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The Seaforth News, 1918-05-30, Page 4
PR0El3SS301341. ChM*. MEDICAL Ten. H. SUUa !toss, 1hysleteneeeleergouu Lata en Loudon llospltel, Louden,Euglaud„ ft eat etteotloa. t0 diseeees of Eye, Ear, NOoe a 4 Threat, 47p�utc andresideae8 a 148 Dernialou?hone Stank. Oreo Phonetics. b, Eeotdouoo Phone Re, 100 �r,iT,J,E'altQW Setloxtle Qiticeemir :a •ldeesee- Coder o street, eget of the . Roth mitt Church, Coroner for County of Sem Telephone leo, 40, ttIINAS, SCUT'!• e. MAC:leen, ellysieiaue and L+►Bnr00en8,(loderlettStreet, opposite Mef110- Church, Seaforth, Sros, graduate Vlhter1a slid Aun Arbor, and Monl1Orof()Merle College el Physicians and 00rge008. Coroner for County of Huron, AfrelLte,tumor bradeateTriune UutveraltY. gold metlalist THUG), 11,10dlOal College. Member of ('013000 of Pymel0nle and Surgeons, Ontario, Dliu Wvm HEILEMAN, Children%thtdem:teeselnd ers, Ilo:,reye Noes. and Acuteand Chronic re- moved wlthoat th8ltnlle. (OI3atUItaLion -free. Royal hotel Tuesday, a a -m. too p,m.: Friday 8 a.m. to 0 pm •�..spWtfM+lt,wUeru!(�'�tttwrtt�trth.nr+p,�N.rMte�'� jF it VERB THURSDAY the Office SEAFORTt1, ONT. gv0nlag 127 Marriage Licenses meted i )aAw9 a torte Insurance AY* are, al postcardwillwill get our rate..cCideat7 .1. D. tuNeHLLY, Den oral Agent for London Lir. Imtureaoe Co. and Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co Seaforth, Ont. dames Watson General Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agent, and dealer iu Sewing Machines. Baan Street, Bealorth, THE MAILL©P Mutual Fera Insurance Cot Farm end Isolated Town Property Only Insured. OFFICERS J as. Connolly, Godcritlt, President, James Evans, Ueech wood, Vire•1'resldmit. Toomey Hays, Seaforth. Sao: Treas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth: John G. Grieve Winthrop W. Rina, Constance; Yohn Bennewela Brodghagen• Robert Ferris, 'H'arlock; Malcom Me veon, Clinton; a McCartney , Seaforth Jame. Connolly, Goderich: Jos. Evans. Beechwood Agents Alex. Leitch, Iiarlock; E. IH3fuehley, Seaforth • Wiliam Chesney. Egmondvlhe; J. W. Yeo Holmesvine; R. G. Jarmouth, Br'Wbagen; Jame Kerr and John Govenlock. Seafortb, auditors. Parties desirous to effete insurance or transit other business will be promptly attended to b. applieatloa to any of the above officers. address to their respective postof ces. The Original and Only Genuine Beware of Imitations Sold an the Merits I of mind's has net come any too soots. For the Llaini nt last few years the feeliug was growing that this Department is suffering Iron "dry rot". Dr' Pyne the minister was 15 ISSUED E From MAIN ST, • Phone 84 oUB5CRIPTION Otte dellar310 er ear. otrlctly *31 40 8 ice tt not paid 1ati'v81i00, one dol,.ar and a halt will be 0herged, Vatted States papers, fifty cents extra. etr,tkl7 iu advanced. When sabs0rlbere oheange their address notice should bo fol tus lmmedlatelY, giving umbers the old confers the by no ifyingaus of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—J00 readies notice, advertising an entertainment or matter by which money rs to be made by any 3180000 or cause will be inserted In Tug Naws without charge. The price for the laser. don of business announcements to TEN cents per count line each Inoertiou to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents par line Casa laoertlon to those haying display contracts, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices, Card of Thanko 4 to 9 lines, 50 cents, Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notieos-Ten cents per line for first Insertion and fire cents pa line for each subse1uet Insertion. Yearly card+—Professional Cards. not exceeding one inch, will be !alerted for 15.00 per year, na"able strictly In advance Display adrartieing—Rates furnished on application, "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUnul forbld;l and those sent without written instructions will appear until rltten orders are received for their die. continuance. Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good (aide. The publisher accepts no reopen. aibility whatever for the statements made to such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as ouch. The rate for such matter la ten cents per tine. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 ,I,..,.+.Wa eNI.e.....ma0,.11111•e..1101....g. GeneralObservations During the last few weoka a large number of gardens llvve been planted with vegetables of all kinds, This, and the tine growth, will greatly increase home food products and leave more for export. The outlook for fruit also is vary good, and the apple blossoms ate developing well- Last year there write very few apple_ blossoms, Victoria Day passed away very quiet- ly. The day was fine and a large number went to itfitohell. Some went to Bayfield, but the majority remained at home and played with the bald !leaded end of the hoe blistering hands and not blessing the Kaiser for mak- ing it uee,liul. e*e.. The shake up in the Ontario Cabinet For Sale in poor health sad the faddist had control with the result that the child's individuality 3488 Inn Ure(1 aid !t 87311 turned into a maeltlae, It is hoped Dr. Cody will change all anis, Ho lo noted for his tact and executive ability d t faddist SCRANTON COAL and n rl'8C.y 31 aCtIC+.i The a ist will be di0pe14,1 with, W. L- KEY, Seaforth. Phone 130 i usO1Dess Without a proper s st m orad v ver- tisin is like a motor without the a' power db Seaforth News ADV la rI3LP*EPI TS lvip6 slfppiy/ the requireU energy phone - 34 evenings327 ICC RAISING i H s'g4FO t`i' i NEWS tate greeteet Yalu° tromp the twills At the Nova Bootie Agricultural Coll• ege it wait shown that the beet gains were made by feeding a lot of pig 041' iou composed of 148 lin, of grain, 900 lbe, of skim milk, and 110 lbs, of man Bele, At the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege the best results were obtained where the proportion of milk to meal was 2 0 to 1. In one 11htl In which this proportion wan used, 360 Ibe, of skull milk were equal to 100 Ibe, of meet, 'ehls agrees fairly olosely with the results obtained at the Ottawa and Branch Farina, In a e80180 0f articles that appear 111 the May slumber of Tile Agrioultural Gazette, both the Ottawa and Guelph authoritiee agree that it (foes 1not do to ohatrgo the dist from sweet to oour milk. For young piga the sweet mill( is much to be preferred, For larger pigs it teems to make little difference whether or not it is fed sweet or mod. erately sour, provided whatever con- dition favoured is uniformly kept up, that is to say, if the milk cannot be ob. twined always sweet, then it should be fed sour as a rule, Why Suaar is Restricted Some surprise has been expressed by the general public at the new sugar regulations put in force the ist day of May by the Canada Food Board, People wandered why the sudden scarcity of sugar, having understood since the first of the year that the new Cuban crop was satfioient to supply the wants of this Country and the United States, whatever might have been the situa- tion in Europe, where .Java sugar was out off owing to war imeditiona. The situation !n this Country, how- ever has been materially changed since the first of the year, At that time the International Sugar Commission of New York, which handles the raw sugar of thio Continent, allocating and distrib- uting the amounts in Canada and the United States, as well as other Coun- tries, considered that there was su&c. lent sugar in Cuba to allow Canada 320,000 tons as against 400,000 import• ed last year. As Canada last year exported 55,000 tone of refined sugar, her oonsumption was then 345,000 tons and tits year at 330,000 tons her sup- ply would be red(loed merely by 28,000 tons or 6 per oent, which would not have been a severe hardship upon any- body or made much disturbance in the trade. In addition to Leis outlook the Commission expected to have at surplus 700,000 tons to work on later, o !which Canada's share would be 70,000 tons or 10 per Dent, so that before the year was out this Country would have been sup- plied, under former arrangements, with 45,000 tons more sugar this year than last, Consequently there was no ne- oessit; for the Food Board placing any restriotions upon the oonsumptiou of sugar in this Country, in view of the foot