HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-27, Page 4a SEAFORTIl NEWS
PRO $S ! Mt, C4RDSt
B• B. l;lU(1i1 1SASS, Papeete° ad Sargon
el I,on0OU main, London, England,,
eve_ attention 10 diseases 1)t Eye, Ear, None
a*09 o.reat,
O se hreet,id0uce behind Dominion Rene, ,
OW Plume lee. n, Eesldoneo phone No, 100
r, lt, 1. St rvitOWB Street, 19the t Ott 6ltandeth
Dldeneee- Roderlelt e q
CitUreh, Coroner for County of Rusin
Tos eph0)1e Nu, 4e.
DLt1.00U'rl' R 51401CA?, Physicians and
6argeous. (Weave street, oppoxlte. Nettie.
Church. aeatorih,
Snorr,l;radueteVictoria end Ann Arbor, and
Member of Ontarle College id Physicians and.
Surgeons. Coroner for Countyof ninon.
5cSAY, 510005 graduate Trinity IIuivarsity,
llloPdaiug.pl(oF. ns;nn Surgeons, OMAN,.
-'R, .,Eo. HEILEMAN, Osteopthic Bpeolalisl
mLn \41 lum's and Children's diseases and
eea •acute
.10. Eye, No10 edhout Adenid .
moved withnul th kinfe. Consultation tree.
trey al dotal
Tuet,lay, s io-nl. toe p,m ;Friday 10 a,rn, 10 t'• Sal
Mapriage Licenses
1Fe0000d 51 l }001
andoPlIetan, sea•
leo ranee
n pen eopeldering Insurance, Life or Accidente
lfyou era, a postcard will get our rates.
1. D. H1NG''4A4,EY,
t.eu ural Agent for London Life Insurance Co,,
Wad Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co,
Seaforth. Ont.
James Watson
Rener2l Fire, Life and Accident Insurance
a t, Flea dealer
h to Sewing Machines.
Mutual Fire 6usuralluu CO
Parse and isolated Town
From the Office
Phone 94 livening 127
One dollar per year. 'Wetly 1n ads, a ace 1
it not paid la etlVan00, one dol\ar and Si
papers, fiftybnettlearext02' olridkI States
ad yenned,
When subscribers distance their address
notice should ba $elft us Immediately, giving
rbcriibere will confer he anw
favobyddaootifYl Suis
of any irregularity of delivery.
Reading Notions --No reading notice,
adyertlslna any ootertalnmeat or matter by
which money Is to be made by any Person
or cause will be Inserted in Tan News
without charge. The price for the loser.
Con of business announcements le TEN
cents per count line each insertion 30
Part, lee hiving no contract for display
advnrtlsing, and FIVE cents per line each
insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9
Tines, SO cents,
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Noefees—Tea cents per line fur drat
insertion and foe cents per line for each
subsequet insertion.
Yearly cards—Protesslonal Cards, not
exceeding One
lll S00 per veer, teab estrictly In inserted
Display adrertleing—Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntil forbid," and those lent without
written Instnetloos will appear until
rltten orders are received for their die.
Lettere to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith The publisher accepts no moon -
Ability whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Lettere on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for eucb matter la ten
cents per Ilse.
7heee passed away at tate ]r'orgue
lt0epitel, it former resident of Morrie
Township in the portion of Dnnaan Mo.
Arthur at the age 82. Ho was in the
hospital Bitten February wheat he had a.
stroke. Ho wen bo:n in Seotlaid and
spout most of Itis life in Canada, He
lived in Morris until a few years ago
he retinal.
George David furineriy of Belgrade
years held the position of seetioe fore-
man at Clinton Lae been suffering from
a paralytic/0130100 awl his recovery is
A freak chicken at W ta' Forbes of
Loadbttry had four legs. 1 t lived a weeit6
The extra lege were attached holt d
the regular pair and 11110.011 in walking
but ooult( not touch the ground which
was very fortlttiate 80 twee any two leg-
ged can destroy too 11111011 stuff.
Property Only insured.
Jae. ty, Under.. b, Prcsi-lent. James �, E DiTOR AND PUBLISHER
Erni l •'.•,hwond, Viee•Prt*tdent• Tnom.ta
Hay*, Seaforth. Rae: Treas.
