HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-20, Page 1ey
The Seaforth News
Nw Series„Vol. 30 No.25
Something New
In Grave Decorations
A wire arch, with a wire flow-
er -basket banging from the
Come in and see it
W. E. ehapmaE, Prop.
Seaforth Monument Works
Of eouree you want candy, How
could any party be a success with-
You will find in the varied as-
sortment we carry your .favorite
kind. Materials we use are the
beat and out Candies are always
Our lee Cream ie made from Pure Rich Country Cream and Beec Fruits
Economy 1
I I I 1111111111111111111111111111111 f
lM you
prncr lee it.`
Whe Is
THEN i you answer the ytelephone by
saying "Hello," a .vide series of
time- wasting qui scions must ensue!
4L -Hello?" "Hello!" "Is that you jack?"
"Yes, who is that speaking?". "This is Bill!"
"Oh, hello Bill"—and so it goes.
4i; Why not answer at once by saying •
"Mr. Watson speaking," or
"Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking."
R!! Save time by answering at once with your
name. De'n't say 'I-lello,
The Bell Telephone Ciba
of Canada
,!ire ',GN!IY1hI11111111:1411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111181UI111111111111111111111111111111111111111
A quiet wedding took place at th"
Manse on Saturday afternoon when
Edna E, Troyer, youngest daughter of
Mrs Sarah' Troyer, North Mann Street
became the bride of Sydney Gemmel
of Tuokeremith, The ceremony was
performed by Rev, Dr ,Fd A, Larkin
in the preeenee:of immediate relatives,
The bride wore a suit of sand color.
ed gabardine with hat and shoes to
The happy couple left on the after-
noon train for Toronto and other pointe
east, A large cirolc,of friends unite
iii o:tending good wieheie
eoulneil Notice
MoKillop Council will meet et the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday
June 28th, at 1,30 p, m,
M, Murdie,
The Oil for the Athlete—In rubbing
down, the athlete can find nothing finer
than Dr. Thomas' Elooteia 011, It ren-
ders the muscles and einewe pliable
Wittig the soreness out of them and
strengthens them for etrains that may
be put upon them. It stands pre-em-
inent for this purpeae and athletes who
for yeare have been using it San testify
to its value as a Inbricaht,
Returned Prisoner Welcomed
A right royal woloome was accorded
Patrick Nigh, a returned prisoner from
Germany, on Monday night, Pte, Nigh
is it son of Joseph Nigh of town, Ile
arrived ou the six train and a large
crowd from Seaforth and surrounding
country were awaiting him, He was
at once pieced in one of the gaily dec-
orated oar's and the procession headed
by the braes band dame up street to the
steps of the town hall, Here he was
weloomed by Mayor Stewart and Mr,
A, D, Sutherland pinned a medal on
his breast, Rev, Father Goetz then
in a brief, eloquent speech welcomed
the young soldier on his return to his
town and congratulated hint on his re.
lease from the prisons of Germeny, and
and assured him he would be honored
in Canada, Col, Wilson uuder whom
Pte Nigh teethed es a member of the
33rd. Battalliou, also spoke.
Bishop Williams
Bishop Williams of Huron Diocese
visited St, Thomas church on Sunday
morning at the 11 o'clock service and
administered the rite of confirmation
to twelve candidates. His sermon was
a masterly exegete of the second petit-
ion of the Lord's prayer "Thy King-
dom Come," He explained the three
fold meaning of the kingdom prayed
for and showed that if this kingdom
prayed tor came in answer to prayer it
would be because those who prayed
wanted it enough to really work for it.
God only worked with his people and
would help those who helped themsel-
The bishop 'went to Wingham for
service in the evening, He was in
Clinton on Monday evening and in
Goderioh on Tuesday.
June Wedding
At high noon June 17th a very
quiet wedding was eolonmized at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson
of Eginontiville when their youngest
daughter Susie Viola was united in the
holy bowie of matrimony by Rev, S,
McLean to Mr. Allen S, Stone youngest
son of G, W. Stone of Panoraee Alta,
under an arch of evergreens and flags
on the lawn, The bride who was given
away by her father looked oharminging
her bridal gown of eillr crepe-de.chene
trimmed with pearls and wore a Jolliet
cap and veil trimmed with orange
bloesome,carrying a baguet of rotes and
lily of the valley and wore the grooms
gift a wrist watch, After the signing
of the register the gw ate sat di tin to
a war time dinner.
The bride and groure left on the , 30
amid showers coufetti for Toronto and
Montreal and malty other places, 'Che
bride travelled in a blue shot silk suit
with hat and shoes to match,
Out of town guests were Miss Lonett
Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, Lainbart, Strat-
ferd;Miss Helve Stone, Toronto; Mrs.
