The Seaforth News, 1918-05-30, Page 6Iin�t'
One of Austda's Four Big Battleships Sunk by Italian Torpedo
Boat--` caplanes Aliso Destroyed in Simultaneous Air Fight.
A ,le;spateli from \, ii n,tun says:
--'the It,ilastn t•.,a„h.., late en Tlnrr+-
day uA.:rrtuoa r iv,>+1 f:'0n1 Routezhn
lR'ir•i:al eeminen •leiou confirming the
pre,•, report of the deetanetion of an.
Austrian 1)reart 1 tight of the \;sinus
lin:tae tang at -07,T Atr,t.riau naval
base at Pala on Wednesday tnorn,i;z
by Italian affieera ,who ware able to
peneti etc the harbor sueee'3sfu11y ut
nnall Henan. torpedo boat. The
ntasaa e to the Embassy read:
"In the early hour of May 14 Cap.
lain Mario da Vignola of ltieeluza,
Antonia Milani of • Lodi, Francesco
Aneelsni of Syraeuee and Giuseppe
,"orrias of Cagliari, in 'a small tor-
pedo boat, with admirable individual
spirit of sacrifice and extraordinary
military and naval skill eluding the
sentinels and searchilghts constantly
searching the water, sueeeeded in
penetrating the well protected and
fortified military pori of Pula and
successfully torpedoed a large Aus-
trian Dreadnought of the Viribus
Unitas type.
''Simultaneously, Italian seaplane
squadrons attacked Austrian battle-
planes over Polo, brought down two
and forced several other s c own on
of 'ontrol, The Italian machines all
r� :r fad safely to user ba -e"
'there are four Austrian battleships
el",he Vh'ibus Unitas class, which
cor."n .Ked -the ) rge t and inost mod-
crn eghting ve.,oele completed for the'
suasion navy up to the time theti - ?i 7ihieliQ.,,,d . P1lt?linrx 1i
Earepean war broke out, The other 4 x l l,e Ptlos, a.
e la
,* r
us o'' the, cls
ss aro R
ships 1
ra r•.
ttl f tf ttl.
1 T S
t t'
the Prinz Bogen and the 1,•reut Isth- zidrq!,} J ;'r uvs;n ti§gust;richt.
c f , .1 Q.. (r
l Lt
coin 1
' t•�s sd i a
v, C � � i cm ni
van. The nameable P i. �v of -�Tr
in Oember, 1012and the others at ! ° .• Ren: ix ➢sande
Aix 1
n ixln x a
u . cs e•5
t tts n
The above Wrap shows the reasons why both mouths of it• - Rhine are in Holland and the southern section
I of Rolland forma a barrier between Germany and Belgium.
intervals between then and the be -1
ginning of the war, whit Ow exception'
of the Steen Lethv n, which was not
finished until 1015,
):,ash battleship of the class dis-
places '20,000 tons, is .25 feet long •
over all, 89 feet beam and 28 feet
draught. Their atmansent comprises
twelve 12 -inch and twelve 6 9 -inch
guns in the main battery, with eigh-
teen 11 -pounders and various smaller
guns, and from two to six torpedo
tubes. The complement of the bat-
'ileships.ranges front,962 to 988 Wien.
:All are heavily armored, and are
Telassed as Dreadnoughts. The Viri-
bus Unitas developed a speed of 20.9
knoll on her trial trip.
women th ea
Germany is Now Menacing Holland.
--» � R roads
Ci Wall
Seale of Miles
to so t _ oar
t,heese-Novy, large, 23 to 24e; do„ good, $12.00 to $12.26; do.,
fthe "� �� i d $11.05 to $11.86; do coin- rainfall last night was very beneficial I come $60,000 for t.oberc ul ,cis preven-
i cane to x the Rotary Glob.
i Brecedateff s $7 $8 00 Foreign,'h d eked i bulls $11.00 to $11.50; o , medium Farm to day. It came ata t i British Columbia's there $2,-
1 T t n 21 'ti hat bushel $6.76 to $7.00. bulls, $10.25
h I min
� � ( twins, 23 a to 241ain spring milee,!mo min, , i 'areas," ee tion in the city during; the campaign,
Can -
large, 26ta to 20e• twins 2G to `2tibkc.' num, $11.00 to $11.25; butchers bulls for the cro s "' declared Su u•intend- � of It t Y C1 b
Beans -Canadian, prime, bushel, choice, $12,00 to $16.00; do., good ant McK']li f tl Experimental
50 to , , an -pi' , tin o '- ,. 1 re of the 52 -
s to $10,611; do,, rough when it would do ibe maximum: 260,000 )Ruch the '1'.'iM,CJi, of c'ati-
1 1 o, net.