D. F, IicGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. lean, Constance' Jbhn Beanewela, i:� ----,
M& ,on. C Robert II M. Constance;
Mdeom 119 General Observations
Me""ton, nolly, Ga 11 Jas. Evans. BchSeaforthtod
James Connolly, Gaderlch; Jae. Evens. Beechwood I
Agonte O
1ec. Leitch, Ilarlock; E. Hinchloy, Seaforra• • ..- . ..._
William Chesney, Egmondvllle• J. W. Ye.,
Eitalmgen andJohnGovenfock,tOeaforrtb, uditors. .
Parties desirous to e9eet Insurance or transit a•. v.•
other business will be promptly attended to b The C,edoi'iclt Signal and tle Clinto
application to any of the above officers, address
Ito their respective postoffices-
NOWS- ROCA both avant the Governor
f 111
` bl.
1io cts.pelbu
i 'S LIND4EN't E
'u--rLILIMITED —e •i
1t1sonsro C.cAICNAe00010;
on the
General to visit those towns. Both
places are too near this place for that
He has a special weakness for this Sea.
forth Righlauders and when he comes
here he will have no time to go up the
Canadlaos who are patriotic should
firmly set their faces against using new
potatoes this year before the middle of
July for two reasons. The new potat-
oes on the market are all imported and
money spent For them makes the W-
anes of trade against Canada Another
reason is that there are large quantities
of old potatoes still in the country and
these should all be used before they
Mlnard's spoil and the new ones kept for next
Liniment winter , The far1001e have grown
these old potatoes it auswet to appeals
For Sale
W. L. 16th, Seaforth.
Plloite 130
A Business
Without a proper
systgi of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
Seaforth News
Will supply the
required energy
phone . 34
mad' last spring. They slio,tld 11e en.
ameager' t,, do so by Cauadiana using
their produce instead of bringing in pro
-eiturr from (mottle. Resolve to ease up
the old p. ttlt.las,
Mr, J. J, Irvihe lune been in To3OBte
For week or two he oey0 he 1190 some.
what ashamed to be in the oit'y when
the Laurierite peg assembled there
I think I owe an apology to Sir Wilfred.
for these 10mark0, He told his follew
ere when ooneoriptioll''wee introduced
in the house that he was opposed to it,
Mit it was peened and beoane law and
he meant to abide by it loyally. In
view of this these 131ather0ititos have o
lender except it nutty be Baurassa,
Some of the old palters talk of menet.
ion and Betting the heather afiro if
they are binenoldieg for a revolution
let them hike to 'tussle, of 0011300 some
of the battle of socialists and anarchists
would relieve thous of their va:uablos
and knock them on the head but what
of that,
Last work a stable belonging to P,
Aniont of Brussels was set on tire by
sparks from the factory. The ire en-
gine was soon on dray and with the aid
of a pail brigade the flames were
ooutined to the stable, There were a
large quantity of hay and oats lost in
the building as the stable was large,
At the repent meeting of the Canad-
ian 111a11ftl0tnt'el's association , held at
Montreal John S, McKinnon, of the
firm of ,John S, McKinnon to Co. of
Toronto, was elected president, He
was horn in Blyth, where for years he
was associated with his father in busin-
ea0 .
1'11° s;:avr Minister of I dtteatioo , Dr,
Curly, appe:ais to 62 making a good
start, lie 10 iti fneur ot doing away.
w -t1• so many examiuetiol,e it, Um Pah
lie $choose In the nest every faddist
I sprung 0001104 new forte of teat examen.
Ialign on the poor 1110 lort;, 300 to children
who had no option but endure them
They will hail the new minister as a
deliverer from Egyptian bondage, if he
tries the test on 001118 of the men that
have been torturing the innocent child.
The populaton of the Township of
has decreased and is now 2463,
tluliett Towusulp commit has done
away with the old statute labor system
oud now the road work is let out in
contracts. Each days labor is at Gee
dotter which will be collected in the
Messrs Dudley Holmes and l3 Bloom
field of Wingham performed a feat last
week, which claimed a great deal of
attention, in coming front Wingham
to Uodorich by canoe, a distance of
eighty miles, This is the first time in
a great many years that this trip baa
been made. The last tinea being in
1903 when Dr. Frank Turnbull lost hia
life in the attempt.