that lrans-Atlantic shipping was so taken up with other more vital car goes that space could not be spared for augur, Wheat, meat, munitions and men for the Army are more imperative. ly needed in Europe than even sugar, and there are no. ships enough to carry everything, It was expected, however, that there would be shipping enough in the coast- wise trade of elle United States to bring raw sugar frau Cuba and the West Indies to New York and other American points, Owillg, however, to the congestion at the stharms of the Atlantic coast, the break down in rail- way transportation and the general and totally unexpected demand upon the American treneportatien system gener- ally, it has become a difficult matter to nova the freight necessary for this Country and the difficulty has not been overcome as yet. It was (loped that clue arrangement, for bringing sugar dSleet from Cubs to Canadian Ports, oul3 have been effected but this at - wept has had to be dropped. edy Shipping e a not available, consequently the new ugar regulations, In order to raise and til,ish all the i extra pigs that will be farrowed in Can-. ' ado this year as a result of the cam-, a paign for increased production, it will Abe necessary to exercise the utmost) 80on0my in the (188 of concentrated 1 t foods, Pigraisers v who have access to dairy by.producte have a great advan- i tags over others, Experiments have 8 raven that when meal is worth P $40 a ton, milk is worth more that: $8 for an equal weight, that is, provided it is fed economioahy, Experiments carried on at the Dominion Experimental Farms and Stations show that for grown.•, hogs, 60 lbs anal over, 400 !be of skim milk produced results equal to 100 lbs. of nixed Ines!. Buttermilk fad fresh 1 is equal to sknn 8113!!11. Whey is lot an trainable. One lit ntlred rentals of whey was proved equal to 19,2 lbs. of quau- Cities and before it has soertd. A study of experiulal,14 wit!• skitn mills show that for young pigs 11b. of milk fed with 2i or 3 live of meal gives best results, For larger hogs lege milk t be used. For hogs over I00 lbs, in in weight not more than 5 lbs. of skim milk daily should be fed in order to get FARMERS' CLUB 1 A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers Club will be held in the Separate HURON NEWS The death immured 141 Toronto, on Saturday, May 18th, of Mrs, John Creeper, a former well-known resident of Exeter, at the age of 79 yeare, One son, ,John, of Bufeelo, survives and wits present at the fnnerai in Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, 8,J. Boggarth, of Stephen township have received word of the (teeth oftheir eon, Pte, Clinton Hoggarth, in the battle of Ypres, fit 1917. Thiele the seoend eon of Mr, and Mrs, I3oggatth to giro hie life for his country, and there is a third son at present on the tiring line 10 France, Clinton enlisted at Chatham, Last Wednesday forenoon, three rooms from the Clinton Public Publto Soho01 marched to the library park and planted a memorial tree to the late Thomas Jackeen, who wale known as the children's friend, The autos around Clinton went dry est weep %viten a oar of gasoline whi0b wee sorely needed, failed to arrive, Mr, Sam Carter, of Brussels, reaeetly received a summons to appear 181 Tor- onto for speeding in an automobile, Fun of it was that Mr, Carter hadn't been in the distriot at all nor within miles of York County, It is well to be vigilant but the olfioer was barking up the wrong tree that time. Rev. J, D. Kestle, of Exeter, had his leg broken recently, lt1r, Kestle was out le the yard where he had a calf tied when the animal ran around him and he beoame entangled in the rope and was thrown to the ground with the above result. He will be confined to his home for some time as a conse- gtlanee, Probably the oldest resident iu the township, of Hay passed away in the person of Mrs, Henry Walper, who died Sunday, May 18th at the hone of her sou, Henry Wolper, She had at- tained the great age of 91 years and 8 months, Deceased was a native of Germany but came to this country many years ago. She is survived by four sons and two daughters, Mr Chris. tiau Walper, Stephen, Casper, of the