HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-20, Page 8HOT WEATHER DEMANDS That you keep your bead cool. Come to our Bar- ber Shop and talk it ov- er with us. You will en- joy it. Commercial 13orber Shop,C4th W. ROBINSON Plop Activity Becomes General in Western Canada Prosperity attracts Merchants; Farmers are spying out the land— The greatest wheat producing areas in the w, -ht til -day ore served by Canadian Northern lines. Here the incoming farmer lir merchant looks for the greatest dredopment and pnuin•rits. Low fares, and 1 scenic mute through New Unt uie e immt nee forest reserve and colonization lands, add interest and enjoyment to the jouniey. Comfortable trains leave Toronto at IRO( 1p.m. Mondays, R'ednestlayti and Fri- days,- simin:le:Me at Winnipeg for all pointe \Vest. - For Tickets, Reservations. Liter- atueu and lnfcrnavtk,n. apply t, C. A. .Abertrart. Druggist, Rea - forth, or write R. L. Fairbairn. .,.F 4. tS King St. E., Tempt, t . A 1' NORTHERI4 SAYS LEMON JUiCE WiLL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! - Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemony Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have i a quarter pint of the best freckle and I tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small east. ' Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few I Bente. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neek, arms and 1 hands each day and see how freeklee and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft I and white the skin becomes, Yes!. ;tit is harmlese, Idr ae.. ww..ow.�tee.,�,�uO CORRESPONDENCE 1 c a...•mww..•-.esmdwts�..-..aM••�n ��.wq i])pen Mre. Chambers or ()Hilton visited her neice liars Finch last week. Robert Thompson and family were Stratford visitors the poet week. The funeral of the lete IVm, Taylor was held 00 Monday end WAS very largely attended, the service being con- ducted by Rev Mr, Hort of Brimfield. Mr 'Taylor was Dorn in Devonshire Eng 74 yeare ago and 50 years ago he and Mot. Taylor were married and came to Canada the same Year and located on their present farm. Bayfield 'I�fll~ SNIAFARTN NHWS Several of our boys [received their papers to go lest week wlttoh 1s leaving home help very scarce, Mr. end Mre, John Johnson are vis- iting their daughter, Mre, Thos. John- Ston near Goderioh. They have not yet decided as to where they trill live, Mrs, Boyce, of Senforth, is visiting at the home of Mr, Claris, March, Miss Iidis Beattie hes taken a posit- ion in Clinton, Word was received to -day of the death of Mre, Simpson[, of Brnoefield who was found dead Sunday morning when they awoke. :vies, Simpson was well acquainted here being a sister of Mr, VVni, Turner: Several of our young folks had their smoked glass ready to see the eclipse of the sun Saturday but at the appolnt. ed time the sun was hid, A few of our young people took in the Moonlight Excursion at Goderieh , Dr. Atkinauu and wife and son and and Miss Stott of Detr•oitarrived last week on the Greyhound and are spend. ng a few days in their cottage. giWni. Metcalf an Jack 'Toros atotore,l to Detroit last week to visit friends, Wm. Brandon and wife of Wingam were the guests of hia mother. Pte. Richert' McDool of London, has ,+ been home on siert leave, Miss Hilda King welt to Detroit on the l.4reyhannd to visit her sister, Juno 30th is the day of prayer for the success of the allied oause and re- turn of peace to the earth. Mr. Barnwell took the pulpit in the Methodiet Church, Sunday Rev, Mr. Jones being at conference. Several of our young people went to Clinton to hear Capt. McKinnon, late chaplain or the ltitet Batt., who was tospeak in Willis camel' Friday Ben- ing. Mr. E. F, Merner was operated on j Londesboro last week, Manley Mr Jos Murray arrived Horne from the military camp last week for a few days of absence before leaving. The boys of the surrounding country as- sembled at his home and presented him with a wrist watch and a safety razor and an address wishing him Gad I speed an a safe journey and a safe return after the war is over slid that 11e leaf live to see the flag of Liberty Sheriff's Sale at Lands �� a 3a Illy of Huron floatingin this Canada