HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-09, Page 4l' 4 TETE SE,AFORTH ' NEWS Thursday Mev 2 PROFESSIONAL 4.RDS. MEDICAL DR. 11WWIbk001, L hysle(0n and sur geon Late 01 Louden lioaILnt London, Englund, 8pecce! Rtlaptlon to dinaoof!cr, No a and 'Damn, otllke and resraeune behind Dominion liana. Ole Phone So. o, Residosce Phone 0o, Jag ]d#de res in: Cluderleb Street ktcale 01 Ntc !l Md ote 04101 Chitral!, coroner for Conuty of i1u0011 Telephone No. 0'. ,If�� :'!(m'''ina and L.•0II0 •un0.1:ed,•0ilh Street, opposite Mettq- Cho tell, '.0 forth, 2401.11 Anniti,,te 'Victoria and dna drbnr, and tdt moor et 1111101 00 College 01 Ph1Bi' 041110 and hurgeo+ n 'droner tot Count! 0f Huron. 3aal'itay Meter graduate Trinity University, gold inosines rrlpltV !Medias' College \tembOO 01 lb;k),• .,t 1'1002001s nnd.Nmgeune, outset, a R;,1:1.1, 111•1 LEN AN Oateopthie specialist Sel, !u Weinote, and t. hlldr O 10 1I'a and 10110nmat± tr+.ublen, Amite a 111 ! I r MIA ars. Par, Eye, Nose and Throat kdenald re fcovedahh 11111110/101f0 0010'01,1,M Ir", Ile. nl 1111[al IlMerJay 110101, 006 011 ;lrr'idaa a 01,ut, to tl pin t� Ip iI' p� !evils' by 30RN Marriage lICORses ,and ptl\•l,iu� :n� ter Lb Insurance An yea a -moldering insurance, Life or Accident? Jlyen ere, a postcard will get 0000 Cates. 3. D. GINOfinLEY, 00104581 Agent for London Life Inourance Co,. and 1 morias Guarantee and Accident Ioourance Co, Seaforth, Ont. l' 1411M rA *ir i IE BUS C.IPTION s� fames Watson General Fire, Lite and Accident 11,0,1 once Agent, and dealer to 001001010 Alachines, Stain Street, Heatorth, THE McKILLOP Mutual No insurance Co Parm and isolated Town Property Only insured. OFFICERS J as. Connolly, (,ndoricb, Pr0aldent, JAI/WA Haus lteoehwoud Vice- President, Taumas Reye, Henfortll, Sa Press. Direetore D, F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grimm, Winthrop W. Rhin, Constance; John Bennewele. 1rodghegen; Robert Peale, Radecki Malcom ktc'eon, Clinton; n McCartneySeaforth;James Connolly, Goderioh; Jas. Evans. Beechwood, Agents Alex. Leitch, Bartok; E. Hlachlee. 94eforth•l WIU!sm Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yea. IBplmeavllle; R. G. ieresouth, Brodhagen; Jamar Sq'r and John Goventock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties deelroue to effect tnaumnce or eranae^t ythtr business will be promptly attended to hr application to any of the above officers, address • en their renpecdve postofceo. �rT tx "1;� B OP iu9 25 efts. �erGoi164 iI l'S%1NJMEllTu fw` •LIMITED •-1 „ moan, C.CAICl1AR0Snt0. ovr�x .54; The Original and Only Genuine Mare of Imitations Sok! 1S ISSUED EYSRY THURSDAY e Of nee rrce From h MAIN ST. e 8 AFORTH, ONT. Phone 64 *truth ng L37 tine dollar per year, strlatlY le ed v a it 09 If 000 paid 111 Advance, one dollar and A 111(11 will be ehareed. 1"kited Stites p I, ri, Ding 001110 extra..triekl0 ill n 1 uu, et'd, When subsortbtrs chnauee their addrea notice should be' o too Immediately. giving n:riberawUl l d of o favor by the new notlYinguus of any irregularity of delivery Reading Notices --No reading notice. advertising any entertatnmeutor mutter by which Peony 'la to be made by any person or Pause will he inserted 111 Tag Naws without charge. The price for the laser. tlon of business enaonncemento Is TEN cerate per count line each insertion to parties having no contract for display advertIOIng. and FLVE cents per line eaeb Insertion to those having dlopiaY Centmets, and for church. moiety and at entertain 1 t realms notices. 9 tines, 511 fame. Jodietol, Legal, Official and Govern - mew Notices Ten cents per line for first insertion and Ilve cents per Incifor each aabae01101 Insertion, Yearly one inch. willtobe (inserted not r exceeding 91 .00 per Year, na'•able strictly In acuses' Dllepley advertl.tng—Rntee furnished on application, Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntll forbad," and those lent without written instructions will appear until r(ttea Orders ate received for their cis. aoatlouance. Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no 000000. atbllity whatever for the statements made In such communications. Lettere on reli- gious toplau will not be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rate for each matter Is ten cents per line. .1. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HURON NEWS The death tools place on Sunday, Ap' nil 28th, of All aged and roapeeted citi- eo t of Exeter inthe portiono ill ' i t t l f 1,Jol u Wel 11 atthen U se s , age of 7 years, Asian all was born in Devonshire, England and °ante to Canticle with hie paretlta while au luf0ut. and was in foot outs of the earliest eettlers. Mr, Welsh eon ducted a farm in Uabnrne until some 25 years ago when he moved to Exeter, Besidaa he is survived by twa 014119111• ere, Mrs. 1V 0, Saunders of Stephen end Thos. Jo11Fa, Exator and one sou, Rtclurrd of !Exeter. 