Mr, U. A. Brown, B A. who for the
past year has been principal of the
Wingham High School, has been ap-
pointed principal of the Sarnia Colleg-
iate and will commence work there in
Prisoners in Turkey
A notification has been received from
the British Authorities to the effect
that the Parcel Poet Service for erns
onera of War in Turkey or Bulgaria is
at present suspended. Until this
Service is resumed no parcels Lau be
forwarded to Prisoners of War i11 Tur-
key or Bulgaria and persons desiring to
help Prisoners of War in these coun-
tries are advised to forward remitt-
aL008 to them. These can be sent by
means of Post 011100 Money Orders
whish are issued free of commission.
Particulars as to how to proceed may
be obtained from Postmasters of
Accounting Offices. Any parcels for
Prisoners of War in these countries
which may be intercepted in the come
of transmission will be returned to the
senders, proviJiug the name of the
senders 1s gives: on the parcel.
A large number of frienda attended
the 10112001 service of the late Win
Geo, Hart of Winthrop.
Rev. Mr. Craik will preach a specie
sermon to the Oraegumee, of Winthrop
Lodge hi the ()range Hall noxi Sunday
aftettoon at 3 p.m, This wiil also be
a farewell service as Rev Craik leaves
for his now appointment next week.
Little Hilda Bennorvios who had a
severe attack of pleuro -pneumonia is
now able to oon10 out of her room at ti•
The Gish' Club, of the Curtis Ptih-' 3,000 of the tnetnhors of farmer• clubs
lare steak on themselves and say that
miseiong Co. are subecriberg their cure they represent the fanners of Ontario,
0.31 aeon For new for r 14o41 Cresol
procure They started olubs for the purpose of
an ambulance Red Cross work In entering into a oompetion with the
forthFrance, I trust the people of Sse- merchant so as t.0 reclaim the cost of •
avail will assist is purposinge,
, good sum tea sugar oatmeal etc, They just rep -
far this purpose, by taking resent themselves and that is 811 they
either the Lgdies' Homo .Journal or
Saturday evening Poet. svgs wLl sepses°tit,
Ladies' Rome journal $2.00- Satter. Statnto labour is now in order' and
day Evening Poet $2,53), ('oar.try Ger. a lot of exoollent gravel is beitlg placed
tletnan $1.75, on the roods ,
bars. D, H, MoLeod,
Godortch St, Mast,
The early sown flax loolcs very fine
but late sown after the rnidillo of May
ie badmen',
Rev, W, Uraik will preach his farewell
sermon next Sunday morning at 1 1 are,
Sunday 3ohool Session In ;Pethodisl
Church next Sunday morning at 10 11 3u
Why not let the young folk enjoy their
own religiota exercises?
Don't forget the Wartime picnic held
under tate auspices of the Walton Meth
odist Uirotet, Sports for all oomers.
Special prize*; Booth On gl'onlldel Free
It13c1 at 5 p, in, Next Saturday, June,
25th i11 William Lesrnings bush. Dom
rimming at 1,30. Children under 12
12-15, 15 cents, adults 25 cants, Tug
of War, Football, Reese jor everybody.
Rev. Harold J, 13eutley oi Graven -
burst is the newly appointed pastor of
the Welton eirouit, 1171 Jieitley is a
young man with excellent qualities and
will give a good account ot himself fu
due time, Mr and Mrs Bentley will ar
rive here for Sunday July Lath,
'Mies L Dickson haudlsd the work of
registration at an excellent manner
giving entire eatlafa0tion-
Dl r, George Jackson has commenced
work upon his new house to be ereoted
opposite the Methodist Parsonage,
Itev, F. W. Craik will preach a fare-
well sermon in Bethel Church next Sen
clay evening at 8 p. In.
Sunday School will meet in Bethel
Church next Sunday at 2 p, m. LI t
your young folk have the advantage t f
these religious exeroiaes,
Pte, Charles Lowry was home from
Pits A Mercer of Toronto is visiting
her parents Mr and Mrs John Dundee.