Goenhen Line, Henry at home, Conrad, Dashwood, Mrs, John Berg, of 'Faris tock, and Mrs. Jacob Surerus,of Mitch ell. She i8 also survived by 25 grand children and 44 great grand children, The moulders in the works of the Western Foundry Co , Wingham, have organized a union and affiliate with the Moulders' Union of Canada. Mr. Geo, Town, of Wroxeter, has been appointed Bailiff of the 9th Div- ision Court to fill the vaoaucy caused by the death of the late John Brethan- er, Dr, J. P, Kennedy, of Wingham, has sold his fifty acre farm on the the Blue vale road, Morris, to Mr, Ernest Jack- son, of Teeswater, who gets possession early in June. The large bank barn on the farm of Mr, Walter Marshall, was burned to the ground on Monday of last week. The origin of the fire is nukuown. A shooting aooident oocurred in Mit- chell last eaturday afternoon when Mr. Norman MoNairn lost three fingers from his right hand. He was sitting on a rock with a shotgun across his knees, and when ha went to rise, seized the gun by the muzzle, and in some manner, the hammer caught, discharg- ing the gun, The British Exohauge Hotel, in God. atioh, has changed i ands, the now pro- prietor being bir, John 13ladden, of Hamilton. 111r, W. 11. Haines, the late proprieter, intends giving bis at *coition to bis interests in the Hainee Wiltshire Oil Co, cud will remain a res- ident of Godorioh. The Goder1o11 Signal:— " 13*:. Fred Davis, M P,P„of Irrieaua, Alberta, arrived in town yesterday, ac- companied by bets. Davis and Miss Dorothy. He will spend two weeks cr so 111 thio (liatl•Ict,dlviding the time among d r ' Go a !tit Seaforth and iVI ,taheil 1 and Mrs, Davis and daughter have gone on to Philadelphia to make a visit Mr, Davis reports crop prospects in Al berta exceptionally good, A oonsiderab. le larger acreage than unusual has b8811 put in and the seeding was fiuiehe(l 3 or 4 weeks earlier thou last year. hether itis the added diguity which attends a chosen repreeentative oI the people in Parliament, or the Western climate, we do not know, but Mr. Day, School Hall, Seaforth, on Se edueeday i i oventeg, June 5th, nt 0,30 O'olook, In.: i teteotiug reports will be given by beeesrs. T. 0. Shillinglaw and Thos. ' f McMillan, who wore delegates from l 0 this Association en the recent fariner8' 1 Deputation to Ottawa, Non tllembers s has nailed over twenty pounds to his voight reoord since he left Godorioh, and carries it ;veil, Ills many old deeds about tows are giving hint a ordiai greeting. as moll as melnhete are cordially invite Pasture 811 to attend. lie sure to come, Gler. -- D. C, Barn,ft uKll1o31, pres„ Jno. He Scott, Hallett, Sec, Posture for one quiet animal in the grove, Apply to Jae, Beatty, w r M 1 It MI Capital Paid Up 10,000,000 Raserra Pinna 17,000,000 siM ■ • Savings Department its time Xnterost paid on deposits of $1.00 and upwards, I� Place your savings in tho Bank. n il SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M, JONES, Manage? is ait misimo lflrRff111(wtiIMIninnisUglIGuxsosi IUI*iiruirMJAR0'MT154N 1 Thuir4Y Miw91MIIlt1w1M1tIwMllfwllwwl pi www woo w wwli(w1NMiwwwwIfl lend *MEloo, 1'ersr4e Slit EDMUND S. 0111‘11110 W.14' TT IIW Prf ((de d Vloe,rrfN �t 0, * 1ST, General Mansger Winth"Op Presbyterian Sunday 9etvioe School I 13p in Tttoedtty 8 p. 181. L 2,30 pm, Sunday Prayer meeting 0 laot Wed. Oonstauce Methodist Rev, W. Koine, pastor. Sunday service 2 30 p,m, Young People's Lea- gue2.30 pan Sunday iv onion's Auxil ary first Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. Ladies' Aid. last Thursday of each month 2.30 p.m "For the Blood is the Lite." WHEN FERIYOU NG ARE With any disease duo to Impure, blood such as Eoaema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Loge,Abaeoeeo0, Ulcers, Glandular Swollinga, Bolla, Pimploe, Sorsa of any kind, Pilo.,Bloed Poleon,ahoumatlem, Gout, otc., dont waste your time and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin, What you want is n medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter which alone Is the true 088050 of all your sugaring, Clnrke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine, It is composed of Ingredients which quickly expel from the blood alt Impurities, from whatever cause arising, and by rendering It clean and -pure, can be relied on to effect a lasting cur, (Thom olds ,,/111130"80'0. r rr.r raourep jhnr and D O). Over 50 roars' success. Pleasant to toss. J -- soldby all Chemists and Slarobeepara, nern,e all 008at1trin les. Clarke's Blood Mixture 0 CURES ALL. SKIN & DL00D DISEASES. CHURCH NEWS t0nis mater this Ne ad aro p1118hed free of charge, ox.