General Showers Reprieve Anxie•
ty Regarding Crops.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Rains have been fairly general over
northern Alberta, northern and cen-
Progreso of the Great 11'eat Tr6lit,
be a Fear Pointed
Word has been received that Major
trill Saskateltowan and western Mani- Oldfield: of 1' lk Lake, 11.0., has died,
fobs, vwhlleal Albheavyerta 00hive105 inbeen saet
received en April Oth.
and esntrfcruthllawrPrimrose Day at V:uforiil d,
ed by a snoweturm, Theca are indl "1,234,72 for the lied Cross by the
of wounds
cations that the precipitation area sale of primroses in the eireets.
will cover southern Manitoba, where flexr i new wooden vessels, among
it is badly needed, With all tho wheat them I e„ Was Cr a the a awl the War'
in and a good start on seeding •f 1 Comex have rte e Lay been 1aumhed.
coarse grains, nothing could be azure The boapitals at Vieteria formerly
propitious than a general heavy rain-, under the control of the ]ul,]I.C,C.
fall, Owing to the very early, spring have been taken over by the A.,D.M,S.
and the clry March the land needed' Mies Loretta Murphy, New West -
moisture to an extent unusual sat this minter, was elitism as the zorty-
time, for although there is plenty in I eighth Queen of the May for that city.
the ground, the top soil was very dry All that now remains to make Mrs.
and on ligizt land there bad been con- Ralph Smith's "Iidinimmn Wage Act"
siderable drifting, Any anxiety on law is the assent of the Lieutezlant-- score is now relieved. i Governor of B.C.
Brandon, Man„ May 1.6,--'1'11e I Citizens of Vnneautm rottenly gave,
-- cn.2 No to
Northern,o'23t: No. 2 do, Comb honey -Choice, 10 oz,, $3,50; bulls, $7.50 to $8,50; butchers' cows, amount of good oda hopes to rails in 1918 for its 1311 r-
$2.20?a; No.3 do, $2.17;e; No, 4 Per dozen; 12 oz„ $3 per dozen; sec-, choice, $12.00 to $13.00! do„ g'o , An electrical storm of about and
cart' work is $100,000,
wheat, 2.10ir in stars Fort William, ends and dark comb, $L.60 to $2.75. $11.00 to $11.60; do„ medium, $10'26 ]tour's duration taged over this Sergt. ]lorry ll?u1]311 a British f: o
in ludin 2trac.�tax. Maple Syrup -imperil] gallons,' to $10.50; stockers, $9,50 to $11.25;city and district jest before mid-; luinbia ]zero from Victoria, was decor-
Manitoba oats -Ne, 2 C.W.. 80
tee $2,25; 6 -gallon this, $2.10 per
gallon., feeders, $11.25 to 1,00, canners at ni ht. The rainfall was about three -1 ated with the Vittorio cross at Bu^k-
Maple sugar, per pound, 24 to 25e. ' cutters, $0,25 to $7,50; milkers, good g of i i n
it anti i.ha inaisture ,ham Palace b eho .
Tho American -Canadian •isberie:s•
is }'e held at Vittoria
No. 3 C.W., 7714c; extra No, 1 feed. • , 90.00 to , 1.40.00, clo, cont. tenths an r c znn, y f,
to choice $
77ta,c• Aro 1 feed, 74tse, III store
'Fort William.
Provisions -'Wholesale d d 1;65 00 to .80.00; springers was heartily welcomed.