of ours for ever. The promising prospect of the hay crop has had a sat back the past two weeks so that it may be wise to hang on to some of last years surplus. ,1 r. John Eckert has treated himself to a Chevrolet oar. Rumour has it that Miss Phailin and Mise Coyn have resgined as teachers in our school and we wish them success as they were workers, . Mr.and Mrs, Wm, Manly accompan- ied by Mr.Con. Eckert were in London last week to ese the boys that are in trebling. The house of Air. D, Mountain prom- isee to be tiret class when complete, Miss Tunghlutt, of Auburn who has been vieititig here has returned to her home there. 11r. J, Hell who leas visiting friends here hug returned to his home in Exet- er, Mr, E, Adams and Mr, Brumley have added greatly to the appearance of their homes by the application of a coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs ()eke, of Summerhill were hare visiting at the home of bir. D,' arter last Sunday, Mrs. Bell has returned from a visit to London, Mrs. and Miss Southcomb, of Clinton visited Mrs, Hill teat week, Mr. anti Mrs. Brigham spent last Monday in Clinton visiting friends there, Mies Fingland is home for her vaca- tion. Staffa A special meeting of the Ladies in - Varna titrate n•as'hed in the town hall on Mr, 4:G01,91' Of (:lintel: took charge of Tuesday. There was e good attendance of laditefront this 1 part of the country the Methe:11ot chtireh in the absence of at the mei ung. Why stiffer Erma corns when the dtev, Mr, Jones. Mr, and Mrs, John Fell have proved to Goderieh where they will rookie in future. Mr, and Mta, A. Miller, of Stret- ford have moved to their new home in Staffs, Prom now en the se,yioes itt Grace church will be held every Rundey at t p.111 Rev, Mr. Lore is home again frim con fermi es, Wal -ton The Wonen's Institute will hold hold their summer meeting in the Workman Hall, Wednesday June 26th at 3 p.m , when Miss Gertrude Grey of Toronto, a graduate of Domestic Science will speak, She has wide ex- pe•ienee .n this work and is a skilful Demonstrator loctnrer and will talk on Food and Food values, and ie easily understood by those who have not given such matters any stuuy, Hensall Mr, Alps. Murdock has been appoint- ed deputy registrar for Hensall for the registration of all persons over sixteen years of age, which takes place on Sat - day. The death occurred at her home here on Wednesday last of Miss I3easie Bell, third daughter of Mr. awl Alts, Paul Bell after an extended ilfuese The Inceral was held en Friday. - Word comes of the death of Mrs. Miller in Dewagaie, Michigan, who has been in poor health for .Sone Halo, Mrs, Miller WAS a sister of Mre, John Scott, of Hensall who left last week to attend the funeral, Pte. Peter Buchanan .arrived 'home from overseas last week He was woun- ded lest November and has been in rue hospitals in England and Franoe. Bis many frit title were glad to see him. Dr, .1. W, .Bell, of Pittsburg is visit- ing Ins parents hero at present, Mrs. Darby from out West is here visiting her mother, Airs Riohatdsou, Constance Mre, Adam Nicholson and nephew, Airs 1V, Moore, spent a few days in :forento with the latter's mother, Mrs. Moore, MISS Bella McCully visited her moth- er in Stratford for a few clays. Mr. James Thnetl of Brusselo was here visiting his sister, Mrs. Colcongh, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, Mrs. W, Cole and Mrs. W. Stephenson, of Brussels spelt Sunday in the village. Miss UOollall was visiting at Mrs can ha 11aini-silt' rooted out by Tf�r 9lisaiutt.t•s tf ti,e alethediSt H Ten pleut.n, s. olhavay'e ('ern ('ore, 1.11rch hell their annual quilting bee 1 1 There was t.seellent work • .la:d :, geed torn nut of 41:31111!)e49. itt. Peck tit Hensall was etlled to 19r. 1Sv CIE itet's, �ii let rTenney tool[ .,ndenly ill while ttselamt end it cvaa it ,l:d to .nvy his lila an r•p:,•ration wool f.:..,d t:"cessary, Dr. Williams of f,oi diui and Dr, Peck of Het.ttiaii per -I • formed Um operation or eppeu lleitie. The little fell.,w itt doing as weal as eau! . i. f• expretted. • Mrs, Deuninson rtceived the news of the death of her stater, Mrs, Ana-! brow Welch of 'f•lttrtaeeville Mrs- Den- ninsnn went to