• opt those regarding meetings where an aim lesion fee Is 0 ll Poing live 00(01 rate ootiuttline SFM t9RTH cnuRG''HIES St. James' St. James' Church, Rev, Father E, F, (Metz PAP, Early Mass 9,30, High Mass 10,30, Sunday School 3 re in. Vespers and Benediction of the Bless. ed Saoram'eut,T p. m. St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rootor, Sunday serOoes lI a,m, and 7 p.m. Sunday 8011001 2.30 p, m, Women's Anglican Missionary Aasociatton, Tuesday 2.30 p,m. Children'ebranoh Saturday 2 p.m. 11ter0essi011 services every Thursday, .0 p.m. First Presbyterian Rev, k', 13, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday 00001005 11 a.m, and. 7 p n1, Sunday school 2,30 p.m, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.45 p,m. Women's Miss- ionary Society” alis first Tuesday in each month at J p m. Barbara Kirkman 1M1it- sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7,30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Baud every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Methodist Rev, 0. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Olass at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. Sun• day school and Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p.m. Maw 30. Different Portrait The Difference between the ordinary .Photograph and the kind we make 14„ due to our skill and high grade equipment. Every sitter is given Individual I attention and treatment and the results we produce are ht''portraits photo gray rc -not merely photographs. Let us make you the best portraits you ever had. Picture Framing Now that the house clean ing has started lookup those pictures you want /ramed and bring then: to us. We carry a large and well assorted stock of moulding and our prices are not high. Amateurs We sell Amateur supplies develop films d f(nlsh prints for amateurs. Bring pour 1 work to people who make a l business of doing ii. D U DUGS PHOTOGRAPHER LSEAFORTH ms®moemee®sr Salvation Army Limit. Shave andEuvoy Wood Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel se1viee 7 pen. Childross Service—Directory class 10 a.in. Bible classes 4 p Week night efeetinge—Wednesday Naar meeting 8pen , Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J Argo, pastor. Sunday aer- tvices 11 a.m. and 7 p in, Bible elites 3 pen. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, In, V.P 131i.S Union 3rd Friday in the mouth 8 p 111. W('mell'81ti Mission. ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid meo,0 1113• mediately after. Atcitillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday Services Duffs' church it a rat Sunday school 10 a to Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. tvome:ea 18tissionery Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. CANADA MILITARY SERVICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that, by the effect of the regulations of the Gover- nor General of Canada in Council of the 20th of April, 1918, and the Proclamation of 4th May, 1918, recently published, every male British subject resident in Canada, born on or since the 13th of October, 1897, who has attained or shall attain the age of 19 years and who is unmarried or a widower without children must, (unless he is within one of the classes of persons mentioned in the schedule of Excep- tions to the Military Service Act) report as hereinafter directed on or before the 1st d y F June, 19111, of within ten days after his i9th birthday, whichever date shall he the latter. CT,1917 The report must be addressed to the Registrar or Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act of the Registration District in which he resides (see below) and shall be sent by registered post, for which no