HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-06-13, Page 5C Thursday June f 3 LU F� SPR EDMUND VVAlxElt,' C,V.O., u.D» D CBL„ President CAPITAL PMD Up, $15,000,000 411 MR JOHN AIRD, General Horsier 1.1. V. P. JONES, Mer. Geni Manager RESERVE PuND, . $13,50000 Careful attention is given to the bank- ing requirements of farmers, with whom an '`important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt and courteous service. 81 Seafortkir Lra ,m..C..t; J. G, MULLEN, Manager Wt Jt Walker ll For Sale Undertaker and Embalmer W. J, Walker, holder of gov- ermneut Diploma and License Day or Night sale receive our prompt ompt attention Day Phone 67 Night r8 Helmand half acre of land in the village of .Egtnondville. The property ie situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Chnroh and is known as the Parcell property, Good eom- fortable honey, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bilabes, This is a corner pro t per y with no breaks on front, and the and is 10 a good state of cultivation. This is a Moe property fur a retired armer and the taxes are light. For artiwtlars apply on the premises or to 0111) 111), id u Seaforth, tIf p YOU CAN SUCUEEll 1;'f STRATFORD, ONT. Ontario's Loading Commercial School makes sneers easy, We have three departments Comruerolal Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual instructions andetu- deuts may enter at any time, Gra duatee are plowed in positions. This is your opporturYity as there is a great call upon us for trained help. Write at onoefor particulars, W J ELLIOTT D A MCLACHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL FOR SALE ellEAR Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry euntmer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve vandals. Stable le' x112' hen ;horse 9 7' . Apply at the News Office THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant wit., Me; Etta an incomparable softness seen is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one applicationdoubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you hrtve dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then Eke hair falls out fast. Surely get a 3rna11 bottle of Knowlton's Danderine 'rem any drug store and just try it. For a Nice 1I Mr, James Devereaux, of the Huron 0 �i so MR TF U SEAFORTx-i NEWS Town • Topics? r...4 M.n+.rM.n+aw,mo.r�aaw�...wwrm,��f,11 I ,I'1p'•..•Ma....,wuN...>rol p*.nM.+lrer C Tho High Cost of Living—'economy ie the word to -day,. Make your old garments do instead of purchasing now ones, Have tlrom dry cleaned and pressed. Dry oleening when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their fresh new appearance and ante as a rlieinfootant, TTpeanitttr'y wearing apparel often oeusee sickness and death due to germs, clothing should be cleaned at frequent intervals, My Wardrobe, Goderioh St„ Seaforth, Opp, Queen's Hotel. Mr, farcy Rolph, of London, spent the week»earl in town 00 Sunday, Juno lath, at the Salva- tion Army, treaaurot Mr. Smilers from Stratford, will conduct the meet - Inge, he is very mnsioal All welcome, Mise Rena MoKeueie, of Stratford Normal Sohool spent the week end at her home here, Miss !Lobb, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, 0, L. Williams, Mre, W. R. Smith and children are visiting her deter, Mre, Ray Olre in Toronto. Mine Mason, of Welland Hospital le 'siting her sietere, the Miesee Macon, Mre, MoQuaig and Remelt have re tarried from visiting relatives lit Struts ford, A 0eat doomed by Mies Lakee for Sailore' Relief rued le on exhibition in. the John MaoTavish store, Tioltets 16o, 2 for 20o, Get your tiokote early 48 they will not be available long, Mrs, Daniel ,Sproat has returned to her home in Belgrave Mies Margaret hose, of Bru0elield ie vleitiug Mies Norma Jeffrey this week, Mrs. Har'r'is, of St. Oathat'inss is visitor at the home of her droughts Mrs, Jones corner of Weet and Doctor lair Ste, Dont forget the Garden Party et M Garrow'e Lawn on Wedneeday.June 19 r, MACHINES FOR MiLKING Farmers Will Find That They Are Very Profitable, To MEET LABOR Sft4RTAGE 440 1444.4.4.44444.4.4. Row to Prevent Bees Swarming -.,- feints for the Gardener and Dalry. marc in ,Trine -.,Methods by Which to Destroy Troublesome Weeds, (Contributed by Ontario l.)epertmepf of Agriculture, Toronto,) II.i statement that the milk - trig auaehine has now be- come a practical propose, Hon can now be made with nonsiderable confidence. Practically 1 all the standard makes of machines r sold in this province, the cheaper 1 . ones as well Its the more expensive, are giving good satisfaction in th hands 01 a groat runny dais mon The silver Thimble and Trinket corn mitten will be at the Triangle room on