HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-30, Page 1The Seaforth News w New Series Vol. 30 No.22 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, The Seaforth Monument Works Have been taken over by Wm. E. ehapman who is prepared to erect any kind of Memorial iu either Granite or Marble, and make designs for those who wish to be exclusive in that part icutar. Floor and Wall tile setting is a featuresof my business. RESTAURANT AND CONFECTIONERY FOR THE CHILDREN'S PARTY Of course you want candy, How could any party be a success with. out OUR CONFECTIONERY You will and in the varied aa• eortment we carry your favorite kind, Materiale we we are the best and our Candies are always fresh, Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Rich Country Cream and Beet Fruits ir EL SUP F EE To Municipalities' of the Province of Ontario A view in the hardwood forests in the Algonquin Paris OWING to the seriousness of the fuel situation at the present time, the Government of Ontario would urge upon all the farmers or others who may have wood lots, to assist at this time by making provision for their fuel supply from such lots. The Government would also draw the attention of the variousMunicipalities throughout theProvince to the necessity of taking some Municipal action to secure fuel supply. To this end the Government has decided to issue to any Municipality in Ontario a permit to cut fire wood in Algonquin Park or from other Crown Lands free of charge. For particulars as to localities, conditions of cutting, etc., apply to G. ia, FERGUSON, 'Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, The Questions You Must Answer The following is the list of gneetiona to be asked when the registration of uian-power is made in June To Be Answered by Males J. Name, 2, Address in full. 3. Age, 4, Date of birth. 6, Country of birth, 6. British snbjeot (by birth or by naturalization.) 7. If naturalized (when and where.) 8, Single, married, widower or di- vorced, Physical disability, if any. 10, Present occupation, regular oo- oupation, What other work can you do? 11. If an employee, state employ- er's name, address and nature of busin- ess, 12. Do your circumstances permit you to servo fn the present national crisis by changing your present occu- pation to some other, for whioh you are qualified, if the conditions offered ere satisfactory P 13, Were you brought up on a farm? Are you a retired farmer ? Aro you willing to do farm work? Can you handle horses? Drive tractors ? Use farm machinery ? 14. If not a British subject, to what country do you own allegiance ? 15, How many children under six- teen years ? 16, If registered under the Mili• ;tory Service Act, what is your aerial number? MAY 30 RIS Mrs, Wesley Jackson Many friends will regret to learn of the death, which occurred on May 23rd at the Toronto General Hoapitel, priv- ate patients pavilion, of F,Iizabetli Jaokeon, wife of the late Rev, Wesley Jackson, a former, pastor of the Metho- dist church here. The funeral took plana on Settuday from, Broadway Tab• ernaole to Mount Ploa5ant cemetery. Within the law ' The play " Within the Law' was pre- sented by Mrs, Murlesa-,Jones and her players in Goderioh, on Friday, May a4th, received most flattering appseoia• bell. Every situation, either dramatic or humorous was greeted with prolong- ed applause and the players were given curtain 011115 after emelt not, Several changes have been made fu the cast singe it appeared in Seaforth 31r. Frank Sills being added and Messrs. I(. J. Francis and Geo. Israel taking new roles, The presentation proved very snooese£ul financially, every seat in the Victoria Opera House being tag• en and a large number of people oould only find standing room. To be answered by Females 1, Name in full. 2, Address in full. 3, Age. 4, Race, 6. Can you speak English or French? 6, British subject (by birth, natur- alization, marriage.) 7. Are you single, married, widow or divorced ? 8, How many children under 16? 9, Do your health and home ties permit you, if required, to give full time, paid work (registrants answering "No" to this question need give no further information, those answering " Yes " or in doubt should in the rest of the card, or must sign affirmation.) 10. Do your circumstances permit you to live away from home ? 11, What is your present main oc- ..upatioa ? If m business as employer, state number of employees, 1f an em• ployoe, state uame,business and address of employer. If full time voluntary worker state name of society serving. If full time voluutary worker state, name of society serving. 12, State pat•tioulars of each if you have trade or profession, degree, dip- loma or certificate, Special training. 13. State length of experience, if any, in general farming, poultry larm• ing, dairy farming, 14, Can you drive a tractor, drive a motor, drive a horse, harness a horse, do farm cooking 3 10. Intricate auy qualifications of practical experience which you possess not already recorded. 16, Do your circumetano08 permit yon to give regular time service with. out remuneration, Flax Land Wanted I want Flax Land near Seaforth or Egmondville. The farmer may prepare the land or I will prepare it. J. J. Merner, M. P. Seaforth, Ont, There maybe other nares, but Hello. way's Corn Cure stands et the head of the list en fames results are concerned. Meeting of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of Huron will meet in the Council C11amb. era, Godetioh, on Tuesday the 4th day of June 1918, at 3 o'clock in 111e after- noon-, Goderfoh, May 17th, 1918. Geo. W, Holman, Clerk, REGISTRAR APPOINTED WEDDING RECEPTION The Lass of limerick Town ed the audience with monolognee be- tween the acts. The girls of the chor- tle must not be forgotten, They were as pretty an aggregation as one could wish to see and Seaforth can always ap predate the pretty girls. Mr, Chas, Buokly deserves every credit for the musical directions of the opera, it rep- resented a good deal of hard work and considerable ability to present it 80 well. The Opera House was filled to capacity and besides the pleasure of seeing a performance of this nature we are glad to know that it was very su0- ooesful financially, Seaforth was treated to 511 excellent Comic Opera given by the (luderich Op. era Co., on May 29 and will for a long time retain a very pleasant memory of the averring. The Lass from