11 The 111arge ngaiuot Mr, ,dais, l3nrrta of having dispensed signet• at the (,iueen 0 4 Inulol, 131yth, and which has been pend• illg for atone weeks tune aired at (Elu- 1 toll before 11I4gietrate Andrews, The eharg,' wile diatnlosetl. with 51r,Richard Snrdeleen, Il ltetil, IMr, John Fergnsou, wie eulployei met with a paiufnl accident recently when his team ran away, throwing hint item th., waggon which was loaded with stoner), one of alts wheels passing laver 11!s leg, breaking the hone in two steemeaseetwemveeseesseamaemsomogeoveeamessoseamef tI General Observations Daylight Saving it is called but the days are getting longer all the time. We may be able Weave some of it after .lane 21st. Some years ago there was a saying that waren weather would not come be• fere the frogs were frozen rap three times. It is about time we were get- ting warm 10eather, , as the green tittle fellows have now been frozen up at least fire times this spring, arm* The Oetlteal Powers appear to have made their greatest effort during the past month and failed The Allies have held them beck and will now grow stronger while the enemy meet become weaker, on the *8* Merits of People who wonder how Germany is Minard's able to rales Snell large successive loans Liniment for the war should remember that at the start of the war she termed loan bureaus to advance money to private investors on the security of treasury for Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. KEY, Seaforth, Phone 130 Vila, To supply money for this pur- pose these new banks could issue bank notes without being compelled to have 1.1 gold to pay thein. Then the Govern- ment through the Imperial Banks has also issued paper money which has brought down the ratio of gold from 711 to 20 per cent aloe the start of the war. One can see at once that this is dangerous (ivanciog. edeas (i8010any e gets large war indelnnitipa it must bring her people who Blau her murrey to utter ruin. A Business Without a proper systm of adver- tisin is like a motor without the dr power +.r Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy pkoaee 114 eYen*Bgs127 .44 Canada system of finance is ouch that the loan made to the Government co -day is just as safe 8s it was before the war' She holds the same per cent of gold reserve for every batik note issued, and there is no fictitious peek of cards being built up which will 0110 Matching Chickens Peesseere During the hntohiug Pinson the pool, tryhours(' ild i l l ithe a u ar o of tr ' N p Y should be kept clean, Olean water Berl a supply of whole grant ailould bo eoeossible to the sitter's anti a duet bath should be provldedalao, If more then one hetet' is being taker: oto', clean out and (lieinfeot the nest 11187 each 'retell and put in new sod and fresh litter. Dust the hen with ueeot pow- der before putting her in the nest and again a day or two before lonviug the floats with the ohioken . It is a good plait to pito) to put 111tH the duet bath a little dry sulphur or ground tobauuo Be etre also that the house is free from mites. These little' petite get into rho cranks sad corners of the building and at night, as the hefts are resting they come out of their hitlieg place, get ou tho befi'o body sad it (1,388 1101 take very many of thein to make a hen 00 uneasy that sho cannot sit, In some oaeea the mites became eo troublesome that they actually worry the trans to death, places. It is very unfortunate that thio should happen at this, the busy season on the farm. [u the early hours of last \Veduoa day morning the greenhouses at the Bouaiiller nurseries, Auburn, were dis- covered to be on tire, The alarm was sent out by telephone and the neigh- bours quickly gathered to assist the Stewart Bros. in fighting the Hames. The greenhouses wore wreaked and a great number of young plants were de- stroyed, but fortunately the flames wore prevented from spreading to the rent of the property. As it is the loss will be a heavy 011o. A very pretty wedding took place in the Methodist Church, Blyth, at high noon on Wednesday, May let, when Mies Maud, daughter of 51r. and i<Ire. Henry Jackson, of Morris; was united in marriage to blr. Robert McDonald of Bridgen, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Lambeth, Miss Lillian Jackson, sister of the bride, playing the wedding march. The bride was becomingly gowned in a pearl grey suit with a hat to match and carried a corsage bouquet of cream rosea and lily of the valley. The newly wedded couple left on the afternoon C,P 11, train tor Toronto, Ac- ton and other points, carrying with the;u't'he good wiehee of a hoot of friends. We are sorry to state that Mildred Elizabeth, the little daughter of Lawr- ence and Mary Willie of Jamestown, died Last Sunday. She was 9 months and 28 days old. The parents are sympathised with in the loss of their baby. Uu Monday, last week, Ray McCon— nell, a telephone lineman, whose home is in Clinton, inet with an aocident in blitohell which might easily have caus- ed hie death. Mr, MaOonnell was work- ing on a tarty foot pole when something in connection with his equipment which held him to the pole, gave way and he fell backwards to the ground, thirty feet below. No bones were broken, but he was badly bruised and shaken up Mr. Wm Murray, of Walton, has purchased the fancy driving mare of Dr. MoRae, of Brussels at agood figure. 