attend the umiraf to Wednesday. The school is writing on their exaut- natioue this week. R e wish them sue. eisa iia S'1.ltI'' Lill. A `lt!'ftri FlEti FAC1AS TO it IT: issued cut tcf His \lajeety'S 1 Somme Division r'etrt of the County' of Hu on anti to tun directed and del- ivered against ti:t, Laude and Teller menus of i), D. IVilsou, Defendant. at toe Suit of Francis Hohn -ted. Plait• tiff, I have seized and taken in exe• cutiot all the the 111yl t. Title, Ithtet. oet, and E•poby if i;e l ,tnption, of the above named defendant, IJ. D, 1' ikon in, to, and out of the following lauds and tenements, eituate, lying and being in the 'Town of Seaforth, County of Huron. and Province of Ontario, Viz., Lots 22, 23, 24, N, Pt, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46, and 47, in D. D Wilson's. survey tit the said "Town of deafortir. Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale at my ofilae, in the Court }louse, in the Town of Goderieh, on Thursday, the eight day of August 1918 at the hour of tweive of the clock noon. 11• G, REYNOLDS, Sheriff, Htu•ou, Sheriff's Office, Goderioh 9 .h 1918. ,.., Tike many friends of Mrs. Artuetrong will he sorry to hear elle IS under the doctors care this week, We hope She w61le000 rer)over and he out again, Mr. Hornwell is having the masons et work on his barn thia week. Mr. and Mrs. Bowden. who were married last Wednesday Miss Welch, Mid Mrs, Harry Welch and daughter were motoring through from 'names - vine and were the petite of their annt Mrs. Wm, Denninsozl. ('Poo late for last week) Mrs, Austin end daughter, Alice were gnxeets at Blyth Last week et Mrb Austin's brother, Wm, Several of the farmers have finished sowing their beans, We hope they have good euooese, Mr. Moffat is mak. ing quite an improvement on the front of his plaee,by putting up an upao-date they using 'Ifs Nav Atoll and C'mpittee BRITISH GAI ,RDUNIrIN-FIERCE FIGHT ADVANCE LINES A'i V RDUN FRENC dili irraf irtr'Ilta n i amgala r1 -tt'4; R. 01101n tmwo®mvmttm m.„ em t1�me &0 r r. moa Mr, E. E, Hellott has a large quan-1 tity of rare relies and shells at his home' which he is exhibiting for the benefit of the Red Crpss and War Auxiliary, Admission loo and s Dents, Yon may 1101 hale 1101 have another abloom, Mrs. Hale end ohildren, of Weston, are visiting the mother of the former, Entrance oxamsare ucw on, lnspsotor Field is visiting the Public Schools, - .Principal Trelevan, of Clinton wan presiding at Departmental exams this week hare, Principal Geo, F. Rogete, of Loudon Collegiate has been appointed limpets. tor of High Sohools, He has many friends in Seaforth who will oougrata hate hint, Miss Edna McGee, of Toronto is vis- iting friends here. If Miller's Worm Powders needed the support of testimonials they oould be got by the thousands from mothers who know the groar virtue of this ex- cellent medicine But the powders will speak for themselves end, in such 'a way that there can be no question o them, They get speedily and thor- oughly, and the child to whom they are administered will show improvement from the first dose, MARRIAGES. ARTHTUR—YUNGBLUT-In Auburn on June 17th, John Arthur to bliss Margaret Yungblut, both of Auburn, ROBINSON--WAITE— At Goderieh, o1 Jnne 17th, Alice Waite to John 1{, Robinson of Brooklyn. - STONE --HUDSON— In Egmondville on June 17th, Susie Hirdeou, to Allen S. Stone, of Seaforth, DEATHS. HART—In McKillop, on Juno 14th W. G. Hart, aged 54 years, Nearly all children are subject to worms, and many are born with them. Spare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, the best remedy, of the kind that can be had, Asthma Can be Cured, Its suffering is as needless as it is terrible to endure. After its many years of relief of the most stubborn cures no sudor can doubt the- perfect effectiveness of Dr, ,J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Comfort of body and peace of mind return with its use and nights of sound sleep come back for good. Ask your druggist ; he Call supply you. Thursday one o SUMMER COMFORT means comfortable shoes for every occasion—loin heeled sport styles for tennis and morning walker prasey pumps for afternoon, d,uuty We cc can enpply the