HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-07-04, Page 1The Seaforth News New Series Vol. 30 No 27 SEAFORTH,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Something New In Grave Decorations A. wire arch, with a wire flow- er -basket hanging from the centre. Come in and see it W. E. ehapmar., Prop, Seaforth Monument Works - - ,..nm,mrr.v� yinpia RESTAURAN I' AND CONFECTIONERY r.; FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY Of course you want candy, How could any party be a success with- out ;NUR CONFECTIONERY You will find in the varied" as- sortment we carry your favorite kind, Materials we use are the best sallow. Candies are always fresh. Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Country,Cream aud;Bes;',Fiuits 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Tolephone Economy! 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Do you practice it? The Prompt Answer! IF the habit of answering promptly when the telephone bell rings were universal, the saving of time would be enormous. Few things are more pleasing to telephone users than a prompt and courteous response to a telephone call. In business, the practice of prompt answering has been a money maker, for customers appreciate it. Practice prompt answering yourself and make it a rule in your business. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada II111111111111111111I II I I I I II IIB I I I II II 111 d I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111Ii1I111111111111111111111111111111111 AI1111111111111111! 1111111! I I II I III 1111111111111 Notice A meeting of The Seaforth Farmers' Club will be held in the Sepete. e School Hall, Seaforth, on Wedeneeday evening July 3rd at b,30 o'clock, as matters of cunelderable importance to 1 .`farmers are Doming up for consideration a good attendance is desirable, In. tereetimg reports will be given by our delegates who attended the. recent Farmers' Convection in Toronto, All Farmers, non-members as well as 'niembere, and retired Fernlere as well, `Yore nerd -hilly invited to attend. Geo' D. 0 Hato, John Scott, MoKillop, Hallett Notice Public School Based on the resulte of the June twat end pupil,e attendneoe and oleos work of the year, the following pro- motions have been made. Those re- commended are provisional; If after six weeks they are able to keep up they may remain. The names are in order of merit, ROOM I. Jr Fourth to Sr Fourth Honore—Kathlyn Rankin. Pass—D Kerslake, 8 Cluff, Margaret Ohittouden, Allen Reid, Wm Marriott Recommended— Abbie Seip, Hilda, Goldhawk, Etta Swill', Ii Charters. ROOM II Jr Fourth B to Sr Fourth Pass—Lula Marriott, F Crich, Gilbert Livingstone, H Dill, Douaid MacKay, Jen Grieves, R MacKay, Erie Stewart, and F Chesney equal. Sr Third to Jr Fourth Honeys—F Jackson, E Toward, Grace Pethick, Pass—Arthur Ament, C Aberhart, T Johnston, F Crich, Att Borrows, K Stodgill, B Frost, Marjorie Bickel,, A Brodie and V Patterson, equal, Evelyn Peterson, BBB Marshall, Recommended—G Reeves, W Smith, Pearl Wright, I Layton, ROOM III Jr Third to Sr Third Houors—Myrtle Sharkey, A Beattie, Pass—M Godkiu, Daisy Spain, Hee Hays, W Scott, Agues Smith, Walter Bateman. Recommended—A Powell, E Beattie,J Hart, Jean Lowry, E Brownlee, Lyle Thornton, V Rankin, Sr, Second to Jr, Third Honours— Frank Cook, Margaret Case, Kenneth Carnochan, Margaret Grieve, Janet Oluff Cecil Knight. Pass— Jim Stewart, Will Hart, Verde Baker, Evelyn Hatboro, Mat. garet Melntoeh,Irene Patterson, ROOM' IV Second Book to Jr, Third Honours— Anna Sutherland, Robert Willis, Leslie Hogg, Daisy Hamilton, and Helen Marshall (equal,), Maybelle Rends, Clifton Toward, Murray Savage, •Jim Weir, Jean Brodie, Billie Sather. land, Dorothy Keaelake, Karl Ament Eleanor Harris, Margaret Thompson, Dorothy Webster, Pass— Elva Jefferson, Nellie Cook, Jack Walker, John Dennison, Fanny Peterson, Gordon Goldhawk, Dorothy Robinson, Alvin SAlery, Gerald Snow- don, Jack Crich, Vera Holly and John Powell (equal), Jack Ma(.iue and Annie Hoisser (equal), Elsie Lowery, iittseeil MaQuaig, The