Canada postage is required. Young men so rsport00g will not be placed on active service till further rented. They meat, however, notify the appropriate Rtiistrar or D•.muty Registrar of any change of residence or address. On receipt of the r," .t an ld:ntieeeean card will be for','urded by the R,geertlr which will peetect the bearer from arrest, Puncture oompiian.:e with these requirements is of great Immo :nue t7 those affected. Failure to report within the time limited will expose the delinquent to severe penalties and will in addiden render him liable to immediate a-lrrr1-,,, .tin for Military. Service. Such report must be in writing and omit [eveitis'` ISSUED 3Y T:1 DeePAI TIENT OF JUSTICE, name in full, the date of his birth and his place of re,.i o L,t'!':1RY $Elin„ LOR }?,Cli. this 15th /lay of May, deuce and also his usual post office address. NOTE: The men required to report should addre 3 their report ONTARIO --To the Deputy registrar under the Military Service Act, 191", London, if they reside in the County of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford W aterloo, Wellington, Perth, h ' fu ion' orBrice. To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Toronto, if they reside in the County of Lincoln, Welland, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Wentworth, Halton, Peel, York, Ontario, Grey, Dufforin, Simcoe, or in the Districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Algoma and Nipissing north of the Mattawa and French rivers (including the Town- ships of Ferris and Bonfield,) To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1017, Kingston, if they reside in the County of Durham, Northumberland, Victoria, Peterborough, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox, Addington, Frontenac, Haliburton, Carleton, bun - dee, Glengarry, Renfrew, Russell, Stormont, Gren• vine, Lanark, Leeds, Prescott, or the District of Nipissing south of Mattawa river (exclusive of the Townships of Ferris and Bonfield.) To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Winnipeg, if they reside in the Districts of Kenora, Rainy River, or Thunder Bay, QUEBEC• -To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1017, Montreal, if they reside in the County of Jacques Cartier, Rochelago, Laval, Vaudreuil, Soulanges, Napiervitle, Beauhernois, Chateauguay, Huntington, Lapralrie, Argenteuil, Terrebonne, Two Mountains, Montcalm, L'Assompti0n, Joliette, Ber- thier, Maskinonge, St, Maurice, Three Rivers, St. Johns, Iberville, .Missisquoi, Biome, Shefford, Rou- Driucnmond,bRichelieu,drYamasko,, Hyacinthe, Atha- basks, Sherbrooke, and Stanstead. d4 fol lows : 2'o the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Quebec, if they reside in the County of Wolfe, Richmond, Compton, 13eauce, Bellechasse, Boneventure, 's entire, Dorchester, Craspe, I:amouraska, L@vis, L'Ialet Champlain, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, Mont- morency, Quebec, Portneuf, Saguenay, Lotbiniere, Montmagny, Ddutaae, Megantic, Rimouski and Temiscouata. To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Hull, if they reside in the County of Timiskaming, Pontiac, Ottawa and Labelle. NOVA SCOTIA—To the Registrar under the Military Service Aet, 1917, Halifax, if they reside In the Province of Nova Scotia. NEW BRUNSWICK ---To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, St. John, if they reside in the Province of New Brunswick, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Charlottetown, if they reside in the Province of Prince Edward Island. BRITISH COLUMBIA --To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Vancouver, if they reside in the Province of British Columbia, SASKATCH3nteeni . To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Regina, if they reside in the Province at Saskatchewan, ALBAlbeERTArta. -1.o the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Calgary, if they reside in the Province of MANITOBA—To tits Registrar tinder the Military Service Act, 1917, Winnipeg, if they reside In the Province of Manitoba. YUKON—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Dawson; if they reside ill the Itukon Territory. - 7t