HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-30, Page 5Tilurday May 30
0.V Q I LD. D,C,4, President
fres CAPITAL PMD UP. $15,000,000
SIR JOHN AIRD,QeneralMouser
H. v, t', JONES, Assn. Gen'L Manger
RESERVP, FUND, • $13,500,000
Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest
way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from
The Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The cost is moderate. Apply
for particulars.
Seafort b., BrasLo_t ea
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
Wt J. Walker
W. J. Walker, holder of goy-
ermnent Diploma and Lioenee
Day or Night calls receive our
prompt attention
Day Plume 67
Night " 1S
Ontario's Leading Commercial
School makes 8110001e easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy. We
give individual instructions and stu-
dente may enter at any time. Gra
duates are planed in positions. This
is your opportunity as there is a
great call upon us for trained help,
Write at once for particulars.
Frame House, 7 roorne and pantry
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights, large ve
tandah. Stable 16' x112' hen ;house 9
7' .
Apply at the
News Odfoe
Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful -Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
'If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wit*
life; has an incomparable softness Beed
is fluffy and, lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
:beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
•cland'ruff. 'You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and itching of the scalp; the
Bair roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast. Surely get a
lmall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
Irom any drug store and just try it.
For Sale
House and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Ccutie Street, oloee to
the Presbyterian Churoll and is known
as the Purcell property, Good com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and 0818881 eietern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
currant bushes, This is a corner pro
Nifty with ,lo breaks ou front, and the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This 10 a 11100 property fur a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
partia.ilars apply on the pretnises or 11
John Rankin, Seafortb.
For a Nice
Hair. Gut
call at
Bolton's Barber Shop
TOwnl Tnhh'
IpN•r•.�tsarw.-ala•�,w awreMs..w..gC)w
Nein eveneeeesee..........esseeeeeeseeeeeeepi
The High Coot of Living -Economy
is the word today. Make your old
garments do instead of purchasing new
ones, REM them dry gleaned and
pressed, Dry cleaning when properly
done lengthens the life of garments,
preeervee their fresh new appearance
and ache as a elleinfeotant, Ilneanitary
wearing apparel often nausea ;dolmens
and death due to germs, olothing
should be cleaned at frequent Intervale,
My Wardrobe, Uoderioh St„ Seaforth,
Opp, Queen's Hotel,
Mrs, Goo; McKinley is attending a
meeting of the W, M. 0 of London dire
triet at St Marys.
Mrs, Wm, Mcleod who spent the
winter with her daughter, Mrs, Wm,
Southgate left ou Monday to spend
some time in Toronto,
Mr W. MoKay,barrieter,of Toronto
spent Friday at has home here,
Miss Mary Walker of Regina is at
home with her parents, Mr, and Mre.
W, J. Walker,
Mre, (Dr) Mulligan has returned
front a pleasant visit to Wingham,
Mr Roy Everett of London waahome
for a few days,
Mies Kate Broadfoot of Hamilton
a week end visitor at the home of her
mother, J, H, Broadfoot,
Mre T H Brown was in London this
Rev, F. 13. Larkin D. D. oonduoted
anuiveersary services in Lucknow last
Sunday, Mr, De Witt Cosone taking
the services here.
Mies Edith McKay and Mise Ethel
McKay were in Stratford on Friday
visiting their sister, Mre H Meyers who
is i11,
Miss M Johnetau spent Friday in
Miss Pearl Patterson left on Monday
to spend a few months with relatives
in Sheldon, N. Dalcotah,
Mr. and Mre Spears and Mr. and
Mrs. B. Speare of London are visiting
Mrs 6, Barton.
Mrs H Hill and children of Goderich
spent, the week end at the home of Nlr.
and Mrs T. P, Habkirk of Harpurhey.
Mre Wilda Forrester of Kincardine
was a visitor at the home of Mrs. W,
-- If you have funds on hand at
the present time for investment, I
wish to advise that I have secured
a block of $25,000, of the recent
issue of the Province of Ontario
Gold Bonds, maturing in ten years
from the 15th of May 1918. These
Bonds bear interest at the rate of
SIX per cent, with coupons attach-
ed payable semi-annually. Over
one million 01 these Bonds were
taken up in the City of Toronto
less than four hours after same
had been placed on the Market,
DO NOT DELAY as these Bonds
will be sold very quickly.
