The Seaforth News, 1918-06-13, Page 4E L IVI Ii1oA it, 11, 1UOJf 1t088, lehyalolepo8144 Silencer 3,a A 0 G9ndQA lame Ital, iaan4otl, Iraq and„ 4D 1 .a tr)u011 to Ala.00.080 of 1SYA,19ar, Naga Ieei daiesldance bellia4 gomiulou Bash, rIo i'tlonoNo, 0, RtalAenoa F11one pNo,100 d r tldonv e- Godes Oil J. S aeet,LG at o0f 8110 n1l40t80 Inst Church, Coroner for County er Buren s epbone No. 40. 4s81tgeunr, (*0SCOTT 410)1 1AStreet,' opposites k1elho Church. Realorth, Sco'l',graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and dember of Ontario College of Physicians and m'geons, Coroner for Count1 of Hura1, Naeleee,houor ggraduate9•rinity Uulver$ity, told medalist Trimly medical College, timber pl College of Pystclnns and 801r00010, nillarl.'. nR GEO. Hhl1EO1n0 t9opthia Speolellht Women's end Ccudiseases end ;homiletic lra , Acute 0.1 th o (Usual re, Ear, EybNeoc and Throat Adenoid re• loved without thoknlfeConsultation free, Royal Hotel aetdsy, 0 1.01, Dau p.m.;Frlday 8 Lin, to cpm Issued by JOHN i ma e licenses 34.DAp awsn rth Insurance Ara Pon onetdeting Insurance, Life or Accident? Ilyoa are, a postcard will get our rates. a, A. f xrJeHf,16Y, General Agent for London Life Insurance Co.. td Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. tames Watson enoral Fire, Life and Accident Lwnrance Agent, and dealer In dewing Machines. Main Street, Seal„rtb, TI -IE NIcKILLOP Iu nal Fire IISaraOCB CO, Poral and Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS s, c'or.uoliy, 0,Jcnrh President, Janie. ons, lteechwaod, Vice )resident. Tamils'; ye, Seaforth Sao, Treas. Director* F, McGregor. Seaforth) John G. Grieve, !Moo W. Rina, Constance; John Beaaewels, chosen• ' Robert Ferris, tiarlockl :Malcom 'eon. chosen; n McCartney,Seaforth; 1 Connolly, Goderlch. Jae, Evans, eechwood. Agents tx. Leitch, Harlock; E. Rgiuchley, Seafotts rm Chesney, EgmondvBie; J. W. Yeo tesyllle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhogen; Jame and John Goyenlock, Seaforth, auditors. tales desiroyie to effect Insurance or trans... business will be promptly attended to by *Gott to any of the above oiscers, address 11r respective poeteeics. The Original and Only Glenville Tat res 'o UUt;b NAF04111 14 ISSUED EV8RY vuenevAY Prom the Offic, MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 04 neonate 127 SUBSCRIPTION Coe dotter per year. atrlotlytoage Anse it not geld In 80411(0, Duo dollar sad papers, will byentattr00110. etriekllyatlli advanced, When subseriberx chaange their address notice should he' out us immediately, giving both the old and the new address. Sub- scribers will cooler o fever by notifying us of any Irregulmdty of delivery. Reading Notion -48o readlog notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which mono la to be made by any person or cause will bo inserted In Tuts Naw'8 without charge. The price for tie Inser- tion of business announcements le TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties baying no contract for displayy advertising, and FIVE cents per line each Insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, ocelots, end entertainment RI{ reading notices. Card of Thanks 3 to 9 lines, 30 cents. Judiolak, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notices -Ten cents per line for drat Insertion and dye cents pot lino for each subseauat Insertion. Yearly cards-Fro(essioaal Cards, not exceeding One Inch, will be inserted for 03.00 per year, navabhe strictly in advance Display advertising -Rates furnished on application, wUntilrforbid."sanddthose (enttnwithout mitten Instructions will appear until rltten orders are received for their .1h. continuance. Letters to the Editor mast be accom- panted by the writer's own signature, not orublicatlon, but as a guarantee of good faith' The publisher accepts no ream.elbillty whatever for the statements made in such communications, Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter 1s ten cents per Una, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER SONS OF SOIL Irk H 1',.'i Dear 1\ "eATI.' HDAY :;i3IH1 And it came to pas, that the Suns o Soil best the pace where the Kin was, seeking not to go to war as th dwellers hi cities had done, And Ottawa, that great city, wa too shall for them, inasmuch the were five thousand, and they bad u place to lay their heads. g 8 34 c And the people of the city mocked theta, saying; "Look at what ye have i helped to do. This is a bone-dry