Girls' Club, of the Curtis Pub- lishing Co, are oontributing their oom. mission for new subeoribers, to procure an ambulance for Red Oroee work in France, I trust the people of Sea - forth will assist in making a good sum available for this purpoeo, by taking either the Ladies' Home Journal or Saturday evening Post. Ladies' Home journal $2,00, Satur. day Evening Poet $2,50, Country Gen. Haman $1,75, Mrs, B, H. McLeod, $oderioh St. East, Agent, ROOM V First Book to Jr, Second Honours— Margaret Stewart, Mary ,laokson, Billy Barber, Jean Cluff,Ber• tha Grieve, Jack Oughton, Dorothy Frost, Audrew McLean, Mildred John sten. Pass— Arthur Caruoehan, Lillean Longworth, Fvelyu Hnisesr, Margaret Thompson, Gordon Rolph end Lila. Murehall (equal). Edward Rankin, Jack Frost, Jeanette Archibald, Elroy Brownlee, Leonard Brown, Roos Wrg`u$ Arthur Edmund and Laura .Mole (equal), Leona Pearson, Mileire 0 Turn boll, Itscomntonded— Ida Huiseier, Glen Smith, Margaret Daly, Saw a Bear And Other Things Roy Saylee, of the fort Elgin Times who wes rogietrar for North Bruce gives the following account of a trip in whish he saw things though they have total prohibition up there, )n connection with the registration we had a visit to the peninsula, Cut our way back from Tobermory, just 8 miles this side, and at three in the efternoon we passed over a rattlesnake and had slackened the speed of the car beoauoe two woodchucks scampered along in front, when suddenly turning a sharp corner, there squatting iu the centre of the road, was a fine big shag. gy black bear not forty feet from us, Naturally we jammed the emergency brake and expected bruin would charge a tire and then deal with us later But he did neither. He just shook his head and soampered off in the hush, while we, what did we doe We put full steam ahead. After a short time we stopped the ear, eollected thought power and tried to figure it out Well, Snakes! Woodchucks! Ouly for the faat that we were hobnobbing with Reeve Phil Forbes, Dr. Hacking and other celebrities we would have be- lieved there was something wrong with the editor. Cucumber Mosaic The attention of cucumber growers is directed to a disease which seriously affects the yield of this plant. The Mosaic disease of oueumbers is not yet very prevalent in Ontar.o and for that reason growers should be on the watch for it that it ma/ not gain a foothold, There are three types of the disease, of whioh one is very dam- aging, This is the White pickle Mos aic, which greatly dwarfs the plants and cauese the fruit to shrivel up or grow in a misshapen condition. The distortion in the fruit is due to irreg- ular growth certain parts bosoms sickly assume a light yellow or nearly white Dolour , and grow very poorly. The remainder of the surface is normal, re- tains its dark green oolour and grows much faster, thus producing dietorted leaves or lumpy Erni t. In the oilier two types the leaves are the parts most affected. In one of the types the leaves are mottled with light- er, yellowish green areas and the plan is weakened and dwarfed, thus reducing the yield. The Mottled Leaf Mondeo is not so damaging as the White Pickle type• The third type is known es the Speckled Leaf Moaiac, and whole the leaves become spotted with sickly areas, as the name indicates, this form of the deeeaee is not considered to be very damaging Like other Moaiac diseases, these cu. cumber troubles are trauemiseible from one plant to another though they are apparently not dun to any fuugue or baotorial parasite. if the juice of dis- eased plant be injected lute a healthy plant, the disease will be produced,aud in the field, tranefer of this kind is thought to be brought about by means of sucking insects, BOOM VI Pruner to First Book Paas --O Trott, R Storey, L Batman 0 Naylor, B Carnoohan, Margaret Be- attie, Fred Willis, R Holmes; N Stew- art, N Jefferson, M Rolph, E Holmes G Muir, J Oudmore, B Marriott, M Oudmoco, 0 Riley, H Cumminge, L Jackson, J Archibald, Bee Oluff Mary Oughton, Fred Huiseer, Margaret MoNay, W Stephenson, Edith Bateman, A Somers, 0 Wright H Taylor. Reeomwended"J Hart, C Stephen. son, A Taylor, H Workman, B Joynt, July ti lc)IS "Keep Watch Celebration '9 Auspices of the Seaforth Branch=Navy League Victoria Park Civic Holiday Monatay, Aug, 5tII Monster Parade Firemen' Demonstration Sports of all Kinds The Midway A Tank See Bills for full program Remember the Date .