The Seaforth News, 1918-05-16, Page 1The
New Series Yol, 80 No,20
ARBLEAum3RA WTE The Seaforth Monument Works
Have been taken over
by Wm. E. ehapman
who is prepared to
erect any kind of
Memorial in either
Granite or Marble,
and make designs for
those who wish to be
exclnisive in that part
Floor and Wall the setting is a featurexof
my business.
the surroundings are cheerful and
pleasant, the service prompt and
courteous and the menu varied
and tempting
are daintily arranged and appet•
izingly prepared from pure.
wholesome foods
Don't forget to come in and get your Lunch
before you go home after the !show,
,.......etnamitammaiernastemonxer mom
EL r.L"
To Municipalities of the
Province of Ontario
.A view in the hardwood Aoreatb in the Li.Irr U Park
V ING to the seriousness of the fuel situation
at the present time, the Government of Ontario
would urge upon all the farmers or others who may
have wood lots, to assist at this time by making
provision for their fuel supply from such lots.
The Government would also draw the attention
of the various Municipalities throughout theProvince
to the necessity of taking some Municipal action to
secure fuel supply. To this end the Government
has decided to issue to any Municipality in Ontario
a permit to cut fire wood in Algongviin Park or from
other Crown Lands free of charge. For particulars
as to localities, conditions of cutting, etc., apply to
Minister of Lands, Forests and alines,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
Ada Ward Lectures
eaforth NOds
to;rilehip11 of Morrie, H.ow•iuk artit Turn.
The little four year old daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Ntiell, Lower
Wiugham, fell lute the river on Satur-
day afternoon lat and woe rescued by
Mr, A. Law. The little girl was with
her inother and in atone way loot her
halation and fell off the headgetee into
the rase. The current was very strung
and it was with groat difficulty that
Mr. Law method the shore.
A lecture ie nut geneta1ly looked up-
on as au entortitinment, because ae
Mia,' Ward 'Atoll "do many peopla are
afraid they may learn something," Yet
it did not prevent a largo number of
people from attending Miss Ward's
lecture in the Presbyterian Chureb iu
behalf of the Red Cross. It is safe to
arty if Mies Ward were announeed to
leoture next week again twice the
nunlbor would be presort, Her leoture
MIS a rare treat. She is a oomptete
master of pathos as well as humor,
Her masterly word pictures of het trip
to the soldiers in the hospitals and
trenches in France were given iu such
a way that the audience lieteued in a
rapture of delight and the two hours
slipped away in an incredibly short
time. Both the hard workingmember
of the Red Cross Society and the
patient suffering mother of some lost
sou were eeloouraged and strengthened
to "go ou," feeling that their aacritreaa
were not lost,
Mise Lizzie Gemmel' died at her
home near Egmondville on May loth.
Sne was the third daughter of the late
John Gemmell evil was bora in the old
homestead 85 years ago. She was an
active worker in the Sunday School and
missionary •society of Egmondville
being treasurer of the latter for many
years. The funeral was held on Tues-
day to Egntnndville cemetery Two
brothare, Thomas and Robert in the
west and three sisters, Mrs fi McGeocli
of Eginondvrile, Mrs J Houston of Sac
ramonto, and Mies Sarah at home,
The floral tributes were numerous
among them being wreaths from the
Missionary society, the Red Croce, the
ladies aid and the Bible Class,
The plant and egnipmnnt of Exeter
manufacturing Co. has been purchased
by W, H, tveetnlan, Chatham for $4000
Dash, The Corporation of Exeter held
a mortgage of $9000 against this com-
pany, payable in 0 yeare, The plant
was taken over some weeps ago by the
town as it was yielding nothing to the
Samuel McBride Sr, dropped dead at
his home iu Zurich while repairing a
screen door. He was a former resid-
ent in Stanley Township retiring to
Zurich a few years ago, His widow,
three sons and throe daughters survive.
Cue eon was killed in action over a
year ago.
The population of ,the village of Zur.
ioh according to the 1918 assessment
roll is 480.
Two care of cedar poles and all emp-
ty on the 0, P. R. tracks at Goderiob,
were destroyed by fire Mat week. The
fire is supposed to have been caused by
a passing engine, and as there was no
fire•quenehing apparatus, it was still
smouldering the next day, The lose
was iu the neighbourhood of $4000.
An auto accident of a serious nature
took place last Thuraday,oue mile south
of Winthrop near the old mill, Geo,
Henderson, of Bruesela, had left here
shortly after four o'clock, and met at
that place a grader. in turning his
auto struck another ear and turned
completely over and threw Henderson
out injuring his spine. Dr. Mackay
was called and gave him what care
was possible, but no hopes were held
out from the first of his recovery. Hie
wife and children were sent for at once,
Chas. Davidson who was riding with
Henderson lead his legs hurt, The un-
fortunate man lived till Friday when
death ended his sufferings.
Coroner Dr, Scott convened a Jury
on zaturday to bold all inquest. After
viewing the body and impaneling the
jury he adjourns : until Wednesday
when the inqueet will be held in the
town hall,
(treat activity bee been 0050 around
the harbour in Goderich since navig•
allot opened. The steamer Glenbivat
delivered a cargo 01 126,000 bushels of
oate for the Goderich Elevator and
Tranait Co, , the J, Pratt Taylor 100,
000 bushels for the Western tlai.acle
Flour Mills and 97,000 bushels for the
Elevator Co. The Steamer Wolf de-
livered 146,000 bushels for The Tran-
sit Co. and the Spokane, 166,000 ora.
of oats for the Elevator Co. Altoget-
her over a million bushels has been de.
