HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-16, Page 8►ublitt MeeOVA Josephaut1 .lake Weber visit ea friends ie fit Clemente last week, 1 1 spent It 11 11 . 1 f London il( ra o r Pte, L. M. Evens the weelt.end at his hums herr.. Mr, and Airs, J, Metlrath, lir, and Mre. P, DeCourse), and Mrs. heath" motored to London last week, Mies N. Evans of i3eeullwuod visited Mr. analis. H. Flynn fur It few tlnye. Mr Basil Byrne reported for built ary Service on 1'tltaday anti a number of our other ynnng thou here word to report et later antes, Mrs. Map a • vesitin;; ftwiels i1•. Lon• dor. this worn:, Mt, Jahrrs PlalluiA.i,i hie moved his atnily t l'.e TUE SpAFORTIi N t2tta.a�tttla..+�atc.�lte-a�.ietf�.-,t Y I Walton 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Velvet Cut' Adds much to the Appearance •e/ a man. Have pour hair eat u The Sanitary. Shop. 11'e trp to please you Commercial Barber 5hop,CIt W. ROBINSON Fro Winelpep Travellers i Get Chance to Study Hinterland NaOntario's foilo- seve.. nodoat oProvincial Colonization Scheme of Great lntereat The traveller nowadays wants some. thinand [he tm ciltr:tnformal blialtedservice seat f the Canadian Northern toWestern Canada [ affords a mole opportunity for thought. The immense steeds of merchantable timber, the uuteld wrAth in water power. and the great commercial and ognculter l possibilities of Northern Ontario should be matters of common knowledge to Can.dians. Modern trains of standard sod tourist sleep- ing cars and coaches leave Toronto 47nion Station at 10.00 p.m. Mondays. Wednesdays and Midas's. connection at Winnipeg for all points in Western Coned% For Tickets, Reservations, Liter- attwe and Information, apply to C. A. AbeNhart, Druggist, Sea- 1oPA, r1w Xing StlEl., Toronto. Brueefie l d Many Oddfellows from here attend- ed the District Atltirlal meeting at Sea - 'SVS Thursday May I. 11 Mr, John Scarlett is progressing 1 nicely at present, The recent raids have started the grass growing rapidly. Hog is now the finest gentleman in the family, ,fust think $20.60 per forth last week, cwt. Mfrs, kloener has had the gad nerve Mrs. Joe. Bounced, atteided the (1. that her brother Pte. 1'1. \'01lt0( Was 4• S, meeting in Toronto last week, killed at the front. Rev, el r. Lundy Went last week to A special Sunday School service for Toronto fur treatment for Itis throat, children was held in the ('hutch on I Rev• Mr, Me inion of Toronto took uuday rooming,hie services here ou Sunday. Mies Nichnlsa", who ia on her way from North Bruce to her home in Witi- peg is visiting her alstar, Mre, Me - impel), at the manse, Mrs. Cline, ttibhues of Sarnia ie visiting at the home of Mr. ,1. Kitchen, Mrs, J. Alecho• 0 and miss Madgo j A1oEv'an went• in 'Toronto last week 1 etter.tlrug the W, M. S. meeting'. Auburn WThe rale ead employees are nosy t witting in 1:.. wv ties on the track, The wheel has reverted to thecid t 011ie as it is more cullveuient t 1'i 1 i droll comiug a lung distance. h Frank italhby, '41h, had his shoulder I dislocated while playing, is able to he hack at school in vodesieh again. I) A large leimhel frau, here attended' the play ••let, lolance' in Ooder'ich, i Mr John 1`telker hag gone to London to doe tete kb aa:, Tie road and Midge cowmlittee hate' matte a tour of the midge it) this part. An rujoyai,le time was spent at the home of Mr Sant Cox, on Wednesday, when a large gathering welcomed Pte 0 Cox wdo, has been ievelide(t from England, A program of epcechee and songs way given. The spring soediog has been finished y earl • mid the root crop is now proceed- ing rapidly. Zurich Over 2$U autos were at the sale of J. ,1, Monier, M, P. cover $17,00(1 was made which Is considered the lu'geet iu the Omit!., It ia an evidence of Mr, Mercers ability in selecting such a mngmficielit herd. He has selected •I• Sett - forty head far his new farm nee forth, They cue the beat of the herd and no doubt future sales will he • more successful than this one. 1 Londesboro aver enrol, ileo. and Mre, Ache -Everett of Bey field were in town last week, Mr, Dodds Holloway, of the Royal Bank, Soo, is at home for his vacation. Mrs, 0, 0. Mance, of 'Toronto, was in town owing to the illness anti death of her brother, Thos. ;letdown, Thomas Jeeksol+, one of the best Ituown citizens died on '1'ueaday. Ha was born anti educated hero eud Was vice•presitlent of the Jaokeon Mfg. CO, with branch a'ura's at Seaforth, Otiu- toe, t.otiurieh and Exeter, for which he Wile travelling most of his tune, Sorgt ATajer Thos, llorgae who went oversaea with the 118rd Battalion has boon eroated a Chevalier of Leopoldo by the Kiug of Belgium for bravery on the held. He wart the holder of a die. tiuguialred tsold Medal which he re- eejrud from King George, He is a your g Englishman who worked in Clinton fur several years, A tractor lurking- on 1.1r, Itansford's farm Is the object of enriesity to quite e few