of the 05000 just an the man iu la0ue1 caught him. It took a little time to bring hits around, Tide has been the first drowning of the sea - eon at Uotloricll, Gurdon Holmen, 8011 of the County clerk has been offered and refereed three meet he furl ougu, a f tar spending three years in the trenches, The band iuetrumeuits of the 101st battaliou have been returned to Hod. erioh and will be kept till the boys return, The home of Mr' and Mrs, ]Farrow 0! 11 'ost Wawanoeh was the Boone a pretty wedding on Thursday. June 20th when their oldest daughter Margaret M1iuy, be0131118 the bride of Harvey Tre- leeveu of Duugauuon, About sixty guests were present from Hamilton, Shelburne,Ripley, Lucknow'Blyth and 1uu1 other places, They will reside on their fine farm fu Ashfield, Mrs. Thompson wife of the mayor of C,inton died after two years illness, at her home; She was boru at Flesherto and :eaves two sons, both overseas, an a Attie daughter, 1ha funeral too o ao•• 011 Friday, i:ta Farmer's 1.-11:b at Boruholwe ha i,re:e.:ed a 2Or.lnittee to confer wit M:canal. t'ounril or any other or ;let! .0 o 00t1110 881011)111 help 83 p.:'33111:84 .' tx:-mils 4183r11:g 11871ug anti i:9rr»3t, 11-, 1,, Lashf,r30k at. aged resident of M):c..e:l pessed ewe) while sitting ass ohs; 1, lie o3me 10 Mite1ell :v 1.lie y0lt:tg and lived the:e for over '1f:?' years.- The (1111er31 was held on :res..lay forenoon under Uddfeilaw ser Listowel will do no paviug on its 8110010 this year as the majority of the sennet]! voted against a $20,000 by-law It was proposed to extend the pave- ment on Main street of the towu, but • tl.e mejority decided this was not the time for such work, Principal Boeck of the Clinton Mod el School slipped off a step at his home last week and sprained his ankle. To make matters worse he has to leave this week to take charge of the Summer Model school fn Braeebridge, of which he has had charge for several summers 11 d k Stiller's Worm Powders work s0 effe- ctively that 110 trace of Weltns 0811 be le found, The pests are macerated in the stomach end pass away in the Stoo, witlulllt being perceptible. They make .,l The ltohabilitation Committee at. Helifax has repotted that 40 a reenit of the great dieeeter the totally .blinded will not exceed eed h'r f t i t t e It r y . At fi s t g it woe feared that hund.l'9de would neve 0r regein their eight. Bletorie intermit is atta011011 t0 the notion entered at Origaode Ball, by w111oli the exeoutorof the estate of the late Sir Maokenzio Cowell, of Bollovillo seeps directions for the diepoe51 of certain artioles of eili'arplate for 10111011 no pro 018101118 made 111 the will, '1'he plate was p108911tedl to Sir Mater - etude "for aticetude''for the mouse pursued by flim while a member of the house of Com - mous fh ooaductiug the investigetioll and moving the •expui0l0n of Louie Riel," Immediate reduetiou has boon deter• alined upon ler the number of types and sizes of automobile tires from 287 to 32, by the lnanufaoturors in the Un- ited States, Under the programme an- 110nueed recently, by November 1st, 1920, all but 101110 typee and eines will have been disoolltinued, Trying 10 start the fire with coal oil, Mrs Foster of Toronto, received fetal butes from the lire which 000urred when the ban exploded and lit he clothing. She was at 0110e taken to the hospital but died a few hours later, She leaves three children, A whole regiment of Aneerf0811 sol- diers ham been sent to Italy to assist in their groat fight against Austria, an entire and clean sweep of the intesti nos and nothing in the shape of a wo- rm can dud lodgement there when the- se powders are in operation. Nothing mend be mote therougli or desirable than their action, Harold Laugford of Clinton had the wtsfortune to fall from a tree in hie father's garden last week and was badly hurt and fora time it was feared there were internal injuries but at last re- port he was doing well Wm• Lease charged Henry Schauder of Elice with wilfully running into and breaking his wagon. The magistrate after hearing the