The Goderiob Bremen had a run to
dook on Saturday night, where a range
light on the north pier was on fire. It
is supposed that the vapour lamp ex-
ploded, causing the blase, The fire-
men encountered great difficulty in
crossing the harbor with the assistance
of the tag' Forest' and a launch they
managed to get to the fire and prevent-
ed it getting into the dock causing
heavy damage,
Conductor Callahan of the G,T,R.
met with a painful aooident in Port
Colborne recently, He was standing
near the express car while the crew
were unloading an automobile frame
which lost its balance and before he
could get out of the way, it struck his
foot, requiring four stitches to close up
the wound,
Flax Land Wanted
I want Flax Land near
Seaforth or Egmondville,
The farmer may prepare
the land or I will prepare it.
j . j, Merner, M. P.
Seaforth, Ont,
Recognized as the leading specific
for the destruction of worms, Mother
Graves' Worm lglxterminator bas prow•
ed a boon to suffering children every.
Where, Itseldom fails.
Council Meeting
Thanks for Socks
The following fetter, while only one
of many received by the Secretary of
the Women's War Auxiliary in ae
knowlndgement of cooks sent to the
men overseas, wake for itself:
France, April 701.
Women's War Auxiliary.
Seaforth Ontario.
Dear Ladies;
Jnet a few linos to express my
sinoere thanks for the dandy two pairs
of socks received today. They fitted
fide and it sure in a great pleasure to be
remembered so well by the good people
of Seaforth in that way and to know we
are not forgotten while so far away.
Wishing the War Auxiliary the best
of Inok, I close With regards for all the
members, I am
Your sincere friend,
Pte. Burton Moir.
The regular meeting of the Council
was held on Monday night with all
the members preeeut,
The ldnanoa Committee reported, ad-
vising payment of accounts amounting
to $1314.71,
The collector was given power to
collect until next meeting,
Stephen—Reye—That the statement
of the Canada Furniture Co. be refer-
red to the Finiinee committee with
power to sot,
Savauge--CaShton--That the Conn.
oil accept the new note of the Bell E.
ds T. Co, in lieu of old notes.
Warden Elliott and Reeves, Hardy,
Govenlook and Brook and County En-
gineerPaterson have making a tour of
the county to ascertain the needs in
connection with the good roads move•
ment. It is expeoted that this work
will soon begin throughout the county
Huron Deanery
$1.00 per year
A Comic Opera presented by the
With A Cast of 35 people
Cardno's Opera. House, Tues., May 2tst
Under the auspices of the Woman's War Auxiliary
This i5 the first opportunity in years the Seaforth
The Huron Deanery and Convention
will meet at Exeter on Tuesday, May
23rd 1918. After Holy Communion at
9.30, the Chepterwill meet at 10.80,
After a Quiet Hour at 2 p M. conducted
by Rev. G, 0 Warner, the remainder
of the afternoon will be occupied with
a diaoussion of the Modern Problems
in the Rural parishes. At the evening
session Rev. Mr, Trivett, of Henan,
China, will give an addrese,
On Friday afternoon last the llonie
of D, Hutchison on the 6111 con,, Grey
was destroyed by fire, Little of tho
upataire furniture was eared, The
family is staying at Mr John Elllott`a
Mr, 3, A, Morton, Police magistrate
in wiugham hoe boon appointed to act
in that capacity in the villages of Brus-
se1s,Blyth acrd Wroxeter and in the
Public has had of leasing an opera in their own
No one should rniss this treat.
All proceeds for Patriotic Funds.
Admission 35c
Plan open at Aberhart's Drug Store on Saturday, May
ISth, at 12 o'clock noon
Reserved Seats Site
Simplicity and Economy
With Lots of Smartness
at the small cost of $5,94
Duet Causes Asthma. Even a litho
speck too small to see will lead to
agonies which no words can desoribe,
The walls of the breathing tubes oon-
traot and it asoma as if the very life
must pans. From this condition Dr.
J , D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings
the trser to perfect root and health, It
relieves the passages and normal breath
tng is firmly estabiiehed again, Hun-
dreds of testimonials received annually
prove ite effeetivenese.
Come, See and
Try on,thle
Trimmed Hats
2 2
Dap and
We have a particularly nice
leu' i these watches.
futile Day'lirne of comes Ole
dial is cleerly seen anxi likewiee
the time,
1u the Night Tithe, in the dark
when you want thc time se badly
this watch ehowi the time clearer
than ever.
A reliable, deeendable, servioe.
utile wntoh, with Radium Dial.
and 15 Jewelled movement,
$l).Oti'iu Nickle Case)
$15,00 'in gold Filled Case)
We would like to show them to
You will enjoy seeing them.
Drop in.
!Frei) Oatmugr
dour Watchmaker Fc (Optician
3leetmc ellurringr Btreeeril
Business 194
Evenings 10
The Store you will always lilte
We have for May 24th
.ld later wear. You
will find them remark-
able value and well
worthy of investigation.
$3,50 to $8,50
You'll Not Get Best
unless some of OUR
GLOVES are included
in your summer Dress
Accessories, " Niag-
ara Maid" Silk Gloves,
guarantedd double tips
and always a perfect fit.
New Gloves of quality
as low as soc and $2.5o
a pair.
That give a graceful touch to Suits
Novelty Silk and Cotton 31aterial36inches wide
$ 4 26
4t yds. for Breese at $1 a yd.
Satin for Collar and Cuffs, 36 inches wide, i 1 00
yd. at$2ayd
Lace 7 inches wide for tucker, i 75e a yd. .,19
Snap Fasteners 0
Sewing Silk for Dress . .110
„ .` ,. Collars end Cuffs ,05
Standard Pattern No. 1261 --
total cost $ r> 94
Islet this style just the combination you have been
Dost of $59girdard Pattern
o, 121ea ily atthe small
J. Mactavis
25c to $2.50
Mail Orders filled the
same day as we receive
We pay the