people, It draws three harrows at ,arcs and does the work of six horsee and dues the work of six horses and 0 e:aeded ,will wore 24 hours a day, lnj(ft„f„tr After a prolonged illness, Mrs. Thos; Miller at last succumbed. The funeral took place from her residence and was largely atteuded She is eurvived by her Mishima and one daughter and her aged mother, to whoa[ the sympathy of all go out. The Rev, 0, Kain conduct- ed the funeral. Sunday was observed as Mother's Day in the Methodist Church. Mrs, Sturdy bee returned to Wing• ham after spending a few days with tier sister. Mrs. D. Geddes Mr, and Airs, Charles White of; Drayton attended the f,ulerai of their `eister•ill.iaw Mts.'l'l:os Miller, Lieut, Aitnet: (Friday evening the Red ('false, ANNUAL exe'llsliO :. Aitken Lae Lt:,e11 Goderich to ':lettrOil biggest battles i rind i-;.sItturn Steamer Greyhound Dublin Leaves Goderich .,.— Tuesday, June lith Furious driving of Loth horses and Get 10,00 a. nil. East time', cars on Alain Street is becoming very Cs Thia dangerous amneem8nt Returning leaves Detroit Cs10 1141 be stoppecid Lefore was aro com- Thursday June lath polled to caromiele a eorioue accident. Lit 1.00 p, m, Detinit Time) Mr, Jas. Feeney of Estuary, Sank $2.00 Round Trip has returned to his hom9, will Bite a le Crilrt ou *113111 the e.iepit'ee o1 A ptegrernnle will be nils be good as Lieut. titrottgh sats) . 01 the ir Franco, $1,50 One Way In the course of one night more than 100,000 words come into the office of almost every first-class newspaper. Much of the matter thus received is frag. mentary. Some of it is irrelevant, and there is of necessity considerable overlapping. It is in the arranging of this panoramic picture of the day's events a newspaper is made or marred. Each lawful morning the news of the world is presented to Mail and Empire readers in a manner appealing to the eye and to the senses. The detached matter is carefully pieced together—the striking events given their proper prominence—the verbiage cut out—irrelevant items discarded. It is this careful and experienced editing of a cable and news service without a peer in America—coupled with artistic presentation —ACCURACY—COMPREHENSIVENESS MINUS SENSATION- ALISM—that makes The Mail and Empire the acknowledged leading newspaper of Canada, $4,00 PER ANNUM BY MAIL. $5.00 DELIVERED. Order through dealer, local paper or direct. i i- '� itiv Circulation Department, Toronto. CABLE NEWS SERVICES. Associated Preea. Canadian Associated Prem. Reuter's• Special London Cable New York World. New York Sun, NOW /ark Tribune. New York Rerald. Colonel Repington'e Reviews. Mies M. Maloney is visiting her mother, The only boat trip from Mr. R. nook has been to Goderich to Detroit to see Pte, A, Rock before he this season , the mot, No passports required for males of military ego on this trip, Simply sign your name for the Immigration Ofloer who will be on duty on board steamer at time of departure. Except if men belong to Class 1, now called, it will be necessary far them to show that they have complied with the military service regulations and have the consent of the Registrar for their military district to be absent from Can: ads This appliee of course only to male British subjects between 20 and 33, inclusive, who are single or are widow- er! without children. Oanadiane corning to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay, a head tax or snake a deposit. U. S. immigration officers will be on the steamer to page exoursionists. BAND MOONLIGHT orit of Coderioh Monday Evening June toth, 8 p. m. 25 cents Musk and dancing in Grey- • hound ball room London left for Mice H. Lorimer 1100 been very ill with pleurisy, The mail carrier to Statl'a is now liv- ing a oar on his route. Mr, George Howard is home again after undergoing an operation in Lon- don. Every body is glad to tee Father Noonan back after four months illness in the hospital in London. eromarty Mr, Robert Hoggartb Sr. paeesd a" way at his home on the 6th inst. , at the age of en years. He was born in England and pante this country when it was a wilderness, He endured all the hardship of the pioneer, Until quite recently he was quite active, He loaves to mourn hie loss one eon, Robt. The funeral took plane to Cromarty Oemetery, 81)10 ii1111;1!'' rill"` 7, t,phont' t .•ar...e,q: 1 PLAYGROUNDS 1f the incl, of to clay 111 our Mlles e and tortoni conks be persuuti d to look hack to the dare of their boyhood, au(1 realize whet the open air meant 40 thefly there would be 10 need 40 plead for their support on behalf of play- gto(ulds tor our boys, It is said that 111 " 1h hu'a 11110 ill 11auado,'' (t coulpilation ui the promill. Lint men of this uouutry, eighty -live per oeut el the newels are those of *114)13 bora to the 10110, Only one valid reason eau be given for tlli0 largo pro pu of cor'y bore Cauatfian raaoortiahlrig prn1111tInllteU0(+, and Slat ie thas healthy ounditions under w111011 they started life. Born beyond the crowded assts of our larger fawns and cities with plenty of good pure air and maple room for healihfnl play and recreation, they commenced their oaree1s under eouditions almost ideal for the build- ing up of strong bodies and active minds, and in the strain of business cares this great handicap hart told ie II111if11111111111111'aii ,,i:.: l+o qac practice tt? Who Is Speaking ? Wy�HEN. you answer the telephone by WHEN "Hello," a whole series of time -wasting questions must ensue! 