Bonds delivered free of charge to
Denominations $100, 500, ee 1000.
Bond and Bebeniure Broker
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone 91 a
Send your Dream to ne and remotest
'top prices. We are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
'full supply and furnish yon with cans.
We pay twice each month and weigh
oample,and teat each can of cream pare
holly. Our motto is " Honesty to our
Patrons" Petrone are requested to re
turn all our pane when 1101 ill 1180,
.3 Atter en iI3uttermilk al„ cn hand,
n 3 for at market prises,
The Silaiorth Creamery Co.
eflood Milling Wheat.. .... $2,10
,Oats ................ 70
Barley .................. ................ 1 35
Bran per ton ........................36.00
Shorts per ton ,........ .......„ ........, 41,
Flour ............... .....,........,15,60
Hogs to farmers.......,..,, r0 00
Gird Wanted
Wanted --A girl to wait ill the rev-
taurant. 'Pito Oly tepee, Seaforth,
DEEM --In Medicine Lance, Montt en
May 20th, to Mr and Mre W, A
Deem, a son, Robert Arthur,
PLANT -In Seaforth, on May 23rd, to
Mr. and Mrs W, 11, Plant, a son,
PERKINS-ln Osborne, on May 22nd
to Mr, and Mrs. Freeman Perkins, a
BUTTS-f4lc0L0Y-In Seaforth, by
Rev. Dr, Larkin, on May 23rd, Miss
Iva May Mae/ley, of Seaforte, to Win
Edgar Butts, of Kippeu,
CARTER-At.11i8ton, on May 16th
Henry Carter, aged 60 veers.
KELLY -In Goderich, ou Mey 20th
Mrs, Catherine Kelly, aged 52 email*,
WYLIE-1n Goderich, on May 19,11,
('apt. Peter Wylie, egad 01 yews,
DOAK-At Goderiob, May 11th, Mrs
Lcuiea Doak, aged 73 year8,
AiTUHISON- -On May send, at the
residences of her slater, Mrs. Mary
Holmes, Wnr.ohester, Ont„ Elizabeth
V', Johnston, widow of the late Wil•
linin Aitehifoe, of Seaforth
Mei Minnie Babkirk is visiting her
sister, Mrs H, D, Dale, ',
Pte Finley Stewart of Stratford
spent a few days with his mother, Mre,
M. Smart, Goderich St.
Mrs. Gillespie Sr. is visiting friends
in Cromarty,
Mr. and Mrs. E, Davis of Tilsonburg
were guests at the home of Mr, Alex
Mrs. McDonald who was a visitor
at the home of Mrs, C. Layton for
the past few months was called to De-
troit on Thursday by the iiluees of her
Mise Agnes McKay of Auburn spent
Sunday at her home here,
Mre,(Dr) Tnfford of Cromarty who
was visiting Mrs, A. D. Sutherland has
returned home.
Mrs. H. J. Hodgins and family and
Mrs G, E, Henderson motored to Whit
by on friday and will spend the stun,
met t'iere with Capt, Hodgens who
is oouneotod with the Military hospital
Miss Lyle Thornton spent the week:-
eek=end in Cli•,ton,
The Misses 13artliff and Mies Kemp'
of Clinton and her. Geo, Kemp. of Lon-
don, motored over and visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Thornton on the holiday.
Dr. Clifford McKee, of Toronto, ar-
rived on Monday to take up ciente
practice in Dr Beeohely's office. Quire
hours 8 30 a,10. to 5,3o pen. Arraug e
menta call be made tor evening ap.
Principal 'eraser, of the Presbyterian
College, Montreal will preach 888108r -
eery services in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday, Jame Oth, A rare treat
may be looked for,
The Silver Thimble and Trinket
Fund Committee will be at the store
recently known as "Thompson's
?reduce Store" on Friday, Mac 31st,
from 10 a in. to 7 p.m. and on Sat-
urday, June 1st, from 10 a,m, to 10
p,m. to receive the;jeweilry, silver-
ware, etc, that is being Solicited for
the fund for hot coffee for the sol-
diers. Bring it YOURSELF and stay
for tett. Tea will be served on Fri-
day from 3 peal, tI 7 p m. and on
Saturday Frain 3p,m, t0 10 p,tn. A
Collection of 10 cents (or more]
wflI be received.
