HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-27, Page 8NT WEATHER DEMANDS That you keep your head cool, Come to our Tial'- her Shop and talk it ov- er with us, Von will en• lily it. Coad nt ercia l 1 K1po--�w�at O 1 CORRESPONDENCE I N�wr--.-ter.eeeoae stw•ee.-are ata Klippen Mr. lsaeo Jarrot attended the 1ved. ding of Mise Beta Jarrot lett week iu Egmoudville. Mr. Jae, Mustard end family have motored to Cltenlsy to visit Moods in that place. Barber Shop,C4th Dr, Mary Johnston has gone to Moorefield to take the place of Dr, ft: ROBINSON Thos, Wilson for a few weeks duriug Prop his vacation, Mre. Henty Jvisou has returned from a two weeks visit with her sister • Mrs, MoKibbon. DINJRL Tourist Sleeping Gars mean Comfort to the Traveller The interior is =o+newhat more modest in appointment than the standard nr t+raelasv sleeping ,>tr, swlitt steel nnderfr-me. and with highly poli.hed dark green finish, the t'au:,di.+u North - era's tourist curs present ❑ very pleas ing aPpgarance. The intetiart=linished in mahogany. with :dale carpet to match awl cork cn tpo,itinn a„oring to deaden spend and h s,a yaw:eton. Commodious smokim; town mid to, lctte kitchenette wall 1(ti: u: �. for light cooking, running w t •r t ate greatly appreciated. Roomy berth accommodating two pe: ,tL It desired. are lust one -halt th c t t -t .... rat Second-class ticket 0:2 )1) c:..y (WIMPY these ear,.. .;.1 tit: Dm;:y: Car is always :+vail:,hlc .11 r'e t:. Trains 10.00 I',•r•„na ! „u 21, 1 •m ]U p t11. ]t i, n,i.., l- •.1 y,i•1 13rid.ys(,rc 'ForTickets, neeelvntum1 i t attire and Information, apply to lberhart Druggist, $ea- horth t0 write R. L. Fadtlaire. St. E., Torcnto. SAYS LEMON JUICE WV1LL REMOVE FRECKLES alrlelMake this cheap beauty lotion • to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at 'eery, very small cost Your grocer lute the lemons and any thug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yesi.It Is harmless. Sheriff's Sale of lands tS'ounty of fl -h roni Mrs, Albert Taylor, of London, who has been visiting )tore for the past few 19eek03 1'Htlialed laet week to her house in London bstaffa The friends of :tlr, and Mrs. F. D. Hntehieon gathered at the Methodist church parsonage ott Saturday evening, last week to bit) them farewell before their departure for Mitchell. Mr. and M a, Hutchison were presented with a china cabinet and an address, .A re- ply was made ny the rocipietlte which showed their great appreciation of the kindness shown them. Mr. Sadler, sr, has been seriously ill during the past week, Rev. A. ,1, Love preached anniver- eery services of the Epworth League at Atwood on Sunday, Mr, Savauge.of hesforth, conducted the evening service at Staffs. Walton Wednesday of last week, Wm, Mc- Fadzeau and Miss Bessie, daughter of 'the late James and Mrs, McDonald, were united in marriage at Mellville church Mabee. Brussels, by Rev. A, J. Mann, The bride and groom are well and favorably known in this community and commence married life with the hearty goon wishes of large numbers of relatives and friends. Mrs. 11 A. Dennison, who is back from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. R, A. ltobinsou, in Regina locality, has disposed of her 75 sore farm, 14th con., McKillop, to Mr. Lydiatt, of Walton. The Dennison family lived in McKillop for over forty years. Mr. Robinson hes 4011 acres of wheat and boo acres of oats so will have a busy harvest. He has a threshing outfit of his own, Mr. Robinson was a former resident of Mc- Killop, Miss Jerre Bolger, of Bond Head is renewing old acquaintances in this dis- trict. She is a former reeident George and Mre, Ferguson end Hiss Margaret. of'i'oreeto were hero visiting at the fnrmerre parental home. A pretty .June wedding took place at idgh noun Saturday at the hone of B. - le, aed 11rs, r tnbipf, Kitchener, when ttleir oldest : abghter. Theodesia Beat- reso became the bride of Itev, 1, Bent- iy. 1, A„ Gravenhuret. The ceremoby 4031 performed by W. It, Osborne, a too^ her -in-law rd the groom. After all . xten led lhmeyu,oc,u trip ib Mnako- lia they will reside in the Methodist pursenege, Walti,n, Rev Mr. Bently