Saturday afternoon to receive furrier coutt'ibntious. At 9 p m. an Auction SALE will telco place, Mrs. J. E. Hogg and Mre, W, Gunn were visitors at the manse on Tneedayil Mies Agnes Sproat, of Kipper' spent Sunday at the home of her uncle, Mr. Robert Bell, Mr, and Mrs, Jae Beatty left thio week for a motor trip with their dao h -A very a Methodeful lawnSunday scalS' was given ter and her husband, 111r, J. E, Smith, on by the all Methodist astFSriday of Peterbore, to Hamilton, Toronto evening foe r the itpurpo purpose sending eats] and Peterboro. Mre. Smith hits been visiting her parents for a week while to 010 mbome wasat thp OviFrode, An The pro - Mr. Smith was in Chicago, programme provided, pro- ooede amounted to about $ii U, Mr, Wm. Smith, North Road who has been under the Dr's sere for (3 months with nerve and heart trouble is failing fast. Nifty�I Road East is one of the progressive Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNO'S BLOCItgSEAFORTH IMPORTANT! fi you have funds on hand at the present time for investment, I wish to advise that I have secured a block of $25,000, of the recent issue of the Province of Ontario Gold Bonds, maturing in ten years from the 16th of May 1918, These Bonds bear Interest at the rate of SIX per cent, with coupons attach- ed payable semi-annually. Over one million of these Bonds were taken up in the City of Toronto less than four hours after same had been placed on the Market. DO NOT DELAY as these Bonds will be sold very quickly. Bonds delivered free of charge to you Denominations $100, 500; 3t 1000, JOHN HANKIN Bond and Debenture Broker Main Street, Seaforth Phone g a CREAM WANTED 'F. Send your oroem to r'8 et'tl receive top prioee, We are rut:uir,g our plant the year through and can hat.die yam full4supply and furnish yon with cans. Wirs pay twice (moll month and weigh sample,and tent each can of cream care fully. Our motto ie " Honesty to our Patrons " Patrons are req.,' eeted to re turn all our Dane when not in nee, 3 otter aneliuttermilk min c hand ns] for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEA FORTH M,4I1KIiT Good Milling Wheat ............... $3,10 Bran per tone.... ..................10.011 Shorts per ton ......... ......... 41 Flour..... , ...... Eggs....... .... ,.... 13.— 34 Hogs to, farmers ... 19 00 FOR Ai,E A dining roore table, 8 ft, long, buffet, 1 new, Apply to 0, Layton, Seaforth, GARDEN FART' A Garden Party under the auspices of the Ladies of Roxboro and vicinity will be held on Mr R Garrow's lawn on the evening of Wed., June 19th. An excellent program by local talent -assisted by Miss Ada McClinton, sopra- no, Mr. H. M. McGregor of Goderich and Mr. Mullen of Seaforth. Staforth Band in' attendance Supper served from (i to 8. Proceeds for Red Cross '1 ickets are being sold for 2 pigs which hive been lona• ted r and the '1 � will be drawn for on Wed, evening, fanners of Tuokeretnitlt Townehlp, At the present time be has a'calf 9 month8 old which is a tribute to his ability err a feeder. It is a Shorthorn and tips the eoalo over eight F undyed pounds, Who can beat it 2 M. Sarah Webb has had word that one of her sons who has been living in the States for some years has enlisted and going overseas at once. June 30th has been appointed a day of prayer throughout Canada, for the euooess of the Allied cause and the re- turn of peaoe to the world The anniversary services 111 connec- tion with First Presbyterian church last Sabbath was very interesting and profitable, principal Fraser, of Montre- al gave •a masterly discourse sin the morning on the secret of immortality from the text : '+Love not the world neither the things of the world for the world and the lusts thereof paeeeth away but he that doeth the will of the Lord abidetb forever. Hie subject for the evening was the missionary func- tion of the church, Matt, 16, 2,5, whoso- ever saveth his life shall lose it. Spec. ial music was rendered by the ohoir assisted by Miss Gibbings, of Clinton. Principal Fraser, of Montreal' was the gueet of Dr. and Mrs. F. B, Larkin at the manse. Mre, Lawrence and eon, of Sarnia are visiting her sister, Mrs. William Oarnoohau, Tuokeremi%h, Miss el, Willi 1108 has returned from a visit to her sister in 'reroute, Mr, T E. Anderson, of Listowel was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0, E, Smith. Mise Gibbings, of Clinton, is a guest at the 'tome ofMr,and Mrs 11, McIntosh, From the Arnprior Chronicle:-- " A quiet wedding took place on 1Vednesday morning, May 29th, in the R. 0, church, Fitzroy Barbour, when Rev, Father O'Neil united in 'patrim- ony blies Mita McDermott and Mr, L. .1, Stapleton, principal of the Continuo. ation school. Mr, Stapleton expects to don tie khaki in a week or so, 1lrs, Ernest Murray and little Baugh• ter of Regina who have beau spending several weeks at the 'tome of 11118, W. Murray left lest Thursday to visit her parents in Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13, !told are in London attending the funeral of a ueioe, Liont. 