�,. eMMMnn MMM 0 $1.00 per year Dap and Night Watches We I1dVe a particularly nice line of these watollee. Intim Day Time of course the dial is clearly seen and likewise the time, In the Night Time, in the dark when you want the tints se badly this watob shows the time clearer than ever. A reliable, dependable, service- able watoh, with Radium Dial, and 15 Jewelled movement, $10.00 (in Nickle Case) 518.00 (in Gold Filled Case) We would like to show them to you. You will enjoy [seeing them. Drop in. 3Rxrlb . ttuaugo Ilium /Matchmaker .Ye (Optician JJasurc ifierriagr Kirrnere Phones Business 194 Eveninge 10 The Store you will always like STYLE STORE MAC TAVI SH'S QUALITY STORE It has been found that the common wild cucumber also suffers from this trouble and that insets will carry it from these wild plants to the onitivatedcrop in spring ft is not thought to be car- ried to anp coneiderable extent to the seed, In view of the transmissible nature of the, disease it is thought advisable to destroy affected plants and to burn up the dead vines in the fall, Clean Stomach, Clear Mind, -The st- owed' is the workshop of the vital fu. nations and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the hind droops and work becomes impoeeible.The first ca- re ahoald be to restore healthful action of the etomaolt and the best prparation for that purpose is Parmelee's Vegeta ble Pills Genesi nee for years has won them a leading place in medieiae. A trial will attest their value. Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, whioh is entire y sefo to use ,and certain and aatisfao pry in itt action, GOING ON YOUR VACATION SOON? Then take our advise—Don't leave everytniug for the last moment, Start planning to— day. - BUNGALOW APRONS 5 doz. women's Bungalow (overalls) Aprons,, made full large size from splendid qual- ity percale, in medium colors Just the thing for general house work, Special 5oc each. J. Mactavish SEAFORTH Something, NeW for the Sport and Bathing — Sport Model corsets 75 c to $2 1 If you want your waistline to look trim :and neat even during strenuous exercise, or ;even in your bathing -suit, you will find this !elastic sport model corset splendidly adapted, land, what is more, extremely comfortable. jThey fit snug over the abdomen and over the hips and also have hose supporters. Ask to see thcm at our corset coulter. New Shipments offer Women Splendid ehoice to Buy Under. Mi uslins. Whether it is because we have specialized on under muslins that has brought to us ;such a substantial volume of business, or .whether increased sales has compelled us to give particular attention to this department— is never the less a fact that women give this store first preference. These inlcude under–skirts, corset -covers, drawers, gowns and comisoles. Price range from 20C to 5.00 Boal White Skirts made of Excel.. ent Materials at $2.00 to $3.50, They launder beautifully. Materials are rep, gebardine and pique others of a new cotton material that is also washable, Made with a new panel front and attractively trim- med with pearl buttons and attractive pock- ets, If you want to be truly ecnomical you can find no better way than to have two or more of these skirts in your summer ward– robe. Summer Dresses at $1.25 and unpe wards This manufacturer, by the way has the re. putation for being the most particular in his field. So this carefulness finds clear reflec- tion in the garments themselves. Prepare to buy liberally and be on hand soon. The styles are those you will find in mod- els at twice the prices, Splendid quality ginghams used ill the makings, trimmed in white and various arrangements of materials, ninemeeeenteasetterettemeanenieeeteitooteitatitiimesseeietesemereee