being pareoe to the Walton circlet. The yoeng couple will i,e heartily wed (10111011 1licit' 11b,r boon Iiz , I11TUE ("F A WRIT OF F'EElel ' FACIAS lensall it; WIT: lesr,ed ,;;it of His Majesty's' Sec0(2(1 Divialott Co _rt of the Comity of HIt.otr and t., tee dir+.eted and del- ivered agaibet tbh Londa and 'fent. meats of D. D. Defendant at thr+euitt1 Fraliciu Helmeted, Plain. tiff, f have seii:ed and taken it e1.t onion all the the Bight, Title, litter - est, met E.111!ty of P..';lemptloe, of the above tamed defendant. D. D. Wilson in, to, and out of the following lauds and tenements, situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Viz„ Leta 22, 23, 24, N. Pt, 31, 32, 33, 34, 15, 44, 43. 46, and 47, 1n D, 1). Wilson's survey In the said Town of Seaforth - Which Lands and 'Tenements I shall offer for sale at my elides, in the Court House, in the Town of Godericb, on Thursday, the eight day of August 1918 at the hour of twelve of the (look noon, }t- 0, REYNOLDS, Sherif)', Huron, Sheriff's Office, Godericlt ' ,April 2913), 1918 Df. Mary Johnetein wlto lire jest come. home from the stater,. reit last week to take charge of the praotiee of Dr. Wilson of Moorefield while lie in away. Miss Hatvkino of Exeter was visiting Mrs W', 11' Johnston loot woPlt, Mr. A. McGregor lost a valuable brood time, Mrs . Wm, Crawford of Ripley and son were here this week with friouda. The Patriotic Society will hold a concert fn the Presbyterian Church on Thursday ovontug. Mrs, Richardson of I3rigden was here with friends thte week, Registration made a very busy day for those who were doing the work, A large number were at the place early to getit over. The Odd'fellow end Rebekah Lodges matched to the 'Union cemetery on Sunday afternoon anal decorated the gravee of dead brethren. The pro- cession wee led by the brass band, THE SIWORT1H N $ Hensel) is busy preparing for the celebration, hers, of the twelfth.; Crops all through this district never looked better, Misses M. Johnston and K. Soot attended the oddfellow Grand Lodge in Hamilton lest week, ,'-Millett Last Saturday was a busy day for the people of this vicinity as every 000 went up to the school house to bo re- gistered And this registering took place because the Kaiser was ruling in Berlin. But the people of Canada were worth against hila snd said Ivo will not have this cruel monster to reign over rte, So every ons went and gave their names to the kiug land suit) 190 are willing to help ehscklo this enemy of our fair laud And the king took their 110¢108 and was glad 1110 peo- ple were so eager to defend their laud. Mr, Henry Glow is epeuding a week at home from London Camp. Miss Marshall of Walton has been spending a week with her friend !dies Margaret Adams, rucefietd Friends of Sydney Gemmel are eon- gratulating him on his marriage to Miss Troyer of Seaforth, Pte, Scott Davidson is now hone ou leave of alseuce to work on the fauno for he summer er t Mise Nicholson and her sister MTs. MOGilvery have been visiting their sis- ter Mrs, MoIntash at the manse, Jos, Payne and Wife who came .all the way front l( auras in a.car in.8 days are the guests of their sister Mra. John Kaiser, - Mr, .lames Moodie has the house awned by the late Mre, Thew Simpson. Mrs , Stark of Seaforth is the guest of Mrs, Strog, who had the misfortune to fall and hurt herself but ie now re- covering. Bayfield 21r, and Mrs, F. Thompson of Lon don were guests of Mr. and Mrs: Win. Blackwell last week. Mrs, F. A Edwards was in .Kitchener last week with friends. Rev, 1i. B• btevenson preached iu the Presbyterian Church here In the morning and at Bethany Church in the afternoon, Mr, Erwin was iu Seaforth last week with friends. Mr• Perkins of the Sterling Bank staff left laet week for his new home in Palmerston Mr. Itichutd and family are speed. itlg tile summer in Deer Lodge Park,. They are from Brantford, 11r, and Mrs. Wm. Foster were in Wiugham last week. - Pte, Spaokmall is spending ton days leave here before going to Loudon, Nye, I, Woods is making a visit In Detroit at present, Miss Loo Parker of St, Thomas hoe, pita] ie spending her vacation at Iter