season's 1101 11 in ippei•s for evening wear. EXCELLENT FOOTWEAR Come in and fill your needs itt seasonable shoes nero. 14. ±. -.1ra SC T it "The Home of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth eZelerleigavnEDERrOMSZSUietelealneaonameae Miss Beryl 13eckett, of Strathroy, is.. a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs, H, C, Box, Alrs.'1'. Baird and little son, of Stan- ley and Miss Gnelt'le•, of ldensall are visiting Miss Kate McDiru•olid, With the Fingers l Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or .113 kind of o eurn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of freez- one at any drug store, which is suffi- cient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. it OThfs announcement will interest many women here, for it Is said that the present high -heel footwear is put- ting corns on practically, every woman's test 6' TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed Tenders addressed to the uta dereignod,and endorsed •Tenders fur Coal for the Don inion Buildings" will be received at this office nutil t2 o'clock coon, on Thnraday, Jnua 27th 101.8, for the supply of coal for Public Buildings throughout, the Dominion, Combined Specification and form of tenter can he obtained at this office and from the caretakers of the differ- ent Dominion Buildings, Persons tsntlering are uotifiied that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied and signed -with their actual signatures Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered Bank payahle to the order of the Min later of Public Works, equal to 10 par cent of the amount of the tender. 13y order, R. 0, DESROOHERS Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June (1, 1018 so 9 Readers of The Mail and Empire occupy front seats at the world's GREATEST DRAMA. - All the events on the far-flung battle lines are visual- ized in a vitalizing manner, The Associated Press and four additional notable agencies give a PREDOMINANT CABLE SERVICE. In The Mail and Empire the news is edited and pre- sented by experts in love with their work. All the chaff is eliminated and the golden wheat re- tained. ACCURACY---SANITY—and COMPREHENSIVE- NESS make The Mall and Empire indispensable to those who desire to be well informed on world-wide and home events. $4 per annum, by snail. $6 delivered. Order through dealer, local paper or direct,, The Mail and Empire, Toronto 1a! June 22nd, Saturday, every man and woman, resident in Canada, who is 16 1t 041 '�i+;t ' ' 1 years and over, must attend at one of the places provided for registration, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., and there truthfully answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card. Upon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the answers, the man or woman will receive a Registration Certificate, as shown below, which must be carried upon the person thereafter. Why the Certificate is so Important For failure to register a maximum fine of $100 and one month's imprisonment is provided, also an added penalty of $10 for each day the person remains unregistered all, r June 22nd. Persons remaining unregistered cannot lawfully be employed, and cannot draw wages for work done after June 22nd. Employers who keep unregistered persons in their employ will be liable for fines equal in amount to those recoverable from the unregistered employees. Unregistered persons cannot lawfully purchase transportation tickets, and may find themselves REGISTRATION IS LAW Don't Fail to Register. This Certificate is YOUR Protection. Get it and Carry iit barred from travelling on railroads, steamboats, etc. Similarly they may be denied heard and lodging at any hotel, restaurant, public house or boarding house. In a word—MI persons remaining unregistered, and all parsons having dealings with unregistered persons,'knowing them to be such, incur heavy penalties under the law. �`ti�+�•-" Fo�nt<tJrOR'riFY TttAT �f'i}t,, '� •rNiS 1$ TO atl. v 8001 1 t ....................... urs 1� Mor then ,191 a d'l relldinR Wa„dutvrettsteee ... ,. a tt 481 Sn" v Canada tt,to......_...... p6Puly RrBis 't t „�„T. ; --•— 1 Issued fly authority of Canada Regiahation Board