town 1 and the taverns are closed. Account Iyourselves happy that it raineth not ;and the weather is fine for sleeping ;out, But beware how you snore lest watchman throw you into prison for distubing the peace." And the Sona of Soil sought to etr- oamvent sleep by going to Hull, which Os across the river, where the oil of Beware !gladness still tloweth. of But they found Hull dry also, save Imitations I For the thin comfort of two t per cent, Sold !beer and sareparilla pop, and they on the i were sore at heart and they murmured 'Merits saying:" Next time we will carry some• of :thing on the hip." Minard's ' And there was no balm for the Sone Liniment. or Soil on this eide of the river or on that, and they wondered aeout in the wilderness all night. But some made hold to enter the Chateau Laurier and gawp at its eplendor, crossing themselves at marble or Sale ;shrine' of the OI,i Dian and bending �the Immo and exclaiming: -He would wever have dere this to the Hick riN 9 SDN COAL I 1 u•o.., . Seaforth. Phone I30 3usIuess Vithout a proper iystin of adver• sin is like a otos without the Ower wit News IRrISrMEIVrs 'supply the red energy enc - 34 tellies 127 r vied" r-• - 1 And verily it wee a cafe het ivaamucl, AR those who 9)3,111300 not lay halide 01 3 lJ't«bac would not lay hands nit the Sons of the r,,;1 wherever they might be, And some bust cd for a short while it, Peacock Alley hot were slaved on by the House flecteetive, who said; "Now 1 know why the Hired men does not wash his feet 1 t beoautac the boss j doesn't " At:fl it wail a true word. And some Bogard iu the lobby, but', !Kelly, the Master of the Fire Chariots �eaid;"Yemaynot smoke rope here , Twenty five cent cigars or the open air And he shot them through the re- volving dour where many were caught and may be be soon to this day whirl- ing to this day like planate in space, I And others there who alike(' what might be the toll for a night's lodging, 1 And Morisstte, the Keeper of the Bonk said "A bushel and a half of wheat for a eiugl. bed and another bushel for breakfast," and they said, "Nay, nay" and straightway deper1e0 And the 0 Song S fG he Sell arm r ase Dari Y in :tile morhing for thein Bleep wag one gigot and there was nothing oleo to do, And they Mable a pingr.ilnag4 to Pert - lament Bill, long before the first robin was aht'oad, and they gazed on the eoppot roof and they said; "This ie whore our money goee. Wlro waateth this Motel whioll might he coin of the realm 8 Anil they bowed low before the stat- ue of Sir Alex Mackenzie and they *all. ed hint the friend of the acid prayed hits to leave itis grave and take oharge of the taxes. But they prayed in vain inaennish as thrift and Sir Thomas White are blesaingo enough. 10 Baldwiu and Lafontaine they prayed also, but more to Lafontaine, whore name (larded oamfort, than to Baldwin who !night take the Ontario point of view, And he who was leader of the pil- grims wept at George Brown's bronze feet and cried aloud : "C) thou--." but he got no farther, remembering that George was himself a Unionist once though not for long. And the images of the other great 111011 on Parliament Lill, the image of Cartier, the image of Sir John, and; the other images, oubits high and tons heavy, they drenched with their t ors. But they had little faith, suepeotiig that the dead men Might favor stern measures, And after their invocations had seas. ed they girded up their loins for a one- armed touch, which is to us what the Feaot of the Feaot of the Passover 1888 to Moses-aomothiug to be got through in a hurry and at little cost. Anti it cams to pass that the Big Push wag cm pie, and when the Sous of the Soil heard that pie was ten cents a chit and hollow chested at that, many chewed their nails inasmuch as it WW1 cheaper, But 80111e ate and they marvelled that the custard pie should get along without custard. ' And one; bolder than the 'rent, asked " What have ye dune with the egg?" To him the Brigadier of the Viands answered and said : Nay, rather what have ye done with the eggs, extortion- ers that ye are ! Woe to you that hoard potatoes until they are eix doll- ars a bag! Woe to yott that feed wheat to the pigs! Woe to you that take white )lour out of our bread and give us bran ! " And he woed for some time longer but the Song of the Soil said• The young man in the white coat bath a devil. Knoweth he not that the more the people of the cities pay for food the less they eat and the sooner we win the war." But they were sad, notwithstanding, that they had left the fat of the land at home on the farm, and they conspir- ed next time to bring three square meals with them and make the town folks jealous, And to this they all said, " Yea I Yea!" inasmuch as there was plenty of room w their shiny b ack leather valiee8, and it would not disturb the high oost of living. And the morning and the afternoon were the second day, and the Sons of the Sons of the Soil met together in a painted chamber to chide King Borden for that he did not let them stay at home to charge ninety cent8 a pound fur turkey at Christmas, And while they waited, the Sons of the Soil cried aloud, saying; " Let us ?tear Rowell, seeing that Murphy is not lure," Bet they did not hear Rowell, Mee it was King Borden's job to speak, tad itis 1410118, And they cried aloud for Flavelle with a mind to fry hint a apace in his wn lard, But F'lavelle moue not, be- g busy to prayer in another place, Then arnee from among the Sens of he Soil the one most learned, mitt lie cad a scroll, And the smell said that was good to light but better to farm id that it was against the law and le prophets for Icing Borden to face th ways inside six months. And he ado along speech to the end that ing Bordet) had broken faith now that e oloetion was ovorpaseed. But King Burden answered that he tied always ono way, and that way lereuoever tie danger threatened. d he said it with hie chit, out and jaw set, and the Sous of the Soil knew that their plea was naught. And Duo Sun of the Soil with a con- k' colli' with four buttonholes took 11 three notches, for he know that he his tribe had got it in the neck. tot presently murmurs arose aei rain of the Sons of the Soil, softer nowt, and leveller of bead than the ere, said : '4 Who are we to lag be - A it r it ai th bu ea K th fa wl An 1 his trio it i and So the Sone of the Soil slept In parks "f 1 and the open spaces, bet they had ease, i nasmu t oh the nth played e IYy, 1 y with their moustaches and the birds wore care - leas . And tine then of the city, returning late, hoard strange nolaes in the parks, and mistook for shrubbery th find when allure going? Lo and be- held, there is no standing at 0380 with any farmer I over worked for. ' And he went straightway and enlist- ed, But Ino was only one in five thous- and. Ande 0 stn oft the Sone a ofthe ti•1' 1- Soil a en d N to and beat their breasts, hot ihey Were not many, But the nittititnafo were 00re at heart, inaenlnollBO KMg Borden had told thew that they must fight ev- en as the dwellers i') the 01Giee And he lett theta, five tiloutiand more or lees strong, to the Hall of Council where King Burden foregathered with his wise Hien. But ut tit tt1 wan 1.aither byword Alps• Ilis81119, ineem11cll lie the Sees of the W1110 nut permitted to outer Anti when :hey yammered et the g'lto the 0entii Ion said "tiokete." But there we4e no tickets. So the Saes of the. *;nit rcnl'ieed outside, PTURE APPLIANCE SPECIALIST HERE New Invention Retain. Rupture Without Knife, Danger or Pain. Old-158hionedalling, slipping trusses and foreign mall Orde'methods ere done away with b the wolder(u lnvontion of a Canadian e eelalle0 who has devoted yyears to this O4ng s udy. '1hemorveleus new Lion "p RATRU5'� gives instant retention rest and security where others have failed. It: prevents all Irrttatlon, restores every part to its natural position as 80011 as It 1s used, and Old style t 310808 are thrown away. 'Egan's "Cgt'atrfls" is Intended to assist nature to close the opening In the short- est time known withoutan operation and at small cost. Testimonials from men, Women aria parents, nce Or logNothing e DM 8i118(() natural retenti e method. It oastses nothing to investigate. Delays maybe gen Brous. Now is the time to make your el l ejh,yolloal y flt for your dally work, Tear off coupe now. 'Made in Canada," J. Y. ROAN, SPECIALIST, N LL VISIT the town() below. Free demonotratjon aid examina- tion of samep es, Ask at otel office !twiny room. Note dates. 1litehell, Collison hotel, June 18, Seaforth, Queen's 110001, Wednes- day (all day till 9 p, ;111,) 1 day o1113' -'June 19011. Clinton, Normandie liut4l June 211 i mill 11410111011111101N1 tIMMwMMMMMMrididdi MI 11014 101161 MiYwrww sir TN1E" D EatabHrlhygl 1071 i Caoltal and Fleury S13,000,000 ■ F. Victory Bond �d I nreret Save the interest on your Victory Bonds. Every dollar you save helps the cause of the Allies. if you haven't a Savings Account open one andd n P add i terest to interest. • 400 si SEAFORTH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, Managsa tr i r ■ M M r Iw w 1a ()1 s G a 1b DisengWensti aneleIMMIMM1101PININM1[IMMO, IItie,.,,,.