home here, 7lubtirn Mrs, (Buff of Dungannon to visiting her daughters, Mre, Nioboleorl and Mrs, Lockhart, Mr. and MI's, Delistedt are in Strat- ford this week, 1Ir, Geo, Youngblut is busy skipping oattle to Toronto et the present time Tho )tet', Mr, O'Kell was in Brant- ford this week, Mrs O, E, Aequith is vteitiug her sister at Dueganucu at present, The Opera Co. from Goderioh had a splendid house at the presentation of the Lass of .Limerick, The Drops at the present time pre. sent a fine appearance. Hay generally is a very good crop in some planes very heavy, Clover, of which there were fears iu the spriug is mostly good, The fruit and roots are coming well, Beans, whore the ground was well pre- pared before plantnlg are coining nice- ly, frianley What might bare been a serious 00. ardent occurred to Mr, Fred Eckart•last Thursday, In 'nesting a bicycle his car elided in turuiug it to the right, The car turned over damaging itself seriously while he beittgin Oscar Moue escaped unhurt. Mr. Fred Bnrymau had a good gravel bee last Tuesday and ie renovating his hoose and baro, ;tlr. 11, Eckert is buoy erecting a cement wall under one of his barns, 11r, Jas, Cloughtou Dada successfull manure bee last Wednesday, Mr, Henry Wereuburg has finished the contract of sawing the timber for Mr, Buyrmana new barn which is being erected. blaster Kenneth Ktatotter and Miss Agues Eukart have returned from Sea - forth after Irving their entrance exams and we wish there success, A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. -- The secluded life of women which per- mits,of little healthful exercise, is a fruitful cause of derangements of the stomach anti liver and ie accountable for the pains and lassitude that so many of them experience, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregular- ities of the digestive organs and re - eters, health and vigor. The most delicate )roman can use theta with safety. octanes their action, while effective. iE mild npd soothing, 33aiig Mut Attb t mpxls'.e. r=Wa.s,i. BRITISH GAI FIERCE FIGHT I;RENC ADVANCE LINES A DUN BMW= o5 tea» A :r e WLt09 /+I wurtM) 11011011 tttailtat aII Rearlavato tranowraccr 0315P 6 1 7 .a 4dW�Sd'. .. I h.w � qtr ..S}•.9;«"o4,i Readers of The Mail and Empire occupy front seats at the world's GREATEST DRAMA, All the events on the far-flung battle. lines are visual- ized in a vitalizing manner. The Associated Press and four additional notable agencies give a PREDOMINANT CABLE SERVICE. In The Mail and Empire the news is edited and pre- sented by experts in love with their work, All the chaff is eliminated and the golden wheat re- tained. ACCURACY—SANITY---and COMPREHENSIVE- NESS make The Mail and Empire indispensable to those who desire to be well informed on world-wide and home events, $4 per annum, by mil, $5 delivered. Order through dealer, local paper or direct. The Mail and Empire, Toronto Thurselay June 7 Varna Word was reoeived here last week of the death of Mr, Joe. Roster, Be,lore been visiting Among .his children in the We for the past lour years, Mre, Nosier predeceased hila about thirteen years ago, at 1ondou, The rernaiue are being brought home, Mr, John Reid cm the Bayfield road took suddouly i111aet Wednesday mid an operation for appendicitis, perform ed by Drs, Metcalf of Hayfield and Whitely of Goderioh, has set him on the road to recovery, Mr, Roy Delman ie sporting a. new lnotoroyele, Mr. Fred Austin has made a great improvement by painting Ids motoroyole, The farmers have started haying, It is tanning out we'll and some are do- ing their Statute labour, Mr, Mae, Piligram assisted 1VIiae Coleman, the teacher with registration. Mr. Wm, Reid, s011 0f Wtn, Reid of the fourth 0onoession took ill suddenly Tuesday, It was found that an oper. ,tion was uenes0ary to save his life, Appendicitis was the cause, Rev, Mr, Jones will preach his fare- well sermon next Sunday, Mr, Jonee is retiring from preaohing, He is go- ing to work on his father-in.lawts farm; Warts' are unsightly blemishes, and corns are painful growths, Holloway's Corn Cure with remove them, SUMMER COMFORT means comfortable shoes for every noun/lion--low heeled sport styles or tocols and morning wants, Dressy pompe for afternoon, dainty slippers for evening wear. We eau eupply the aoasotl'e newest in EXCELLENT FOOTWEAR Come in and fill your needs iu seasonable shoes nen, TT ('The Rome of Good Shoes” Phone 51 Seaforth t!h tri rte 1,917 4 N Men W and ,,t0 Years fi l Age( :lx;.