1t is only four years old but is a good one, with promise of considerable speed if developed, The Goderioh Star of last week has the following:— .1 The first boat to arrive in Goder- ich this season wee the G. A. Richard- son which arrived about midnight Sat- urday uigItt110,000 bushels of wheat for the elevator. Captain McCarthy was presented with the customary hat by the Mayor on behalf of the town Ceps, Brown arrived early Sunday morning with the Valcartier with 270,000 bushels of oats for the elevator and on Monday the Spokane arrived with 190,000 bushels of oats, in charge of Oapt. McQueen, The attendance at .1, ,I Mentor's sale of Pure Bred Shorthorns held on Wednesday last, was very large and prices ran high, The total prooeeds of the sale amounted to $16430.00 day crumble under the load 11081.11 'Urs. R. Rowland, of Clinton, met upon it. I with a painful accident otte day last tveele when she missed her footing * coming down the attic stairs and broke Do we who remain at !tome not often her hip, forget the claims of those who say to ''hero died in Ern+eels ou Tuesday i March 311th, ex -reeve Job. Leolrie pass us,in aha words of the poet: lug away after a few hours illness after a stroke of paralysie. He was burn in the County of Lansrk in 1834, He And the good Parts! to trend upon, mune to Huron Comity when twenty - And of age, He built the first And the mere sweetness that to ftfe'storo in eranbrook and :toted ail Post Forget not 110, who owe oil these (ouster there for a uuuiber of years. Forsr'mrthing dearer, arid for you I lie was the first reeve of 13rnesels aft, r' L'liilik ho what 01(11011 w8 crossed the illuorporetiou in 1872 and wA8 Warden 1 soar t of Iluron 0011111y in i870, He hes lived in Brussels Oboe 1901, 0 you that still have rein and sun, Kisses of rhildrou and wife, How to get ride of Mites Olean out the hoose and thoroughly sweep, not forgetting the windows walla and (ailing. When this ie all swept out clean, tree at garden hose or a stilt' brush and hot water. See that everything in the cracks and urevicee is washed out, After this is done allow the house to dry for a while and if evesything then appears to be clean, use a good disinfectant and be sure that the solution is forced by the epriy or brush right into the cranks and olovioes, 11 the miter+ are bud, use boiling hot water followed by coal oil and a liquid hoe killer or lice paint. Be sure that this goes into the (weeks and orevioee and crevices and when yen have gone over your house thoroughly adoording to the above treatment, in all probability the mites will be exter- minated, but it is advisable in the course of three or four days again to inspect for the mites and perhaps to repeat the dose once more. Worms in Children Work Havoc These pelta attack the tender lining of the intestines and, if left to pursue their ravages undisturbed, will ultimate ly perforate the wall, because these worms are of the hoolc variety that olio; to and feed upon interior surfaces Miller's Worm Powders will not' only exterminate these worms, of whatever variety, but will serve to repair the in- jury they have done, I MMMMMMMMIM MMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMM MMM MMMMMMM THE DOMINION BANK Established 1071 Evened Had Reserve X13,000,000 A GENERAL NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received. Interest paid or added to emcounte twice a year. Efficient service. 3EAFORTH BRANCH: fe, M. JONES, Manager-. 8f° te0frorte raises INK Dublin IMMIX M 1R Mies M. Ryan, of Toronto, visited at her hone here for a few days. Mr, end Mrs, Wni, Stapleton, Mr, and Mrs. P, F, fiend and Mrs Cather. int] Evans motored to London on Sun - clay, Mrs. A. Darling °aIle/! ou Saturday. Mr, and Mre. L, J• Looby motored to Perahill on 'Tuesday, Pte Jae. Shea, of London i0 visiting friends here, Don't forget the dance in the town hall hare on MIonday evenieg,May 13th! -DEATHS, HINGSTONe-le Seaforth, on May nth, Mary A, Iingistou, aged 811 years. MARRIAGES. JERVIS—LOBB—In Goderioh town- ship, May 1st, Olive Fern Lobb to Lorne Jervis, of Holmeaville, CARTER—CAMPBELL—At Londee- boro, April Both, Edith Garnet Camp- bell to G. W. Carter, both of