Limerick Tow11 is a very pretty and pleasing op. era abounding in good music and it Ives presented in a moat creditable manner. The choruses were excellent and among the individual actors were some very good voices. The costumes partioularlY deserve mention, they were most at- tractive and added cpnsiderably to the enjoyment of the evening. The acting of the various parts left nothing to be desired and it would be difficult to single out any for particular mention. Mr, Parsons showed considerable abil. ity in his part of Judge Hooley, he is an entertaining actor with good sing- ing and speaking voice, 111r. Sexsmith also stood out prominently, adding a wealth of humor to the opera as also did Mr. Sturdy iu hie excellently acted part of the inn keeper, Miss Doolittle and Miss McClinton took their parts most creditably, Their singing was of a high order, The only fault to be found with Mrs. Buckley is that her par; was too email, she has outstanding ability as an actress and gave all her work a clever finish. Mr, McGregor during his act gave a very clever ex- hibition of dancing and also eutertaie. Mr and Mrs. John A, McGregor, of Wood Hall, Tuckersmith gave a recep- tion on the evening of the 24th to Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Butts on their return from their wedding trip, Tho beautiful home was tastefully decorated with apple blossoms, lilacs maple branches and looked festive in- deed. The guests. numbering 140 began to arrive early iu the evening and soon the spacious rooms wore filled with a gay, joyous throng. Beautiful and costly were the gifts, which the guests in the kindness of their hearts present- ed to the bride. With music, song and dance the perfect summer night passed all too quickly till the dawning of another day forced the guests to de- part, after wishing a long and happy life together to the young couple, and thanking Mr, and Mrs, McGregor, for having given them a real good time. KILLED BY DIAL A very sad affair happened on the farm of John Beatty in McMillop, on Sunday night, Thomas T. Watt, who was employed on the farm 10ae tieing the animal up in the stable when it be- came violent and attacked him, For a time he struggled with it but he was knocked down and trampled ou, A small boy ran for help but when it carne the man was dead. Watt came from Clinton where his mother lives, It woe announced last week that Lieut A. J, Grigg, of Clinton, has been appointed registrar of the man and woman power for the district of South Huron, He is already busy organizing the riding to oomplete the work. Dublin Returned officers and men speak most appreciatively of the service rendered by the Y,M,C.A. in serving hot coffee to the ecldlera. It is a vobmtary first aid that has been developed into a ne- cessity, Will you not help it along ? Do not allow worms to sap the vital- ity of your children, if not attended to, worms may work irreparable harm to the constitution of the infant, The little sufferers cannot voice their ail. Mont, but there are matty Signs by which mothers 800 made aware that e dose of Miller's Worm Powder is nee. e8sary, These powders act quickly and will expel worms from the system with out any inoonvo:ienoe to the child, Miss M. McConnell was Stratford visitor last week Mr. Joseph Weber made a trip to London last week, Miss Ella Pierce has returned to her home after' spending the winter in Do- troit, Mr, Thos, Jordan, who has held a position in Toronto, has enlisted in the R,A F, He spent a few clays et itis home here, Rev, N, O'Connor, a former resident of Dublin, celebrated his first High Masa at St, Columban, on Sunday leaf, There was a very large attendauee, Mr. and Mrs, Diego] and Edward, and Mr, E. Murphy spent last Sunday at Brodhagen, Mr, Jahn McConnell has been ill In St, Joseph's Hospital, London for some time. Olean Stomach, • Clear—The stomach is the workshop of the vital functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy, The first care should be to restore healthful ac- tion of the stomach and the best prep- aration for that purpose is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. General use for years has 10051 them a leading place in medi- cine. A trial will attest their value. $1.00 per year Nothing as Good for Asthma. Asthma remedies come ant: go but every year the sales of the original Dr. J. D, 1(01. log Asthma Remedy grow greater and greater. No further evidence could be asked of its remarkable merit. It re- lieves. It is always of the same un- varying quality which the sufferer from asthma learns to know. Do not snffer another attack but get this splendid remedy today. Simplicity and Economy With Lots of Smartness at the small cost of $5M4 EtWithraCil Dap and Night Watches We have a particularly Moe Rue of time watches. Lithe DayTirne of course the dial is clearly 58011 and likewise the time, In the Night Tune, in the dark when you want the time se badly this watch shows the time clearer than ever. A reliable, dependable, service. able watoh, with Radium Dial, and 15 Jewelled movement. $10.00(in Niokle Case) $16.00 (in Gold Filled Case) We would like to allow them to yoll' You will enjoy eeeiwg them, Drop in. �jnttr I1latrlltaaller• & ('Dltticieu. 3looner S43arriuge fliirenera Phones Business 194 Evenings 10 The Store you will always litre MACTAVISH'S Seaforth Cope, see and Try on the Beautfiful Trimmed Hats We have for May 24th and later wear. You will find them remark- able value and well worthy of investigation. +3.511 to $8,5o You'll Not Get Be st Results unless some of OUR GLOVES are included in your summer Dress Accessories. " Niag- ara Maid" Silk Gloves, guarantedd double tips and always a perfect fit. New Gloves of quality as low as 5oc and $2.so a pair. NEW NECKWEAR NOVELTIES That give a MATERIALS Novelty Silk and Cotton Material 36 inches wide 41 yds. for Urease at ;F1 a yd. $ 4 25 Satin for Collar and Cuffs, 36 inches wide, yd. at $2 a yd 1 00 Lace 7 inches wide for tucker, ; yd.at 750 a yd. ,19 .10 ,10 .05 .25 Snap Fasteners Sewing Silk for Dross „ Collars and Cuffs Standard Pattern No 1961 total cost $ 6 94 Isn't this style just the combination you have been looking for? Yon can make it from Standard Pattern No. 1261 easily at the small cost of $696. J. Mactavish SEAFORTH graceful touch to Suitsa nd Dresses. 25c to $2.50 Mail Orders filled the. same day as we receive them—And— We pay the Postage