$'ytQ:� n ,k t keta y t of A psenc Ground; @I Extreme Hardship. Procedure to ©bkayn Leave of Absence. Men Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age. It has come to the attention of the Government that there -is a widespread impression that young men of Ilinet(`p11 years, and those who became twenty since October 13, 1017, as well as those who may become nineteen from time to time and who have been or will 111` called upon to register under the Military Service Act, are to be immediately called to the colours. This impression is quite incorrect.' No date has yet been fixed for calling upon such men to so report for duty, nor has the question been brought before the Cabinet for decision, In view of the need of labour on the farm, it is most unlikely that consideration will be given to the matter until after the harvest is over, although of course the Government's action must be determined primarily by the military situation. There is no further obligation incl.11nbent upon young men of the ages • above mentioned who have registered or who do so hereafter, until they receive notice from the Registrar's. Harvest Leave. Some enquiries have been received as to the possibility of granting harvest leave to such troops as may bo in the country at that time. No definite assur- ance can be given on this point as advantage must be taken of ships as they become available. On the other hand, harvest leave will be given if at all possible. Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship. - It is desired that the Regultltions respecting leave of absence in cases of hard- ship should be widely known and fully understood, Such leave will be granted in two eases:—.(a) where extreme hardship arises by reason of the fact that the elan d oilee:+nt: cl is either 'the only son capable of earning a livelihood, of a father - l ill:'ci or di „.1it'd on service or presently in service overseas, or in training for ti .SeTVitre, or under treattnotit after returning from overseas; or the only ianeaniaa of tae or 11t21e ltIoth•'.s capable of earning a livelihood. (the other 1 milli t hr','; It i) t.. bern killed or disabled on service, or being presently i!l rt t it e r et, of in training for overseas or under treatment after his or I I10it' 10! 111.11 farm rill tit r t - t til ; brothers married before 4th August, 1014, living in selr, t c c, ;1 1 1:, r 17t ilio) having a child or children not to be counted, in determi,;lag the fact that the elan is the "only" remaining son or brother; l)) whtlt extl't:it1C hardship Il -rises by reason of exceptional circumstances such as elle fact tf• i the le ntan etJ)ef rued is the sole support of a widowed mother, an invalid Let t,t r or oilier I ittiples8 dependents. It is to be 110(0(1 that in all thus eases the governing factor is not hardship, loss or suffering to the innclividual conperned, but to others, that is. members of his family or those depending upon him. Procedure to obtain leave of absence. - A simple system for dealing with these eases -has been -adopted. Forms of application have been supplied to every Depot Battalion and an officer of each battalion has been detailed Whose duty it is to give them immediate attention. The man aoneerned should on reporting -'to his unit state that he desires to apply for leave of absence on one or more of the grounds mentioned and his application form will then be filled out and forwarded to Militia Headquarters, Ottawa. In the meantime, if the case appeal's meritorious, the man will be given provisional leave of absence for thirty days so that he ntay return home and continua his civil occupation while his case is being finally disposed of, ISSP„rn tt" i .IDEPA1(TMENT CF MILITIA AND DEFENCE) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICI1I. r