41 "Hello?" "Hello!" "Is that you jack?" "Yes, who is that speaking?" "This is Bilil" "Oh, hello Bill"—and so it goes. 411 Why not answer at once by saying "Mr. Watson speaking," or "Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking." f Save time by answering at once with your name. Don't say 'Hello.' The Bell Telephone Co, of Canada their favour. Condi Hone have changed, 11uwe081', in this country, and we now have in otrr cities many theuealtds of lads without the opportunities that were available to our to -day leading men. Crowded streets, tenements, apartment blocks, awl near shank are accumulating, and fu molt unhealthy surroundings many children are reared. No space is avail. able for their games except the street, mid the long list of street accident dens onatratea the 1100 that is (11a(le of them by the children in a11eweriug the call to the Open The establishment of playgr'uuuds for the children is ole of our greatest finals! needs. True, so1110 • elties, have opened playgrounds,- and their popularity demonstrates how great is the aee(1. The expense of rating up playgrounds is mot great, and should be n10t by pub-. lie appropriation. Healthful play, to build up the body is as necessary as sohools to educate the mind,amtl should receive a clue proportion of attention. The Duke of Wellington gave credit to the playing fields of Eton for the winning of the battle of Waterloo, and in this he paid a Our Men's Shoes Here are Shoes, that are proud to tell their names. They're the best work of famous manufacturers. Shoes for Mer, who want tasty) stylish Shoes. The brands wills how who made these Splendid Slices and we stand behind them with a strong guarantee of perfect saris= faction in every detail. We see that every Shoe fits the foot per. fectly. A Man, v, ho enjoys Shoe luxury, can certainly find in these splendid Shoes. We're not only ur to date on Men' s Fine Shoes, but we're at least a date ahead. We've all the wanted and correct styles. u e -OT "The Home of (stood Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth ®u.w,•r.g;ggt-aa7drflr ;'rs•-.-•"raT3 - RI tribute to healthful play and pm- phseiro the need of playgn.1,ds that the ho}s of our cities --aur teenitg mein- play have rho advan'l.ge of healthy exeretse under Pate anti sauit- nry cuhditinns, A Me(lica) Need Supplied.—.Ft hen a medicine. isfound that not (/fitly Geta upon the.stomach, but is su.,0015poe. ed that certain ingredieete of 0 pas 1(11alrei eel through the stutilach to tied actin) in the bowels theft there ie available a purgative and a elealiser of great ef'eetiveuess. Iarniel(•e s \'eget. able. Pills are of this character and ars the best of pills. During the years that they have been in 3304' they have est,tbhrhed themselves as no other pill has done, McKillop Court of Revision uTho Aseeeweut Roll for dui To1v1 ship of McKillop irehow in the Clerk's Oboe, Lot 24, Oou 7 and may be setae by ratepayers,and residents (.1 1Tc- ' Ktllop during office hours, Court of Ito. visio l t11 ileac (toll at the .Commerefa! t Hotel•Seaforth on'May 'dist 11)18 at 1j o'clock a, 111, M, AfURDIlf, Clerk. • • 'Warts 1111) render the prettiest haunt unsightly, Clear the exeredeailcee away by nsilg Holloway's Corn Cure, withal acts thorot,ghly and painlessly: k'lr- i es iliillltl1111111iiiki11111111R11111 BIJU';;NlliilllGplllll uallial 1i1171111C i "klikIl11111 1811;I11111,1111811111111111111111111QIIIII1111111WHI1111 e oy � otoring ET the Ford car introduce you to the beauties of Nature and the outside world, Let it take you into the country, or along the lakes where the air is fresh and sweet. A Ford car will open up new fields of pleasant possibili- ties for you and your family and at the same time serve you faithfully in business. • No doubt you have felt the need of a car your wife has often said, "1 wish we had a car," so why not buy one now? There is no other car that gives such good value for the money invested as a Ford. This is why the Ford car is so popular everywhere. The Ford is powerful, easy to drive, economical, endur- ing. It is the,car you need. Runabout - - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupe - - $770 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan - - - $970 .F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. J. F. Daly - Dealer - Seaforth Cook Bros. o Dealers Hensall 8