evidence assessed SoLauber the 00318 of the court $e shd ordered Lease to pay his own ex• peu3esfor mending the wagon, as there were faults on both sides, The men were hauling gravel on the road and there was rivalry between thew as to • who should get his load out of the pit :flier, Lease Lad started out first on 11110 road, but the tailboard broke and he had to fix it and when he started glue 1chat:ver was corning op4e0site ou another road, Lease then to get ahead c,t, name, the grass to head him ufi bet the two wagons collided and 01:o was broken. Mrs, Ed. Pollard of Brussels is now eeireiug the mail on R. R. No, 2, Grey P.,:enshil, in ]dace of ber lalsbeed who' is tau 1(07 with other work to attend' tJ it, Although the route is a heavy 000 tlr, lady is giving perfect satisfac- i tion a3 a corner She chiles the oc-' cup'etiuu is a pleasant one during fine lveatee r. The chopping mill which was recently burled clown at Morlcreif has been re- built acid is chopping feed for the farmers of then vicinity. Briefs for the Busy A syndicate in Guelph is attempting to relieve the scarcity of dwelling houses in that plaoe. They are titian - Mug the buying of sites and the build- ing of fifty houses. They will sell these :o the working people on an initiai payment of $11.1) and monthly rental Instalments, no profit being taken by he promoters, Cep'. W, 0, Barker D. S 0, M and bar, of Dauphin, Man, has the credit of -having destroyed 27 German airplanes and having drive» down six others out of control. He ie thought to rank next to Major Bishop who has brought down 72 enemy machines, ur • Mlif*, 1M11lIMMMMw1Mt$M .., KWIeM[i�M�IattrMwl�lrlell� M THE I le IN I Farmers' Business 1 eofa and r Special attention given to the business Farmers r:` r Dealers in Live iitook. Sale notes collected on favorable 1 r terwn„ r i r Savings Department PI ;Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. r is Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year.. SI.. Efficient service assured to depositors. IS xSEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Manage+. M ev saPIMINsnouIES. ._ E s t3 etaali.iiea _ i i r 1 Winth.ep Presbyterian Sunday eelvi0e 2,30 pm, Sunday Bollard I l5p in Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p. 1'l. L 0 Let Wed, e'onstanee Methodist Rev, W. Kafue, pasto1, Sunday service 2,30 p,m. Young People's Lea- gne2,30 p.m Sunday 100)11011'8 Auxil dry first Tiles of every month a 30 p.m. Ladies' Aid Inst '1'huredey of each month 2,30 p.m First Presbyterian Rev, N', H, Larkin„Pastor. Sunday eervioes 11 a,m, and 7 p m. Sunday s0ho0l 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.40 p.m. women's Miss- ionary Sooiety•the first Tuesday in eaoh mouth at 3 p no, Barbara Kirkman Alia. cion Baud 3rd Tuesday in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Iilias1011 Band every 2ntl Monday at 4.11 p.m. Me1Siliop Presbyterian itev. D Carswell pastor Sunday services Delis' church 11 a m Sunday school 10 a m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m women's 8liasiouary Society last Friday in e95h month at 2 o'clock. CH URCH NEWS Itum u a iter thisfie ad are pbIshed free of eharge,ex- opt those regerdingKnteetlIlgO rehire an admission fee is charged. Tile rete for such being ave cent per count line S13PlIzI RTH eiluReStEs St. James' St, James' Church, Rev. 100111011 E. F, lioetz P,IP, Early Mass 0,,10, High Maas 1(1,30, Sunday Sohool3 p. in, Vespers and Benedietio1 of the Blom ed Saoramentl7' p. m, St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Reuter, Sunday aer00ee 11 a.m, and 7 pan. Sunday sohoo 1 2.30 p. m, Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 p.tn, Children'abranoh Saturday 2 p.m. uterce8sion services every J'hereday, . 