$ s i American .ora -No. 3 yellow, kiln Barrelled 'Meats Pickled pork, to ,$18.00; lambs, $17.00 to $22,00; for the purpose of protc:ting boli„ut•
j dried, nominal; Ne, 4 yellow, kilt $49; mess pork, $4 • ] l 1 less cases, gaud to choice, $14,00 to 1 000 0 I
MARSH bt.. h
an me
$90.00 to $140,00; light ewes, $15.00 , confereneo to a
L _ �;
• P
Inaugurated Between \\'aching -
ton, Philadelphia and
New York.
A ,aeipat+:h ,'ram Washington says:
The first regular air mail service in
the world has been successfully
`launched between \Vashington, the
nation:a Capital; Philadelphia, the
...raffle of American independence. and
New Yorkethe metropolis of the na-
Three of the four airplanes util-
ized in the inauguration of the ser -
cite delivered safely, and on time,
the mail entrusted to their Care. One
of three -that which left the Polo
grounds in Washington in the press
euro of President and Mrs. Wilson,
Postmaster -General Burleson and
other high officials -failed only be-
eause of a broken propeller, which
forced the machine to land in Mary-
land after it had -made a brilliant fly-
ing start from Washington.
Jt despatch from Ottawa says: The
contract for the construction of a
Meisel aid copper refining plant at
Desehenes, Que.. for the British -
American Nickel Corporation, calls
for completion of the job before the
snow 8101,
The buildings and machinery will
'set over $1.000,01)0. It is understood
that both British and Norwegian in-
1000.1ts are baeit of the scheme,
dl led, nominal, Green assts-- t Ficc e, c$10 00 hogs fed and watered, $2100, f 9'
I If Britain's Experiments Prove
l • Fill
Be Available.
and salmon in most water?
Qniario ants -No. 2 white, a0 #a than smoked. do., wei bed ail ears,\ 21.25; do., f.o, b $20 00 FOR v I Nursing Sister G. M t.n cit, the.
• 81c• No. 3 white, 79 to 80e, according Smoked Meats -Rolls, 32 to 33e;g $ Irft Victoria z i Atzgl 1 lolo, with.,
'to freights outside.
suic essftrl Good Supp y 1
A despatch from London says: -
The new regulations limiting the sup-
ply of news -print paper and forbid -1
ding returns by newsdealera after
June 15th, has caused renewed in -1
terest in the problem of substitutes.
The Controller of Paper Supplies has
decided to allow the newspapers of
Middlesex, Kent and Surrey to collect I
waste -paper from subscribers for the;
purpose of tapping a new source of j
The Controller alto is interested in
experiments which are being made
with sawdust with the design of re-
making old paper with a large per-
centage of sawdust. Experiments
are also being made in the manufac-
ture of paper from salt -marsh grass,
which is abundant in the estuaries of
the smith coast. If these experi-
ments are successful a plentiful sup-
ply of material will be available.
A despatch from London says:-
Thirty-seven German airplanes, 25 of
which were destroyed, were accounted
'for by British airmen on.Wechtesday.
The official statement on aerial oper-
tatians on Thursday night reports a
marked increase in the activities of
both aerial forces en the western
front. The British continue to bom-
bard railway stations and Went be-
hind the German lines.
Take Initiative With View To Break 1,'p Arrangements For Teu-
tonic ti :Srxttd.-I:ritith Troops Also Defeat Austrians.
patclx from London e
1.rasr the ' . "ed peal r !he 1 -
t.go Plateau, eat of th. F .iia T t r
the Italian front has again flouted op
in'n violent notion, The aggr,ssive
hns leen taken by the It{ .ms hew.
ever, nod the Austro -German ilopees,
in:10,.(1 of lirdoLh,ng eh,..: lc,zg
pect_cl assault nn the Italian lines,
ha,•e been compelled to right hr hau•d to
maintain the tx ition where they
have stood since last November.
'i'he fighting seemss to have centred
on the comparatively bit pectien of
the battle -line between Monte Asa -
Mae and Monte Perris. These two
heights, about three miles apart. rise
to an altitude of about 1,000 feet,
while between them there is a sort
of "saddle" on wlhieh the Teuton
forces have taken up strong positions,
Both the Vienna and Rome officials'
statements tell of bitter fighting on
this p a cicular front, the latex stat-
ing that 1110 It than selillc,rs have en-
tered Austrian tevehee air Monte
'1:00.0 in two places.
