HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-09, Page 8ji Velvet Cur
Adds much to the Appearance
pit, hair cut at Om. stores will °lose on Tuesday
a man, Have yand Thursday evenings after May 7th
At 6 p, m• We trust all coming from a
distance will beer it in mind and avoid
disappointment, as no bushiesa will be
done on those evenings This rule has
Commercial Barber Shop,C4th worked ont well in other villages, and
no doubt. will here also, It ie very
kV. ROBINSON I needful now, when inen are scarce, as
glop :it gives all a chance to get busy and
help production doting the long even
.Rev, Mr, Ross nee been called to
he Sanitary Shop.
We try to please you.
or Sale
Tartu 1'a
Embro by the death of his mother,
Mr, Reheat Medd wee in London
!net week attending the Anglican
Pte, Clarence Cox is home from
A Sabbath School was organized in
the Methodist Church 'last Sunday
Leet week Brussels Horticultural
Society made their !Trills delivery of
twit trees and plants of various kinds
to the members in Walton and vioinity,
1, tugs. The Quarterly Ssoremental Service
was held in the Methodist Church and
`y lintOf the Official board on Mouday afternoon
to finish up the years businesa.
A bazaar was held under the auspices
of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist
Church last Friday, A large number
attended and tine sate was very suooess•
aeoient for the purp.se• fol,
Mr, J . 11. Sheppard had the 'Motor-. $120 was realized at tlto Bazaar in
tune,te step and fell from a stool while the afternoon. As all the articles were.
reaching to the top of a shelf in this sold before night there was no enter.
o -,:fn store. Fie fell on his ankle breaking tainment,
cue of Iiia ±luau hunts. He is doing se
w.•tI as possible,
Eggs for hatching from o'u '
sn6 English White I,eglieins• The comity representative is having
Female's sires imported .lir. tet frl,tu' a new o1Hee fitted up on Albert street
England, ires dame hav'iog r. r. rd o . for his nee, it is being newly decora-
aS eggs in year, teed and whet, finished will be very con -
$i .60 per settina of if,
5 00 „ tlo
8 ittl ,e '• . oto
,1 0011., Intl.
Thursday May 9
Activity Becomes General
in Western Canada
Prosperity attracts Merchants,
Farmers are spying out
the Land
The greatest wheat prodnein4
areas in the \ , r1 1 t,+ -day an
served by Canadian Northern
lines. Here tli,• moaning farmer
nr merch.'tll t t,.,i' t be e r::lti"',t
Low fare-:, :nal . seed: nuts
tlro'lgh .;w !'ta vi , (li'nl,l:-,`
forest ret.:rve sad c, doui:atien
lauds, add n wrest ono enir.ymcnt:
to the journey. C:.niI rtabI
trains leave Toronto at 111.00 pan.
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days, eonncetitm at "Winnipeg
for all points West.
For Tickets, Reservations, Liter
atuce and Inform/Mon, apply ti,
C, A. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea
forth, or write R, L. Fairbairn
O,P,A., 68 King Ft, E., Toronto
For sale
Dug p,neouere are ..gain doing their.
dastardly work. The sneak who dove;
tit is ashamed of bis work still tries to
hide it, but when caught he will get his
Rev. 11, Snell. V,inghato, preached 1
au able sermon to toe morning in St,
Paula' ehureh and Principal Waller of
Huron College preaeled SSSS the evening ,
Rev, .1, E. Jones of Varna preached
in the Methodist Church, Ontario St,
on Sunday, Th.+ sacrament was ad-
ministered at the close of the morning
!ler, J. S, Hogg attended the meet•
ing of the Presbyterial Synod in Lan-
don, last week,
Rev, J. A. 'Whitlow' and W. B,
Muultou were in London last week at
tending Huron Diocese Synod.
dr. King, teller in :Nielson's Bank
has been transferred to the branch in
St. Thomas,
7 Room House, God cellar. Hard', nutlet
and soft water; good condition and a --
plendidsloeality. Apply at this Office. Mr. T, W. Pearson and son Wesley,
motored from Welland last week and
FOR STILE spent afew days with Mr, and Mrs
Eight roomed frame house, good
cellar, hard and soft water in hoI
use, in
Your and one.half acres. with stable
and hen house. Fruit trees and all
kinds of small fruit. A good chance
Bert Irwin. Mrs, Irwin returned to
Welland with them for a short visit at
the parental home,
Mr, Robt. Gibbings, wbo has been
'ill for some time, we are pleased to
learn is able to be out again looking
hale and hearty.
for a retired farmer. Apply to W. W
Oowan on the premises. End of Mar- .
kot Street
Al at
in n's
it as
4 Ali.
the d '.
not q
Mr, and Mre, D. R- MoAonald have
returned from visiting friends in thus -
sale for a abort time.