-•..._..,..,i1_.--_-.__eil_rian 01 Winth"op Iresbyterian Sunday service 2,30 pt's. Sunday Sohool I 15p m Prayer mooting Tuesday 8 p. 111. L 0 l., at Wed. Gonstanee Methodist 8188, W, Kahle, pastor, Sunday service 2,30 p.m, Young People's Lea- gae2,30 p,tSu,tday 0' omen's AuxiI ary first Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. L'i,lies' Aid last Thursday of each month 2.31) p,10 • First Presbyterian Rev. F', I3, Larkin., Pastor. Sunday services 11 eat, and 7 p in, Sunday eohool 2.30 p,m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Sooietyatlie first Tuesday in oaoh month at 3 p m, Barbara Kirkman Mie. Mon Band 3rd Tuesdayin the month at 7.30 p.m, Sun811(1le Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.155 pal. PeleftlilopP- resbyterian Rey. D Carswell pastor Sunday services Duffs' churoit 11 a In Sunday school 10 a in frays• sleeting Wed- ieeday 8 pan. women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. rulI'ar1I0IJ 1 y 'rs .2 CHURCH NEWS Henn u'4'lor this Hs ad ars' pbl*hod trop of aharge, ex - opt t.1 10O0 regardhlMgm001I11gs where au admission fee 1a harged, The rate for such being five rout nor Ochi )!Ins S}Y;1U1F(3RTH CGNUR(HB'S St. James' St, James' Uhuroll, Rev, Father E F, Ploetz P,IP, Early Masa 9,,10, Hfglt Mass 10,30, Sunday School p, m, Vespers and Benediction of the Bless• ed Saorament,7 p. m • St. Thomas' Rev. T. 13, Brown, Rentor, Sunday eer0oos 11 a,m, and i p,m. Sunday eclnoo 1 2.30 p, m, Women's Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.311 p,m. Ohildreu'ebrancll Saturday 2 p,m. nterceasion oerviees every Thurgtlay', , O p.m. ltfethodist Rev, G, McKinley, '13. D., pastor -SLINDA Y -_..(?lase at 1(1:00 a.m. Public seryiee 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sun day school and Bible study oleos 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p,m. "For Otte Blootl i Oke i0i'a " WIIE YOU ARE SUFFERING Immo. boom gulch aP 40.5.008 ao're*ti•lap Ilouryy, Dad aaae, AhaeQ.P01., ulcer*, Glandular aweUlne:P, nano, Pimpluo, Bore. of any kind, elloo4919od Polaan,nheumatl8m, 00400 etc,, don't waste your time and money on lotionss and ointments which canner get below the surface of the skin, What you want oft the poisonous that w11111011 alone Is the blood tetttte cause of all your serrating. Clarks's 31004 Mixture igjustsitcllamedicine. it to composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, front whatever cause arlslu0 and by rendering It clean and pure, otut be relied on to effect a lasting 000 17'h,,, ndr.✓hslfwon fah, 0 Jruticifrurtrmnihht roma deft Oyer S0 years' 04111)91.. Natant to WIC, ss« W4 d 8,i onar.o Oaanfete and St.rohuopera, xrinru alt 8110ntila inn, Clarke's Blood Mixture CURES ALL SKIN & BLOOD DISEASES, weapwserowswavinisendwompow Salvation iirmy Untie,'. Sit 098 rindIAnvoy Wood Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise eervioe 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 p'm. Childress Service -Directory olass 10 a.m. Bible classes 4 p rn, Week night Meetings-ll'edneeda7 freer meeting 8 pai3 Rgmondviile, Presbyterian Rev. .1 Argo, pastor. Sunday sore vices 11 a.ln. and 7' p in, Bible class 3 pan, Prayer meeting Wednesday Sp, m, Y.P M.$ Union 3rd Friday in the month p tu. 1Vtnnen's Mission- ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p,m Lidice' Aid moo a im- mediately after. CANADA DOC4Jt'Ii NTS TO ICE E CARRIED by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Naval or Military Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Cass One under the Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within- Mays One under the Act. NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions of an Order in Coun (P.C. 1013), of the 20th April, 1918, upon and after theist day of Jur 1918, every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majeet Naval or Military Forces, or in the Naval or Military Porous of His Majesty's Allies, acid who apparently may be, or is reasonably suspected to be, within -tire description of Class One under the Military Service Art, 1017, by whom or on whose behalf, it is at any time affirmed, claimed or alleged