Hallett, BIRTHS. STILES—Iu Seaforth, May 4111, 1918 to Mr. and Mre, A, G. Stiles, God- erioh 801„ a daughter, WILLIS—In Clinton, April 24th, to Mr, and Mrs.J. Willis, a son. Recognized as the leadnig specific for the destruction of worms, Mother G 'ayes' Worm Exterminator has proved a loon to suffering children every• where, It aeldom fails, XII vans( .. .,—•-�•+t+cs,r CHURCH NEWS I It. rats ander tote !lend ere O Holes tree of charge, eg- o t tr,+e regarding meeting/4 whore an a t,ntasion fee Is charged. The rate for snob being OVA tent per count line S1172it''ORTH CHUR(140 S St. ,lames' St James' Chnruh, !rev, Father E 1e, Goetz P.!P. Early blase 0,30, High Maes 10,30, Sunday School p. m• Vespers and Benediatiou of the Bless- ed Saornmeut,7' p, m. St. Thomas' Rev. 'T. 11- .Brown, Reuter. Sunday sureties it 11.0), and 7 p.m: Sunday oohoo 1 2,30 p. flu. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, 'Tuesday 2 30 pdn. Cltildron'sbrench Saturday 2 p.m, uto:m issiorl services every Thursday, .0 p,m. First Presbyterian Rev. k', H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday services 11 a.m, and 7 p in. Sunday school 2.30 pm, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 48 p.m. Women's Misa- iouary Society the first Tuesday in each month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mia• 01011 Band 3rd Tuesday; in the mouth at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Rand every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m, Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D,, pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a,m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 pan. Sun- day school and Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thurada y 8, p.m. Wlnth-op Presbyterian Sunday aetvice 2.30 pm. Sunday School I 15p at Prayer meeting Tuesday 8 p. m. L C last Wed• Different Portraits The Difference between the ordinarp Photograph and the kind we snake is due to our skill and .high grade equipment. Ever) sitter is given Individual attention and treatment and the results we produce are photographtic portraits - not ntef+elp photographs, Let us make )ou the best portraits eau ever had. Picture Fran2ing Now that the house clean ing has started lookup those pictures )oil want framed and bring then to us, We carrp a large and well assorted stock of moulding and our prices are not high. Amateurs We sell Amateur supplies develop films &, finish prints for amateurs. Bring pour work to people who make a business of doing it. D r DUCK PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFOR'I'B isaA Salvation PIrtny (do'Im,'Sliiva and Envoy Wood. Holiness meeting 11 a,nt. Praise service 3 p.m. Gospel servioo 7 pin. Ohildreus Service—Dirootory class 10 a.ni, Bible chases 4 p.m. Week night Meetings—Wednesday Praor meeting 8 p,m. Egmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J Argo, pastor, Sunday set - V1003 11 a.m. and 7 p in. Bible class 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m, Y.P M.8 Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p m, Women's Mission- ary Society Ord Wednesday in the mouth at 2.30 p.m Ladies' Aid *nee .e. im- mediately after. 1Neitillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday services Dulls' ohnroh 11 a lit Sunday school 10 a m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 o'clock. ' l3onatance Methodist Rev. W. Keine, pastor, Sunday service 2 30 p.m. Young People's Lea- gtte2 30 p m 31111(3ty w omen's Auxil ary first Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m, LLlies1 A111 last Thursday of each month 2,30 p,m Don't ait and - Workoand— . . — When drastic regulations for the rationing of food come into effect (and such an Order in Council lay be made very early next fall) you will wish then, that you. had a crop of nice vegetables ready to take off your garden or nearby piece of vacant land that you could have cultivated - if you had really wanted to. Well, all we say is -- 9t If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now. You will not regret it. There Le, :till lots of time. Potatoes and beans may be planted up to June 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat. For good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable • Garden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable Garden for Every Home." This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production. I Mail This Coupon NOW Nem Way no... 1.1•••••• Peon limua .111••••• mman. lora= rmgmaios Immo 'Mama Ins gro.•••• Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Dear Sirs: Please send me ill copy of your booklet "A Vegetable (Darden Every Home." N,im i1 rbt{r. ,•:y {{ 6 OIU1AINIZATION 0; I.E791 RCES • C(i,t7tHTT1)E In Co -Operations wioll Canada Food Board for til OS' 0 'r0 'til If!'