'rhompeon, 141re, T. R. Thomp- eon and .141188 Margaret are visiting friends in Goderioh, Mrs, M, Y. McLean is visiting friends i u 'i'o•on t a. Mr, F. 8 Sovauge od0upiedthe pule pit of the 1iethodiatoheroh on Sabbath morning and Rev D Carswell, ofMo- Kiliop in the evening in the absence of the pastor, Rev, 0, McKinley who is 11: Wnikervillo attending the oonfer-i etre(. COUNTY COUNCIL y But all machines are s what complicated, and some delicate of adjustment, so that to be successful the operator must exercise some mechanical ability, and strict care and attention to the needs of In- dividual cows. Without these the milking machine has always proved e failure, It can hardly be said that the machine will get as much milk from the cows as good hand milking,hut ' better results thandth'It average hand - Milking, being aro t economiser of laboand there is no doubt r and time. The macb!ne has its place on morethe l than ten cowrms of s tit doubt- fulbeing nen o economy to invest so much money for a smaller herd. It may also be doubtful economy to instal the ma- chine in a herd of pure brads where !?!incess Triangle presents Wm, S. Hart Formost interpreter of those. rugged virile characters of the early West in The Square Deal Man» e How highly Hart's pictures are esteemed may be. seen oma.1 by the fact that one of his pictor(s Was the head liner at what the opening ceremonies of the new million dollar theatre at Los Angeles. This fi'm producing• centre would un- doutedlyprovide the most critical audience ever assembled. also showing a 2 act KEYSTONE COMEDY for Thursday, Friday, Saturday el test work, involving rinces is being done.—A. Letfeh, B.S.A., fr milking three or more tLnes per da Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 1 y, To Prevent Bees Swarming, • e June is the swarming month and tIme of supering for the main hon ow which begins between the 10 All the members were present at th, f meeting on Tuesday, d After the reading of the minutes, tits clerk read a number of communications l 23 among them one stating the cost of en I a and the 20th of the month, depon ng on the season and the 'auto e sure to give supers enough void any crowding welch may eau fording the C.I.A. last year wan $3,280,1 t A delegation was received from Middle 1 s sex County asking for a delegate to! 9r Toronto to urge the building of a high- way from London to Wingham by the sy he bees to become discouraged, qu work and swarm excessively, hould be the beekeeper's aim 'event swarming as much as Po ible, Tbis ds done by keeping you ueens, glvIng plenty of room and atematle examination of bio chambers to detect colonies which are preparing to swarm. When queen cells are found far advanced they should all be destroyed and the queen herself removed. After the colony has been queenless one week the combs should again be examined and all cells except one removed. This one will provide them with a queen and if only one is lett they will not swarm again. Where an improvement of stock is desired the new queen may be given instead of leaving one, queen cell. Natural swarms should be hived on the old stand after removing the I parent Colony to one side. The swarms should be given the supers , from the old colony. New swarms work with great vigor because they have no brood to care for during the first week. Colonies held together without' swarming gather more honey than those which swarm, 11 is the beekeepers patr•iotlo duty to reduce the cost of honey production and thus increase the quantity he is called to produce as greatly as possible. They also cause the beekeeper less trouble at unexpected titres. This may be done more by swarm prevention than In any other way. Bulletin 233 (On- tario Department of Agriculture) takes this matter up thoroughly and should be carefully studied by all beekeepers, -- Provincial Apiarist, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Oto Thursday, grants of $24,000 to Y.K.O.A, $2000 to Knights of Columbus and 51,000 to Salvation Army orere made. Special 81.95 Optical, Sale of warranted high grade gold-filled rimmed spectacles and oye glasses, fit- ted with beet quality spherical lenses Regular $4 5o valve for only 51.94. Eyes examined free by our welI.known and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hugh - son, formerly optieal expert for Kent's jewelery store, Toronto. Owing to the scarcity of lenses prioee are