that he is not, whether by reason of age, status, nationality, exception, or otherwise, within Class One under the Military Survive Art, 1017, as defined for the time bring or that, although within the said Class he is exempted from or not liable to military service; shall have with him upon his person at all times or in or upon any building or premises where he at any time is, nil member of any other society or body, a certificate of the fact signed by act u; office -holder competent so to certify under the regulations of the church, order y"8 or denomination, society or body, to whirls ho belongs; or AGE EXEMPTION If it be clainned that he is exempt' l from c1 r..,1 1!ahl,' (n military sl'rvice by reason of any exemption grantr,t or ctainn'd or application pendutg un,I,•r the 231il(ary Service Ay!, 19)7, or the regulations thereunder, his exetnplinn Ipapers, Y 1 1 tr ,1 r. . cr Registrar t tfiea fu of tit• 'heoo or Deputy Registrar of the district In which he belongs evidencing' the foot or °TRE() CLASS If it be claimed that he is not within the class by reason of age, tin official If it he chtiined that he isnot within the Clam, certffirato of the date of hie bh•th, or a cortifi7nta of bis age signed by ties, liable t r excepted 11)41150 any 01/01. g/' ,;nal a c. '; Hien or that t he is exempted, 1411 not reputablo OitUZrnO residing in the re,mnlunity in which he lives and having l''',,idi11g in the conunonif7 whirr h„ liv. Singlr of ,,ige 01 011,1 fe cilizeny knowledge of the fact; or ; which tin.' claim fs founded and r 'et flying r 1l,re t,n Itnuivh'd r . 1,e of tlni font upon MARRIAGE ' If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by reason of marriage, it certificate, either official or signed by 1 W reputable 0i4e518 residing in the community in which he lives and laving knowledge of the facto, certifying to his marriage and that his wife is living; or NATIoNALITY Hit be claimed that he is not within the Claes by reason of his nationality, a certificate of his nationality signed by a Consul or Vice -Consul of the foreign State or Country to which he claims his allegiance is due; ora passport issued by the Government of that Country establishing his nationality; or ACTIVE SERVICE If it be claimed that heels excepted as a menthes of any of Itis 'Majesty's farces or as having since rima 41,11 August, 1914, served hi the 'Military or Naval Forces of Groat Britain or her Allies in any theu;tre of actual war and hue 1 been honourably discharged therefrom, official dooumelit0 or an official ccrtifi-, "ate evidencing the fact; or CLERGY If ft be claimed f11at ho is excepted as a member of the clergy, or of any recognized order of an exclusively religious clmraeter, or is a minister of a religious denomination existing in Canada on 29tH August, 1917, or as being a Ottawa, May 22, 1918, FA¢I.. IRE TO CARRY IBECOMITE EVIDENCE if upon or after the let clay of June, 1918, any such orale parson be found without the ergo Ire evidence or cer(ifilatl' upon his p„rynrt or in or upon the building or premises in which ho is, he shall thereupon be presumed to be a person at the time liable for military service and to be a deserter or defaulter without leave; PENALTY And he 81101 also be liable upon stimtnary convict ion to a line not exceeding 350 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or to both such tine and imprison/nem; f1::1 moreover, any Huth person may foel:llwi(h bo taken into military cuolndy anti may be there detained and required to per- form military duly in the C'tundian Expeditionary ]'sire 00 lung as lits services shall be required, nnlr0 or until the feet be estctlilhh,d to the satisfaction of emnpetcnt authority that he is not liable for military duty. FALSE CERTIFICATE '1'he use, signing or giving of tory 811011 ceri.!frrate me -hereinbefore men- tioned shall, if the cot t ifi,atn be in any material respr'rt false or misleading to the knowledge of the ps'Oesn using, eigning, or giving the stone., he nn offence punishable, upon summary convict inn, by a penally tot exceeding five hundred dollars, and by imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and not lNA than one moth. ISSUED BY THE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH OF THE ]DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, 0 d d }I, di 1H ar is tit 11 J' top the 6711 1Y e' SAID fill 17 ]sat' i,urn 3 n3 f (.o Oa Ba Br, She bl But Eg Floc A di now,