Miss Mary Godkiu will be away
visiting for a month
Rev Mr Creek attended the Temper-
ance Convention in Clinton lest week
In view of the partial failure of the
Fall wheat crop in this provinoe this
year it will be necessary for farmers to
make °ally arrangements for the sup-
ply of seed which they will need fol
fall growing. Under those oircumatso-
Lee farmers who have on stand quan
titiesof wheat suitable for fall needing
should conserve them for this purpose.
If there is no demand locally, the in.
formation should be supplied to this
Department of to the Local Office of
this Department in your (`onnty 00
that every effort may be made to have
an equitable and 3:113(2otory diatribe.
Jou. The need for foodstuffs justifies
a large acreage of Fall Wheat in thla
province again this year, and the co•
operation of the farmers in the 1110311 iz
aid distribution of the available seed
supplies is invited.
Ontario Department Agricnllute,
Sett,4STO'rHERS, Agri. Iteproeentat•
ive Clinton; Ont,
Geo, S. Henry, Minister Agrio'tlture
Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
A meeting of The Seaforth Farriers'
Olnh will be held in the Separate
School Hall, Seaforth, on Wednesday
evening July fled at 9,,30 o'clock, as
matters of considerable importance to
farmers are Doming up For oonsidoration
a good attendance is desirable, le.
teresting reports will be given by our
delegates who attended the recent
Farmers' Convention in Toronto,
All Farmers, 11011-lnenlh0r8 as well as
members, and retired Farmers as well,
ere cordially invited to attend,
Geo D, 0 Harn,
John Scott,
3miiiiiMMiliri iJNI1i11*rMlllam emourigoo M1r11MMI11MMMMMMM1m mom
leu�OO 000 Reserve Fwtl $7,000.000
1 w
X r
Depositor in this Bank are asintred "
Of efficient tierVite t. rerr
te se
re le
ot ie
a 0
art nt •e1
Y re
0 V
a afPmAallinal11MM_ 1!f�JMlai7PIWIL nein
plinth**op Presbyterian
Sunday setvi00 2.30 pm. Sn1)daY
8011001 I 15p m Prayer meeting
Turgidity 8 p. m. L 0 1.st Wed,
Goonstauce Methodist
Rey, W, Keine, prober. Sunday
service 2.30 p,m, Young People's Lea-
gno2.30 p m Sineley w omen's Anxi 1
ary first Tuesday of every month a
30 p.ln. Iraiiee' A1d last Thursday
of oaoh month 2.30 p ,rn
First Presbyterian
Rev, F. H. Lsrlcin„Pastor, Sunday
services 11. a.m, asci 7 p m, Sunday
school 2.30 p.311. Prayer meeting,
Thnrstfay', 7. 43 p.m, Women's Miss-
ionary Society'tlle 11181'Tuesday in each
Month ate p nl, Barbara Kirin -nen Mis•
Bion Band aril Tuesday in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band
every 2nd Muntlay at 4.111 p.m,
McKillop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday
serviette Duffs' 011110011 11 a m Sunday
sohool 10 a nl Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 pan. tv°ti1eu'e Missionary
Society last Friday in each month at
2 'o'clock.
1,.111,11 '0,3thl+Ilandaro
pbislled iron of charge, ex,
opt time regardlni. noetinas
where an 111011001011 fell is
shamed eg lire centhe per o 11110 finite
St, James'
St, James' Uhuroh, Rev. Father E,
F, Goetz P,IP. )early 30lase 9,30, High
Maes 10,30, Sunday Sohool 3- p. w
Vespers and Benediction of the Bless.
ed Saot'ament,7` p. m.
m St. Thomas'
Rev, T. H, Brown, Rector. Sunday
sor0oes 1.1 awe and 7 p.m. Sunday
school 2,30 p. on. Women's Anglioat
Missionary Association. Tuesday 2 30
p.m. Children'sbranoh Saturday 2 p.m.
tl tereassion services every 'Thursday
.O p,m.
Bev, O. McKinley, B. D., pastel
—8UNDAY—likes at tome 5,10,
Public service 11 a m. and 7 pan. Stitt
day 0uhool and Bible study class 2.33
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayot
Meeting Thnrsda y 8, pen.