Large glntntities of onions are atilt,
being shipped from the station here.
Mrs, S. OouRer of Toledo, Ohio,
spent a few days last 'rook hero with
her huaband'e parents, Mr. and Mra.
John Coulter.
Ma, and Mrs, Dallas, Tuokersmith
township, are ,uoviug to Henasil where
they will reside in the house lately
oocuplod by Mr, A. T, Douglas,
Mr, and Mrs, (Merles MoAllister of
Toronto havebeen spemlieg a few
days in this vicinity visiting old friouds
Mrs, D, Urtlssiolt was in 'Toronto
visiting her daughter Mrs, D. Ferguson,
last week,
Rev. Mr, Dickie, of Chatham is ex-
pected to 000u sy the pulpit in Carmel
Presbyterian Cliureh next Sunday for
the anniversary aervices,
Bayfield •
Mise Geddes, principal of the aehoo
spent a few days ot home,
Mrs. Williams of Goderich and Rev,
L, E. Williams, rector of Cleveland
were recently gnests of Mrs, l>, H,
Miss F, Bonthron spent loot week in Rev, T, J. Powell preached on mfr,.
Wroxeter with her sister Mre, Cecil sinus in 'Trinity Church on Sunday,
The many triaidsof Mr. John Sear-
' lett i11 he sorry to hear he is suffering
et present from an accident. While
on the mall his horse became
frightened at a motor truck and jump•
ed into, the ditch, Mr. Seailett was
thrown out breeklug two vibe. Cutler
'the doctor's care, however he is recov-
Sir. Olio who •gas driving the truck
was not to blame and assisted Mr.
I Seatlett in every way possible after the
AriNuaLExeuRsieN; KiPpen
Goderich toDetroit
Quarterly aervicea were held is the
and Return Methodist Church on Sunday.
Steamer Greyhound
Leaves Goderich
- Tuesday, June lith
st 10,00 a. m. East time what in health.
Returning leaves Detroit Rev, Dr, Aitkin was in London last
Thursday June lath
.at 1.00 p. m, Dettoit'Time
$2.00 Round Trip
$1,50 One Way Auburn
T 1 b i tfrom
Mr, George Taylor wbo has been in
poor health is in London for treatment,
Mrs, J., Jsrrot is improving some -
week at the Synod,
Miami(' Mrs. A, Sproat of Toronto
were here beet weal,
he on y oa trill
Goderich to Detroit
this season.
No passports rognired for males of
military age on this trip, Simply sign
your name for the Immigration Officer
who will he on duty on board steamer
at time of departure.
Canadians awning to Detroit for a
temporary stay are not required to pay
a head tax or make a deposit. U. S,
immigration officers will be on the
steamerto pass exouisioniets,
out of Goderioh
Monday Evenin'
June frith, 8 p, rn.
25 cents
Music and dancing in Grey.
hound ball room
Where women's interests
are supreme—
T'nder the heading, "For and About women,"
the interests and activities of the modern wo-
man are taken care of daily In
� 5
Or gal anb
There the feminine readersees the diversified
concerns of her sex reflected fit brief, informative
articles of timely interest. Children and War
Savings, Domestic Service Reform, An Interest-
ing New wardrobe, Central Kitchens, and An
Independent Family, are a few of the topics
discussed in recent issues, Part of the same page
is "On nit," in which current social events are
chronicled, Any woman who wishes to keep.
informed on what is going on in her own par-
ticular sphere may do so by reading daily 'For
and About Women" and "On hit." On Satur-
days "woman's Kingdom" is an additional fea-
ture especially interesting to women readers.
$4.00 per annum by mail—$5.00 delivered.
Order through dealer, local paper or direct,
trilt J'Ii r itintbfluphz
Seldom hes ndeath oaused ao much
sorrow 10 Hayfield as that of Cadet
Victor Evelio. fie was horn in Brad -
fetal in ()debar 1890 and game with
his patents, Air, and Mrs, Win. !(vans,
when eight yoara old to StanleyTowu•
Milo, After attonding the Clinton
Collegiate he taught oohool lin Stanley
Laetyear he joined the Aviation Corps
and ,pent this winter in 'Texas. Ho
had only returned when he was etruok
on the head by the propellor of his
plane. A brother and sister aro now n
Francs aarviilg their oountry.