0 p.m, Methodist Rev, 0, McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 1(1:00 a,m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 pm. Slug. day school and Bible study iilass 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thuratta y 8, p.m. 40 1101, Mgt Mood' 10 Ole 4,102,'9 WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING inttn dieser* doe to 'moor* blood a. a err Ogren. O Y aid L009 9p beeves , aprp las p Ys acv e, ltbaeo sone, Mples, 4e* or any awnln11Ca, Bella, Ptrnplee, epr.00),911) kinds Plimetc., don't w Poi your time and money trout rto,,.11511'1 lvnste your time and money on lofthes and 0ofibe skin which payout get belowtheineMsurface of11eskin, What you loot Isum311111 a that will Ihoruu • hl'free dw blood of the poisonous matter which alone lo the true cause of all your Suffering, Clarkees Blood Mixture is lustUtah 41438041M It is comport of Ingredients width quickly expel from the blood all hnpurities, (rant whatever causes arising, and by rendering it clean and pure. can be relied on t0 effect Il lasting Cur: 7h,nraadr p/Mrhrao,lnrin 0 Nr ratlike set/ern/Mill round Dutrle), Over 5e years' 8101011, Pleasant t0 Iskr. eser by 110 el oo831, and St l.pnar9, 7418381atl CLIMES ALL. s1,tants. SKIM & 81000 DISEASES. Salvation army Lima. 111154 mid Envoy Wood Holiness meeting 11 8,111, Praise service 3 p,n1. floapol eervioe 7 p.m. Ohildrels Service—Directory class 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p m, Weelr night eleetings—Wednesday Prior meeting 8 (1,in Egmondville,Presbyterian Rev. S Mel, seri pastor. Sunday ser- vices 11 a.m. and 7 p in. Bible Mann 3 pen Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, In, Y.P MS Union 3t'd Friday in the month 8 p m. Women'a Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the mouth at 2,31) pm L'tlli00' Aid mem 3 mediately after. So please help the Royal Air Force by going out to pull Flax. You may work in the fields right near your home town. The local Flax Mill will take you to work and bring you home each day without cost to you. In no branch of active service is heroic sacrifice so marked as among our aviators. Their splendid spirit is well revealed in a letter to his parents written by an aviator five days before he made the supreme sacrifice. It says in part: "If the news ever reaches you, which sooner or later reaches every flyer's parents — don't mourn. We R. F. C. men never think of death; the only thing we think of is the effect our passing may have on our dear ones. So if I go the usual way, don't let dear mumsy cry, wear black, and all that sort of nonsense. Dad, don't you get all upset. Keep the show going, smile and carry on ... ” "Keep the show going, smile and carry on," that's the spirit. Many boys and girls are WOMEN GIRLS and Men, you can earn $4.00 or more a day pulling flax, too young to enlist to "keep the show go- ing" but an opportunity is offering to be of service now: the flax -growers want help, and the Organization of Resources Com- mittee are behind a movement to save the fibre for making the cloth for aeroplane wings, of which the allied armies are in very urgent need. Boys and girls, young men and women, and even old men, may enlist their services for this work. For the convenience of the workers, automobiles ..71 ' , provided to take them to the fields and ]:ack. Six strong boys giving attention to the work should be capable of pulling an acre of flax a day, and as the offered wage is $15.041 an acre (which is the recog- nized rate of the Flax -growers' Associa- tion) this means an average of $2.50 a day to the lads. over 15, you can earn front $1.50 to $3.00 a day pulling flax. aRO 3. s over 15, you can earn from $1.50 to $3.00 a day pulling flan. You can work for the Local Flax Mill, the address of which is given below. Help h Jall for these Flax is used to make the wings of aero- planes. The grade of flax depends upon ©rIYAIIIO t nc reasons: its being pulled at the right time. If the f'iSx is over ripe its quality deteriorates. ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES COMMITTEE, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO Apply, at once, for employment in this neighborhood to Seaforth, Flaxmill Zurich, F. Kalbfleich Crediton, Nicholson & Hodgins Hensall, U. Geiger Exeter, Flaxmill Zurich, A, Heideman Dashwood, Flax Co. Shipka; Flaxmill / si