"Poi' the RlOoti Is Mot IAN”
SUF duo
uRINaA11 blood
With my dl
Lugo ae bermeskollortt4s,eaoro0iers,OoHrvy, 0040
4031), Ab0eoe►e►1 U)0.005 Erlar
awolrl Pe, Boner Pimple., sores Of ►rany
Kind, pito.,elcud Pol►on,Rbon,natientr
Gong, et , don't waste your 150102114 010005
on lotions .ted ointments which cannot get
below the Surface of too skin. What you want
I, n medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonousmatter which alone is the true
muse of all 5000 su3ering. Clarke's Blood
Mixture Nies; such A medicine. It is composed
of Ingredients which quickly expel frons the
blued alt Impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering h clean and pure,
can be relied on to effect a lasting cur'
Over SO years'
(loosest to
sora ev rd3
Chnmletr and
0,,0,en „Il
S)b,ntit t •..
CURES „ Al,.t,
SKiN & 0(000 DISEASES,
Salvation Army
Lio,ft 0hay., and Envoy Woad
Hai nose meeting 1) 0..110. Pralee
service 3 pen. (4osl,el 80rvioe 7 p.m.
Ohildrene 8ervwe—Directory class 10
5.011. Bible classes 4 p m. Week night
M00tings—W,dtlesday Pram, meeting
8 p.t11
Egmondville. Presbyterian
Rev. 3 eluLO w pastor. Sunday sec-
vioev 11 a-ln, and 7 li in. Bible glass
3 p to Prayer meeting Wednesday
Sp. tn. Y.P :31.11 Union 3011 Friday
in the mouth 8 p m Wonton'e Mission-
ary Sooloty 3rd Weds +slay in the 1110)163
at 2.30 pea L'uhnt' Aid 1000.8 int,
mediately after.
�r e
sei►. ut■
A comprehensive chronicle of all important hap-
penings in Canada and abroad—
fj I
aftianb empire,
Special features every day, Including : "For and
About Women,” "On DB," and the famous
"Fourth Column," a full -column magazine article
dealing with some topic suggested by the news of
the day. Many other extra features every Saturday
The Mail and Empire
Circulation Department, Toronto.
Briefs for the Busy
Tan thousand and sixty men of the
19 class registered in Montreal alone
for military service, These young igen
will not be called until later,
The reports published in Toronto
pepa0e say that visitors to Canada have
to register within 24 hours of 'their
arrival are quite erroneous and mis-
The seven graduates of Loyola College
Montreal were fu khaki when they
took their degrees at the °lose of the
years worst,
Mathew Tonllieon of Chatham dial
from the result of being thrown from
his wagon.
Keep The Show Going
In no branch of active service is the
spirit of berei0 sacrifice so marked as
among those brave young heroes, well -
named "soldiers of the sky", Their un-
eelfish service for the cause of humanity
and the splendid spirit of the war aviot
or is revealed by Lieut, Bert Levy, Jr
R, In, 0, , son of a well-known cartoun-
iet, in a letter to bis parents, written
five bays before he made the supreme
seorlfice, The letter contained the
following comforting message• --
"If the news over reaches you, whist
sootier ur later reaches every flyers
parents don't mourn We It, F. C
men lever think of death, the only
thing we think of f0 the effect out
posing may have :n1 our dear 0110s,
With the Fingers
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
Sore corns, hard corns, soft coria or
my kind of a corn can shortly be
Mod right out with the fingers 1f you
will apply directly upon the corn a. few
drops of freezone, says a Cincinnatil
It is claimed that at small cost one
can get a quarter Of an ounce of freer. -
one at anY drug store, which is SUM -
tient to rid one's feet of avert' corm
or callus without pain or soreness on
the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether compound
and while sticky, dries the moment it
is applied and does not inflame or even
irritate the surrounding Mame.