The fact that the Italian i.r01100
u;ve taken the initiative in the
Hirihtiug would seem to indieme that
they hove sought to carry the tight -
ort^ to the enemy in such a wag as
to break 0p any j arrangements for
r9,e launchiug of ., string Teutonic
a.r sa 11,
While the fi lrtintt has been fierce
east of the Brenta, the whole Italian
line from Lake Garda toi the Piave
and thence to the sea has been mark-
ed by patrol engagements, in which
the British participated, and which
appear' to be isolated actions, but
:which may be component parts of a
plan of campaign in that theatre of
the war, Nowhere have the Italian
lines been reached by attacking
I patties of Austrians.
Ontario wheat -No, 2. Winter, per
ear lot, $2.22; basis in store Montreal.
Peas -Nominal.
hams, medium, 87 to 38e; heavy, 80I Montreal, May 21. -Choice steers,
to 31e; waked hams, 49 to 50e; backs,'
plain, 48 to 44e; baeks, boneless, 46 $13 to $14; good, do., $12 to 512.50;
to 48e. Breakfast bacon, 40 to 44e. medium, do51 $10 to 112' .2; choice butch -
Il 1 to $1.". erred do., $10 to
Barley -Malting, 51.60 to $1.51, Cottage, rolls, 85 to 36c, era bu s,
0• m
according to freights outside. Dry Salted Meats -Long clears, ea $10.50; medium, do, $9 to $1.0; choice
Buckwheat -$1.84 to $01.80, accord- .tons, 80c; in cases, 30''9c; clear bellies butchers' cows, $11 to $11,50; good,
in to freights outside, 28 to 2822ee; fat backs, 25c, ' do„ $10 to $11; medium, do., $9 to ver
g n n - lasses 81 to 32c toils $`1.60• ('saves -Milk -fed, $12 to $14; cording to Reuter':1, Limited, the re- 4 beiratifeal new; m^'rno?'ill u•imlow
Rghts outside.
4�.•.,0. according to Lard Pero, tt, ' 23 „good 58.50 to $11. Sheep -$10 to port of the British Red Cross fund •
freights re^entr at Se Merle's
car=, $....; sows, $20 response to the appeal from overseas of
Ontario 11000 war goon $10.65 +"7i _ r - and home resulted fu
1 Toronto' d Montreal 27ti a 8c amount of 22,677,88$, as compared
Millfeed-Car'lots-Delivered Mom Montreal Markets -- exeeptitlll of enemy eonntxncs, vire sync c u in tl1e. roosts -0on ed the
treat freights, bags included: Bran, Montreal, May 21. -Oats -Gana- Lieut, I-onck is a I<entarkably Cool tunny every country in 1120 world fig- Araser live 131 1 tt ('oluntbla raj
per ton, $35; shorts, per ton, $40. dian Western, No. 2, 920 c; No, 3, and Darin Fighter. y fired and a P a ? ' t r, ,n* seal were
Hay -No. 1. per ton, 510.00 to g tuns in the h^t
p ft0c; extra No, 1 feed, 90c: No. 3
$17.00; mixed, $14.00 to $15.00, track ioiai white, 84'ise, Flour -New stand -
Toronto, and Spring wheat grade, 510.95 to
Straw -Car lots, per toss, $8.60 to• 511.05. Rolled oats -Bags, 90 Iles,
$9.00, track Toronto. $5,25 to $5,35. Bran, 536.00, Shorts,
$x40.00. Middlings, $48.00 to $50.00.
Country Produce-'1Vholesale Mauiilie, $60.00 to $62.00, Hay -No.
Eggs. new -laid, 41 to 42e; selected:, per too, ear lots, $17,00,
new -laid, 44 to 45e; cartons, 45 to 46e. -
Butter -Creamery, solids, 44 to 46c;
do., prints 45 to 46c; do„ fresh made,
46 to 47c; choice dairy prints, 41 to
42e; ordinary dairy prints, 38 to 40c;
bakers', 36 to 38e; oleomargarine
(best grade). 32 to 34c.
