HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-27, Page 14 New Series ,Vol. 30 No 26 The Seaforth News SEAFORTH„ ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Something New In Grave Decorations A wire arch, with a wire flow- er -basket hanging horn the centre. Come in and see it W. E. Chapman, Prop. Seaforth Mouuntent Works 0 79 RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY Of course you want cantly.. How could any party baa success with - x. w out .•..-..�- ,OUR CONFECTIONERY -. . r • You will rind in rho varied as- sortment we carry your, favorite,, kind, Materials we use. are the best and;our Candies are always fresh. Out• Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Country,Creaiv and,BesL,.Vltlite 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Telephone Economy! 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Do you ,practice UP "Get Me Mr. Jones" 4 t,' HEN you ask one of your staff to "get Mr. Jones on the telephone, always be ready to speak when he answers. ra It is discourteous in the extreme to call him to the telephone and then make him wait your convenience. No practice has led to more ill feeling and abuse of the service than this. If any waiting is necessary, the party calling should do it. Always be ready to speak when the party you call answers. The dell Telephone Cos o ,Canada 11111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111111IIIlllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111114 Silver Spoons Names of those who won the Silver Spoons donated by Miss Lukas for prisoners of war, Names Lucky Numbers Mrs. W. J . Duncan 213 Mr; Alex Muir 216 Mrs, R, 0. Henderson 600 Miss E. Cromwell 281 Mr, R, Spencer 246 Amount received $38,00 Worms sap the strength and under- mine the vitality of abildren, 'Strongt. hen them by using Mother Graves Worm Exterminator to drive out the parasites. eouncil Notice MoKillop Council will meet at the Oommercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday June 28th, at 1,30 p, m, M. Murdie, Clerk, Garden Party The, garden party held on Mr, Gar - row's lawn w -ea very attooeaaful, in fact few garden parties in this part have been so enjoyable, The venlig ladies who worked so hard to 'mike it iutereet ing are to be pongratulated on their' efforts. Supper was served and a good programme teae given. Perhaps the chief interest centred ou the sale of two pigs which had been donated to Roxboro Red Croat) Society Tickets had been sold for theist and many people l,r town felt so euro that they would be theirs, they had prepared for the acoommodatiou of the new guests, even the parlor was none too good for some to get reatly for their reception, but, alae the beat laid plane of men and pigs, it seems, aft gong aglee here, as well as elsewhere, the lucky tiokete were in other hands. The sale of the pigs brought $116 and the amount secured at the gate ryas $165. Tho pigs were donated by 1tlr. Peter Sullivan. William Gook Following a short illness from pne- umouia William Cook died at his haute on Thursday last. •Uutii a few years ago he lived in Hensel), when he re- moved to Seaforth Betides his widow one eaughter, Mrs. Ingram of New York, and throe sons survive., One son in Manitoba and the other two are serving in France, The funeral took plane to Maitlandbank cemetery, Be was 63 years of age, Stricken Suddenly Mrs, Robert MoOallurn, aged 68, died last night at the home of her Met- er; Mrs. John Hay, Tuekersmith Town- ship,very suddenly. She motored over from Blyth with her son and daughter. in law on Saturday to be present at the Oddfellow's decoration service at Mait• land Bank Cemotry here. She attend. ed the Egmendville Ohuroh in the morning, and the decoration ceremony in the afternoon aed retired about midnight fu apparently good health with Mrs,lday. At daybrak the latter spoke to her, and getting no response thought she was asleep• On a second attempt to arouse her she. found she had passed away during the night. Rer husband died some years ago, The Terror of Asthma comes like a thief in the night with its dreadful throttling, robbing Re victim of breath,, It seems beyond the power of human aid to eelieve until ono trial is made of that remarkable preparation, D. J, D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, Then re- lief Domes with a rush. Life becomes worth living, and, if the remedy be used persistently, the disease ie put permanently to rout, Take no snbsti- tuts. Decoration Day aarwe Last Sunday was observed by the Uddfellows of Seaforth as Decoration Day, At two o'clock sharp the pro - (model' lead;, by the Brass Band left their rooms on llatu street and march- ed out to Maitland Bank oometry. At the cetnetry about 1000 people were gathered . The simple, but impres- sive ritual'of the service was carried out Dr. Harburn acting as chairman, Chap- lain Jas, Beattie read prayers and the brethern then solemly decorated the graves of the Llead. First, flowers were planed on a flag with the mimeo of the three fallen eoldiera ou it, These brave boys are Ptes. J J, Atchoaon, Thee, Govenloak, and Chas, Rolf, Then fol- lowed the graves of Bros, °emboli, Slat - sr. Barton, Trott, Bey ee, Vt i111r, Holman, Orioh and Wesoott. Returning to the platform impressive addresses were given by P,G,O, Brown Rev. S,McOleau and D.D,G M. Cope land of St . Marys, The committee who had charge of the proceedings were Dr,Harburn, Ed. Mole Thos. Biekle and Wm, Ed- munds. They are to becongratulated on the complete success -of their efforts Brethoru were present from Brows field, Dungannon, and Kitiordine, Wm. E. Southate Seaforth lost one of her finest types of citisen in the death ou Saturday loaf, of William E. Southgate Sr, et the ago of 69 years, Mr, Southgate was in poor health for nearly a year, the result of a fall. For the pant few mouths he was confined to the home and about a month ago underwent an operation, whi.lt for tithe gave hint relief but heart failure prevented re. covery. Mr, Southgate was born in England and early in life came to llauade end lived ill Toronto where he was employ- ed as a commercial traveller, About twelve years ago he started a olothing factory here and moved hie family to Seaforth, Six years ago he sold his interest to the Sandford Co. and went baok to commercial work. The late Mr, Southgate was very popular with the merchants on whom he called. 130 was a type of the old fashioned class of gentleman that is rare to -day, al- ways genial, kind and frank, in his Intercourse with his fellow men, he had many Maude who:will mise the glad hand. He was active in the Masonic and Orange Orders, In the Orange Order he was Past Grand Master of the local lodge and PastDistrict Master of Bul- let district; a Prominent member of the Royal Black Knights.. -having obtain- ed the Red Crosti degree, the highest of the Order,_ He wrs a good end ready speaker and muoh in demand at all meetings Besides his aged and sorrowing part• ner, one son Wre,E, of town and one daughter Mrs. R. Wilson of New York survive. The funeral was held on Monday morning to the early train and the re• ,pains were taken to Toronto for inter- ment in Mount Pleasant cemetery. The pall bearers were, Messrs J, C. Grieg, Ed, Mole, Wm. MaBryue, W Willis, 0 Stewart. A. Wilson. Many beautiful wioathe were sent, among others a cross and crown from the .Black Knights; and from the choir of St, Thomas Church A Ready Weapon Against Pain .-- There is nothing equal to Dr. Thomas' Eolectrie Oil when well rubbed in• 1t penetrates the tissues and pain (les. appears before it, There is no known preparation that will reach the spot quicker than this magic Oil. In con• sequence it ranks first among liniments now offered to the public and is accord. ed first plane among all its competitors Who Pays the Parcel Delivery Charges ? June 27 R)18 A New and Complete Copy of the world's Greatest Motion Picture will be shown at the Ip" "Strand Theatre" THURSDAY FRIDAY 80 SATURDAY In Aid of the Red Crass Society So as to give everyone a chance to see this great picture the officers of the Red eross have decided to charge an Ad miss. ion Price of only 15c = ehlidren 10c We would urge all those rt ho can to get loon Phureday or Friday evening as the "Strand" will not hold all who will want to see "Ile Whip.' at these prices, To give the people from the country a chance to see it we will rim two complete rbowe Saturday. Eveeiug 7 30 p. m. and 9.30 p. m, A Needless Waste of Mousy and Labor in Retail Merchandising The coat of delivering pantile is ap- proximately four per Dent of the total sales, and about cue -halt of these sales are delivered. Sales of, say, 336,000 per annum would, therefore, have a de- livery etlatomers paying $700 and the carry ouetomera alai paying 3700, though reoeiving no service therefor, The carry customers, however, are doing more than this, Had all the partials been delivered, the delivery cost would have heel a delivery charge of eight per Dent added to the original coat of the goods, Under the delivery system, the sore - ice rendered and paid for is es follows : The carry customer receives $1.00 worth of goods and pays $1.04. The delivery customer receives $i,ou worth of goods and eight Ceuta worth of delivery. -.$1,o8, for which he pays only $1,04. Another phase of delivery cost is the number of small orders delivered to One customer, If the oust of each delivery, which averages six to ten cents, were added to eaoh small order, the custom• er would object, Consequently, it is added on a percentage basis, and thus the customer who groups his wants and places an order of larger amount is multosd l0 the delivery -cost of service supplied to the lees considerate custom er, Thus, under the present delivery sys- tem, a aur -tax is placed upon the oust- omer who carries his parcels and is con siderate 10 ordering, while the oustom er who requires delivery aervioe does not pay for the service received, Canada is sufferltig from shortage of man -power; all available help is requir- ed for production, Deliveries should be restricted to one per day. all parcels of reasonable weight should be carried home and, so far as possible, cooperat- ive deliveries should be established. S 'l' A STYLE STORE FOR WOMB h MACTAYISH PURI SILK GLOWS White and Black Double lips All Sizes 75C to $1 50 Unusually Pretty Blouses Wonderfully pleasing are these cool little hlouses. They Wily radiate freshness and softness. Many come in new stripe voiles with fancy collars lending a soft be- coming effect to the wearer. Altogether they are about the best looking lot of Waists we've ehowu kr a long time, Price from 1.50 to 5.00 LADIES KNITTED AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Starting as low as 16c a garment and advancing step by step through all the pop- ular prices $1,00per year i Dap and Night Watches We have a particularly trice Iltie-of these wa1ahea, Lithe Day Time of 0011re0 the dial is clearly seen and likewise the time, In the Night Time, in the dark when you want the time se badly this watch shows the time clearer then ever. A reliable, dependable, service. able watch, with Radium Dial, and 15 Jewelled movement, $10.00(10 Niokle Case) 316.00 (in Gold Filled Case) We would like to show thein to you. You will enjoy !seeing them. Drop in, atitaug Vans BlatrIttnalter Rr fOptirtau alssurr illarrtage 1Ctrrearn Phones Business 194 Evenings 10 The Store you will always like 167_-,...r..,..er"rmrm•n,,mr� m• �•+,•rmcm_ tm��riCJ� STORE TO PIT YOUR FAIT 1 I\ Wash Dresses for Chil- dren and Misses Here is by far the prettiest and most elite array of attractive attire for little gine and 'Mame) that has ever been our pleaenre to allow. 'Phew charming frocks cleverly reheat this seasoe'0 favorite styles for women and are sure to meet with your instant Approval, Oval, What kind of Iiot Weather Underwear, do you like ? No matter anyway. you are quite sura to find it here in nicely fit- ting garments at very moderate prices, considering the careful manner in which the garments are made and the excellent mat- erials they are made from, All sixes in Stook—Complete price range. Prices 50c to 211.6( eselaseleilleleellieresseeelaressortememeesonssleeem CHILDREN'8AND MISSES SUMMER UNDERWEAR ACTAVISII SEAFORTH The best kinds pro. ❑arable starting ,;aa low as foo a garment