*This announcement will interest
many women here, for it is said that
the present high -heel footwear la put,
ting corns . on practically 030013
woman's loot,
Sealed 'I'tnder0 addressed to the un.
dereigued,*and endorsed fenders for
Coal for the Dominion Buildings'. will
he received at they Ohms tltltil 12
o'clock u, r n, , 1, 'Thursday, Jm a 27th
1013 fur 1551. 1.ep;.: ofi•.,o) for Pilhiic
Fire in Pembroke destroyed a Largs 8) if I g0 the "ea) was, don't !tt! Buildings 1.11.,-1,i42, i.0. Cho D01i1400,
part of the town and left a 001101110101118 deer bllin8y cry, weer black and 13 1 j Ceeut.iu*d +p••c'410,3 nu ui ti form 01
portion of the people of tate place with that sort of uo,0elnsa. Dad, don't get t0uder 0.11. b.' nhruu •d at this utlic°
out a home, 'Che neighbors were corn• all upset, In the vernacular of Doer and from th,. r•t,"101,•,0 ,.f the differ -
to shire up their 1100128 with p"ofeaeion, keep the show going, don't est DJulinloi, Betide •.
those who suffered, have ally welts,' aerie and curry 011' 30..eons t+nd„riot nr., 0utidiml that
for 1 will be standing right by wateb!, g ta•t,d,•, * will not be rm ,21 18 rod 110100,)
Wm Cool, aged too years, of Viet° you both, hitt 1 will not he visible. if
ria, 13. C., on Ins registration signified
his willingness to farm if the govern_
trent needed him, JYlr. Cool was at
one time in charge of the Hudson tiny
Con1Miany's fauns, He is still hale and
hearty and says he will go to troll: if
the government t en melons him,
Tho first Royal Air Mail Service was
upotied on Monday when a mail bag
containing 3011 letter's teas carried ie
an airplane from Montreal to Toronto
The Six Nation at Brantford object
bo registering , claiming they are not
Inellti011ed in 1110 enumeration and also
that it is oontrary to the treaty of Par.
is with the bulimia,
W11e11 the Lllsit8Oia was sunk off' the
lriell (oast her safe 00/1101104 diamonds
insured for $13,000, Not long ago an
Irish fisherman found in his net a little
package containing the di8mo1; 18. and
returned them to the owner and 10001•
vel salvage. Novtpeople are wonder.
fug hots the safe Was opened.
Bev. W. 111, Kannawitl, of North
Broadview Presbyterian Sunday S011oo1
secretary, and Rev. E, R, MnoLelul,
Kingston, are attending the Internet.
tonal World Sunday 8011801 ()unmake
at Buffalo, '
you don't senile, I might feel like Duo.
id Wartfold in "Peter C.rimul" , stregg•
ling to do so, but nneh10 to put my
message over "
"Keep the show goil,g, 0enil0 turd
parry nit",. that's the spirit, ivintiy
boys are tooyouog to enlist to "keep
flee ettuw goilig" An opportunity Is
offering now' the dna growers want
help, and the Cl'gentzatiun of Ile.
sources Committee are behind a tnov .
meta to satthe fibre for slaking the
0loth for eroplaeo wings. of which the
allied armies aro in tiny urgent med.
In two or three weeks flex -pelting
operations will begin, Boys and girls,
young elan and women, and even Old
sten, may enlist their services for this
work, For the conveeietice of the
w0rliele, nr,tornabilea will he provided
to tato then from their bootee to the
fields and back Five inexpotionced
boys giving attention to the work are
capable of pulling an acre of flax in a
day, and as the oftored wage is $15,011
ail nese this tn"nns 011 Average of three
11011810 a tiny to the !tads,
intending helpers should oommnn-
ioat° at once with the nearest flax
mill or the Io081 Re0ottr000 Committee,
10240 011 1110 51011112,1 form+ supplied
and signed with their eltt111) eigllatttl'ea
Each tender must 110 10co10pauied by
a t accepted cheque un it chartered
13001)1 payable to the order of the 'lin
ist11' of 1'0)0,01,• Works, ugnal to 10 per
cent of the minima ei the 3»lt1er.0
Ry it1de t.
lt C, IUt(t,11OC'1-116158
Departulettt of Public Works.
Uttawa, haw li, 1913
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents td
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three o11neea of orchard white
for a few cents, Squeeze the juice oe
two fresh lemons into a bold°, then pull
in the orchard white and shake well.
This makes a quarter pint of the very
hest lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier known, Massage this fro:
grant, creamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and hands aid just see holy
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and stow smooth,
Bolt and clear the skirt becomes, Yost
It Is harmless, and the beautiful result
will surprise you,