,p,Ameeting ofthe Seaforth Perm
U1ub will be held in the Soper
School Hall, Seaforth, on Wedsesd
evening next at 9,30 o'clock,
Mrs, W, Morrow and Efazel op
Friday with friends to i4fltohell,
Cadet Muir Thompson has return
from overseas and 10 visiting hie mo
her, Mre T. R, Thompson,
Miss Halliday of Listowel is en.
her aunts the Misses Mason,
Mrs, D. Woodley of Preston le
town with friends
Dr.Glendenning of Toronto assist
Die MaoKay in performing an operatio
which removed an aboaee from a r
on Mr. W, E Southgate ar.
A meeting of the executive of 11
Huron lied Cross and War Auxilfar
Association will be held in Clinton o
,lune fir t,
The Misses Powell of Clinton wer
here over the week end visitors wit
Mr, and Mrs. McGee, I
Mrs MoQuaig and son are in Strat
ford this week'
Mre, J, Quail, John St. is vieitin
her mother in Exeter,
Mesdames 7, 0, Greig, L. T, DsLao,
ey, P, 13, Larkin and Mise 13, I, Gra-
ham are in Clinton to -day attending
the exeontve of the Huron Presbytera
Miss Lana Harris of Stratford is vie
Ring Miss Lulu Doherty of Egmond
Mrs W. Lambert oft Stratford is a
visitor at the home of Mrs Hudeon of
Miss Cherie, Mies Edtnissno and Mies
Muir of Hamilton were holiday visitors
at the home of Ms, and Mrs, J. R.
Mr , John McTavish and Ian have
returned from vititing in Ingersoll,
Miss May MoCllinchoy and her friend
Mies McCloy of:Stratford spent the
week end with Mr, and Mrs. J. MaCI-
21r. A. Deem was at Stratford on
Mr. and NIrs. A. Naylor and family
Spent the holiday in Exeter and Cred-
Subscribers to Victory Loan are re-
minded that interest is payable on or
after June est, .Holders of certificates
should lose no time in presenting them
to their bankers to be exchanged for
permanent bonds.
Owing to War conditions, the Caned.
ian Bankers' Association has found it
neoessary to adopt the following Bank-
ing hours, commencing June 151-9,30
to 12 noon.
The monthly business meeting of the
Red Cross Society will be held on
Thursdayafternoou, June 6th at 4 p.m
Mr. J. F, McMann had word that
Mrs John McMann, of Edmonton,
fortnerly of Egmondville, was ill with a
paralytic stroke,
Mrs. 0. Connell of Buffalo spent a
few days with Mrs T. McQuade, Gooier•
1011 Bt,
Mr, and Mre J. L, Killoran of God-
erioh were here on Tuesday night,
Rev. Mr Mathecve of the Free
Church, Soutland, is visiting Mr. D,
Clarke, Egnlotulville: who is seriously
The Irick fn a strong drive V11 the
first trenches completely captured tho
Scotch on Tuesday night at Seaforth,
Ireland may have Sinn Fathers, but
Goderich certainly has filler shies,
Simple and Sure -Dr, Thomas' Elec-
tric Oil is so simple to application that
a child can underetaudtlle instruoti)ue,
resod as a linitueut the only direction
is to rub, and when used as a dressing
to apply, The direotione are so plait:
and unmistakable that they are readily
understood by young or old,
Creation of Provincial Committees
The govern,nent is dealing efllcient•
lee vigorously and rapidly with the
Question of looking after and provld-
tng work for disabled and invalided
soldiers who are returning from the
front. The government 1,aa for a iong
time been giving serious study t0 this
problem, as it hes been realised that
Canada must well nrovide for her her.
oes who have inane 80 ,rillese for the
Empire. Canada's eeneions are: the
largest of any country ill Oa world,
but it has been roalieed that is not
sufficient, ?lean; 1111, 31 1 found to
provide ompioym nu fur dienbled itld
invalided men all,1 mets Nvlu, are un
able to resunln t!1,J5' old VOc:at.'o;ie
must be given :.•i .,., orienity to learn
now means of iii 011110011, The ettle
tary Hospitals' Commission of which
Senator L. ughued 1s chairman, was
asked to go in(.o the whole question
and devise a solution. A great deal
of 'thought and attention has bean
given to the subject and a oothprehca•
at te..J.ch-etng. theTi cele 11. Wen- ei ee !ell
Misses Mononaa� nd Lucy kiokart and
Annie Alckoon were visitors in our burg
on Sunday,
Mrs, D. Regele ie still .n a critical
condition and her many frfen is hope to
see her routed again nhor1ly.
(Intended For last week)
Mr.Tbomas McKay bee three fine
colts by Lord Kindel,
Mr, end Mrs, Oen Eckert were visit-
or's in oar burg last Sunday.
Mr, John Murray, Jr„ who is in the
banking bother's in Stratford, paid a
flying visit to hie parents on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, M. Irvine and their
son, Alex, motored up from Blanchard
on the 24111 and visited the formers
brother, 3. J. Irvine and other relatives
The rains of Saturday and Sunday
were very beneficial to crops of all
Hilda, the little daughter of George
Beunswies has had a severe attack of
Mr. Fortune, the Dublin baker has
begun to deliver bread out in McKillop
which will be a convenience to many,
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Smith, of Harp-
erhay visited friends in the northern
part of the Township one day recently,
Phey resided on the Leadbury line for
upwards of ;o years moving away last
We took almost a malicious delight
in reading that some thousands of those
who went to Ottawa with the so nailed
farmers' delegation tramped the streets
of the capital all night with eo place to ,
go. It just eerved then] right, they
had no busieees going on such au 8r -
rand,, if it is as they said that lsbor 18
scarce they should have been at home
to catch up with the work. it is pain-
ful to think that there is a number, al
though we trust but a small number
who want the young men of tho cities
and towns to go and face clanger and
perhaps death in protecting the daugh-
ters and grauaries and herds of these
selfish and narrow beggars. If such a
mob visits Ottawa again it would be
well to turn loose about'So war veter-
ans on them, They world soon scatter
the whole bunch.
Wanted -Old Jewelery, old silver,
metals, etc. -anything in this lice
that you Dan do without; to be ens.
verted into hot coffee for exhausted
The little throe year old daughter
of Thomas Glacier on the Huron road,
Hullett was drowned in a 111810rn on
her father's farm, The top had . been
taken off to let it fill during the heavy
rain. The child was only gone five mit•-
utes when the mother looking for it got
the body in the water,
John Folliek, aged 70, was found
dead beside Jos. Green's bnru,on which
he was shingling. The belief is that
heart failure was the cause as 110 in-
juries were found,
Sapper Roy Geiger, returned soldier,
addressed 8 meeting Sunday aftel'nnor,
IVfasout front Seaforth, Clinton and
Exeter joined the local Lodge in a
church parade on Sunday,
Tho Convocation exercises of the
Western University which were hold a
few days ago in Loudon closed a sue.
eeesful year in spite of the tremendous
&rain upon the attendance macre by the
war. The degree of B.A, was oonfe'red
ou ten and thetof M.D. on eleven grad-
uates, every one of the latter appeal-•
ing ill a Lient's uniform, which is prof-
' ably without a parallel 1n. the history
of any of our 11111ver81tie£. Addresses
were delivered by Hon, Dr. Roobe, o
Ottawa, Chairman of the Civil Service
Commission, and by President I3o'aitk-
C Waite of the University,
Tho 8nn,mor St,11501 wlcioh will held
by Western university for the lira
time this veer promises to have a good
0nr01meet, 1110111 iuglllries being le
eeived from teachers throughout Wes-
tern Ontario. It will be in session
from Ju'y 2 to Augnet 9, .
Thursday Friday Saturday;,
The rostpopular male star it moving pictures
Douglas Fairbanks
(with a million dollar salary) makes his appearance in a 5
part drama
" The American° "
from the novel " Blaze Derringer " revealing a story fairly
saturated with action that gives Fairbanks full opportunity
to display his amazing athletic prowess.
'I his is a special treat for our patrons which would or-
dinarily command a 25 cent admission,
Don't Miss this opportunity to see the great
outstanding star
Thursday Friday Saturday
Here is one of the best shows we
have ever had
Eugene Walter's famous play
"Boots & Saddkes"
with an all star cast
Also a 2=reel
Sufishine Comedy
Price 15c and lOc
To accomodate our patrons from the
country, on Saturday night we will run the
two of our regular show.
Admission after 9 o'clock lOc