U, Hablrirlc, Walton; Mr. and Mra,G,
Habkirk, Winthrop,
A quiet, but very pretty wedding.
was solemnized in St Jane's Church,
Seaforth, on Tuesday, ,June 11th, when
Mies Margaret Mere and Mr, John
Klein wore united in the holy bonds of
matrimony by Rev. Father Goetz
The bride looked charming in a beast.
Ifni dress of Cream taffeta with over-
drone of brocaded satin and wearing
the customary bridal wreath and veil
She wee attended by her sister who
wore a dress of oream. silk poplin with
hat to match, The groord we support.
ed by his brother, Mr, Geo, Klein, Af.
ter the ceremony, the bridal party mot-
ored to the home of the bride where
dinner was served, The afternoon was
spent in motoring through the surround
ing country, returning in the evening
to the grooms farm in McKillop where
they will reside, The grooms gift to
the bride was a pearl neoklaoe; to the
bridesmaid, a signet ring; and to the
groomsman, a pearl tiepin, The many
friends of the 'bride and groom wish
them a long and happy married life,
June 20 I018
$1.00 per year
Mr. Dougald Strachan, sr„ of 3rd
non„ Grey had the misfortune to have
his leg broken near the hip, while re-
pairing a door on the driving shad it.
fall ou bit,
Robert, the six year old son of Wm,
McMurray, of Morris, fell and broke
his arm below the elbow, This is the
third time he has had his arm broken
so that he should be getting used to it.
While cutting wood at MaNaught
etatiou, Wm, Clark, of Ethel,
allowed his hand to come in contact
with the saw and his thumb was almost
Mr. Amos Tipling has a quantity of
hemp that be grew ou his farm in Mor-
ris and manufactured in a flax mill.
He grew it last year as an experiment
and is forwarding a eample to Ottawa
where it will be tested. If hemp oan
be successfully grown and treated in
Ontario it will be a great national boou
for at present binder twiue and rope
are imported and the cost ie therefore
very high.
There linseed away at her borne on
the 7th line, Morris, on Saturday June
8th, Jane Ctarbert, wife of Mr, J, T.
McCaughey, after an extended illness.
The late Mrs. McCaughey was born in
Mullet township 44 years ago, and
sinoe her marriage in 1901 to Mr. Mc-
Caughey has resided in Morris. She
was greatly esteemed in the neighbor-
hood in whioh she resided,
On Wednesday laat, Mr, Frederick
C. Waldron of the London Road passed
away at the age of 51 year's. He auff-
fered a paralytic stroke about two years
ago and has never really recovered, In.
terment took place in the Clinton cem-
etery on Fride„
Electric light and power rates are to
increased in Wingham after July let.
Electric light ern be 10 cents per Kil.
owatt hour with an additional 10 per
cent if accounts are not paid before 1,5th
of the mouth, .e.r1:0t7
The charge for the conetant motor
power has been raised to $46 per month
and the miuimnm power and under, not
run constantly will be $2 par horsepow.
er per month.
A vicious bulldog in Lower Huron at.
tacked Mr, Robert Stapleton, of Batt
Wawanosh last Saturday and bit him
on the leg, The wound was attended
to at once and no serious results oocur-
red, Officer Phippen shot the dog,
There has been ieshortage of gasoline
all through this district within the past
tee weeks, The difficulty is said not
be iu the gasoline supply as it is in
tank cars to ship it.
At alargely attended meeting of the
Huron 010 Boys' Association, Toronto,
recently, it was decided that the anim-
al excursion would be held,
The septi -annual Co, L,O,L,, wee
held in Clinton last Wednesday with a
good attendance. The lodge decided
to do all in their power to make the
celebration at Honsall a su000es,
Collegiate Institute Exams.
The following students are promoted
from form 1 to II, These are arranged
in order of merit, based on weekly ex.
erns, held throughout the year and the
final June examinations.
G, Kerr, W, Greig, A, Dale, M.
Blanchard, B, Wheatley, R Edmunds,
11. Taylor, S. Lattuner,
8, Edge, R, Thompson, E. Staples,
Jt, Archibald, G. Dennison, F. Smith,
M. O'Leary, F. Beattie, B Barton, G.
Sillery, M, 11oggerth, I. Crawford, E.
Bolton, 0, McLean, A, Dodds, I, For.
eythe, G. Stewart, G, Kneobtel, B, Me.
Lellau, L. Dodds, I. Upeball, A, Atkin-
son, G. Hays,
The following students who ou ec-
oount of Meese missed the first exam-
ination are promoted to 2 13 :—
B, O'Oonnell, M, Armstrong.
Promoted to 3 /3
M, Hogg, T, Merrier, 11, Horton, A
J, F, Boas, Prin,
Brie's l' or the Busy
When Pat Nolan, of New York refus-
ed to get up and go to work, hie wife
first tried to get him up with the help
of boiling water, When it failed she
resorted to dynamite, Lastly the lov-
ing Mary put oil soaked raga under the
bed and set tire to them and success
cane, Pat got up.
Venus Cote was put in Kingston
penitentiary, not for wearing male at-
ttire, but for stealing jewelery and [non
ey, She is now being taught to saw
and do other useful work which is quite
new to her,
The army worm is causing touch aux.
iety to the farmers around Windsor.
A man in St, . Thomas claims the
Council has no right to use public funds
to pay for a luncheon to the Governor-
General and bus taken legal action to
try and prevent thein.
when Alvin Yorke was called to ap.
pear in a St. Thomas count for assault,
he did not appear. It was afterwards
discovered that he had a good reason.
He was in jail in London for not pay-
ing a fine of $200 for a breach of the
A. recent regulation of the Canaria
Food Board states that pork tender-
loin is not classed ae pork but included
with heads, hearts, livers etc., whioh
may be used at any time,
Acoording to atatistios, ntaaslee were
very prevalent luOnterio during May,
Toronto aid Hamilton had a total of
1007 oases out of a total for the prov-
ince of 1936.
There is an increase of twenty five
per Dent in the crop acreage in Quebec
tbis year over la according to a state -
mewl by the Provincial Bureau of Stat-
letioa just published,
At North Sydney, 0, 13„ an attti•vao-
oivatieatist draftee, as he itnagiued,pnt
a good one on the Medical Board, Aft
or being vaooittated be quickly wiped
his nose, forgetful that he had a slight
scratch there. Result: As beautifully
developed a vaccination case in the
wrong place at ono could wish to see,
Evidently a number of the oitieensof
Toronto believe that pigs pay. Since
the first of the year thirty permits have
been grauted for private pig pens ilt the
city, and many more were refused ow•
ing to the unsuitibility of the premises,
A quiet wedding took place at the
noon hour on Saturday, whsu Ivy Rita
Jarrott, of Egmondville became the
bride of Robert James Cook, of Ham-
ilton. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. G. McKinley on the verandah
under the beautiful vines of her home.
Fifty guests were present from Clin-
ton, Toronto, Glencoe, and London
Miss Vern Jarrott played the wed-
ding march. The young couple left
for a trip to ttawa and Hamilton,
Dap and
We have a particularly mice
litre of these watohas.
fntho Day Time of course the
dial is clearly seen and likewise
the tiros,
In the Night Time, in the dark
when you want the time se badly
this watch shows the time clearer
than ever.
A reliable, dependable, servioe.
able watoh, with Radium Dial,
and 16 Jewelled movement.
$10,00 ;in Nickle Case) -
$15.00 fin (fold Filled Case)
We would like to show them to
You will enjoy 'seeing them.
Drop in,
, rt l . t'Etuatngt
Ilium leatriltnahee & (Optician
ammer iNurriagr ifiirrnsrn
Business 194
Evenings 10
The Store you will always like
ximu rCt�1' 1 4
Unusually Pretty
SILK buns
White and Black
Double •1 ips
All Sizes
75c to $r 5o
Wonderfully pleasing ars these cool little
blouses, They fairly radiate freelimes
and softness, Many come in new stripe
voiles with fancy collars lending a soft be-
coming effect to the 'wearer- Altogether
they are about the best looking lot of
Waists we've shown for a long time.
Price f<rorn L50 to 5.00
Starting as lots as
a garment and advancing
step by step through all the pop-
ular prices
Wash Dresses for Chil-
dren and Misses
fieri is by far the prettiest and most
dais array of attractive attire for little
girls and aliases that has ever been our
pleasure to show. ('hese shaming frocks
cleverly reflect this season's favorite etylee.
for wattteu and are tore to meet with your
instant approval,
I ?tees 50e to Ri+n0(
What kind of Hut Weather
Underwear, do you like ?
No natter anyway. you are quite
sure to find it hero in nicely fit-
ting garments at very moderate
prieea, considering the careful
mower in which the garmrrnte
ere made and the exeelient mat-
erials they are made from, All
sizes in Stock ---Complete price
The heel kinds pro.
carable starting as
low ae
n garment