advancing rapidly. So take advantage of this chance and come early. Two days on- ly Monday and.Tueeday, June 17 and 18-13eattie Bros. Fair, Seaforth DEATHS. M0CRACKEN—In Brussels, May 26th Clara May McCracken, aged 23 years, OLIVER—At Wigham, June 3rd, Ag nes Smith Moffat, wife of Geo, Oliver ANDERSON -1n Turnberry„lune 9th, D. 13, Anderson, aged 50 years, NOT'1—In Goderich, on May ;rat Mary Moss, widow of late Rev, Boujemin Nott. FORTUNE—In Tuokeremitlr, on Juno 701, .blot Fortune, ager' 73 years, M)h4t7LLEN—Ip Seaforth, on Sunday June 9,11, Susan VaIEgmond, wife of John McMullen, aged 74 years Soldfere h The food of Metiers in the 9eM V . ries according to their nationalifdefl. The principal meal of the Russian sol- dier consists of stcheo, somotbhtg be- tween a gruel and a soup, the chief in. gr'edients of which are cabbage, poia- toes, oatmeal and fat meat, preferably pork. These aro boiled together, with salt and other seasoning, the result be- ing n thick, nourishing and by no means unpalatable dish, The Italian soldiers, 'who are splen- did marchers, live largely on a farina- ceous diet—macaroni, spaghetti and so on. They are also very partial to fruit, which is issued, together with wine and cigars, as part of their rations whenever possible, No Lerman soldier considers his dat- ly menu complete without a sausage of 801110 kind or other, and the "stronger” Its flavor the better, A'nutritious pea soup is also a staple of the army ration. The mainstay of the T'r'ench soldier consists of his beloved "soup," ns be calls it. It is really n thick, nourish- ing stew, made 02 meat, potatoes and Vatious other vegetables. .The7h e sr "Tommy" um yn is mti lvor- ous, but the things he loves above all Mrs, T. 0. Irv,ng and Mre. L. L else are bacon and Am.—Youth's Coma panion, 131achbttrn, of Toronto are guests at the home of Me, and Aire, J, t', Rose. ey th de. If you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in • to a better position than ever to supplyyour n se needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders s Leave usyour orders ng when �in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS NOTE HEADS ENVELOPES WEDDING STATEMENTS ITATIONS CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS POSTERS CATALOGUE Or anthing else in printing Come In And See Us About Sale gills THE SEAFORTH NEWS SEAPORTI-1 — 0111T. �va� PR!NTJNG nit !t Hints For the Gardener. Thorough cultivation of the soil must be practised in the garden, The common hoe, wheel hoe and the gar- den cultivator should be kept going immediately after each rain. The C u seed sown in the field should be thin- ((° nod carefully, giving each plant the re ■ amount of space required 202 good growth. Use poisou bras mash to r kill the cut worm, .which w111 be ac- tive at this season,-- The asparagus ,217 bed should have the second applica- tion of 100 lbs, per acts of nitrate l� of soda. All stocks should be care- i l fully cut even it they cannot be used, I u Early celery, tomatoes and other tender plants should be set out the first of this month, while citrons, 1� cucumbers, pumpkins and melons 1ii� should be planted, A small amount of nitrate of soda around celery and znl tomato plants four or tive days after R2 setting2N out, will aid to their growth, filo latter part of this month and the beginning or next, late celery, ;Le cabbage, cauliflower and kale are „sn&-!J transplanted into the field, Sowing of corn and beans sbon'd be made 1 every week during this month, TRANI) Thursday Friday Opposite Daly's Garage To Eradicate Bad Weeds, 11 troubled with mustard In grain crops, spray with the 20 p.c. solution , Come 6 ofiron sulphate, (2 lbs. of iron sol- �, Aicfioo Pilate top sulphate, gallon of water). If 'Th HIck such spraying ie to be eRective It ; ", must be done early just when the I ljt first mustard plants In the field are i lII2 corning into flower. 2111 wu '1en &ffI a a�ann 2rll Saturday '9 aan (With an all-star cast) A thrilling story of romance and in= trigue &So A Lonesome Luke comedy in 2 parts IGood cuitivaticn followed by rapeing Ivrea- sown about the middle of June In dr111s about 23 inches apart at the ftate of 11,5 pounds per Lere, pro- vides a means of eradicat alai sow 11018(10 rind twitch grass, j hairy Pointer's for ,luno, Cows In clover or good June•grass pasture require very little attention. 1'h!s is the ideal mouth for dalry operations, If there aro any hot days, be careful to cool both intik and cream, bysetting tin L h Ice e water, or ' c cold well water, Sour milk and cream are too frequently sent to 1 the factory, Don't forget to wash the cream separator and strainer daily, or after each time of using, (8 reels) IN Pelee 15c anti 117