Much sympathy is felt for Air, and
Mre, d, R. Hall olio received word
that their youngest son, Pte. Will Hall
hall been missing siuoe April 0th,
Their friends hope shortly to Bear from
Mrs. J,'Rands who Went to Lon,iou
tnnwrso her daughter took ill there and
died last week, 'I'lio funeral was held
at the Maitlaudb'ank Cemetery,
Mrs, Geo, Stanley of the Soo, Much.
is visiting Mira, R, Clank and friends
Mrs, Jas. Lyon is visiting her (laugh
ter, Mrs, E. Dower, in Toronto,
Mr, C. H. Manning is uowutho own-
er of a new car,
Mr, T. Atchison and his daughter
Mra, John Schafer, of Ciow'anetowu, 850
visiting their friends here at present,
Mr. Arthur Bruusdon, wl:u visited
his home it, Galt for a few days has re-
Mrg, Thos, Millar is still in very
poor Health,
Air. M, Ross now occupies the bowie
in which Mr, Robert Gibbs lived,
Mr, 11, Gibbs, left with his mother
and sister for Saskatchewan where
members ot the family are living.
Their many friends hero wish them
success in the new Home.
A car of soft coal was unloaded here
last week, -
Miss Ivy Robertson has sold her
house to Robt Townsend,
While Mr. Cummingham of Colborne
Township was delivering a bull, which
he sold to Mr. 0, Ynngbint he had
quite an accident. The animal was in
the wagon and while coming down the
hill west of its village one of the
whiffle trees Dame loose, starting the
horses and the tongue fell to the ground
At the foot of the hill the wagon up-
set and the hnraee ran to the village
where they were caught, Little dam-
age, however, beyond a few scratches
was done.
Miss Birdie Forgnoou, youngest
daughter of Mr. John Ferguson web
married to Mr. Taylor of W Wawanosh
where the young people have gone to
.lis tIIIIIIIIIIIIIt11ttlititi111111111
.."'• r" initistiIIIIIIIIotillllllilllilllllll
Do tloa
practice 11?
"Get Me Mr. Jones"
WHEN you ask one of your staff to
" get Mr. Jones on the telephone,"
always be ready to speak when he
i] It is discourteous in the extreme to call him
to the telephone and then make him wait your
convenience. No practice has led to more
ill feeling and abuse of the service than this.
If any waiting is necessary, the party calling
should do it.
q Always be ready to speak when the
party you call answers.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
Ou•r Men's Shoes
Here are Shoes, that are proud to tell
their names. They're the best work of
fatuous manufacturers.
Shoes for Metz, who want tasty, stylish
The brands°,will show who made these
Splendid Shoes and tare stand behind then
with a strong guarantee of perfect satis"
faction in every detail.
We see that every Shoe fits the root per=
feet Iy.
Tt Man, v ho enjoys shoe luxury, can
certainly find in these splendid Shoes.
We're not only up to date on Men' s Fine
Shoes, but we're at least a date ahead.
We've all the wanted and correct styles.
.e R.seen-
"The Home of Good Shoes"
Phone 53
Miss Lucas who spout a few (lays
with friends here has returned to God -
Mrs, Mauna, who spent the winter
in Toronto has returned for Mu sum -
Pills for Nervous Troubles—Tho
stomach is the centre of the nervous
eyetetn, and when it soapsuds healthy
action, the result is manifest in dieter -
believe of the nerves, if allowed to
persist, nervous debility, a dangerous
ailment, may ensue, The first consid-
eration is to restore the stomach to
proper action, and there is no readier
remedy for this than Parmelee', Veg-
etable Pills. Thousands can attest the
virtue of these pills it, wiring nervo0
McKiliop Court of Recision
c'l'ue Assesanent Roll for the Town-
ship of McKillop is how in the Clerk's
office, Lot 24, Cou 7 and may be seen
by ratepayers; and t'seideute of Me.
Killop during office hours, Court of Re-
vision on ass,(' Roll at the Commeroiaf
Hotel Seaforth on May Stat 11118 at to
0010011 a. m,
M, MURDIE, Clerk.
Warts will render the prettiest betide,
unsightly, Clear the excrescences
away by using Holloway's Dorn Cure,
which acts thorongbly and painlessly;
et the see..
t r�,
of a ' e µr lit. an
TRY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot" his car on an
open stretch. You'll likeit, and will be surprised how easily the
Ford is handled and driven.
If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some-
thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being
a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford.
Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them—
are driving Ford cars and enjoying it, A Ford stops and starts in traffic
with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills
its strength and power show to advantage.
Buy a Ford and you will want tole behind "the wheel" constantly.
J. F.
Touring - - $595
Runabout - $57 5
Coupe - - - $770
Sedan - - $970
Chassis - - $535
One -ton Truck $750
aly Dealer Seaforth
rOS, Dealers Hensall