;there. cattle, choice, -$13 25 to $1.3.75;
eights outside. 31ia to 32tnc; paras, 31 ,3 to 3 �c was unveiled. re" '
v 1 -ib. prints., 33 to 33xt+e, Shortening, $13; lambs:, $16 to s:no hogs- for 1917, just issuer], shows that the viruses, l itsilano, by ].:cut E. Lord,.
Manitoba flour -War quality, P 2 t. 2.,r Choice selects, off
$10,95; new bags, Toronto. tierces _'0 to 6Ste; tubs,, 26% to to $20.60, d t h zn a grossthe Imperial army, home on sreAal
No. 5 General Heepita] Bet, rata, is.
•home on seventeen days'"1 ave•
John McLellan, who walked the,
1.917 S[liaFeriptioez5 Itlort '.t`Iiart lonely trails in the days of red mice in,
Doubled Those of 1916. British Columbia, died rt the ad -
winced despatch from Landon says: roc- vaned age of ninetycne at Vanco+z-.
'tags, an - HERO OF THE CLOUDS A, mine is -`:d emelt days age ,:trier a.
freights, prompt shipment. with $1 210 037 iat 1310 With the
The collection ihrou Icor ' the In- ! ldowu in 91""".^
Lieut. Fonck, who in one day • Sees el Lici e .ra Te •encs Weed
• Me.i:lea, R..F.c ., who enlisted Prem
The ]tome return shows all incres:e etteeoaysr with the 2nei heavy Arta*,
Live Steele Markets
Toronto, May 2L -Extra choice
heavy steers, 514.50 to $16.00; choice
heavy steers, $13.50 to $14.00; good
heavy steers, $13.00 to $13.25; but-
"teett.i,.:.r txA'n,uiy •4 ,v,.s >1.. .' ;...
. iee;.'`S
`) s'.%.
A British anti-aircraft gulf which is playing havoc with German air-
ships in France. Many of these are also ir. position in England and have
been of great value in air raids.
413$ 3E3EL
131.A10.5 1111CEVENING
y5V5211510 1---
i Do*WAt4Y ro
GO 1'0 AN', 01-D
Bur Top4, MAMMA Mega.
oil? NOW • �-
'rho oNcertl.STARTS
R*OIIT' NoeI S--
brought down 6 Hun airplanes and who
recently took a leading place among
the French aces, was credited unoffi-
cially nearly a month ago with hav-
ing shot down 24 German machines.
He is described as a remarkably cool
and daring fighter. Recently he
fought two German machines h'es rn a
dian Empire realized £ 80 000
over 1916, being more than 3700,000, ler,,, was accidentally i_:Iled T.bile {ty-
as against £400,000. The result in '
ng' at Hythe, hent,
Ireland was particularly good, the When the hill now Le: ore the Leg
total, £111,307, being nearly flee ialature to give the Government tate
times the amount collected in 1910. , right to secure a lo4n of $4,000,000 is
s DECORATION squadron of eight, felled one of them KAISER passed British Columbia
ilia will possess
KAISER"500 .. - ,orrowinr owere, fc'the extent of
and put the other to flight. BAt }s V' 1 FH Ill' 1' $11,370,000
A year ago Lieut. Fonck was un- -
A despatch from British Headindividuals and frr7s interested in
known as a lighting aviator. I e en- herring' fishing are conferring with
ters in France says:.A German stun the exaeutive of the B,C, 'alanufactur-
cammitsianed officer captured lately i er ' Arsoeiai.;on in Vancouver tivfth a
throws light on tho disappointment slew of furthering, the a;yttation eom-
the Germans sustained in their ensue-' zneneerl by the rise i,.tion cocas
cessful attack on the Belgian front an ; _ .,, •
tared the aerial service as pilot of an
airplane regulating artillery fire.
After more than 500 hours of flight
over the line and two victories over
German planes which had interfered t "s
April 17th, He says the operation ,,..: