HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-09, Page 3••••••••••••••,..,... •••••••••••• OE, AGED WOMAN PATHETIC .FIGURE NlIONG TIfie CHARRED RUINS OF' HER N ATIVN VILLAGE. • Named La 1.!..a not Indere Ruble, fter Great yit.pc..h Gun, for Iler Weil: re Soldiers. In the 3.heeec,1 villego they call her La erue lie;eseitable, Not a -bed name f or nee, ••t her. There Is a great P-• -gun in the 1 it armalled indom- Roble, 1 b•. 3 1 niy.,•has trained its hnv'wettpca, on tine giant cylinder err ' • tut old Indemitable ;,- ee deadly hail upon the td eo the old ledy Wa3 moiled eft.or this famous gun, snys "THE GREATEST GAME THERE coneenondent. 11111 p ER but efficient purgatives I I ke ps.c purged themeelves often and lived long.. They tom! inlki 4tP • 'et•te43' se" 114.4 0:1 PURGATIVE WAT1.11 which flenbes tilt. 111' Allies and oneures niirinee biewel itethee viitbreit eeneeei, Ite, teen 33 1. ffiveenntert. Oo Sado everywhere: 26 canto the bottle. !VOA IURQtTI' 11 •tetAilf.ie CO. id 0 Nile SAL. Vint% TPF HUN of the Belies immediatelylurned tur- IN ME CLOUDS soon was disappeming on lig' glad when his artillery (tinned. It took a great load off my mind, and one; 1 Fatf her the other day the re- IS," SAYS Aylivrog. ronetrueted robe, of her once cell- fortable iloUse. Two avtillery officers . e :ma Ace" of the French Flying Corps —A inerican —here billets with her ; She takes earl of their room, shines*. . Tells of Thrilling Experiences • their hoots mei leggings and puts on; On Western Front, a. button now and then ewhoo they know nothing abort it. l ."-Flying is the greatest game there The Only Inhabitant. is. I think the `thrillingest' afternoon Then,- when ti is not busy „e I ever had was on the western front home, she washes dishes for the Sal- i 000 Wine when Major William Thaw vation ArmY elm -teen or Performs ; and I were. having a little Boche hunt, It was the trip when Thaw was. more laborioes service eor all of whieh: wotinded and with a sthashed arra she receives ten (Tilts an heir. That nianaged to guide his machine to Sho is enongh. She doesn't need rauchi ' 1 - 3. '1routing at five sturotY," says Bert hall, a Kentucky in the morning and imishee at seven boy in the Freida Flying Corps. gery resulted in a silver _plate being in the evening. Then she walks two; "We had quite n scrimmage with placed there for a part of the bone, . i . ii . ,e • the Behe airmen that day, and I have ese-- "."•"" Spring' AltaydeL,1 ...--neeen-====tineseeene-tes-=',..1 r 3.tee "..??3281.1f? eet, Asa liY 1;.()()T. Lard IthOndatee Sumer Ration, Not many people know that most: of Lord Ithendda's sugar. ration goes to the children in Lady Cynthia Co1, vine's 41; PhyS a Lon, doe teeekly. On env of hie excuglons to the Emit End to :tee how the rationing faille= 170,1,ing, Lord ithoedda was par- . _es. tlealer't struck with the attitude of When Landscepes Coeld Re Purchaeed - the poor mothers whom he encounter - By the Piece, od there, and he (101010(1 to 111111050m3 Huey net •elnatieteristic of the meet:cal recognition of his appreda- preeent century alone; our tineeetors thm, it took the form of yielding al1 were not apeneys ineaune from the most of hie- roger allovsanee Nitta habit, The Dutch artist Vander. of their children, etranten, aecording to a Mory Trona Ilie eager is made into jam for the Dee Eche, was a master in scheming little ones who spend their days the 1 ; out 'holt elite and saving ' nurseries while their mothers are at t Vanderstraaten had little difficalty, work, it le said, in painting. in a day thirty hot dive. 1 There ere Many peesil Blit 0410 this landectiPee the tdze of an ordinary Soo to it that every child hes a One Bache Eecaped. U10118" d'''T. shoot Of drawing paper. He would garden, if it is at all poseible. A , little design foe the • ; McCall Pattern No. 0151, (.1 1.1 6 Dreee. surround himself with pots 3-.,f paint, real garden in real dirt, A garlic n 'Mien the other two opened np 00 In 5 sizee, (3 to. 14 years. Priee, 16 each of which had its particular pur- end a few tools of his orber very own. Thaw, and it wasn't long before- I rents; • poee—one for the clouds, 010 for the- You can buy plenty of seeds for a few saw he was in •trouble. De dropped grass, -one for the ehadows, When he cents. The children will Probably another one -of the Boehes, but not be- was ready to be -gin painting he called fore the Fokker chap had landed him to his assistant, "Boy, a (goad!" and in the arm. Thaw started to volplane cater be was hit, and all I could do the lad Zpeedily brought the deaired pot? Vanderstraaten, with a thick for my rescuer was to try to at- tract the othen„ fellow while Thaw brueb, quiekly teaneferred the donde ,to the canvas. 'With the finishing tinkered with a damaged engine and I strokes he called, "There are the guided the machine at the same time. clouds; bring the grass!" And so it. "It was some afternoon and I have went, without a moment's waste of always been sorry . 1 couldn't have time, until the thirty landscapes were punctured that last Boche. He eel:- finished. tainly was annoying." On occasions Vanderstraaten would Telling. of Thaw's wound reminded paint in the manner described a Hall that be had also been shot in the arm, which badly injured his right elbow, but nn excellent piece of sur - 101 1011 1 - e . when always thought it was my fault that el' bread, -and tefte ten o'clock, he "boys' are in bed and asleep, She ; Thew was hit; also, that Thaw saved throws herself on a bed of boxes and • my life. They certainly were after my life, three of them, away usi there, old elothes, with me blanket for cove' • i above a nice, soft -cloud, which looked 1 • ing, . , en, La Dame Indomitable is the only in . rdee front, and we were flying over the to fall ell, but had no bottom to hebitant left in the village. It is -116 it. awful desert -like place that the great- plitee l'01' women. Children—all who I est of all battles was creating. "Thaw end I .3terted out together, survived the Hun carnival of rage 'but hod become separated in the drift- el met a Boehm machine about 10, - and rapineeeleft long, long Ago. The hig vall°rs• 1 w"s cruising along about 000 feet up. It was hazy and eve. al- dldfrom 10,0(10 feet. up, with nothing on iny Mks dregged 0 weary Ivey, most crashed head on. We swung out 1,,ist my helmet, 1 the humble, aged stone buildings in' mind when who and after manoeuvring I let him have should drop out of a cloud above me - which they end their ancestors had , it, but my bullets only rattled on his 3 ; . tions en. foi IAA three of the -friskiest little Ger- I cved 1 or many gene a —, 3., , engine. He climbed up and I felt the hundreds of yeers. Soldiers occupied man niers you ever .saw. They didn't weight of his lead. My right arm went look little to me, though. They were dm town, Then the Germans came.'numb and I knew I was through so limey innia t • lie quaint village was; the biggest Feitz birds I ever saw, far as shooting was concerned. It was ; and I said to myscle: `Bert, you will taken and ottele.n. The •gaurd. rem- sort of painful, then, and I was sore ; never see Kentucky again—your mune ;mutt: of the old dwellings. could tell clear through because I couldn't get frightful etories of slaughter and ; her is up,' back at the Boche, magnificent talee of valor. So cat ! Defensiie Warfare. Cool French Observer. La Mune Indomitable. But she says 1 "But / took a chance and started to se- "But I hadn't figured on the . little. She just works. Sbe wants te; euree, which you -can do pretty well ob- server I was carrying with me, a hells Franco. Officer told he a long . in a Nieuport biplane. Somehow, li'rench officer. He was a quiet chap, time ago she could go anywhere ehe the- y missed me on the way up, al - didn't say much until they winged wished, Even the grandeurs of Peris ; though their machine guns roundel me, and then he seemed to get inter- wove pictured to her in the hope that like thunder to me and my wings wee she might be lured from the abode of punctured a few times. Things didn't ' . • ested. First, he was Mit of the seat triggerI? and fiddling with -the o the clanger in which elle resides. ;look any too good for me, even though gun. Then I got busy and whirled the But why should she go? II bad temporary advantage. I show- old Nieuport around so we had the "No, I'm not old," she - ea. • I 1 'e'n1. ered -a lot of bullets on the nearest r 1 ange of the Boc ie, who was climbing only sixty-five or maybe isc,enty. I'm Boehe without making much impres- while a patch on his back shows where skin was grafted to cover the shattered place. "I suppose I had a narrow squeak the clay they got me in the arm," said Hall. "It was on the Verdun a strong woman yet, but when I carry sion, and then my gun jammed, and water this long, long distance and , it was a case of defensive warfare. then walk to the boulangerie for bread' "I doubled and dived, and zigzagged sometimee my heart heats too fast, jilt over that cloud, but the Kaiser's maybe, but that's all." boys always seemed to be waiting for So there sho stays. She has been me. They had spread out, making a seen away up on the brow of the hill three -cornered net. We were up about looking down on the German held 15,000 feet by that time and the air territory. One dee not need glasses was very clear. I was hoping for a to see it. She trudges along shell cloud to come along, but no luck, and swept roads when it is necessary, as the blighters were coining nearer. One it often is. of them began shooting. again, and i .n'Y arm hoot like fury. We landed in the south of England—but winch all right and the observer and I shook; are staple foods on the Continent. hands. I never saw him again and. Various kinds of sausages will be __e-- manufactured, in which kinds of offal that are not in the meat schedule will never learned his name." 14 An extremely good model for the house dress. McCall Pattern No. 8069, Ladies' House Dress. In 7 sizes, 84 to 46 bust. 'Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W. WILL MAKE SAUSAGE. British Food 'Ministry Opens Plant for Utilization of All Meat Offal. - The Ministry of Food is going into again to Mush me. the sausage business, says a London "I never saw a cooler chap than correspondent. An official sausage that French lieutenant. Believe me, factory will shortly be opened under he stood there looking the gun over the control of the department for the just as if he wee out for a clay manufacture of various kinds of meat bird shoot. He looked at me and products which do not come within smiled and then he turned loose and the rations. nuined the Boche. I never saw a: The intention is to put on the mar - Fokker whirl and fall and break up ket attractive foods made from by- liko that one did. I nodded my head at! products of the slaughter house which the Frenchman and laughed, although have been simply wasted—at any rate, "A shell may hit me—ye.s, perhaps, could hear the p1114 02 the bullets even sometime. But we all have oar work above the noise of the propeller. to do." "Suddenly I saw another machine Cherishes General's Letter. climb up through the clouds to the Waves of deadly gas sweep from eastward: 'Another message from the, time to time. La Dame Indomitable Kaiser,' I thought. 'No use, Pll never has her mask, An officer gave it to get back to old Kentucky.' But then her. It is the best. The officers see I saw it was a French machine, it was that she gets the best. Her two Thaw coming back from Berlin' Or - 1 be used, as well as black puddings. OLIVE OIL SCARCER. i The factory is situated in Liverpool Industries of France Suffer From the Road, Islington. It formerly was the — property of Appenrodts,,who ran a Lack of Labor. 1 string of delicatessen stores in the West End. American artillery officers hurry to somewhere. And the Boehes were News comes from Fiance a their billet when the gas drifts into buzzing around me like a lot of horn- harvest of olives this year will bet ! The concern will be managed by a three times as great as in 1016. company called the National Meat directorsof the village. They have nothing to do eta. They were so busy trying to get there. They just go to make sure me they didn't notice Thaw. that their hostess is safe. I had a con Thaw climbed like a rocket after of chocolate with her in her house and those Friteies, and I certainly was learned be story. I do not think she ever told it before. "When the war was just at the be- ginning," she said in French, "1 bad three sons. They hurried pff to get their uniforms and rifles. Then I waited. 0110 day our soldiers came pouring into the town. They had been driven back by the Germans. Many were injured. I took as many as I could in my house and made cof- fee for then. You see my house was better before it was struck by shells. "While 1 was making coffee a big shell struck this house and killed some of the soldiere, Another one had both legs taken off. I helped them all I could, but they went away and the Germans came. They are eruct, but I am old, so 1 am alive, Then our boys came again and I made my house a hospital. It was struck twice more and I was hurt -a little, too, but not much. I don't want to leave, I have lived hero all my life and here 15 where I shall die." The eyes of the old lady glowed under the spell of a thought she bad not yet expressed. "A French general came and thank- ed me for what I did for- our soldiers," ehe said. "Then, long after, he wrote me a letten saying I was a brave wo- man and had brave sons. I have the letter—you may see it," Plant plenty of Whatever kind of nut trees will grow in your locality. The value of nuts as food is coming to be bettor understood; they command a fair price and are not so perishable, while awaiting a market, as fruit. von beechnuts sued acorns are valu- able for feeding pigs, making a pork Of finer quality that commands a bet- - ter price. Nut and fruit trees answer' at well for shade tut non-moductive tvoes. At the Factories Where Postum . is Made great numbers of the high -waged, skilled em- ployes buy and drink A tribute, if you please, to honest materials and sanitary surroundings in manufacture; but best of all a preference based on true knowledge of its healthfulness and attractive &Vol'. "There's a Reason" —at Grocers. Nevertheless there will be less olive 1°("c •-• ' oil in 1918 than ever before, The the company will be nominated by greater part of the harvest will rot Lord Rhondda. The company has away because hands are lacking to been registered with a capital of vs turn it into oil. n in 100 shares of twenty-five cents The price at the present time of al each and a called up capital of fifty litre of oil is about five francs, that cents. A Treasury grant has been is, in Canadian values $1 a quart given, but it is to be repaid out of The price will soon become six francs to profits, and all the profits made are and, what is worse, the French will ho put into the bueinese. The di - have to depend on imported oil, Ral.' rectors include the meat experts of the Ministry. Ian or Spanish, which they abominate. The lack of labor has become morel Every slaughter house in the MD - acute in almost all the vital inclus- ' try .is now under the control of the tries of France. The olive oil situas ministrY of Food, so there will be lit - tion is typical and adds force to a Ile difficulty in supplying all the events movement that is becoming more and . of the factory. parts of the north of Eng - more popular. Thee are many sol -1 In "me diers of the old classes in the French land there are already factories of the army, men 40 yeare of age or more, Isind. Thee is a model one at Bilis whose usefulness at the front is a mingham, but in the south of the question open to debate. Agitation. country such foods have been despised has been going on since the time when until the coming into force of the ra- United States' participation in the, (liming scheme. --0.-- war made the demand for men less! acute at the battle front to relieve the Only One -Third of the Italian Army old poilus. Early in 1917 the doubt -1 , Fed. ful privilege of an honorable (Recharge; In Italy only one-thirci of the army was granted to carefree fathers of six is being maintained on the battle lines, or more children. The real problem; the official explanation being that before the Mambo of Deputies is there is not sufficient food. The whether to take up the question of starving Austrian army facing the the old classes in a large spirit or ; Italians is said to have received large whether to continue to make slight ' supplies from gassia, concessions to the domande of their waste most of them, but they will have lots of fun doing it. There are two kinds of tea; oedin- ary tea and Salada. Salado is more economical since it takes 00 mach lees to make a satisfying infusion. RadiSh and carrot seed may be sown together. The radishes will be ready for pulling long before they become troublesome to the carrots, landscape upon a long piece of can- and the radishes break through the vas. In filling the orders of custom- crust, being robust plants, breaking ers he would cut the strip into pieces the way for the more delicate plants of the carrots. of various lengths. A purchaser could buy two, three or four feet of landscape, according to his fancy or according to the size of the epee he wished to decorate. ---es LEMON .JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to dear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containipg three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store on toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few. cent's. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is harmless. In Boyhood. The wild flowers bloomed in beauty there, 'Long paths where once I bare -foot None 011100have blossomed quite so fair As when a boy 1 bare -foot played, The robin built' and reared his young; The bluebird and the swallow came; The oriole's swinging nest was hung, And none, since, then, seems quite the same. The grass grew greener in the lane; The sun shone from a bluer sky; The lark sang yet a sweeter strain; The sating hawk did soar more high. The berries tasted sweeter then, That grew in clusters ripe and wild; And all the world seemed glorious was assa b a rs -foot, sun -browned 0111141. constfigiente. Why He Failed. "Were you able to soil old Skin- flint et grave?" asked the superintend- ent of the Kew Mansolthira, The agent shook his head. "He was afraid he might not get the full value of it," he explained. "But, hang it all, a man has got to rninarcre Liniment Lunibormatt's rrione, die some time!" exclaimed the super- intendent. The looks of the roadisde is a good "That's what I told him, but he only indication of the looks of the back lot. answered, 'Suppose 1 should be lost et sea.'" ED, 7, ISSUE 18—'18, No Cause for Pride. Kiltie—Are you the fellow that dragged me oot of a shell hole under flee? Meinber of the Ambulance Corps (modestly) -0h, that's all right. Kiltie—Oh, it is, is it? Weel then, what did ye do with ma pipe? • A well -sodded yard With good walks where needed, keeps a lot of dirt out of the house. As for affinarate and take no other. The thumb gets pretty hard usage when cutting potatoes by hand—all slit up with the edge of the knife! Take the thumb of an old leather glove and draw it over the thumb of your hand when doing this work. It helps a lot. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. I was very sick with .Quinsy and thought I would strangle. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured me at once( 1 ani never without it 11007. Yours gratefully, MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewaule, Oet. 21st. (120' .4 -111n4RONT0, yeast In The best 1,It4 the world, 11111;k0,\MPeharrkfeeeadset, 1 , MADE IN CANADA 4 0 EMILLETT COMPANY 'LIMITED 11 TORONTO, ONT. wum1000 mONTRLAI. 111 .. ...... WaSto is now Illegal, Anybody who discovers eases of waste of food may notify the legal au- thorities, who have power; under the new Order, to take notion. Wilful or carelese mete has become illegal, and munielpolitice who more the envie- thin receive half the fine, while pro- vineial officers securing the eonviciion , • trtN:lye half ilir fine, for the province... MONEY MMS. 11 is always safe to send a Dominion ltlnore.,:s _Money (lychee Five Dollars cost, three cents, Cleaniug Paine Paint may be removed from vele- dowe with hot vinegar. This latter will in the same way soften paint lons.hesi which hare become burdened, Minard'a Liniment used by Physicians. .As S:0011 as 11111 frost leaves the ground is a good time to dig fence_ post holee, if year land is not too wet. When the Buil gets clry and hard ,the labor of diggiug is increased. ran SALE -,xene.3.,irAitnet 12; WEST- ! en Ontario. Doing a ooa lva- arias. Lath of owner Places It on the market. A greet thence for man with • ,,sh. Apple (lox 82, Wilson Publibhing Co: 1'h1 Toronto. Give the winter -blooming house plants a rest by withholding sunshine and water. Cut to a gond shape and keep the buds picked. Metre Minaret's Liniment in the house. The boy or girl with a garden patch is happy and healthy. Start 40010, thing in school gardens! 7 ticir ET E.01,1PPED NRWSPAPSIt. T 1 sal (oh 1riiiting plant In Eastern Onto +go. ineureiwe eaxiied ei,sep_. 301(5go for 01,20e no quick gale. Box ITS. Wilson Puldiehing Ltd.. Toronto. StX0CELLAZ120110 ("1 Nahin, 017(301(0, LUMPS, ETC., ond external, cured with- out poll' 1.”.• eta. tonne treatment. write us before .1.1 late. 'Pr. Belli:ton Medical Collitgwood. Ont. 0--0-0-0-0-0— 0 -0.-0- 0- 0 —0-0 WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT - Sore corns, hard soft corns or any kind -of a cone can shortly be lift- ed right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn afew drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether 0081' pound, and dries the moment it is ap- plied and does not infiamo or even iv- , Sitate the surrounding tissue. Just think! You can 1121 off your corns and ; calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bot- ' Ile for you from his wholesale drug house. 1 WITHOUT ANY PAIN Aseseteteessetetteettee-e—ee-•-•oese---tet I) HOW to Purity the Blood "Fifteezt to thirty drops of Extract of Roots, commonly called Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be taken in water with tneals and at bedtime, for the cure of indigestion, condi- potion and bad blood. Persist- e encu in thistreatment well effect k I a cure in tearly every C010." ;.) 0 Get the genuine at druggista. eneee•enaeeteeim•esetzestee-ele PAIN en -Et -odor 'The Good Old Famil y Friend cr 40 rear. 11.1.d's EV,1111:1:9101' ta1tr4 ch., pain nut al ihrunrol, !itmlmo. !on.. 1444k. r.co,“1514. rwhache and 1,1 !or ..ornpIai10 505 170014, 0.44 5 40, on /he cIrculur In ,he p -4,1.44e. At dile, rr .0 We 11.0t0 14.1:*.IFDY 4,4,, Canada - 015111 f40.03. Sal,. tn. , 8S111 HIRST'S re., A ‘. rep .;Plete he.nd 0.1 IlIc...104”4. MOTTLE 1.:41e,..117,,, der 17,V3478.77.tiere DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Bell,Cappeai Hock or Busitis FOR 54 will reduce them and leave no blemishes Stops limenole promptly. Does not 'Ws ter or remove the 1(54, 5011 horse can Isorked. 82.50 a bottle delivered, BOAS tree ABS0RB1NE, 314... for =skied. the anti:gal Bailment for Boll,. Mules, Sores, Sr•Ilings, l'AricosoVvIni A 1453 Pain and inSamatatfoo. Ptice51.25 a honk 0 Of0f3 gistaa, dclirated. W111 all you more it you wrIts. W, F.YouNG, p. role (pens tldg,(qon(roal,�s abgmh.4011 Altterteivi. Ir. vre 2212e iu Camas, Lubeura Hews , PEMPieS Face That itched iit Scratched. Conitatly, aNnItra19.4.72.C.:11,1 '"1 had pimples and blockheads en my face which were caused by bad blood. They came to ahead 5841 070(0 bard and red cane - Ing disfigurement for the time being. They itched and burned so much tha constantly scratched ane made tlsem worse. r "I sent for a free sample of Cuticur Soap and Ointment, and afterward bought more. Now I sin complete healed." (Signed) Miss Josephine A Wetmore, 95 Sheriff St., St. John N. B., Aug. 10, 1917. Keep your skin clear by using Cut' cum for every -day toilet purposes. For Rett Sample Each by Mail ad dress post -card: "Cuticttra, Dept. A Boston, II S. A." Sold everywher *./.......r11.0002Meowasbace•nwara